The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 17, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    'I UK MUMl0 ASTOUIaW. , TIKSDA Jf UCTUBKtt 17, IK99.
nnvn"" v
i. Lru
OUT of the great number of suits ordered,
many arc uncalled for. Our contract with
well-known t tailoring firms throughout the
country U that . wc take up uncalled lor gar
montsleft in . the express office west of the
.Mississippi JRivcr. . lathis waywc keep. on
hand a numlx'r of uncalled for suits, overcoats
and trousers, which we arc able to sell atfcrcut
ly reduced prices. These garments are not
.misfitsut puits ohhicrj deposits , have been
made and which were forwarded by express
C. 0. I), and for unknown reasons remained
in the express office uncalled for. Wc have all
such suits that are accumulated by these firms
forwarded. lP s cv ry .'10 days, to be sold at
ha'f the original cost.
Save S10 to S2 on ur Suit or vercoat
' J 1 4
Suits to Mer,
$20 Suits and Overcoats for
$25 " w "
$30 41 44
. 15.00
Vf 'iri-
it rt.
If you wish to be well dressed in every particular, Style, Cloth, Lining."
Workmanship, in fact evervtbing that pertains to a perfect suit of overcoat 1.1' ''! '
BBfl at no more expense than if you -wore ready made clothing. Then let us "' ; ""'7,
make your next Suit. You will have no trouble in finding the CLOTH 'YOU WANT if you come to us, as we can give an , " '
assortment of over 5')t( different styles to select from.- . -.
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price. Our 'suits have that styles-fit and finish
about them that swell-dressed gentlemen appreciate.
Some Dela) ('aihfd by Failure of
ConRress to Provide Armor Plate. J
Chief Instructor Ilicbborn's Estl-j
mates Will be Large-Much Ex-
pease Incurred Jn Kepairiog and j
T.'.Rritttn?r Old -War Vsr!s. "j
NEW YORK, Oct. U.-A special , t
the Ht?r.M (rum.. Washington fays;., j
Five buttltNihlp. oim cruiser, oiw ca
dit training ship and 25 torpedo boat
destroyers will comprlne the new con
struction completed and addKl to the
new navy within th next year. ' J
Rear Admiral Philip Mlohborn, chief
constructor of the navy, niaken thin es
'llniate In his annual report for tho Ah-.
cat your ending july 1 last, which ha
has Just submittal to the socroUry of
tho navy. j
Final work on the battleship Kear-j
targe will be completed, he states, In'
January next, the Kentucky will be '
ready a month later, the Alabama will
be In condition for active Rervlce In '
Januury, tlw Wlsoonalu May 1 next and
the Illinois In Ootober. The Maine will
bi ready for sea In June of 1901, the
Mlwourl In February of 1902 and the
Ohio by March 5. 1U02. The four mon.
Itors under construction will be turned
over to the government In 1901, In which '
time all the torpedo boat dtnitroyers and
torpedo bxita should be ready for de-'
llvory to the government.
In explanation of his estimate of $4,
000,000 for the construction and repair
of veaela, an Increase of $3,000,100 over
the appropriation for the pretwnt HHcal
year, Admiral Hlchborn states It has
been and will continue to be found nec-'
eafiary to expend comparatively large
will require an xiwidltur of about
troo.Ooo under The bureau of construe
tion and repair.
Seventeen vewela, gunboat and tugi
were wcun! by purrhao and attached
to the Asiatic utmtlon. Work upon the
llinlgn of a gunboat to rvplttoe th
Michigan on the Great Lak.i hua then
iiiniled, endlng deHnltlon of the
charartrrlMlca that would be permitted
under treaty with Great ltrltuin.
Dlayi on veanela under uonntruotlon
hua been occasioned, Admiral Hlchborn
axflvrti. by the Impossibility of aeeurlng
armor and other material at the pnper
time, especially In the cae of some of
the torpedo croft.
Admiral Hlchborn rendered his rec
ommendation, which enable the depart
ment to make a single contract for
ship and armor, urges the authorisa
tion of an assistant clllcf of the bureau
of construction and repair, the removal
of the limit of tho number of officered
corps, now restricted by law to in, and
an Increase In the number of carpen
ters to 75.
War exiwrlence has demonstrated,
Admiral Hlchborn states, the strategi
cal and tactical advantages of sheathed
over unsheathed ships. The war ex
perience tended, to confirm the favorably
opinions previously arrived at and the
general success of the designs In these
The battery arrangements have prov
en to be excellent, and the advisability
of using eleotriclty for handling auxili
aries In place of ateam Is shown.
sums In connection with the repairs of.
the older, In making 'the alter
ations necesttary for the efficiency ac
cording to modern Ideas and practice.1
For Instance, the alterations and re
pairs to the Cincinnati and the Raleigh ,
From Chicago to San Francisco In 71
Hours ts to Re the Schedule.
CHICAGO, Oot. 18. Chicago to San
Francisco In seventy-one hours seventy-three
hours actual time, Is the
schedule on which the overland special
on the Chicago Northwestern road left
the Will street station lout night at
6:30 o'clock and Inaugurated the new
fast service to and from California. The
time formerly was 75 hours.
The first stop west of Chicago under
the new echedulo Is Dekalb, the sixty
miles being covered In less than that
number of minutes. The train will ar
rive In San Francisco on the third day
at E-30 p. in. western time. The east
bound service makes the same reduc
tion In time.
They Slay by Him L'n;il bis Doa't
and Then Lay Him Away-Thflr
Sufferings and Wanderings.
CHICAGO. Oct. 1.-Burled In the
woods, five, miles north of Waukcgan.
III., In a grave dug by comrades, Is the
body of Tarn Meyers, well-known
confidence man and forger, who, on the
night of August SI, escaped with three
other prisoner! .fro.n .the .Waukcgan
Jail. Kter Gorman, one of the Jail
breakers who assisted In the burial of
his dead comrade, was captured tn this
city by OltlceT Cohdell and has told the
police the story of the forger's end.
Meyers, according to the state. .tent,
died September 3 as the result of priva
tion and exposure for four'days In the
woods where he and his companions
had tak?n refuge after their escape.
With Infinite difficulty, the thref men
hollowed out,1 place for his remains.
The two men still at liberty who broke
from the Jail are George C. Schneider
and Joe Poul.
Until Gorman's arrest, no trace of
the escaped prlso?ers had been found.
It was generally supposed that the four
men had made their way to Chicago,
but Instead they took to the woods.
For two days the Jail-breakers re
mained hidden In the underbrush.
They were without food all the time
and were exposed to Inclement weather.
It rained the second day, and they
slept that night in their wet clothes.
The following morning, Meyers, who
was older than the rest, could scarcely
speak. He complained that he was very
sick, and his companions assisted hlmj
to walk about. His comrades gave up
their coats, and with them Gorman
constructed a . bed on the ground for
Meyer,. It had been their plan to go
further that day, but ahe condition of
the sick man made travel Impossible
for him, and the others refused to de
sert him.
None. of the gang had money with
which to buy food, but Gorman, Im
pelled by the necessity of obtaining
nourishment for the sick man. went to
a furm house and begged for bread.
That was the first mouthful of food
the fugitives had had since their es
cape. Meyers told his comrades that
he was better 'the next morning, but
that night he died. !
With their hands they dug the grave
and lifted the body of their dead com-'
panion Into It. They wrote a few words
on an envelope, telling briefly the story
of the sad end of Tom Meyers, and.
placing It In a pocket of l!- dead man's
coat, covered him with dirt. They
hacked a tree to mark the spot, and
then fled from the scene.
Gorman will be token to Waukegan
today, and he will be requested to lead
the Lake county officials to the lonely
grave In the woods. 'Then he will re
turn to Jail and stand trial.
Ton Meyers was well known to the
police of almost Vvery large city In the
country. He was' about 50 years old.
SAX , FRANCISCO. , Oct . 1 -The
stoan'er ' Gaelic, from the Orient,
brought J.OoO boles of silk, valued, at
UOO0.0OO.' and tiST.OOO, In siecle.
Philadelphia Times.
The statement of a Vienna newspa
per that Queen Victoria declared she
would rather abdicate than consent to
war with the Boers, may be utterly de
void of foundation or strictly true.
There can be no doubt that ordinarily
her majesty would wish to end her days
on the throne. Her reign has been the
longest, as It has probably been the
most glorious. In the history of England
and although age has brought her In
firmities and Its natural distaste tor the
pomp and pageantry so gratifying In
earlier life, she has never, that the
world knows, expressed a wish to cur
tail It.
But Victoria Is a woman, and she na
turally abhors the Idea that the closing
days of her relgn should be associated
In history with an unnecessary war.
Born a few years after the allied armies
of Europe had swept the legions of the
first Napoleon from the field of Water
loo, she has seen, as It were, thousands
upon thousands of lives sacrificed to the
demon of war. Born a few years after
demon of war. She saw tho terrible
relgn of the Red Republicans In France
after Louis Philippe of Orleans had fled
from the throne of his ancestors, saw
her British subjects massacred by Se
poys during the Indian mutiny, and
saw all the horrors of Inkerman, Balak
lava and Sebastopol. She saw the ter
rible Internecine conflict In the United
States, the war between Prussia and
Denmark, Prussia and Austria, the
campaigns of Garibaldi, the Franco-
German war and & host of other Ran- j
guinary conflicts. In these clrcum-j
stances It Is not to be wondered at that
her woman's heart should stand ap- i
palled at the prospect of another war. 4
That the Queen of England has done
everything possible to prevent hostil
ities In the Transvaal may be token for
granted, and It may be that the appa
rent hesitancy of Lord Salisbury to
ak extreme measures Is due entirely
to her restraining influence. It Is no
secret that the appe&l to the Cxar Alex
ander prevented a German Invasion of
France a few years after Sedan, and it
may be that efforts to maintain peace
now will be equally successful. At all
events there Is nothing strange In the
statement of the Vienna newspaper
that she prefers abdlctlon to war, and
just now the. possibilities are that
there will be neither war nor abdictli.n.
Your Head
And what is in it.
Some of the Things ithat Bring Bad
Luck to the Ship.
Pets are believed to bring good luck
and w hen, in the recent war with Spain
a man was struck and killed with a
bursting shell on the Texas, all the
sailors In the fleet said It was because
the battleship was without a mascot.
The cat has a bod reputation among
seafaring men, most of whom believe
that she brings 111 luck to a ship. If a
cat falls overboard and is drowned
(she Is always rescued If possible), the
men will 'often leave at the next port
believing the ship to be doomed; and I
have heard men-o'-war's men cite the
case of the old Keorsargw as proof
On her last voyag the frigate car
ried a cat and a monkey. A violent
feud existed between them, and on their
way, north, one dark and stormy night,
Jocko threw poor Tom overboard, run
ning along the rail and chattering like
a fiend as the unfortunate pet disap
peared in the boiling waves. The seas
were running too high to . admit of
launching a boat, and puss was left to
a watery grave, but not without many
gloomy forebodings, which were realis
ed soon afterwards, when the Kear-sai-ge
stranded on the fatal reef.
To fall down without any apparent
cause ts a warning of death tn the
Immediate future. An American crui
ser was lying off Nice a few years ago,
when a seaman fell prone on the deck.
Upon rising he went to his bunk, and,
returning, placed a slip of paper bear
ing his mother's address in the hand
of a messmate, saying he did not ex
pect to see home again.
For the nose to bleed only a few
drops Is believed In the navy to fore
tell death In as many days or weeks
as there are drops of blood. You may
hear a sailor sing at sea. but he rare
ly whistles; whistling is suppooed to
bring a hurricane, and Is always hush
ed by the remark, "there's a hurricane
sailor here."
A Complete Foundation for Measuring Mind.
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The Principles of Self-Development ' Different kinds of will.
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