The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 27, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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-t ij nmuiii 'wm.,jiiii.ii i'i.jiiWf'-
fell il
THE great rush of jcole to take advantage of our extraordinary offers in uncalled for suit and overcoat has been marvelous from the.very beginning.
The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail
oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fat enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits
made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish
establishmcnt. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt
to dispose of them from their own establishments.
Uncalled for Garments at Half Price.
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats. $12.60
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $15.00
$36.00 Suits and Ovei coate. $17 60
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00
These garments are so far superior in
style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth
ing that comparisons are od'ous. Call
and examine them and see if we can
Suits to Mer
We make suits to order from 5.00Jto f 15 cheaper
than any other first-class tailoring establishment
in Portland. ...
We are Tailors, Bear That in Mind
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price.
Our suits have that style fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle
men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods
whether they buy or not:
Tailoring Company,
250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON
Relations With Germany Also Unfriendly and
Attitude of German Press Resented.
General Yule's Retreat Was Most Disastrous and Is Generally
Regarded as a Great Yictory for tbe Courage
and Strategy of the Boers.
. NEW YORK. Oot. 18.-A dlipatch to
the Tribune from London s&yi; j
It cannot b doubted, whatever may
be the attitude of rctlconoe or even de-j
nl al on the part of ofllolals, that the
nupnrfluous preparations of the army J
(llHiutt?ipd urnli Ooiioral Bullcr to the
Cape with the activity that prevalln.J
point to expectation of ponslble Horlous
complication! with . foreign powers.'
Russia and Franco are the powers ln-:
dlcated. j
To have a BrltUh fleet In readlneni
and to dlapatch a large force to the'
Cape undor a commanding officer and
staff who would -direct British arms'
in the event of a European wnr must be'
roRarded as an extremely wise and pru
dent move on the part of the govern
ment. The Persian gulf Is the point where
tt Is most llkly that any active com
piled (long will center, as In the event
of war the- Sues would be blocked even
with (treat fleets to keep It open. The
Cupe Is England's natural route and
half- way route to India and Persia.
If the secret history of the present
crisis could be told, It would be found
that the forolgn offices of Great Britain
and Germany have never been on more
friendly terms. This fact must be tak-
r-OMm. and which became untenable ' 'Til p 1)11 1 1 1 1 VT p
when two British garrisons 40 miles! U11' 1 1 1 1 "
apart were menaced by a rrea.y sup.; COMMISSIONERS
rlor force. j
Similar unscientific tactics based on
political consl.lenulons have Involved' tiil' iiup fhL'VT
the defense of Mafvklng, on the wenterni IE$ 01 IHK I KKMUhiM
border, when military reasons are valid
for the concentration of forces at Klm
borly. - . '
flenerul Yule's retreat leaves the
lioets In undisputed possession of thej
upper triangle of Natal and enables
them, after two defeats and a third i
arflllery duel, to bout that they havej
driven back the British and broken upj
the first line of trenches. j
The British wounded have been left
first End the Kor then Establish
j Cilicral Stlf-Govcrnmcnt
on the Isfands.
NtAV YORK. Oct. 26.-A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Prompt declaration by congress In fa
in their hands, and they must have ' vor of asserting and maintaining corn-
also secured possession of a consldera
Me quantity of supplies and military
plete sovereignty over the Philippines
tu whatever cos and In favor of the
en Into, account by those seeking to
forecast the future. Those most Inti
mate wl'h the high officials of both
countries state that the p.'tulant be
havior of a section of the German press
toward England, while resented by the
German foreign office, la derided by
the governing classes of both countries.
Germany and England are aotlng to
gether, and hope to carry the moral
support of America with them. Mean
whlle the Channel (loot Is bound for
Gibraltar, and the remarkable activ
ity nt the dock yards points to the
mobilization of another flying squadrn
whenever It may be needed, and It will
not be s demonstration of naval force
BRalnat Germany this time. Every day
eight or nine thousand troops go out
to the Capo, but the entire army corps
will not be afloat this week.
The usual phrases are used by the
military writers here to disguise the
real nature of General Yule's move
ment from Olencoe. It Is described as
a scientific change of base, a brilliant
strategic maneuver, a reconnolsance In
face of the enemy's position, and a pru
dent measure of military concentration,
It was, In reality, a well-oonducted re
treat from a position which was occu
pied for political rather than military
st res at Glencoe. The Boers, wtfliout ' kind of self-government
winning a single battle or Hklrmlsh, canj the Insurrection ends Is what the
claim the credit of having forced Yule, president wants! It Is also what the
to retreat, and there Is logic enough Philippine commissioners want. There
In the situation to justify a feeling oi'j ' sreat deal of work for the presl
clmlon. 1 ,,on' ,0 on nls and for the
Uenerals Yule and White's columns I commissioners to do on their
were within three miles of each other! rk. but this one Important conclu
and virtually In touch at 4 o'clock yes-i"'1"1 Lh certain.
terday. according to a war offloe bul-l Your correspondent has excellent au
tolln iMued late In the evening. rjvl. j thority for the statement that the ptvs
mors of a great battle were silenced:11'''1" l",pmU ,0 nmke 8P,'olnc pecom"
by this official report, since General I mendatlons to congress In favor of
White knew nothing of an engagement.! hlll(li tht Philippine permanently
The general feeling of army officers Is! ' 'll ,rf clv" government
that the lloer attack has failed and j t,le P1'1"' ,,f Il,e '"'llt'ir' as soon
that British valor and skill, have trl-i" the Tagala now In tvDelllon eurren-
umphed. The B,er stategy Is consld- i 11 ls authoritatively stated that
there will be no half-way measures
suggested for the purpose of slde-track-Inp
the Philippine question until after
the next camialgn. The president will
face the Issue squarely and give con
gress the best Information possible from
his commissioners and dther sources
to support the position he has as-
Martial law baa been proclaimed j
throughout Natal and the governor; I J 1Z? I- TNJ CL
general has called out the rifle aasocla-1 X A VJ'
Hons for the defensive of PleXermarttx-'
Bodies of American Soldiers Who Died
In the Philippines.
NEW YORK, Oot, 26. A special to
the World from Washington says:
D. H. Rhodes, an employee of the
quartermaster's department, who su
perintended tiie removal of the dead
soldiers from Cuba this spring has de
parted for Manila to make arrange
ments for bringing to this country the
bodies of the boys In blue who have
fallen In battle or died of disease In the
Phllllpplne Islands.
Wall Paper and
Room Klouldings
Gypsine, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
House -an J Fresco Painters, Etc.
;343 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 1953.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. A dispatch to
the World from Brldgeton, Barbadoes,
General Ar.drade, ex-presldent of
Venezuela, who was driven out of his
country by Insurgents, has arrived
Fisher's Opera House,
L. K: Sel if. Lessee and M'r.
Saturday, Oct. 28
ered excellent.
Ills Pretense of Resigning Is Only
Play to the Galleries.
NKW YORK. Oct. 28. "It Is a fake.
Mr. Duvitt is playing to the galleries."
Thut was the answer made by John, sumed,
E. Redmond, M. P., to a Times reporter! " "ow only 11 fluxion of the spe
at the Hoffman House last evening, who1 cine kind of government the president
asked him what he thought of theU' recommend. He will be governed
resignation of his ceat in the house of j hls decision by the views of the Phil
commons by Michael Davltt. , 'PPllie commissioners, whose flnal de
"Mr. Davltt took no chances when he f'"' w111 tne resut of tne dc'lbera-reslfc-ncd,"
he. continued. "He knows: 1(" 1,1y Rre hePe fop now
full well that his constituency will re-' The first meeting of the commission
elect him."
NEW YORK, Oct. 26.-Oeorge Q.
Cannon, of Utah, who has been serious
ly HI in this city from pneumonia Is
much better and will recover.
will be held In the state department to
morrow, but they will probably not be
gin the actual preparation of their re
port before nsxt Monday.
CHICAGO, Oct 26. A special cable to
the Chicago Tribune from London says
Gorton's Famous
New Orleans
The Greatest, Brightest, Best, of (
modern minstrelsy. En route in
their own train service. The
only high-class minstrel show
that will he here.
Composed of a Mighty
Avalanche of Talent
More new features, new acts,
laugbableoddities than any sim
ilar enterprise. Complete Gold
Sextette; Great Crescent City
qnartette. Hear the Ouly Sole
Band in Miustrelsy.
See the Matchless
Street Parade-
Reserved seats, 75c; gallery, 50c; seat
sale opens Friday moruing at
Griffln and Reed's.
J. 0. Olllen 8 Co.,
Dealers, Manufacturers sm Contractors
Of Asbestos Boiler
and Pipe Coverings
221 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
B. P Allen & Son
The Leading Wall Paper, Paints,
Hin ! gs' Varnishes,
j Brushes, Etc,
No House Can Beat Our Prices,
3f5 '?otnmarctal St.
Are you aware there is a'movement now on foot
which proposes to combine all business interests,
and to issue and use combine i credits instead of
money, and to make those credits absolutely safe.
If this succeeds, interest on money will be a thing
of the past as far as the commercial world is con
cerned. If you wish to understand the plan,
send 10c in stamps for a copy of Van OrnamV
pamphlet, ''Credit versus Cash.v Address
Jones' Book Store,
291 Alder St., bet. 4th and 5th, PORTLAFD.
Agents V'aoted lor flaciny the facific Coast Installment Library Write far Particulars
- J
- t