f.Wi to belays. Am ftofmt i0ktt . . , 1! ' V VOL. L ASTOI.IA. ORMON. THl'MKDAY. OCIWK JM!. ISM v'" I mm A A NO 197 i i i. STOVES TO BURN ANY OLD THING. Bought before the ad vance and sold regard less of it on account of moving. THE BRITISH CASUALTY LIST IS VERY LONG Remarkable Percentage of Officers Killed and Wounded. Eclipse Hardware Co. -HOB IIOND MTREBT i Books... XT 4 mm mi. Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and: Type-writing. OFFICIAL DETAILS ARE WITHHELD Some Severe Criticisms Are Made on Refusal of War Office lo Give (lit Facts Regarding General Yule's Retreat. 1 1; M&&di&viS&W$ili &'ui'tSiStt'& GRIFFIN & REED ij Li.Mmx, Oct. Tin' war oilk-e returns show that the Waterman Fountain Pens: I ,otal Jjntish cnMiulties since the Mining of hostilities will H x Dccorni d tm rt'a-'n eighteen oflicers having been killed and r)5 wound , i ... i ,. . ..I'll I .... I i l j en, mm ci men Kiiien aim i. wuunueu. i 'l in n.' arc l-'I unaccounted for. This lot, however, does lint include u Mjuudron !' the Eighteenth Hussars which went find Knv.lnpe"iio H'ate M,.1,000. The South At-rlcui- republic produced 179,313.953; Australia, 'IM.MO.HOO. "These three countries are the great producers of the world, their output aggregitlrg 51 per oent of the product of tlje world. "Next com.. Russia, Canada, Mex-! ' k', India and China. "The? lait Ave aggregate or over 21 p-r cent of the whole, leav Ing ( per cent for the retnalnedrof the world. "The United States still occupied the oecond place a a silver-producing court r', to which It was relegated by Mexlcc in m. In 188 k produced S32.1H,4C0, agalnat a Mexican produc tion of 133,476.400. "Together thejr produced 17 per oent of the world's product THE ANTI-ADMINISTRATION RESOLUTIONS A MISTAKE imiftiany of the Delegates Are Strongly Opposed to Their Sentiments. i. I. ! ):. A SAD BLUNDER OF THE W. C T. U "The world'a gold production In 1S98 Tbe Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention and Sliver Jutihe of the Union Held at Seattle Closes its Labors. Tbe Philip pine Resolutions Had Vigorous Opponents. wan S2S7.418,00 an Increase over the prxluct of IS97 of $48,(16,(00, I "Sirfoe 1W, when about $106,000,000 1 waa produced, each year ha shown! an, Increase over the preceding year, j There U no reason." says the re- port, "to expect any cessation of this i 2SSi5 Seattlk, Oct. 25. The National W. C. T. V. closed its twenty-sixth annual convention and silver jubilee in this city today. . i i The, exeitenieut over the denunciatory resolutions on the national administration's policy in the Philippines and on its annual Increase for come, some years to SWARMING AT C ALA MBA. Increasing Numbers of the Natives Surround the Town on All Sides. M.-tniv 4.-r Uundie, nor the otlioers of the Dublin fusilccrs. 1IJN', Oct. 25. With unconscious humor, the Cape Town correspondent ' u U'KiM)l. d yesterday: "The censorship, which 'Is always a Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate pi ices mi. nte matter. Is working smoothly ami without a hitch." This exactly hits off the state of af 1 fairs today. An ominous veil Is atlll trawn over the movements of Central I fir Cleorge Stewart White and On era! Tule. IWyond belated Ladymith dls patches concerning the Kland's Laagte ! fight, which are still filtering in, the Hrltlsh public is left In complete dark, j ness and lo conjecture over "cooked" war office el In patches. I Officials at the war office last even- ln(rnlil thn4 very few dispatches have ! nrrlveil, and that nothing further was j to be exH't:ted until morning. Since It Is practically certain that , General Yule has now affected a June- i tlon with Oneral White, and us both ! are now In a position of safety, the con Ijecture concerns Itself chletly with the j munor of General Yule's retreat. That ; It iin hasty Is evident. Was It dlsor ' derly ? Was there any fighting on the way? Such questions and others like them the public Is anxiously asking. j Since the receipt of General White's , curious flrst description of the Lady i smith fight In which the British lost a j hundred men little reliance can be placed on the official dlapatchea. While the concealment of facts re garding General Yule's retreat, can be amply Justified on the ground of keep ing the Intelligence from the Boers, the Here Is a List Kancy I'reainery Htittor in Kegs and Kolls. Strictly Fresh Kgs. New Crop Maple Syrup. Buckwheat and Oridle Cake Flour. Packard 4 Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes. New Crop Nuts, Figs, Mince Meat.. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO ThcSllvcrfleld Fur Manufacturing Co., 2H3.2HB Morrlaon Ml., 1'ortlnntl, Ore. To the LocIIch of Astorlot Wt will save yon one-lonrtb on every gHrment you purohiiae from na, be- CHimn wa are direct nmiiufiicturvra, am) you will aave Hie iniildlenian'a prollt. Kiir Collsrellra, fnnii H.i up Kur Nrek limn, rrom 7fo up UillW Klue Tailor Ue HulU from l'-" U Uillea' Flue slltir Mmle Cloth Jseket. rrum U -') Up 1aIIi' Klne r'reiieh Klnnnel Wl.l. rroin gl.7i UP A!Hks Heu I skin Jneketo, London I'.ve, iiiimIp ieolklly to onler Iriilll ., tlJO.OO up Iti'mmlelliif of Kur tisrnieiilt Into the Latent Style st very low (liriinM. Viirt for niuitmted rstnlogus, which w.wlll ilsitly nmll yon, Highest frlce I'ald for Kaw furs. Yours Respectfully, The Silver? leld Fur Manufacturing Co. PORTLAND DENTAL PARLORS Tojv floor Washington Building. Lorgcst and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest. hldliig of news respecting the Hussar an-1 Kuslleers, who were apparentlyj captured In the battle of Glencoe, Isj severely criticised, no intimation evenl having been given that the officer were I Best work at our Prices, becausewe have the largest volume of Dental Work in Portland. Best Crown and Bridge Work, 22 karat gold per tooth S4.40 Bet Teeth, fully Rtmranteed rubber $S 00 Best (inld Filling $l.(M)tip BeHt Alloy Filling..' : ROc up Teeth extracted without pain 50c tip We employ only the most modern methods and guarantee satisfaction. Tnke elevator on WahinKton street, near Fourth, ami salt for the Portland Dental Parlors, Top Floor. 'Phone Oreuun, Hrown 403. ColumMa U6g mlsalng. The heavy losses of the British troops in facing only some 8,000 Boers are commented upon as what rifle Ore I means today In the hands of even un j disciplined men who can shoot fairly j strnlght and stand their ground. General Sir Redvers Buller la expect ed to arrive at the Cape early next week. There Is every probability that reinforcements are now moving up. Thla Is calculated to hasten General Joubert's attack on Ladysmith, and news of a big battle is dally ex pected. THE BOEnS PRAISED. A Released Prisoner Peecrlbee Their Action. SlEW YORK, Oct. 25. X dispatch to the Herald from London says: The London Standard's special cor respondent with the forces at Lady smith, who was captured by the Boere and released at at' the battle of Fland's Laagte, in describing his experiencea says: "Vnsoldlerly as the Boers might seem, there Is no mistaking their physical fit ness. Nearly all of them are strong, powerfully built men. They were all in the highest spirits; for Instance, on the night of our capture our field cor ntt was induced to preside over an lm- prmnjtu smoking concert. It was umuiilng to see a Johaunesburgvr play ing the piano with his gun atlll alung over his shoulder, while his comrades stood around spell-bound. "The one subject of their talk waa th"lr resolute determination to fight to the last for the Independence of their country." SllELLlS'O DL'NDEE. Hritish Troops Rotreated to an En trenched Camp. LA DTPMITH. Oot. a.-Evenlng. (Delayed In transmission.) The Boer artillery Is shelling Dundee and the former lirltloh rump. Our troops are now occupying an entrenched camp. The Boer artillery Is firing at very long range, and the shells are Ineffective, Communication with Dundee is severed. The Boer wount'ed and those made prisoners are still coining In, and the former are receiving every attention, tl.-nrral Vlljoen Is wounded and a pris oner. BRITISH CRUISERS SAIL. They Will Join tlie Channel Fleet for Some Unknown Port. QUEKNSTOWN, Oct. 25,-The Brit ish crulsora Furcus Pvterus and Pac tolus sailed from here this afternoon, enroiHe to Cape Clear, where they will moot eight batllealiips and two crull ers of the Channel squadron from the north of Ireland. The neat will then proceed ostensibly to Gibraltar, but H. Is thought that possible the flees's destination is a Spanish or Portuguese port, as the vessels haw taken out bills of health from the consuls of these countries. THIS SETTLES IT. Pavltt Will Resign Out of "Sympathy" With the Poor Boers. LONI-ON, Oct. 25. Michael Pavltt, an Irlfch nationalist member for South Mayo, announced In the house of com mons today that he would resign to morrow as a prntes against the Boer war. KQvpTIAN EXPEDITION RETURNS. CAIRO,. Oct. 25. Kali fa having fled from his position ait Jedel-Blr, Major General Lord Kitchener has ordered the Anglo-Egyptian expedition to re turn to Cmdurman. BOERS TAKE KRIPDAM. CAPE TOWN, Oct. 25. Advices from Orange Rlver near the Orange Free Stale border, announce that the Boers have taken Kripdam, near Barleywest, north of Klnberly. MANILA, Oot. 25. The Twenty-sixth Infantry arrived here on the transport Grant yesterday and sailed for Ilo Bo today without disembarking. Insur gents have returned o the vicinity of Calamba. They have Increased in num bers and are surrounding the town on the land aides. . M ($ I interpretation of the "anti-can ten" law, passed yesterday, had " v&( J notjdied out when today's meeting convened. . SEATTLE, Oct. 25. Many delegates to the W. C. T. U. convention Insist that the union made a serious mistake in condemning the administration. A FATHER M'KIXXON ' SEES M'KINLEY DISCUSSING THE SITUATION lit Favors Expansion ami Ht'lieirs That Oiis is the Ktelii Man. NE.W YORK. Oct. :.-A special lo the Tltft-? from WadMn(im sayt. One of lh president's callers recently was th Rev. Robert McKlnnon. known as the -'So'lUr Priest." the chuplnin of the Frst v'aiifor.iU. He had a long in terview with Mr. McKInley, to whom he gave his views of the situation. Father .IK-iviiiiinn said of General Luna, who wis killed by Agu'naldo'n orderly, while trying to break Intc the insurgent leader's quarters: "He was the most brilliant man In the Insurgent army and he was a mur derer. He murdered his wife and mother-in-law In Paris and (led to the Philippines. ' Father MiKinnon declared that ra America.! en?ral could have don? hit ter than General Otis who, he said. had accomplished wonders. It would, he added, be a mistake to relieve Otis of command. The insurrection would hav ?nd"d In April but Tor the. encouragement iriv- en to the rebels by the antl-expanslon- lnts. . The worst of the war waa over, though thers would be guerrilla war fare for some time to come. Father McKlnnon will return to Ma nila with Archbishop fhnppelle. GOLD AND SILVER OUTPUT. Report of Mr. Roberta, Director of the Mint. WASHINGTON Oct. 25.-Mr. Rob erts, director of the mint, has made a report upon the production of gold and silver during the calendar year 1898. He says: "The production of gold In the Tilted THE NEXT CHALLENGER. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-The Evening Post says: 'There is a strong probability that the next challenger for America's cup will be Major Eustace Jameson, M. P. He Is a warm friend of Sir Thomas Lip-ton." der to further our temperance work we will have much to ask of the admin-' tstration, and our requests will hare but little weight when by our minute we show that we have no faith In ' high officer. In an authorized Interview! Prwldent McKmley and other official today, while refusing to allow her name; heads of our government. The union to be used, said: j will live to regret yeeterday'a work." "The union made the mistake of Its' Indianapolis will probably be selected life In passing the resolution. In or-- as the next place of meeting. ; " 1 WILL TRY THIRTEEN. . The Rest of the Accused Have Myste riously Disappeared. MOSCOW. Idaho, Oct. 25.-Thlrteen Coeur d'Alene miners will be tried In the United States court here, and their trials will be begun Saturday. Their names are: Dennis O'Rouke, F. W. Garrett.. Arthur Wallace, Henry Maro pl. John Luclnettl, C. R. Burres, Fran cis Butler. Ed Alblmila, Fred Shaw. P. F. O Dohnelly. Mike Malvra. W. V. Bundran, Louis Salla. An Indictment containing the names of 37 was" brought in by the grand Jury today. The 13 to be tried are in cus tody. Nearly all-the others have In one way and another disappeared and can not be found by the officers. Paul Corcoran, who is serving time tinder a state charge at Boise, is also named. The charge in the Indictment is delaying United States mails by ma liciously stopping and aide-tracking railway mail cars on the O, R, 1 N, and Northern Pacific railways at Wal lace on April 26. .1 CONTRARY TO LAW; Alleged Letter Asking Contribution From Federal Officer. 1 NEW YORK, Oot 25. A statement was given out today by George Mc Aneny, secretary of the National C1WI Service Reform League, In which he says: "The Rational Civil Service Reform League has addressed a k-tter to the' Civil Service Commission asking ' that steps be taken to secure the prosecu tion of federal officers ana other' re sponsible for the 'action of the Ohio re publican state committee In sending I appeals for political contributions to government employes throughout the' country. ; . : . : "The chairman of the committee in 1 question is Congressman Charles Dlok of the Nineteenth Ohio district. CHANCE FOR A SCHLEY ROAR. TRENTON. N. J., Oot. 25,-Rear Ad- 1 miral Sampson was today presented with a sword by Governor Voorheea on 1, behalf of the state of New Jersey HELD THE BEST HAND. ' 1 SUMPTER, Ore., Oct.' 25. -The sa-J loon of Baldwin & Allrlght was held up! by two masked men about midnight and a game in the back room relieved! of $174. ' I ' TROOPS IN GOOD HEALTH. MANILA, Oot. 25. At San Isldro, 30 hours of. rain has raised the river, and supplies are arriving there in cascoes of the natives. The health of return ing columns is excellent Swell Fall and . .Winter Clothes. . . There's not a better store in all America to get your stylish, reliable eloll.es. Our gathering of Suits and Overcoats has all the betterments that the best made-to-order ones have, and they are a heap cheaper. ' "Steiubach" clothes for boys and men wtre never known to be other than best. Their distinguishing feature is nicety of fit' they satisfy the eye, the mind and the pocket. ' Come whenlyoufcan and bring your boy. A. B. Steitibach 6t Co., Largest Clothiers in the Northwest MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts.; PORTLAND, OREGON.