The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 20, 1899, Image 2

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It Was the Firs! on the Pacitic Toast
and One of th Oldett in the
United Slates,
It Has Done Much lo Keep the
Toothsome Cbiouok Salmon l'on
the Dinner Bill of Fare.
Hidden away among the hUU of old
Shasta county, twenty-live miles from
Redding and th railroad, stands the
oldest government fish hatchery on
the Facific Coast. Clear, cold, spark
line, the McCloud river rushers along
th narrow canyon It has worn Into the
country rock. Just where frowning
Mount Persl phone cuts a shadow
the Interesting work of "atrip!"" be
gins. A female Is first dipped from the
pen. A man holds the flh firmly at
the back of the head with the left hand
while he passe the fingers of his right
slowly down the under part of the body
of the salmon. The eggs, closely re
sotnbllng Zante currant In site and
color, pop out Into a pan held by an
assistant. The female cannot survive
the enforced spawning, nd Is thrown
upon a raft to be humanely dispatched
by an Indian boy with club. The
same process Is then quickly gone
through with a "buck," which has been
held In readiness, and the eggs are cov
ered with the fertilising milt. Two
minutes are allowed for fertilising to
take place. In that time a single fee
undatlng germ passe Into the mlcro
pyle of each egg. Then the eggs are
rinsed through several waters. The ap
plication of water make thorn adhe
sive. In half an hour, eggs are then
ready to be taken to the hatchery. In
the renter of each egg a tiny white
spot, the life-saving germ, may be
plainly seen.
The stripping process Is not fatal to
the male, and It Is put back Into the
pen to be used again before being liber
ated. Though the enforced spawning
costs the female Its life, the dee true
tion Is no greater than would naturally
J occur, for the theory Is held that the
female la exhausted when It has spawn
ed In the stream, and It seldom. If ever.
across the river at early morning, the g?ts back to salt water alive. The dead
water form a pool, and here the gov. female fish are given to the Indians
eminent station ts located. The spot Is -ho have their camp near at hand.
Ideal, and earth offers the varied de- They cure the fish in the sunshine, and
lights of climate and scenery to the ,hus obtain their food supply for the
men who come here to catch nature in winter. '
the act and gently force the process.! Whlle lne rt ripping going on Fore-
The natchery at uaira is not only tie ma walllch. notebook In hand, re-
cords the number of "ripe fish and the
oldest on :he Pacific Coast, but It Is
one of the oldest In the United States.
In the year 1S64 a member of the New-
hampshire legislature foresaw the con
dltion which the future must hold If
some step were not taken to offset the
ravages made every year on the salmon
fishing ground of the country. This
thoughtful lawmaker secured the pass
age of a measure providing for the ex
periment of taking salmon eggs and
hatching thorn in a place of safety.
How successful the experiment proved
is well known. The first eggs were ob
tained from fish in Canadian streams,
Ir. 164 tutted States Fish Commission
er Sncer F. Balrd issued instructions
to Professor Livingston Stone, A. M.,
to proceed northward through Califor
nia in an endeavor to locate a spawn
ing ground in this state. Professor'
Stone was told by two hunters that I
number of eggs taken. The eggs are
measured by dipperfuls, one dlpperful
Is counted and the total easily approxi
mated. From 4.S00 to 6,000 eggs are ob
tained from one female. Toward the
end of the fall run this number Is ma
terially decreased. An average of 70
fish are stripped In one day.
The hatching of the eggs is attended
with greatest care. In the big build
ing Foreman Walllch, Assistant Fore
man S. S. Bass. F. M. Chamberlain of
the scientific department, and Fish
Cutt'irists Leroy Ledgerwood. J. S.
Bowers and M. L. Dunning are busily
engaged. They are assisted by a num
ber of Indian women, whose delicacy of
touch makes them valuable aids. Each
network basket In the troughs of run
ninjr water contains about 25.000 eggs.
but having pictured him as a leader In
the cause of liberty, they proceed to
clothe him with every noble attribute.
Their Agulnaldo Is a mere abstraction
On the other hand Funston, who Is
fresh from the Philippines, deals with
the concrete and the real. He speaks
to the faots out of his own personal
experiences, and he has more weight
as a witness than all the members of
the antl-lmperlallst league put togeth
er.. Seen, then, In his true colors the
champion of freedom In the Philippine
Is but a self-seeking achenHY. who Is
practicing his worst frauds upon his
own followers. As his cause Is sus-
hluk ROSES QROWINu WILD. "I wish lo express my (hanks to th
" 1 I manufat-turrra of Chamberlain's Colic,
Inferring to the recent report that j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for
Russian florist had succeeded lit rals- haMuir put on the market such a won.
Ing blue roses, a Slavonian gardener! derful medicine." aava W. W. Man-
declares that blue rosea grow wild
Do you want a good mal when you
visit Portland? If so, go to the Port-
lii!ll. of Ueaumont, Texas. There an
thousand of mothers Whose children
iiave been saved from attacks of dys
entery and cholera Infantum who
must Mo feel thankful. It Is for sale
b Clt. Rogers.
"If you scour th world
you will
juouaisnoT s.n:n.r ''er of lh M (canopy. Fla., "Hustler."
tit cured his family of LaClrtppe and
E. House's Cafe at 12S Third street.1 .7
t.ln.tH r,u e.lWJ I. I. 1 IWl.n.t I. .... w touuwumn irvm mum.Mii, imam,-
, ....... at -n- - . ......u, w avaaruru DI mill peODI t.l.l. ....... t .11 ..
i I a nil in, i;iimi mm mi iinvMti HUM
iuni reeiaurani in in ia
clfio Northwest
able to expect Its sudden collapse when
the Insurgents realise how badly they
have been deceived.
The Indian wars of the United Stat.
from the year 1SJI to h year IS91 have
cost In money expended by tho Federal
Treasury over $110,000,000 and for every
Indian warrior killed In these various
conflicts fifteen American soldiers have
lost their Uvea The war with the
Che) emits In 184S alone cost more than
tlO.000,000 and the Uvea of hundreds of
soldiers, though the hostile lost but
twenty of their brave.
A good meal with meats rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish. Is
troubles. Sold by Chas. Rogvrs.
Hope nothing from luck and th
probability Is, that you will be so pi
pared, forwnrtied and foivarmrd, that
Tr "Plow Boy preaAsr." Rr i.
Klrkman, Belle Rive, III , says, "After
Just what you get at the Creamerie 1 ahnllow observers will call you
restaurant. STl Washington atreet. near Iui'kv-
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Creamerie Restau-! ,uff'r,n from Bronchial or lung trou
rant. 171 Washington St., you may con- b'e for ,,n ',r- 1 curJ b,r 0n
slder that your trip wftl not be a uni itlliu Cough Cure. It la all that Is
cess, as others will tell you, who do not c,llnJ more." It cures coughs,
miss It j ct lds, grippe and all throat and lung
I trouble Sold by Chas. Rogers, drug-
Holmes' English and Business Col- i ,,,t
lege at No. 411 Yamhill street, Portland.
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already;
Our reward Is In
not In the prlie.
the race we run,
Why la Watson's restaurant In Port
land patronised by thousands of peoplt
On the 10th of D?cmlr. 1197. Rev.
S. A. Donahoe. pastor of Jd. E. Church.
South. Pi. Pleasant, W. Va, contracted
a severe cold, which was attended from
th b-'glnnlng by violent coughing. He
daily? SlmDlv because it I. th. "After resorting u a numb r of
finest and best equipped eating resort l":-''1'' peclfics.' usually kept in the
on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau-1 houf n no PrP"- ' purcha4
rant has sixty-eight whits employes on! bl,,,le of Ch"b'rlaln,s Cough Rmdy.
Its pay roll. Remember the location. ; whlch ar,td "k oharm- 1 ",0"'
10S-11 Fourth street. cheerfully recommenl It to the publUV
j Fr sale by Chas, Rogers.
The Pernln method of shorthand
th-y had seen the Indiana spearing I dav With 9nial, ,lmrs ke -bon
saimon in large numoers at a jK4nt on tonF!t tne ad those cov
th. lw'ln.l -1 In... .w. .... 1.. . I
.... .v. JU wc w. ered wlth runfJUS remowd. x sal
flaem with the Pro. Professor mon eftg wlI, naten , lJtly day more
Stone found the place, erected a hatch-' lesg, dependn(f upon the twnptrt.
ciji, anu on oepiemor is, !Si2, maae ture
the hrst catch of salmon. Eer since
In very cold weather a much
. lf.nepr tlmA im rvnilinxt Trt tn .lav
. ume u.e iwcnery at waira nan. th. ou,iln. of th. fl,h m.v N.
by holding the egg to the light, and In
fifteen days It may be plainly seen.
Most nf fh ttram talrAti Tlalr,t
hs charge of the Battle Crek station. ,nlripedi ju9t prtor t0 IMng. to other
...uieoueni oi me naicnery at tlons better equipped for handling
the youug fish, and eggs have even
own one n t:: n.i succenslui i'p-1-ated
by the government.
Cantain Ci H lmWn k.. .i.. J .
Balrd. His house stands on the bluff
above the river, and the American flag,
flying from the staff, can be s.ti for
miles. The old hatchery building, no
longer large enough, was recently re
placed by a more commodious struct
ure. The new building is 100 feet long.
Sfarrow troughs run half its length.
The wiie baskets containing the 4rgs
are placed in these .roughs, and a large
been successfully shipped to foreign
countries. Some of the young fish are
put back Into the McCloud river upon
th theory that a fish usually returns
to Its parent stream a spawn.
The McClo'ud river Is famous among
sportsmen as a trout stream. The mag
nificent rainbow trout abound In Its
waters. Several Eastern m reams have
water wheel, working a centrifugal been stocked with rainbow trout hateh
pump. sends 500 gallons of water Into'ed from egss taken In the McHoud.
fthe troughs per minute. In the Mowing' and the matter of ad ling a trout hatch
water the eggs are hatched. I cry to the Balrd station Is now b Ing
Tl-e port which forms the seining' consliered.
ground Is. 500 feet In length. A rack During the year ISM 1?.000.000 salmon
crossing the stream at the lower end ' eges ready to hatch were shipped
of the pool is fitted with V-shaped in- j from I'alrd. The station Is In the hands
lets, extending ten feet into the pool. ! pf scientists who understand their bus-
The smll opening through which the lne. and dellcht In it and th. r-.nit nf
fish pass Is at the apex of the inlet
Having gone through into the pool. It
their InKirs has been a large supply of
young fish, which, planted In streams
m Kiuuin inai me saimon nnos Its way i wnt re mom rteea-M, naa done much to
out again. At the uper end of the pool keep the toothsome Chinook salmon up
a restraining rack prevents the fish, on the American bill of fate.
frorr ffointr f 1 1 r-t Vl..f i,n K. atvoan. f.n . '
within the seining ground the fish are! F"NTON'S SKETCH OF AOflN-
easily captured and handled. ; AL.DO.
The salmon go from salt water to the!
spawning ground in -two seasons. The I Atkinson's Inspired patriot, Agulnal
summer run continue; from the middle! d"' bw;orn a bruk" Mol In the ruth.
of August to the latter Dart of Sentem-I ,eM nana Funnton. -To
Kr- h foil -., r .v.. i.i,i, ' .1 ure slang,' says the g-neral. "he l a
worker. I know of no bet-
All Astorlana who visit In Portland! the classes are well crowded, a fact
and desire to spend a pleasant evening that Indicates the excellent character of
out should go to the Fredericksburg, j the Institution.
at 7th and Alder street. Here Is the' "
program for the week commencing
Oct th.
1 March 'The Enquirer Club,"
2 Waltr "Flower of 8t. Peters
As Popular as Ever
March "Soldier's Life." Keller
S "Ma Rag Time Baby." F. S. Stone,
batic marvel.
7 3chottlche "Sambo's Wedding
Day. Benedict.
3 Overture "Niagara." Moee.
Joist Wlsard.
10 Overture.
11 Waltx "Slmpllceus" J. Strauss.
and Mamie.
16--WALDO A ELLIOTT In tlulr
Comedy Ketch.
17 Ovf-rture.
Joist Wliard.
19 Overture.
20 MA ill E SCANLON.
21 Overture.
25- -GFOROE T. MORET The Ban.
Joist Wliard.
Kenny's transfer wagons deliver hot
wood to any part of the lt i .wt
notice. All orders left at Capf fur-
....... w .m, j vummsroial itreet
U'ttl Mknltf iimmhI ........ "
..... aiieniiun. Tela-
IIUIIV 4111,
uo 10 me voiuniDia Klectrto A Re
pair Company for all kinds of new
ana repair wora. rrom a cambrto
neeui to a hioyols, boiler or snglne.
yuiMt worx an satisfaction auaran
teed. Logging maohlnsry of all kinds
a specialty. Shop opposite Rosa, Hlg
gins a vo,
The concert hall opened by Charlie
Wise at No. tit Aator street, la ths one
and oMly (mpular resort of It kind In
that vicinity. Mr. Wis Is doing some
thing new among oonosrt halla He la
not only selling a olasa of purs lluuora
but Is giving his plaoo a management
wKoh raaurea gentlemanly attention
and treatment to his patron. Ths
good muslo and ths crowd will
found at Charlie Wise piaos.
Astoria Public Library
Msacrtptto rates M r aaatsaa.
West Cor. gterealk as Chtaaa kHMesa
ber; the fall run from the middle of
October until the latter part of Decem
ber. The summer run fish are consid
ered more valuable than the others.
The B.ilrd station is the only one on
great 'con
ter term.'
mis partners in the game are the
members of the Filipino Junta at Hong
1 I ir n.1 .
the roast where summer run fish are! IVU"B- lm" "umcat fairy tales
obtained and propagated. During the1 f """T? t" he outi,i,le
two runs of ISM. 4.000 female fish were1 worM f"d k7P th" chW ,u
taken. Nearly all the were of the! ,nvwt,on "n ,be drift ' P"W"c
,,, . . ... 1 m iinriii
lainuus umi'xk vanwiy. a rew Hump
backs get up the river, but these are
the Chinook eggs are
In this country. These he
: US"S with effect among the natives.
i wno are now informed "that
mrp Onlv
taken H "".Jorlty of all the states have pronounced
N.Br the ... aga,nBt tne P011 frf the amlnlstratlon
and that they have only to wait untl
the next general election, when the
United Slates will grant them their in
dependence." When the inventive faculty the
Hong Kong partners becomes enerv
ated from overwork Agulnal.lo furnish
es embellishment? of his own. "He cir
culates anil rr.rrvihf.t.11. .m
and the fact that they never suffer JunU M out a(Mg Jt,n-
his cunning Imaglnatlw can device"
By this means he deludes the insur
' gents With false hone Tk,...
The seining, under the supervision of in t.n ct thir I . . '
Foreman Claude Walllch, Is carefully ( the chances are actually In IhHr't av,r 1
and systematically done. Six or eight when. if they kne-.v th,. t.'.v ! '
men engage In the work. The net 1 WOuld give up the struggle ' '
drawn by a windlass operated by horse A patrIot wll0 1(J al m
power. From thirty to forty salmon rear of his army, and whore time !
arc taken at a haul. As the net touches km are devoted exclusively to tlte f
the sand the men wade In and seize the bricatlon of lies, Is harOlv a n. vtl
Is landed, are two flith pens; one for
the females and another for the
"bucks." The pens are small In order
thai the fish may be lifted out with
dip nets. Sometimes large numb-rs of
fish are left In these pens for several
days. Not enough food substance floats
through these pen to sustain the fish.
seems to prove that salmon do not eat
on their trip from salt water to the
spawning grounds.
a tree or pole
strong snd
onnd come
ru'hing down
with a sudden
crash becaune
of tome undetected process
of decay, so no mitter how
good an appearance a wom
an may prewnL if he is
object to any bidden weak
oe. gradually rap
ping awav and under
mining her vitality,
some day her entire
constitution will sire way
and leave hrr a ptostnxtc physical wreck.
The average doctor give a little some-
thiug for the headache and a little some
thing else for the backache and still anoth
er thing for the nerve and so on, nrvrt
once it aching the hidden weakness in the
distinctly feminine organism.
The vast experience and special practice
of Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi
cian of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, of Buffalo, N. V.. in trtating
women's diseases, enables him to under
stand and cooe auccetefully with these par
ticular ailments. Any woman may feel th
utmost confidence in consulting him by
mail. She will receive, free of cost, sound
professional advice whereby ber health
may. in ninety-nine cases out oi a nnnarea,
be nromntlT and Drrmanentlv restored.
All correspondence Is held to be satrtdty
A lidr linnr is Coshocton Co.. Ohio. Mrs. W.
T. SUnton. of Blisstrld. writes: " 1 had female
weakness very bad for nearly three years. Had
dragging down pains in awl above mjr hips and
such dreadful paina Is tne Decs ana top ol my
head Moat as thouen someone was lilting me by
the hair). Had no ambition, would try to work
m t- Amm (Km 1,1 ha In I.. It, hH fnr a
long time. No tongue can npreaa the mfTertng
I endured. I had much pain at monthly pe
riods. I doctored most of Ine time with as rood
a physician as there ia in the state, bat had no
ease onlv when I waa quiet and off my feet and
then 1 had more or leas pain in my head. When
I begas taking Dr. Pierce's medicine I wrirhed
toa pounds and wit very pale and weak. I took
twelve buUles of his ' Favorite Prescription '
and seven of the 'Golden Medical Discovery.'
Now I fee I like a different peraon. Have no
pain in mv head, can do all the work for myself. and one -hild; am saining in flesh. I
feel it is through 'Kxi men? snd your wonder
ful meaiouea inai i sot curta.
oeing taught by Mr. H. W. Behnks la
the Oregonlan building at Portland.
The Pernln system Is not only eitreme
ly legible after being written, but It
exceptionally rapid. It Is said that
students under Mr. Behnke'a direction
attain success In one-half the time es
sential with either Graham, Munson
or Pitman method This school Is
open day and night.
All wickedness Is w-aknees.
A tailoring establishment of aome i
pretentions, located on Washington
street. Portland, claims to have made
47 suits for dressy Astorlana during the
past six months. This statement Is de
nied by the firm of Povey A Blrcha.1, at
SV Washington street, near the Im-
During the winter of 159T Mr. Jams
Heed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay. Clay Co.. W. V,
I struck his leg against a cake of Ic
in su"h a manner as to bruise It se
verely, It became very much swollsn
and pained him so badly that he could
not wa k without the aid of crutch
He a as treated by physicians, also
u.ii-d several kinds of liniment and two
ir.d a half gallons of uklsky In bath
ing It, but nothing gave any relief
until he began using Chamberlain's
at -neguiar cemmunicaiioas hsld ea
the first and third Tuesday tvsoiaa t
each month. J. N. ORirTIN, W
M; E. C. 1IOLDEN, teoretary.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Nature to giretiKthrnlng' aod reooo
strutting tho rxhitustod dlKostlro o
gatuv nuthelatcKtdlscorereddlifftste
ant grid tonic. No other rrcparatlor
cao approach It in efficiency. It lr
slant iy renereaana crmanenliy euro
tiysiwpalii. Intliiffxtion. Heartburn.
Klattilciire, Sour Stotnnrh, Nausea,
Pain hiiim. This brought almost ,!Mi,siieaaiiriie1iiiisiriiiiii,i.-rmp,ina
com let, cure In a week's time and he a,l""J?
believes that had he not used th rem
edy his leg would have had to b am
penai notei, wno are patronised by the putated. Pain Balm la urn-quailed far
grat majority of outside customer "prams, bruises and rheumatism. For
Povey & Blrchall make the swell suits ",lle hy Chas. R g-rs.
for riost of the stylish Portlanders, and
f;el that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out of town pat
: It Is a. n uni outpivcrto.!
, no man evor iiiade an 111
r umlerstiMid his own talents.
one who mistook thm.
fig u is who
nor a good
Quit yourselves like men.
President King, Farmer's Bank,
trooklyn, Mich., ho used DeWltt's
Mttle Early Risers in his family for
years. Says they are the best. These
famous little pills cure constipation,
blUiousness and all liver and bowel
trouble. Sold by Chas. Roger.
Fools make feasts,
but wise men eat
For many year science ha studied
liquors. Result the whole world uses
whiskey. It ha proven the best stim
ulant and does not Injur nerves and
tissues like coca wines and other drug
ged compound. And Harper Whiskey
Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard
Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon.
Cast all your care to God; that an
chor holds.
What maintains one vice would bring
up two children. Remember, many a
little make a mlckle; and further, be'
ware of little expenses. A small leak
will sink a great ship.
fiuri Tha wml f a A csrf 1 n fs-i ( caVi fwAin .
""o" "v.ior sympainy and admiration
toe lemaie oy ine poiniea neaa ana fore his American
advocate turn to'
e him a1
i . ' . A . , x i . i m '
u. ,i m t,r.1Cu lu uun ul uie 8ay that they are all willful mvv . '
not, It 1. thrown back. When a sum- tors. Manv of them ftr
dent number of fish are In the pens ant Tht-v vn ,..' . :
( . UW1JI1 0I tne
nwKen moutn. a nasty examination . invention themsoivM. ua ,..
. ,..V,,1, .v.. M.V. I. It . . "
...o .. ib njrc, mu, n purely imaginary character tt-nin l
A skin without blemish and s body near.
Ished wltb pare blood, inch Is ths happy
condition produced by CUTICURA SOAP
snd CtmCURA Olntanent, eiUrnally, and
CtTICURA RESOLVENT, Intcraally, In the
severest cases of torturing, disfiguring,
Itching, burning, snd scaly humors.
SM rwrrwtiffs rM-. Tnifl.l.r IS; or. Ccrin'ti
najr su, mm.
rop.., SoeWa.
f". Me i Oisixipr. We i MuuLtssT (halt tlx), .
rvrriK uico kwo LSra. kiuy , sow rr
man, aar " u k Cm Uuam," m-pm. book.
loseph Stockford, Hodgdon, Me., heal
ed a sore running for seventeen year
and cured his pile of long standing
by using DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve.
It cures all skin disease, for aale by
Charles hogers.
Order is the sanity of the mind, the
health of the body, the peace of the
city, the security of the Mate.
Millions of dollar It the value placed
by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrlsburg, Pa.,
on the life of her child, which she say
ed from croup by the use of One Min
ute Cough Cure. It cures all coughs,
colds and throat and lung troubles.
For cale by Charles Rogers.
We offer One HusdreA Dollar Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur.
F. J. CHENRY A CO.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to rnrry nut any obligations mad
by their firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Tol.-do. 0.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Tr-
tln or lals sent free. Price, 75c per bot
tie fold by all druggists.
Hull's Family Pills are the best.
The O. B. F.
Fresh tracked crabs at the National
Sweet cream In any amount at ths
Burbank potatoes, $1 a sack, at Pat'a
Realtor Vitality Lost Vlror sod Msabood,
Ctirf Impotemv. Nlclit Kmlsslonsand
watlnc (Waited, all effect of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A ncrvo tonic tuxl
blood builder. Urine the
pink clow to pale checks and
reatnrea the Are of vnuth.
n v mill fiOc rxr box. 6 boxes
for 'J.rtO: with a written miAran
tre to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Olnton 4t Jaoksoo Sta CHICAGO, ILL
Kar 8al by Charts Utter. Droaglsl
Astasrsa, Oregon
Jeff's is
White cooks.
"the only" restaursnt.
Astoria to Portland
via O. It. & N.
only 50 cents
It might as well be expected for a'
weak man to bear a burden as a fool
to bear prosperity.
Home made chocolates, 30 cents a
pound, at t:e Parlor.
Beat 15-cent oval. Rising Sun restau.
rant, 612 Commercial street.
We guarantee our Ice cream to be
made of pure cream. The Parlor.
Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oysters,
sneeps tonguo. etc., at the National
Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Curs . Our Ice cream :a warranted
,ltl I . L. . ..... . . .....
" iiircbi sum you ei. ii cures ail oi pure cream, to fa.-lor. next to John
forma of dyspepsia and atomach trou- , Hahn'a
bles. K. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex., Bet CaikSornm .,. in
suys. "ft relelved me from the start and Ion. Alex Gilbert, ,,, tor
cured mo. It la now my ever lasting tori. Telephone, 8J.
friend." Sold by Chas. Rogers. !
. 7, 1)0 ou know Bnodgraaa make
Riches are for spending, and spend- stamp PhotooT Call and see thernt
are all ths go.
ItuxoRious Travel
fPilW "Norih.Wstsrn Limited" tralsa,
tlsotrlo lighted throughout, bulk In.
aid and out, and ststm heated, are,
without icptlon, ths Onset train In to
world. Tssy embody th latssL newest
and beat Ida for eomrort. onvenlaM
and luaury Tr offersd th travtling
publl. and altogetturr ara lb most eon.
plat and splendid production of ths oar
bulldsr' art
Th IpUndld Tratn
Connset with
The Great Narthcrn
The Northern 1'iflflc and
The Cnnnrllan I'ociric
N sxtra oharg for thas superior aa.
commadatlons and all claaaa sf tickets
ar available for paaaag on th famous
-North-wastarn IJmltad." All tialn on
this tin ar protected by th Interlocking
unci ylan.
W. M. UK AD, r. C, lAVAOI.
Oen'l Agent. t A,
Portland Ora
You Don't
Change Cars
If you go fast via Dllllng and th
nurllngtofl roue.
Th Ilurilttoo rout run
through tourtet sleepers twtoa a
wk, rW'tl to Kansas Ctty-Ost
on at any point along Um main
Una of th North m PWolflc In
Washington or Montana get off
at Kaoaaa City.
Standard aloarwra, tvacy day In
th week. Hull to 81. Louis vta
I.ln -uln, Oinalia snd St. Joapa.
A. C. HlfKUXN.
Oenaral I'aaeatigar Agasl,
Portland, Orgoa.
li.oabia pernios of a mhsnlrel or Invaatlrs mia
'lrlf stnplolhe I'arl. tinMMltioa, nils too
Ilia J-ATt-Kt KtCOllU, UaJUmor. Md.
T hM bny CapiUiM ar supnoi
to Bilum of Copaiba
th lama diMaMI nth.s
out inconvaninct.
'.j b- mad
Ing for honor and good actions.
America's finest
When our boys were almost dead 1 Oream Pure Ry.
from whooping cough, our doctor gave ! whiskey. Ths only pure g.yo iMr,n
vne jninuie uougn ture. iney re- 1 ,TOU rll;n na roeiiotr. John L. Carlson
coverea rapiaiy," writes p. b. Belles, '
Arglye; Pa. It cures coughs, colds,! For rent-Fumiaheri
grippe, and all throat troubles. Sold first-class table hn.r,i a, ...
is TAMnaaasi J rmr 4 , AUUlI BttTW MI
c- Holden's corner Ninth and Duane
Throw away Idle hopes; come to thine Dlel
own aid. If thou carest ait all for thy- nonuot n. rh. . .
-,un i i. i t, ' - avcv veT llama
at: ll, rflllic it in lltv . JWrrri, fi noa fl a
i -- !. vein cigars that ever
"It did me more good than anything came 10 lnl" ma,t. Henry Roe, 0p
ever used My dyspepsia was of ; P'te brewery.
months' standing; after eating It was Ueeinners and a. ,
terrible. Now I am we,, write. S. B. havho " h" L " ! iT"
Keener. Hol.lngton, Kan., of Kodol lln an1 pano b y applying to , .
Dyspepsia Cure. It digest, what you m. a guate of n.'l.-
eat. BoM by Chaa. Rogers, druggist alg conservatory. Hotoi t t. Lrp
7W vQ
Those who bat delayed buying.
Hummer Footweor
ar fortunate. They can aar at least
a third on th usual cost of high grad
shoes. Wo ar closing out all of our
summer tan shoe at a great reduction.
We have them for man, woman and
children, which should bring everyone
to th stor. They are new goods
which hav ortrstaysd their Um.
Consider these figures.
' Petersen & Brown.
H.F.Prael Transferee
TslephoM U.
All Goods f nipped to Our Car
Win Receive Bpeil Atttntto.
f a. HI Doaa It.
Actxrla. Or.
W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Oregon Short Line
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and alt Eastern Points.
Oira choice of two favorli rout, via
in union rartflo Fast Mall Lln, or
th Rio Grand, BoenJe Una
1, Vayn to .Salt Lnke
2 Days to Dtiivur
3J Duyg to Chicago
4J Diiys to Now York.
Pre rcllnlng ehalrs. upholatars- tnon.
bt sleeping cars, and Pullman palao
sleepers, egieraled on aQ train.
Tor furthar Information, apply to
Agent, O. R. aV K,
Or . Astoria, Oreg .
Trav. Pass Aft. Oen. Agent.
U Third at. Portlano, or.
OorUtrabta RWar and Pugwt avaml N art
ration Oanvany.
JeJr . "V1"1" Atrla daily,
except Punday, at T p. m.
da Vt"" lmluii dlU,,r t,0Pt un-
ahl.t1,tCo',lM: llM and a H.
N. tickets Interchangeablo on Bailey
Qatsest nnd Hassalo, Far bstWM.
Astoria and Portland, M onta
it t. .nni,'' T'T10'. Astoria Aft
U. B. SCOTT, Tlphon Ut
People ar oontimplatlng a ui(
iw or piaasur, thai
atumll, want th. bs.t -lo 0Z
tainabl. so far a d, oomfort sad
salety Is oonosrned. Bmploya of tks
naM to serv th publlo and our trains
ar operated so aa to malt clo ooa.
naotlon whn diverging Unas at an
junevtton point.
Pullman Palao Blpirg and Chair Cars
on through train.
Dining Oar nrto
served a la carta
UDioiid. iisals
In order to obtain this flst class servtoa,
' - w- v.vwi aami iu noii jrou a tlcktl
TheWIsconstn Central Lines.
and you will mat direct connection at
oi. ra.ui ior unioago, Milwaukee and
all point oast
For any further Information oall on aat
sssi. r CTrreepona with
JAB. C. POND. Qen. Pa. Alnnt
or JAJ A CLOCK, Ullwauk. Wis
ueneral Agent
W Btark Bt. rortiaag Or
- -- lie.