The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 19, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Telephone. Main ML
Bnt by malt. pr year H
Bent tf mall. pr roaaU J
Served If carrier, per month
Bent by mall, per year. In advance $100
Poitif free to subscrlbaca.
All communications Intended tor pub
lication should bo directs to th dt
tor.' Business eommunlottoM of H
klndt and remittances must bo addrtoo
td to "Ths Aatortan."
Tb Astorlana guarantee to Itt ad
TtrtlMrt Uio largest otreulaUoa ot any
Mtipipff published on tho Columbia
rher. "
,. Advertninf ratoa can bo bad oa ay
lleatlon to the business manager.
TO KKADEItV-laa "Dally Aaturlaa"
eaatalas twiea aa much raulu( iattr
aa y ataar pifw pabll.hrd III j atari. It
U tke oaljr papar that pninU lu mdm
with dally talgraihle raparV.
, TO ADTKRTISKK8.-Tka Daily Aa.
torlaa" ha awn thaalalcaaaatafe rad
rtaaaajr ataar papar patwUhad la Alo
rla. It la taarafara mora iKma tola aa
valaebla aa aa advrtilar aaadlnaa.
Unable to find anything els which
offer any possible opening (or criticism,
certain representailvea ot the yellow
vrrss continue to veat their malignity
toward the MoKlnley administration by
heaping air sorts of slanders and mis
representations upon General Otis.
With the arrival of e?ry transport In
San rranctucA harbor, the Examiner
and other antl-adminlstraUoa papers
publish columns ot fake Interview with
the returning officers and men, arraign.
Ing Otis' administration In the Philip
pines and laying special stress upon his
Incompetency from a military stand
point Aa the AstorUn has alivady sev
eral tlmea said, tho laet charge per
ha.pi which could be made to wick
against Otis Is one affecting his record
and qualifications aa a successful mili
tary command. The country knows
Otis, and has had abundant opportunity
to test bis military abilities at borne.
It Is not too much to aay that no officer
In the American army had a higher
standing than Otis before his assign
ment to the Philippines; and It Is ex
tremely unlikely that the) enormous re
sponsibilities of his
Two Udies ire With the Parties
In the Mountains Soppoied
to Have Soccombed.
The western Journey undertaken by
the president and the cabinet la serv
ing not so much to awaken patriotism
DENVER, Oct, 1S.-A special to the
Republican from Great Falls, Mont..
Four men ax dead and probably
eight more will die In Teton county
from the ment storm. Tho dead are all
sheep-herders. They art aa follows:
Norman Drulce and ons other em
ployed by W. K. Flowerree.
Will Graham, working for the Homer
Sheep Company, and a man namrd
Ladd. employed by Wallace Taylor.
Two herders named Mcintosh and
Conley, working for J. C. Qulgley, are
probably dead, as they' are missing,
present position though their sheep have been found.
would Incline him to be any less par- There are two parties In the moun
ticulsr aa to bis duty and fame as an tains. Including ladle, which have not
officer than atvn fighting the battle been heard from. They are Wm. Co
ot his country on hi own soil. I burn, Chas. McDonnell, and their wives.
There la certainly some serious d-(lf Dupuyer. now In Sun River canyon.
feet In our form ot government and and W. F. Ralston and four sons in
laws when traitors and public enemies' Birch Creek canyon.
at home are allow such a free rein! The severity of the storm may be
In their efforts to cripple and handicap judged from the fact that It touk four
the government and Its armies In time! horses four days to bring In the body
(Continued from Page One.)
back to work, nearly all the transports
now In port will gt away nest week.
Six of the transports will be ready
for sea Monday. The Pennsylvania and
Olympla will leave on that date fur
Portland, where they will take on the
Thirty-ninth regiment.
HAN FRANCISCO. Oot. 18,-The First
Montana infantry left for hotne tonight
on a special train, via Portland.
Any Interested Party May File Hrlefs
In the Test Case.
WASHINGTON, Oct. lS.-The United
States supreme court has practically
reached a decision to allow any Inter
ested parties to file briefs In the express
company cases Involving the question
as to whether the sender or carrier shall
pay the revenue tax on packugvs. but
not to permit such parties In the oral
argument before the court.
It Is believed that this decision will
prevent the poetponenl of the argument
beyond the 3i'h Inst., for which date
the test case Is set.
White Ribboners
Reach Seattle
The W. C.T. U. National Conven
tion HeM at the Sound City
Will be Largely Atttnded
of foreign war. . The men who write
these lying statements about Otis, and
the owners of the papers which dure
give them circulation In their columns.
would, in many European countries, be'
made very shott work ot by the author-j
itles. It Is a pity they cannot be so
ot Will Graham on a toboggan.
Ke-Measurement of Irlnh Yacht Shows
Columbia Entitled to a Small
Time Allowance.
In the region visited as to prove howj,ieaIt wltn nere Tne San Francfoo NEW YORK. Oct. 1.-The Shamrock
aide awake the spirit of loyalty to the chronicle recently published a strong 18 fuIly rePalreJ ready for the race
Aug already U. Everywhere that the! comment on the series of interviews
president has spoken, the part of his. attributed to tf?e officers and men of the
address which inspired the warmest en-j Kansas volunteers, aa nrinted In anoth.
thuslasm was that which declared his ' er San Francisco paper. Of course the man' evidences of good will,
Do you know." Sir Thomas Upton
ejaculated, "there have come to me
Here, for
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. -Joseph C. Hen
dricks, president of the National Un
ion bank of this city, In an Interview
Is quoted as saying that he had not
heard of any consolidation of the Na
tional bank of Commerce and the Un
ion bank. It has been reported that Mr.
SEATTLE. Oct. ll-Delegatea to the
W. C. T. II, national convention from
the slates of Indiana. North and 8,uth
Dakota. Maine, New Hampshire, Iowa.
Illinois, MlMourl, Minnesota. Michigan,
Massachusetts, NeUrtaka, Ohio, Penn
sylvania and Wisconsin an In the city.
The famous "White Ribbon" train
from the East over the Ureat Northern
arrived IS hours late, owing to the de
sire of the delog.ilea aboard to stop at
various points of Interest along the
The Kansas, California and Oregon
delegations will arrive tomorrow morn-
A Magnificent Home Hunted to the
OAKLAND, Col. Oct. ll-'Feni-mmI,"
the tmnrnirVviu home ot Will
lam It. Dingee. located on Piedmont
1(111.4, was totally deatroyed by fire this
Hendricks would be eleoied president of: The h((Uk. Cimtiilwj Mw th, flnitK
the National bank of Commerce and : ,vate art galleries and conservatories'
the two Institutions would be m.-riRd i n, mt.. Th f.n.i i.
Wholesale am! relnll ilcalor in
Krauloh ami Itaoh,
Scliafler, Hoblllsr,
and many otliers.
112-11 .(l I'nloii AvmiomtJ
1H;I h'Mt Alder Street
Holm I U anil Co,
Miller, Ann Arbor
lleutlcy and otbvrt
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms.
M. C. MATTHIKLL. MannKcr. HwulofBca 14! Hlata Hi 8aleu, Ore.
Heretofore Astonnrm hav sent uwu) for tlislr
I uow bare lu stock an op-tinlnte line ot llWO lo select (nun. Call and Si-
smliie tlietu, The moat llesuliful Variety erer tlUlsysi In the I'aolflc
Northwest i
j. s.;fw,
Cor, Ninth and Commercial His.'
. . , r : 1
Pacific Sheet Metal Work
...CANS... 8i
into one.
Hundreds Visit Whale's Piano Display
at the Exposition.
Have you Been the electric piano?
This 1 heard on every side. It Is the
ore topic of conversation. Whale' mu-
over Itisuranoe. IW.OOO.
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco, Cat. Astoria, Ore, Fairbaven. Waso,
lnrtexlble purpose to support the flagj public does not need to be Informed of '"""""V' added Sir Thotnas. Meotlngi Mlr l-ouse, where this wonderful Insiru
at any ccst. At Chicago the sentiment tne name of the paper which was guilty' ore from "veral telegrams that had j n,ent 18 on exhibition, hns been the on.
took this form: "Tfte honor and ta- of auoh dajtanllvan.l1llh..m.t,M,niio,.i : Ju9t n tram shore, "here a, objective point for days by the musical
tegrlty of the flag wherever It is car-j There Is one consdation. however. In "l'm trirnii who "" D"n' dl"-l
Womin'i WaUfre
I within her own control; greatest i
I French medical triumph of this S'n-I
j tury, for all female Irregularities, 1
j weakness, etc; a positive blessing to,
1 married ladles. Call or write for
i sealed Information. Inclose stamp. !
j Office, SWV4 Washington street, over
I Cordruy's, rooms -I0. Portland, tre.
Astoria, Ore,
Writ Ust for PrUe
rled by our soldiers or sailors on land) the course of the Examiner the rising' h,'ar,,ed: he Shamrock may lose, but
or. on sea." The phraseology varies, j gentiment of its own community ,i'Sir Thnma w,n" lhe respect and good
! The plan t la n.rt ..Imply the ordinary Two Fashionable Furrtsrs Who Are
(instrument with an Insignificant little! Earning Well-Merited Approval
wm of millions or Americans, and I en-iine attainment, out a grand up-'
,,U",CT'1 tne samej favor of the administration and its al
and the purpose Is the same; and thei rroat faultless conduct of the Philip
reception by the people of that sent!- Line war is creatine such a tide of in.
ment and declaration of purpose Is like- dls;naJlor. aralnet the dihommble ' Ainrt'lt'"I people that I have proved '"' the two forming one hurmonl- j APP'K'h & Praalt,
wie always the same.
Francisco and
elw- even the Republican white of culatlon in San
North Carolina, where the experience ' whre on the Pacific coast. The Chron
of the negro in power Is recent and un-l ,c,c ald:
savory, will welcome his disfranchise
ment Is shown by this significant let
ter of J. C. U Harris, former secretary
r,f ,h lunnKllM. . - ...
(lood Work, corrwnt alvt nH nrft
can say now through the Associated j riKht P'ann with aa grand and a more! fit speak louder for the furrier than'
Press to my own people and to the ! Ingenious electric contrivance m-nr any advertisement that can bo written.'
I i . 1 .i . . i n . t. tv. i . . i ... ! AnnlL-zath A Profit th ..hi.,
furrlt-rs, at 1U TlUrd street, between
Alder and Morrison. suirintM ahan.
anos. but this. Iule Htttl8flu.u,n , VWT eM. w, '
la -..1,1 . . ...I - , . . ....
I " " "v"" " -" oe pui-cnase is nraae at weir establish-
by far the beat ever made and the only ment Both gentlemen are practical j
ciiltcrs and fitters, who have been em!
methods of that paper that It must soon whaJ 1 b""ve to tru- " "an, Jus-looklng instrument
I lose all semblance of standing and clr-! ww mH nu,r" cordlal rlng than 1 n""1 r of electric pla
There art
have here. No man ever found more
generous hearts, more willing hands, or
more honest men, than I have since I
-, . .. .. . ,. : cam-; to America. I have proven this.
The offcers of the Twentieth Kansas
regiment are Indignant over the man-j 1 t0 the peopl crf my own "-'""
ner in hlch, as they declare, they Measunr John Hlslop announced at
, have been misrepresented by a morning the New York Athletic Club that the
measurement of the Shamrock,
known as the
oiie that works perfectly and plays an
Innumerable number and In fart. any
and all kinds of music. Experts who
listen to K play pronounce it
the most delightful music ever pro
duced. They said that there Is a no-
believe.'' savs Mr. Herri, "thai th ni. .ni niln.Min. k. 1
amendmt will be ratified by a large1 given by several officers of the KaW nUilU by h,m ,n" mtrnln "h'w" ,h" tlCeable h" f the nh
wajority. It becomes effective. I regiment, are pronounced by them to be' Itcnl 8 rresont water-line t
rieve. In ISO The republicans will
be 88.9") universal wltn piano attachments. Th
I totally false. The character of these' feet and her racing length by club rule! ol(l adage that "electricity la life" never
Interviewa la reveal.! hv ih fa.., hu, ..... , . . .
h.r.iu k- .1.1. ... i . . i ' ' leoi. ne aiaiea niu tne rnam-
hardly b- able to do anything that year. tew ot them were attributed to "lieu-' , .... ,u
. . . , . i ., . .rock will now alow the Columb a 1
O" een In 1S04. but In 19 I would not tenants," whose names cannot be dla-
! covered on the rolls of the regiment, j seconu -mUe course. T.Miior-
I i was never so astonlnhed in my1 " n,lr w" 13 mnes to winawara
be at all surprised if our party won.
b-4ue th white ote, 1th the negro'
voe practically eliminated, will divide
life," said Colonel Metcalf yesterday.
as I was when I read the Interview
Tere are thousand of Democrsus whoj that had been allotted to me. The al
ar in that party not because of any led Interview la garbled, made up.
difUke for mMibliean DrinciDlea. 01lt ' "rteil-I might, use a harxher term,
or le-ward and back, the start to le
made at 11 o'clock: ' '
oec.use or tne neyri republican v.aV.j fc. ,h ,, , . ' Soldier's
Wife Defends the Honor of
the Flag From Its Assailants.
i f h,W. f am tintf an !m, am nv. ... '
1 know that It la not the nart nf an
I will say to yon frankly trot if we had to criticise his superior. There is only'.
won last year we would 'have been one grain of truth in the whols Inter-! "
y . .t-'view. and thai la when T am ..mJ Ilu At". Oct. IK. At an antl-lm-
n-fOl lOe. ' " " mm
. sajirg, -Otis Is a good soldier.' That' Piriaiist mei-tlng today during Rv.
OI tno . . . . ...... i . .
rointv anrf . ' " 1 "eve- Interview Mr. Billow's apeech, a sensation was
, roajies me condemn
7s ouii nave Had to relegate loocan, when, as
the.; negroes to the rear in sHf-de-' know,
rorcfii to enact laws to
regroe from taking control
; negroes
the delav at .'
a matter of fact. 1
as does every officer who was
j there, that the delay was absolutely
I necessary and unavoidable. There werr
j neither sufficient transportation facllU
i ties nor enough troops to warrant an
Tlv New York Journal is
na follow
alined by a stylishly dressed woman
ho arose in the audience and extend
ing her gloved hand toward the American-
ilag which hung suspend d over
the speaker, exclaimed: "Take down
tha flag; don't disgrace It any longer."
nr h numea irom tne nail Dy a
friend and as she left' the building
seemed more true, for the expression of
thi Veerlt-ss electric piano Is perfect.
All day long a score of peraons i:
be aeen listening to and examining this
genuinely useful, beautiful and Com
paratively Inexpensive piano. Mr. W.
K Price takes the gTealest pleasure In
showing visitors ihe novel features of
this new musical wonder.
ployed In some of the larr-st houses1
In the principal cities of the United'
States. There Is a style and finish to I
all work turn id out by this firm that!
stamp both gentlemen exp-ru In this!
business. Garments will be taken to!
be made over or repaired, and the work j
turned out with the least possible de
9 A a afV t A m av .""" a l-tr m Armx m m wr. 4 m. tta 9 W
Tslsphens Mo. v) J
Handles Only the Choicest Aleats '
4i Caiaawrtlal SI., atit Palaes lttata)fat.t.
The PAT APvP 0pcnDay
JTJUTLWi and Night.
W. V. Whlpple.ProprUtOr
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
538Commerclnl St., Aetorln. OreKon
P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
Lataett nrl Heat
It transpires .that F. C. Plnsree.
brother of the governor of Michigan, is
u morn nr or tne tstanoard gftoe Machln
ery Company, which has been formed
to acquire several other concerns in the
same business. Whether Governor Plo-
gree would call this a trust or not Is
not known.
"But the worst thing of all Is the car-
ingL the omrse of hs San Francisco at- tor,n where, oer my name, are written
tachm-ni on th- Philippine war. It1 lh 'ord- 'Th war never end till. 8h ,'fll",''1 10 her name but said
.wwa removea. inat is directly con-1"' was tne sister of one soldier, the
Ta censor at Ma fc.. erMv 12? T'l' t"' hM f anmher an1 th " "f
cn-erruny done a aonderful amount of rood w,vk ' ,. . .
let la-s . pron- fr, AnaH lhoUgh W8J hI, miriJto have a" them BOW fl,fh,lng the
v. should pray to ,:.1 ?h.t j
ar-pt d.-mocrailc oarty nav win -he! """"i -P"meni eouid not
next presidential elir-tior. arid imr-rtal Piby nav? better manand.
fs-n fall in Its mad ittwm7t to subjn-1 notice that the same paper has
gate us by force of arms.- j Mint other interviews with men I n-ver
There a few thing, which Mr. Agul-j heard of before. There Is no such an
naldo might learn with profit V-th 10 ofhe-r in the rvment as Lieutenant A
himself and his countrymen. ! 5. Jc.hnson. and. although I know every
He should kniw-ajij ao-jhCe. will officer. I am unable to locate Captain
know In time-that whemer-r ar, Frick. I know of no man who answers
enuntrv. he It Senm-n v." . v . . . . n t
whHe flee. l" a"'" 1'"" . " - K' .'a,n """"hlan clU. In Ecuador.
" i" Lin-, dq neuner is me name of Hf.-i.t,.ni threat..n i .1
Btot. 1. . . . 1 " '""""i ore maiiimi
"- . c.rerTa tstw r to ma. w tiava
I Columbia and Ecuador Makl nr Vaca a
Each Other.
NEW YORK, Oct 18. Advices from
th; Herald's correspondent in Bogota
that outrages belna nractlcrwi
againM a single po!i'aJ
Tiar:y. Kut ant L. A. Mitchell' In th T-.,i..ii
against the entire popDlaaon of 1hij Kansas, and I do not recognize the pic
C?nt7' , . lur; Pub1i'h'd " that of any one whom
.kuiiihii,. waging war on the Fn1- I have ever seen."
ted States. Let him n' rely cpwi the!
demxratir party for eneuracwrnert
Let him com In and lay down his arms! fCMMISSlftXRjjg ARRIVE,
while the people of this country flcht!
out th question of Imperial or Indus- VaNCM'VER R C Oct 11 -Prof
trial expansion at the polls. I ' " " ct- "--Prof.
The democratic party nd foP !!b.ia C' V.r and Cl.-iel r.tlbyi
erty for all the races under our fiaa i phi,l'1Pie commissioners, who arrived
but It can have no deaiinga with men
in arms agtlnst America.
this morning from Manila, left this af
ternoon f.r Washington.
that republic,
Th Ecuadorean minister. General
aatro, although well disposed, seems
unable to Influence his government to
set with Justice,
WASHINGTON. Ort. lg.-The Inter
Icr department has nTjeived a dlspa'ch
from faptaln Nicholson, Indian agent
at the Han Carlos agency. Ravins tl
Indians there have confidence In the
apency authorities and that he l.ik
for no trouble from them.
should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons:
FIRST Because, if any member
of the family has. a hard cold, It
will cure It
SECOND Because, if the chil
dren are delicate and sickly, it will
make them strong and well
TinJlD Because, if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated. It will build
them up and give them flesh and
FOURTH Eecause It b the
standard remedy in ail throat and
lung affections.
No household should be wltfiOut it
It can be taren in summer as veil
as In winter.
VK. ynd 1 no, all orurlitlt.
SCOTT 4 hOWKE, Chcauui, Sew Yerfc
An Attraction fur the Ladies.
At the eiH4itioti id i'urtlaii'J thore is
au object of tsiwH iul iuterexl to tLe la
dies io the way of sn ideal waist ami
skirt supporter. By those qusliflej to
judge, it meets erery requirement of
such hu article. It is noo-rustini(, sill
suKrt the besriest skirts, is completely
hidden, is very strong, i quick of action,
does awsy with oil books aud eyes.
There is a Que cuaiui for live sgetit for
Astoria by sddreatiiif B. C. Weeer, 176
Fourth street, Purtlsud.
General Supply
House for
j Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardoaare, Ship Chandlery, Etc.
Improved ranch, consisting of 1M
acnes, on Tounsg rlTer. Apply to John
L. Haysetb, Wit!. Or.
Headquarters tor Cutters' Lofttni
Shoes and Lowers' Outfits. THE BED
FRONT, 269 Morrison street, Portland.
Notice Is hereby riven that the part-
nersJilp heretofore existing between A.'
Metier and C. B. Wrirht, under the
firm name of Megrler & Wright, has
tbls day been dissolved by mutual con-
ent, Mr. Wrtjht letlrtng. All the In
dt-btedness of tine firm has been assum
ed by Mr. Metfer and all bills due the
firm must be paid to him.
Dated October 5th, 1899.
Commission. Brokerage,
Insurance ioi Shipping.
Custom Houa Broktr.
Aianl W. r. k OoM and fMlaa fczpress Co t.
Mnufatutr f
th Always Koflabl
A tail II M at Plaas.
aaa iai.k.n' AftMas.
474 CsmmsKlsC St.
"U BelU AstorU" Clftr
Schtlte'i Open Stir
Schelbe'i Special
And Othar Brand
A TAW, Proprietor.
Hpecial httetition given to fsmily orders
Fint work at Populsr Prices,
337 Washington Street
Next Imperial Hotel
lu I Art or riuiali
Kjcial xtU-ntioo iven to ffimily ord"rD.
Wholesale sod Eetail Dealers in
483 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or,r,n
MHHtiery .
At prioes within the
roach of all. Call
and examine the new
183 lltb Street.
HtrariKers visitinit in llie cltv will ftml
the Louvre an attraotive resort wherein
to srend tbe eveninf. Tlie Amme Hiators
lilies' Urrht'stra is still nn ths bills and
presents nightly a musical proirrani of
exceptional merit, Handsome pool and
billiard rooms are feature in connection
Posing a flpeolalty.
The Photographer '
N.W. Corner ,
Seventh and Washington
Dental College
I5th and Couch Sts I'ortlnnd.
Member of Natlonnl Association of
ucntal faculties.
Formerly Ta.'oma College of
Dental Infirmary open daily from a.
to 0 D. m. Fraa ami 1
Hitiirflay. 1-30 n. m . " . T1
n m ' wA.wiiaiiiTamr
,!t.-dMntiw!e,ir,n n'ormaUon, a4-
1 - nij 41
ith the house. Palatable lunches will J? North Pacino Dntai r'nUm
lje served at all lours. Fifteenth and Couoh streerts, Portland.