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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
TUN MOUNINU ANiUKUN, SIMA,, CTOKKR X. ). pssSSSBSSSZ Li iillni. V r n Popular Business Suits for Men ft liiiliiitiOTriiWiiHPiiiiiwi mim whmm w'iw'sm"wnitiffiiiiii""i 1 LOT 0188 This Suit SI3 50 Cut in the jiiYVrtiliug fashions. Emi nently swdlish. Pink Oxfonls and Herring bone Cheviots. 4 button single-breast! coats; doulle-bmted vests. lrouch faced; Italian lined. Our Specialty & This Suit LOT 9489 This Suit 00 Few men will be able to resist this very j stylish suit. Made out of beautiful dark gray . mixed worsteds. 4-button single-breasted j sack coats. Vest single breasted. Seamed ' back coat; seams piped with satin. French ' facing, Italian lined.. 5 Special Lots of Suits for Men Nothing more attractive in town. F.legnnee of fabric and superior workiiiaiohip, combined with the aina.iiiply low prices. Kveiv suit an object lesson in tit and JinMi. LOT 9742. This Suit 515 00 Nobby double and singledreaxtod Suck Coat Suit.H. Dark gray mixed worled, broken cheek. French facing, Italian lined, Seaiua bound with satin Splendid for everyday nnd business wear. A premier t popular Miit! Fi-urd-ntuni single bieastid Saek Coats single breasted vests, dark gray mixed wor-UiN, French faeeil, Italian lined; s"nm in baek. Silk sewed. Yu can sai'ely buy one of these suits hlilldlohlcd. B. DANZIGER, LOT 02G8 This Suit 520 00 Higher than the idler, but worthily so. A very Ini'idsdiiie suit, strikingly so. ;'. button sack o uts, dotihlc-hi'i uMcd; iitiilc ltri-iiKti'il veMs. French lacing, Italian lined, r inln utl with striped satin. A suit gooit eliollgh fur any man. You'll be mightily pleased with it. -4QO Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon. OSS SERIOUS PROBLEM AT SAN FRANCISCO Trade of the City Has Outgrown Capacity of Southern Pacific Company. SHIPS CANNOT DISCHARGE Business Revival Came On mi Rapid ly That the Transportaiion Com panies wern Caught Unprepared The Southern Pacific Company and the shippers of San Francisco are con fronted with a serious problem. The trade of the city has outgrown the1 railroad's equipment and the corpora-j tlon finds Iwolf face to face wUh thej fart that it lints not control rolling stock enough to move the merchandise for which the Interior of the mate Is clamoring. Shipload upon shipload of Importations consigned to tit ft ---rt-lit ; sections of the mate atv stored In j local ware ho UK's auaitliig the mil-1 roa Ts pl asure. Ther Is no longer a stagnation In mercantile affairs. The revival of traje came on so rapidly that the Southern Pacific Company ( finds Itself unible to handle the ;,-Teat volume of business that has been forced uimii It by the sudden and substantial business activity. The condition is a serious one and Is lamentably detrimental to the com mercial Interests of the city. Within1 the week thre det-p m-a vessels laden; with commodities for Interior s- ctlons have been towed away from the Oak laud wharf, unable to discharg their esrsiM's. When they were ready to unhaiten their hutches the railroad uftVinls Inform hI their acents that they would he unable for many days to supply th.-in with iars upon which to transport their goods. The result has been that the ships have lietn timed back Into the stream, and as soon as thy could find a berth on the Pan Fr.uiclsco side of the buy , they ,11m barged their cargoes, which have been carted away to the ware, hous-s. Gradually the accumulated merehaii d'se Is being moved to Its destination. A tar a day to this point and a car a day to tha-t Is the railroad's limit where the condition demand that a doien car wer necessary where the railroad Via only able to furnish but one. ' A prominent shipper states that he sent a ship to the railroad's Oakland wharf last week. It had a thousand tons of freight for the Interior which It wag almost Imperative to ship by Saturday. When an application was made for cars the railroad officials th"M"v up their handa and exclaimed that It would be almost Impossible to moe a pound of the cargo, for th" reason that there was hardly an avail ah car at their command. They ad- mlttol that trade had revived so rap-! Idly and increased in such volume ttvy were totally unprepared to i handle the freight that was awaiting! shipment to the in'erlor. The ship was moved to this side of the bay and the railroad was pleaded with for any rolling stock that they could possibly put at the disposal of the shipper, and the very best that they could do was to move the cargo at the rate of one tar l'Wid a day, and this to the exclu sion of a doien other clamoring ship pers. At tills rate it will take nearly two weeks for the railmad to move the cargo, where ordinarily It should pot take as many days. The British ship Beacon Kxk en gaged a berth at the Oakland wharf las' week, but before she was taken over her agents were notified '.hat the railroad could not move a pound if her freight, and she discharged at the city. The Itritlsh ship Duchelbum and the German vessel Arthur Fitg r were tied up at the Oakland b. f re their officers learned that the railroad w.i. unable to handle their cargoes. Shippers !ok upon the present con ditions as extremely annoynig. And while it indicates the rapid approach of better times much of the advan tage to the city will be loet unless better I'acllitles for moving freight are provided at once. The consumers of ih- Interior demand it and the mer chants of the ejty must have it In or der to hold their trade. under the laws of New Jersey, and will 'eventually operate a steamship line between New Tork. San Francis co and Honolulu. Four steamers have already been ordered for the service by Hint Co., of 8,500 tons capacity dead weight, and these boats. It Is ex pected, will be In operation about April or May next. Meantime the company will operate sailing vesels and will, as a matter of fact, continue to opTate sailers In addition to steamships, when the demand warrants It. Flint & Co. owned sixteen large clipper ships, and took over the business of the Sut ton line when Mr. Sutton died about four years ago. Dearborn Co. are a very well-known firm In San Fran cisco trade, having: established their service In the early '60s. THK NAVY ENLISTED FORCE IMPROVED. For many years science has studied liquors. Result tht whols world use whiskey. It has proven the best stim ulant and dors not Injurs nerves and tissues Ilk coca wines and other drug- NEW SHIPPING LINE. Nupiber of New York Houses Combine for Business on Pacific C' A. Chesebrough of Williams. Pimond & Co., and Robert Chapman of James' F. chapman & Co. are now in New ; York in comvtlon with a couple or li: i f vessels that run between the East and San Franiit-co. says the' San Francisco Coll. Chapman & Co. j an agents for the Fllne & Co. line, j and Williams, Dltnond & Co. fir the Dearborn & Co. line. These two big concerns hav- amalgamated under the name of Flint. iXarborn & Co. and are to operate stoamers as well as sailing vessels between N-'vv Y-.rk. H i."'ulu and San Francisco. It Is In connection with the handling of the burners of the new line at this end that Messrs. Chesebrough and Chap man are in New York. The compiny has been Incorporated A KEYLESS LOCK. It Is the Latest Innovation Proposed for PostotTW Boxes. Washington Times. There ar more than H00) of the people's money locked up in pustofflce keys, each and every keyholder being renuired to put up with the postmaster a depit for his key, the amount de posited being returned when the box Is given up and rent ptid. Postmasters are required to keep a strict account of the key deposit fund, while the P"tfflce department here has a regu lar division sot apart for keeping this ace .mm. As a p.wtai official puts it. then- Is a great deal of trouble and no money in the transactions, and the final outcome of the trial of the key less locks which are to be tried In the principal olllcs of the country is eagerly looked for. The department haji long wanted a keyless lock, but none of the lock Inventions until the present was regarded as In any way calculau-d to ppve acceptable. Con tracts have been made for a supply of the new locks, which will first be tried in New York. Boston, Philadel phia. Chicago and St. Louis as the largest and most Important offices, and then in St. Paul, Minn.. Cleveland. 0 Hartford. Conn.. Madison, Wis.' and Rockford. 111. These offices will be fitted out as soon as the factory can complete the making of the bx s. If they prove In every way satisfac tory to the department and to the pa-, irons they will be placed In offlcs throughout the country, but not to the entire exclusion of the lock boxes. It, Is the belief of the postoffloe depart ment lock experts that the k. yless box' will pnve a blessing. in the bank forthwith. Borne of the nien draw thMr money every two or three months and send It home to de posit. Even the men of the English New York Tribune. wy ,re spendthrifts as they have There have been many evidences !n been represented, If one may have con tho last y ntr that the officers of th fldencs In a recent report of the Ad- navy have at heart the Interests and mlralty, which shows that there Is an Btokes Co.. Astoria Oregon, fe llng of the enlisted men In peace increased number who put ud money i as well as in battle. When Admiral ,,l the Nval Savings Bank. According Dewey landed at the Battery a few to 'he report, also, there Is standing days ago to receive the welcome that to the credit of bluejackets In ships' had been arranged for him, he do- books or at the dockyards, 1,813,S.'A m inded that one of the enlisted men Rn average: of about tit to each de- of the Olympla who desired the honor posltor. of vting as his fxtman should take th- place alongside of the coachman. "If you scour th world you will never find a remedy equal to On Minute Couth Cure,"ayi Kdl'or rack Ur, of the Mlcanopy, Fla., "Huattsr." It cured his family of LaOrlpps and ted compounds. And Harper Whiskey vcs thousands from pneumonia, bron. In the Minila engagement he "ceased firing' until the men could stay IhWr hunger with a quick breakfast, and on subsequent occasions he and his commanders showed their regard for the man who wears the blue shirt by providing for his comforts In food and clothing and liberty on shore. Phil ips on the Texas, Evans on the Indi ana; Chadwlck on the New York, and other commanders gave personal at tention to the men who were serving under them In various ways, especial ly when they were on shore, demand ing that the citizens should show them du-r respect and encourage them to keep from the luring dens that are open to the sailor so long as he has a cent In his pocket. The condition of the enlisted force p the navy have been Improved In In the olden times it was rtc uncimiiion occurrence for seiititivt, delicate women to hradrd for trivial 01 imaginary of fence", in thi re pect the world has made grrst strides. Nevertheless, wom en still suffer death In a slower and more torturesome (- form, and for so offence whntever, save y j a little ignor v jlsnce, or ik YmMv, a little v urglrct i lie woman who Kiiffers from weakness and illneav! of the divinctlT feminine nrginn, whether she rralue it or not, i lieing loly but surely tortured to death. She utliT" almot Con tiniially with iclt headache. She has pout in the back, what she calls "stitches" In tht on many ways In the lat few yenrs, be- j iide and shooting pains everywhere. She cause the officers have personally n-. "Per.mcrs and d.-uKing down ' xnation1 She becomes wrak. nervous tervstml themselves for the benefit of j ,n1 drHpond,nr she neglects her home, the men. True, the men with blue i tnd is petulant with her hushsnd. If he consults the average physician, thare is not one chance in ten that he will hit upon the real caue 01 ner trouble Me win attribute ber bul feelings to stomach, liver, heart of nervous trouMe. A woman in this condi tion should consult some eminent and skill, ful specialist who has bad a wide experi ence. Ur. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief con-itilting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, it Buffalo, PREFERS FISHING. Albany Herald. It Is not strange that Grover Cleve land Is oj. posed to expansion. He was Very much opposed to the annexaao:. of Hawaii, and would much prefer to go fishing than to trouble himself with the duties Incident to the development of any new territory. shirts and white braid trimmings, and with the brod top caps, around the band of which may bs? read the name of the vessels to which they Mong. are met on the Bowery and on fher streets with lopds they could carry bet ter If they made two trips f.r them, but thert are not so many of them as could be seen a few years ago. The social hall and library that long ago wen established In the navy yard, opened through the efforts of Com modore Nicholson and a navy chaplain and the branch of the Young Men's Christian Association are some of the Institutions whose kept many of the haunts of vlc and Improved their moral and social conditions. Another improvement In the iiillst ed man of the navy Is his tendency to save money for use after his term of enlistment expires. There was a time when he would not have more than a month's pay coming to him on his discharge, and this would be spent In a single dav's sprs. But he has been encouraged to "put by for a rainy day," and it Is now common for him President King, Farmer's Bank, to receive ll'iO or more In his flriaJ 'Irouklyn. Mich., has used DeWitt's pay. Indeed, only a few days ago an Uttle Early Riser In his family for enlisted man (promoted to party offi- years. Says they are the best These cer). upon receiving his d.scharge at famous little pills cure constipation, the navy yard, was paid 1520 by the bllllousness and all liver and bowel paymaster, and of this amount he put troubles. Sold by Chaa. Roger. Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard A latuxh and be fat. Johnson, Joseph Btockford, Hodgdon, Me , heal ed a sor running (or seventeen year and cured his piles of long standing by using DeWitt's Witch Ilaiel Salvs. It cures all skin diseases. For sale by Charles Roger. If temperance prevail, then educa tion cun prevail; If temperance falls, tli.n education nuat fall. Millions of dollars Is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird. Harrlsburg, Pa., on the Wtr of her child, which she sav ed from croup by th use of On Min ute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs, cold and throat and lung troubles. For cale by Charles Roger. Handsome Is that handsome does. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cur will digest what you eat. It cures all forms of dyspepla and stomach trou bles. E. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., say. "It relelved me from the start and cured me. It I now my ever lasting friend." Sold by Cha. Rogers. It Is less dishonor to abridge pitty charges, than to stoop to petty get ting". "When our boy were almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gnv One Minute Cough Cure. They re covered rapidly," write I'. B. Belle, Arglye, Pa. It cure coughs, colds, Y . has, with the assistance of staff of I grippe, end all throat troubles. Bold by Cha. itoger. aruggisu Life Is not altogether a Jar of honey. rhltls. croup and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by Chas. Roger. An honest of God. man's the noblest work Tr "Plow Boy Preacher," IUt. J. Klrkmnn, Hells Rive, III., says, "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trou bl for (en years, I was eured by On Minute Cough Cure. It 1 all that I claimed and more." It cure cough, odds, grippe and all throat and lung trouble. Sold by Cha. Roger, drug gist There Is nothing little to the really In spirit. On the 10th of December, 1S97. Iter. S. A. Donahoe, pastor of M. B. Church. South, l't. Pleasant, W, Va., oontraotl a severe cold, which was attended from the beginning by violent ootifhlnf. He sas: "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specific,' usually kept In th house, In no purpose, I purchased ft bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerfully recommend It to the public,'' F ir sale by Chaa. Roger. Politeness la an easy virtue, cost little and has great purchasing power. N. able physicians, prescribed for many tbou saiM" oi women, tie lias invented a won derful medicine for ailing somen, known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It has stood the test for thirty years. It acts directly on the delirate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood, making them strong and well, it allavs inflammation, heal ulceration, Influences have soothes pain and tones and builds op the sailors from the nerves. It transforms weak, nervous wom en inio nranny. nappy wives anu motners "I wH.m ;itv.dil fororrr s year with chanire of lire wno-i Mrs. C. Smith, of orr. Oi'ade Cn M fH " Hi.l jams amis the pit oi inv atom.,, -l reel such ritrrme weakness I cmiM hfoitiv w ilk I !,f k one hotlle of Dr Hierct's rl,i?n Mrl:cnl iJi-tcovrry aul fire of his ' Fs rarile I'rrscnplian ' sad tin sntirely well." Ons of the sublimest thing Is plain truth. During the winter of 1K0T Mr. Jam Uecd. one of the leading olthens and nerchanti of Clay, Clay Co., W. V, struck hi leg against a cake of lot In U"h h manner as to bruise it se verely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he oould not wa k without the aid of orutches. He Has treated by physician, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whisky In bath ing It. but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain' I'ii In Unltn. This brought almost a co ni let? euro In a week's time and h believes that had h nut used this rem edy his leg would have hud to bo am putated. Pain Halm Is lineutiallud for Now I am well.- writes 8. B. "Plains, n nines i and rheumatism. For nun oy viuui. iiogiiri. "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of month' tandlng; after eating It wa terrible, ifecner. Holslngton, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsln Cure. It digest what you eat. Sold by Chaa. Hoger. druggist, j , I Whoso keepeth hi mouth and his' tongue, keepeth his soul from trou-' ble. i HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re gard for any case of Cnlnrrli that can not be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cur. F. J. CHUNKY A CO,. Toledo. O. i We, the undersigned, have known F ' J- Cheney for the last IB ynnrs. ami he. t t BTnreu. mv thanks t.. ih lleve hlm i,0",f!tly honorable In all I wish to expre my thank to the i-.uslneas transactions and financially manufacturer of Chamberlain Colic, Rble to carry out nny obligation mad Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for l'J their firm. having put on the market such a won derful medicine." ay W. W. Mas- aingill,. of Beaumont, Texas. There are thousands of mother whose children have been saved from attacks of dys entery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It I for sale bv Chas. Roger. WEST A TRAITX. Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. WAI.D1NG. KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale DrUKgll, Toledo, O, Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tea tin orlals sent free. Price, 78c per bot t'e. Sold by all druggists. Hall' Family PHI are th beet.