The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Telephone Vain ML
Bent by mall per year $
Bent by mall, per tnoata M
brm) hv carrier. per monta .)
Sent by mall, per year, to advmac $190
Postage free to ubtcrtDer.
All communication. Intended for pub
lication ihauld bt directed to th edl
tor. Buslnwi communication, of all
kinds and remittance, muat bo addroia
td to The Aatorlaa."
Tb. AatorUnt guarantee, to IU ad
Ttrtlaert the larct droulatioa of any
Mwapaper published on tht Columbia
Advertising ratea can bo had on ap
plication to the business manager.
national, not partisan. It Is binding people of the United Slat, are patri
'equally upon all cltlsen. of the TJnltedj otlo to ths cor and glad that the ex
ufacturer of Importance in the country
u nora u w - - SlMn ,nJ VMrt, tn www)t, 0f th panslon coin forward I a natural do-
represented In some one or another rf Philippine. In this country. Under its velopmont In which the Intvnwl of
th fields that will be entered. The ex- terms we have numerous international every cltlsen Is the same. The pro!-
pcn of ths Shanithal warehouse Is ! obligation, to fulfill. Theso cannot be dent has always spoken for unity and
sted to have been but a comparative-; trwwferrrd to the Tagals. who have! rd feeling. But it take, two to strike
I neither the resources nor the ability to an agreement and southern sentiments
ly inning sum 10 ecn mwnoer dUK.n!U them. Tn ioW like those spoken at Dallaa compute
syndicate formed but ine P"- tke the position that they will offer, the circuit. Th. people of the Houth
posed warehouses will be similar to me armej reiii'.anoc co me rmj unui are aware rrom experleuoe that lnnl
ma urtahllahd In Venesuel Some Wf wmwiwre fin wi piw m mciv.iniey w a man or national
. , ,, , ...Jdent, repudiate the trty, give up tne
year, .go with so much bene to the " , a tribe in sixty.
American firm. Interested. The and KW th, Mm(-, 1,1, ,he
tlonal Manufacturers' Association se- moM insolent demand ever made upn
the iTnted States, and even day bullet.
of the South as
cured the site for the Shanghai build-.
inc before any subscriptions were so-i r "-howwrd upon our troop, to en-. ormuny WoulJ IJk, , NttV(l Al
Iorc With the United StiUea.
Pa'rlotlc and self-respecting demo-1
liclted for Its erection, and now the
contract for the construction, or me
building will be let on condition that
It shall be ready for occupancy by Jan
uary 1. v. L. KoecK, one oi rnuaa-i
phla's leading business men. w
crats may well call a halt upon false i
and foolish leaders who haw placed the'
party In inch a light
Itear Admiral Valuta rwenlly pub-
1 1 ..K...1 - ...... I. . .... . . ..
that AAilnaUn Hhrrrhafi." hi.h u ...
claim. It as an ally. For tho next , tI,oUnc tn. ,,.. , ,vill(1.i
ho has' ,hlrn n,n,h" ,h TaU Prop01" t0. "T and naval circles. It cont.Uns
""""") u.iivuiiuiuii . powerful irruMvni th.i ik
spent several vars In China, has beon ,n (r dUtlm tly avowed hope that thej M u um,
he management or ine ware
house. The primary object of the plan
given the management ot me ware- ueniuiri may eii w new piwwmi porting power, will neiiarllv h,-nni
v M.. t..Ki... ,1 I
Is to facilitate the Introduotion and sale
I of AmerUun live, will be
keener comietltor of Enilaml. ntut
rlflcvd In thnl II la tht, li.i-n. !. . it.. i
that time. It Is a sad fact that sor- ... .c...... -- r, . . .
,.t In rhln nrf .h ... . w . ' 'c ut-rnHiny ,o oin nanus 111
- ;ru , UIVU,, mmny Amenoaji curUlng Great Uritaln's
arenouse win inu.uiy w a sm m nomn uwauae ine conspinnors in l.u- ,Mal nowrr
Amencan-maup . .....uv
TO KKAUKK.-lht "UaUy Atriu"
nnulnl im ivm mm tuucb rtaalug wUi w
aaj uthrr pr allthri la Artorta. ll
It tke oaljr paper that prvxaU IU fadar
witk a dallf tvlrgrapblc report.
trlaa"aaa store thaatwiesaaaiaaj rwad
rs as aay otaor papor pubUaaoat la Aato
rta. It It tbaraforo mora tbaa twtoa aa
talaabla aa aa adartlaia ai4laia-
salesroom wher
goods will be disposed of. Many Amer
ican merchants have heretofore avoid
ed Chinese markets on account of the
difficulty of doing business; there.
Banking facilities have ben unsatis
factory, and the sending of agvnts to
the country has proved expensive.
When agents have been sent the busi
and col-
The writer strongly ail-
vised a naval alliance bvtwm'ii the w.m iwai victory and t nltoa state, and tjem.any on ,nhor
is eager to replace Ue American Hag Kroun, ond ,h- poiwl,,mt
with that of the socalled 'Filipino of ,llllIan UlinJ J(,n, ,h,
ItenllhMi. ' Th j AtHAanM ..., .... I. I.I ....
republic." The evidence that such Is
the Tagal belief and purpose Is now
before the cltlsen. of the United
States. It come, embodied In an offi
cial proclamation signed by the leader
. W . .... I I . . . . . i
v..r o. rri. t..n lUiure aem- a ,,,,, ,th(.
iwmltA kks-t(fM-i r t I m ska eas. I.!,.- I
...v tf Washington, considers It the strong
United Stales and Germany In colonial
Lieutenant Commander William H.
Reehler. United States naval attache
In Berlin. Vienna and Horn, who hita
It Is claimed, atXMtrdlng to the New
Vork Tribune, Hint the following r
rife will ctue a stye: Make a curd by
mixing a small pinch of powdered alum
with the whir of ,tn egg. riace l
tween tw pliHa of soft lawn and bind
over the eye hefiHVt rl to l'd. The
application limy have to tie repeated.
but the tretttinent Is Hire to le suih-s
U there Is a bargain lit I'oitlaiul It
U to be found al Weleiir's t'lothlng
8 to re. J-.'S iliurlson stiwt. The feal
value for little money offered on Sh.ea
tills wwk Is worth liiiotlng when In
We know of otily one book store In
Portland where so ooniplete a line of
novels enn be obtained, on all the ra (Il
eal ub)ec(s of the day unser dlscusnlon
as can be seen at Jonis' Bwk Store,
291 Alder Strewt
Ladles who g) to Portland and desire
something especially fine In the way of
tailor-made suits will do well to remem
ber that they can be well fitted at I. D.
Buyer s IT Fourth street. In the T. U
C. A. building.
Not only doe. he keep a strictly first-
class cutter for men's wear, but also
one exclusively for ladles' work, and
all can rest assured ot gating not only
i,. , ...,, , - , ., ' "" ''1' "''"''r t me sirong- au ean rest asurHi of r-tttng not oniy
nes. which they transacted evemually( eeptAnc of Aulnaldo. proclamation eM txponitlitn , Mlpy .,, ,nJ bu h- of
fell Into the hands of local firms and democratic party ,M mp)Wan, nttvu, work ,hll, M , 4n , on wx),
has espoused his caune. i .. I .
Wh ilesalo sinl retail itcsltir in
Pianos f Organs
K raiileh ami llach,
ScliafTsr, Hohlllsr,
and aiany others.
Ili'lU.llli Union AvcnuoitnJ
t'Mt AIJr Street
HnlmlU ami Co.
Miller, Auu Arbor
lleutley and olberi
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms.
M, C. MATTHItl.I,, MunitKcr. lleuJ oltlrs U3HUlnHLHaleni,tr.
lloretofor. Astoruins have soul nwuy (or llislr
I now bare lu stock an tin-to date line ot liKXJ io soleot (rotii. Call and (.
amine the in. Hi. most Beautiful Variety ever displsyed In Ids l'sclllo
(.or. Ninth and ConitnorclBl St .
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
commission nouses, u is nopea unuer Aguinal.lo In
the new scheme that tne old auncuiue. cArt that "in
will be overcome.
A forcible illustration of the impor
tance to the Pacific coast of the con
struction of the Nicaragua canal is
found In the recent orders said to have
beeb placed with southern lumbermen
by the British and Mexican govern-' bn the two boats which necessi-
t&tes an evening up through the device
The statement made in yesterday
morning's dispatches, before the yacht
race, that the Shamrock hiid been re
measured, and In consequence would be
obliged under the rules to yield the
American yacht a few seconds' time
allowance, must have been puzxling to
everybody outside of a few racing
sharps. It seems that the difference
him r. ... I n n . 1 ...
America mere is a
I apiM-ared for years.
great party that Insist, upon the gov. I BaRK HKADS IN NEW Yl"l
ernment rcoa-nltlng Filipino Indepen-' ,
dence." The rebel chief kos well ln.!"ly '",,r" Are to Be S
imm on me Mres.
Ai Attrjction the Lailio.
formed about the caper, of Bryan, Mc
Lean. Altgeld, Goebel and the rvet of
the democracy, but he 1. far astray at
to the Influence of these copperheads.
He thinks and says that they and the
party they represent will compel the
government to withdraw ail the Amer
ican soldiers from the Phlllplnes. so a.i
to allow Aguinaldo and th rest of the
At tilt) nXJHinitiol) lir i'ortiaiiil there is
mi object of hiimx ial Itilerexl to the
div in the way of sn ideal ait and
skirt supporter. !W iIium qiulitled to
It was the annuo! crop of fall visitors" . " T , "V" '
that set the example of r.mvi,, i I ' D article. It i. non-rntting. aill
'In the play hourtee when that subject I l"'PIK,r' lieavie! kiri, it cutupletel
I ms first dUrusd. Now the autumn '"dde", is very (triuin, i iiiiek of
Th hutlesa women came to the New
York th.aler first from the ritie. out-
Me .ew lork. says the New York Sun
ments. The order from Great Britain
has adready been mentioned in the Afi
tortan, and is intended. It will be re
membered, for shipment to South Af
rica. The Mexican order, however, is
of more recent occurrence, and Is for
the stupendous quantity of 3,000,000,000
feet. A prominent trade Journal says
such an order is wholly unprecedented,
and i. unquestionably the largest lum
ber deal ever made in the world. The
order goes to a large concern in Texas,
and will exhaust the present supply of
every mill in that state, if it can be
filled from that section alone at all.
With the proposed water way between
this coast and the Atlantic, Pacific
coast lumbermen would be In a posi
tion to compete for these large orders
from foreign countries, and there is lit
tle doubt, with their superior sources
of supply, they could do so successfully.
. r . U .. a . . I - ... I .I...... - .a. .. .... I. ..I I I ... I . .... I . ..
marplots to massacre the foreign rest-1 """""'e orougni wun them to New""" "'" "" """" "
' iLntu rf nil nat Milt Ina n-A .. BnithT ftljhiin Of tht A.I I II H 1 Iliere is a tine eliaiiee for a live aitetit for
uv,,.o v. ,..,. ,,,, I IU fll.lll III' II . I
proiecteJ reien of terror The tTnli..l k""J- '"-Ve'y night women can be wen Astoria by aililreing l, t ', WrVer. 176
States. h.. ever, is not noine to do' " h,,t 'lklng throuKh th. Fourth atrwt, I. t !nij..
of a time allowance has to do with anyhing of the sort. The democratic sir""1" as composedly if that wore
their length at the water line, and since1 party has very lutle Influence in the' ,he usual fuhl""- On upper Brmdway,n..r r im.rin wi on me came cars, in the th'.'dters
I this time, and it will have even less anJ r,'F uur"n 0,M hl' , . .
: ttr-sed. rehniil looking women, buj-e-' A yf,T' aesirauie dairy rarm, finest
headed and compluceiit. I leaver dam land with abundant living
j They are not New Yorkers, but come
' fli.m ti.u n. In ..!,.. ,1... .....I. i ,
' " "iin- ine le IS IOI-
lowed until the cold weather a"ts in.
Manlfactlrehs of
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
md rrancisco. ui. Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven. Wisil
Astoria. Ore.
Write Ust for Prloett
Tclaphont No. .1J
That brand new United States census
in th? Hawaiian islands is taking hold
in great shape, and, If not astonishing
the natives, as the phrase goes, Is like
ly to astonish the rest of the world If
It keeps on at the present rate. The
Hon. Alatau T. Atkinson, its general
superintendent, who is now In Wash
ington, report, finding probably the
oldest woman In the world there, In
the pereen of a venerable Inhabitant
of Honolulu, by name Kepoolele Apau,
who elaJms to have lived 124 year.
Kmc. Apau was tested cltverly by Mr.
Atkinson, who is an old newspaper
man with a nose for "real facts," and
two olbera, versed in Hawaiian his
tory,( and they traced her origin back
122 yekrs beyond all dispute, by event,
which' she remembered either knowing
about, participating in or witnessing.
Mr. Atkinson had previously had a
at th? outset the Irish boat received
instead of granted a time allowance, it j
appeared difficult to account for her;
astonishing change In length since the'
contest began. The .mystery, however, I
is easily explainable when It U rernem- j
bered that it is the quantity of ballast
taken or discharged from on board that
makes the changes in a boat's length
at the water line. The fact that the
Shamrock has undergone a remeas
urement and conceded the Columbia
the time allowance required show.
that the managers of the foreign yacht
have admitted that she was no match
for the Columbia In her former condi
tion, and are now endeavoring to re
pair their miscalculations by remedy-
in? her d lanl&fpmnt In Ilia U'jl., T, '
will be noticed that the Yankee boat
has made no change, her managers evi
dently concluding that she is a good
enough boat to save the cup as she is.
This alteration in the Irian yacht will
be watched with Interest by those who
are following the races, and it in a
confession of weakness, whether it
helps or mars the speed of the Sham
rock, which cannot be else than gratl
fyirg to many of the more confident
champions of the American boat.
Inluenc" next year.
water, r.nd cows, buildings, orchards
' snd separators. Address Robert Craw.
' ford. Nehalem. Tillamook county, Ore.
Handles Only the Choicest Meats
sal Caaaiarclal It., atit Paler MnlaaiaLt.
Not only la the fashion ixinulnr In it.-.'
a meeung or me confederate vet- ten, but Chicago and cities even
erans in Dallas. Te., one of ihe mem- further west have followed It. New'
hers commented with cordial approval ( York will probably never succumb, i
on the fact tha many high place, are. Another Incident In dress iiotlcablej
filled with men who were once confed-1 during the lust week was the dlsposl-
erates. and h declared that "such tion till th taftJ Cd mon f.fc CraW Inl.i
knU'kvrbockra at the ullKhwnt urovo-!
Open Day
and Night.
THE PAIM Oil W. VV. Whlpple.FroprletCr
cANi)vsToiK!Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
conduct toward those who had not been knickerbockers at the liht,.t .,r..w,.l ATAciO. Proprietor.
In accord with the prevailing power Is1 cation. The holiday feeling made them ' u, . :, , . ,
without a parallel in the history of the' wan, to do something that as out of,'"'1 """"ll,,n ",V,-n ,M'tl' ""'"
is true and. the way, and that ambition was c-vl-
won 1 This statement
can easily be verified by turning to dently responsible for the great In
the records of the past. The war for, crease It. the number of men In knlck
I In Ijirr- or -mad
sent fur
538 Commercial St., Antarln. Oregon
the union was all that the name Im
plied It was a contsst to preserve a1 they
common country and a common broth
erhood. Time has cleared away the
mis's from President Lincoln', charac
ter. His inate kindness 1. seen to have
been as large And deep as humanity.
Kvrv confederate acknowledges the,
delicacy and const deration of Grant
hen the time came to arrange terms
with a brave adwrsary who could of
fer battle no longer. Nowhere fn
rant' career was the egotist display
ed or anything done for theatrical dis
play. He fought for the Union, for the
broad des'.lnle. of the republic In all
its greatness, and not for the humllia-l
tlnn of any of hi. fellow countrymen, stranger last week.
M nenever a different sentiment wa.
revealed It fell Immeasurably below
the level of Lincoln and Grant and of
the American people In general.
ijnder the present administration the
erboekers. on the day of the parade. Special attention itiven to family orders
were pHrtlcularly numerous, and, -i 1 1 ,
. , , . , 1 1. iiwirnnit; nun itemi 1 eiliers III
t'.ere seem-d to be a common agreement '
that the costume most appropriate for, CANDIES
tne occasion was a pair or knickerbock-1 4.S.I Commercial St., Aitoris, Oregon.
ers. There have been sinne strange ;
ecviirricitles of dress seen on the' ICTHDIA kNt miiruDIi
nj uni nnu J'lUlM
streets, and they were generally evl-
denct-s of the fact that the crowd had!
tw nn era t h urail t th rw m anv l 1 1. f i f
i . n.u . . .u ' Fesre. PORTLAND. " Arrlv:
points. The preponderance of the out-.M . -,-,.. . . - , ,.
. . . f W a. m. Portland Union Depot. 111:11 a.m.
aiders was shown on every hand. Not t:00p. m. for Aatotia snd InterH 1:40 p.o.
a cable car passed through the streets Irnediate points.
without carrying the load of ptsxengers 1 ' ... . ASTORIA.
who had to be not to amoks on the ' m. For Portland & la- 11:10 a.m. platform or In the front seats.
New York was turned over to the
10 p m.ltermedlate points l:M p.m.
h m.
5:5i J2 11 l.v '
301 l.W.Ar
In terms so direct that dodging them
Is Impossible Aguinaldo announces thatj nation throughout IU whole length and tron,er ln tne wfl arm than t,ler .Seaside . a. m
. Warrentoa
7:11 lit
'Ari :Hj 1:10
Lr t.W i t)
About twenty-four women in 100 are
I iave Asioria at I N a. tnittm at
his hope of success now rest, with the
democratic party of the United Stat..
He says explicitly In his latest procla
mation that "In America there i. a
great party that InslBt. upon the gov
ernment recognizing Filipino Indepen
dence," and that "we should pray to
God that the great democratic farty
may win the next presidential election
and imperialism fall in Its mad attr-mm
numbr of persons who claimed to bej to subjugate us by force of arms."
100 and whose claims were verified :The proclamation shows a clow etudy
by native assistants, but this claim was -panon talk in this country
i ai
breadth i. always kept In view.
South perceives from what ha. occurred
during the two- year, and a half of
President McKlnley's term that he
knows no sectional line, and desire.
equally the prosperity of every state. T
A. I Vl . .IUn . aa, 1 . ... .1 n 1. - ' T
president aald: "Fraternity and union
art deeply Imbedded In the heart, of
th? American people. For half a cen
tury before the civil war disunion wa.
the fear of men of all setlons. That
word has gone out of the American vo-
The ln lne nBn,; wo'n. i"". niore ire- paaaongers may return en sar
' quentiy equally strong in roin ar ms 'hawn on schedule on mldi date.
than are men.
UUIIl'WB LI1H WiiniH ' imtior let.," . . i i . i t..
so startling that he was not satisfied : am! ..lmnpr,.lu,.. ! cawuiary. u is spoaen now oniy as a
.,,7 , B imperialism for the first time, historical memory. North, South. East
until he personally investigated it. Bo m Taal manlf-str. Aguinaldo pro-! and V7et were never so wedded to-
is seems me oiac-in. person in me worn , m una exiraoninary Joe- i?, n,(.r una u,hll ihev mnv differ
lives'in United States territory. If this! ument that "There are some Amrl-ans' about Internal politics, they are all for1
Does the
! Baby Thrive
In the Phlllnnlnc h... i.,-. ..
case ioes n't argue the healthfullness ofi K,, ., .. . J J," 'a UB
t because they disapprove of war of vhat
Haa. nothing could. And thi. para-1 Mr. Atkinson cails criminal aggrai
diae is part of Uncle Sam's farm. I siou." This muHt refer to thr or
four deserters, depraved creatures who
would be robbing the dead and wound
ed If unable to sell out to the enemy.
Aguinaldo relies on these deserters, on
Aiiuiiauii aim on a aemocratlc triumph
in the presidential election more than
a year distant. Meantime he will fire
upon the American flag and uniform
wherever he catches a glimpse of
Time has made clearer the standing
and object of the Tagal revolt. It 1h
backed by less than half of one of tht
sixty Filipino tribe.. It Is confined to a
part of one of 1,200 Islands. Its demand
at the muzzle of rifles, 1. to be given
the sovereignty over all the trib.. and
all the Islands. This Is made, plain
again ln the proclamation Just iPnUl-d
which Jenlares that "We only defend
our Independence against the Imperial
ists.' The treaty made with Spain is!
A djBpatch In yesterday's Astorian
announces the successful accomplish
ment Of the plan of the National Man
ufacturers' Association for the estab
lishment of a large warehouse for the
display and sale of American good,
in China. This project has been under
way for some time, and it represents
one of the most important movements
ever undertaken for the extension of
American trade and commerce. It is
understood that the membership of the
new enterprise has been limited to W
prominent Eastern firms, but it Is in
tended to construct a number of other
and even larger warehouses elsewhere
in Asia and the Orient, and every man-
the Union and the maintenance of the(
Int.-grlty of the flag." It Is pleasant to
find In the same day's Issue an expres-j
slop to the same effect from a confed-'
erate veteran in Texas. When deeds :
and words of concord come from all
sides an era of union Is here beyond a
This has happened under a republi
can administration. The republican
party has been called sectional. But
'ilntory confirms it. right to be regard
ed as the most national of all parties.
The first great principle ln Its creed
was that the country should not be di
vided. But for Its vindication of this
Idea there would be two or more dis
cordant republics where one, Joined to
gether In amity and rallying under one
flaw, surprise, the world for Its progress
and prosperity. Few citizens could be
found at this day who regret that the
Union was preserved. There may be
some lingering of the passion, of- a
terrible war, but they amount to no
more than a trace. As a whole the
It 1 1L! . ...1 t. -
f ii noi, someming miui dc
y wrong with its food. If the
mother $ milk docsn t nour
r ish it, she needs SCOTTS
f EMULSION. It supplies Pe t
t elements of fat required for. 2
f the baby, if baby is not
nourished by its rrtificial
food, then it requires
Scott's Emulsion I
7 Half a teaspoonfiil thre7
, , or rour limes a o?y in m
- bottle will have iite desired
( ' effect. It f eems to have a
', magical effect up sr. babies
and children. A I'lity-cent
t bottle v.ill prove the truth t
i or our sidze.7izr.i5.
4 Should be thhtn in summit MM
well a winter.
yx. jnrt$r.oo. alMruptfUH.
SCOTT in tiov. Nk, Utfihuo, New York.
ALL TRAINS to and froei 0eea ran
ot Flarel and Haemaead via Warren.
All tralna mk doae ooaaeriinni at
Goble with all Norltwra Paetflp trains
to and from (ha raal on 8"inil potnta .
At Portland with til tralaa fvla
union depot.
At Asions rim i k rJ Co.'a iioa
na ran one 10 ano rroia Ilwaivi ami
'onn ueacn points.
THROUGH TICKBT8 as sal at Aa
wia but oacramenio, ana KraiHii, ail
Eastern and Europ.n polnta.
City ticket offloe Astoria. Ui Commor,
i re-, C. MAYO,
Oen'l FVt and I'm Act.
P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
Litemt and He sit
General Supply
House for
Family Groceries
Bqilders Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery.Etc.
C. J.
CemralsstoQ. Brokerage,
Insurance and Shipping:.
Custom Houe Drok.r,
Atant W. r.APo,. and PaolOo KiDroas Co'..
Manutaslurar of
the Ktwmym Rlafcle
AMIUneef flfM, tat
4Tt Commercial
"Im tstu Aatotii" afMr
Scbtlbt's per Star
(207H Century Thain.)
' i
between Minneapolis, St Pad
and Chicago, Is entertainingly
described In an illustrate,
booklet, which will be fur
nished fpf.e on application to
W. H. MHAI), Gtn. Agt.,
818 WuliinnUin Klrt,
F. W. I'ARKER, ,
:"m. AirnDi,
fllO VI . ... '
Vine work at Popular Price..
327 WaeiHInatort Street,
Melt Imperial Hotel
iVlUllriery . . .
At prion, within tlio
reach of all. ('all
and examine tbe now
Posing Bpeol.liy.
The Photographs
N . W. Om.r
Bcrenth and WaHbinton
183 1Kb Hlrcet.
HtrnnKcrs visiting in the city will Ami
tbe Louvre an attractive resort wliorcin
ti spend the evening". The Ammo Histers
Lislios' OruIicstrA isstilJ on the bills and
proHfiiitg nibtly miisicul program of
t-xcoptional merit, Hatidsotne pool and
billiard rooms are a fimtiire in ooiiuection
with the house, i'lilutuble lunches tv
lie served at all Lours.
Dental College
15th and Couch Sts Portland.
Member of National Association of
Dental faculties.
formerly Ta:oma College "f Deota
Dental Infirmary open dally from I a.
m. t. 6 p. m. Free oral surgical cllnl.
Saturday, 1:30 p. m. to t p. m. A. R.
Baker. D. D. B Demonjrtrator In
Studpnta desiring Information, ad
drss North Pacific Dental Po11p
Fifteenth and Couoh treU, Portland.