The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 27, 1899, Image 1

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    . NOTIOK!
Books, Periodicals. Mnr5i
Are Hot to fce TrAsn Frsm The
Lib-aty without rrmi.;MOii. 'n
))1 -N
Jt fm A AiJ AI A A K .
ASTOlilA. nilEUUN, HtlDAY. OCTOBEU 27. 18!J9
NO. 128
Bought before the ad
vanco and sold regard
less of it on account
of moving.
left representing the casualties during
tin- lt iniinnts of flghtlng."
i Ann; her rorrvwpondi-nt say. the re
ported capture nt all Bow cannon by
the lrttlh wan Incom.'ct.
TO GET 1118 ti"ORTONE.
J I'matllla County Clergyman H:lr to
It is Evident That the Boer Losses Havel jt1"-
Been Small.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
PENDLETON. Oct. 28. Paul Kroger,
a clergyman of l.'klsh who fell heir to
j fortune In Germany,' came to town '
todny to employ a lawyer to attend to
thi detail In the proceedings to ob
tuin possession of hla property. Hei
Only Incidentally Refers to Eldest Son's
Marriage to Miss Wilson.
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
Mux Decorated I'll per
and KnvelopeMo'ioc
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
Fancy Creamery Nutter in Kfgs and Kolk
Strictly Fresh Kgg.
New Crop Maple Syrup.
Uuckwheutanil (iridic Cuke Flour.
Packard A Smith's Funcy Italian Prunes.
New Crop Nuts, Fig", Mince Moat.
rniTicn uinTnnice menp MirwirirM
f ITU IOn TltlUnlCO YYCnL illAUHlTICU In communication with rrw wd
learns that the report waa authentic.
Their Triumphs Were Cosily end Resulted Only in Their Retreat!
Pursued by the Burghers Who are Highly Elated.
Boers Treat Prisoners Kindly.
'il LONDON, Oct. 27. The official announcement of the
0 joining of (ieneral bite and (iciunil Yule has come as a
gnat relief and all t lie more so in view of t lie Wt trjat later
& dispatches have shown that only the incapacity of the intclli
; jjnirc department of llic IJmi'I saved (iciicral Yule's coluinii
. tl'olll II ll lit 1 1 -It Ht -1.
it It M-t iiis that on Friday niht Ihindee was full of alarms, g
i Saturday pns-'d in the ame anxious manner, there being fj
inoiiM iiliirv fXiM Ctnti-.u t' attack. Tin-British finallv cvacu- $
I uted, taking all that they could, hut leaving plenty hehind
the II fur the ISotTd to hint. $
The only n-w this morning cousin tf a nmre detailed
j1 iifciiunt f tlie hattles alreadv reiiortcd. $
S !?
LONfuN, Oct. 2.-DIpauhe. sent
fi r the (runt are so diversified and con-
Kruger declares that he will remain in
evangelistic work. ,
Ifv cannot work the mine, on ac
count of the German law. which pre-
vent Individuals from operating- coali
mine., but he will sell out to the gov-i
ernment. j
There are four coal mines and 10.WO
wurkt In the estate.
! Alfred Who Inherits the Bulk of the Great Fortune Will Torn (wer
to His Brother Cornelius Jr.. Six Million Delia ts
Many Charitable Bequests.
The Sllverf leld Fur Manufacturing Co.,
2W3-2HH Morrlaon Hi., I'ortlotid, Ore.
To tho UocIIch of Astorlot
W. wil) tr yon one-dmrth on eer irarinotit you purohiwe from us, bo
OBiimt wt are dinct iniimifui turtTa, liml you will tavti llm uiiilJIoiaan'i
Knr CiillnrrH.n, rnim H P
r'ur Ni i'k IIki., mini t.ic !
ljidlra' Kliii' lullor Mailf KH Imi" llM ul
UiIIm Klin Kllnr Mmlrtliilh Jw krU. rriiiu ii'M up
IjhIIiV Klni' Krni.-li Klmiui'l Wulata, fnini !
Alii.ka Mrnl HKlii .Inrk.u, Miiiliin !)., nmlt
lrilll)( in onlnr Irum tl.W.00 up
ltiniictelln nr Knr Oiiruiriili Into tli Lalml Wylc l try
low Itiiiim.
H.iid fur llliulmlt'tl ratHlcue, wlitoh wo will vlailly nmll
Highest t'rlce I'ald fur Kaw Purs. Yours Respectfully,
The Sllverfleld Fur Klanufacturlng Co.
Top Hour Washington Duihling.
Largest nnd Best Equipped Ofllces
In the Northwest.
"Th enemy la believed to have .uf-f-fM-d.
Se veral Boera own offlclally that
thry l't over 100 killed at Eland'. La
tmt. Three hundred prlaoners, wound-
l and unwounded". are In the hands of
the Hrttinh. Including aeveral of high
IMwIilon. In the action at Eland's La
no. (Vtcln-r 211. the Johannesburg
f'invr, with a deitachment of the Ger
man corps, was broken up.
"AH wts iell at Mufeking up to Oe
t'rfx'r All was well at Klmberley
up " October 23. The defenders are In
KtnK1 plrlts."
n 1
hep.ios of the Situation From the lloer
rRKTOUIA. Oct. n.-Prlday. flght
nt unfiee started at 5 In the morning
nnd lasted till S In the afternoon. The
burghcis. under General Lucas Meyer,
tnik up a strong position, but were
compelled to retire to their laager af
ter capturing a Maxim. Fighting was
resumed at 10 In the morning in" the
neighborhood of Gloncoe and Dundee.
Several I'oer forces were engaged. Fir
ing was distinctly heard at Dunnhau.
r, Newcantle Is under martial law.
The town Is quiet. Farmers within- a
rndius of thre miles have been called
. , t.. ' " ,w ' turn nun iv
fleers hnve been ordered to Kave Eng-
,., ,,.. in ense It Is tvqulivd, and citlsens have
Jnml as speedily as poesible. Tlie war
. ...... i I1"'-"" ordered to give up their arms.
offloe t.vliiy received the following tele- -
AlM lit 3(W have complied.
grnm from General White: I
Oadli tory that It Is difficult to outline
! the situation with any degree of preci
sion. Three' or four main facts, how
ever, slund out prominently. General
Pymons' fight at Gleneoe was not any
thing like th- dej-lslve victory alleged,
snl General Yule would In all probabil
ity hnve been nmilhllnted or hnve met
the same fute as the captured hussars
If hr hud int retrt-uted.
.Jeneml Whites "artillery duel" at
Keltfonteln was a very severe engage
niMit In which the rifle did great exe
cution, nnd In which success was also
achieved at distressing cost. The bom
bardment of Mufeking was commenced J
with an unknown result, and the lloers
havo got their huxear prisoners safely
t-. rr.t..i ln. Allogither, the campaign Is
Ix lng pushed by the Uoers s strenously
and on such sound strategical line,
that the situation of the rtrttlsh must
In all probability give them cause for
aiH-xlty for some time to come.
It Is dlft.cuM lo c how the concen
trated forces at Ladysmlth will be able
to take the aggressive Immediately.
Apart from fatigue, regiments like the
Gordon Highlanders and Hoyal rifle,
have lyen practically without nflleers
since the fight, and 135 additional of
Best work at our Prices, becausewe have the
largestZvoIume of Dental Work In Portland.
lMtViVOwu and BridRe Work S2 bra! ifiJftW
littT tooth . . v. $4.4 0
M teeth, fully euHmntl'd rulibet
'11 f 2,. I.t Villinr,
Hest Alloy Filling .....V.V
Teeth extracted Xvtlhont fnftr.s .
.$1.00 iS
. 60c up
.. 50c up
"Ludysiulth,. Oct. 25. OnerHl Tule'
force has left Dundee with a view to
concentrating at Ladysmlth. To avoid
risk of life, which the long march
would hnve entailed, the wounded were
left at Dundee Under medical super
vision." i i . r, '
An official British account of the fight
at r.eltfonteln, given out at Cape Town
says: - . . - "'
'Yesterday Sir George White, having
ascertained by previous reconnoJssanc
that Free male forces had moved east
from Hester'. Station, and were at
tempting to gain the road from Lady
smlth to the vorth, moved out In the
direction of Eland's Laagto with the
Fifth lancers, the Nineteenth hussars
the toperlal light horse. Natal mount
ed volunteers, two field batteries, one
roountaln .battery and a brigade of In
The enemy posted a battery three
miles south of Modde'rsprult and open
ed with an Infantry fire at long range
on th British advance guard, consist
ing of the Nineteenth hussars. Tills was
followed by artillery directed with con
We employ only the most modern inethods and
guarantee satisfaction.
Take .lnvaToT on Washington street, near Fourth, and ask for the Portland
Dental I'artors, Top Floor.
'(hah. Oreuoh, lirawn 9.i. ColuinWIa s9
lute, h.i.J Issued A pioclitniattoit to the
Bnsuto nation explaining the reasons
for tne war. He makes known that the
republic Is at peace with the Baautos,
and wishes to continue so.
nWoilT FROM JOfftHrtT.
Boers Compelled British to Retire to
PRETORIA. Oct. 22. General Jou-
bert report thait Geiveral Crtwije, com
mandl'ng ihe Free State and Wlnburg
troopH. had an. engagement yesterday
wllh th? British at Eland's Laagto. Tt
sU.rted at 9 and lasted seA-en hotirs.
Nine burghers were wounded and six
killed. All the British reitltvd to Lady-smith.
Portland Itepirt Concerning Wlldman
Nt'V YORK, OK. 21 A special to
the Times from Washington says: '
The story that Mr. Wlldman I. to be
removed from the pot of United!
8Utes consul generiJ at (long Kong!
nl rvplacd by Edward Bedloe, late
ronsul at Canton, which originated In
Portland yesterday. Is emphatically de
nlKi at the state department. The sup
posed raus for removal as reported
was iVItdmvi's friendliness to Aguln
slclo. Bedloe". own case has not yet
te'ii disposed of and the charges him are before the president
The belief here la that he will be re
Instated in the consular service.
The Mayor Returned and General Lav
ton Has established Civil
G vernment.
SAN ISIDRO. via Manila, Oct 27. Al-
plo Gonxales. mayor of San Isidro, who
tied when the Americans took poees
slon of the town, has returned. General
Lawton has established civil govern
ment. One of Iow's scouts and two privates
of the signal corps are missing. It Is
supposed they have been captured.
This morning at daybreak General
Young's command with rations for
seven days left in the direction of Santa
Litter Dispatches Show That Boer Loss
Was N! Heavy, and No Cannon
Were Captured.
LONDON, Oct. 26. A belated dls
pntch from Gleneoe camp admits that
very few P.oers dead and wounded were
sUorable accuracy against the British! found on the field after the battle In
runs. Afterward an action lasting six I that vicinity. The correspondent at-
hours ensued at Reltsfontein Friday, ' tempted to explain this by saying:
The enemy were driven from the hills' "Throughout the fight the Boers, In
commanding the roads. Sir George accordance with their custom, burled
White's object being accomplished, the their dead and carried off their wound-
column returned to Ladysmlth. led Immediately after they fell, those (
t'nlucky Thirteen With the Government
m t Agaliiflt Them.
MOSCOW, Ida., Oct. 26.-Today be- the contest Avhlch will be waged
In the United States court for several
we?ks, of the government against the
1.1 Coeur d'Alene miners for delaying
I'nlted States malls and for conspiracy.
Today the IS prisoners wer brought In
to court and plead "rial guilty."
Tomorrow the selection of the Jury
to try the cae Will begin.
Several sensational features occurred
The grand j ury indicted W. W. Berg,
a prominent saloon man for attempting
to Intimidate one of the witnesses.
Benjamin C. Pray was Indicted for rob
bing a post office.
J. W. Mathews was also Indicted for
Introducing Intoxicating Honors into
the Ner Perce reservation.
Judge Beatty today over-ruled an ob
jection to the indictment raised by the
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Among those outside the Van-
dcrbilt family who received bequests under tho will of Cornel-
lus tuiaerrjui w uinuncey w. uepew who gala f 2W,))0. A
betpuest of $1000 is given to each of the family servants who
have been in the employ of tho house or stable of the testator
fur two years next proceeding his death.
There are also the following bequest:, John II. Demp
sey, f5000; Charles A. Whittakcr, coachiuaii, $2000: Tony, his
barber, $2000; John Allen, his farmer, $2000.
NEW YORK. Oct 21 Provision, of In securities.
the late CorneUu. Vanderbllt'. wilt were The following charitable and educ.
made public tonight in a statement by tlonal institutions receive bequests:
Chauncey M. Depew. Alfred Gwynne, M- C. A., New York. $100,000;
VsnderblR Inherits the larger portion
of his father's fortune and becomes
practically the head of the Vanderbllt
marriage of Cornelius Vanderbllt, Jr.,
and Miss Wilson nor of any quarrel be
tween father and ton because of the
union, but apparently 'the father's dls-
Bartholmews church, $40,000; Tale uni
versity, $100,000; St Lulces hospital,
New York City, $50,000; Domestic and
foreign missionary society Protestant
Eplscoal church, $50,000; Trustees Van
derbllt university. Nashville, Tenn.,
$50,000; Redwood Library, at Newport,
$l,fli0: Newport, R. I., hospital, $10,000;
Christian Home for Intemperate men.
New iork. $10,000; Manhattan working
pleasure was visked upon the eldest working girls society of New York, $10,
son, he receiving all told, under the j 0o0; New York bible and common pray
terms of the will but $1,500,000 and er book soclaty. $10,000; society of St.
$t.000.0OO of this to be held In trust by, Jhnland, $10,000 and Annuity of $2,-.
. 0"; Protestant Episcopal society for
the executors.
Alfred Gwynne VanderbiK is of
course the residuary legatee and will
possess a fortune of probably 40 to 5
million dollars. Gladys. Reginald and
Gertrude tMrs. Harry Payne Whitney)
will receive about $7,500,000 each. But
Depiw states that Alfred will give from
his share enough to Cornelius to make
the latter as rich as his brother and
listers. Alfred will therefore, turn
ovei to Cornelius about $6,000,000.
Mrs. Vanderbllt receives the residence
on Fifth avenue and that at Newport,
an annual income of a quarter of a
million dollars and two million dollars
seamen. New York, $10,000.
All the rest of the residue of the es
tate is given to executors In trust to
hoK! and Invest for the use of bis son
Alfred and to pay him the net income
as received until he becomes $0, when
he Is to come into the possession of one
half of the estate. He Is to receive th
remainder at JS.
TACOMA. Oct. 28. The Tacoma re
ception committee has decided to bring
company C home by rail frqm San
Francisco. '
Swell Fall and
. . .Winter Clothes. . .
it ;
There's not a better store in all America
to get vour stvlish, reliable clothes.
Our gathering of Suits and Overcoats has
all the betterments that the best made-to-order
ones have. aiult;iey are a heap cheaper.
. "Steinhach" clothes for hoys and men
wtre never known to be other than best.
Their distinguishing feature is nicety of fit
they satisfy the eye, the mind and the
Come whenlyoujcnn and bring your boy.
United States transport, City of Syn
ney, arrived from Maniln. The Sydney
had four insane soldiers aboard and
another private, Albert Kellerman,
committed suicide October 7, by Jump
ing Into the sea. Two soldiers died at
A. Bs Steitibach & Co.,
Largest Clothiers
in the Northwest
MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts
,JT ... .