1 J MIL MORNING A8TUR1AN. THURSDAY UCTOHER 19, m Headquarters for Pry Good on the Lower Columbia The A. Dunbar Co. Golf Capes, Ladies' Jackets, Childrens' Jackets CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niRrn wirf in cw YcrK Stcck Exchange ; tl 1 4-2 i Chamber of I'or.inurce. Portland, Oregon. ; Tbis morning we place on Nile iunr C.oak lVpartmrtit p clraHiit sswrtmeut of the very neawt things in tiolf t'aiH-s, 1,1 W um! - Misses' Jacket's at lowest city piiets. AV'ewll the W. C Corsets and carry the lost assortment in the cilv. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY FoaaUaa INTO. J. Y. Illll, M. D Prlaelaal. ttriitnai Ttrm lipii Seal. IS, IWa PREPARING FOR i ASTORIA'S DAY j Of the variety part of Tuesday even j ing's program at the exposition the Orjronian said: A BoartHif 4 Par Seaaal. U4ar tuil alaoe U!a For eaulcia ar lafonnattoa 44ra th arlnclpal. J. W. UlUU M. 1.. t. O. araaar IT PurcUod. Or. Primary, Prvcaratorr 4 Acadamla Ptparl- , . , . .. ... aala; Collar KwparaUoa. miliary Flaotpua "People who attended the exposition! tnl Traialaa- aVya at all aca raauvat. I wen well entertalnd. Benr?u"a full band rendered its choicest selections, , - - t j ' c ! and the Macarte Sisters, tn pale blue,' profusion. In the center of the caw Is WANT SPECIAL ATTRITIONS ' pave their faultlee performance on thej miniature crwk. elevated Just hl(th 4 , trapeie and slack wire. Tonight will bet enoutth (mm the ground ao tha the " j their last appearance here, and their people can The Kai roidl onnianv Frerarrd hi! ... ... .. .... .! r i Handle the Big Crowds And t ? ' see Its Inhabitants. i work has been well done. (Jus Hender-. very lively Inhabitants they are. I son amused the audience with his coml. j The coldest of Bull Run water runs ! cal tight-rope acta, and was voted very , through the crwk, and in Its upr 'plover. Miss Alice Raymond gave a reaches are stacks of salmon eggs. As ;p1":dld solo on the cornet, and In re- fast aa they hatch out, the little baby ! soonse to an enthusiastic encore, play 1 salmon wiggle Into their proper pens 'ed. a coon song, the '"New Marguerite;' at the lower end of the ciwk. and be ? "Come and play in my backyard next Saturday. Romp in my front yard, Holler up my rain-bar" 1. Slide down jny cellar door. I want to be good to you," says Port 'and to Astoria. ? Tha British troops are pouring into ' South Africa: American soldiers are Sweeping over Ltuoo Island, but these .will not make the com motion that the Vgiona of Astoria will awake when Jthey storm the metropolis day after to morrow. The exposition managers are sparing UllM Bva Ross plMaed thi audience , Kin to wonder why they have arrive with several vocal seteetiona, and Mr. j and what Is up for them to do, and they iShaw and a young "man" narked Miss'; explore their Immediate surrounding Grace Sterling, gave a very Ine exhibl-; and ask the going price of canned sal- I tton of bicycle riding. They worked, mon at Astoria, and If any salmon had I wonders on the wh. but the boy-girl I was unfortunate In receiving a very bad i fall. Notwithstanding this, he lm ! mediately performed the daring feat of I riding his wheel down the grand stair way. And. thus It describes the fishing exhibit: to scoot out of the way of the racing yachts. These little salmon are funny fry. and look ulte comical carrying around like warts on th-lr dear little stomachs the ckrs they hatckvd out of. Still, they would not swap plac s with all the over-grown suckers In the whole Willamette river. KNAPP BROS., ; Health j Food Co., Fail Portland", Ore., Manulseturera of! M'T H I'TTF.R, the Food for alii and K R CEKEAL the Health Drink. I Every Hand j I! i! l i r i "7 X The Millinery Exposition ..Of Portland.. THE TALEi OF THE TOWN. The Big Millinery Store mhlu like U i U ... niliU ulili'i.i ' iiim,i, 000 Trlmmcil Huts ConMuntU tin Huml to S.lcct from. New Stvlcs: New ArrlvuK Duilv. HIHIInery Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices. Golf Hats kith loni quills at 87c cacb anil up. Khta um come to the city ask to we the SEWSTKEET HATS, New, Nobby and Stylish with Tarn crowns. Lirne Selection of Chlldrea's Tarns, I'lalds, Cloth, Vcltet and Sllhs all Prices. The Wonder Millinery Co., ALL VELVET TKlMMKl) HATS PKOM 14.00 IT. Corner Morrison und First Sts., rOKTUNI), OREGON. lllrlPi 6; o expense In providing special feat- unf OI uw "" Brra ul ra of entertainment for the visitors that 18 Presented to the public at the mm th. oit hv th Thi.tr hii i exposition, and which always FRISCO SALMON MARKET. expend hundreds of dollars for extras for Saturday and Saturday night and fo all In their power to make Astoria day a huge, a stupendous success. ' Notwithstanding the Immense throng that will hare to be carried Portland ward Saturday, all will be accomo dated. The .Astoria and Columbia river railroad company will provide all the cars necessary to carry every man. woman and child in comfort, and the train will run up Fourth street In Port land and let the passengers step off the earn right In the heart of the city. attention and excites Interest, streets Is the Commercial News. Salmon Is coming In freely as the table of Alaska receipts below show. Prices for the Alaska Ann remain firm. fishing exhibit In the south end of the while red sockeye, both falls and flats. irvar wlnr ft t a rrt nf the utAte ' are scarce and hlgtx-r. Red cohoes are west wing. It is a part or the state pmsUcal,y out of market. Salt sul- and county exhibit, and was arrange mon Is firm at an advance. r ei.: by H. R Dosch, one of the mont ener getic workers of the exposition com-: mttte.-and Is under his personal super-,' vision. ' The design of the fishery exhibit is In the form of a long, unique cave, under the "nper portion of the realistic repro- j ductlon of Multnomah falls, and the j cave is Dniiianuy iiiuminaiea oy eiec- , House Paints, trie lights, which exist In abundant PORTLAND NOT IN IT. Call on B. P. Allen 4 Son and get prices on Wall Paper, then go to Port land If- you wlflj. If you find better prices there, come back and we will make you a oreaent of Tour contem plated purchase, and give you a chance The largest! besides on a $375 Mason St Hamlin or- j Famous Chocolates ever brought gan. This offer holds good on prepared ; ! I B. F. ALLEN t SON. A. B. COOSLI, Protyr. 'Phone 20M Reaches for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS jijade at The Spa cCandy Factory line of Lowney'g Pcrtilri Shbrtliond School H. W. PEHNKE, Principal. Rooms SU Oregoniiui Iluildmg, I'lirlland, Ore. Th Pernln System was awarded tha World's Fair Medal and Diploma. No shading: No position: Few word-signs No failures. Day and night Holmes' English AND Business College 414 Yamhill St, rortiao.l, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS English, Bookkeeping, ShortlmnJ, Typewriting. Penmunhlp, Ait. Bend for circulars. pursuits are much more profitable to the avenge person than any of the profts siona. A ttadioua young man or woman can prepare tor a bu.iness career ia about one-fourth the time required to educate for a profcuion, and at about one fourth the cost. The iucccm of hundreds of our graduates is every-day proof of th value of a practical education. Kxainitie iulo the merit of our school. I,nr how and what we teach, ItaTStutlcut of "Armttrong'a Combined Theory ant Practice of Bookkeeping" lentil to keep books rracfy aa tltry are keep in buai neaa. New way to tench; tuVr bookkeeping easy. Investigate. Call, or writs. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong;, Prln. Open ill the year. Students may enter ut any lime. Huinw, Shorthand and English drp.irMirnK I'riv.itf ir cla instrtu tion. Catalogue free. The Lightest .Store in Astoria Wise's Gustomers See What They Buy L r laWsi a7. TMB BETTER TMD GRADt;, TUB BIGGER TNC TRADE. !:.-vv T -"JL jsr i 1 WV1 "S'.' 1 m'VMiT-rj 'V C IMF IT 1 Ml i Q I 'D Q Portland Merchants are Holding Up Our Prosperity I Which Hurts Astoria Property Owners, Portland Merchants are doing all they can to Prevent Shipping Here ! ! Which Hurts Astoria Merchants. Portland Merchants would rather see the Sound Ports Grow than Astoria I I I Which Hurts Astoria Mechanics. One of Astoria's Merchants has Cut Clothing Prices to Bed-Rock! One of Astorias Merchants Carries a Clothing Stock fit for a'Metropolis II One of Astoria's Merchants Stands Ever Ready to Work for Astoria III WITH WHOM WILL YOU TRADE? HERMAN WISE: THE .RELIABLE ICLOTHIER AND HATTER -ASTORIA, OREGON