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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1899)
fV Yf - " ' YV-V 1 UK - MORNING AHTOK1AN Extraordinary Sale Special for this week Jtlnck mid Colored Bergen f 1.00 quality .,. (Jolf I'liiid 40 in. 05c qulity Knglinh l'lniinoletlo 10c McAI.LEN & 470 Commercial St, TO ASTORIANS. Tea IUILV AUTOHMN will h found Ml In I'urlUud al the wall-hnua t loarjr huHMofJ. r. Itanllr ! UI Waahlugtua Ntraat. Onlar for ! 4lal( 111 Willi this Briu will ! ,iruHl AttaatUa. TODAY'! WBATH ER. PORTLAND, Oot. U.-WWn Or gon, Hunday, fir wthr; Monday, probably rain. Eatrn Wahlngton and Eastern Oregon, flr wathr. AROUND TOWN. Chill oon earn and frijoll at I liming National Car vry day. For mil Klglit room house with mml ro cudvviiImiok. Addre "P." Ator IUvi you een th display of .Knapp Bros.' Health Food a at th Portland EtpctlilonT U Lrbeck will tomorrow oommenoe th building of a nw wharf near Kin. ney' cannery. Th latart In Ui oonfcellon Una 4w the dallcal lo Cream Cboeolat At Th ftp. Vs Nut Butter If you would be eco nomical and healthy. It U pur emul Died nuts. Qroonra. Keep your ye on Knapp Bra.' Ural t h Food Co.' ad. In another col umn, Not their product. Wanted nallabl man. Good poat tlon of tnut Com recommended. A. T. Morrlil Oenl. Delivery. City. Wm. McOregor la bulldlnf in exten sive store-room for avaaoned lumber at hi box factory In Upper Artorla. n John Wick, a native of Finland, ww yaaterday admitted to all th rlgM and privilege of an Amerton clllaen. You ran find over 10,000 title of nov el at llyland Droa." old bookalore.Port land. Drop In and get something to read. Buy Rnslyn ooal; th brt coal for heating and cooking purpoaa on th market. George W, Sanborn, Agent, Telephone Hit A cordial Invitation la extended to; the people of Aitorla to attend th er- Portland and Astoria To provide thd Ci'tizoiis of .Astoria, und vicinity with the eame advantages as ' the pooplo of PortlandVwe will,- during the contiminnce of the prevailing rates, furnioh round trip tickets from ; ,: . ' Astoria to Portland and Return , Absolutely Free By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission . to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur chased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost , and at the same time to take advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS ' For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked iu plain figures. CUT OUT THIS MAD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to tho exposition with each purchaso of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co. Tlio Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Mauager. 3rd and Oak Streets, Portlurd .Wo 45c quality. All other goodx in jirojiortioi) HcDONNELL, vtcit tif th Lattor-Day Balnl each Hunday at I p, tn lu Flahor' hall. ltoalyn coal laat longer, li cleaner and make lea trouble with atove and rtilmiiuy flue than any other. Oorge W. Sanborn, A gout, Tvtopbotui 1111. When In Astoria, tranalent fueata can secure uiisurpaaaed aocommoda tloni at th Aator Houa. Petfeot cook. In and nlo. clean room, Rata, ) per day. Harry llartlntt, one of th brightest newsboy In Portland, ha txn glvon charge of th etrwnt aale and delivery route of the Aatortan In that cfty." Captain L Larem ha registered at th custom houe aa muter of th flah Ing sehoonrr Jraal. Th Jel will probably go out to tha halibut bank thl morning. IlMlyn ooal la th best and moat eco nomical coal for houauhold ua In A torla. Try K ono and you will have no other. Oeorge W. Ban born, Agent. Telephone U1L gervloe today at th Norwegian Kvangrltoal Lutheran church aa fol low: English Sunday school, :M a. m.; Norwegian ervlw, 10; 45 a. m.; English ervlces, 7:10 p. m. I. V. Harper Nelon county, Ky, whiskey. A gentleman' whtakey; a whlckey for th aldeboard; a whlakey for th lck room. Bold by Foard Bloke Company, Aatoria, Oregon. In the Bradatroot table of bonk cl"r lug of principal clllo for th werk ending OctoU-r 11, aa publlehed In y terday'a Oregonl&n, appear Aatortu with 1713.000 aa her clearing. Someone evidently had twitched drink. The public achool teaohera of Clalaop county and all othcra Interearted ar re- queated to note that the county (earli er Institute? will b held In Aatoria. commencing Tueeday, NovembiT I, and continuing until and Including Thurs day, November 10. At the Congregational church r- vlce today the following subject will have consideration: "SlngWwa of Purioe" at U a. m.; "Th Eternal Fel lowship of Our Deda" at 7:10 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all who may detr to attend. II s ' . ... t'pper Aatoria youthg played down town youngster a ram of football FREE ynturdny aflornoon. Tl Uppora are still uiipcr, th soon aUutdlng 17 to 0 SKftlnat th down-townlte. The latu-r claim that tholr opponnnta wer twloe Ms large and heavy a they. Th Knglleh and American govern mental demand for transport and the phenomenal Inorta In all lion of gen eral bunliwaa have created a a arcWy of tonnage, and chart jts are advuiiclng. Willi furmot holding tlHr grain for Ix ttar price and alilp-cwner making extravagant demand for tonnage, ther I little movement In wheat. The steamer Btate of California is now In command of Captain John W. Oage, a veteran of the Columbia-Han Francisco route. Nearly 40 year ago Cumaln Cage waa master on sailers plying between th Columbia fiver ami ihe (Joldrn (laU. He I a splendid sail - . .a . n,,n,.ir eaiHidn. He was wa transferred from th Umatilla, run ning between Han Francisco and Puget sound. . Mis Sign Palmberg, recently arriv ing from th Kaat, desire to announoe to the ladles of Astoria that she ha opened dressmaking parlors on Ninth stree, near Commercial, next door to Delllnger' printing ofDc. Mis Palm berg ha had thorough xperlence In cutting and fitting ladles' garment of all kinds, particularly tailor-made suit and cloaks of th latest and most fajih lonable design , The ti-g that ha been in course of . ... . corurtruction at tne Aiona iron yvwa will be launched wxt TueJay arur- noon. Th. vel would been the property of II. B. Borthw cut wll christen the boat a. sl.e paase. Into w.. " i old Columbia President John Fox will, carry out the purpose of Mr B-rthwkk , in namtni the tug, and she will be known as th Jessie Borthwlck The steamer Aberdew. which crossed out last faurday for Ban Francisco, from Oregon to be pintl Mlw Mary Brayne waa In the city encountered a severe storm off Point, thepe w, electei al lne ate con-! yesterday doing shopping, r -R-ves, One heavy . broke aooard. ! ventl()n . .. I " ' deck lashing were broken and part of ! ' - Mrs. M. Rosier of Young's river th deckload washed away. A portion ( The directors of the Astoria public ,pen? 'sy Astoria, of the lumber caught In the rigging and schools might communicate with the Pre.fenr Lee, county superintendent pulled the maJnmaat out of the veael. j director, 0f the Newbery public schools. 1 of schoola, was In town yesterday. Captain Peterson got his vessel bvforo iiulh hoards are financially embar-l J. F. Sale of Young's river waa doing the gale and kept her there until re- j ras,d, but In opposite ways. The Ato- buslnen In the city yesterday, pairs were made. The steamer then n -attrU t Is woefully short of funds, j Tbe ,WQ M 8oott8 of PoPtlan(1 are went on to Ban Francisco. ,hie .NelH'rg h more money than,the g(JeM8 of Mre Solt Yoiiig- m " j she knows what to do with. The state riwT. The case of the boys charged wlihlaw prvlde that any achool money j oorRC oray of the Aatorian returned having broken Into Nick Clinton's tooljnot used up during any school year from a DUgneM trlp t0 Portland laat house and destroying property wnalmull turn,j back. Into the county nlght tried before County juage uray yes- terday afternoon. Attorney Allen ap- . n. . k . hnu. ThMn wn, tin pcavrcu i"i wiv wv. - j SVlllviivQ iiiii vj mv. v. .... , .... - - . youtnrui jerenaam in any "ny tha disappearance of the artUbs, ex - oeit that it was shown that ome of, them occasionally played about the premlsea Their declared Innocence wa confirmed and Judge Gray dis missed the case. v.spiain iurirr ton. ims oa.r, tuwirw - unk near Oobl In the epring. and Captain Turner of th dan Francisco Wrecking Company ' took th Job of brlnalnic hi r to th aurfac. Th cargo ha boon removed for some time, but It 1 evident that sand ha found Its way Into th hull In uoh a p. It Ion It cunno'. be r"ached to ba pumped out. liargi-s and tucklo will be uxkI, how evor, and It la thought th workwlll soon be sucoeaafully accunipllHhed. Judgo Mcliridw ha rendered a de cision at Hi. Helen turning all the property of th late II. B. ll(rthwlck over to the adiulnlatraXor, Dun J. Moore of 1'ortland. Upon qualifying, the ad ministrator moved to have the writ of fcxecuilim Issued Immediately after Mr. l'orihwlcli's death recalled. Judge Mc Uildu ordered the writ (uaaiied. Hher Iff Llnvllle, whun seen by an Astorian rvnorter yesterday, stated that he had .oner yesieruay, siaiea tnai ne naa ' " V1 " "r d'vl'-K the 1 attachim til on th tug, yard and other Astoria property, but he I expecting It shortly. . Th American Beaman' Friends' So ciety at Portland ha been consolidated with th Portland lnatltuuj of the Lon don Mlaslon to Seamen Bocluty, and the work will be continued under the name of the latter organization. The ob iiirt and nature of the effort of both have been the same, and th combining' of the two societies reduce expenses.' Jam. Laldlaw, UrlUsh consul; T. B. ' y Vtllcox, W. J. Burns, Captain Hoben, captain j. a. urown ana h. n. namu- inn compoae in. ,iss t.wmIUVW !. 1 ...I . .A. I ''" ....-.v - ministration. I - w tWQ , VMUloM neld , P(ynltni next Tne BapU4t ,na lhe w. c. T. u. gath.' "1'7: " , 7-1' be present are Rev. L. J. Trumbull and and R. L. Knapp. of w c T wl !Gu-hart, Mrs. Wm, Roes, Mrs, Mary Fox and Mr. Ocrdlng. The national convention of the W. C. T. U. will bei h ld . a.atti. th week following. The funa Naturally, the Newberg Doard dislike to handle money and then let . . i. . . u . , n . mnA u I. ii i ultra, w intr wui.i. ,w jn h quaouijr av wa 4ri,:fc...,.v. . . . . ., a local Solomon suggest mail Asiona aRlJ Newberg might "even up, W KST SIDE NOTES. H. O. Wood and wife of Warrenton, , an- spending thl. Vet In Portland. Sheriff Grant Trullh.ger Is j still confined to his room, and. his coo Mrs. James Whit haa returned from dltlon ,now, no improvement. . month's visit to- her old home In R. C. Herbert has returned to his home In McMlnnvllle. He waa In the hospital corps at Fort Steven. B. C. Kindred and C. C. Jensen re- turned laat woek from a trip through Wll'nmetie vul'cy. Target practice at Fort Stevens was finished last Wednesday, and the de tachment have returned to Forts Can-f by and Columbia. Rev. E. B. Mitchell spent several days In Portland last weeki ' H haa been up to Vanoauvr for .examination for ' commission. ' J. Warre'li,' repivaehtlng th f a- clfio Coast 8yrup Company, lit Hammond on Tbursdar-'' '' i Robert flray la enlarging his place of hustneas and wlir add H-new gtoclt of groceries. , , . . . ... 4. vunia. wn. wn a paper In Kew Aatoria In the near fu- fure. ' J. B. Callahan. Is putting Up a hew building and wUl open up at his old business soon. Mr.- F. W. MUdd and daughter re-J turnod from a ahort visit to PorUand. i a L. Jeffrey 'and wife" visited this, slde last Thursday, with sn Idea of, starting a restauranti - I A pleasant party waa glveft U Ford's1 hall. Friday evening., by tW oung 1 P,) I .J "l.Urr.n'. Lally. Mrs. D. E. Pease and Mis Eva Par ker are visiting In Roeeburg. Tbe plank road between Flavel and Warrenton Is finished. ' Thl Is a very great improvement. Mrs. S. D. Smith and grandma Hill have returned from The Dalles much Improved In health. Mtra'Cenna Oearhart haa been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. Bird, at Seaside, for the last two weeks. Miss Piokle Bird Is visiting In Port land and Oregon City. iMr. O. B. Wirt and children are visiting In Woodlawn. Ray Mclntlre and Guy Halferty left, for Holmes Business College In Portland last Monday, A farewell T'"'" "" i given the young men at Mr. Halferty's on Saturday evening. F. S. Dow was visiting at Sklpanon and Hammond during the week. H. II. Ingalls and wife are rusticating on Clatsop beach. Mrs. Ingalls Is Im proving rapidly and la able to go out drivrnn every day. "THK REHOtnCEfl OF OREOON." A 'Fine Compendium Recently Issued by th Btat Board of Agriculture. : The chember of commerce "pfoently rexuHVtd from Balem i large numler of copies of "The Resource of Oregon," collated and prepared by the state board of agriculture. Prenldcnt Van Duzen personally distributed the pam phM yesterday, placing them whore they will be most accessible to any one Interested. It Is a valuable compilation. The 20J page are full of valuable Information and statistics. A citizen of Oregon, un til he reads the fact and figure there in presented, can hardly realize the Im portance and vastnes the various In dustries of the state have attained. Of course there have been great change even since the last revision of the state Industrial census, but the change ha been an advance In every direction. Besides a general description of the state's Industries, there Is a special write-up of each county and Hs re sources, making It In all a fin compen dium with which to advertlae the state and attract desirable Immigration.' PERSONAL MENTION, , r Mis TpUle Bart h . la .In Portland. W. H. fliolth waa over from Clatsop -Ml Nellie Busey spent yesterday at warrentoii. shlulk. .f hj( . ... r ' ' terdiy In AtorU, WaK ingftl)g of j, &nd CJark waj tn ,wn ye.tePaliy. Mr Lyman KInn Mt for Pwtlttnd on yesterday morning- train. WWB lrMleoaJ, a T. Bartlebaugh of The Dalle Is at the Parker. H. F. Hamilton of Independence Is In the city. C. F. Lester of Warrenton visited A- torla vesterday. Dr. T. J. Ball and Mr. Ball were pas sengers on Friday night's train for Pnrlt n n1 f airs, X. F. Bartoldus" 'and1 daughter. Mrs. John Fry, were In from Young's river yesterday. ' Mr. T. M. TomhofT, formerly of As j torla. but now a resident of Portland, la In rtiA rltv Mr,.wlIlftln,, formerly M(tho. dlst pastor at Warrenton but since then stationed In the East. Is visiting his former charge on the Went Side, Mli, jennl? Klose of Oakland. Cal., arrived " the nc" train yesterday " w' few tne hom of Mr. T). T. W ir-i I" Wr C ft Ssmiiv nf Walla Walla representing the Walter C. Smith In terests In that city, haj been In Astoria and vicinity for a few days. Two Walla Walla cltlsens and capitalists. Messrs. T. 8. Steel and A. K. Durnat, joined him yesterday and spent the day Jn th city taking pointer. They re- turned home last evening, but Mr. Sweeney will go down to Seaside for a short tjme. . .. RADICAL LITERATURE. " We know of only one book store In Portland where so complete a line of nowU on a , ubJecU ay M dl8CUMlon as can be sen at Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder street. I KOftRORfl Of, FtttL8WNA WAR. ' 't Tales com to fas of the sufferings en dured by our brave Sdidlers iri the Phll- "PPlnea The papers ring With them, ympathy Is freely given. And yet ar ln our midst of whom e her ethlur, who are Just aa brave. They are suffering silently and fighting mankind - Dyspepsia and al. iu terrible Ilia. There la relief for them If they will take flostetter Stomach Bitter faith fully, ft will cure dyspepsia, constipa tion, blil'ousnesd, malaria, fever and agu? and liver and kidney troubles. It tones up the whole system. Get It from any druggist and' see that a private Revenue Stamp cover the neck of the bottle. . FINE OPENING Y ' The North Pacific Dental, College, whose advertisement appears' In anoth er column, opened Ha doors Ootober 5, with 75 students on Its roster. The col lege Is well equipped with every facil ity to graduate students ln all the late knowledge of dentistry". A. R. Baker, D.D. S., Is demonstrator ln charge, and I .oil qualified to Instruct all students who this college. WONDERFUL COMPANION. Tbe man who works and Is apt to sprain, snatch or otherwise Injure him self should never be without the cele brated Century Liniment, 10c and 25c bottles, at J. A. Clemenson's drug store, The BEE HIVE Closing Out Men's Shoes at Cot ; , . 13.50 BiioM for i) 2.50 hboe for J. 75 l,60.Hboffoi 1.10 .. . Ladle' Wcln Hbirt Waist,. , . . . .11.50 Ouling Waist..... v. 70 eenl Ladles' Jacket from $2.75 to IJ.fW Collarette. ..... from 11 60 to $9.00 Exam nc cur illi .try Oep't ' Golf Hats, all colors and latest style Our Knitero Trimmer in the Hat De partment ia proving a great locoes. In Children' Cloak we are, earryiog the largest assortment ever before dis played in our store. . 467 COMMERCIAL ST., A8TOEIA. . .. Heretofore Awtonana have sent away for their CALENDARS I dow have in stock an op-to date line ot 1900 to select from.' Call and ex- ' v' amine them, Th moat J&autifal Variety . aver displayed in Uie Pacittei --i- . Sortuwwt. . . (, J. S. DF.IJ-INGER, til TamhJH street, Pur'.land, Or. -- Tho woman wbo ba a weak eoMtttu Uon, and who need aomethlng to brao ber op, should get tb Natural Body Brace, the brae that brace the whole length of tb body and that costs only $.' If you are not ur you need H, yon can try it for M days, at the end of wblch time, U not satisfactory, you can retura it Write for a book with In formation.. J. A. CLBMBNSON, IV Tamhlll atreet, Portland, Or. LADIES' TAILOR-MADE BUTTS, Ladles who go to Portland and dealr something espedally fit in tbe way of tailor-made suit will do well to remem ber that they can be well fitted at I. D. Boyer' IT Tourth street, In tire T. M. C. A- building. " Not only doe be keep a strictly first claM cutter for men's wear, but also one exclusively for ladle' work, and aU can rest assured of getting not only good work, but the beat of materials, as Mr. Royer Is an expert on woolen cloth. An Attraction for the Ladies. Attbe exposition in Portland there is an object of especial interest to the la dies in the way of an ideal waist and skirt supporter. By those qualified to judge, it meets erery requirement of such an article. It ia non-rusting, will support the heaviest skirts, is completely hidden, is very strong, is quick of action, doe away, with old hooka and eyes. There ia a fine chance for a live agent for Astoria by addressing B. C. Wever. 175 Fourth street, Portland. FOR SALE. Improved ranch, conalsting of 120 acre, on Young river. Apply to John L. Hnyseth, Wlae, Or. LOGGERS ATTENTION I Headquarter for C-jrtera' Logging Shoes and Lcgger' Outfits. TEE RED FRONT, Z69 Morrison street, Portland. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that tbe part nerahlp heretofore existing between A. J. Megler nl C. S. Wright, tinder the Arm. nam of Meglej Wright, ha this day been dissolved by mutual con ent. Mr, Wright letlring.' AU the' In aeUedrvess of the firm haa been assum ed by Mr. Megler and all bill due the firm must be paid to him. Dated October 5th, 189. A. J. MEGLER, . ll!' '.;. cv S. WRIGHT, - THB LOt-VRB. Strangers TiBiUni id th city iil dad the Louvre au attractive FeOoft Wht'teitl to spend the evening. Tbe Amme Sisters Ladiei Orcbestra is still on th bills and preeeiild higblly a prosram of exoeptional merit, fiaudsome pool and billiard roomi are a feature lu connection with the bouste. Palatable luhYhet will be served at all hour. TUE... Smith Premier The Leading Typewriter of the World. NORTH PACIFIC Dental College 15th and Couch Sts, Portland. Member of National Association of Dental Faculties. Formerly Ta:oma College of Dent a Surgery. Dental Infirmary open dally from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Free oral surgical cllnlo Saturday, 1:30 p. m. to 3 p. m. A. R. Baker, D. D. S., Demonstrator ln charge. Students desiring Information, ad dress North Pacific Dental College, Flftoenth and Coucn streets, Portland, Oregon. Cor. Ninth and Commercial fit. Tla Mllllaary, MISS McREACorner 10th and" 'Corn. mercialSta, ,nr ..i .. t -.v : Portlottd Restaurant 1 1. MTTEtiir, Pioprleh r. fritite Isont far UUn. tOS Wajhins- tue , oear )th PORTLAND OPEN DAY AND NIGHT., M'4 Ev-House's Cafe, 18 Tkir trett, Nrtlai4, Irtrn. Tbe Bt Cnp of CuSee or Cocoa in the city. Cream and Milk ' ' (rum nur own ranch Home mad Pies and cakes . 1 Watsoii's-'.'--Restaurant WATSON BROS., Propr,' ronducted oo the check system, thare- . fore patroni pay lor wbat Uiey order and no more. Wi Clala tia tie Unrest, Ckciwit, nitkest Stniri ii tie Iwu Betl aid west 109 and 111 Fourth 81. Open I a.m. Co (p.m. PORTLAND reus o r. i a mrtuju. wnny UJics' TaiVr, fentt' Tir, I. D. Boyef, Merchant Tailor lp-tD3te II? Featl St., niTlUMM. ; Y.M.C.A, Build'g. -niw" ' r-oalhg A gpeftlal'ty. . .-' . . The Photographei N. W. Corber Sevnth aud Washington PORTLAND, OREGON THE PARLOR CANDY STORE ATAGG, Proprietor. - Special attention given to family orders. . 'LRE ICE CREAM ???.-.- la Large or Small CUNTRIRS Quantm. CANDIES Special attention given to family orderi. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CANDIES 483 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon. P0VEY & B1RC1IALL TAILORS Fin ork at Popnlnr Prices. 32T Washington Street Next Imperial Hotel