1I1K MOIINJM AHTUK1AN 'OCTOBER l, IBM Extraordinary Sale ... Special for this week Muck und Colored Sergei- $1.00 quality 60c Golf l'laid 40 In. GAlqulity... 4flo Knglwh ' KlannlWo 10c quality ......Hjc All other goodn in irojK)i tioii McAI.LEN & HcDONNELL, 470 Commercial St TO ASTORIANS. Ths ItAII.V A STOMA olll be found uu till In I' (inland t th. w.ll-knuwii lo.ry hawM of J. V, Man!. t'u., WI WMhlmlaa StrMi. Order fur sdt.r Uln l.ii Willi this flrut will ttmlit irunal AlUBliun, TODAY'S WEATHER, J'OllTl.AND. Out. 1.-Waahlntl. Oregon and Idaho, rail), brisk to hlfb ouib to tut wind fciid nwxlrs,U off bur islr fclonf the ooaat todar, ' AROUND TOWN. C. A. MoUrew of Portland la In town. Burn-To tlx wife of Pa Mb, a on. llnry Oil of Chinook tu In th oily restart. Wanted girl to do houaework. Call at IU Biohanf atraat Chill eon earn and frlJolUa at La Hei-rliif National Cai evrjr day. Mr. John Chltwood waa a pnrr on the train from fcaahl ywurrday. rrtvman Parker oama up from Sea alU yMtardagr. Carlo Dow waa In from Younc't rlvtr yratarday. Thomat Donaa of Chinook waa In tht oily yesterday. Louis Ntppach of Waldport waa In town yeaterday. J. Culfloy of Chinook waa In town on business yesterday. E. C. JofTers of Lewi and Clark wm lu th city yesterday. John Flnlxy of Cathlamet rotfatervd at the Parkur yeetorday. Ira. C. W. Fulton and Mr. 0. C. Fulton came up on the Seaside train yeatentay. - The Jossle'a cargo of halibut which waa shipped M haa molted Buaton In prrffct condition. Tha lateat In tha eonfcotlon Una art thoaa delicate loa Crura Chocolatee at Tha flpa. For rant Right-room hone with moil ra convanivnoM. Adilroaa "U." Astor Ian oftV. The bark Powya Caatla, Orltlah, waa towed to a yesterday, bound for Port Natal, floulh Afrioa. Duncan McTavlsh wrtte that ho la In rod health, and will locate on Ho nania for the winter. Tha stvamnr Alllunoa, lying at tha O. K. N. dock haa a cargo of flour and snooks for Ban Francisco. Dr. )Ivndraon will be r4 No. I onglna houat Saturday for fro vaccination be tween tha noun of 10 and 11. Among Aalortaoa registered In Port land yeeterdsy wwe H. W. Copp, J. Q. A. Dowlby and F. P. Kandall. Four larg freight ateamers art be- Ing built fr tha 'round-the-horn rout between thla ooaat and the Atlantic. Miss Clara Blmpaon left for Portland yetrday evening, wbera aha will take a oourta at Ilolmas' business collrga. The logging oamp of M. Btaple which haa been In operation on tha Walluakl haa cloaed down for tha winter montha. Tou can find ovar 10,00 tltlta of nor-; ala at Hyland Broe.' old bookftora.Pert land. Drop In and gat aomethlng to read. If you want any Health Food that your grocer dm-a not have, write Knnpp Broa, H'allh Food Co., BaM Portland. Ore. Buy Rftjlyn coal; tha beat ooal for heating and cooking purpoeee on tb market Oeorg W. Sanborn, Agent, Telephone MIL Mr. S. T. Bmllh and Mlaa Dlanch O.' Abbot were united In marriage yester-J day. Ttev. W. Seymour Short per formed tha ceremony. noalvn coal laata longer. It oleanar and makea leaa trouble with atovea andj chimney nuea tnan any orner. ueonr W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone ML Vliltor from Portland and alaawhera will And the plraaanteat rooma In As toria at the Bay City houae, 171 Tenth strevt, Mra. K. S. Andrews, proprtetreea. When In Aatorta, tranalent gueaia oan secure unaurpaaaed aooomaaoda tlona at the Aator Houaa. Perfect cook ing and nloa, clean rooma. Rate, tl per day. Wanted Hr1 for gneral houeerork. Imiulre at tha malilmtoe of S. DanxIgiT, on Fourteenth atrwet, nax Fraiklln av enue, Knryiilnpedla llrlLUuiliA, 28 vol., aheop, 121. UeM teaihora Illblo, now, IWr, at Ilyland'a Uroa,' Hook Store, Pornlanil,, Hte ailvortlUKHient. A hora eatapod from Ita kpora yea lrrtuy and acampnrl about tha atrUi to the dlamay of thi ladlw. lie waa finally captured and W crwit-fallpn back to bla atall. Roalyn ooal la tha beat and moat eco nomical coal for houaehold uaa In Aa torla. Try It ono and you will have no other. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent, Telephone Ult I. W. Harper", Nelaon county, Ky., whlakey. A gentleman'a whlekey; a whlakey for tha aldeboard; a whUkey for the alck room. Bold by Foard Stukra Company, Aatorta, Oregon. The flrat ateejner for tha Portland Manila line haa been aeoured, and will reach Portland net month with car go of about 4,000 ton. Bhe la the Ger man Iron atemahlp Tetartoa, 1.81J tone net. m , a The dancing party given by the Eait ern Star lodge lat evening at Han thorn'a hall waa well attended and very highly enjoyed by all who partlclpaJeil. It waa again made very evident that rain and atorm do not quell the gay eplrlta of Aatorlana. The annual oonvenllon of the Port land district, Epworth U-agu. which met In Aatorla laat year, will be hem at Central church, Portland, the latter part of thli month. The Megmt ap pointed from Aatorl are Mlaa Carrie nnarth. Mlaa Nellie Oerdlng, Mlaa An- nlo Noalon, Mlaa Annie OnUke and Mr. William Llndau. ,n Johnnv McCann, one of the popular employee at Foard A Btokee, la reepon Ibl for a very reaJletlc creation of the Initial yacht rare between the Columbia and Bhamrock. which adorns one of thr large tllaplay wlndowa of the firm on Commercial atrc. The wrt la exoi-p-tlonally artletlc, and attract the at tention of all paaaemby In that vloln- MF. w, Mlaa Sign Talmberg, recently arrlv Ing from the East, desires to announce to the ladlea of Aatorla that ahe has opened drcaamaklng pari"" on Ninth street, near Commercial, next door to Delllnrer'a printing ofllc. Mlna Pttlm berg haa had thorough experience In cutting and fitting ladles' gerrm-nt of all kinds, particularly Ullor-made sulta ai.d cloak of the lateat and most fash lonable design. Mr. Charlee a Hlgglna and Mim Maud Warren, prominent young Clat sop county people, were united In mar riage at the horn of the bride' paenta In Warrenton yeeterday afternoon, Rev. u.nrv ManviLto offlclallng. Mr. Hlg- gin la aaalaunt eaahler of the Aatorla National bank and the bride is the daughter of Hon. D. K. Warren, presi dent of the bank. Mr. and Mr. Hlg glna left laat night by rail for Monte- r Portland am Astoria rey, Cal and aftcn Dotemlwr 1 will be at home to their frienda In this city. The dally 'aalea of tha Aatorlan and the regular suhw-iiptlffl lint have shown a gratifying Innreaso slnoe the radical Improvement and enlargement of thw pupt-r. Not only doe !the Incn-aae-d number of reafc-ra appeal ferelbly to advertlaera, but the style and tone of the Aatorlnn will convince tlvm that It ia a valuable medium through which to uu In the public nitontlon. The qual ity of a newpapr, It standing aa 'a Aral-class Journal, gives color to It ad vertisement. That auoomeful business men understand this la evidenced In tho advertising patronage the A at or lan la reo-ivlng. Hpeaklng of the dpth of water that ships draw going up and down the river from Astoria to Portland, an olJ pilot said yexterday that In IW2 the A mi lean bark Hanta, Clara, Pilot II. Empkins, by taking advantage of full moon tides, waa towed o Portland drawing 22 feet t Inche. A very few ships have been towed up or down the river since that time, under the same conditions, drawing 22 feet 10 Inches, and a few freight atearnera are reported to have been, driven over the shoal at extreme high tide drawing 23 ft With all the dredging by the port of Portland, pwldca the large amount of government money spent ty the Cnlted Btatx-e engineer, not more than four Inches of depth In the channel haa been gained In seven years. The Oregonlan makes a great fun about the transports Bio Janeiro and Sikh getting to aea from Portland In II hour from Port land. The Rio Janeiro went out draw ing leas than 20 feet f Inchea and the ' Blkh leas than 20 feet, and had a aouth I erly wind and big tide. It should be noticed, the skippers hold all the big I ship In Portland until they have a laraa run of tides, when hev come down like log on a freehet. . But tb; jahlp-owner make the aklpper pay for all dels) or demurrage when he char ters hi ship. "I trust that our oltlsena will dismiss ruirrow-mlmledneea and turn out In force for th Portland Exposition Sat urday," sold a well-known merchant yesterday. "It was my privilege to talk with one of the committee on Monday laat," he continued, "and I am satis fled that the courtesy of Astoria Day I extended In no spirit other than that of unquestioned good-fellowship and friendly regard. While I, aa well as other tradoemen. am anxious to retain all local patronage at home, still, In a case of this nature, It Is only Just that we should rl ie beyond bloeed senti ments and reciprocate for her splendid support of the laat annual regatta. Aa a matter of foot, within a week I havfe undergone a radlcaf change In disposi tion. I have found that Astoria Is ex aotly like a spoiled child. She sits still. pouts and shows an ill-temper, whereas on the contrary, she should smile, vl"lt with her neighbors, make new acqunin tances and w-in th eeteem of the out side world. Cross-grained and stubborn people are never known to ge along well, You can say for me that I am going to Portland on Saturday and take all of my family. Tou can also add In the same connection that I have talked sensibly to several of my neighbors, and they, as well, are gotng. We expect to have a big time, and there Is no reason why we shouldn't. If we go grod-nnt ur-vlly to look for It." ..FREE.. To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity With the same advantage, as the iwople of Portlaud, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing rates, furnish round trip tickets from - Astoria to Portland arid Return Absolutely-Free ; By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission to the Exposition with each Buit or Overcoat, pur chased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost and at the same timo to take advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS...... ' For Mens, Boys and Children. All our goods aro marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to the exposition with each purchaso of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co. The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. ' 3rd and Oak Streets, Portland HEHK'8 THE BARGAINS. If there Is a bargain In Portland it Is to be found at Welche's Clothing Store, S5 Morrison street. The real value, for little money offered on Shoe this week I worth Inspecting when tn Portland. ...... AN ASTORIA MINISTER. ' Rev. J. L. Trumbull' Addrease the Con - vention of Baptists. ' Tho ministerial conference of Oregon Baptists, - which met In Portland this wvek, attracted general attention. Much Important work was Accomplished. Speaking of the Tuesday session, the Oregonlan said: ;n r'" '. Discussing "The Preacher In Evan- jrellstlo Work," Rev.; I J. Trumbull of Astoria pointed out the different meth ods that obtained of conducting revival work. ""I' want to put myself on record ivere," he said In beginning, "a having no kind of sympathy with the-preaching and living religion one month of the year and then preaching higher criticism, new theology, sensationalism or any other kind of Ism." Rev. Mr. Trumbull said In part: "Finally, not a little of the success of the preacher In evangelistic work will depend upon his ability In interesting and keeping his church aotlvely en gaffed in the work. ' When he has no church to sustain or clog his efforts he may go forth confidently, expecting God to bless the word and answer his prayers for the conversion of sinners, but It Is rarely If ever the case that the lost are brought to aooept Christ against the Influence of a cold, Indiffer ent, critical : church. Hence, the vital necessity of arousing the church to a s-?ne of rta responsibility and of Its duty and privilege. It Is when Zlon traveleth not merely the preacher that children are born Into the King dom. Let the preacher proclaim that the judgment of God, as "well as the love of God, begins at the house of the Lord: that men and women are not thiMr own, but that they are bought with a prloe, not with gold and silver, but the Drerlous blood of Chrlttt, and that as such their servtoes ami their urnvers are precious before God, and thnt It Is both their privilege and their duty to labor with all tenderness ana love for the salvation of the lost. "A successful work of fcraee demand that not only shall the church be aroused to agonizing prayer ana conse crated persona! effort to win soul to RADICAL LITERATURE. W knoV of only on book ftor In PorMand where so complete a line of novel can be obtained, on all the radi cal subjects of the day under discussion as can be teat at imtm' Boot fittm, Ml Alder street. ; HORRORS OF PHILIPPINE WAR. 'Tale com to a of the uffering en ddnd by our brav otdler In the Phil ippines. The paper ring with them, sympathy l freely given. ' And yet there are people In our mldt of whom we hear nothing, who are juat as brave. They are suffering silently and fighting bravely with the great enemy of mankind- Inrspepsla and All ita terrible Ills. There la relief for them If they will take Hostetter Stomach Bitter faith fully. Tt will cure dyspepsia, constipa tion, blllousneaa, malwla, fever and ague and live and kidney trouble. It tones up the whole aytem. Got, It from anv drucclst and see that a private Revenue Stamp cover the neck of tha bottle. - WONDERFUL COMPANION.. : . The man who work 'and I apt to rln. cratch or otherwise Injur him self ahould never be without the cele brated Century Liniment, 10c and 2Sc bottle, at J. A. Clemenon' drug tore, i:i Vamhin atreet, Portland, Or. ' ' ' Tha woman who ha a weak ooanttu tlonj and who need aomethlng to brae her ud. ahould ret tha Natural Body Brace, tha brace that brace the whole length of the body and that cost only tS. If you are not aur you need tt, you can try It for SO daya, at the end of which time, If not satisfactory, you can return it. Write for a book witn in formation. J. A. CLEMENSON, tt, Yamhill street, Portland, Ore. . LADIEfl' TAILOR-MAPS SUITS, Ladlea who go to Portland and dealr something especially fine In the way of tailor-made suits will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at L D. Boyer'a 11 Fourth street, In the T. M. C. A. building. Not only doe he keep a airiotly flrat class cutter for men' wear, but aJao one exclusively for ladles' work, and all can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the best of materials, as Mr. Royer is an expert on woolen cloth. FOR RENT Oft SALE. A very desirable dairy' farm, fineat beaver dam land with abundant Uvlng water, nnd cow, buildings, orchard and leDara'.ors. Addrea Robert Craw ford. Nehalem. Tillamook county. Ore. Flaa Millinery. MISS McREA-Corner 10th and Com mercial tils. Latin' Tultr. ftiti'Tiiler. I. D. Boyer, Merchant Tailor l'ltc-j5t: ajikv 177 hirta St, NaTLHD, L Y. M. C. A. Build'g. CilHUaTiewN.- TUe Portland Restaurant L I. MTTEUir, '" . .Pioprlefc r. v - S06Wihln' tun St., near &th fmiU lwifcrUlK PORTLAND . J E. House's S Cafe, S 1!8 Tkir4 8'rwt, NrUand, regM, 1 SThe Best Cup ol fnflee or Cocoa In the clt 9 or Cocoa Id the city. Cream and Milk j truiaoiuownraocn 2 Home made IMci and cakes. Watson B Restaurant g WATSON BROS., Propr's, p 'ondiietiHl on the check sy.-.tnn. there- M fore patron" ray for what tlu-y order W and no more. n Wt Claim the Larjcfst, Chfapt. Best R and ((uifltst Service is Ue Surthwest. R 10) ami 111 Fourth St. Q Open6a.ro. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND M 1 The BEE HIVE. Natty Swell Jackets : Plash and Golf Capes, ; '. v Fur Collarettes and Scarfs , In all the latest novelties in tbi line. , Look at our Goods and Plcei - Ladies' brown melton jackets...... 12.75 Black bouole cloth Jacket 4 00 , Clack boucle eloth jacket trimmed ia appliqued kersey cloth 66 Elegant. all wool kersey jacket,. ...60 In Childrens cloak we are carrying the largeal assortment ever before dis played in our store. 467 "'Commercial st., astobu. Vib tw Bargains in Ladies' & Children's Shoes ' II, fruJ Ladies' $9.50 Shoes at f 2.65. Ladies $2:75 and 3.00 shot !! . : "'"at $125;- Ladies' $1.95 and $2.25 shoes at $1.65.- J'; Ladies' $150 hofi at- $1.1 5 , 4. , r- - i 9 'mil We Want Room for Men's and Boys' Clothing Here's a Snap, Good Overcoats at $9.75.; , REMEMBER THE PLACE- " " Welches Clothing Store, 225 Morrison St, bet. 1 and 2, Portland, Ore. ij EARNEST MILL,ER Fresco Decorator:: and Scenery Artist ALSO DEALER IN" Lakst Designs ?o.oi,y Wall Papers JUBT REITED 127 First Street. Portland 4 7 We Rent New Typewriters. Many Kew ImprovemenU Added-SEE OUB LATEST Smith Premier Typewriter : V NEW ART LATAUUUU TUII ' m f-'. L. at A. ALtAA.M'tK u mone main S7 Eiclmiv Pacific Coast Dealer. 215 Stark St Portland .-5 . V ASTOR A ..DAY SATURDAY, OCT. 21i 1899 Will be ASTORIA DAY, X '- at' the " . ,.,., Oregon Industrial Exposition In PORTLAND The following Superior Attractions are offered: - Bennett's Superb Military Band The Three Flying Banvards In their thrilling Aerial Turns and Flights Alice Raymond, the world's greatest Lady Cornetist. Gus Henderson, Wonderful Tight-Rope Walker and Gymnast. EVA ROSS, Descriptive Ballad Singer. WELCOME TO i -yyyyirs wyyl Christ, but they may De Kept ai u. Vi