The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 27, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    run. .-MORNING ASTOIUAN FJU1A, UCTOBEK 517, 'itwu.
Telephone Main ML
Sent by mall, per year I-
gent by mall, per raoath
Served by carrier, per month
Bent by mall, per year, In advance $100
Postage free to subecrlbera.
AU communication! Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the edi
tor. Business communication of all
kinds and remittances muit be addreeev
td to "The Aatorlan."
i The Attorlana guarantee to ita ad
vertiser the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising raiea can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
The Oregonlan has gone too fax to
avoid further discussion of the seaport
problem of th Northwest. No delicacy
of considuUon for the prejudloes ard
unfounded fears of its Portland read
er should restrain it from following: up
the good work already dome in opening
their eyes to true conditions. Its ad
mission of the other day that Portland
could not depend on the natural ad
vantages of location to compete with
the Sound should be carried to its log
ical conclusion. If Portland must rec
oncile herself to tht; inroads of the.
Sound cities on her naturally tributary
trade; If she Is to be denied the future
off-grt of her down-grade road against
the deep-water and heavy tonnage ad
vantages which are so rapidly building
up Puget sound ports; If she is to be
left thus he!pls against the en
croachments of her aggressive northern
rivals, without the ability either to
strike back or recoup her loeses by re
taliatory raids into Puget sound terri
tory. hat is to be Portland's future
commercial position in the Northwest?
The Oregonlan well knows that Port
land has a remedy at hand for all these
apparent disadvantages. It well knows
that its Portland readers are totally
ignorant of the true merits of the As
toria proposition. It well knows that
it has always been one of Astoria's
strongest contentions thai the develop
ment of this port was essential to Port-;
land's commercial supremacy. It well
knows that the strongest argument of
the Astoria proposition is the absolute
triumph of the Columbia river through
the development of the matchless sea
port of Astoria over Puget sound in
both the trade of the Interior as well
as the incoming commtrce. Not only
can Astoria put an end to further In
cursions of the Sound cities In Port
land's local trade, but the better price
which the products of the interior
would bring If laid down at the first
class seaport of Astoria mut force a
large part of the trade now belonging
triotly to Puget sound to follow thene
products on the way to the sea. Port
land will be and ever remain the toll
gate through which the vast trade ,of
the Columbian basin must piss, pro
vided It follows the course of the river
to the sea.
Aside from these considerations, the
Oregon Inn cannot for other reasons
and for the sake of its own self-respect,
ignore the comments from Portland's
enemies on its startling and significant
declaration of the otner day. It will
not do to leave Portland In the position
of having receded from her time-honored
claim of advantage for the Colum
bia river, the down-giade route, over
every other route to the sea. If the ef
fects of railway combinations or railway
competitions are to so change the natu
ral transportation situation as to rob
Portland of all benefits of her location,
she must be provided with some other
acknowledged weapon or means for
reasonable self-defense and for war
upon her exulting enemies.
The Tacoma Ledger has been quick
to see the effect of the Oregonlan's
confession of Portland's hopeless plight
The Oregonlan must answer the
Ledger. It will not do for Portland to
allow the assertions of the Tacoma pa
per to go unanswered. In order that
the matter shall not escape the atten
tlon of the Oregonlan, the Astorlan here
prints the Ledger's comment In full. If
the Oregonlan should be so unwise as
to Ignore Its plain duty in the prem
ises, the Astorlan calls upon some of
Its Influential Portland readers to an-
wr the Ledgw through the Astorlan'
columns. A decent regard for not only
Portland Interest, but those of the
whole &te of Oregon, demands a re
ply to the Ledger's remarkable state
ments. The Ledger article la an fol
In ' the lively controversy going on
between Portland and Astoria as to
their comparative advantages and fu
ture prose pec: a shipping points, facts
are permitted to escape which are In
tort sting to other communities. Both of
these cities have, of course, been cer-
lull, that the Sound country was not
in the race in comparison with either of
them; and while the cities on the
Scund have been going ahead, lnereas
Ing business and establishing control
of trade, they have been favored with
abundance and variety of reason why
they could not do w hat they were aotu
ally doing at that moment. The lm
pregnable character of their position 1
now admitted In the heal of one dis
putant over the obstinacy of the other.
Portland's favorite text has been its
superiority as a shipping point over
Puget sound. Thereupon rise Astoria
to inquire why, if one engine on the
O. K. & N. can haul as much Into
Portland as four can haul on the
Northern Into Tacoma, the former rail
read should not be required to make a
reduction In Its freight rater.. This is
a fair question, says Portland, and
shall have a fair answer. But, as K
knows better, knows that It ha no such
superiority in competition as it claim,
It points to the large expenditures of
the . R. 4k N. In Improving Its line,
and follows with this Interesting and
honest confession: .
"But of course no person who is ac
quainted with the railway business ex
pects the U. R. ft N. to establish and
maintain lower rates to Portland than
will be given to Puget sound by the
railways that terminate there. In other
words, whatever cut may be made by
the O. R. N. in freight rates on the
products of the upper Columbia will be
met by the Great Northern and North
ern Pacific. We shall never, there
fore, have lower rates to Portland and
Astoria than they will make to Puget
This is the situation In a nutshell.
The hope of either of the Oregon cities ;
that the natural advantages of the'
Sound ran be off -set or overcome is a;
vain one. The great foreign business j
of the Northern Pacific will be done,
here, where the transcontinental lines
of transportation converge, where thei
ocean comes up to our doors and in-1
vites the long water haul, five from ',
dangers or obstructions to navigation.
The business world knows it already, 1
or the shipping trade of the Sound !
would not be what it is, and increasing;
with such wonderful rapidity. We have!
the advantages that nature gave us;
and that no competitor can set them
aside by artificial favor is secured by
our ample rail connect it ns. It is none
the less pleasing to find the factj ad
mitted by those whose Interest has
s-erned to He In denying them in the
ST. LOriS. Oct. 2.-At today's ses
sion of the missionary council of the
protectant Episcopal thiurch, Bishop
Tuttle, of Missouri, asked permission to
intrc.due? a resolution. He read a res
olution asking that the missionary
courcll forward to the house of repre
sentatives a memorial praying its mem
bers to expel from the house Brigham
H. Loberts, congressman elect from
I'tah. Pishop Whipple, the presiding
officer, ruled the resoluticn out of order,
paying that the council had met for
a specific purpose and could not con
sider outside matters. . !
I'owderly's Report Shows a Decided
lain in Arrivals.
WASHINGTON, Oc. 26. In his an-;
nual report to the secretary of the!
treasury, Commissioner General Pow-'
deriy of the immigration bureau gives'
the total arrivils for the year ended'
June 30 last as 311.715, an Increase over)
the next preceding year of S2.416 or 36 1
per cent.
Tne Increase over the figures for last
year is rer-si:-nted larKHy by the Im
migration from Europe, specially from
Italy, Austria. Hungary" and Russia. ,
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. The annual
report of Commissioner Hermann of the
peneral land office, mail- public today.'
sh5Ws a grand total of 92S.30s.ri6S acr-s!
of unappropriated and it-rvei public
lands In the tnltd States. The din
posal of public, lands during the fiscal
year show an Increase of 72S.r,:8 acres!
as compared with the aggregate of the
previous year. j
ATLANTA, Oct. 26. Georgia today
p.ild tribute to her ranking hero of the
Spanish-American war, Flag Lieuten
ant Thomas M. Brumby, of the Olym
pia, by the preH-ntatlon of a handsome
sword. In recognition of his noteworthy
STViees at Manila. The presentation
was made by Governor Candler at the
state capltol.
NKY WORK. Oct. W. Oeneral Guy
V. Henry is dying of pneumonia. The
end Is said to be a mutter of only a few
NEW YOUR, Oct. JT.-llrigadler
General Guy V. Henry, IT. 8. A., late
military governor of Puerto Rico, died
a few mlnuuti before four o'clock this
NI W YORK. Oct. 2.-A special
the Times from Washington says:
Archbishop Ohappelle Is ready
start for the Philippines ami will prob
ably go ty the transport Sherman, leav
ing Snn Francisco November 10. With
Father McKlnnon, the "Soldier Priest."
who Is to accompany him, he visited
the star and war departments Wed
nesday and had Interviews with Secre
taries Hay and Root. The archbishop
said that he was going to the PhiMp.
pine with the earnest desire to assist
both chur.'h ,md state.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 24. An enormous
meeting was held tonight at Music hall,
the officer of which were member of
the central labor council of Cincinnati
an.l the speakers, Samuel Gompers.
president of the American federation of
labor and Edward Boyee, of Butte,
Mont., president of the western feder
ation of miners. The announced pur
pose of the meeftlng was to protest
against the treatment of prisoners held
Ir "a bull pen" In the Coeur d'Alene re
gion. '
SPOKANE. Oct. 21 The Spokane red
cross society decided today to Invite
companies A and L of the Washington
volunteers to come by rail from San
Francisco to Spokane as the guests of
this city. Through the Spokesman-Review
the ladies have raised a fund am
pi to pay the fares of the two compan
ies, and give them a fitting recep
tion on their arrival.
CHK'AOO. Oct. 28. -William E. Ma
son, Junior Vnlted States senator from
Illinois declared today that he would
reylgn If the republican national con
vention In 1900 did not declnre against
"criminal aggression" Ir. the Philip
pines. Mason even went so far as to
say he would resign if the convention
favored offering the Filipinos "canned
freedom" .is he thought it might do.
MOBILE. Ala., Oct. 26. Fourteen
people were burned to death at Fair..
Baldwin county, about 20 miles north
wen: of Mobile. ' time during Mon
day night laxt; Are destroyed the dwell
ings of Harry Goodnow ami Samuel
Smlthson, cremating all the occpants of
both houses.
SPOKANE, Oct. 26. English bom
r-sldents of Spokane nun tonight and
decided to raise $10,000 for the benefit
of the widows and orphans of British
soldl'.-rs killed In the South African
war. mote present subftcrlbed U0.
How To
3ain Flesh
Persons have been known to
?in a pound a day by taking
i ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL-
!0N. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
lie pound; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
rly, so that the patient is able
3 digest and absorb his ordinary
yod, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health -, if you have
not got it you can get tt by
cotrs pssisica
You will find it just at useful in wmrncr
as in winter, and if you are thriving upon
it don't stop because the weather b warm.
yx. ami $i.oo, all druggUu.
SCOTT 4 BOWNR. Owmlvt Nw To.
The velocity of light 1 W3.000 mile
In a second of time. Prom the aun
light comes to the earth In eight min
utes. From some of the fixed star of
the twelfth magnitude it take 4.000
year for the light to reach us.
WI.en you are In Portland and want
a really good home meal, Just give Mr.
Irown a trUI, in Fourth St.. near
Washington. You will like It surely
This restaurant 1 open ail night.
There are 850.000 men In the world
who gain a livelihood chiefly by fish-
Ing.muklng an annual catch of t::i
w rth of flsh for each man. The fish
erles of the Unit -d States supply 800,
000 pounds annually, and those of Eu
rope 1.800,000 pounds.
Notice I hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between A.
J. Megler and C. S. Wright, under the
firm name of Megler tt Wright, ha
this day been dissolved by mutual eon-
eut, Mr. Wright letlrlng. All the in
debtednes of the Arm haa been assum
ed by Mr. Megler and all bill due the
Arm must be paid to him.
Dated October 5th, 1891.
0. a WRIGHT,
Yes they do and the style and finish
they give to me.i'n suits, rank these
Rentlemen as expert practical mer
chant tailors. The matt-rial they uao
Is also the very best and you will al
ways Mud them busy at 2t4 Yamhill
St., Portland. Get your rext suit there,
and get It now.
Strnneers rUi'inif in (lie rov tri I find
! the L'nivre an i lira 'tiv r ,rl wiieielli
In lue evei ing. fu. Aniiiie Sii-ia
I.mlie-' On-I t-s'r is -till on the hi Is an. I
present nigliitv a innsnal prirnm of
eX'-epMonsI iiicri', IImui ine poo' and
i billiard PK.1UI.H e fr.tlltic in OHIui'i ttu.i
iili the ho'i-e. I'a'atsbte Inn In wll
be serve I at a'l ionr.
Like what Is man, but like a sprouting
That grows and ripens but to cast Its
Among the thistles and the tares of life
And then to see it strangled In the
n- hi,, .ul i . .v . . , . . i
Or like the clouds that wander with the,
st I fe
And pass unnoticed from a life of eas ?i
Or like a mushroom, sprung to life,
To starve or strangle In the tangled
These are thoughts that are apt to,
come to many people nt times, espe-'
dally when they are sick and have to,
pay big prices for mediclma. Hut there,
Is one drug store In Oregon when" you
can save from 10 to 25 per cent on'
everything you buy, and that Is J. A.I
Clemenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yam-;
hill street. Portland, Ore. At that store'
you can (ret Hood's Sarsaparilla nt 70c;
Vellen's Food, tl sle, 55c; Brotno Sett-1
rer. Jl site, 70c, and everything else at i
the same low rate. You can get n d ,
trading stamps there, and If you need '
the Natural Body Brace, you can get It J
Headquarter for Cutters' Logglrg
Shoe and Logger' Outfit. THE RED
FRONT, 29 Morrison street, Portland.
It Isn't the number of men that yel
low fever kills that frighten you, but
the unexpected suddenness of Its at
tack, and the caoldity with which It
kills. A man is well and hearty at 8
p. m.; at 4 p. m. he Is deadly ill; at
6 p. m. he Is dead, and at 8 p. m. he 1
hurled. In much the same manner men
will work day after day In apparent
health, and then will suddenly appear
a general weakness. The body Is giv
ing out. It need something to
strengthen It, to drive away the Im
purities of the blood, to tone up the
stomach, and assist digestion. For this
purpose Hostetter's Stomach Bitter Is
highly recommended. It will cure dys
pepsia. Indigestion, constipation, mala
ria, fever and ague.
Improved ranch, consisting of 120
acre, on Young1 river. Apply to John
L. Hayseth, Wise. Or.
Ladles who go to Portland and detsre
something especially fine In the way of
tailor-made sulta will do well to remem
ber that they can be well fitted at I. D.
Boyer s l Fourth street, In the Y. H.
C. A. building.
Not only does he keep a strictly find
class cutter for men's wear, but alao
one exclusively for ladles' work, and
all can rest assured of getting not only
good work, but the best of materials,
as Mr. Koyer Is an expert on woolen
The North Pacific Dental College,
whose advertlsment appear In anoth
er column, opened Ita doors October B,
Hth 75 students on Its roster. The col
lege Is well equipped with every facil
ity to graduate students In all the late
knowledara of dentistry, A. R. Baker,
D.D. 8 la demonstrator In charge, and
Is well qualified to Instruct all students
who at'jid this college.
Fresh cracked crabs at the National
Sweet cream
In any amount at the!
root beer at the Spa candy
Iturbank potatoes, Jl a sack, at Pat's
Jeff's Is "the
White rooks.
Home made chocolates,
30 cents a
pound at the Parlor.
BcHt Ifi-eent meal, Rising Sun Restau
rant, 612 Commercial street.
We guarantee our
iade of pure cream.
Ice cream to
The Parlor.
Chill -joii carne and frllolles at Lee
Herring's National Cafe every day.
Pleasant furnished room for rent, 242
Fourteenth street. In private family.
. Until further notice the Astoria
creamery will pay 944 cent for butter
The latest In I lie confection Hue are
those delicate lev Cream Chocolate at
The Spa.
Cold lunch, pli'kled plV feet, oys
ters, ship's tongue, etc., nt the Na
tional Cafe.
Our Ice cream Is
made of pure cream,
to John Hahn's.
warranted to lie
The Parlor, next
Do nu know stnodgrasa makes
Stamp I'lniios? Call and sey thorn.
They re all the go.
'rvnm Pure Hy. America's flnest
whiskey. The only pure goods; guaran
teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson,
sole agent.
For Rent Furnished rooms, with
Hi st -class table board. Apply Mrs. Iv
C. Holiien's. comer Ninth and Dtiane
lluy Koslyn coil; the t.t coal for
heating and cooking purpose on the
market. George V. Sanborn, Agent.
Telephone 1311.
llo.uet d Culi. and Key Veit Gem
aro the finest S-ivnt cluars ever
came to this market. Henry It., op
poHlt brewery.
Roslyn real lasts longer. Is cleaner
and makes less trouble Hh stoves and
chimney flues than any other. George
W. S.uiborn. Agont. Telephone 1311.
When In Astoria, transient gu-stt can
rcuie unsurpassed accommodations at
the Astoi Hon'. srfect Ciking and
nice, clean rooms. Hates, tl per day.
Visitors from Portland and elsewhen
will And the pleasanteat room In A
torla at the Bay City houas, 179 Tnth
street, Mr. E. 8. Andrew, proprtotre.
R. si vtl coal Is th Ix-st and most eco
nomical cal for household use In As
torl v. Tiy It once and you will have
no ether. Ce,rge V. Sanborn, Areiit.
Telephone 1311.
I. W. Harper' Nelson County, Ky,.
whiskey. A gentleman's whiskey: a
wnlskey for the sldelxmrd; a whiskey
for the sick roon. Sold by Fourd A
Stok -s company, Astoria. Ore.
Kelley'a transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part if the city on short
notice. All order left at Zapf's fur-
j nlture store. M Commercial wiwt. will
rrtve prompt at'ention. Tetepnone
21 44
Go to the Columbia Electric and Re
pair Company for all kinds of new and
r-'puir work, from a cambric n--e,le to
R ,.V(.U. ,,.,. or ,.,,, Qul,K wrrk
and satisfaction guaranteed. Lowing
machinery of all kinds a specialty. .
Shop opposite Roas. Hlgirln & Co. j
The concert hall opened by Charlie.
Wlw .it No. .119 Astor stret Is the one j
mil only popular resort of Its kind In ;
that vicinity. Mr. Wls- Is doing some,
thin new among coicert hall. He Is'
not only selling a class nf pure Honor, '
lint Is gulne his place a management;
wliii h Instil gentlemanly attentfon
ard treatment to his patrons. The good
music and the crowd will be found at!
Charlie Wise' place.
Do you want a good mal when you
vltll Portland? If so, go to the Port
land restaurant, SOS Washington street.
If you want any Health Food that
your grocer does not have, write Knapp
Bros. Halth Food Co., East Portland.
Ki-app Hros. Health Food Company.
East Portland, earn' a full line of all
th" Uattle Cn-ek Sanitarium Health
E. House's Cafe at 121 Third street,
Portland. Is regarded by many people
as the leading restaurant In th Pa
cific Northwest.
Ilncvcloiiedla ttrlttanlca. tt vol .
' sheep. 12V Bst teachers' Bible, now,
90c. at li'yland's Bros.' Book Store,
Portland. 8e advertisement.
A good meal with meats rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, la
just what you get at the Creamer!
restaurant, 271 Washington street, near
Third. Try It when yon go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Crtamerte Restau
rant. 271 Washington St., you may con
sider that your trip will not be a sun
cess, as others "will telt you, who do not
miss it.
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege at No. 414 Tamhltl street. Portland.
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already
the classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicates the excellent character of
the Institution.
Mr. N. R. Bridges, late of the Ellis
Printing Company of Po.tland. has as
sumed the management of the Astorlan
job printing department, and Is pre
pared to do all kinds of first-class, ac
curate, up-to-date printing. All work
promptly delivered.
Why Is Watson's rstsursnt n pnr.
land patronized by thousands nf people
dally? Simply ber-sune t n th largest,
finest and best niilppd eaMns rort
on the Pari lie rnt. Watson's restau
rant has slxty.eiitht white employes on
Its .pay roll. Remomber th location
189-11 Fourth street
All kinds nf rending! There Is only
on plRce we kno- of In Portland
wnere ynu ran nnd all the latest bonk
and phamplet on the moat advanced
thought or tne day, many books on sub
jects of advanced up to date tonics not
to be found In other !Hk stored can
ue ouinioeo n"re, n is worth your
wniie in can wnen in Portland and se
for yourself. Jones, 291 Alder St.,
All Astorlans who visit Portland and
desire spending a pleasant evening In
company with polite people and In the
enjoyment of an unexcelled musical
program, should go to the Fredericks
burg. Besides vocal and Instrumental
selections mere are many other at
tractions to delight the visitors. The
new management Is maklmt the Freder
icksburg a well-merited success.
A tailoring establishment of some
pretentions. located on Washington
street. Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for dressy Astnrlnns during the
past six months. This statement Is de
nied by the firm of Povey & Blrchad. at
327 Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronized by the
grat majority of outside customers.
Povey & Blrchall make the swell sulta
for most of the stylish Portlands, and
feel that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out nf town nat-
Why nt 'The Knstorn,' of course. 170
Third St., Portland, You can get a
good layout for Id cents here, which
will satisfy your hunger and bring you
back nt; a Hi to the same place. Remem
ber (he Eastern.
The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card
. . . Engravers . . .
. 'x
Merchant Tailors
2(iov Yinilll Street
Dteit Sr4 ltd 4th ..
Tllion Oreuoii lllnclt us.i
2; 1-
(iitlicr up Hume.
You have about your homes and have llicm made into IUimI
Old toiks relsmml and made as good ss new. We make
books and bsve the only Hcnk llindi ry In Astoria
Will be pleased to submit eetlumtes.
J. S. UEM.INCr'.K.
P. H. Sharpie's
Bonders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc.
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Lithographing on
San Francisco. Cat.
Astoria, Ore.
Write Ua for Prices
Whalesnle mid retail iIchUt in
Kranich and Ilacb,
Hcliafter, Schiller,
and many otueri.
112-1U-II6 Union Avcnuottnd
KM Eat Alder Street
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms.
M. C. MATTHIELL. Alunuitcr. Head nfllce 141 HUte 8t Balera.Ore.
I A CTAni A MPT rr imikitr i
Handles Only the
4 SB CpoinMrclal St.,
Pacific Navigation Com pan v
R. P. Elmore
W. H. HarrlHon
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Ituilroad & NaviKiitluii Co. for
Han Francisco, Portland and all points wwt. For fruilit nml passen
ger rates apply i. HamMel Elmore Co.
( fml Anonts, ASTORIA, ORB.
COHN AGO., Agente, Orego .llroud Navigation Co..
We know of only on book aior In
Portland where so complete a lln of
novel ran bo obtained, on all th radl.
cl subjnets of the day under dlsousalon
a can be seen at Jone' Ilixk Utor.
f)l Alder street.
Portland, Oregon
oine llooka.
nil kind of
Cor Nliiih it it J Cuiiimcrclnl Ma.
Cream Separators
acKl I lent
General Supply
House for
Pamily Groceries
Tin a Specialty.
Falrbavcn, Wash.
KohulU and Co.
Miller, Ann Arbor
Ileotlcy and others
No. aa
Choicest Meats
nasi Palwis RntaaraM.
aarai.t. J