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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
7 MORNING ASTORIA. SLJMIAI. (II V i i Ia. ST... 1. afc. t a ( vuuif uu tvi n ivn I'lj uii mg i.uAvvr i .01 Minna , The A, Dvinbar Co. UNDERWEAR. IN LADIES IWDERWEAR We wiTf nerr so t'll eitiipHd for wintrr OHinimiKM. The value are Hliilntei ili'pi'ti.liililo. WE CALL AT I EN HON To our spvii. nai'meii's iu Augurs floe ,i nlUil. iitfiiV l rni h. Worsted nblxil elr; Umxht-il, (or Flm Mi-Hvwt m nHiiir..! colors, ex" vitional!.v piml. lorfl each. J rnre worstitUor fl ami $1.50 each. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers DIRFCT miffs in tow Yak Slock Exchange PwKS- Chicago Beard of iradc I'XIOX SI ITS Aiiitoru tleeeetl rihhel f-r It tl SI Wsiin. Oik'IIii style, wool phii i'd, uray or unite, ?isuu standard Merino, bm or w'lite, 1 S ' .-ham her ol (oniumce, i cuo. r Children's Wool Moe Fine rililvJ strong knit I rihop .vim apanfmy ilml lii.kd mi., .u. Slimll hit s nnit ItMitiUi ix - S.V hair .-. V mir Fine riUtol wh)I II on of lonu p.nnh-' me veHinlfjiH. Jont.le I,ti.l8. tut ami , km, ins to 47o t'ir. aoeorvlim.' to sin. PouIuihI, Oregon, ronad.,1 tSTO. J. . Hill. M. U.. t'rUolal. , tkilMwu Tnu Uim Irpt. I. ItW SOCIETT KOTK3. jp The pat week has been one of rain ' and high wind. The Indian sign of I rain, "cloudy all around and pouring don hi the middle," betokened much ' dampness for Astoria in the seven days just fled, and as usual the sign failed ' not ' The social spirit was not quenched by .falling water, but society sallied out In rubbers and umbrellas, and found plea sure in hops or teas or dinners. It was not a dull week, by any means, and the storms without during the several events but tended to add to the plea sure. Mrs. Kendall gave a series tea Wednesday and Thursday afternoons In honor cf her mother, Mrs. -Heal, who kavos soon for her home In California. The weather was terrific, but the host ' ess succeeded In making the gale time a gala time. The ladle engaged merri ly In testing their skill at "high fire." j Mrs. Lcunsberry winning the first) prise, and Mrs. Lighter receiving a! consolation tribute, Wednesday. The refreshments served were delicious. j The Knights and Ladles of the Mac cabees entertained themselves and a number of friends Tuesday night with a dancing party at Hanthom's hall The storm kept many at home, but those who attended had a thoroughly good tln.e. The ladles of the Eastern Star re eeived Thursday evening, and the light fantastic was tripped until a late hour. This party was also held at Hanthorn hall. It was a very pleasant affair, well attended and delightfully man aged. The wedding of Mr. Chas. R. Higglns and Miss Maude Warren, which occur red t the horn of the bride's parents, in Warrenton, Wednesday afternoon, was one of the chief social eveuts of the season. The appointment were charming. The spacious narlor- wry tastefully decorated in woodland greens, many Indian btuskots being used with artistic effect. The cere mony was simple but beautiful. Rev. Henry Marcotte pronouncing the Im pressive words that united bride and groom. The bride was becomingly at tired In. dainty white organdie ana' carried an arm bouquet of exauislte roses. The countless elegant gifts were arrangvd In the library, mute testlmo-j nlals of love and esteem. After the cer-1 emony delicious refreshments werej served in the dining room, the tabkj being charmingly decorated with sml- lax-and dellcMw ferns, Mr. and Mrs. Higglns took the evening train, going to Monterey to spend their honey-1 moon. They will return about the 1st! of December and will make Astoria' tholr home. Mr. Chas. R. Higglns Is' well and favorably known In Astoria; biisiness and society circles. He was formerly In the employ of the Peoples' bank of Halifax, eervtng that lnstitu-1 tlon in its several branch houses until he was attached to the Quebec branch. ! In ISM he accepted a position as assist ant cashier In the Astoria National bank, which situation he still retains. The bride Is one of Astoria's, nicest pop ular and accomplished young ladtt-s. and Is the youngvst daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Warren. After com pleting a course of study at Riverside' Seminary, Boston, she gave her atten tion to music, studying with Pobrino of Denver ami later with the b.ut teach ers on this coast. A Bo0lit t4 tux School V4t stmmM MiMRnt lata. ror miiofun or iiuurmauvB uarw (M -t i . i , iv u.i i .i i v m . rtnolp.1. j. W. H1LU M. U, P. a lrw MuiMi Truslnc. Ham ( sU mrtrtX. Horiluid, Or. .ma r Pmmmi imii; Ootl Ptvps-kthxt, Mlllianr Ptaolpllatt rlory b4 Aoclml rit- The utllixeit with Interesting nrguinents. Acconllng to the dtvlslon of the Judgt, the affirmative side won the victory. TO CURE LAC1RIFPE IN TWO DATS. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. SSc. A POEM ON MANKIND. At the entertainment given at the Methodist church on the evening of the1 17th, the following program was ren-1 dersd: Vocal solo, Miss Annie Oratke: I Vocal solo. Miss Annie Buey; reading, ' Miss Louise Whldby; recitation. Mr.' Alfred Schroder; address, Dr. Penrt:! debate, "Resolved. That fame Is morej to be desired than money," Miss Nellie ; Gerdlngand and Mr. S. C.Turner. Tht' debate w as the principal feature of the I evening. The leaders of thetr resoectlvo sides chose their assistants from thej audience, and when the opportunity was presented for each to speak It was taken with a will, every -moment being Litre what Is man. but like a sprouting weed. That grows and ripens but to cast Its seed Among the thistles and the tares of UttJ Ana men to see it strangled In the stlfe? Or like the clouds that wander with the breeze And pass unnoticed from a life of eas- T Or like a mushroom, sprung to life, alas! To starve or strangle in the tangled arass? These are thoughts that are apt toj Tinr in many ptpie m times, espe-1 daily when they are sick and have to pay big prices for medlclms. Hut there ' Is one drug store In Orvgon when' yiu can save from 10 to Zi per cent on everything you buy, and that Is J. A. Clemenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yam hill street, Portland. Ore. At that store I you can get Hood's Sarsaparllia at 70e; Mellen's Food. Jl sixe. &5c; Bromo Selt xer. 1 site, 70c, and everything else at the same low rate. Ton can grt r. d. trading stamps there, and If you r.eed i the Natural Body Brace, you can get It . there. KNAPP BROS., Health Food Co., Kat PortlainJ, Ore., Mautiineiurprs of MT RL'TTFR. the I o.d for ulf und K B CEREAL the Health Drink. Every Hand Millinery Exposition ..Of Portland.. THE TALK Of THE TOWN. The Big Millinery Store Nollitnit like ll 1. 1 1 to n llil- side ol ( lilnitm (t00 Trlmmcil Hats (instnntly tin Hnnil to S lt from, Xcw Shies: New Arrivals Dully, Millinery Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices. Coir Hats !th long qilH Bt H7c eBch nd ,,, VVhcn yuu come to the city ask to sec the XCKSTUECT HATS. New, Xobliy and Stylish lth Tarn croas. Large Selection of Children's Tains. I'lnlds, Cluths, YcUet atttlSilhst all Trices. The Wonder Millinery Co., All VELVET TKIMMEl) HATS PKOM f400 IT. Corner Mtirrinon and First 8t., I'OUTLANI), OKKGDN. .-, ., ,.. -3 FINE FRESCO WORK. An Excellent Example of Oregon Workmanship to Be Seen at the Expotttlon. Yearly those who visit the exposition a J- 1. r. .1 I. .... - - 1 . w. uAi.u imir caji t-tv-h very RPTl-' eral admiration of the decorations and 1 scenery palnungs. all of which has! been done by Ernest Miller, the Wall' raper Leier, no. in j irst street. Fort land. Parties who contemplate having Fin Tinting and Frvscotng done should address this firm. Readies for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS . . mnde At The Spa Gandy Factory! The largest line of Ixm-ney's Famous Oioeolntfs t'ver brought to Astoria. 1 A. B. COOXLET, Prop'r. Tbone HOM Pcrnlti Shorthnncl School H. W. BKHNKB, Principal. Rooms HI Orrgmiiiiu IluiMiinf. I'oi tlund, Ore The Pernth" System was swarded the World's Fair Medal and Diploma. No shading; No pool tlon; Few word-signs No failures Day snd night Holmes' English AND- Business College 414 Yamhill St, Purtlsn.l, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS EnKlish, MkkccrinK. Shorthuiid, TypcwrllliiK. PcnntasiMhlp, All, Send for circulars. ZJ " a JsiiJie'; r-c- m im"ii7,iIW",i rMij7i.-jaTISSSBS What Is It, do you ask? It Is a new way to tench bookktr ping. Students learn to keep books exactly as they arc kept in business No text-book is used. A text-book teachrs, in a theoretical way, how books mar be kept Armstrong's teaches, in a practical way, how books are kept. It is bookkeepers method. Investigate. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong1, Prln. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Uusinesa, Shorthand and English departments. Private or class instruction. Catalogue frea. , ........ win, rrn j moment oeiriK llll I -....)iiijpr i iiiini fiiiii.ii mm rrrinririi ;! Wise's Customers See What They Buy TUB BDTTER TUB GRADC, I vv 1 LJJl1 RIGClCR TI,B tkob. I DOES Ylll llSIAil WEAB CLOTHES ? l . ''twffitw I Whv? I V. W mjz i 1 I A funny question you think v Ui t mmi Mil ii M m m A funny question you think None of my business you say But it docs eoncern you Whether bin clothes lit Whether his clothes wear Whether he has paid to much for them If he has bought them from WISE THEY ARE RIGHT 20 per cent Reduction on Boys' Suits, etc. 20 per cent Reduction on Hats. 20 per cent Reduction on Underwear. This is Why! All flO tiuits or Overcoats, now g All $12.50 Suitfl or Overcoats, now io qO All $15.00 Suits or Ovoicoats, now J2.00 All $17,50 8uitH or Overcoats, now 14 00 All $20.00 Suite or Overcoats, now jg qq AH $25.00 Suits or Ovorcoats, now 20.00 20 per cent Reduction on Pants. 20 per cent Reduction on Mackintoshes. 20 per cent Reduction all 'round. HERMAN WISE: THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORIA, OREGON SEE Si-