The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 15, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Telephone Main ML
Sent by mail, pr yar ft-M
Bent by mail, psr moatb. M
Served by carrier, per month
Bent by mall, per year, In advanoa $100
Pottage free to subscribers.
All communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to tbe edl
tor. Business communloatlons of all
kind and remittances must be address-
ed to "The Astorian."
The Astorlani guarantees te Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
TO RKADKtt$.-tk "Dally Aetorlaa"
fMtelM twiee m mack rvaHIng aaattar u
h; Kkf aapar aMieaea' la Aeturla. li
to tke aaly paper Ikal lu rvadera
with a dally trlrf r.hlr report.
tcrlaa" ka mora tkaa tea a a .y rtl
ere M say atkar pa par pab.laBed la A .la.
rta. It la therefore mura tkaa twiee aa
valaable a aa adverUaiag aaadiaai.
effects would reach every branch of
trade In our city. Surety, this would
be of far greater benefit to Portland
than the lows of a half million dollar
of ship chandlers' trade. The latter is
a gain of, ray, 20 per -tnt In our wealth
or ,100,909 only, while the former Is a
permanent gain of forty times as much
wealth. Of course, this change of port
would hurt the wheat pool, but then
we can stand that! This increase in
wealth and traffic must necessarily
very sensibly Improve travel ana
freights on Portland's own railroad
the O. R. AN. It la the serious and
rwrslstemt object of that great railway
company to Increase the wealth of Its
patrons and develop its tributary coun
try, ito as to Increase lu traffic Sure
ly no one line of its efforts could pro
duce a more extm wtllnary benefit than
this. The Increase of Portland's traffic
with the Interior would mean increased
traffic for this road. Not only this, but
the vast bonus TO THE PRODUCER
In the greater wheat value at Astoria
would speedily force all the wheat to
that port over that line from the In
land Empire. Instead of hauling half
the wheat from east of the Cas
cades, as now, the O. R. A N. would
then haul it all. But a far grander
benefit to Portland would Bow from the
commercial revolution to follow a
change of the chief seaport to Astoria.
It would force all the transcontinental
railroads, and others now en route to
the Psclflc Northwest, to send their
main traffic lines through Portland on
their way to the chief exporting point.
This would necessarily make our city
the permanent railroad center of this
great railroad region. On the other
hand, with Astoria excluded as the
port. It is perfectly manifest that Seat
tle would soon acquire nee. port supre
macy over Portland. This would force
the great railroad lines to concentrate
at Seattle, leaving Portland simply a
way stsxion on one line from the Willa
mette valley on its way to the Sound.
It would surely wrest from Portland Ms
natural right, as the converging point
of all the water levels, to be the undis
puted railroad city if Astoria should be ,
army has been Increased from 27,000
m to 100,000. A war is under prose
cutlon 7,000 miles away that will re
quire the services and transportation of
(0,000 or $0,000 men. The navy is grow
ing steaJlly in battleships of the first
class and other costly vessels.
When the treaty was under discus
sion senator insisted that It would
plunge the country enormously In
debt. Senator Hoar urged this view.
Senator Cattery we especially explicit.
He estimated that the coat of holding
the Philippine would be U1,50.000 a
year. That is nore than the present
entire expenditure on the army and
navy, and we should not disband either
if the islands were surrendered. Sena
tor Caffry declared that "our Imper
ial buJget for the year ending June 30.
1900, en as Mated by secretary Gage.
Is appalling enough. But I am confi
dent that he underestimates the ex
penditures of that year If the Imperial
policy la to be carried out." Well, the
end of the first quarter of that your
is at hand, and '.her is a surplus of
JI. 900,000. Seerttavy Gage's estimate
runs over, not unler. A vat deal of
foolishness was talker by senators who
fought the treaty. Their predictions
and figures are on a par with their patriotism.
for gold and every new demand will
Increase the purchasing power of gold
and deprjua prloes." Many voters were
led to believe that In ISH. But In 189
are thoy as much Impressed as ever
with Bryan's judgment as to the basis
of prosperity in this country In a
previous speech during Cleveland's sec
ond admlnlgtmUon Bryan declared
that the world could not count on an
addition of over 4(,000,000 a year to Its
gold coin, or a total of $138,000,000 for
the next threw years. The amount
really colneJ In those three yeure was
$sfl.?04.3lH. Gold production is more
than twice as large as he said It rould
lie. What passe for eloquence In Mr.
Bryan may satisfy som people, but
If they want to talk common sense
liunlnea.1 It Is '.he part of wisdom to
choose sonte other adviser.
Komurkable Increase Shown Over Sep
tembers '.f Former Years In
189 AND
Two years and a half of republican
administration have worked a grvsu
change for the better. This fact
CONUNDRUM, n. A sort of riddle
laa 1 A V I . .
... -...... ,c ouu reaemouince is pro- the exportng point. The value to Port-
posed for discovery between things Und of Mng the centfr of lhl9
quiw unlike, a puxzling question, of , mi5hty Kgon W0UlJ vaM fori
Vnnti TIT aTk aat a at
j mistress cf commerce.
m m m '
WASHINGTON. Oct. H.-Tbe msnth
ly stutement of the exports and Im
ports of merchandise of the United
States during the month of September,
1IW, together with the Increase or de
crease as compared with September,
1SSS, shows a follows:
Dutiable merchandise exported, $39,
4:!5,.121: liicreasv, about f 10.(00.000.
stands out with striking distinctness Domestic merchandise ex(Krted, $10.
as every cltisen know The Chicago! nc
platform, which the democratic party
is at pains to reaffirm, deplored "the! r,,,ld Sports, l2.57I.KrS; decrease. Hi
fall In prices, the prostration of in-1 v'tu.oOO.
dustry and the Impoverishment of the, (lold export. ll.50S.71S: decrease,
people." It would require columns to 1 .4 aim
Silver Imports,
epitomize the prosperity that has taken
k would malo her the
Its effect upon
the place of those conditions. The first 1
step in the transformation was to re-1
Ject the Chicago platform. All succeed
ing advantages resulted from that em
phatic Judgment of the people. A glanee
st some of the benefits Indicate t he
nature and extent of all Our currency
I Is equal to the best In the world.
Workers everywhere are busy at good
wages. There Is no army of the unem
ploy.d. Farmers sell their products at
profitable prices, and are paying oft
12.040.914; Increase,
Woman's Weitfre
within her own control; gratst
French nwdlcal uriumph of this fn-
tury, for al 1 female Irregularltlrt,
weakness, etc.; a positive blenalng to
msrrlod ladles. Call or write for
sealed Information. Incloae stump,
Ortloe, 3.10 u Washington street, over
Cordruy's, roomt 1-10, Portland, Ore,
A very desirable dairy farm, finest
beaver dam land with abundant living
water, rind cows, building, orchards
and separator. Address Robert Craw
ford, Nehalem, Tillamook county. Ore.
Why Is Watson's restaurant In Port
land patronised by thousands of people
dally? Simply becsus it Is the largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau
rant has sixty-eight whit smployes on
Its pay roll. Remember the location,
WS-lt Fourth street.
The Pernln method of shorthand Is
being taught by Mr. H. W. Bebnk In
th Oregontan building at Portland.
Th Pernln system I not only extreme-
ly legible after being written, but Is
exceotlonably rapid. It It said thst
student under Mr. Behnke'i direction
attain success In one-half th tlm es
sential with either Oraham, Munson
or Pitman methods. This SOhool is
open day and night.
exports, $3,122,147; decrease,
The export of merchandise during
the last nine months .ire shown to have
exceeded the Imports by $75,W4.J7.
At prices within the
reach of all. Call
and examine tbeuew
m llth .Street
th growth of our trade, population and debts incurred during "the period of
A "Reader" want to know why the real estate values would be very great democratic blight. The foreign trade of.
Astorian alleges the "futllitv of at.' Indeed. These t-m.flta arise out of ' the country Is unprecedented. Threat-,
tempts to hold the seaport of the Col-' the local situation. They are of vast' enln International problems have been
umbia a hundred miles Inland." and ' iripcrtanc to Portland. Yet theiv ig 'settled. The Pacific railroads have
then negatives its allegation by conced- a much greater benefit to flow to usll"1'11 JP ,n cash- Hawaii has been an-
ing the "supremacy of Portland as the from making Astoria our chief seaport nexed. atter hair a century ot discus-(
Cnrllle Indiana Defeat Pennsylvania
at Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 14. -The Un!-J
verslly of Pennsylvania football eleven
was defeated this afternoon by the Car- j
lisle Imllns by a scorv of 1 to 6. ,
at the pudding Is In to
aod the proof of liquors
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
...CANS... n
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco, Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrbaven, Waso.
Astoria, Ore.
Writ Us tor IVI
Telephone Ho, JJ
Handles Only the Choicest Meats
Of CaaiaMrtlal SI., Pslae ltMtasrat.1.
Pacific NavigationCompany
It. P. Blmort
W. H. Hnrrlsvoti
Connecting at Astoria with th Oregon lUJIroaJ A NarlgaUoo Co. fur
Sao Francisco, Portland and all points raal. For freight and paasen
jpr rates npply t Bsmntl Blmors aft Co.
( v.! A.ouls, AaWJUA.OKE.
COHM ACOw Ageota, Orego Jlroa.t k Narlgatlon Co.,
Open Day
and Night.
and thus concentrating all our railway! ll!on- Cuba fIve- Th treasury,
lines upon that port. The trade with ' ahead of expenses, and lmn an!
the Orient, now being eagerly sought j nimene store of gold. The country,
by all the world, is the greatest traffic j""" carried through a successful war,
on earth. The Canadian Pacific, back-, an'! expanded. j
ed by all of England's wealth, is play-' A closer look Into these Items In- day decisively defeated by a Wtern
Rallwav crease their slgnincance. in tnree
CHICAGO, Oct. 14. For the first time
In the history of Inter-colleglan foot
ball, a strong Eastern eleven was to-
leading city of the Northwest." The
Oregonlan is unable to answer. A co
nundrum is usually troublesome to
everybody but the propounder. Possi
bly the admission of Portland's Wader
ship was due to a fit of abstraction
niie waicning stupe on the way up the Ing a high hand for it. Railway con- creases meir signincance. in mree teRn) Cornell University and the Unl-
.oiumoia- t;ut nothing more to Port- cent rat lor. upon Astoria as the rhtet years tne money in circulation nas oevn .......
- . versuv 01 l nicairo eievna rrww on Mar.
j s cu-ilii has been said than that. In Pjpt of the Pacific coast would enable! enlarged nearly, anu yjo,- ...... ,
spite of "natural and insurmountable us to force most of that traffic over our i W)0-9"" th addition Is In gold. Ex- ' ' ,,.r7' , P"awon j n e TO 1
.niihniliil irt Mm In th " a "J
of 17 to .
That's ao argument that's
elusive a deinonsnratJon.
Our will stand ros teat
W. W. WhlppU.PropHrtOf
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
riRBTaCLAM cvmnm..
J. A. Fastabend
conditions, rendering comoetltlon fp lines. That sreat aanort'. n,ni,.il ports of manufactured articles In the
ocean tonnage impossible," this city situation, its water level grade through ' last flscal footed up $338,7."94. !
has achieved the "supremacy of the tn Cascades (the only one north and
Northwest." Verily, the term "moss-, south for 1,500 miles) to the summit of
back." as applied to Portland, is obeo-' the 11'H.kle l.j0 miles away to the
lete. They who attain the impossible st, and an interior country six time
and surmount the insurmountable are' as rich as the basin of the Fruier and
the hustlers of the world. The Onego-' Thompson rivers, would easily enable
nian, Oct. 14, 1899. ( It to corral that Oriental trade from
i the Canadian Pacific. Pugvt sound
can t ao it. Jelther can San Fran-
Astoria Is the seaport of Oregon. It
always will be the seaport of Oregon.
Nature has so ordeivd it that the state
can have no other great seaport, no
other considerable seaport. We shall
not get the best resukts from shipping
the products of the Columbia water
shed to the sea till cars may go through
to Astoria without tra.ns-8hipm.-nt and
the rehandling of their contents. Then
we shall have an advantage In the com
mon railway rate to he seaboard, for
there will be no account of rrver
clsc. which has tried and failed. Of
course Portland can't do It. The prin
alone would make her a pigmy rival of
Vancouver. B. C, one of the finest first.
3 .. - .....) .rt. u
domestic products. Our exports are W .
per cent heavier than they were fourj " J fA VV 1 e IC 4?
yarn ago. The Increase In two years LCAIW
ha been 23 per cent. Our bridges are!
going to Egypt and Burmah, our loco-j COMMERCIAL ST,
motives to a doxen countries, and our;
agricultural machinery to nearly all of 1
the world. One reason for this Is that,1 IllrTf FlJlflt TftllAf
the world knows that in al. trading our ' tlldll I I 41101...
dollar means 100c. Bank clearance
for the year ending last month were Perfect fit GuHruntecil
the largest on record. The Increase Is
111 per cent over the dark democratic
Low Prices.
Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Dont.
and Pulldef
House-moving Toots tor Rent
Carpenter and Builder
General Contractor
538Commerc!al St.. AHtorla. Oregon
class ports In the world. Wha, then,! v,;ar of lM- U is l p,'mark,,l that
would be the result of this great stream
of traffic upon Portland's growth? Why
plainly. It would make the Columbia
basin what nature Intended, the very
center of the great West. Thin would
quickly double its population, and dou
ble Its wheat produet. doubling thereby
the latest figur-s are the best of all
!n August the exports of Iron and
steel manufacturers amounted to J12,-j
1I2.S'4. against I9.061.J65 In the same;
month lat year, The exports of wool
manufuifurer were larger than In any!
W. F. SCHEIBE, .war
Isctursr of
ay at Reliable)
nrpvinua monrh and there werp ffulna
charge, thereafter, though many ship. ! also in paper.' tobacco, fibers. India I
7.,, u.TBt m tWBi Astoria our seaport. Of cou w p" . rubtr' Klass' starch, paint-,1
shall be accomplished, there will al- ' and c, mm r u T naval stores and some other article. '
way, be a ground for discrimination 1 " T'" a' Now let Mr. nrvan. who rraeverlnr,v!
, vinr,, iiiwij ain.f aouuie in rnkpuia- ' i
Uon and trade. Its real estate alo' lllvi,es the country to place him at the
A tall lla. at Ptpaa, Takaece.
a. 5iokari' Artlctn.
7 Ceiiim.rsl.l Ml,
'La Belle Astoria" Clear
Schelbe's Opera Star
Scbelbe's Special
And Other Brand.
against this route, which It will be nec
essary to meet and, cover through va-
""-i.ii". . ran-, i-.,i ,..
road to Astoria Is not a Portland, nor " m 1 " 1 , 7 npm
an Astoria scheme, but an Ore on ' ?'d " T! impU ,0 hPT ,h . .. .u ln""f W"ld begin
" 7 " , ' " " . onoe. ' ""m with the plain evidence
lara-e sens formwlv emlvra u ' " r mew e
geographical expression when Oregon
Included the Pacific Northwest of the
United States. The Orernlan. Oct. 19
would double In value. Why. the mere1 hea1 of affair' ,ak ,he witness stand.
Having shown that Astoria as the
chief seaport would add the" greatest
value to our exports In 'the hands of
the producers, I wish now to show that
It wuld make Portland the chief city
of the Pacific coast, rapidly Increasing
Ks trade and population and quickly
doubling all of Its. rear estate values.
Our people fear It would . ruin the
jot tnts grand future. The ef
I feet of this mighty trade upon Port-
land's growth would be simply beyond
calculation. She would speedily dis
tance all other Pacific coast cities. She
would quickly take rank with the
greatest cities of the earth.
The greater the commerce of Portland
tbs gmter will be Astoria aa a nca.
port, because an Increase of Inward-!
bound cargoea will cheapen charters of,
the great ocean ships. The greater Ah- :
tcria shall become as a st-ajx.rt the 1
wealthier will become Portland anl all'
of the Columbia basin, berause of the1
t aTpS a! i Commission. Brokerage,
Three weeks before the
election of 18W he said in a speech
Minneapolis: "I repeat that we arei on j 1 f,i 1
a declining scile; that we are going I&SiiT22C6 213 J 5 IllpCll1t?a
down, and thit under the gold stand-t 1 '
ard gold will be dearer still, demand
Custom Hous Broker.
A.unt W. F. ssd Paclfle fcimvM fo a
trade and growth of our city, making Increased value of our products!
thrr.ugh reduced wean charters. It In
an automatic proposition. There jK n.)
room for rivalry luetween the two cities. I
Portland buslnewi man, In the Ato-'
rlan, Nov. 3, 1898.
; Ji 1 l i 1
So fur during the present fiscal year'
the revenue ke?ps a little ahead of the'
xpenouures. At the end of the flrf
It the abode of bats and owls. How?
Why, they ay, It would cause the Ions
of snm 150 foreign ships from our
wharves, with a resulting loss of at
least WiO.OOO of ship chandlers' trade
annually. And mi It would. If we do
not do It, however, our city will become
a merj half-way station on the route
from the Willamette valley to Seattle
a the chief seaport. But let us inquire
what compensation to Portland
,.. , A . . ,
uU.u oe l0r uia senous suDstraction quarter a surplus of almost 12 m 000 Ig'
from our local trade. We have seen' shown. Receipts for the quarter' have '
from my previous letters that It would incr-aned 117,000,000 over the same'
add annually at least some $2.50 per, :K1,od last year, and cxp-ndltures have1
ton to the values of the wheat product, f;.in off n.m. , ..,..1
i iium cram) 10 fi.wu.uvo a day. und
of this basin IN THE HANDS OP THE
PRODUCERS. With a million and a
half (estimated) tons of wheat, annu-'
ally, this means nearly four million dol-j
lars of wealth each year added to the
pockets of the farmers who trade In
Portland. This wealth would percolate'
all the avenues of life among a popu-j
latlon of. say, two millions. It would
add to the general prosperity and, un
like the ship chandlery, Its ben-fMal
internal revenues average $1,000,000 a
day. Both show an aggregate Kan for
the month of "5,000,000 over September
of last year. The war department is
spending an avenue of $12,000,000 a
month, and the ,iavy department $5.
000,000. iast month's statement of gold
in the treasury was 1245.0OO.0O0. The
September figur.-s are '254,000,000. This
is a remarkably favorable exhibit. Th
;ad I am afraid I have in
herited it. I do not feel
veil; I have a cough: my
Ijngs are sore; am losing
:esh. What shall I do?
Your doctor says take care of
yourself and take plain cod liver
iii, but you can't take it Only
the strong, healthy person can.
take it, and they can't take it
long. It is so rich it upseti the
stomach. But you can take
It is very palatabif. and easily
digested. If vou will take plenty
of fresh air, and exercise, and
there is vry Jittie doubt about
your recovery.
Therfie fivpnj.hosphites in it;
they give f trength enr" low up the
nervout gysteru v biir thr. cod-liver
Oil feeds and nourishes.
ICOn h hOWM; i hti.w. Nw Voii,
Golumbia EleetPie & Repair Go
Successor to
Kept In Stock
Twenty Years of Success
In ths treatment of chronlo dlsesscs, such as llvsr, kldnsy, ar.4
stomsch disorders. oonstlpsvUon, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, BrllhfS
dlirsse, etc.
Complslnts. pslnful, difficult, loo frequent, milky or bloody OrlDS,
unnatural dlsoharses spscdlly cured.
Much as piles, fistula, fluaurs, nlosrstlon, mucous and bloody dls
ohres cured without ths knife, pain or condnement
Blood poison, flest, strlcturs, unnatural losses, Impotency, thorough
ly cured. No failures. Cures fuaranteed.
TOUN'l MEN troubled with nlflit emissions, dreams, exhausting
drains, baihfulness. avrrslon to sorlety, which deprive you of your
MIDDLK-AOKD MEN, who from exoesses strains, have kast
BLOOD AND AKIN DISB.A8K8, Byphllls, OonorrhtMa. painful,
blooJy urine. Gleet, Stricture, enlurrcd prostate, Sexual Debility.
Varicocele, Hydrooele, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT
Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientlfie. He ased M pat
ent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures ths disease by
thorough medical treatment His New rtouaplst cat rrlvrnto rxav
ss sent Pres to all men who describe their trouble. Patients oured
at horn. Terms rensonaMs. ill tetters answered In plain envelope.
Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
Doctor Walker, 1.12 First St., Cor. AWff. I'ortUnd, Or.
faf ry- Vri-vSf,Sf'V,iaraW".i-.rt n n n n m 1
Logging Engines Built and Repaired
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially
Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed
... " Harrison Secton" Propeller Wheel ...
Contractors for Electric Liglita and Power Platita.
- Conducted by the Kcncdictinc I'utlicrs.
....High-Grade College for Boys and Young Men....
HsalUiful snd attractlvs location (40 miles fro.n Portland on the Southern
Pacific Springfield braioh). Compete und thorough preparatory, literary,
scientific, chiaslcal, normal, oonunerd al course. SPECIAL COURSES in
mafie-natlTS, Surveying, Drawing, Cv4 Borvloe, French, German BpsnWh
rtallan. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music. Academic Degrees and
DDRESk1 Cetlflcte ni D'P1" Conferred. Send for caUlogue.
The President Mount Angel College, Alt. Angel, Oj-eg
Look Here, Young Man !
t?.'.0?k ,u" 00 7m' t D k"V It or t a while. Be
fore It Mo late to an 1 .ee or write te this oW 4nelur.
Jte he! b e 1 tr stlns aoh rin or ov.r lu jri e t. an4 It
partefli'rtla I. Fninlitiehi. eea.Bad cine nj Uii..
no tai l. ' ,
.V. .',hv MeUle.l'ani H rglnal n.p'ne ry,
"'X VtmliUI ttrirt, Po-tlai.l, or , positively Kuarau
ttte. 10 our
PRIV1TF D Tblidofllorguars'tee-ioeiire
IIAITAIC nr I B.hll,. UoD..rrlie. a. Olet
Htrlciuret eitiel, nodlrf re i-e how loaf tuiling Ipi f
luaturrboei. bo e ot Mauhne.1. or nluhtlr am aalon..
0 tred per , m.i.tlr, Th h ibll o glf-Abu.e tn'mtusllr
ru ed In sn.ort U na .
Your error, tnd lollln of rnuth
(l b r mid. n t ihla oi l do tor
e dvk-a audaura .0 1 mib, n
iri(n d b al hr Y. n will lit smaiel t hli
in curing m ertnii .rrncw, ncmiutl l.vie; niglnly r.mli
Inn , hi 1 o h r erf eta,
P.tlenti Irii.led In tuy carto the country by hi home
;.iiii. nrn iuii (lariio iiara. nioioa. lu 10 lamn, anil
ha will uniwar rim promntiy. flu .Uie.N tre tf.l athvia
who 11. e 0 able to come to the Ity.
1 u' en clour but le it bedtime an! urliiHtA I the botile
ant Slide a il look t it n the morning. If It . cloudy or
Jim cloudy nettling In It, yoi have tome k dney or
bladder dliaaae. an I nhould be atteDdfd te before you et
mi UioiirililH d ea . linn I ed die every year from
Brlg..t'i diteane of K Un ya.
na ana rxmu, imwr:.Tnry mt . -
..ii.,,..u. a..j , ... .i ........ rum arwair mam ei
Pnwijr. t
"I'll f.rrthl.'i,
billty, Haiidncn'i Ijnd'.non to ny, (' t-.i:
Je,Twltomj o nflplk, l-:-. .1 ma limn...,'. Mi
1 runikun. l,iiiif k" (W.I..I..I i.(, turp Js n hin.t, rJT,,
Sdmuute. Ui. bnln .nd ncrv. Len.m. i ., Ui. (If r f, .ti. n...i
m mwmj niuwn, wiia uoau. kircuun IIM. HQOTOBf
iljllif K,l. nir Iriii. art...
'.n minnpoa. ir
'r.ti-n Innnmn n. en m
i-oim ,iiij(. Nervous be
fi-rr.en. vnricocnJe,
fi'iiirKt, Slope Nar
Iii.i. I view inn iut.ntr, la
H-.tiitr, .mall, nnilrv.lofw4
A V.llf.n ...Mntu tr.
hrn Ronton Hnn Prn no I woo, jDaL