MORNING AST0&1AN WKtlE3UAl , OCTOBEK is, 1899. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Mala ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DXILT. Bnt by mall, pr year M.N Scot by mall, per moath M Served by carrier, per month SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, la advance U.M Postage free to subscriber, All communications Intended for pab- Uratlon should be directed to the edi tor. Business communications of all kinds and remittance mint be address ed to "The Astorian." Tbe Attorlaaa guarantees to Ita ad vertleers the largest droulaUoa of any aewtpapcr published od the OolmmbU Itrer. J Advertiatnc ratea can be had oa ap plication te the buatiMM manager. TO KKADEKS.-lh. "MUl Atturlu." Mtalu Iwlca u alack rreulag aaatirr M ay ather paper pabllsh.4 la AUuria. It , U the aaly paper thai arawuu It raailan with a dally telegraphic rMrt. TO ADVERTISKKil. -Thv -Uallj A.. torl" bu aiora thaalalcaaam u.y read ers aa aay etaer paper published la Aata rla. II la tharefura wura laaa twlee aa rateable aa aa eortlilar atodlan. porta of Puget sound in bond to tbe Portland custom house. Yet the Columbia river has been called tor half a century, as It Is, the natural gateway of the American continent to the Orient. Volt's a chant of Oregon's seaport from a point over 100 miles up a croaked and changeable river Is soon made to the deep and commodious har bor at the mouth of the Columbia river. even the grain trade of Portland will be lost President Hill of tne Great Northern railway says even the (rein oarrlers of the near future must be steamers of 12,000 and 14.000 tons. Such ships, of oourse, cannot and will not attempt to go to Portland, but before their day, unlets a chant of seaport Is made In Oregon, the lines of trade and com merce will have become so (Irmly to Seattle and San Francisco that Oregon will forever cease to figure as a stats of any maritime importance. Warner's Safe Cure is the only remedy of the present day, which sufferers from kidney trouble, men, women or chil dren, can take with positive certainty that they will be re lieved and cured. WHO WAS HE? Ronald McDonald of Astoria the Sub ject of Historical Inquiry. appeared! In yesterday's Oregonlan the following letter: PORTLAND, Oct. 11 To the Edi tor.) In Mr. Griffls' recently published volume, "America In the East." page noapuai at Vancouver barracks was abundantly able for the present need. The pstrtl hospital at the Preeido, he explained, was a new structure, sup plied with all modern appliances, and as all returning troops, on sick letive or otherwise, passed through San Fran Cisco, there could be no possible neoea atty at present for the additional hos pltal service at Vancouver barracks. PLENTY OF WIND A Gentleman of Leisure In the Land of Mint Juleps. The Shamrock's Misfortune (Contlaued from First Pace.) VERSAILLES. Ky.. Oct. 17.-Th 1(7, It Is ststed that Ronald Macdonald. Bryan party left Louisville this morn- of Astoria, Ore., was one of the IS sail- ig ,d Droceeded to Frankfort vhr or. rescued by Commander Glynn from brtakft WM haJ B A w captivity at Nagasaki. This Incident ' ... occurred In April 1847. Mr. OrilTi, fur- ,h' oper hou"- mkln '""owing ther states that Macdonald was born1 wefram tne basis of his remarks: A CRISIS IN THE HISTORY OF OREGON. There never was a time In the history of Oregon when the united effort of Us press and people was more urgently called for than at present Abundant Judge Gray evidence exists to provs the Columbia! several other old-time about 1823, and that he was the first teacher of the English language in Japan, tf these statements can be verified, and if nothing has been done to preserve this man's memory, I would suggest that those who are specially irterested in the history of Oregon ob tain further information on the subject before it Is too late. RICHARD H. THORNTON. , An Astorian reporter Interviewed Mr. C. J. Tnenchard and Astortans, but river is losing its rightful eminence in Pacific ocean commerce. The apparent confidence of the Oregonian and Its re peated efforts to impress its readers with Portland's importance as a ship ping point may deceive the distant countr) papers and a few lukewarm learned nothing definite regarding Mac-! donald. . Judge Gray was In Clatsop county! In 1847, the year of the rescue, but he( was only S years old at the time, and "St. Louis, Oct. It Hon. Wm. J. Bryan, Louisville, Ky. Jones, Stone. Whitmore, Careth, Cook and many other friends congratulate you, Goebet Blackburn and Kentucky democrats on the splendid reception In Kentucky. Success In Kentucky means success u the nation next year. I WJ. O. JOHNSON." ' Bryan said he had seen It stated that i the eieotion of Goebel would mean de i feat of free silver. If he thouitht so. j he would not be In Kentucky. Womia's Wcltfrc within ner own oontrol; gtvatat French m-dlcal itrlumph of this ton- tury, for a! I female Irreoularltlea. weaknoss. sto.; a positive blessing to married ladles. Call or write for sealed Information. Inclose stamp, vimpt, wasrongTon street, over Cordruy's, rooms 1-10, Portland, Ore. THEY CUT AND FIT, Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval. 0od work, correot styls and perfect fit speak louder for the furrier than any advertltoment that can b written. Apptccath A Prwll, the fashionable furrlurs, at 141 Third street, between Al.lur and Morrison, guarantee abio lute satisfaction In every ca where a purchase Is made at their establish ment Both gentlemen are praotical cutters and fitters, who have been em ployvd In some of the largvat house In th principal cities of the United States There Is a style and finish to all work turn id out by this firm that stump both gentlemen expects In this business. Garments will -be taken to be ma le over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de lay. pairs Is allowed, but one ever the I live, if anything carries away the suhVivr must make such repairs as he can, or If rendered hore de combat aa the Shamrock was today. he must lake the oon sequence. There Is good sens and logio be hind the rule. Races are a test of con atructlon as well as of design and sea manship. Doubtless If Mr. Iselln could have had his choice In the matter he generously would have decllnul to con tinue In view of the crippled condition of his rival, but the rules gave him no alternative. He was In duty bound to go on and as he finished well within the limit the race was his. Had the accident not occurred, how- evr, It Is believed the Yankee, boat would have repeated the beat-j Ing she gave the challenger yttrday. During the 25 minutes the yachts sailed she had gone through Shamrocks lead like a streak and esrfabllshed a lead Cit m nr. than MO Ik. ..... . 1 1. . - - .. .. - - j u vi, n , .ui,'! bow. The accident shows what a delicate rmehlne the racing yacht Is now a (lays and how close to the limit of safety It I 5J COMMKHCI XL. BT. Beautiful Millinery . i i At prices within tits reach of all. Call and examine tie new sly leu. ROSS, m lltb Hired Andrew Lake i Is built. IN AGAIN. GONE AGAIN. I CHICAGO. Oct. 17.-The train bearing JZTZTl V, T ! Merchant Tailor... wrecked the Fhamrork. The wire back-! j stay of the topmast, which helps sup Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Frilt MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... spice and Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Falrbavco, Wish. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Writ Um for Prls.s ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tslephons No. JJ Handles Only the Choicest Meats 41 CeaiaMfeUI St.. stit Palaee Rasteeraat. Pacific Navigation Company DOT? the rnilMa IIMN iratra n-.u does not remember hearing the matter, ,n Presidential party from the North ' ,M. .,- , fc r I i this support removed, her Oregon pine 'discussed. The name had s familiar ' PPi Into Chicago this afternoon, was; . V1 i luiNi'nni. as uir an a. ii ernnh ru.ia turns nrarcr noaie, oui every inteiu-. souni to mm, and as probably the et- l",,"","r" i im aiicnigan -entrai gent man who has studied present con-i pression 'of Astoria" refers to a rest- ,ra(,!s nd left for Michigan points and ditions and watched the trend of af- dence after '47, Judge Gray may have fairs for the past few months knows known him slightly. One or two oth that general commerce of all descrip-' ers thought that a man with such a ,tlon is being rapidly transferred to Puget sound ports. Even the as.ute edrtor of the HUls- ! Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low I'rlccs. Repairing and Cleaning Naatty Dona. Fast Immediately. TALKED ON TRCSTS. name had some time lived here, but ; orw ...., . . i BO)STON, Oct. 17. Th annual meot they could recall nothing tangible. . f t If any Astorian readers can throw! ., . . ... . . , . , . . .. I Aignnquin cjuo lonignt. unarles uuru iuu-penuent, wno nas oeen giving' any ngnt upon Uils subject, they will . I O. Dawes, controller of currency spoke much study to the commercial situa- doubtless receive the thanks of the so-' ., ... . on "trusts and trade combinations." uon, was lately misled by the course clety that Is looking up and collating I PKESIDBNT URGES LARGER MER-! CHANT MARINE. of the Oregonlam Into printing in his facts of Oregon history. paper the absurd statement that Port land's commerce attracts more and larger vessels than Puget sound. The fact is, there were probably more vei- v. ,,,,.,, ,, , u . I Next to his declarations with refr sels entered and cleared at Seattle in ence to meeting the responsibilities of the single month of last Sept-mber war the most significant utterances of than will go to Portland in the next tn" Pres,ient incident to his particlpa vear. The ,tv.,nlRn mil. .,h tlon 1,1 the ceremonies of the fall fmtl- an this "slandering" the Columbia river, but K is in no sense open to such a short-sighted charac- ,!reiw t the Chicago Commercial Club terixation. The merchanu and busi- u""Juet- ness men of Portland, to a conJ Th the marked i Ircrease In our shipbuilding for th l-lei able extent, and the people of Ore- iast year, recalling th fact that for gon outside of Portland, are being ' the first time In our history the tonnage lulled into a staae of false security our ,ettm vesels exceeded the ton- and prevent from taking the prompt' UV " Ur "a""1K v"w'"' bar . , , ar.d other craft, the total Increase in and vigorous action necessary to de- our t.jnnaKe MDg mm tont fend their commercial, rights from the, Notwithstanding this Increase and aggr-jsaivrf md enterprising efforts of the fact that more steamships are under j c.h.-r ke-jtioiui. ' construction than ever before, ouri The parade In tbe PAT WASN'T READY. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. At Broadway Athletic club tonight Dan Creedon. i.f Australia knocked out Pat Ready, I Washington in the eighth round. of W feet long and 14 inc hea In diameter, j snapped off like a mutch Just above the I low er mast cap, f A new topmast will be act tomor- j row and she win be remeajtured. She will probably be taken out for a spin tomorrow to try her new stick and the third race of the series will be sailed Thursday. This race will again be over the wind ward and leeward course and If the Columbia wins, the series will have been oomplted wit home givlrng the Shamrock an opportunity to test her merits In her favorite point of sailing over a triangular course. NOMINAL DAMAGES. val were those touching the necessity' "Al''-A WALLA. Oct. 17. Klre In for a larger American merchant ma-' tbe coal bunkers at the Northern Pa nne, which were embodied in his ad-!clflc. at Pasco, today, oriirlnated from spontaneous combustion. The fire was soon extinguished. Damages nominal. The gentleman Is solid mahogany; the fashionable man la only veneer. J. A. pastabend General Contractor and ISullder House-moving Tools lor Rent. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAI5l.N0 AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY C. J. TRENCH ARD, WHEP. BILLY MASON. ma.mua, Oct. 17. The newspaper Patrla has been supprfsned and Its edi tor, Senor ITtor, a Spaniard, placed un der arrest on the charge of printing ami publishing seditious documents. Commission. Brokerage. Insurance anJ Shipping. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON Agent W. r. aCotc4 pacific kioreM Co s. W. F. SCHEIBE, Manufacturer of th Always liallabl Oregonlan's col- merchant marlne Ptlfu"y inadequate i w r.cii a Biuaii in?rc?riuure or our. uiMi.o ui iuc iiuiuurr i grain snips vis-; export GOING 80UTH. Itlng Portland in contrast with trade. in With an the fiscal export trade year 1899 to other amounting ports on the Pacific is no criterion of '-22"fono.J0 and an import trade val the comsiercial Importance of Port-; Ued " $697'000 000' 'e actually inH . t. k.,ki . doi-ndent upon foreign bottoms for land. It is probable more vessels visit thr tnvnflportatlon of lhll) vagt com. Obldos on .he Amazon for rubber, or merce. Klo jobva, San Salvador, for logwimd,' Wlth a balance of trade In our favor In one month than have visited the amountln8 0 I30,000,000. and with new: port of London, England, on similar er-! 'ran!,0;!-anle r-ssWlons add -l to ourj ouomio, L'unimas canncn longer defr upon such mtasur.-s rands since the Roman conquest, but favorible ac-.lon mai aoesn i signiry mat Obldos or P.lo as seem best calculated to promote Jobva have more commerce than Lon- the upbuilding of our merchant marine don: it simply nroves thai shi. pflr,.h' wl,hout '"vl'.ins a retaliatory policy i uPn the Part of the tradlnir nations' lng for particular cargoes must go In . v u , " a"ons 8 thut have such vat capital invfsUd In more or less numbers to the sections the carrying trade ttween the United1 where such cargoes can be obtained.: Ptat-.n and oth?r countries. The Astorian has repeatedly explained As tne P1"""1'1 -nt aftly said: "Amerl- that th railroad and wheat buyers T hlPP'n Under the AmM"n flag I should be found In all owans, and our combination or the Northwest finds it ( trade must go whoever our flag goos " more profitable to force the export of - wheat produced within certain of the Inland terior port PORTLAND KNOCKED OCT. limits Empire from the In- of Portland than atl 3cneral Beebo Wl" Get no Hospital at Puget sound or Astoria, and ves sels hunting guch cargo must ko to Portland to obtain It, precisely asj WASHINGTON, Oct 17 -General the rubber and logwood ships go to' Beebe called upon SurKeon-a.ncrV Central and South America. Sternberg, at the war department to But Portland has no standing and urge the proportion of ,e ,hamb,T of can have none as a port f gra,, cnmnfl?rw, tnat the Kovernm,.m wiiiuitrice attiimi uxner anj oetuer lf' cated ports on the Pacific coast. Near ly, If not quite, one-half the Orlen- Vancouver, Nor 'Tarmor" fir at the Mouth of the Columbia. WASHINGTON, Oct.- 17.-Adm!ral Dewey will go to Atlanta, next Monday How To jain Flesh Persons have been known to in a pound a day by taking ...i ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL- ION. It is strange, but it often appens. Somehow the ounce produces he pounds it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop crly, so that the patient is able o digest and absorb his ordinary boi, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the fain ! is made. A certain amount of flesh b necessary for health ; if you have not got it you can get it by taking ja large army hospital at Vancouver barracks. Sternberg was ,... . strongly to recommend the r.lan v.,,. tai commodities sold In the storr g very flatly decline to An. . He explained that the present p..i coil's FEBislsn Portland are brought through the s-i You will find it tut as useful In summer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon it don't stop because the weather b warm. )oc nd $i oo, alldruggiitt, SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Owmln. Nr York. A tall Has at Plsai. aa4 iaaui' ArUdas. , 47 Commercial "L Belle Astorti" cinr Schelbe's Open Star Schelbe'i Special ' And Othar Brand ColaffiWa EleeWe & Hepair Co Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists , Foundrymen Logglnn Engines Built and Repaired Loners' Supplies Kept in Stock Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially I Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower Plants. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE! Conducted by the Hcnedictlne Fathers. ...High-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and attraotlvs location (40 miles fron Portland on the Padflo Springfield braxK,. Oomplet. and thorough preparatory! ES, solen'Jflc - classical, normal, commercial course. SPECIAL COURSES In ZTlfT DraWlnf' 0 v" ". German, SpanW, 11 y ' fha)rt"f- TrP-W. Tslegnapny, Mu.lo. Axdemlo Degree, d . n " "f"nwt LonierriO. Etna fnr STKAMHR8 ft. P. Elmore W. H, llArrlon ONLY IHHKCT LINK A8TOI1IA to TILLAMOOK OAHIBALDI HAY CITY IIOUMONVILLB Cotineotmg at Astoria with tbs Oregon lUllmad k Ntrlgttkio Co. for Sao Francisco, Portland and all points rail. For freight and paaaru Br nltm apply U Samuel Elmore at Co. ( sral Agants, AHTOIUA, ORE. COHS AOO. Agsnta. TILUMOOK.lrs. TOKTLANd! Ors. The PALACE Open Day and Night. W. V. Whlppl.Proprlt 8 r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTE VTl VE MnriCa... riRrrcLAM ctrtnica.. privatx Room roB LACU 5.l8Commerclal St.. Antorin, Oregon Twenty Years of Success .. In ih5. tre,mwt t chronlo diseases, suoh aa llvar. kldnay. and ic eoUpaUon. diarrhoea, dropsloal twslllnga, Brlghtf KIDNEY AND URINARY ur.Cii!1in,J; Slnfu1, dlfflfu". fraunt. milky or bloody urlns, unnatural discharges spscdlly oursd. DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Such as piles, fistula, flssur. ulceration, mucous and bloody dis charges curtd without ths knlfs. pain or conflntmsnt DISEASES OF MEN Blood poison, glest, itrlotuit, unnatural loasss, Impotsncy. thorough ly cured. No failures. Curss fuarantasd. TOUN'l MEN troubled with night amissions, dreams, sthaustlng drains, bashfulneas, aversion to society, which deprlvs you of your m?.n,h'..UNIr,T8 Y0U r0R BU8INEBS OR MARRIAOB. MIDDLK-AOKD MEN, who from vxesaaes and Mina. havs lost their MhNLY POWKlt BLOOD AND SKIN DISB.AHKS, Syphilis, Oonon-hoaa, painful bloody urlns Olset Stricture, enlarged prostata. Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUOs! Cwlrrh 14 HheumatUm CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and sdantlSa. Be wsd m Mt ent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures the diseaae by thorough medical treatment Hie New Pfcamptat oa Private DtaaaC ' s sent Free to all man who describe thslr trouble. Patients cured at home. T.rms reasonabts. All letters answered In plain snvsiope. . Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address Doctor Walker, 1.12 First St., Cor. Alder, Portland, Or. Look Here Yutirloik- tell on jwn. iorllliVio iliioiii.i or writs to this oil aiwlor' Hshaib ! trlniueh isaii 'or n..r loy, tn , IMrfaeilir ml sl '. Fatni.h.. hi. o n utd.uius .ad Kin Ynimff Mon I 'I i wuufi man t Ymirloik-Ull on roil. Cm kun li . . i . i.ii. u. no tai , DR. KESSLER 2 ,lhV .,'.. Lo-l Media. n I d tiIo.I d lp n, r. tesoo SSO. ' r(, ,Ul",' 0r ' P'xltlvaly ,uarsn- PRIVATE " T1lidooloruarSMte..ri,r HlriniiiriiS6iital,nodlfrreiehowloBg . ii,m lD"r. nisUirrhc). Ui ol Manhood, or nightly uiln: .... winrm i, inJIMDIl o' Buir Abiu Heotull stliad In ft atiurt tlniA -iwv.uaiir YOUNG MEN Vo,i"'"'" hioiiim of oUth hi .1 , . h b. r'"",i,' ' lhl" 01 1 do tor ..... m. , . . w . rr v wi' w ive oUU Ullrf) V Q I 111 ft J Wills .trour. i h el hy V. u will h. ,,'?,' h. ,J.u In ouriui 8rm.t..rrho.. Hanlntl I.wkii. Nll iilr Kmli luu , imJ o h f off ct, ' " P tlenU IrJuUil In my nart o the country by hi horns rte full p.nlcil.r. l noi0.. lo i .Um",uJ ;o"onTCcorr,JTh.,ity':,',d' lr"" !- READ THIS lu'ldit bot l si boiltlma iii.t nrlni.. i . .l. -taihlas hl looknt It in the murnlng. If It . (daiid bladdr (I .W.. m Uhou d b. attn, tn Wor"rU . 4 n Incur iIiIm il ih n liuii l ml nriK iv i aimi.e ot K an ). ill" nv7 jfr ironi mmmmmmm.'mr?n;:ixt:vB.,t-mir v,ivn-jirmt. ijihi 1 1 jijuiuiessj mmmmimuumyTr:r.r.: m 'i.."4 Afttn n n Hlkli.,.wi mil i . I ... IHU Ui. I' I .. ii.t, 1 HIU . I i ADDRE34 he President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg 2 Vm)f Oiurrh ol ell-llKiM, ill lOtf ncr, Lort f.:vtr.t. M'rh-.f'r, ILK, F. II IJilf T'H, .. ,r. il ti.. w i.i , fiotpni unity, loci in la.TwIt! . (in. or COr onilcn, lr,;, (. i voua Twltchiflif e' fin'l. KM, SHmuUt Hi. brma ftitd n.r. c''ril ... mnf mimuto, wltn . hum, lucuun llm. Ad it. Iir III. nf Ih. fhlnra I "' I mi J y.iiinir il.lnK from l!ce l.nnl r'nnhnod, Irn . i't. ioou Insomnia, lna K-V-eJ Bimls. VnrlaocaJ. pnnra, etopa Nr InilHMiiif ami imtamift Klmrt .nl.1l, iimkv.lip i-i.- m . wm.n irii...niM, 10 cwa ddroo. Z',y Wsrnsdf Co., tun Frnnolaoooal. II' I U Hi III. II nit. la .1 I. ...... I f I. .nil, mill m