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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
Till'; MUltMrtO ASTOKlAN, 8 UN DAY OCIOIiKU 22. Ji.99. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the ystem or.s EFFECTUALLY OVtRCOMM LrO & ' hb,tUAicoW,pation ''cV::" v?n rv fatiunw) raw M. U BOER REPUBLIC AND ITS FOUNDERS Tlu'lr Lack of I'rorcss; BloJry, and Stupidly arc I'rrvalllnR CliaracterlMlrj'. onflhts with km.unij on part of Dutch Sealers lu Ex-lernilna-e Hie Natives. I se n farmer whose farm were a j large a Irvonhlio, and who con tented themselves with posturing cut ' II on ft few hundred m They are ignoiam, twnino in. turn, stub- r,y m ,w ,,., by enchantment, no imrn awl iuxy. They nfuse to till the t, speak, in nut have ben brought there sarth with modern Implement. They in, heavy carta drawn by oxen, at the oo ins Kind of fanning that wa donr mi of shout a mile and a half an in the time of Abraham, Iaaoc and hour, jacon. ineir noiiso arc ufluti like .Joli.-inneMlwrg Is not only the most plgstle. liefer going to bod they Important town of the Traniivaal, it If ibhij or tlH-ir boom and call that un- the mwt Important town of South drelng. The floor lJ their bed. 8kln Africa. M M kliMin I n.i I m ...I ..II I. '-". "' cnnoren- ,..,,,,,, Hlhr u, M ,,,,.,., or lu .l-of hlitgledy-plggMly. Once or Krttln; jhtttlnl)Ur, c.mmiipoU. twice a year they set out In their l!ir) wluin. eV(ry nul(n ,rt.m(M, wagon, for th iinuvm town, where , . ,() exc).w tne they go through two or three day. Tr,1)11VllM,. T,, Me ftrm(. of devotion. Tim richest go lu the i -,m.... i. - t miij niri Km..,.;,., ,.i.... ill", r, 1 I'T1 a:i''tom were former, and thy do not tonct-ivn that they themaelvca r.oolil bp anvthlnir men. Iiriiuranl . ....... i i t... ..i ....... .u..i.atr ..- piiiTO. l U-M,u th llm IW jane an mat n uirtleat. brav-M. Luia, iirtHWM tranaplanUd In Afrl ( ...... w.--.,..... ...u uu.,,,, , i umvttt lhe , ,lk, tne ciniim .., ... w. ui nioai auainciou.; H,rrKi, of lhB, and refuiw; ..y nu mean in a rsorman. all thiu:.,.,, , ,,Mlk ttl ..unurai machn .........uew. m.nn nonHuuMi ana ,.:y. Th. y do n.rt change tl lr ld.-a- iihim puritan anu i.igotwj in a Hcot, niir ,h,.P ,,,. tWv r h,,u. ti.r ui ptv, anu you i.iv, ... ,nrltf hm- nrt layy. They have much religion and only brought to Johanrnnburg a par Government mltlga.t the Inequality hk (thlx waa wrltu-n Ix-cemlx-r, of power, and makoa an Innocent man. 11'). o Ihnt eah alone, eah plank, though of the lowest rank, a match en h nail that aerved to mine thin for' the mlghteat of hit fellow ul- JecU. hotel, uth.-ra r?t tenia or live In Tlie Ht SUlt III' Crtifltlrs af1l KllnrlS ,n"11 " during their may. When they have departed the Inhabitant of BEAUTIFUL Slflli Soft White Hands Luxuriant Hair rroduted by the In M m i i' ll. .11'. i..i.. .. ft l. ... HI JliPliy II1UUB UtR, pi. . I. I... li.. it a m... .....-.... ' - ,,UI1 ot-curi in loiiom-inf hv a Jir, or If you will- tMr. Iulklu.ll.,. At. . m Vn al.u u..l.l ... . . I ' vUIll , lll0 ,u(J,ng oi - i iiay goe rouna f... .rupiea; th.y are content to live the two Uor republics In Houlh Africa Tm,""y '"""' " "T to suuid ttr)C4lori nV(.,i, aiMl ready still. Ho will" have "to mend or end." for a long time the lloer refused to hnve trains In the Tranavaal, Urcause' i this kind of locomollou Is nut men-' to die on the day that the Independence now at war with the Hrttlsh, with the accompanying i-ac rlpllon of the char aolerl.llca of Ihvlr Inhabitants: . The Drang" Krw Htu, or U(r re- H'lnd In the lllble, u.d It was only public, and the Transvaal, or Bouth ailing the railways "steam tram Afrli.n rvpubllc, now Independent " H!at they were Induced to hove aisles, were a few years ago branches ,n"m ' " of the flrin of John Hull A Co. I r,, Transvaal parliament, the FUad, The Orange Kree Hlat Is a large deft- hn" refuel to have the government .. I .Wkik ... .iiII.IU I . n ... ii pn., un . ........ -.".. eeue rlf hwr fpa,,, a pp,xellng which rendered her redlculous In tile of their country is In danger. Ire Transvaal will never be an l Rnirlliih colony. The English of the I Troimvnal, as well as those of Cape Colony and Natal, would be as firmly i opposed to H as the Iloers tlKnwelves, for they hav never forgiven Kng land for letting henwlf be beaten by the tioera at Matuba Hill and accept tetiu whose iuix-rflclal area la about If II be 11 s will that they shall rjum iu mat i i rani. jno cumaie. ""' agninst u. i v, ,u monh nmuLiio. t u...h f till, country Is U.o drl.l and heal- The in.,st sublime thing in tMs line I ,-,,. johannebunr will absorb the thlesl In the world. The land Is a sue- Is the dl.cusslon which took Dlace In m .. .... .v.. n .... " ; i iiii muni, me afinjr ui ine iimt. ' r . " , " .V"""" "-n. a uperpuattluii, of plat-aus, me ,ower nous or the Kaad on the wU1 u ,wund t0 ve way to th ev.r 1 ,11111ft ana imuntalIM. crowned with extermination or locunts (seMion 1S931. ircieiixlng activity of the Bngltsh; but If ll..v..r I m lit. iI.m n.i..lram - ..... .. t ..... " - ' ooiTinous uoumers. u IS U-slallon, nave exuawu iphii Tiie papers the ! .(, ,r,.MiKP t Emtland will """k .isolation, iimni'nalty. Only since vti'lug tonowing luount or part of the de power sll lu attainments help to new,.10 vaM u,.,!,,.., uf Afrlcn hiv. I ltc: . -- - Colli) II 11 1 mmmySHKKKBIS!TKmn'r' Karl's Clover Root Tea IW.uilfW. IK. rnmplnkm, fSirtlW. Ik ., (ivr a f, ( Icarhklll. I ufv.i un ii el '." i 'i woi l.wUv st.- limlr. Niltl mi mI.mUiiI .iii.mi. tiy all dttiiliftoa t 3V., 0c. ihI ftl.UO. t. C. WILL 4 CO., ItftOV, N. V. The funeral at fine Itldge, 8. P., of 'Conquering Ui'ar, the Indian chief who, after winning a hundred buttles agalna. unfriendly trllxn died from was atiended hy six of his wlvea, with feces painted black for mourn ing, mid 123 of his children and grand children. HERVITA PILLS Reitort Vllftllly Lost Vlfor mi Msobooo. 'Cure Imtiotcncv, Night Kmlsaloniand wiHtlnc iilitcascj, all effects of self i abuse, or excess and India jcretlon. A nerve tonic and hlootl builder. Brings the rnlnk plow to pale checks and restores the Are of youth. By mall AOfl per box. Oboxei lor tf i.nv; witn a written gtiaran- tec to cure or remna tne money. Send for clroular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Ctlrrton Jack son Sta CHICAGO, ILi ror lale by Cftsrlea Riaera, Druggist. Oregon. hud a true Id.a of space. "r. I.eyda. secretary of state, n-ao Tow aids the middle of this century a a cooimunlcntl.m from the Cape and large number of U. r. wishing to s- Or.imri. Free Stale irovemments. n- cop from the continual encrouchmenls iih.viIiik eo-opnvtlon In the destruc- of luu Kngluli, (juliti-d the Cape, and tlmi of iH'iists. went with thilr Hocks and tVrd to an' ".Mr It.Mm luUit locusis wvre u luilis'iiau district sliuuted Iwlwwii tlic plague, its In the days of King l'hsra- Vaal and the Urange rivers. They soon i.n, sent by God; and the country organised ih. nis. lvs Into a republic, would assuredly be hauled with shame and began to hope that they were now ami oblo'iuy If It tried to rul' forever out of the reach of the Kng- hand agolnst the mighty hand of the 1111. ! Almighty. They were inlatakcii. Vou are never' "Vt. IVcler and Mr. Blwiikump out of the reach of the iCngllsb. HM)kc In th same strain, quoting The ltocrs have a bad habit, which largely from the 8rr1rtures. has ciiiHtu4illy la-en tin- can.- of quar- "Mr. M'oolmaroji pntMed a gi- rel. botwwn them and the Kngtlsh, III erul day rf prayer and humiliation tm the eyes of the liners, the alrtglm- of S.mth Afrha. 8.iUlh Africa are not human beings to "The chairman related a true story be conciliated, but wild animal to be of a man who? farm was alway tracked and exterminated whenever oc- spared b the locum until one day ciulnn offers. When they did not kill ho caused some to be killed. His farm them, they inude slave of tin 111 oJid was devasUAdd. drove Ihetn to work with greul leather ".Mr. Stoop conjuiwl the nu iulx-ra whips, that they never would have not to constitute themselves terres- dure J used upon Uu oxen that drew tilai fwin, and oppotie the Almighty, their carts. They neither sought to "Mr. I.ucu Meyer nUm-d a storm by cIvIIIm or Instruct them, nor even to rlJIcuilng the argumeut of the fnrm- prestige 01 bngiann win pront nothing by this. The Transvaal Is d'-stined to b'(im an Anglo-Saxon republic, which will form part of the T'r.lted Stnt-s of South Africa. TVIth me this !s not a lniple .liiipn-sslon, but a lirm conviction. To furm an 'd"a of the significance of this town, so nourishing today, we must go buck to Its foundation. Johannt-khurg has been raised fn the '.urn. No rivers, no ro.uIs, no trees "i tha! Is to ray, no means of transport, no mi-ans of construction. Seven yurs ago the npot was occupied by a few tents, which served sa shelb-r to the during pliHieers who had ventered thus far to --k for gold, at the risk of ileath from hunger er at the hands of the savage. It was only at the end of two years Ihnt they could get enough wood and brick to begin the semblance of a town. The great-st hlnderance was the want of water. and those who wished to Indulge in the luxury, I do not say of a bath, but a simple ablution, had to do It In selt xr water at two shillings a bottle. Hut Irrigation works have been carried out, and the town now possesses res- nri'itlra Till, la a rin..nv thine. f . .r n.tlll'Mel ih.K.I fite flli.V n.ll ml.illt .hmkLam an.l .mnlui H r. r . K.. L.aii.,. 1 . ' ' " - . " - , (ne prce of ,.itI?r water has not iiiai uie iieajru ran kiot a boui. 1 nis 10 nvusis 01 prey, wnicn iney oe dld lint please the Kngllah, who them- stroyed. selves get rid of troublesome notlveft "Mr. Iibuschange was violent. He In the countries which they Invade, but said the locusts were quite different ge; rid of them by a much more dip- from beasts of prey. They were au tomatic process-conversion and dlver-Vreri animals, a special plague sent slon the lllble and the bottle. j by W for their sinfulness." In IMS the liners of th Orange re- This Is how far the floors hnvs public fell upon the Urlquaa. an lm- reached In th end of the nineteenth j nomant trltw llvlnsr to the west of century. getting oft a trolly car the wrong way. I lm,m Ti.y w,.iu going to extermlnaUj A"d. In looking a the assembly.! them, when the English came to the you re prepared for anything. A rescue of the savages, vanquished the fw InUdllgent heads here and there; IliN-rs and annexed their territory, un-' but ,he H'1 majority Is composed of der the very plaualble prvt-xt that rough-Uniklng sons of the sol!, with their lndeendenc was a continual ,ar- 1"T hds, and small, sleepy, menace to the tranquility of South Af-'hoUh cunnln r rlctti , J The Boer are all dead shots. They A number of Uoer. furloua at seeing do not wl'dly aim Into the mass; each themselves once more unux-r the doml- )lcks out man- lw" man's nation of the Knirllah. ttacked ud. cross-' hour "as come. Every shot tells. If ed the Vaal and wettled In a new'lhly do aim Into the mass they bring country, which they called Transvaal, down their wiemlea thirteen to the dog- and where thev soon founded a new en- They Count on their aure aim to republic. I Pwrv their Independence. A few years later England, fearing Th4 t0 Soutlx African republic not lo be able to control territories Pmsb three towns which must be that were axtalnlna such alarming pro- mentioned: Bloemfonteln In the first. portions, alkiwvd the Hours' of the Pretoria and Johannesburg In the aec- Orange llepublic to proclaim afresh ond- their Independence UHM). an Indepen- moemroniein lg a town or nve or donee which they will enjoy; but when stx thousand Inhabitants, that re trie diamond mines were discovered In sembles the moat modern towng of the M70. Just where Kltnberly now Unlft, Cape- market place, a comfortable all that dimrict waa faken away from clul. ngroes, dust ankle-deep and the Uoeis and rechrlstcned Britlah. I pure -air. The parliament and the The Boors sculed In the Transvaal president's house are nuher pretty reneated in 1877 the offenss which buildings. At one end of the town had cost them the Independenc of there Is a fort gurrtsoned by the rcg the Orange republic In 1845. They u,-r army of the republic, which Is resolved to exterminate the natives' composed of about forty soldiers got of th territory which they had invad- UP Hke Prussians. But If there are ed. and were going to put theJr pro- j few soldiers In the two republics, Jeiit into execution when the English every man Is brave and a good shot, conquered and annexed them. Every- and -'o.ow men are ready to bear arms thlnR seemed lost, to them for It was' " defense of their liberty. Beyond no use thinking of advancing farther1 the town, the yellow desert, arid and northward. Their only hope was to j dusty, stretches away to the horhon. rsconquer their independence, ana j that at the point of the sword. In Pretoria, the capital of the Trans- Let this be your oonstant maxim, that no man can be good enough to neglii't the rules of prudenos. Lea a Porrins GAUGE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Gives a most dsllclous flavor to Hot and Gold Heals, Gravies, Salads, Soups, Gamo, Fish, Welsh Rarebits, etc. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. this signature on every bottle John Duncan's Sons, Ageats. New Yerfc, 18S0 they revolted and defeated the j vaal. Is more Interesting. Vendors has English at Majuba Hill, afur having bixMt brought there, pretty houses killed the English general, Sir Pome-1 have been built, and the government roy Collcy. The Transvaal was de-' building, which coot over 200,000, Is dared free, but under the protection 1 the most massive and Imposing look of Englund, on the 25th of October, Ing building in South Africa. 1881. Thrco years later England com-' The most marvelous monument of pletely retired from the Transvaal. I British energy and preeerveranee Is It Is now well known that the Trans-' Johannesburg, the city of gold. vaal and the surrounding territories Johannesburg, which Is seven years are all underlaid with gold, but It is old nnd no more, Is today a town of quite certain ;hn,t the Boers will never 60,000 Inhabitants, well built, possess- dlg for It. In a very few years the Ing first class hotels, shops as Import- country will bo overrun by gold seek- ant as those of the large European rs from all parts of the world. The towns, elegant suburbs, dotted over Boers will continue to scratch the sur- with charming villas; and although face of the earth, but they will not there Is not a tree to be found grow dlg far below It. They occupy lm- lng wild within 600 miles, Johannes mense tracts of land which they do burg has a very promising park and not cultivate, and In their hands the beautiful private gardens. And please country makes no progress. I have to remember that the railway was changed. In Johannesburg you ry two shillings for a glass of beer, one and sixpence for a cigar, and everything else Is proportionately ex pensive; but the Inhabitants earn money easily, and so no one grumbles. The streets of Johannesburg are wide and straight; tii town pr..-,,.,. a pretty theaters, excellent hotels, and, I repeat, all that modern civilisation can demand. Experts assure us that the gold I mines of Johannesburg are Inexhaus tible. If this bo true, and I do not doubt It. In less than ten years this town will be one of the largest com- m-rclal centers of th world. At present It Is l gambling den, vh"iv you are blinded by dust, but reel strictly to keep your eyes open. I Al"ngsidr distinguished, serioue and p-"t honorable people, you have a de-ct-' dly mixed and contraband society millionaires, broken-down swells, shmldy barnns and financial gam blers, adventurers of all nations O'-rman, Kronen, English, Italian, Greek, Levantine, Jews by birth and prof-salon, living from hand to mouth, parsing their lives between the hope of being millionaires and the fear of bcl"g bankrupt. Pretty women, with pointed cheeks and tinted hair on th lookout for adventures, dying of omul, passing their lives In card playing, dining and dancing; while the men are at the stock exchange, the club or drinking and chatting with bormalds covered In rouge and dia monds, and whose wages are 25 a month without extras. Dwelling In the midst of these. I repeat, exists a colony of delightful people, who nec essarily hold somewhat aloof from the crowd an aristocracy of manners, a choice set, composed of financiers, merchants, engineers, people such as one meets In the best society In Eu rope, and of whom I mave not spoken much, precisely because they differ In nothing from their fellows In any "her community. YIP The moat efrctli-e J.!n p.irlflnit ami Iwaati fisg auap la tlis wr..l, at eil . ,,Ureat ud twwtMt for Kiilel, ton, ami nurry. The lily preveull. of piiiqilta, llaliia, red, roach, and oily akin, re I, ro:il. lamia with Itebliig palms sriil slurm:i ni l!. ,lry, tbin, snd falling halr.snu m,t bahy li!miiabs, Iwouue Hid only pi.veiitlne of the came, Tls., Inflammation anil clozgliig of the I'okw. M itli T'rrrtt n C . f B. Uo to U.I. Bnauful atw. Il.a4a.w4 Uu. In Those who bars delayed buying. Hummer Footwear are fortunate. They can save at least a third on the usual cost of high grade shoes. We are closing out all of our summer tan shoes at a great redaction. We have them for men. women and children, which should bring everyons to the store. They are new goods which have overstayed their time- Consider these figures. Petersen & Brown. Andrew Lake 5a COMMERCIAL ST. ...Alerclant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Done. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools for Rent L. I EBIrCK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RA151NQ AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY THE PROOF of tie pudding U tn the sating and the proof of bquora IS IN SAMPLING That's an arguoMOt that's coo. elusive a demonstration. Ours will stand m. tsat HUGHES & CO. Time Is the measure of business as money is of wares, and business Is bought at a dear hand when there Is niili cil-.patch. CoPff TICKETS NrjYitf POIflTS EAST Through Dal see and tourist (leaner. dining and library observation ears. fcimflOAJTf VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. United leaves Portland at 1:10 p. m. No. I Limited arrives Portland at t:M a. m. For rate, etc., call or address O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. or A. B. C. DENNI8TON, C. P. A T. A..Portland Or. ! $ ide"of' iron I forANfiMIA.POORNnSSof the BLOOD CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNtSS SCROFULA, Etc NouegenulneunlewsiKncd "BlancarO' ai t. rHi!C("!vrs. E. POUOERA A CO. , N. Y. A gts. for U. S. i WHITE COLLAR UNI Oohitnbla River and ruget Sound Navi gation Company. Bailey Oatzert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. Fare between Astoria and Portland, 60 cents. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt. U. B. SCOTT, Telephone lit President RALSTONJEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Select Bran . . . Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa Acme Glmen Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats AT A. V. ALLEN'S The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card . . . Engravers . 1 A 22 23 WASHIXGTOX BUILDING, POKTLAXD, OK., Over LItt's. D, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. Custom House Broker. ; ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W. r. A Co, sod Paclfle fciDTeaa Co . KOPP'S BEST r A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of wtrnb Mr John Kopp is proprietor, makes b r for domestic and export trade. Bottled uv: for family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery in the city free. florth Pacific Brewerg Twenty Years of Success . In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney, and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, Bright! disease, etc. KIDNEY AND URINARY Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody nrlna, unnatural discharges speedily cured. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and bloody dis charges cured without the knife, pain or confinement. DISEASES OF MEN Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lmpotency, thorough ly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed. TOUN'l MEN troubled with plgnt ei!ls?ons. rtre.-ms, exhausting drains, bashf Jiaeus, averelou to society, wtilch deprive you of your manhood, UNFITS YOU FOR BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains, have lost their MaNLT POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine, Gleet. Stricture, enlarged prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He used bo pat ent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pharopket on Private Dianas es sent Free to all men who describe their trouble. Patients cured 'at home. Terms reasonable, ill letters answered in plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address) Doctor Walker, 132 First St., Cor. Alder, Portland, Or. Look Here, Young Man! Your looks tell on yon. Can keap It aecret a while. Bo fore it I too Ute go and aeo or write to thia old Soctpr. He has been tr atlng such cams for over lu years, and is perfectly rel abl -. fuinla hi. own medl -i'te and tails no lalM. 0 DR. KESSLER (If the old 8t Lo"U JMedlcal and SunrlrMl bl.-wnanry, 230' Yamhill stmet, Portland, Or., positively vuarau tee to euro. DP IV A TP DUe&r. Thli doctor guarantee, to cure piaITAIC my case of Bnhlllia. Gonorrhoea. Gleet Stricture cure I, do dilfarenoe how long standing. Sper matorrhoea Losi of Manhood, or nlithUy emission., 0 1 red permanently. Ths uubit ol Self-Abum) effectually cured In a abort time. VAIINP UCN Vour error, and follies of youth lUUllU iTlCil can be remied. and this old doctor will give you wh i eaome advice and cure yo 1 make you strong and healthy You will be amaxed hi his surevss In euring SpermsUirrhoet-erulual Losaoa. Nightly Ernls ion, and other efieota. Patients locatedlp any part of the country by his home ystem. Write full psrtioulars, Inolose lu la sUmpx, aud he will answer you promptly. Hundreds treated .at home who are uuable to come to the city. READ THIS Take clear bottle at bedtime snd urinate In the bottle aHatide an I look at It In the morniug. If It Is cloudy or has c!0'nly settling in It. you hnve some kidney or bladder dlseaso. snd should be attended to before you get an mcuroble ripens". x hundreds die every year from Bright's disease of Kidneys. M0 nnTirii n in nv hr-r iT-f ' - -iJ- 'v-'t1' -nJ Mormon Bi8hOP3J Pill t"e u 411 us wa S yai b leaden oi th Momca Cburch i iit.iivcij. i'osiu'-')f c:rcs tie - r.t a; o' t:. tU aii l y uii ; 2rulrtf fron effect of iclf-tnje, Utiiutioo, iicsse, o ciif iix-iw -ra'':n j, Cup Lost MinhOOde ln" potency, Lost Power, WiHht-Lof3e, SDormorrnoea Insomnia, jn back! Eill Deiroj, aimlntiT Emlw'o-p, inm "sr , Nervous De bility. Headache Unfitnas to amr, c cf jrVJ Semen i Va!cocJ, p cone-ipntton, ttoos Qulckno'i of Dfa- jnll fhfOi fttflps ler OU Tw!tcMnaof Evelldtu iiLirnc.i.H';. kH lm'nV nl k'tency t evt-ru fumtiou. act titwnui.r.L ture U at- Ti K. si..r kmall, yn. We loped (MmnlAfrjK that brain and Be?rr center, cor Imt. 6 f a o tif n.. sVsSIssb A writtMl ffuariatr. lo curs) m Btooey rvluoOoi, with 6 Uue. CikuUis da. Ad$r??tf Flsrtrn Rsonlv Co., fxr FranclsoOe On! For sale toy CHARLBa roukka.