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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
. .''' till' jlirlHft'W v...... ' " ' ' - - - , MWMMitMMMIMMMIMBMMMMMBMMMMBMMMMMMBMB ' TO ASTORIANS. Tha IIAII.V AttTIMllAN will l found mi mI In I'ortUiid Hi lha wall-knowu lliiunr nuuMur J. r. Ilamllay ti.. tl Wa.lilna.liiM Mlraet. Ortlero tor alitor Ilalni lull with lltla Urn will reoele iriHiit Altaullun. TODAT'f WBATIIHR, PORTLAND. Oot. M.-Wah'lntori. Orrgon ami Idaho, ocoajrlonal rain to flay. .7 GROUND TOWN. J. 1). DiivIii of itaJtilor U In the city. A. H. Graham of MurahfloM Ii at the Parker. It. J. Mill. Portland la at th lllro't nt bcor at tha Bpa candy fautury. Frank Cm of Mint wa In the city yiklirilMy. j I'. Hro lbury and wlfo of Qulnoy are In Amorli, N. Clinton Irft up for Portland on laan "labia train. Mr. Hull wcitt up tha road on laat vrtilmr'a train. A. J. Darrah of Portland la roft-Utnrtd at the I'arkor. j Frank Qulgloy of Orajr'a river wa In town yatrday, . ... , Mr. Krowl of Young' river wan In tht city yetrday. j Mlaa Sophie Andrraon of Lewl and Clark Ii In Aaturta. j Auitln Oanourn l ajwndlng a eoupln' of day In Portland. Htiiwrlntrndont of Bchoola L p,nt yratrrdny In Aftorta. M. E. Erlrkaon of Oray'i river waa In Aurla ycaiorday. VIm Llrala I-aji'l waa a paiaenirer on th down train laat night. Mn, Nurnborff and daughter were In from Wallunkl yeatrrday. John Crayan of Portland rcflatorrd at the Tarkr ywttwday. ' C. R. Cyrua rHurnwl himie lut night after a hrlrf vlalt In Portland. i Mra. JnmHi Fox came down from Portland on laa. nlght'i train. William OuMiafaon waa a paaaenger on lam nlght'a train for Portland. Lyman Kinney waa a paaaengier on hr train frwn Portland laat night. Mr. lan Welch waa among the paa aengeni for Portland laat evening. Chill con earn and frljollea at Lea Herrlng'e National Cafe every day. w Portland Astoria To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the same atlvantagoa as , the people of Portland, wo will, during tho continuance of thd prevailing rates, furnish round trip tickets from , ., v Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free . By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat pur chased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost and at tho same time to take advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS...... For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS ,fAD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to the exposition with each purchaso of a Suit or Overcoat. I Moyer The BEN SELLING, Manager. K, Klnli y of Oak PMnt la In th olty. Ml Hoiililo Bantow waa a paawfiger for Portland on liut avemng i train, B, M. Hands of Vamwuvw, Wuali. Ii In ituwn, J. P. riavl of Italnlor waa In the city ymterdny. Mra. Lea of Knnppa waa In tha city ycurlay, Plenannt fiirnlnhed room for rant 341 Fourteenth itreot. in pnvait in lly. Mr. Fred lluytwr; and wlf were pitNitcnger on tin up train mat aven Inf. . - Mr. J. W, Tlelehor waa a piuwnogi on yenterduy morning' train fur Port land. Pur home-made candlea 11 oenta a pound today at the Bpa candy ru tiry. rMiiff Cuptnln MiiIm'I Illgm-y of Ihr flihnilmi nrmy la In Ov city vUltlng her nlau-m. Tha lateat In the confection Una are Ihoaa delicate lea Cream Cbocolatet at Tha Bpa. , , Tha uhlp Amphrirlta arrived down from Portland yreterday. Bhe hat wheat for Europe. E. Oarr, formerly with J. H. Bey. mour cif thin city, rama diwn from I oi (land Uat night. Roaroa Cael, who haa baeit undi the weather for tha pawt few day. Ii again able to be about. H n. Vldiillln. who haa been attend ing th PapMai ronveiitlon In Portland, n-tnrnrd home laat night. The eldere of h churrh of Lattir Day rialnte will hold aervloi In Klh er'e hall today at t o'clock. Mra. Maddock hua ax-opted the po ililon of director (rf the M. E3. church choir, until lately filled by Mr. Belcher. If you want any Health Food that your grocer doei not have, wrlta Knapp Broa. Helih Food Co., Eaat Portland, Ore. Wanted-OIrl for rneral houaework. Inquire at tha renldenoa of B. Damlger, on Fourteenth atreet, naar Franklin av enue. I 4 Ten tluunand nadera will ae your advertlavment for ihreo months If you p&tiY.nlrt tha Aslortan Bargain Col umns. Llouienanl Thornton, who did service Ir the Phlllpplnea, la In Aatorla, tha guem of hli brother. Prof. 0. A. Thornton. The offloe now occupied by R. L. Hoyle A Co. can be rented after the 1 of November by Inquiring of Her man Wine. Buy Rnelyn coal; the beat coal for heating and cooklnf purposes on the" ' i ..FREE- Clothin Popular Price Clothiers. market. George W. Sanborn, Afent, Telephone lilt Mr, 0. K. FUalinime, who haa beii In tha city In tha Irrtureat of the Kvknlng Telegram, lift op for Portland laat evening. Vlaltom are alwaye welcome to In-lM-rt the 'kitchen of tha Bpa candy factory, where averylhlnf l the per feotlon of cleanllneaa. Ifinoyulopedla Brlttanloa, IS vol., iihnep, 2V Beat teachers' Bible, now, 90c, at Hyland'a Bros.' Book Btore, Portland. Bee advertlaement A goodly number of Aatorlans, In cluding aeveral offlclala and prominent bunlneaa men. went up to Portland yes terday to onlebravta Aatorla day. Roily n coal laats longr, la cleaner and makes leas trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Banborn, Afent, Telephone 1I1L Th ahlos AlL-lnoua and Crown ol Oormany arrived In yesterday. The Al ,iiifriia la laden with coal and will dis charge part of her cargo at this port. "visitors from Portland and elsewhere will find the pleaaanteat rooms In As-j torta at the Bay City house, 17 Tenth streut, Mrs. E. 8. Andrews, proprietress. When In Aatorla. transient guests can socure unsurpassed accommoda tions at the Aator House. Perfect cook ing and nice, clean rooms. Ratea, tl per day. Roalvn coal la the bst and moat eoo-' nomlcal coal for household use In As toria. Try H onoe and you will have no other. Oeorge W. Banborn, Agent, Telephone 1S1L I. W. Harper's Nelson county, Ky., whiaitev. A rentleman'a whiskey; a whiskey for the sideboard: a whiskey for the sick room. Bold by Foard k Blokes Company, Astoria. Oregon. A memorial Bfrvlee. In comnn ratlon of Oregon's dead eolidiT will 1h held this afternoon at the Marquam Urand in Portland. LteuUnant Bherman and laff f the reserves of this city wilt attend. ' Tho friends f Mr. J. T. Bullock win ha shocked to learn; that his child ren, now at Ooldendale, Wash., are afflicted with the amall pox. Mrs. Bul Imk haa wrttu-n for her hunband to coma to them. Fears were entertained concerning the safety of the government transport Senator, returnlnf from Manila. The Senator la th boat that carried the Or egon recruit to Manila. She haa the Inwn troops now on board. At tile Justice court yaterday after noon Paddy Lynch pleaded guilty to a charge of assault on on Hansomi. At the. time (4 hU am'at Lynch was placed under $28 bonds and upon his entering his pica at the trial was fined lit.. aaVlint) I , U 1 1 KIT sllH"i ! At the Congregational church today , ... I ilia Rev. Edw. Curmr. will preach In th 3rd and Oak Streets, Portlnrd gCo. mrnlng, 11 o'clock, on tha subject, "The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven." In the evening, 7:30 o'clock, the subject of the sermon will be ,"Tue Ctr than Bolomon." All are welcome ai thi-no services. Tha ladles of tho Relief Corps will give an afternoon tea and ajnm sal at the residence of Captain Johnson, 428 Franklin avenue, on next Tuesday, th 24th. In the evening, at the same Dl'ic. the ladles will entertain the pub lie In a social. way. All, are, cordially invited to attend both trams gainer. Ing. The young people will be mart especial! welcomrt at th evmlng's en tertainment. , , ... , Mlns Blgne Palmberg, recently arriv ing from the Eaat, desires to announce to th'i ladles of -Astoria that she haa on-iied dressmaking parlors on Ninth strwt. near Commercial, next door to Delllng"' printing olllce. Ml Pulm bi-rg haa had thorough experience In 'fttl-ia and fitting ladles' garments of nil kinds, particularly tailor-made suits n.d (floaks of the lateat and most fash ionable designs. . . A man very shabbily eutlred but very earnest in manner attracted a crowd at Orlffln t Reed's corner nlgnl. He waa delivering a speech of tho religious exhortation order, and 1ih grot-u gvturn and voloe that could he heard for blocks, waa the center of attraction a long as he lasted. Where he Is from and where he Is going remains a mystery, but wherevef he Is he will undoubtedly b heard from. : . Next Thursday evening Flalver's opera house should be crowded to wit ness the great farcical comedy en titled "My Friend from India." It ! without exception the finest company traveling. Walter Perkins, the leading man. has made the play famous, and Is supported by Smith 4 Rice's come dians. The performance Is on the order of 'The Wrong Mr. Wright" and "Whut Happened to Jones," and Is first-class In every particular. Seat sale opens Tuesday morning at Grif fin & Reed's. The services al the M.'E. church to-( U.iy will be of more than passing Inter-1 cat. Th" subject in the morning will be "Foi:r R.-autlful Lessons From the, Ads of a Nobleman"." Mlsa Stewart will sing "Ave Maria' by Pit-tro Mos-j coRln. In the evening the theme will bo, "I Hav? Gone and Played the Fool." This will be an interesting dis course, one that the public ought to hoar. Mlxs Biewart will sing "Abide With Me." by B. Llddle. A double1 quartette will have charge of the mus-l Ic of the day. Mrs. Mnddock will dl- i?ot the choir beginning the first Sun-' day In November. ,i Lovers of good music In Astoria have reason to greatly regret th? departure frm the olty of Mi. Wm. Belcher, who will reside In Portland for an Indefinite tlm. He goea to accept a position of tenor In the- First Congregational churvh and to study under Herr Schott. Mr. lWcher hns an exceptionally fine voloe. Ho hns been Identified with the choir of the First' Methodist church for many years, and for some months has been choir director. Ho Is well quail- fled Mr this position. ajd will be great- 1, i'i ' '!' - a'wuya been a prominent faotor. There waa a scfne of wild commotion In a Chlrese laundry the other day. A young man was having work done byj the laundry, and had in his possession Hie ticket that Chinese laundrymen al-; ways give to tlu4r customers, and which It Is absolutely necessary to have In order to regain the laundried r.kmIs. In this particular case a friend got hold of the ticket, and, making an' exnet duplicate, presented It to the Chl-j r.atnsn and without ar.y trouble gained poKsessloh of his friend's bundle. It wai. tukon to Its owner, and th trick, was told. The original ticket was then presented by the rightful holder, and then the trouble began, xne noaa ini nuinan called in his assistants, and an I excited pow-wow was held. With wild gesticulations ana pigeon uuBusn, xuvy nttcinpted to explain to the white man that his goods had already been given' out. Thereupon the man feigned great wrath, and, Uma.tenlng the Mongolians with the stern arm of the law, took his departure. It Is not known) whether or nr. rho heoueued arentrv have entirely reocvered from their wild-eyed excite-J menl, but In any caae It would be wise, for the forger to keep out of their clutches. N. W. TALLANT DEAD. A Fromlnent Business Man Passed Away Yterday. xt ... rr..nnn, nKMAi.t rtf ttlA Polum . . y , luiiu-tti, " v. - w ... w bla River Packing Company, died In this city yesterday evening between 8 and 7 o'clock, from apoplexy. He hadi been in excellent hearth and spirits and the stroke came without warning. Mr. Tallant haa been rooming In the Page building for several weeks. Tes-j i..ln,. mrttrilntr hA 'A.rone. about his LCIUOJ ,uv..i..0 j usual hour, shaved and dressed him self, and started out for breakfast Going down the stairs he felt the sud-( don pang of apoplexy and sat down on the steps, resting his head against the wall. Here, soon attor Mr. B. D. Johnson Uncovered him. Carrying the strick en man to his room, he summoned Dr. J. A. Fulton and everything that med irnl iklll could do was done. Mr. Tal- lanfs brother, Mr., E. W. Tallant was! summoned and he waa with him until death came. The remains will be taken to San Francisco this evening tor Interment. Nathanal Weld Tallant waa born In Nantucket, UoMtachuiietitH, January ii. ltM, In 1600, a boy of 16, he came U San Francisco, and that city has In a measure been his homo since. . Ua haa been asaoclatad wHb the Cut ting PacWng Company for over! 20 years fld In 1X74 fejok charge of (hat company's cannery on the . Columbia rlvqr. At, the tlm of his do&th. he waa president of th Columbia Rlvar Pick Ing Company. His brother. Mr. E. W. Tallant, and a slater who resides In California, survive Mm. He waa un married. , . . .Mr., Tallant was an active clear beaded and progressive buaimaw man, atralahtforward In all his dealings, and honeat and reliable in blb busi ness and private UN. His death la a distinct Iocs to the comunlty, . ASTORIA NIOHT. Yeaterday's Telegram. ' 1 1 ' This Is Astoria evening at the expo' altion, and a good many people from the city at the mouth of the Columbia are Improving the opportunity to visit the metropolis and contribute a' mite each to the auoceas of the big 'Portland fair. This Is the kind of a return visit for that of a thousand Portlandera, mor or less, who attended the annual regatta at Astoria two months ago. We welcome them In the rain, aa they did us, only they are not disappointed at It now, and our show Is under cover, where thoy can keep dry. But being frim Astoria, they don't care much about that. But wt or dry, we wel come them all the same, and are glad that they are having a pleasant time; for a lot of Astoriana couldn't have an unpleasant time very long anywhere, or under any sort of circumstances. We dispute a little aometlmea, perhaps, about the future great port of the Pa cific Northwest, but on such fraternal occasions aa this we forget all about all Irritating problems, and simply en Joy ourwelvea. Astoria will be well rep resented at the exposition this evening, and If the Airtorians will furnish de cent August weather next year, their towr will be fairly overrun with Port- landers attending the regatta. WSART LONG DISTANCE PEDES TRIAN. v ' - . U ' ' ' New York Prcas. The octopus haa been chased so far that It Is getting soft corns on Its tentacles. Flue Millinery. MISS McRKA Corner 10,h nd Co111 merrial 8ta. rr UJi-i' Tailor litdli'Tiiltr. I. Ds Boyer, Merchant Tailor lp-to-Date 1 1m I'oarlh St., roEILMD, RL Y. M. C. A. n.iild'g, fi)labiTiMt ? The Portland Restaurant - l i. mmut, Piopriefc r. . ritit IsoitfcrUiiK, tiut.aear ain PORTLAND OPEN DAY Established 9 h AND NIGHT... E. House's I - Cafe; 5 128 Ikiri Siwt, Nrtland, regn. S ;. f- ' The Bwt Cup of or Coco in we cuy. V cream snd Milk . g f rum our own ranch v Home mads Pies and cakes. ft. Watson's Restaurant WATSON BROS., Propr'a, Conducted on the check system, there fore pairom pay for whut Uiey order and no more. We Claim' the Largest, Cheapest, Best ana quiriesi sm.rc id ue nurmwcsu 109 and 111 Fourth St. Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND Beautiful Millluery At prices within tbe reach of all. Call Bin! examine tbe new styles. MRS. ROSS, 183 Uth Street The BEE HIVE. Nitty Swell Jackets Plush and Golf Capes, Fur Collarettes and Scarfs In all the ht'tet novelties In this line. Look at our Goods and Prices Ladies' brown melton Jackets $2.75 'BlacJk boucls cloth jacket Black boucle cloth jacket trimmed in anpliquecl kersey cloth 8.85 Elegant all wool kersey jacket. ...1.50 In Childrens cloaks we are carrying the largest assortment ever bwfore dis played in our store. 407 CQJIMKKCIAL ST., ASTORIA. Bargains in Ladies' We want room for Men's and Boys' Clothing Here's a Snap, Good Overcoats at $9.75. -REMEMBER THE PLACE- . Welche's Clothing Store, 225 Morrison SL, bet. 1 and 2, Portland, Ore. EARNEST MILLER Fresco Decorator:: and Scenery Artist II ALSO DEALER IN : J I Latest Designs Mco.oly Wall Papers JUST RECEIVED : - 127 First Street, Portland jj n-rw We Rent WJT. V Many New Improvements Added SEE OUR LATEST r &! 4 Smith Premier Typewriter P fEW ART CATALOGCci FREE t "-:?r J L. & M. ALEXANDER ii CO., Plionc Main 574 lJkiaV-v Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Veeetalle Frilt ...CAN Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Prices 5 PALACE W. W. Whipple.ProprietOr Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE! BCRVICK.... FIRST-LASS CDIHNB.. PRTVATB ROOIIS FOR LAD II. 538 Commercial St., W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Una ol Piwf. Tobacco, and 5moker' Articles. 47 Commercial St. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. ....High-Gradc Cc"::: for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attractive location (40 milea fron Portland on the Southern Paolflo Sprlnpneld branch). Complete and thorouffh preparatory, literary, sclenMflc, olaswlcal, normal, commerol al course. SPECIAL. COURSES in matVoWtl, Surveying, Drawing, Ci vll Service, French, German, Spa aura Italian, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music. Academic Dgree and Teacher.' State Certlllcates and Diplomas Conforrid. Bend for catalogue , ADDRB3fc The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Or & Children's Shoes Ltdies' $3.50 8hoes at 2.65. - Lndies' 2.7a and flOO shoes' ! at $2.25. ' '. ,r, .M , j '1., Ladies' $1.95 and $2.25 shoes' at $1.65. " - "' ; .. . i Ladies' $1.50. shoes at $1.15.. 4 New Typewriters HI II EaCwisIvb Paciiic'Coadi 1'culeru. 245 Stark SL Portland Metal Works spice sal . Syrnp Tin a Specialty. Fairnaven, Wasn. Astoria, Oregon Manufacturer ol tho Always Reliable "U Belte Astoria" Clear Sctielbe's Opera Star Scheme's Special 'And Other Brando S i. ...