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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1899)
TRK MORNING ASMIAN. SlibAY, OCTOBER 15, mt Headquarter for Pry Js on the Lower Columbia The A. Dunbar Co. ladles' Handkerchiefs, 19c IXt not in I.i.l it V U Umbrellas, CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokersj niRprt wirfs TnNtv s,C(k Exchange i IXt not miss geltm.: oiih lutf dogeii or ( 2V All. I. INKS Lulus' Dinbroi 1,-red llan.lkt rclm is I... l:io. l:o-t tiii.- wn-k. '214-21 , number ol Vmr.UTre, Poirl.uul. Oregon Mon't Wonit'iiV aud ( luMirti's l'mln'll.i. tin iirni.tiM' ,tttitni-nt i populur rice. BISHOP SCOT! ACADEMY Ksaad.S IKTO, J. W. Hill. M. I'rlaelpal. SIX IETI NOTES. Peart and Mr Peart at the Methodist ' JtJtZtJS ' church Friday evening: March. 'Ma,- STT miir.'oftoiJS toco,' by the organist; Invocation by i It, Fortius. Or. c ,, , . , , , . Primary, rrtnaratorr Jmle Drrt- a C. Turner; address of welcome by Coll. Vrprmiloa. miliar btaeleiua, Rev. Kdw. Curran; response by Dr. t.iuim. iMrfiaiMiwinl. Following Is the program Riven u crl.iia Tirw ui Sept. It, !. the reception tendered to Row lr. ' ... t.-. r- t. ... .w . A BMnllni ana P School. Unw ii I The young people of the First Bap tist church gave a ver' pleasant social Friday night It was well attended. Three small but pleasant tea parties 'am a in vii it 'Via tfAlr'a Ai'iinlfl , " , , . . ; Peart: anthem by the fholr: vocal solo the social fu notions, with one or two . ..... , , ,. ,, " . . . . , by V.lss HaVatead; vocal solo by Pro- ... , , , , . ,, fe'r O. A. Thornton; vocal solo by TO CURE LAQRIPPE IN TWO DATS In the salad element of aoolety the' M9a 0u!W,e aray. Wn,.n thp need of a recognised leader la not ap- rumber oT tht programme , . ....... Parent. The social impulse is very; WM concIudoa. th(, audi nmt for., Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlns Tablet., much alive, and needs a check-rein ( wgrd t0 gwet lhe MVf pastor and wife., All druggists refund the money If it rathr than a whip- chaperon more, an(J mHny wtfpe ,h, worJg of chtvr mni faiu ,0 curfc R w Grove's signature th,n n n'lner' j ccnsratulaUons heard on all sides. Af-, la on each bo I. SSc. There has been a desire expressed to, ter rreetlncs were over, refreshments organise the ringers of Astoria and j were announced a ready and the lad-! form a social singing club. Such an or- t conducted their guests to dainty; gnnltatior. would not only be a helpful, tables, upon whirs, were discovered del-! Icate food and refreshing drinks, i At the conclusion of the repast, good THAT JOYFUL FEELING. pleasure to the members, but would benefit all Astoria. The presence of a contagious disease With the exhilarating sense of re newed health and strength and In- nights were said and all present took,ernal cleanliness, which follows the throws a damper on social enthusiasm. ; their departure with pleasant smiles ; use of SyTM of Figs, Is unknown to and there will be little to record next I ami happy 'hearts. 1 the few who have not ororreesed be- w-eek In the local society bluebook.Peo-1 j yoni the pM.tlme medclnM anJ tht pie may "dance if they die for It," but (Continued: from page 1.) chea p substitutes sometimes offered when It is small-pox that threatens ! , .JU, reVer accepted by the well-lnform- they are prone to cultivate a Methodist gir A,fm1 Mlim.r the BrltlBh nlffh the genuine. Manufactured root. KNAPP BROS., Health Fmid Co., K.t rorlland, Ore., ManttlsolurerM of j NIT HITTER, the Ftod for nlfj aiJ K It CEKFAI. the Health! )rvik. Every Hand i missioner in -S.uih Africa, had irrev- There Is a mild but sincere lament ; . . ...... ocably committed themselves to war. among many of Astoria s society ladies that there to no local Ward McAllister Had Devonshire succeeded Chamber to Incite and direct the social functions, Iain's resignation would have been In- The chancellor of the exchequer. Sir Michael HIeVs-Reaeh. Is also under-' of the elect. The Inactivity that Inevitable, sometimes complained of would quick ly disappear under the influence of a popular leader. The desirable thing Is not obtrusive leadership, but a capable. I stood to be opposed to the war. princl pervading one. It is a position that has Its own dangers, but "none but the brave deserve the fair." , by the California Fig Syrup Co. THEY CUT AND FIT. , Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval Good -work, correct style and perfect fit speak louder for the furrier than' pally because of his profound profee- ny advertisement that can be written, slonal personal distrust of Chamber-1 Apple-rath & Prasll, the fashionable lain. When General Buller, after being : furrier, at 1 Third street, between ' designated as commander-in-chief of A,'K'r Morrison, guarantee abso-l turtle, of St. Aen. r...iM n,i mhari the Prltlsh forces in South Africa, went i lady frienda. It was a charming party i to Balmoral to take his official leave of i pUrchaSe U male at the,r "-j Both gentlemen are practical Mrs. B. S. Worsley gave a tea Wednesday afternoon, entertaining the ,'' .... -sf : rrvi 7t$rmt f-Tm'Jjm TPi',',' The Millinery Exposition ...Of Portland... THE mil OF THE TOWN. Tlie! Big Millinery Store Vlll' lit llll' I t MH (III .,. l t hll'l. dOO TriniiiKil Huts Ctinstnntly on Hnml to S kit from. Shies: Sew Arrivals Dully. ir.- K r r . , 1 Millinery Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices. Golf Hats with long quills at H7c each and up. 'he tou come to the city ak to sec thf NCWSTHCCT HATS, New, Noliby and Stylish with Tain crowns. Large Selection of Children's Tarns, Holds, I'lutbs, Velvet and Silks all Trices. j ji The Wonder Millinery Co., ALL VELVET TKIMMED HATS PROM $4 00 II. CoriiiT Morrison and First Sts., l'( JUTLAND, OKKUON. and the guests were numerous. Grace fully arranged plants and cut flowers made pleasing decorations, and the , his sovereign, the quen Impressed upon him her hatred of war and her desire ' ment. cotters and fitters, who have been em-1 parlors were very pretty In detail and ! f,,r f" termination. General Bui- areneral erect There were several en-! ler assured her majesty his conviction I Joyable features, but the chief attrac-, was that "the war will be troublesome S,at"S- There 18 ",y,e and flnlh to ; ployed In some of the largest houses j In the principal cities of the United! tlon was Mrs. Woraely's beautiful and but not dangerous." tl work turn.-d out by this firm that stamp both gentlemen exrTts In this i business. Garments will b taken to The largest line of IxjWtK-y' Readies for the delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS ' made at The Spa Candy Factory j ! Pcrnlti Shorttmtid i School H. W. PEHNKE. Principal. Rooms :n I Oreuotiinii liinltliiiti. I'lH tlund, Ore. i The Pernin System w awarded ths I World's Fair Medal and Diploma. No , shatllng: No portion; Few word-signs ! No failures. I Day and night Holmes' English AND- Basiness College 414 Yamhill St., Purtlan.l, Oreyon. valuable collection of hand-painted china, most of the pieces being her own ' ARRfYFr AT athfw J?LLZa ATHE' -Arthur Hdy. e made over or repaired, and the work1 Famous Chocolate ever brotlghl dainty lunch was served during the af- I'nlted States minister, has arrived I turned out with the least possible de- 10 Astoria. ternoon. here. I lay. A. B. COON LEY, J'rop'r. 'Phone. 1064 SIX DEPARTMENTS EhkUhIi, llookkeepfnu,. SbrMlliund, T)pevrltinK, I'eniiiunship, Art. 8eud for circulars. prevent the it of itiuuy young people h! o iMr. ill other elements tirce to K.Kteed. Tile rrinnly lien in thrir i m it hainll entirely. 44 It is Never too Late to Learn." We niltnit fttuilrnts of nil c, for s lull couri or for a lew brsnclie onlv We tiMCh SjM-Ilieijj, Cr.Mtiinur, Arilhiurtii', I'riitnsii.tnp, Letter Writing. Cnmnirrv clal Ijiw, Ilotikkerpiiit;. Ollice Work, Slioitlmud, Tvjh-wnlliijj, Ilu'ineu l'oiuis, alaiiifal liii, Ktc. 0W" ArnntroiiK'i ComlitiieJ Theory ul I'ractics of Hook kreptng" mike, that branch rimy. Iuvr.tiKle. It will pay. Call, or writs. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong;, Prln, Open all ths year. Students may enter at any time. Musinct, Shorthand and Englijh departments. Private or class instruction, dialogue frca. The Lightest Store in Astoria Wise's Customers See What They Buy THE BETTER THE GRADE, THE BIGGER THE TRADE. nn ill 7 nr A r rifunr uiifA T r. n iv L3W U USZUU Coaxer No. I. All men's suits up to $io, now $ 8 15 All men's suits above 10 up to 1 12.50, now 1000 All men's suits above 12.50 up to 15 12 00 All men's suits above 15 up to 17.50, now 14 50 ' All men's suits above 17.50 up to I20, now 16 00 i All men's suits above 20, up to $25, now 21 00 j Coaxer No. 2. 20 percent reduction on all underwear. Coaxer No. 3. 20 per cent off on all Rubber Mackintoshes, Coaxer No. 4. All men's hats 1.50, now $1 io All men's hats up to 2, now 1 50 All men's hats, regular 2.50, now 1 90 All men's hats, regular 3, now 2 10 All men's hats, regular 3.50, now 2 60 All men's hats, regular 4, now 3 00 AUnis NOT FOR ASTORIA VV 11 J IS AG AINST HER! It shall not be said that Astoria trade goes to Portland because Astoria merchants are not wide awake enough. 1st We keep as fine clothes as money can buy. 2nd We sell clothes cheaper than Portland can : 3rd. We ire Tbith you on every proposition, white Portland is against you READ THESE GOAXERS THESE PRIGES WE QUOTE! Will 50c fare induce you to become a TRAITOR to your town? Coaxer No. 5. All men's overcoats, regular 10, now 7 75 All men's overcoats, regular u.50, now 10 00 All men's overcoats, regular 15, now u 00 I All men's overcoats, regular 17.50, now., 1450 Coaxer No. 6. 20 per cent reduction on all Boys' and Children's Suits and Overconts. Coaxer No. 7. All rnx r,v r,nu. .... 3 3J ccntj All 25c sox now ....3 for 50 cents All 15c box now 3for,s centf Coaxer No. 8. All 50 cent Ties now 3J All 25 cent Ties now. . . J 15 cents HERMAN WISE: THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORIA, OREGON