The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Headquarters for Pry Goods on the Lower Columbia
The A. Dunbar Co.
Golf Capes,
Ladies' Jackets,
Childrens' Jackets
This morninit we pl.-v-e ou wile iu our Clonk IVpartiwnt Hticloeaut
assortment of the very newest tiling in tiolf Capes, LmlietT ami
Misses' Jackets at lowest city pi ice.
We sell tbe Y. C. Corsets and oarrv ttie lst assortment in the city.
Wheat and Stock Brokers
MRFrT uikfq in New York Stock Exchange
DIRECT " IKES 10 akag0 Board Qf Tradc
U-U Chamber of lommerec,
Portland, Oregon.
J. v
Poaadrd INTO. '
lllll. .U. I)- I'rlavlpal.
They must have from three to five
- j rooms, not counting the servants' quar-:
The Regular Meeting Held Last Night.,,., anJ nnitg ln priM f. ,.w ,J
$1,0(I and upwards. They must be:
Transacts Some Business,
i Ckri.tmll Trm ltp- Sept. IB, IN.
! A Bocrdlns sad rr School VuUt tiiml
, na 1SII.
I Kur ciiku sr lufortnaUea lUna lltt
nndpal. 4. W. HILL. U. 0., P. a inwn
IT. rurtlu.4. Or.
Prlm.ry, PTwiory and Arlml Pprt
Cmi; colLc Wpriio, MlUtrjr ItlMtplla
uul TninlDa. ttor W U aa iMlnl
Th .AimMi mt in Munii. .. 1 snipped khockcu uown. rrom i.vw
ton last night and dispatched the busl- j to 1.000 house a year trill be ordered,
ness brought before it promptly. I
The re ling of the minute was aj AGAINST LOG RAFTS. ,
prolonged ceremony for the minutes ' - i
f one regular, three adjourned and ' sn Francisco, Will Take 8tpa to Pre-:
vent Any More Tonnage of That
Class at Sea. " .-'
one special meetings, had to be recited.
Auditor Nelson suggested, with a catch
Id his voice, that they be termed hours.
An invitation to the mayor, city coun-
and other city officials. Invftinr them , San Francisco, Oct 19. A
by a lobaring lad. "I am sure," said
Lady Hi ward d Walden, as she gave
the boy a sixpence, "you are a Here
fordshire boy." "Thou beest a lolar."
replied the boy, "I'm a Worcestershire
lad." This settled the question.
The Millinery Exposition
..Of Portland..
The Big Millinery Store
Nothing like II I I e - n ihli ilili'., i ( IiIckii,,,
dOO Trlntmril Hats ('onxtnntly on li n nil to S Kit from.
St tcs: New Arrivals Daily.
committee Take Laxative Bmmo Qulnlna Tahlsta
to attend the Portland Industrial ex- representing the Maritime Interests of , All druggist refund the money if It
position next Saturday night was road tnl, h td draft a memoir I 'tfur?-.E-JJ- 0r0Te' 111tur
and the auditor instructed to thank the , . . ,, . , 1. on each box. c
. . , lal to congres asking for the enact-.
management for the courtesy ar.d to, I , ,.
ay that a many as could make ar- of a law providing a penalty of ONMANMND.
rangements would go. j 5.000. or imprisonment for a year for Like what Is man. but like a sprouting!
City Attorney Allen called the coun-j constructing a log raft within the Juris-' . , wwd- . , I
cir. attention to the suit brought by' .,., , lh I.n,, Slt th That r cM It.
Food Co.,
Fal Portland, Ore., Manufacturer of
NUT R UTTER. Ih EimkI for nlf
and K R CEREAL the Health
Every Hand
Millinery Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices.
Golf Hots with long quills at 87c tmh and up.
When ou come to the city ask to kc the .NEW STREET
HATS, New, Nobby and Stylish with Tarn crowns.
Li rye Selection or Children's Tains, I'lalds, Cloths, Yclut
and Silks all Prices.
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
S. Hamilton to collect the face of war.
rants known as the J. F. Hamilton war
rant with Interest computed as form-
A ... .k. ... ....
intention of havlag it towed to any ?" , ,h ' ",",u "anp ""TV "J
, And then to sv tt stranded In the
i other point In thl country. The tow-i stlfe?
n, iiL .t. i.... i. .k .. . i. ... .
erly claimed by Hamilton, and asked if, ing of the raft on Tuget sound is n.4 b uir ... uir
ho should defend the suit. The council included
lntniMri him n flffht tho n I
The city attorney filed an opinion
relative to the bills of the News f r
ln the provision of
: memorialj
the AnJ l'asa unnotlcetl from a life of ens ?
Or like a niUMhrooin. srunn to life.
publishing notices ln connection with
the Youngs bay bridge improvement. !
He stated that the bills could not be
paid out of the general fund.
The city physician. Dr. Henderson, i
To starve or strangle In the tnngl.M
These are thoughts that are apt to
come to many prople nt times. ee-
Drtnklng glasses called tumblers owe cial'y when they are sick and liaw to
their name to the fact that they are Fay bl,r P1 r,r mwltelm. Hut there
,, is one (lriif stoiv In Orvgun where y.iu
the succsors of little round sllwr ,n or ' " '.
.m., r.. . .lull, V V mi 1 "I l-lll llll
ubmitted a partial report relating the!1"15- 90 Perfectly balanced that, everything you buy. and that Is J. A.I
Action taken ln regard to the small
pox case.
Chance for American Ingenuity to En
ter That Field.
Cincinnati. O., Oct.19. The Enquirer
The publisher of a local trade paper
ha Just received an Inquiry from
Smyrna, Turkey, for ready made frame
houses or cottages of two stories, with
veranda on the first floor, shingle roof,
either painted or not, complete In every
detail, excepting the window panes.
whichever way they were tipped about t'lemenson's Drug Store, at i2 Yam
on the table, they tumbled Into position hlU treet. Portland. Ore. At that store
, ... , . ... . you can got Ho.xl Parsnpartlla nt 70o;
again, and there remained with the siren's Fond. $1 slie. 5oe; rtromo Selt.l
rim upward, a if asking to be refilled, ter. tl slie. 70c. and everything else at I
the same low rate. You can get r,'d
irvivon-mititij trading stamps there, anil If you need
LN ANSWERABLE. the Natural Itody Brace, you can get It'
there. I
i-: l.f.
rutin 4.oo i r.
( ornor Morrison uml Firxt Stx.,
Excellent Example of Oregon
Workmanship to Be Seen at
the Expotttlon.
A good story, which has the merit of
being true, is told of the late Lad
Howard de Walden. On one occasion An
she had a little wager with her neigh
bor. Lady Emily Foley, based on her
firm belief that tha rustles of Wo mi-
tershlre were more polished in man-: .Tf riT ih,T Wh Vl8lt "T f,p"'hln
. . . . , . at Portland have expre. very gen
nem than those of Herefordshire. A eral admiration of the decorations and
fitting oportunity to solve the ques- scenery painting-, all of which hm
tion soon occurred. The two ladle d"ne by Errewt Miller, the Wall
. .... . . Paper Dealer, No. 127 First street, port
went for an afternoon drive ln a pony lHnrt r .,, .h rm,fAmnla, h,
cart. Presently they reached a closed Fine Tinting and Frvticolns: done I
gate, which wis civilly opened for them should address thl firm. A. B. COOXLEY, Frop'r.
Readies for tlic delicious
made at
The Spa Candy Factory
: Pcrtilti
H. W. BBHNKB. Principal.
Room 111
Ure.oiiimi ltmliling, I'm timid. Ore
The Pernln System waa awardsd th
World'. Fair Medal and Diploma. No
hading: No position; Few word-sign.
No failure.
Day and night.
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill Ft, Portland, Oregon.
The largestt line of Lowney'e
Famous Chocolates ever brought
to Astoria.
Phone 2004
English, HookkccpliiK.
Shorthund, Typewriting.
PcninunNhlp, Ail.
Seud for circular.
'Armitronj'a Combined Theory and Practlc ( Dookkacplof."
Stmlcnts lcrn to keep book tiactlj a thry ate kel is business. No UiU
beok, no waite of time in profitless copying. Mmle terstlo sad practical by
tlie iM of collie currtnev, butloeM forms, bill filrt, etc. Investigate this new
mclliod of tcacliing. It make, bookkeeping easy. Call at lbs college, or writ.
Our Shorthand Course
ldul i Spelllnjr, Grammar, Writing, Cormponilrnrr, Shortksnd, TyptwrltlDg,
Lettrr Copying, Manifolding , Business Forms, Legal Documents, Coart Papers,
tctual work la the colic ft safes. Our gradbate. am capabl. lUnographcri.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong, Prln.
Open all the jr,er. Student, may entrr tt any time Dusincti, Shorthand
and English d.partmenu. Private or claa instruction. Catalogue free.
; The Lightest JStore in Astoria ; rTnaTlJTTa
Wise's Customers See What They Buy ; i TUB I3IGGCR TUB TRADE, i
i ' f . r.r. m I
. . MLU bY f glpsf ir j IHeEHeMi . ..
i ' 1 -
Portland Merchants are Holding Up Our Prosperity I Which Hurts Astoria Property Owners.
Portland Merchants are doing all they can to Prevent Shipping Here ! ! Which Hurts Astoria Merchants.
Portland Merchants would rather see the Sound Ports Grow than Astoria ! I ! Which Hurts Astoria Mechanics.
One of Astoria's Merchants has Cut Clothing Prices to Bed-Rockl
One of Astoria's Merchants Carries a Clothing Stock fit for a Metropolis II
One of Astoria's Merchants Stands Ever Ready to Work for Astoria III
- V