' -J t THE MORNING ASTOR1AN. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1, im Headquarters (or Pry Goods on the Lower Cotunt Mn The A. Dunbar Co. Golf Capes, Ladies' Jackets, Childrens' Jackets CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niRFTT ivikfc, to V(,k stC(k Exchange DIKtc! J.'HiLig Cliicsgo Ecard cf Trade :214-2U Oiamlrr of I'uiiinn t ;:c, Portland. Qivyon. This moriiinir we pla.-e ou sale in our Clonk lVoartiuoiii moWa'. RHKrtmetit of the very newest tliinjrs in Holt tapes, Ladiea mul Misses' Jackets at loaeet city pi ires We Bell the W. C. Corset and carry the lest assort men 1 i" ! 'iiy. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY J. v Found INTO. Hill. M. U.. I'rUclpal. ASTORIA'S DAY NEXT SATURDAY Portland Inritts The Empress fity to Share Her Hospitality. sister city. Ckrlilmti Ttru Opras Sept. IS, 1KSSX A Borllr b4 ry school inMmni MRM Hit. The Astoria ft Columbia River Rail-, ndp.u j w hiu. h. d.. p. o. arswor .NEW TRAIN ARRANGEMENTS New Features at the Exposition Will be Provided for the En tertainment of Astorians Portland has formally invited As toria to be her gueot next Saturday. The exposition management has de signed next Saturday as Astoria day at their big fair, and Saturday night as Astoria night. '.' The various heads are planning spec ial attractions. The leader of the Splendid band is arranging a special program for the visitors from the Bra- press city of the Columbia. There will be a big time In Portland when-old As toria turns loose there. ., The mayor of Astoria, the common council, the chamber of commerce and the Push Club are to receive a special . and argent Invitation. There will be a banquet for the representative bodies and all the courtesies extended that one city can show to another. Portland flocks to Astoria regatta time. Then Astoria smiles a greeting smiles and plays the part of hostess. Saturday she returns the call and Pert land is sweeping and looking and put- road is making arrangements for hand- rnmr. ?,rr.rt.ry md AroJomio rir. ... . , (u: Colltso Prrrtka. Military DlMlplla ling an immense crowd. fly tpc l. jjuuuaj ir,um. u) at u to ri4. terms with the Southern Taclno Com-' pany the long trains will be drawn up riht into the heart of Portland, thus nd Tom Sharkey it was agreed to post- saving the long walk from the depot. pone the flsht for one week from the It Is Impossible to enumerate the at-, date originally set. It will take place tractions that will greet the Astorians '. Friday. N'ovember t at the exposition. The managers will Save everything money and endear-1 or can secure. They know that Astoria will swarm next Saturday and the ex CARD OF THANKS. 5 ill 44lilgj ill!! I m e aesire 10 B'n our gruuiuae and thanks to those kind rfiends who were position people are very anxious that so considerate to us during the sickness Astoria will bear home pleasing mem-' and ftr h w Juh- ' ter. ories of their annual fair. MR. AND MRS. Z. TABELL. The admittance is practlcAlly nothing 25 cents and for children. 15 cents-1 If you want any Health Food that ! your grocer does not have, write Knupp ; Bros. Health Food Co.. East Portlaml. Ore. and everybody is going. BRITISH AMD BOER BULLETS NOW FLYING notice to parents. (Continued from Page One.) Parents of scholars attending the Mc Clure school or the high school are rv quested to see that thftr children do speaker of the house of commons. Right not 8tart g0 wy m th emornlng ns to Hon. William Court iiulley. returned to arrive at school before half-pa-nt 8. At the house of commons. The house took present many come before the building a recess till 4 p. m. KNAPP BROS Health Food Co., Eat f Of (land, Or., Mannfncinrers of NtT BUTTER, the IW for all and K B CEREAL the Health Drink. Every Hand . . 2SP a S 1 i - I -v; . H-1 .ja.iiwa.;, 55V The Millinery Exposition ..Of Portland.. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. The Big Millinery Store .Ninhiiif like It k te n tiiU Md.' i.i i Moi), 600 Trimmed Hats Constantly on Hand to S lat from. New tylrs: New Arrivals Daily. 'oil 7 jaet Millinery Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices. Gutr Hats lth long quills at H7c rath and up. Khco yon come to the city ask to sec the XEKSTKECT HATS, Xew, Xuhliy and Stylish with Tarn crons. Large Selection of Children's Tarns, fluids. Cltiths, VeUet aad Silks all I'rlccs. The Wonder Millinery Co., ALL VELVET TRIMMED HATS I'KOM $4.00 IT. Corner Morrison niul First St., l'OKTI.ANl), UltKUON. Henry Labouchere, liberal, will move is open and have to stand waiting In the rain. As the morning noeslon is long enough for them to be sitting! an amendment to the address in reply Btn, tne b,,y, anj girB had better be to the speech from the throne in favor at home till about 8:15. or for the 11 v of arbitration in the Transvaal trouble. ,nK over ml,e away' 8 a. m. even at this late day. ting on her best clothes to receive dtI today of the managers of Jim Jefferies .'IL..1H..I.UH MIMUMUIL.M U MM. 11 llll .III.J .HI I.JHI l-l III Jllllll llll l.lllllllll I ILII.II.I IHIH ! 1. 1 mm . There will be plenty of tlm for get ting drv and warm between 8:30 and 9. John E. Redmond, Parnelllte, will PATNE move a protest against the war. Principal of High School. Henry Seaton Ker, conservative, has given notice of dbtcusslon Thursday PORTLAND NOT IN IT. concerning the alleged disloyal uUer- CM m R p & gon t anoes of certain Irish nationalist mem- prices on Wall Paper, then go to Port bers of the house, which he win contend ! land if you wish. If you find better are In violation of the oath of allegl- j Price8 u,re- come and we will anc I make you a present of your contem- ' plated purchase, and give you a chance THE FIGHT POSTPONED. i besides on a I3T5 Mason A Hamlin or- i gan. This offer holds good on prepared NEW YORK. Oct. 17. At a meeting ( House Paints. a F. ALLEN ft SOX, rift Keaclics for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS made at The Spa Candy Factory The largestt line of Lowney's Famous Chocolates ex'er brought to Astoria. A.B.COONLEY, Prop'r. . 'Fbone 30M Pcrnlri Sliortlmncl School H. V. IIEHNKB, Principal. Rooms !U Oreifoiiiim HiiiMuii;, I'oi tlund. Ore. The Pernln Bystem was awarded the World's Fntr Me1al and Diploma. No shading: No position; Few word-signs No failures. Day and night Holmes' English -AND- Business College 414 Yamhill St, Porilun.l, Oregon. SIX DEPARTMENTS . En(lish, HookkccpInK, Shorthand, TyrvxvritiiiK, Pcnvuui.ship, All. BeoJ forcironlars. QMymveAJ by rendering surwrior service of some kind. The commercial world will ever have an over-supply of captble office niru and women. We cn qualify soy earnest, faithful student to do first-claw office work th kind tbtt p,r$. Departments: Business, Shorthand, English. Visit our school, or write for full particulars. 5r"Arnutmng'i Combined Theory and Practice of Bookkeeping" 1 new way to trara. 8tndenU tears to kttp books timttfy as they are kept la business, Investigate. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong, Prist. Open all the year. Students may enter at any lime. Dminets, Shorthand and English departments. Private or clue instruction. Catalogue free. The Lightest Store in Astoria Wise's Customers See What They Buy TUB BETTER THE GRADE, TME BIGGER TUB TRADE. . mmk. jmi i HFli BY NrMW THF-FNF ... ivW . . Portland Merchants are Holding Up Our Prosperity! Which Hurts Astoria Property Owners. Portland Merchants are doing all they can to Prevent Shipping Here 1 1 Which Hurts Astoria Merchants, Portland Merchants would rather see the Sound Ports Grow than Astoria ! ! !- Which Hurts Astoria Mechanics. One of Astoria's Merchants has Cut Clothing Prices to Bed-Rock I One of Astoria's Merchants Carries a Clothing Stock fit for a Metropolis ! I One of Astoria's Merchants Stands Ever Ready to Work for Astoria ! ! ! . i.r WITH WHOM WILL YOU TRADE? HERMAN WISE: THE (RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER t,JW.WW.nii ijwwmwpatffr ASTORIA, OREGON j