The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Extraordinary Sale
Special for thisjveek
Jllnck and Colored fciorgtm f i.OO quality 60c
golf I'luid 40 in. 6ftoqulity 46c
Knglinh FlatiiHiUtto 10c quality Hjc
All other goods' in proportion
470 Comnivrcial St.
Tha lALY ASTOKIAN will Imi to ana
uu aala lu rurtlanit tha ll-hnN '
lluaarr kuiiMiiIJi V, MauSlay Du.. l
Wuhlualim Niraal. Ordara fur ailfar-
tiling lu whh hlt II rut will rnilrl
troail AlUatla.
I'OllTLAND, Out. tO.-Wahlnton,
Orrgun and Idaho, rain today.
Win. Vonvr of Woatport U at the
II. L. JrlTry cams up on tho Boaaldr
train ysstsrdajr,
Mr. Lmtvr at Warranto!) earns up
from Braalde yesterday.
Mr. Buronaon, tli lumberman, cam
Up from Hoaaldo yratorday.
The stoainor Alllanoo left out fur Ban
Francisco ycotxrday momln.
Tli ships Kata Thomas aiu) 8t. Mun-
to Irft up (or Portland yesterday.
Mm. JoJin Wirt waa a pajaarnivr on
the train from Boaalde yi-at onlay.
Chill oon oarna and frljollea at Ls
llwrliif'i National (aft a vary day.
Tin iK-amor Undlns will tranafor the
troops going to Vancouver from Fort
Tha latest In th oonfnotlon Una art
thoss dallcat lot Oram Cbocolatna
at Tha ftpa.
For rrnt Kitflit rixiiii Iihum with mkhI
wru convriiii'tict'a. Address "l." Amor
is n oilier.
air. O. K. Fiisslnimona of Portland
la In tho city In th intor! of tha
Evening Telegram.
John XV. Corhran. representing the
Dully Btalrsman of Salem, spent yw
tonUy In Astoria.
The returning Montana volunteM"
regiment will b In Portland today ar.d
iv III remain over night.
A mime Astorians rvglstored at Tort
land hotela yeafrday were: II. Wise, C.
It. ZlKler and A. J. Johnson.
J. flrady of Portland waa In Astoria
K. N. Wherlcr of Pertland ami wife
art In the city.
II. I. Mlaoner of Portland la regli
tered at the Parker.
If you want any Health Food that
your grocer doea not have, writ Knapp
Bros. Hllh Food Co., East Portland,
Wanted Girt for general housework.
Inquire at tha resldonos of 8. Danilgrr,
on Fourteenth atrart, near Franklin avenue,
msmbori belleva a "nw religion" la
being Introduoed, and to show their
disfavor are having th dmomlnatlon.
In hla report to tha city oounoll last
night, City I'hyslclan Henderson esti
mated that alnoe tha small-po ens
wai reported, 1,200 peopko In Aatorla
have twen vacolnated.
Jloalyn ooal la the beat and moat eco
nomical coal for houaehold uae In Aa
torla. Try It otioe and you will have
no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent,
Telephone 1111.
I. W. Harper's Nelaon oounty, Ky
whUkey. A gentleman'! whlakey; a
whlakey for tha aldeboard; a whlakey
fur the alck room. Bold by Foard
Htokvs Company, Aatorla, Oregon.
Mr, Fred L. Uuavy hue returned to
Astoria, after an abattnoe of several
month!. Mr. Busey baa boon traveling
In tha Middle Weaturn s)tata aa leader
of the orchestra of the well-known "til
Perklna" company.
Dr. Hill limiting haa renewed the
hiaae on the atermT Klectrla, It. Wll
ber Dabbage owner, for the tern! of 10
montha, ,The doctor announce that
when the h?a xplr a xat up to
date In every ' particular and built for
the purpoae will be put Into service.
Bu Rnjlvn eoeJ: tha baat eoal for The athooruT IMI, wniia rying 10
heating and cooking purpoaea on tha1 sail Into tha Sluelaw river, Sunday, wa,
market Oeorge W. Sanborn, Aftnt. driven aahore by a adverse wind! ana
Telephone lilt
hung upon th south spit. She waa not
floated off until Wednesday and waa
then towed to Florence. Bko waa but
Mra. Malheanjl of Portland ehn haa
been visiting her slater, Mrs. Holt, I.J ,Unlljr '""1
nnw alavlnv a faw rlava arlfh hr fiilhe M
' I . , n, in -.. . 1 .
iU Fort Htevena. "i"' "arrian t. ivhhk-j tiau-u
, prrallrrrt of the Orer w. C. T. U. at
The .hip. nermuda and Drumburton 1 orl"""'' but dMlwd UUB l eon-
were towed down the river yesterday. "' rr frr..
Th have carg.M of wheeU and an-lc,,I'"n a""1"' J" """"
ever, remain US mm onirer nr a. in
' months and will then be succeeled by
Iluffalo' '" v,ce President, Mrs. Harford.
Oulllngnr'a printing ofTlce. MUs Palm
berg haa had thorough experlenca In
cutting and fitting ladles' garment! or
all kinds, particularly tailor-made suits
ai,d cloaks of tha lateat and most fash-
lonablo designs.
The Cliy fiovernmrnt Cordially Ac
cejiis t he Courtesy Portland
All ThiiUKlnful Astorians are Glad
of the Opportunity to Keciprwcaie
I'ortland'b Friend!) Spirit. ,
The W. C. T, U. convention, which
Is now being hld In Portland, had an
election of ofHoers on the 18th. Mrs.
M. J. Kinney of this dty, who haa been
serving as president of the body, was
re-elected for another year. Following
ara the offices and those elected to All
them. President, Mrs. M. Kinney of
Astoria; honorary president, Mra. Hel
en D. Harford of Newbury; correspond
Ing secretary Mrs. Lilian J. Amos of
Portland, recording awrwtary, Mrs.
Barah M. Kerr of Portland; treasurer,
Mrs. Hensie J. Hhane of Portland; sec
retary Y. W. C. T. V., Mlaa Effle M.
Astorians who happened to be In a
position to se the river yesterday at
high tide witnessed a very Interesting
acene. When the very high tide was
at U. highest, the two great ship. Ber
muda and Drumburton moved with
majesty down the river, past the city
and cast anchor In the lower harbor.
The It. R. Thompson and Emma Hay
ward were on either side of the Ber
muda, while the Drumburton was
towed by the single tug Oklah&ma. Th
Bermuda had the lead, and Immediate
ly after her came the other, both mov
Ing along at a good, steady rate of
speeJ. As those on the shore looked
their hearts bounded with pleasure at
the sight and admiration for those who
''go down to the aca In ships."
Tale, come to n. of the suffering! en
bound for Europe.
Oeorge 1'olster, known aa
Reddy," waa on trial at the police
oourt yeaterday for being drunk
was lined IS and dlsmlmed.
I The Portland chamber of comm. re
haa asked for a W per cent cut on
I duties at Manila, on Jlmeitory pre-
Encyclopedia BrittAfllc. IS vol., 1 fw, P butcher.- products, mum.
sheep. 3V It.i teachers' Bible, now,' K-'-n proaure iru...,
con, neves paper, uuiier.
other products In which Oregon, as the
producer and shipper, Is Interested.
90r, al Hyland'a Bros.' Bonk
Cortland. 8c advertisement.
Roslyn coal last! longer, la cleaner
and mskes lea trouble with stovea and
chimney flues than any other. O'-org
W. Sanborn, Agent, Telephone 1311.
The two residences that have hern In
I course of construction on Exchange
I street are now ready for occupancy.
I Thev are tha Dronerty of Hon. Her
I Young and will be occupied by Mr.
VUltnrs from Portland and elsewhere ry Hamoiett D'-pu'V Sheriff
will find the pliaaanteat rooms In Aa-J rr(ui) Mr Hblel waa yesterday en
toria at tha Bay City house, 178 Tenth d' , movlng nto hli new home,
street, Mra, E. S. Andrews, proprietress.
The Astoria Football Club eleven is
The four-masted whaleback Bermuda getting down to camcist work. Prac-
brought a $2,000 hill of rnxla of Foard tiring li engaged In with a will, so that
Stokes. The purchase comprised gro- when the pink of condition Is reached
the men will be able to hump up
aa-ulnst most anything. Captain Cros-
oerles. hardware and general merohan
Wlien In Astoria, transient gueat.
can aecurt uniurpassed acoommoaa-
tlona at the Astor House. Perfeot cook
Ins; and nloe. clean rooma. Ratea, U
per day.
There la a foreign church In thla city
by snys he expects his men to make up
In activity what they might lack In
Miss Sign Palmberg, recently arriv
ing from the East, deslrea to announce
to the ladles Of Astoria that she haa
opened dressmaking parlors on Ninth
The city council of Aatorla has
formally approved the "Astoria Day"
project of the Portland Industrial ex
position and has so notified the man
agement. Several of the councllmen dured by our brave soldiers in the Phil-
slated that they would attend and Ipplres. The papers ring with them.
represent the law-making body of the "yFathy la rreair fton. And yet
.,, h ,K. ... . i Ihera art peopls In our midst of whom
, W hear nothing, who are Juat as brave.
President Van Dusen of the Astoria Tn,y M iU(Terlng ,nently nd fighting
chamber of commerce Is pleased with bravely with the greatest enemy of
the Invitation extended to that body,' mankind-Dyspepsia and all 1U terrible
I mi i . U l V. am
which Is working in harmony with the' lnrre "
taae Hoswiiers nwimca diucti jbjiu-
Natty Swell Jackets
Plush and Golf Capes,
Fur Collarettes and Scarfs
In all the latest novelties in this line.
Look at our Goods and Prices
Ladies' brown melton jacket! $2.75
Black boucle cloth jacket 4.00
Black boucle cloth jiickct trimmed
in appliqued kersey cloth 5X5
Elegant all wool kersey jacket. . . I. 60
In Childrens' cloak, we are carrying
the largest assortment ever before dis
played in oar store.
Bargains in Ladies' & Children's Shoes
Portland organization and a cordial re
aponse has been made.
fully. It will cure dyspepsia, constipa
tion, biliousness, malaria, fever and
Nowhere among the responsible and agu and liver and kidney troubles. It
prominent cltliena of Astoria Is ex- tone, up the whole system. Get It from
! any druggist and see that a private
I Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the
pressed any of thai littleness or nar
row-nilndedneaa that Is sometimes
peevishly claimed to exist. The two
cities are fust arriving at a thorough
understanding and such event, as next
Saturday night at Portland ana the Al- Tr,e man who works and is apt to
torla ivgatta but hastens the day when' sprain, scratch or otherwise Injure hlm-
Portland and Astoria will work togeth
er for their mutual good.
that Is in danger of extinction. The1 at re t, near Commercial, next door to
Portland aai Astoria
To provide tho eitinns of Aitorla and vicinity with ihe romo advantages as
the pfoplo of Portland, we will, during the coutinuaiice ef the prevailing
rates, furnish roind trip ?YU from
Astoria to Portland and Return
Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission
to tht Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur
chased of us, no matter what price the garment,
This will enAtTe thoee defining to visit the Exposition io do so without eost
and at the same time to take advantage of our enormous selection of
For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods nro marked in plain figures.
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and
an admiasion to tho exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat.
Moyer Clothing Co.
The Popular Price Clothiers. ,
self should never be without the cele
brated Century Liniment, 10c and 25c
bottles, at J. A. Clemenson's drug store,
The "Astoria Day at the rlr Is not r;7 yamhin Btreet, Portland. Ore.
a "scheme to draw Astoria patronage The woman who has a weak eonstltu
for Portland merchants," for people Hon, and who needs something to brace
-i. hnn.-n, rt nM m n -ni.! P. AouW get the Natural Body
I Brace, the brace that brace the whole
noliuays. ine AKonons wno n.ov ,-, ,ength of CQgU
thuslastlcally favor this friendly visit u y0 M not ,ure you need It, you
to the metropolis are those who most can try it for SO days, at the end of
truly love Astoria and do all their buy- which time, If not satisfactory, you can
. , ! return It. Write for a book with In-
lg nere. tney. However, ao DW o.ue J cjjbmBSSON. 227
Portland merchants for accepting any YamhJ11 stree. Portland. Ore.
patronage other Astoria people Bee fit1
to give them. j
The regatta, of which Astoria is so na Millinery.
Justly proud, and which brings to As-'
torla each year thousands of dollars,' MISS McREA Corner 10th snd Coin
would not be the success It has at-J nien-ial Su.
talned, nor will be the great success .
that Is promised, without Portland's and very liberal pa-(
tronugc. Surely, a visit of one day to
the city on Die Wlllainett Is a small
I return for the week she spvnds at the
city on the Columbia.'
So much for the obligation. There is
also the personal pleasure promised
that will assist In swelUng the crowd
going Portland-ward tomorrow. Of all
the nights at the exposition, tomorrow,
night will, be the biggest and the beet
The attractions will be mulUplled. The
musle will excel aU other psosrrams.
The attendance will be th largest, and
Astoria Day will be so ucseeaful that
the people of Portland wiU be. Im
pressed that the paopls of Aatorla ara
wide awake and worthy of sm Itera
tion and rept
Ts ranroad Crsn itv m
and will Isars nothing ondon (hat
m1gtt add to tha anjeormant of tht
day. "- Tha ears wlD tw numerorsj, ajid.
will pe tiankd op on tii Bouthern Pa-J
etna track, ta Portland, to rourti and,
Washington Btreetf J
Tomorrpwj tomorrow, wmmruw
Aitorla fcoes to Portland tomorrow.
Tha formal Invitation haa been Issued.
the formal acceptance haa been given.
Tha people, were going anyway, and
now they will go all the merrier.
Ladies' TaiUr.
I. D. B.yer,
Merchant Tailor
177 Keorlk St., P0STL1SD, (&E.
Y. If. C. A. Build'g.
Ladies' $8.50 Shoes at $2.65.
Ladles' $2.75 and $3.00 shoes
. at $2.25.
Ladies' $1,95 and $2.25 shoes
fit $1.65,
Ladies' $1.50 shoes at $1.15.
We want room for Men's and Boys'". Clothing
Here's a Snap, Gccd Overccats at $9.75.
Welche's Clothing Store,
225 Morrison SL, bet. 1 and 2, Portland, Ore.
Fresco Decorator::
and Scenery Artist
1 Latest Designs'' Wall Papers I
I , 127 First Street. Portland J
We Rent New Typewriters.
Many Kew Improvements Added-SEE OUR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. AM. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone Main 574
Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealer.. 215 Stark St Portland
I "wsssssai
1. 1. riTTElUR,
MtU lionkVlkltn.
tos tU aaaj Stk
w OPEN DAY tt!lihe f
AND NlUn I ...
3rd and Oak Streets, Toitlard
At the touncll meeting last night at
tuition was called to the fact that al
though Astoria has now a population
of over 10.000, (according to the school
census it-la nearer 12,000) there Is no
Inspection of the milk that Is dally
consumed by the inhabitants, a precau
tion that other cities deem absolutely
necessary. Unkept milk cans and milk
from dlseasied cows are responsible for
a great deal of preventable sickness
and suffering. The council will take
the matter up.
The highest tide of the season oc
curred yesterday. People along the
water front were busy with props and
stays to protect their property from
loirs and driftwood that were knocking
about among the wharves. Water
front men and sailors announce that It
was the highest tide for years, and
though the times are propitious for
hljrh water, it went beyond its natural
limit by reason of the heavy wind
Tblri Strttt, NrLIaii, topa.
k Th Beit Cup of Codas
k nr(?oeoainthe cit
K Home mule Plea and rakes
or Cocoa in the city.
Cream and Milk
frum our own ranch
WATSON BROS., 1'roprs,
fomluctert on the check system, there- K
foro patrons p:iy for what they order
and no more.
W Cluim the larjirst, fhfapcsl, lsl fj
and (iiMcst s-'nire in tar, Jortbivtst. w
loaandlll Fourth St. 4
Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND H
SATURDAY, Cf . 21, 1890
at th
The following Superior Attractions tre offered:
Bennett's Superb Military Band
The Three Flying Banvards
In their thrilling Aerial Tumi and Flights
AIICC Ra)lH3nd, tne world's greatest Lady Cornetist.
Gus Henderson,
Wonderful Tight-Rope Walker and Gymnast.
EVA ROSS, Descriptive Ballad Singer.