'UIE MUUMHJ ASTOHIaN, KHIDAV OCJ'OBKU UK I KM. r wm 7 7 fir "--J, mm 11 1 m Uncalled forGarments 1 at Half Prices? I I 0UT of the great number of stilts ordered, many are uncalled for. Our contract with well-known tailoring firms throughout the country is that we take up uncalled for gar ments left in the express office west of the Mississippi River. In this way we keep on hand a number of uncalled for suits, overcoats and trousers, which we are able to sell at great ly reduced prices. These garments are not misfits but suits on whicn deposits have been made and which were forwarded by express C. 0. D. and for unknown reasons remained in the express office uncalled for. We have all such suits that arc accumulated by these firms forwarded to us every iH) days, to be sold at half the original cost. $20 Suits and Overcoats $25 $30 THE EXCLUSION SHOULD Delegates to the International Commercial Conference So Resolve. OUR CHINA TRADE POSSIBILITIES Its Value and Volume Growing Witt Unexampled Rapidity Minister Tin; Fang Delivers An Interesting Address. NilLAOELrntA. 6cl. M. tn hi address before the International Com mercial Congreiw, Minister Ting Fang, nolil: 'Tenons are generally dlallked on ac count of their Indolenoe, Immorality and other bad qualities but I believe this Is the first Instance In the his tory of the world that a people are conoldereJ as undesirable and exclud ed from a fountry because of tholr In dustry, persdveranoe. honesty and oth er good qualities. China docs not make such Invidious dtsllnotlons. What ta fijion to one nation Is open to all othors. All are equally welcome. So far from taking any retaliatory moas Uro, she Is still holding the most friend ly and cordial relations with the Unl ted States and I hope and trust these relations will long continue. "In view of the oertaln Increase of Mils vast trado and commerce between China and the United States and In view of the unrivaled opportunities CHlna Biters to American capital and nterprlse, the question naturally arises whether It la worth while to keep on your statute book a discriminating law ngftlnt a people with whom It la to your Interest to keep and maintain re lations sf tie most friendly natunv "This Is a question for the merchants manufacturers and capitalists an 5 la borers of this oountry to dec!-V and I mm mm Mil TO Hi I for $10.00 12.50 . 15.00 ir tt. 4 Ji2r ACT BE REPEALED am sure they will decide It rightly and fairly when the faot are laid before them." An Important statement made by th minister In his address which met unstinted applause was In reference to China's opposition toward the open door policy of Great Britain and the United States to which policy frequent nfiience had been made by other speakers, Th minister said: "I will taks this opportunity to say by way of a general answer to the pre ceding speakers who have refonvd to the open door In my country that China always favors the open door. China opens her doors to the people and the trade of every oountry without distinc tion as to race or color." When Wu Ting Fang concluded his address, the delegates applauded him for several minutes. At the conclusion of Minister Wu Ting Fang's address, John Ford, of New York, secretary of the American Asiatic Association, presented a reso lution reciting that the exports of American manufacturers to China are growing In value and In volume with a rapidly unexampled in any other mar ket; that no other market In the world offers such vast and varied opportuni ties for the further Increase of Amerl can exports; that (those opportunities are absolutely dependent on the main WW Save W to 2 Bi. 4 X . I . If you wish to be well dressed in every particular, Style, Cloth, Lining. 1 1 1 1 Q I ft PlI fl Pi Wor manshiP in fact ever'tll5nS that pertains to a perfect suit or overcoat UlltJ UiJ V2I UUI DDQ at no more expense than if you wore ready made clothing. Then let ts make your next Suit. You will hare no trouble in finding the CLOTH YOU WANT if you come to us, as we can give an assortment of over 500 different styles to select from.- WE ARE TAILORS Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap tbout our suits is the price. Our suits have that styles-fit and finish about them that swell-dressed gentlemen appreciate. Farnsoorth 250 WASHINGTON STREET, tenance of equaHty of commercial prlv liege which treaties male with the Uni ted States secure throughout tlw whde of the Chinese empire; that certain for-1 elgn powers seem to sl.ow a deposition' to-restrict that marke to tho advan- tane of their own cltlaens and the ex- rluMnn of others by the creation of: spheres of Influence, ami that It la re solved as the Judgment of the repre sentatives of Am.i-bAn Industry and commerce engaged In the China trade here assembled, as delegates to the International Commercial Congress, that an emphatic declaration should be made by the government of the United States of Its Intention to proteot to its fullest extent the rights which Its cltl- lens enjoy under existing treaties to pursue their trade In the Chinese em pire. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The Chinese minister, rising to a point of prlvll?gv, spoke as follows: "I wish to answer one of the speakers who made the remark, "It Is all very fine to say that It Is hot Just to ex clude the Chinese from America, but China has 400,000,000 Inhabitants, and If the exclusion law Is repealed, will not thse come to America?' "I am very glad the question ,was aaked, so as to give me the opportunity of answering. The Chinese that come here come only from two provinces In Canton, Tou never see a Northern Chi noman here; no men from Shanghai, for Instance, except in the diplomatic corps, . i - 'These two province have a popula tlon of only about 1,000,000, so that even should all come, which Is manifestly absurd, It would not be very serious. The total number of Chinamen now In America Is about 100,000. Why did the people come? Thirty years ago, when yuu were constructing yor western railroads you sent agents to China and begged the laborers to come here. Of course others followed their example later. But had you not done this, I don't believe there would have been any Chinese laborers here. "These man do not rob you. They work day and ntekt and make faithful servants. I admit that they want to make a few dollars and go home, but Is not that Just what you Americans who come to China want? I believe that to got the trade of China it Is worth white to rvpetU this objectionable statute." SITUATION IN 'THE IRON TRADE PRICES WILL (JO HIGHER Steel Kails Advancing at an Enor mous Kale Many Large Orders ifeing Rooked Abead. NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Discussing the condition of the Iron and metal trade, the I: on Age today will say: Conditions In the Iron trade are be coming more and more puzsling. While assertions as to adverse offect of high prices on consumers are growing more numerous, and there la more talk of re sistance to further advances, the large Interests are assuming an attitude of greater aggressiveness. The highly In teresting movements In the vessel transportation on the Lakes are com plex, but find their explanation In the effort on the part of large consumers of ore t4 keep down lake rates, while ttf ship-owners are trying to establish a high figure In order to make ft apply oh old contracts. Charters for a heavy tonnage for the 19W) season have been made ait $1.10 and U.2;", and discussions as to coming, ore prices are being heard. A rise from the (2.60 basis this year to $5 and 55.25 is spoken of. Apparently little has been done In furnace coke for the first half of 1900, but ti Is mentioned, while a considerably lower figure is poken of for the second half. Some large movements are reported In the Intermediate materials in the Central West. In bessemer pig, there have been two sales aggregating 80,000 tons. This does not Include a 60,000-ton furnace contract In the Northwest. One block of 50,090 tons of billets was placed for delivery during the first half. The attitude of the principal producers will probably be defined at an early date, and an Important conference is talked of. In some of the finished lines very large requirements for 1900 are under consideration. Thus the largest con suming interest of merchant pipe If said to have placed a very large order, and Is now In negotiation for the skelp MMMMMMe en lour Suit or vercoat for a part of It, the quantity of the latter figuring up to about 75,000 tons, the greater part of it steel. f The announcement has been officially made that dating from Saturday stand- ard steel rails are to be advanced from $XI to J35 at the mill for any orders en- tered after that date for 1899 or 1900, i delivery- There Is good reason to be lieve that this Is the ease. It Is under stood that some very good orders have again been placed lately, and that a large tonnage will be entered during the next few days. Report has it that the Inquiries now on the market aggregate Z.V30 tons. The wire Interest has made a further advance of M per net ton on wire and on nails, and reports are current that structural material Is to be brought Into line at an early date. It will be observed, therefore, that afl the great Interests are committing themselves to a continuance of the rise at least so far as the first half of next year Is concerned. It will be Idle to deny that the conservative element In the trade deplores this pronounced ten dency, since It Increases the danger of a check and threatens to make the in evitable decline when It comes more abrupt and demoralizing. The prospeots of the export trade have been further darkened by the rise in ocean freights, due to the with drawal of many vessels Into the carry ing of men and supplies for South Af rica. , - In the metal trades, the principal event Is the weakening In lake copper and the easing off of tin. THAT JOYFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of re newed health and strength and In ternal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to the few who have not progressed be yond the old-time medicines and the cnea P SUDSUluies sometime cuereu !jut never accepted by the well-lnform ed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. FINE OPENING. The North Paclflo Dental College, whose advertisement appears In anoth er column, opened Its doors Ootober 6, with 75 students on Its roster. The col lege Is well equipped, with every facll lty to graduate students in. all the late knowledge of dentistry. A. R. Baker, D.B. S Is demonstrator in charge, and Is well qualified to Instruot all students who atfia.id this college. PORTLAND, OREGON Your Head And what is in it. No. 1. CONTENTS. A Complete Foundation for Measuring Miiid. Thirty Distinct Factors Have to be Considered. The Faculties of Power. The Successful Man. Why some have Stronger Constitutions. The Principles of Self-Development Different kinds of will MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 15c. We have the largest assortment of Books and Magazines In the Northwest. Call and see us. Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder St., bet 4th FREEBORN & CO., DEALERS Wall Paper and Room Mouldings 343 Washington Telephone J. 0. Gillen 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers a Contractors Of Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Coverings 229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE. B. P. Allen & Son 111! House in No House Can 365 Commercial St. Company, and 5th, PORTLAFD. IN Gypsinc, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging. House and Fresco Painters, Etc. St., Portland, Ore. Red 1955. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc. Beat Our Prices.