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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1899)
t$ikn VOL, L, asTOKIA. nicWiON, M.'NOAY. OCTOBER 22. 18U. MO. 124 5? n. . ill ICirriV IVE T Pi AM OLD THING. Bought before the ad vance and sold regard loss of it on account of moving. Eclipse Hardware Co. ROB BOND HTRERT HOW BULLER PROPOSES TO RAID THE TRANSVAAL ' 9 ' ' " Will Invade From Different Directions With Four Large Divisions. Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper.!. New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens llox Decorated Paper wnd Knvelopeifiiw HIS FORCE WILL EXCEED 80,000 MEN The Outlook puhlbihe a dispatch froiti Cape Ton dated yrt?rdiiy, al leging ihi Uoer an; not II k-ly to make any further considerable offensive movement. The correspondent ay: "They are utterly demoralized and the m-rn refuse to take risk." I ONLY THIKTr-ONK KILLED. GERMANY IS DECIDEDLY HOSTILE TO ENGLAND Even Literal Newspapers Charge Great Brit ain With Criminal Aggression. On Hrlllsh Bide 1S1 Wounded On-1 i eral Symon In Better, j LONDON, Oct. 21.-Tli war office an-! nounced that In the fighting yesterday : bHween Glentoe and Dundee, Natal. ' 31 nrm-commlssloned officers and men , za,rhrroZ:r jTHE general continental attitude White aayi Sir William Bymon U bet-j ter today. j MOVEMENTS OF BRITISHERS. 1 VLl. .A A a an . . . . m - . ' WW Possibly Lead the Principal Body Through Ihe Free Slate! LONDON- "p trom imswnniry isine uniyifne t-rom which Enfiana can Keas- force with field gun. fanded yesterdayl O"1" EXPeCt ABY Mrl SOFPOft Md Sympathy at Rlmonatown and took a train for the ' north. The exact destination was not ' revealed. . I Sendin; the Others to Hold Natal More Engage ments Reported. GRIFFIN & REED - - 1 'i Here Is a List 1 Ot some High Grade Goods at mcdeiate puces! s t o, jrrlglil I lm) f A lel I'r L()NI0 N.Oct. 21. Tlit- Associated Tress learn tlmt the ilans of Sir Kcdevi r Buller, coininander in chief of the British force, now on bi way N'tilh Africa, are to have ftitir divisions, each a litlle aiiny in itself, and each capable of meeting the full strength of the Boers. As his forces will exceed XI 1,000 men, this is regarded n feasible. With the three annicM he intends to invade the Transvaal from differ ent point, po..iidy leading the principal force thiuligh the Free Mates, sending the others to hold Natal. In Her Present War. Fancy Creamery Uniterm Kegs and Rolls. Strictly Fresh Kggs. New Crop Maple Syrup. Buckwheat and (Jridle Cake Flour. Packard ASmith'a Fancy Italian Truum New Crop Nuts, Fig, Mince Meat. ROSS, H1GGINS & CO TheSllverfield Fur Manufacturing Co., 3H3-2HS Morrlaon Hi., Portland, Or. To the LocIIch of Astoria i V will naru you one-fourth on every garment you purolmne from n. be cnuse are direct MianufHiturcre, anl you will ave the middleiimn' prollt. Kur enllHri'liio, rnun ...... up KurN.rk Dunn, from ...TV up UitlrV Kllli-TiOlor Uadu Hull from II-1"1 U Utltra' Film 'allor Mutle Clolh Jwketn. rnnil M Up UilleV Klnc Krsiii'li KIhimii I Walt, from 1.7' up AlUH-ul skin jKok.u, London !t, ni.ilr Kxprolally tu order Irom tl!W.0O up K.mMlltii of Fur OarmiMiU Into the Uteat Hlyl at very low furM. Hn for lllutmtd catalog no, wliteli we will gladly mall you, Hlyhcst trlce Paid for Raw Purs. Yours Respectfully, The Sllverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co. L'NrN, Oc. 22. At 2 o'clock thin, wa the amUveraary of a aimilar feat morning The war uflle pouted the fol lowing from General Archibald Hunter: "LADVSMITH. Oct. 21. :4E p. m.- i.r l-rltmh arma In India, when the Gor il"n HlKhlanJfm stormed the blghta. OfcN. SIMON'S WOITND MORTAL. General Yhlte rode toward Elnd- langte at S !0 p. tn. Tfw force under , Many 0(hrr otfloera Killed and Wound- I Qftipral French left here at 4 a. m. I ; uy pian ami run iu wwr unur. j "I I'-arp by telephone from the arm ore, train, a mile tills side of Klands I laugle, that at 5 p. m. the ene.ny'a thn-t- SYMONS IS PROMOTED. i Queen Make Him a Major-General for; Service of Yesterday. L'.'NDON. Oct. 21.-The war office an- nouiicea the queen approve the promo-' tlnn of General Symona to be major-; general, atipemumerary to the estab-: llnhni.-nt. for diatlngulshed aervloe In the fleld. j BASt'OTOS WILL ASSEMBLE. I To Pledge Loyalty to the Queen j i Cauaea Consternation. j i LONDON, Oct 21. The paramount ! chl'f of the Baauotoa, according to i dispatch from Cape Town, haa asked permission to assemble other BaauotoiS; chiefs with a view of inviting them to) tS&SXsXl pledge loyalty to the queen. Thlslaj FAREWELL TO SOLDIERS. Another gentleman returned to Bryan assumed to be the forerunner of the j a penknife which he claimed the preaU rtasuoto movement, and Orange Fre jMnioa Saw Sucn gne, a. Were En- wtll candidate lom. when passing State burghera near the Baauoto bor-j lcte)J Hepe Tecr, aer are saio to oe in . ie i Kotf-. XMXVOS. Oct 2L-Londoo gave the oprrighled lW by Aoe ated f eta. BERLIN", Oct. 21. The German press is just as unani mously anti-British in the Transvaal war as it was anti American in the war bttweeu the United States and Spain. Even liberal papers, although politically and commercially they have long sought and found an ideal in England, now strongly disapprove of England's proceedure in varied but never complimentary utterances. Speakers in British parlia ment are characterized as "hypocritical," and the British peo ple and government are described as "devoured by land hunger," and "for greed for Transvaal gold." tternatlon. ed in the Charge I'p Kopje Hill. I O.Nl.KjX. Oct. 21. The list of casual- j li-s issued by the war otfice today kIiomii that in the battle betwven Glen i.e und Dundee yesterday one colonel. INTERESTED IX ANOTHER AFFAIR guns were silenced, and ihaj our In- ,hrt.e rapuni and five British lieu- fantry was about to charge, The ene- my'a numlier this morning was est!-: mated at l.K0, and another l.OOfl Is ex- J )ected to arrive during the afternoon. "At 7:4.1 a reHirt was received by I telephone Haying we had carried thej enemy's pottnlon, rapturing their camp,' fiiulpment, horses and wagon. The jcavnlry are In pursuit. 0enuora on Knant wore killed, and one general, one colonel, three niaji rs, six captains Bnd nine Ileuttia4it were wounded. General SynuNia' woueds are coniild er.i.J mcrtal. General Symona was one of the few v ho escapud on that memorable Jan uary morning at Isandula, when near ly the whole of his regiment, the gal- Tot IV lea i of id Scarcely More Than Passing Regret PORTLAND DENTAL PARLOR S Top lloor Washington Building. Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest. the Instrument say we have some ,aT. Twenty-fourth, perished. Thus wounded, but have no detail yet." j,hwe l lngic eompieteness in hia vlc- Klandslaagte Is a small station on the, ,ory nt,ar lhe lhe maa8acre. railway about midway between Glen. Tne op1.atlon, ,hug fir peem to coe and Ladytmlth. guard a grand farewell today on their j departure for Southampton, where they I embarked for the Cape. Three battal j Icna of First Scots and Second Cold j streams and Third Grenadiers left. ; Along the whole route from the bar ' racks to the railway station the troop I received a lusty ovation. Before many ! yards were covered the wive and j sweethearts of the soldiers broke Into the ranks, linking their arms with the SIlilMtrui'k PailSPli ' troopers, who were carried along in a surging, singing crowd to the station. At the depot, cheer after cheer shook the building as the trains steamed out, the soldiers responding lustily. their i:yi:s an: ox afkica through on hi tour in 1894. Bryan aid be believed In reciprocity and gave Zlelley another silver dollar. LONDON. Oct. 21. Sir Thoma Lip-j ton's failure to win America' cup haa, THE DOLLAR CANDIDATE. I show that Orange Free State Boers C"1" carcely more than a passing Lave a strong disinclination to right at' KKt tor h BrUish triumph in South Africa haa robbed that defeat of It ting. . ii Public interest also has bet-n prac- ,W Best work at our Trices, becausewe have the largest volume of Dental Work in Portland. . BeitlVown and BridKe Work, 22 karut Rold tier tooth $4.40 Sol Teeth, fully guaranteed rubber $R H) I Heat (lold Filling $l.(K)up lleMt Alloy Filling SOc lip Tcotli extracted without pain ROc tip We employ only the most modern methods and guarantee satisfaction. Take elevator on Washington street, iieur Fonrth. and Bsk for the Portland Dental PerlorB, Top Floor. 'Phom Oraifon, llrown l.' Igoo. THE BATTLE WAS LONG. ; cUxj. quarter. Thl was anticipated. Z r ! 1 1 1. ' J J The Transvaal Biot Is a rough farmer. Eight Hours' Fighting Took Tlacc Be- i accustomed to live In the open air and fore the Hoers All Retreated. I to bivouac. The Free State burgher l -. . LONDON, Oct. 21. The early dls- live li. comtivrtable nncK nouae ana iinlche reirnrillnii' veaterdav's Iwittle nre more clvlllwd. T't would also ap- convved the l.n.nv.slnn that the whole par. as was ,dMe.. that only the dances for the Shamrock to win were. affair w.u over In a couple of hours, younger burghr of Uie Frev State' sllm- . . have resnoiuied to the call to onus. I There Is coiimI.I .-mbl.' speculation re On Monday, ex-President HarrUon i Two Important Episodes in the Hls- , tory of Our Country. tu . - , : r CLYDE. Ohio. Oct. 21. Bryan spoke briefly from the car plaitform to a large tically killed by the repeated failures I crowd hore' Thomas Zlelley. SO years to bring off the race, and casts of yachting experts the fore that the old, presented Bryan with a silver dol lar hearing date of 1S0O, DECISION BY HERMANN. One That .Contestants In Homestead Cases Should Notice, WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. Commis sioner Hermann of the general land of fice ha decided that Jurisdiction by the land ofPce department is not acquired In homestead contests unless the con test affidavit shall specifically allege that the abandonment Is not due to mil Mary or naval service during' the late war with Spain. Those instituting contests in the Unl-' ted States land offices Will be saved much expense by availing themselves of this decision, a many already be fore the department have been com pelled to recommence their cases. FAST RACERS. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21.-John R. Gentry today won the fiee-for-all pace, Anaconda second, Joe Patchen third. Time, 2:04. taaUng the coast record. . The most notloeuble fevling is items. The officers of the channel the BrltiHh artillery silencing the Uoer guns and infantry, and then simply charging right over the hill. According gardlng the numerous naval move to latest advices, however, the battle lasted eight hours and nearly seven hours eluied before the last Boer gun was put out of action. The Irish fuslleera and King's rifles, meanwhile, had advanced. HO the ai-Jent, auK und" were h(ktlng their way UJ! wrdlim lo the outlook. It la re the hill, driving the Boers back from! ported Krugor has Issued letters of until the final rush ! mnrque to Freivh -..ilvateers to pry contest ended without a row. will dine with Arthur J. Balfour, the first lord of the treasury and the gov- ...kl..k 1. .....I... ahIah . S'jua iron, wim.ii is ui'uvi vivio m ,vi . j ceed to Gibraltar next Tuesday, Wlleve ! eminent leader In the house or com- , mons, and Tuesday with United States j It Is going thvre for juard duty, as the garrison at the Rock Is weak At pres- Bhelter to sheMe-r, of the British carried them to the ium mlt. Ambassador Choate. Wednesday night j he will be tendered a banquet by thej THE STEINBACH LABEL SIGNIFIES "BEST QUALITY" Swell Fall and . .Winter Clothes. . . president and council of the London' upon British transports on the way to the Cnpe. Although France Is officially A curious fact wa that Several times i friendly, there is no guarantee mat cu ft lull occurred in the firing on both pUlity will not UHiipt private owner to side, the British Infantry apparently j fit out ships. This Is said to explain taking a breathing space In 'the stiff! the dispatch of the British first-class climb and the Uoer also holding back; protected cruisers Diadem and Nlobe, their fire. . ' v"rV fast vessels, to I.a Palmas. which Th Magnificent practice of the Brit-; Is .an admirable pi tee of observation. Ih gun was an Immense help, and the The list of officers killed and wounded success of the assault was greatly duei shows that while the BrltlHh victory! thereto. Ones the British bayonetsj was complete, It was bought at a heavy j showed on top of Kopje, the Boer re-, price. This heavy loss among offlcersj treated, and when, on descending thewas due to valiant conduct In sticking othur side, they found a British bat-, to the traditions of the British army tery and British cavalry outflanking and refusing to use the cover of which then., the retreat became a rout, ' the men availed themselves during the The British guns followed, and. un- storming of the Boer positions. Amongj Umbering from time to time, threw ' the rank and tile, the Hussars had sev- shells into the fleeing foe. Heavy rain i en wounded, ttu- artillery one killed began falling during the afternoon, and three woundei. the Leicestershire which naturally Impeded artillery oper-' regiment one wounded, King's riiles 11 a,cngi j killed and 68 wounded, Irish fuslteers 1, was a coincidence that yeuterday, 14 killed and 30 wounded. chamber of commerce at the Hotel Metropole, General Harrison was entertained at dinner Thursday evening by King On- tar of Sweden and Norway. He will sail for the, linked States, accompanied by Mrs. Harrison, October 28. FAVORED THE DEFENDANT. State Witness at the Mlms Trial Aided the Defense, PENDLETON, Oct. 21. The moot striking feature of the testimony to day in the Mlms murder trial was that of W illiam Humphrey, who was In the Miller saloon when Mlms shot MtUer.j On the cross-examination, Humphrey swore that the moment after the shot was fired Miller said: "It is all my fault. I ought to have let the boy alone." The statement produced a sensation In the court room, Humphrey having ( ConUnued on Fourth Page.) I There's not a better store in all America to get your stylish, reliable clothes. Our gathering of Suits and Overcoats has all the betterments ilu.t lhe best made-to-order ones have, and they are a heap cheaper. "Steinbach" clothes for loys and men wtre never known to be other than best Their distinguishing feature is nicety of fit they satisfy the eye, the mind and the ' pocket. ( ('tune w hen you can and bring your boy. A. B. Steinbach X Co., Largest Clothiers in the Northwest MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Comer Fourth anU Mormon Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON.