The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 26, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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taketi to the hospital on the mm case of th unsheathed ami
' trains with our." I they will be unable to repeal their
I Colonel Frost hlfhly praised General' trial trip iveurvl aflvc having txvn In
i Otis. declaring him to be a mn of the water sever! month.
splendid character.
"He make enemle," said the col
onel, "because he la a strong man."
"Vellows" Claim He Has Doctored
Accounts From the Seat of War.
j Englishmen Establish a rper Mill In
I Thl Country.
General JoDtert Believed tote In a Tight Pisco and
Battle Is Expected to Take Place
a DecIIv
NEW 10RK. Oct. !5.-The Tribune
It hti Just been learned that a num
ber of I'lnKllfhmen recently came to thla
country fur the purpose of establishing
The Uovernwr Bo Designates the Time
of the Regtmont' IMurn.
CHICAGO. Oct. 25.-A speolal to the
Times-Herald from Topeka, Kan., says:
Governor Stanley hna wued the fol
lowing proclamation:
"To the People of Kan:
"The nte-mbers of the Twentieth Kan
son, now at San Fninolseo, are expected
t arrive In Kansas ThuriKliiy, the 3d of
November. Their splendid record In the
a mill for the manufacture of paper U Philippines, their manly deportment In
be used In the printing of newspapers, j cmp am, tfu(. ,lM,(.r,y qlllUlty ln u,.
and that they are Mill here. The party j endears! them to the people.
As the gallant soldiers of Kanmia car-
LONDON. Oct. 2S. Commander-ln-
Chh-f Flfy Marshal Lord Wolseley has
apparently now been convicted of "doc
toring" official report from the front,
and there la a strenuous demand on all
sUf for a reversion to the erlier prac
tice, when the report of White, the
British commander In Natal, were
given out textually a soon a received.
The commander-in-chief a summary,
gallantry of the Boers enabled them
to quickly recognise and achieve the
desired ob.l?ots by other methods.
Later eetimitea of Boer losses at
EUu.ds Laagte give 500 killed. Their
coolness, bravery and gcod aim can be
Judged from the fact that out of 17 or
is officers with the half battalion of
Goraon Highlanders, fcur were killed
and 13 were wounded, while the casu
alties among the rank and flit were 17
per cent during less than three hours'
Include S. Charles Phlllppa, Frank
Lloyd and several other prominent men.
, Mr. Thlllr-pa la the publisher of a num
ber of English trade Journals. He Is
the head of the S. C. rhlllpps Company
of England. Frank Lloyd Is a well
known publisher of London.
It Is understood that they are to put
up a big plant in the neighborhood of
Niagara Falls. John C. Logan, who.
prior to the Organisation of the Interna-j
tlonal Paper Company, was general
rled the ting to the front a generation
ago In this country, so the Kansas sol
dier of today has curried the same ban
ner In tho forefront of battle In the
Philippines. t)et-au of the valor of
Ameik-an soldiers, purft and present,
the flag Is respected by more people to
dny than ever before.
"J hereby designate the day of the re
turn of the Twentieth Kansas volun-
! twr as flag day, and recommend that
manager of the Niagara. Fall. Paper) (n hU Jfty ttf dtapUyw
will be the manager of this1
read in the house of common yester-
tar. sncke of General White having! fitting.
acUon. whereasi 'ne uiiutiw m .. .
fought a successful
White's own account puts an entirely, complicated.
annexation and claims of victory at
The Boer proclamation of
An Official Organ Says She Never
Agreed to Go Into a Combine
Against England.
BERLIN, Oct. 2S.-The Tageblatt .
nies the statement of the Eclair of Pa
ris that Germany, after promising as
sistance to France and Russia for the
purpose of intervening ln the Trans-
The Tageblatt declares:
"We believe we are well
different complexion on the situation.
.... ,v rt tn It, orooer' Gler.cot are likely to Induce the Dutch
nroonrtlons. and show, that further' to side with their countrymen already vaal. seems now to withdraw It
exciting intelligence may be expected the field. It is also believed that
e. ,h. me ouarter at any moment, the Dutch beyond Griquatown are only
I, i .rite evident that war 1n Natal; awaiting encouragement to declare for when we uu that the German govern
hi nnlv commenced, and that the
Boer, are by no means discouraged at town yesterlay Fay the searchlights of blnatlon for nltervenlng.
V. VlmHadv ilh.n. www vl -d hl th
losing the first two battles, ana many
all public and all private buildings; that
all trains and strew cars, omnibuses,
hacks and private conveyance be dec
orated with the national colors; that
approprlnte exetvlAea be hold In all the
puhllc schools.
"I most respectfully Invhe all editors,
ministers and leathers In our universi
ties, colleges and public schools, state,
county and city officer to use their ef
forts and Join in mailing the day one
to be remembered by reason of expres
sions of patriotism and good will."
She Is Spoiling for a
Contrive to Git It
Fight and Will
experts are satisfied that General. h, and before Kimberly KEII)
ber. is even now close to the heels of still intact.
the British, and that a decisive ac-, Accoruing " a Dru, uil...
.. k. frht trxtav or tomor- Leyd. the diplomatic
the diplomatic ag'ent of the
1 Transvaal in Europe, has Issued a
The main fact that the British were; statement that the Boers have now
forced to evacuate the Natal triangle.; nearly W.V0 men in the field, made up SKl KKTAKY
which the Boers naturally rightly claim j follows;
as a corsplcuous success, and which, Boer regulars. 35.000; artillery, 1.250;
they may even emphasize by a procla- pclice. 1.75; Orange Free State troops.
31.000. Natal Boers. 3.000; Bechuana- " ",c '"""ii ' n. iimu
nn-rw did not participate ln any com-
i JiF.W VOKK. Oct. ;'5. A dlnpatch to
j the H.-rnld from IVrlin suys:
j The TaKeblatt l.-iirns from St. Peters
I burg that rumors are current thtre that
....... . ... ., . . the IK Kusstan men-of-war In the Pa-
OMALL lALKbAbh rifle will shortly he rlnforced by six
ships from the EaMern squadron. The
iration annexing Northern Natal. Is
proving an unpalatable pill to the pub
lic, whose appetite has been whetted
by previous successes, which had been
represented as being greater than they
w-fre really, as the determination and
Tanehlstt seex In this a connection
lth the rumors of the Chino-Japanese
land and Rhodesian forces. 8,000; for
eign legion, tfOO; American. 4.0W; Ger
mans. (000; Dutch. 3.000; Irish. 1.000,
Scandinavians, 600; French, Swiss and
Italians, 200.
Imposed Upon Govrrnnirni
Her Feara Dispelled by the Latest War
f frained from whistlli g before out t
I the woods! the general feeling of ten-
; NEW VOP.K. lXt. 25 -A tpecial
, the Herald from Washington says:
Secretary Lnt . -i.tike a recom
Nevr be grandiloquent when you
want to drive horns a truth. Don't
whip with a stick that hat the leave
on It if you want to tingle.
that's Beautiful
sion and uneasines was greatly re-
n.i-ndatVn foi but a limited Increase
,leveJ I" 'the London clubs last night. of th(, rM. p,, i hi f .nl.coniing
I General White s third victory, when annua pepon. It !s his Intention to
i its full effect is known will strengthen especially devote hia pen to urging ths
, the b?r,eficial effect produced by the aboltlon )f t.,. ... 0f CMt n.,w Im-;
I previous battles up-n the Dutch in Cape 1K)M, upon armor purchaed by the'
governmen: and t a.ik for sutF.clent
approprlatiois to enable the department
to procure Krupp armor for the battle-
: Colony ard that is one of the strongest
points In the game.
' NEW 10RK". Oct. 23. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London says:
The tidings that General Yule was
marching toward Sir George biewan
.. . iWnt th,ra Vl Q fl
wnues ne.a ion- w - , The tt hl,,e conduct of the field f.rce
v .iln U.-tlh th
oeen anoiner nua-tlu, ,nug far r(,r1eelg credlt apon the In
Orange Free State troops brought
smiles back to English faces yesterday
afternoon. There has been deep anx-
Great . Left Over Sale
Price Away Down.
You'll Hay Ho,
When Von See Price.
Great American ImportinfiTBa Go.
dlan generals. White, Symons and Tule
and Colonel Hamilton are all offices
i of purely Indian training, pupils of
lety since the war office was suspected exponvnU uf nlg
of holding back bad new. whereas It of warfape
was either indiscreet to announce pre- gtatement waj) current )al( nlgM
maturely the measures adopted for con
centration of the two forces, or else
communication witn uueicoe iuki wen
temporarily broken off. The Junction
of the two forcs will enable them to
Storea Everywhere
ioo Storea.
171 CocuktoUI St.. Astwta.
ships of th-i M-iine (lass and the pro-:
Jeettd battleships and armored cruisers.'
Tt.e three battleships and three ar-'
moted cruisers authorized by the latj
congress have not yet been laid down, , -
the law prohibiting the awarding of annnnvAAAniuuiiAAnvarirunAp
c.-ntracts foe Ihelr hul and machinery
that President Steyn was advancing on ,n advarice ot the co.-rtrapts for armor.
Allwal North, was near the town and Yfct tne ggcr-tary believes that an In-
I that he had actually Issued a proclama- Pr;ae. h'owevr smr.f;. -hould be made
i tlon claiming all Cape Colony north rtllrin ,h -,imllt -r.eion.
of the Vaal river. Whether the claim t. t.. . .,..i ..v,t .. .n ..rt.-in.
. ,.iHr, l 11 " "c eiu.-. v
iae up S.. .B ,g ri()U9 H ,g ,mp08(,bIe w te but j
It would have been good strategy If
tv not re:.i:i-::.en'l the authorlrutlon of
am able to say on the authority of a more tnan tnrtfe prJtect-;l cruls. r of
! great Englum banker that to his know-l the r,ivmDla type, and he may deter-
the British Held force in atai naa Iedge President Steyn has sent to Eng
been stronger by 1.000 men but with and )arge draftg representing his en
the superior strength of the Boers the tlre fortune. Mr8. 8u.yn lg aIg0 out of ghealhed cruleen Mi gunboats capa-
mlne to rec mni-md In their place that
congress autnonze several smau
continued occuoatlon ff Glencoe was
a souroe i.f w?akness and Its abandon
ment was dictated by prudence. j
Military experts here unite In prais
ing Ceneral Jo-jberfs plan of opera
tions and In admitting that It was
more brilliant and practical than the
scheme of defense of the British side
by which a force Inferior in strength
was divided between two exposed posts
and cut off from supporting each other.
harm's way out Cape Town.
Colonel Frwt
the American
NF.W YORK, Oct. 25.-A special to
th" Times from Washington says:
"The stories of American soldiers
looting churches are false," said Col.
A. S. Frost, of the South Dakota regl-
ble of doing effective work In the Phil
ippines. Considerable progress. has been made
by the naval board of construction In
the preparation of the circular for the
battleships and armored cruisers for
whluh Secretary Long will ask the au
thorization of the Krupp armor.
In reply to the board's recommenda
tion that the battleship Kearsarge be
placed In commission as soon as pos-
The Most
Annoying Thing
One encounters in the wesring of
glasses is the constant rare neces
sary to keep the lenses clean and
cleat. The handkerchief is al
ways handy bill not hIwsvb ele- ?
Kant. We dive n fine leather e.tute i
and chamois lens clearer with
each pair of glasses we sell
Northwest Optical Co.,
The Uiblie lJldg.,
Heuontl find WnBlilnnton Ht
dirL uvoarutuv ruvmnrvwnnvuiAJV
A Portland Cyyer
DALTON, who lias liad
years' of f'xjHtrience an a
If General JouberC three columns mentj wno htul a long ntervew wtn glbe and ner .uperimposed turr'ts glv-
had been In closer touch with each gecrotaey Rrxit In regard to the phil- en an exhaustive trial. Secretary Long
other and had been brought in rapid ,,pne situation.' has Informed Rear-Admlral O'Neill,
order, the garrison at Glencoe might -As General Mac-Arthur advanced the president of the board, that such trial
have been overwhelmed In spite of It principle churches were set on fire by will be had Immediately after the ves-!
superior artillery fire and the" gallan- Agulnaldo's men, notably the churches sel Is turned over to the government!
try of its troopers. All accounts agree at gan Fernanj0 and Malolos and the and she Is placed In commission, j
that while the Boer artillery firing is lootlner was done by the Insurgent Final decision will doubtUns not ;
not always effective, tne marKsmansmp Braggiers and Chinese. It Is not true be taken by the board on this point tin-
of the bughers is fatally accurate. tnat the Philippine prisoners were in- til the trial Is held. f Will b pleased to give JierSOlia
With their Mauser rifle they are as humanely treated. There are no kinder The armored cruisers will not be sup-J attention to all customer.
well armed as any European troops. melJ jn the world than the American plied with double turret.
While cautious observers were anx- soldier. I have seen him share his food All the ships will be sheathed so that
lous to receive full confirmation of the with and divide shelter with wounded the speed which they will make can-
Junction of the two garrisons and re- Filipinos. The Filipino wounded ar-'r.ot be regarded a fictitious as In the 363 Second .St., Portland
. Buyer .
I Correspondence solicited.
!,ri i "v"
:, j; ',:.rr"t
Wilson liiiprovcd Air Tlht Heaters
. . . FOR COAL . . .
Thin lit'iitor is wppoiiilly mliiti'tl for Soft Coal
iuuI Lignito. riio Imdy is nnulo of polilii(t
Htot'l. Kxtr lit'iivy nliakinj; ami (luinpinn
j;rnto. Firo pot extra lifiivy with largo ash pit.
lias a nickel urn, niokol name plato ami two
nickel latid foot rails,
Tlu liot blast dralt is socoiistruclt'tl that tho
escaping gases nro all constinicd, which muke-i
a great saving in the consumption of fuel.
Price; $12.00 to 525.00.
All Varieties of Hood Air lights at
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
m f
All Eaual
Styles 1f:.'fl to
One f-ffijk any
Price "j$5.oo
$3.50. ShC
Also "Queen Quality"
Shoes for Women
E. C. Goddard & Co,
Oregon ian Lnililitin, Portland.
ST. HELEN'S Hfllib.
Reopened (September 13. For circular
Principal, Portland Oregon
Telephone Red 391.
He says was always so light
and well baked.
Well there Is a knack In mak
ing It
But don't forget the kind of
stove or range used makei a
difference. His mother used a
Star Kstate Range
BOOlS lUmbrellas
Pest and
Bought, Sold and KxchangtHl
t tho
Old Book Store
History, lliogranliy, Mochnloal,
Refereuce, Pm'try. Mnilicnl,
Uf, Religious, Hclvulitlo
All itaudanl work.
Second-hand school txxk, large etiM-k
olieat). Secuoit-linnil uagaslov. Li
brarlse boagtit. Large stoex u( novel,
10.000 title.
J'-N il Yntnlilll St., Ulow Second.
Telephone 1UI V,sa
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St., corner Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkins
Ladies Hair Dressing n Specialty!
Lndiei entrance to bath
on Fifth itrvet. !
Almi Repnliliig mid R-cvering Ml
Wanliiuiilou Udw,H)it5lli ami titli Street.
John Be Coffey,
Por Hand, Ore.
W. C. A. Pohl,
r 11 in cmm.
Undertaker, Gmbalmcr
and Funeral Director
Csoki'ts and Fntu ral huppllte conetant
ly on hand.
Corner lltli ami Dtiane HU, Astoria, Ore
Golumbia Eleetrie & Repair Go
SucceBBor to
' ' Supplies
Kept la Stock
Logging Engine Dultt and Repaired
i' '
Heavy Forging Under Power Hamrper a Specialty
Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed
... " Harrison' Secton" Propello'r Wheel ...
Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants.
W. J. SCUIXT, Ageat,
HI Bond Ctreet
l ...The Esmond Hotel... I
Kiirop"itipmi,.Vntl,Wprdy. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager-, 11.00 to WOO per dy. J. C, PKNDKOAST, Chief Clerk. J
In ell elzei and styles. i
We shall continue to sell
Iron and Brass Bedsteads
at the iHine Low Prices
regardless of the raise In
Die price of iron and brass
v mTRi i-irariTM a tmi- 5
i The Only Flrt-CIn Hotel In Portland
. 7