iiiir WMPMIMfl INTO (MAN 'll(l!USI)A. OnfOHrJl 26. 6 TO ASTORIANS. Tha ItAII.V AaTOHIAN will ! fiilinU tin Ml lu I'Mriuim ai mm iinn..w i..u.r hi.n.a 1,1 j. r. llaiiillcy vwi Wa.hlulHU imI. Oril.ra f'r mlmr. llu ll wllh Oil. Arm will raW. lirumpt ltmiun, TODAY'! WEATHER, I'CiltTI.AND. Oot. M.-WaaMnartoii, ' Ori-n and Idalio-IUUn wal of Cm '! n; inormulng oloudlnoM and prob able rain tvr HMtrn Washington and Northern Idaho; fair wtnthw Im m Mr today. AROUND TOWN. MiVa rout br at lb Bp cndy factory. Thv ! Iuld thtr flrvl ala oclal Haturiluy night. liorn-To tha wlfo uf Honry Roa, Up Iertowii, on Oolobwr 26, a uii, ITiM oon earn and frljollaa at h lUrrltii" National CaJ .vary day. , Th work of thj .nunwtralora In tak ing til CKlialia uf WOO wilt brglli Jurut 1. tnill further notlo tha Aatorla -creamery wftl pay U ornU for but tar fat l'lfHnt furniahad room for rant 21 Kourtavnth atrrat. In prtval. fam ily. Tha latcat In tha oonfcctlon Una art thoM dallcata loa Oram Cbocolatea at Tha Ppa. If you want any Health Food that your grorrr dura not bava, wrlia Knapp Uroa. H-alth rood Co.. Kaat Portland. Ora. Wanttd-OIrt for (vnoral houarwork. Imiulra at tha raddanoa of S. Danalgir. on Fourtwnth at root, naar Fnuiklln av anua. IVrtlanil (luinocnuy haa haroioiili.'d, and Dr. O. M. Walla, a "atruight twck." U now chairman of tha county central OllllllllUf. Tan thiuaand ri-adrra will a, your advrrtlarmeiit for thrw monthi If you patnnlM tha Aatorlan llargaln Col umn!. Buy Roily n coal; tha bat coal for baatlng and cooking purpoaaa on tha mrVM. Oaorga W. Banborn, Agent, "Trkphona 1S1L Thr ChMitawa Indian anhool football taam and tha Multnomah Club alrvi-n will contrnt oil iho Multnomah grid Iron next Saturday. encyclopedia .Orlltanloa, tt vol., ahwp, 12V llrat taachrra' IUble, now, 90c. at Kyland'a Droa.' Book Stora, Portland. Sea adverUawnant Mr. N. It. Dridgt-a. late of tha Kill" Printing Company of Portland, haa aa aumrd th managvinont of tha Aatorlan Job printing department, and la pre pared to do all klnda of flrat-claaa, ac curate, up-to-date printing. All work promptly delivered. NORQARD & Merchant Tamhlll Htrett fwtfctea 3rd aad 4tk... Telephone Oriu.m lllnok 053 alHthtT HP TlMMtt. MAGAZINES Tou have about your bomea and have them made Into Hamiaome ltooka. Old booka robonnd and made aa prod aa new. We tnako all kintla o( booka and have the only Book Bindery in Aatnria. ' Will be plcaaed to itibmit eatlmatea. J. S. Dr'.M.lNtJF.R, Cor, Ninth and Cuiumcrcial Sta. P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latent and Best FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... salmon ' Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on i San Francisco, Cal. . Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Price noalyn coal laata longwr, la cleaner and maka laaa trouble with atovaa and ohlmnay fluaa than any other. Ooorge W. Banborn, Agent, Talephona 1I1L VUltiira from Portland and leawhere will And tha pliaaantawt rooma In Aa torla at tha nay City houee, 179 Tenth atraiit, Mra. E, B. Andrewa, proprlotreaa. When In Aetorta, tranalant fuettf can aocura unaurpaaaad accommoda tion at tha Aator Houaa. Perfect cook ing and nice, clean rooma. Ratea, (1 per day. Mra. F W. Newell and children have lft for California, whore ttwy will re aid thli winter. Hwan Wllaon will oc cupy the realdenoe vacatwl by Mr. Ni-wll. ( Ti,. trnnr.,ra uf t.iirilla havlliir crimed, and tha mnall-poVre being uvpr. ihe achiio a are now moving along In a manner IhiU la abowlng good, tell ing rcaulta. noalyn coal la tha boat and moat eco nomical coal for houaahold uaa In Aa- torla. Try It onoe and you will have no other. Oaorga W. Banborn, Agent, Telephone U1L Mia Ktta Btrauae' enurtalmd her frlnnde with a piano recital liutt even lug. The young lady performed upon the Ineirumetit wUh a charm and grace that delighted ht-r gurerta. I. W. Harper'a Nelaon county. Ky., whlakey. A gentleman'! whlakey; a whlakey for the aldeboard: a whlakey' for the lick room. Bold by Foard k Htukea Company, Aatorta, Oregon, The rhemlral department f tha Ore- gon Agricultural College hua ben ei lierlmrntlng with Oregon-grown ar- ich'im. and the reeuUa are very encour aging. Jolm ttarra waa aljudgil Innaiif y'eii'iduy and ae wua atartH for 8ni-m Initl Mlvl't. He haa ben mentally un bnlanretl for yi-ara and haa grown vio lent the loat few daya. Among Aatorlana reglatared at Port land yi'ntrrday were Mr. and Mra. A. T. Hwarth. J. F. Chiiatian, Mra. Btuart, Mr. and Mra. F. P. Kendall, D. F. Welch, and F. D. Wlnton. Mra. Captain Itlchardaon, who haa bet-n In Portland for rcveral Wtvkt re- civlnit niiMllcjU tn-e.tiont, returned y.'irt.Tilay. Hit frli-nda will rejoloa over the complete aucoeaa of the treatment Tho city board of equalisation niet yraierday to act upon the mater of acgtvgallng the aaeewamenta for the Eighteenth alreet Improvement on property K-lonaing to tlu Nancy Welch cetu.tr. It wua an eaay tank, the helra having no dlaagroement. All Aatorlnna who vlalt Portland and' drelre apendlng a plenaant evxtiliig In coinpikny with polite people and In the enjoyment of an unexcelled muaical program. ahuld go to the Frederlcki- burg. liealdea vocal and Inatrumental aelectlona thr am many other at- Iructlona to delight the visitor. The new management la making the Freder- Ickaburg a well-meriued auoooM. PETTERSON, Tailors Portland, Oregon General Supply House for Family Groceries Metal Works spice and Syr;i; Tin a Specialty. Fairnaven, Wasu. Knapp Uroa. Health Food Company, Kaat rnrtland, carry a full line of all the llattlo C'rwk Sanitarium H'-aUh Kooda. , At Ihe rrwbyterlan church yealer (luy the funeral aervlta of the late Jacob Arndt waa held. A numlwr of frlen'la cf the diaed w'ra conveyed to Orernwood, lh pliu of burial, by tha at earner K. L. lawyer. Hev 11-tiry Marrotta ofllclated at the aervlcea. The lloorlng of tha dia:k at Klnney'a cannery haa lxn torn up, In prepara tion for the work about to commenc on the wharf. The decayed pll'-a and at ringer preaeiit a mg-e-de-tug ap pea ranee. County HchiNil Huperlntend'-nt IVn- mnn of llenton county haa calM f'f a achool ofllcer'a convention to nwi u Corvallla. Thla la aomethlng new In the way of Inatltutea, and will doubtliaa be a uaeful gathering. Th" Womnn'a Itellef Corfai h"ld an apron aale and tea Tueaday aftnuin and an entertainment In the evening at the residence of Captain Eric Johnaon on Franklin avenue. Iimh nt theae gatherlnga were well attended and from he tale of apmna and the table the ladlea cleared 13. The Leglnnlng of neit year will e Mg thlnga In China A holiday will be gin about the mldlle of January and ettend to the middle of March, and will be marked by alW, oeremonlea and other rlt-a. Chlm- are already leaving the United Blau-e and other l-arta of the world for tlielr Orleiual home. All the bone of the Chinamen who have died and bnen burled In for eign landa will be exhumed and taken o the pig-tall rvulma for rvburlal. Mlaa Blgna Palmberg. recently arriv ing from tha Eaat, dealrea to announce to the ladlea of Aatorla that ahe haa opened dreamnaklng parlora on Ninth atrwt, near Commercial, next door to j;vlllnfc-er'a printing ufllce. Mlci Palm Urg haa had thorough exp rlence In cuitlog and nttliig.laillea' garment of all klt.Ja, particularly tallnr-rnade muIIb aid cloaki of tha latt-et and moat fash ionable deelgne. . . Tonight Kmh-r'a opi-ra hoUw will no doubt be crowded to witneea the moatj latKhnble, reflned and up-to-date far-i rial comedy entitled "My Friend From Indlu." Walter It-rklna In the leading j role ahlnea forth brilliantly aupportcd by rrohman'a Smyth and Rlce'a come- i dltina. It will be the mmrt exhilarating i performance ever m-en In Aatorta, and Ihe audience ill f.-el b1tT for having; a good laugh. Secure your acuta all Oiillln ft Heed'e. J All klnda of reading! There In only J one place we know of In Portland w here you can find all the latent booka ' and phanipleta on the moat advanced) thought of the day. many booka on aub Jecla of advanced up to date topic not ' to be found In other book tore can j be obtained here. It la worth your w htle to call when In Portland and aee for youreelf. Jonea. 291 Alder St., Portland. THE RAILUOAD CUTS. The A. A C. R. Meet the Tweirty-flve-CVnt Hate to Porthuid. The A. 4 C. R. calmly marka Ita fare for paaaengera between Aatorta and Portland down to 2S ceula thla morn ing, following the move of the 0. R. A N. !t la difficult to find a aatlafactory reaann for the gtubborn contest now on. The O. R. A N. Company atarted the war and la the aargreaaor In the present cut So far. tt haa been.tne principal loner, for the railroad haa reaped moat of the advantage of the In creaaed travel caused by low ratea It haa been auggvted that the Union Pacific, through th O. R. A N.. la trying to got control of the A. A C. R., and to further Ita emda la trying to make the prewent owners of Uve road loae money on the property, putting them In a fitting frame of mind to dia poae of the line. If aurh ahould be the motive behind the present aeemlngly unreasonable conteat. tha question arises, Why does the Union raelflo want the A. A C. R.T There could be two anawera to thla. The Union Pacific wonta to come to the mouth of the Columbia river, or wants to tie up the Artorla line from interfer ing with arrangement not favorable to Oregon porta. No one deema the present war an aimless one,, but perhaps the real ob tect of the move has not ixn as yet been guessed by outsiders. It Is pos sible that the outcome will more than repay Astoria for Ita losses caused by the low rates to Portland. EFFECT OF THE RATE WAR. Astoria Budget. It Is estimated that through the rate war among the local transportation lines Astoria la losing fully J1.000 per day, or In other words, that amount of money Is being carried out of town each day that under other conditions would remain at home and be spent with our own merchants. That this war la work ing a groat Injury to Astoria is certain and the sooner tt ends the better it will be for the whole 'town. It Is thought that the ridiculously low rate made by the O. R. A N. Company yesterday mny result In bringing the companies to an agreement, although It Is Inti mated In certain circles that the losses' of the transportation companies is be ing refunded by the merchants of Port land as an Inducement to continue the fight In the Interest of that' city. A MEMORIAL FOR EDWARD YOUNG Ao Astoria Soldier lioy Who Died in The Pbillijiprnes. 1 A TRIBUTE FROM OLK CITY A Fund to be Started Here For a Llbrar) lo he' Presented to the Agricultural lo!Irge. A service In memory of th Oregon volunteers who gave their Uvea to their' country was hold In Portland last Bun-j d.iy. Thla haa reminded many Aatorl-' am that one of the flrat of the Amer-j lean aoldlera to find a grave In the I'hill;tlnca waa an Astoria boy, Ed ward C. Young and that Aatorla baa aa yet dona nothing to express her re- giird for the memory of her youthful warrbr who mut death In those dla-' tant lalanda. J Young uaa only a boy, but he was a manly boy upright. Intelligent and courageous, with a cheery, lovable dla-' position that endeared blm to all hla aa-' aorlates. He was a credtt to Clatsop ounty aa a civilian and aa a aoldler. Asioria'a Inaction haa cot been due to indifference, but to the aboence of op-' portunlty. The city haa been await ing a practicable suggnmlon and the' beginning of a definite movement The Aatorlan offers lis columns In the! Interest of a suitable memorial, and h.m made some Inquiry as to the moatj suggestive and bun-.-nclal rorm such a ni"'norUI ahould take. It was auggested by a prominent Aa torlan that, when he ei.limed, Edward Young waa a atuderrt at the State AgH-J cultural college, and that of the twenty ( students who dropped their "studies at' that Institution and responded to the president's call for volunteers, he was' th only one to die. The moat appro priate tribute to his meniory would not! be a atone or tablet, but something I that would sugicst his student life aa well as hla aoldler life, and that would be a benefit to other young people. It is proposed to begin at Astoria the raising f a fund to purchase a fine ll brar)' for the college, to be known as the Edward C. Young library. Th Ag- rlcultural college Is a magnificent Instl-j tutlon. grandly endowed by the national, government and supplied with splendid bulldlnga by th state. Every year thr.e or four hundred young men and women go there to fit themselves for Industrial occupations. The college, however, has but a small library, and the funds from, the general government cannot be ap plied to the purchase of books. It Is; an Institution that Is doing a grand j work, and one In which every county la Interested. Thf very unselfishness of the project' Is Its best feature. Tha memory of Ed ward Young will not be perpetuated in some vain, dead ornament for our city, but in a uaeful, living memorial, for books live and a good library never loses Its' usefulness. It Is expected that other cities will take this Matter up. Tomorrow the Astorlan will open a subscription Hat, and will receive con trtbutlnna. which will be turned over to a commute to be selected today. The Aatorlan opens this Hat confident that In the generous and patriotic movement the people of Astoria will l"nd their cordial support. The Aberdeen left out yesterday. The ahlp Inverwle, from Port Angeles, came In yesterday. The ships Leyland Brothers and Full wood left up the Columbia, yesterday for Portland. The British ahlp Klrcubrlghtshtre came In yesterday. She haa coal from Newcastle. The barkentlne Tarn O'Shawter, Is on her way up from San Francisco. She Is to load at Knappton with lumber. The T. 8. Stewart, schooner, which has been outside for some days, has been towed In and will load lumber at Knappton. , The steamer Columbia left out yes terday for rian Francisco. The freight she took on at thla pert consisted of shooks and oysters. , The steam schooner Brunswick ar rived In yesterday from San' Francisco, and after discharging freight at this port left up the river. The government transports Pennsyl vania and Olympla sailed from San Francisco yesterday and will probably get In some time tomorrow morning. The McCulloch came down from Port land last night and will remain here sovcral dnys. A cordial Invitation has bxn extended for Astoria people to go aboard and vlalt the famous vessel. The Hadden Hall, British bark, will re ported, her captain and moat or the crew being alck at Panama. The Hut- ton Hall, belonging to the same owners aalled from Hongkong for Portland, (September 30. THET CUT TO FIT. Ya they do and the atyle and finish they glva to me.ii auita, rang tnew gentlemen aa expert practical mer chant tnllora. The matnial they use la alao Iho very beat and you will al ways And them busy at 26914 Tamhlll St., Portland. O your next ault there, and get It now. WHERE TO EAT. Why at 'The Eastern,' of course. 170 Third Ht Portland. You can get a a-oiKl layout for 15 cents here, which will aatiBfy your hunger and bring you back aRaln to the same place, it mem ber the Eastern. MEALft LIKE AT HOME. When you are In Portland and want a really good home mal. Just give Mr. Prown a trial, 108 Fourth St., near Washington. You will like It aurely. Thla restaurant is open all night. THE WORLD'S FISHERMEN. There are 850,000 men In the world who gain a livelihood chiefly by flsh Ing.maklng an annual catch of 225 worth of fish for each man. The rlsn erlea of the Unlt State eupply 800,- noo pounds annually, and thoae of Eu rone 1.800,000 pounda. lidiei' Tular. trtli' Tailor. I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor Up-to-Date 177 Furls St., tWim 'EE. Y. XI. C. A. P...ild'g. L. BROWN'S RESTAURANT A first-class place at moderate prices Rooms for ladiea and private parties Open all Night... 108 Fourth St., near Washington rOKTUSD, 08EC0S. PHONE BLACK 1835- The Eastern Dining-room and Kestaurant J. U. Wanner, Prop. frivite Dining-rooms for Ladies XtiU 15c Xf Opea all Night. 170 THIRD STREET. ....Bet. Horrisoa and Yamaitl Portland, Oregon.... CalQikiiTiHC 21. T . The Portland Restaurant E. I. riTTELHU, Piopriefc r. rritite Koonifcr Udits. SOt Washing ton St , near Mh PORTLAND I AND NK3HT... wm ' 1 E. House's Cafe, 18 Tkirs Street, PartUad, 'regit. The Best Cup of Coflee or cocoa in toe city. . Cream and Milk from our own ranch Home made Ptei and oaken. Watson's Restaurant! WATSON BROS., Pnipr's, () Conducted on the chock system, there- (j) fore patrons pay lor vrtut they order W We Claim (he Lantest, ffceaMst, Best and (jukltst Sen ire in the Northwest. 109 and 111 Fourth St. Opi'n a.m. t p.m. PORTLAND Beautiful Millinery . . At prices within the reach of ail. Call and examine the new stvles. MRS. ROSS. 183 Utb Street. not come to Portland aa previously The BEE HIVE. Natty Swell Jackets Plush and Golf Capes, Fur Collarettes and Scarfs In all tbe latent novtltiea in this line. Look at our Goods and P. ices Ladies' brown melton jackets...... $2.75 Black boucle cloth jaaket 4.00 Black boiide cloth jacket trimmed in atiliqned keraey cloth 6.Kj Elexantall wool kersey jacket.... 6 0 0 In Children' cloaka we are carrying the largt aagortment ever before dia (ilByed in oar store, 407 COMMERCIAL ST., A8TURIA. Bargains In Ladies' Weswant room for Men's and Boys' Clothing Here's a Snap, Good Overcoats at $9.75. REMEMBER TOE PLACE WelcHe's Clothing Store, 225 Morrison Si, let 1 and 2, Portland, Oro. EARNEST Fresco Decorators and Scenery Artist , ALSO DEALER I.N" I Latest Designs "r Wall Papers JUST RE8E1VED " ' " ' 127 First Street. Portland We Rent vife Exoluaive Pacific Coast Dealer. 245 Stark St Portland Hoefler's Bonbonniere Vker. tie Fiaest Ci.dies ia ike State g are rrepired aad Always ia Stock...... Blank Books... Commercial Printing Ve coadact the largest aad most complete establishment ia the Vest, aad invite yoar patronage. Ve pro dace nothing shoddy, let as hear Iron yoa. THE IRVVIN-HODSON 1 DO YOU BATHE? I ro. : I k WHY? Children's Shoes Ladie' $3.50 Shoes at $2.65. Ladies' $2.75 and $3.00 shoes at $2.25. Ladies' $1.95 and $2.25 shoes at $1.65. Ladies' $1.50 shoes at $1.15. iMIL,L,ER it n New Typewriters, Many New Improvement Added SEE OUR LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter NEW ART CATALOGUE FREE 1 M- ALEXANDER & CO., Thjiw Main 57 343 COM.ttRClAl ST.. A3T0RU. OREGON 91 Of every description MADE TO ORDER, .for Merchants, Banks, Corporations and Counties. In all its branches. Nothing too large ; noth ing too small CO., Portland, Or. 13ecanse at our hoiisojwe havejneither a bathtub, (j. nor hut watci humlv. , . , Then go to the Russian Batba at 217 Astor St. j 25 cents is the price. Private apartmenta for 2 ludiua. Only the better clas.- of patronage Ja catemi to. Try oueuud you will couio regularly, g (J I