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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1899)
t TUB MOKfllJlG .ASTOKIAN, SUNDAY OCTOBEH 15. 1JJ99. UURL1NGTON IS COMING WEST The Road Is Aiming lu Secure Terminal on the Pacllic Coast. TO THE YELLOWSTONE FIRST A Call lur iboConisiructinn or a Branch Line From Talouka lo Cody, Wyoming. IW-Intalllgenciri The Hurllngton within a few week will begin the ootitruujon of lu road westward wiih tha I'aclfie coast as in Ultimate destination. It li jut seven years Iff) 4hlN fall that th flrat rumor of tho Hurllngton westward extension mi published inrougnnut tn Waal. Every year since that tlnva oris or two good nnor If have gained currency, but not until ft few days ago wu anything ft von out officially. A wrrk ago last Saturday bids were callrd fur from th fnneral superta' tend'tit'e oltlca In Chicago for tha con trui tlnn of a branch Una from Taloo aa. Mont., to Cody, Wyo., and on to the eastern bordw of Yellowstone 1'lrk. i AH-orumf to in survey mad by a cor. of Turlington engineers thla pnat aummer . the branch will begin at Ta look on tha main Una near Kurt Cus ter and proovd up to and croealng Pry or crrrk. at lia head. Than It will fol low around Pryur mountain on the wee' aid, thenoe uihwest to tha val Icy of Hh nation river, thence up tha, north ldo of the Situation to a (Hitnt about a mil wxat of Corbett and Into "odv. Aftur leaving Cody the right-of-way winds around Cedar mountain n the aouth alda up tha aouth fork of the tihoshone rlvar croaelng at Jack son's lli'l will on to the Yellowstone. , TMi la aa far u tho construction la contemplated at thla tlmt. Tlioaa In an oiticial poaltlon alala, however, that tha activity la but tha flrat at. p on tha part of tha road to securing a ter mlnal ou tha Pacific coaat. It la point. rd uiit that the new construction itwi not In any m-iib opon up a new coun try, but on tha othor hand paasos through a district already tapped by other lima and therefore tha construe tlon will mean nothing else than the fa-glnning of a coast vxtonslon, . The plan of aurvry, however, opens up a now rout and one heretofore never spoken of ua a prospective con tinental line. The prveetit Western termtnua or tha Burlington la Wlllnge. ilont., where coiinoriloti la made with the Nortlwrn I'aclflo on tranavontlnuut al business. Home two yeara ago a aurvry wassnad from lUIUog. taking the line to nutte, then paralleling tho Montana Central to Great Falls and weatward dividing tha territory with the Clival Northern and Northern Pa cific Thla took tha road through the Judith basin, one of tha richest die trlrl In nil Montana and yet undvvol oped by any road. The entrance to the baaln wo only by a narrow paaa through tho pelt mountnlna. Ucfore the Burlington could secure the paaa President Jitmes J. Hill, of the Orea.1 Northern, flll on II and at once a gang of men werw put to work grading and laying track about half a mile long. Thla enVttal ly caused the Ilurllngton to abandofj the northern route and much angula tion hia been Indulged In alnc aa to how It would gat to tha Weat. It la apparent to all who underatand the iltuatlon that the action of Presi dent Hill In the Judith gap haa foroad tha Uurllngton to build westward and abandon Montana to the Great North rn and Northern Paclflo on h north and aouth. It will alao have tha effect of taking Billing off tha main line which, with the completion of the Yellowstone Park extension, will turn aouthwrat at Talooka. The Intention! of tha road after the Yellowstone extension la completed are known only In general office circle but under offlclala are confident that before long tha Burlington will have a terminal on the ooaat, ' WHEN THBRH WILL PBJ NO DARK NESS. A Look Into the Lighting of the Next Century. From the Near Orleana Time-Democrat "Within the next fifty yeara, Raid a New Orleana architect, "the people of thla and every other larg Southern city will do moat of their eleeplng by day. The tranaformatlon will be ef feoted by cheap llghta. Inside of the next half cen'.ury lighting will be to In expensive, eo excellent and so abundant that It will wipe out the demarcation of day and night. Darknesa la one of the fore of nature against which civ ilization wagoa war. It facilitates crime, It Impedea travel, It puta arbi trary llmlla on human exertion. The time Is coming when darkness will be thoroughly conquered, and the great rltlos flooded from end to end with an effulgence that will make every voca tion of life as easy and aa practicable Rt one hour as another. In this lntltude nlfrM Is undoubtedly the beat time to wnrk-espcplally during our long sum- meM. The temperature from sunset to sunrise la cool and equable, there Is al most always a refreshing breese and na soon as darkness is abolished the people will gradually and naturally re verse tha hour of toll. I venture the predlntlon that noon In 1.'M) will ae tha at reft a of New Orleans dcaertad, except for a f'w mlddny rolalerer and polkmnen with iinNliadx, lteaectable folka will be abed and aaleep, ' enjoying that d- light ful repoaa which we now aaeoclata with an afternoon aleata, aorninhlng, by tha way, that ehould have long ago glvon uh a Up that day waa tha proper lime for reat, Then, when tha wonder ful Incaiideactite of tha future blai forth at dunk, everybody will arlaa In vigorated and alert, and gH i-dy to begin the nlght'a work. It la a beauti ful vlalon. Whenevi'T I conjure It up 1 could weep for vexstlon lo think that I waa born a omitury too aoon. MUHT NOT 131! I)WKriED. Dug In rhlllpiilnna There to Hlay Con ul Wlldman'a Opinion of Otis. M win Wlldman, former United States vlre-cmisul at Hong Kong, ar rlvad hue yesterday on tha ati-amahlp PI. Loula, aocotnpaitlad by his wife, says the New York Tribune. They left Hung Kong In July laat, and spent aometlme In India, Parte and London on thlr way home. Mr. Wlldman haa decided views re garding Philippine affairs, and la of the opinion that Omwal Otis la not the man to conquer Uio Filipinos, and that he should be rtploond by younger commander. "fho Phlllpplnea," ha said yeeterday. are well worth tha struggle. The country la magnificent, and the climate good, Thire are seven months of txoellent weather, and than eomea the rainy aeaaon. All una can do than la to do nothing. But then In every coun try thnra la a bad tint of the year, The aooner we get down to governing the Islands the better. They are worth much from a commercial point of view. Tlw whole country la rich and produc tive. General Oils la too old and not suf ficiently aggreaaive. He trtea to do the whole thing out there, and, like every other man who trlea to do It all. he dore nothing aucceaafully. "The great need out In tlw kalanda la a young and aggreealva man. It Is a country for young men and not for men of Otis' age. "Otis will never conquer the people, fur ha does not undvratand them. They are connan'.ly Impoalng upon him and fooling him." When tuld that It had been alleged that Admiral Dewry said that 01 la should stop his lying reports, Mr. Wlldman sold: "What the admiral said I do not know, but I know that he la a thorough American and aays what be means. lie apeaks. aa It were, right nut from th shoulder, and what he aays he means. I stand by whatever he has n Id." "When will the war emir "That I canot say. It depends on the pollry of the government. There are two waya of ending the war first, by oiiluk. aggreaaive movea Into the coun try by detached regiments, and second, by compromuilng with the Philippine leadera. The second, It Beams, will not be adopted, so the flrat ahould be push' rd. A general should be put out there who Is young, experienced and a fighter -aornc ont mIm knjus aomuthlng about righting IiidU-w. H)thef aenrul Law tun or Qeiiera.1 Mai-Arthur would do. )enoral Mllea wou,ld alao be a good man If he waa sent. , "Alt to w,hO'ls more capable of self- government, the Filipinos or tha Cu nana, I would say that I have. never been acquainted .with the Clibana, I am led to bellev. hewaver, that noni of .he native peop rf capable of self government In the hlgheat aenae of the word. The only way that the na Uvea could govern thetr.eolvea Is under American protJdtlon. "I believe that the flag In the Phll lpplnea should never be lowered. We have got to conquer or annihilate them. Tho question Is, which will our war dot We ave got to whip them. "I want to say now thsA at no time did Agulnaldo or any of the Filipinos get a promise of Independence. Ad miral IVwey made them no promises. We took Agulnaldo over to Manila to well, the same aa any other man waa brought over here to help. At no time waa anything said about giving them Independence. You will notloe that In his manifesto Agulnaldo la careful not lo' ay directly that there were any promises made. That talk always comes from some of his followers who have something to gain by, his success. "Agulnaldo la a man who haa risen from the ranks of the common people. He Is without education, but has a bojp. genius for leading." THE OCTOPUS AS FOOD. London Globe. The octopus now find a place on the fish stalls in Jersey, where It Is eaten either dried or fresh. The local esti mate of It Is that It makea very good eating, but the local taste also Inclines to other things which do not find favor with alien palate. Octopus fishing parties have been very popular in the Channel Islands of late, not, however, because the uncouth creature Is de sired for food, but on acourft of the destruction It works among the lob sters. SOME OF IT LOCATED. Kansas City Journal. The reported shortage In Iron moves a St. Louis papr to Inquire: "Where has all the Iron gone to?" To many places. Some of It has cntertfd the soul of the man who said there could bo no prosperity without free silver. Sparkling Cut glass, or any kind of glass ware, window panels and mirrors will sparkle if you use Gold Dust. It docs the work your muscle has to do when you use fcoap. m4 for tm kaohM- Hf HvuMwvia." Trie N. K. PAIBBANK COMPAfff RLmM NewVwi P. n. Sharpie's Latt FISHER BROS. Bqilders' Heavy and Shelf BTRONO COURSE-Well equipped Qllll quick eat and beat way to sMate OertlAratea. Expanses for year from H to Board It 10 to O par week; CalUom. Ml par (arm of tea weak. Ftll term begma September lath: Bummer term Jane K to Baptesober t For catalogue addreee p. U CAVPBPXU PraeMaot or W. A. WANK Baa of Faculty. KOPP'S BEST A The North Paeiflc Brewer)-, of wliiih Mr John Kopp it proprietor, make be r for domes' to and export traJu. r forth Pacific Brewery The Leading Visiting and Wedding Card . . . Engravers . . . 22 H 23 WASHINGTON BUILDING, RALSTONJjgjLTH CLUB Breakfast Food & Select Bran . . . . Barley food T ..Yeast, Cocoa Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats dlA. V. ALLEYS . PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT European plan, 80o to t,V) per day. American plan, $1.00 to 12.00 per day. CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON In all sizs AND BRASS BEDSTEADS PORTLAND, OR The Only Rlrst-Closn aaaaaaaa irnmi.n.nrijvinnnuinnnruumrui Glass Waro, Cream Separators and Uet General Supply House for Family Groceries Hardaiare,Ship Chandlery, Etc. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for TaacWra. New Buildings New Deparuneatj. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. traJDine: departments. Normal course Delicious and Palatable. Drink Absolutely, Pure Bottlexl oeer for family nae, or keg beer supplied at any time, delrvvy It the city free. PQKTLAND, OR., Our Utt's. . a AND MORRISON STS. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manitger- J. C. PENUKGAMT, Chief Clerk. and styles. We shall continue to sell Iron and Brass Bodsteads at the Mine Low Prices regardless of the raise in the price of iron and braea PORTLAND Hotel In Portland i AcmniA a Mr rniiiMPiA RIVER RAILROAD. lera,"" PORTLAND. Arrlv. I-M a. m. Portland Cnlon I)epol"iil:U a ni" i:W p. m.jfor Aeiorla and Inter :up.m. mdlata polnta. j " ASTORU. 7 1 7.4." aim For Portland 4"in-lll:0a.m. ( 10 p,m.termedlate polnta 10:M p.m. " 8BASIDB DIVIHION. p m is. m I :MIH:K'Lv 02:,i 11:551 Ar 8:M; 12:13 l.r ' t-M l:W.:Ar is. m 'P m Ar T:W 4: l-vl 7:) I Art 1:10 Lv e:U! t:V .. Astoria.... . Wir"nton. ...SsasMe .... SPECIAL SEASIDE BL'NDAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:30 a. m.; arrivaa at Seaalda a. .m. Passengers may return on any train bown on schedule on same data. ALL TRAINS to sad from Seaside ruo ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pacific train to and from the east or Bound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with L R. eV N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Hatch polnta. THROUGH TICKETS an aale at As tori for Sacramento, San Francisco, all Eastern and European point. City ticket office Astoria. U4 Cormner. tial street J. C. UATO, Oea'l lYt and Paaa. Agent. THE NET "North-Western Limited" (JCrrCirrcitYTAin.)e between Minncapoll?, St. Psul and Chicago, is entcrtainhirty described In an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished mi on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 948 Wuhtnfton Rtraet, PORTLAND, Oltt W. PARKER, Com. A rant, 603 First Arson, SEATTLE, WASg union mmi mm OF LONDON; Established during tbe reign of Queen Anne. A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. tuoaonoea (J&ptiai i ijdu uuu in Aseeu U.a.tH SO 8urpln to policy holders i KIJJt Ot Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed cap ital $TJ00 90 Capita paid on 1 JSC 100 00 Assets urn so Catton, Bel! & Co. Oeoe ml Agaota, Baa rnuecleco. Cat Reatdeot Ag 4a, Astoria. Oregon. UfUVK (K)BLB AJUtrVL iPast Hall tr Aberdeea go. t UHpdkane. Helens. Butte, No. I. ao a. m Ko. S. j Hp. m 12:38 p. m inaoonna. pi-rsni.tni-. kiago, New tnrk.Knstoi bkod all points east am ka l Bouiheait. RMrUaad. BanUt and No, i. U:8Ja.m Tiaoma Express; fori Meattla, Taenma, Olrn-I kia and IstormftrtUM points. Aim ptiinn taow Three ways to Bt ran, otneJ, Ksa saa City aad oxtier Iflwnosl ctvor notnta. Tl ae ana onewiit aj-s oo ox. navm. If it tukae and T4a. . , r - Four and esaf oW to Waaadnrtan, ttex5r rnw V4t o'clock moraine; train will make close onneotiOOa at OOble wWh tbs eaat boand fast majl. TTntca depot oo leotloos a aH prtsnlaal Wea. . . . Bacasgo cnaoa i lorvugn n ui smia Hem at tloketa. For alejft oar reaetitlona. Hestots, Mass of roatea and other Inton nation, ""Ta vtrra a-. AjMtatant Oensral Paaaaner Ant, X Morrlsoa Btreot Portland. Or. MOTrS PENNYROYAL PiLLS Ihvy ovttrcoine Wsaknbwi, Irrjru lurit y ntxt oi:ilion?,liH rv ? it or d tiinian " imuiB ul nirnHtruv Hull." TliT sru " I.lffl NHVfa1 tuirlrlm,t womtiihouti. nillni;cl Tclopinpntofo.vnnaiintl booy. known rt'imilT fur w !.' ' t;a..uot du, Iihiiii n hi' iwi.ll. ttv ir,tiriFi.. WOTV C2K?i;t.At.Cil-" v' i Dr. Willlnnris' Indian fie liltfi'diui; and !U'u:r,i tPik'S. liuljMnstloluinor7 ailuj s tho iU'Ling ul unco, aor.' is a naimice, civcs Ir.str.n : r lief. Dr. Wlliliims'IiKlmnl'lleOin ment In nretiareil for Plica anJ licb Inir of the private purts. Krery bo w warranteiL Bv drnvalots. by mail on re Upt o! pore. 50 cents an.l 1.(HI. WILLHS SANlirlCTURlNS CO.. fropa, ;ievptei.., OkU LIKE I JJltoste ST0SB OsLS-'O tottlt ran. XS c,st mi FS Q B &a 1 I SCHEDULES UKI'ART Kro,0 fonUtDa Aaaivi rU( -sit Lake, 1-eDTr r.rt. Worth, Ousba. Kao- f." JloTn. I,ulath' Hlwe t Ur?' I ( hlcaao sud East, tM K'om Aiturla OCEAN STEAMSHIP All fUlllnj UsUa lUb ieet loehanse. For Sao rnuwtsno-Mall Oc'. . 10, l a, gj0 I ! Colcnbta River 7amas8a Htsamere tsmesHo oday To portiaad a4 Ddar Way Landing. WUUaattt aag Vaas- l p m. am. blU Rivers. Mou.,Wed, iDd'8atn,0'r,nCIV',M5r,on' J,1", Way-Landinits. Klparia cHvar. LLwito Leare dlj aaaa kivst. 1:40 a.m. Rlpariato UwUton. dijjy Frum fortlsnd I WILLAJSmK aVTF.R fM Krlday " rlu4 a Saturday 0. W. tOUNSBSERT. Agent Astoria. a. HuaLBuaT, OaL Paa. Ami Pertlaag, Or. 1 IJ" A familiar same for tha Chicago, Mil waukee A 9c Paul Railway, known all over the union aa Of Oreat Railway Tunnbg the "Pioneer Limited' trains vary day aod night beta-sen St. Paul and Chicago, ana Oma&a and Chicago. 'The only perfect traJna In die world." Understand: Cooaectlone are made wttb all Transcontinental Zmaa. aaauring to paaeegenrs the best aemea Knows. Vox- urloua eoachea, aleotrlc light, steam beat, of a verity equaled by Bo other Una. Bee that your ticket reada vta "The MUwaukea" when going to any point in tb United States or Canada. AU ticket tgenta eell tbesn. For ratea, pamphleta, or other iafonna Uon. (eddr s, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDT. Trav. Paaa. Agt. General Aerent. Portland. Or. Portlaod. O.r GRL-i TICKETS to all EAST Through palace and toortat sleeper, dining and library observation ears. EUSOANT VE3TIBULB TRAINS. No. 4 United leavee Portland at 1:11) p. m. No. t Limited arrives Portland at IJO a. m. For rates, etc., can or address O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. ft N., Aatorta. a!b.C. DENNTaTON. C. P. A T. A-.Portlaad Ore Through Tickets -TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TlA PULLMAN PALACB SLEEPERS, . TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Daily to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern eltlee. , BagragO checked tnrrraj-n to oaatlnatloa. Union Depots, fast tune, loweat rata, Ptntactt light In all oars. For ratea and ottter tarormatloa call oa or addreaa O. W. LOUNBBERRT, Agent. O. R. N. Co. Astoria. Oresroo. or J. H. LOTHROP, Oea. Ageat. Us TBiro Bt.. cor. Alder, Portland, or. EAST m soufn LEAVE PORTLAND ARRTV1 I OVERLAND EX- rKtaa, lor Balem, rtosebura. Aahlsnd. '.aLIBacramanib, Ogden, 11:00 A.1. an CTanciaco, wlo iave, Loa Angeles, El Paso, New Or leana and the Eaat : A. H Roaeburg paaaenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Angel, 811 verton, West Sclo, BrownvUle, Spring field and Nation.... 4:M P. U Dally except Sunday Dalle except Sunday 17:M A. M M:W P. Ml (jo reams paaaenger :M A. M Independence paaa' tS:lS A.M ually, tDallj except Sunday. Connecting at San Francisco with Oeol dental & Oriental, PacUlo Uail and Oaa anlo ateamiihlp lines for T'r'V, CHINA. AUSTRALIA. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate ticket on aale tlaljjr between Portland, Sacramento, and San Francis co. Net rates S17 fl rat-elms, and U aeo-ond-class, lncliidlng sleeoer. Rates and tickets to Kastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu and AustrHlla. On be otxninr! frrn J. B. KIRKIAND. Ticket AKent, 13a Third at. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM Manager. a. F. 4 P. A Through tickets Eaat for loweat rata Call on C. J Tronchard. local airent. Wel.s Fargo UOQO a or a oflce. Astoria, lO 0CCEN4SKA4TA V Iiuxuiiious Travel THE "North.Weatern Limited" train, electric lighted throughout, both In ild and out, and etaam Heated, are, without exception, the finest train In the world. Tbsy embody the latest, newest and best Idea for comfort, convenience and luxury aver offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most oo ra pine and splsndld production of the ear builder' art. 1 i These Splendid Train Connect with The Great Northern The Northern f'aciflc and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for the superior ac commodations and an classes of ticket are available for passage on the famous) -North-western Limited." Ail trains oa this line are protected by the Interlocking Block ayatera . W. H. HEAD, F. C. SAVAOK. ' Oea'l Agent, T- A. ForUaad Ore. IMStsMSa You Don't Change Cars If yoa co east vU BlUlnajra aod V Burilnctoa rout. The Burn m-too route raos through tourket aleepera twice a week. Seattle to Kanaaa Otjr-Oes oo at any point along tb main line of the Northern Pacific in Washington or Uoo tana gat off at Kanaaa City. Standard aleepera, eve day ta th week. But tie to St Louis Tia Lincoln, Omaha, and Bt Joaepa. A. C. HELXQN, General r&eMujar Aeat, Portland, Or oa. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Prints. Gives choice of two favorite roots, via the Union Padflo Fast Kail Lute, or th Rio Grande Soenlo Lines. LOOK AT THE TIKE 1 Days to Salt Lake ! 2 Days to Denver 3 Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining- oh sir, upholstered toor bt sleepms; oars, and Pullman palaea aleepera, operated on aH trams. For fartiier Information, apply to aw. LOUNS3ERRT, Agent, a R. N., Or t i Aatorta, Oregon. C O. TERRY, W. E. COKAN, Trav. Pass Agt. Geo. Ageat. . Ut Third Bt. Port) and. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINt OotumMa Rhrar and ruget Bound Navt gatkm Cbmpany. Bailey Gatzert leaves Aatorta dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. . . Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. ' - . White Collar line tickets and O. R, it N. ticket Interchangeable on Bailey Oatsert and Hassala Far between Astoria and Portland, St cents. A. J. Twrlor, Astoria Agt. ! XT. B. SCOTT, Telephone UL President A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a bnr.j whether oa business or pleasure, they, naturally want the best aervloa oh.) taloaNe so far aa speed, comfort sad safety ta concerned. Employee of tha WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINE! are uald to serve the publlo sod our trains are operated so aa to make olosa coa-i neotlons with diverging Hues at afi Juncvtloo points. l Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Cars on through train a j Dining Car servtos unexcelled. Meala served a la carta In order to obtain this flat class service,' ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket TheWisconsin Central Lines.: and you will make direct oonnectlona at Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all pointa eaat For any further Information call on aay ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND, Gen. Paaa. Agent, or J AS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wla. Qeneraj Ages i Ml Stark Bt. rortiand Ore. iilillplli