The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 15, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    'I UK MOUNIG ABTOIUaN, 8UNDAV' ' 4fllQttKH'' if., ittftf.
U 1 ft Ml 11 PM UffllMWl!
0UT of the grew number of suit ordered,
many arc uncalled for. Our contract with
well-known ' tailoring firms throughout the
country is that we take up uncalled lor gar
ments left in the express office west of the
Mississippi' River. In' this way we keep on
hand a number of uncalled for suits, overcoats
and trousers, which we are able to sell at great
i ly reduced prices i These garment are not
misfits oiit suits on' which deposits' have been
made and which were forwarded by express
C. O. I), and for unknown reasons remained
in the express office uncalled for. We have all
such suits that arq accumulated by these firms
forwarded to us every !H) clays, to be sold at
ha'f the originul cost.
Save 1 to S2 on lour Suit or vercoat
Suits to Order,
$20 Suits and Overcoats for
$25 " "
$30 " "
. 15.00
A $
;T1 M.
IT !
If you wish to be well dressed in every particular, Style, Cloth, Lining,
U'or manshin, in fact everything that pertains to a perfect suitor overcoat
COS at n0 morc expense than if you wore ready made clothing. Then let us
.... c .L rmril VAII UAftJT .,-.. rnm tn uc nc u ran ortv 9fl
make your next Suit. You wiU have no trouble in nnamg me uvni
assortment of over 5 different styles to select from.
Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap a bout cur sui.s is the price. Our suits have that styles-fit and finish
about them that swell-dressed gentlemen appreciate.
n b n
$25,000 Taken Besides a Large Quantity
of Jewelry and Other Valuables,
robber, gmbb-d all the money and Quarter, In Chicago were notified of j the robber, had taken in making their
t-xpr'-M parkag they could and fled.
Although ll Is impossible to give within
iinv ureal aoeuracy me amount, h io
.l limited ly the officers of the AnJr
l an Express Company, In Chicago, that
I here was I2.Y000 In the safes.
ThiF amount wan Btated early today
Acts oently ok The
Sidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Buy THE fteHUINl-MH7 0
JTjw "friZ Vv?
""in every action reflect upon ths end;
ami jyour undertaking It consider why
you do M. .
Officers ire Scouring the Country for the Rotters-United
States Government Interested-Stopped
the Mall Trains.
riakes th Hair trow. Clears
the Complexion. Softens and
whitens the Hands. Preserves
and beautifies the skin of In
fants and Children.
rtfrftwi CuTiooii oirliuoloi!!yinit.oMl"ia
JVVkln purldm toJ t.tmt, bl U um Mi ..
Hold T.rywlur Briti.h d., KMT. Lmi4.
rvniui 0. Coup . Ho'.. Inf., BuMon, 0. . A.
CIIIOAQO. 0. R-Miuiked robber
h.ld up train No I of th Northwestern
Mllrd ihortly before midnight be
tween Maple Park and Dekalb and ahot
at Lan White, the engineer, ran away
with the engine and blew open th ex
nnwe car and aaJe. When he robbers
had rilled the car they dlRappeaml.
Train Ne. term part of the faat
tranacontlnental mall which waa re
cently establtahed between New York
and Snn Franclnco. The run la made
from Chloago to Council Bluffs on a
echedule exceeding a mile a minute. It
hit been 'the general custom to carry
only two cars, one containing exprvss
matter and the othor mall. Train No.
9 left the Northweniern uiv. "
o'clock with Pan White as engineer.
No Htops were ncheduled between De-
kalb, at whloh place the train was due
Khnrtly after 11 o'olock. At Maple
Park, 50 miles from Chicago, It was
discovered that tower "W" at Elburne
was either out of order or was not giv
ing the right signal. Dan White cloned
the throttle quickly and brought the
train to a standstill.
The truln was midway between El
burne and Maple Park. White had
hardly brought his engine to standstill
when two masked men Jumped onto the
Ftep and pointed gtins at him and the
"Throw up your hands," they shout-
did so. The two
KU. I lw
robbers detached the engine from the
rest of the, txaln and White was told to
pull out. The robbers ordered him to
take his engine two miles up the trark.
Then he attempted to make a fight and
recapture his engine. He strudRled
manfully, but finally one of the robbers
shot at him but failed to hit him.
In the meantime four other men bad
attacked the conduotor and brakeman.
Numerous shots were fired to Intimi
date them. The oonduotor was unable
to make any resistance, as he was told
he would be killed.
One of the brakemsn managed to es
cape In the darkness and raced to El
btirne, where he managed to send the
alarm to the train despatcher In Chi
The robbers, after overpowering the
conductor, ordered the express messen
ger, Frank Hobswi, to admit ihtm to
the car.
"You open that car," one of the rob
bers shouted, 'o'r we'll blow It up."
Back from the car came a shout:
You try to force It open and I'll shoot
the first man who shows his head."
A volley of shots was the reply, and
sfter sevenvl bullets had whistled past
his head, the express messenger opened
th car. They put revolvers to his head
and compelled him to give up the keys
to the local safe. They then blew open
the door of the through safe wfth dyna
mic, the explosion wrecking the car.
the hnM-un at midnight. Deteotiws i escape.
were nt to the outlying stations of j Shortly after the officials arrived, an
the Northwestern system In the hope j other special train bearing General
of gottlng some trace of the robbers. Manager Antlsdel of the American Ex
Lk'ucenant Williams said there was press Company, with Plnkerton and a
little question thtut the robbers were number of detectives, arrived and or
OhuuKo crooks, as all the old-time train ganlzed pursuit was begun at once. A
r,.i.iw. have been caiuured. and it was' good description of the robbers was
l,y Cem-r.1 Manager Anrls.le, of the, glwn by the oper&tor, whiter. Blood
Anglican Express Company to have .teaming from Whistler's face.
i. . i.. v. . . nn in nnun a wins i it . -
iM'fn III llir mi ii vw.i -
of ifAvlrv. etc.. Mr. AnrlBdeli I
inlil he cculd not gties at.
Thi news of the hold-up Was rec.'lxvd
In Chicago befoi 13 o'clock. Word was
vent at once to the superintendent and
a He. ml train was ordered made up. j
MewentLVM w,'r dispatched for Detec
tive liellly. chief of the special police
of .the Northwestern system.
When the train dispatcher was no
tified he gave orders to freight No. 118,
bound eftst, to stop at Geneva and re-
. . t ihA mrn of the hold-
I ll in at vi'w . " .-
1 . , u... ,. CHICAGO, Oct. K-Followlng Is the
Tike uaannwn.oi aoa i"1 ,.....v-..
1 iomcial report of the robbery r-eeiv
No. D standing on the track with a de- "nam, rep ,MM,h.. ,
a gage having been stuffed down his
Three suspects were arrested at day
break and taken to the South Elm
hurst station, but the police were not
at all confident they had the right men.
: . , , i sent to all the police stations of Chi- where he had been struck by a revotv
Z ! ! cago to look out for the robbers. er. He was almost dead from suffoca-
The stopping of the mail train brings tlon wnen re.easea. us
the United States authorities Into thej 1 ...
case, as well as the express company , "" -f tl6G
m V-r s m. ' i
Bombay has a railroad which Is used
In connection with the sanitation of the
town. According to the "Engineer,"
it is over three miles long, and Is !n
tended for transporting the road
sweepings to a piece of land nearly I0
acres In extent.
and special police servloe of the rail
jroad company. If the robbers maxe
their escape ft will be by hiding in Chi
cago. Every effort Is being made to
prevent them from getting Into the
cltv. If they are compelled to stay out
in the country over night their chances
of eluding 4he officers will be slight.
And what is in it.
I., .i.- v.,h,,.wirii itennatcher s Oi-
tnched engine as they went by,-but;l
. . .. ............ ...-ita. i ii ! nee tociu.
n,i,l tnmigm n ,axVM, anJ
When the freight crew reached tower I i"re i
wnen uie . , j iheavllv armd, came to the ofllco at
V" they found the operator bound, n.awiy ' , v;
y . .. atuilnn irvji.tpl hair
.,B1 and tied to a chair. When "' 1
" I . cih.,rn nnd Maule Park.
way ut. l " ct.-. . !.!". . .
Told operator to hold up his hands.
This was about 10:50 p. m. He thought
they were f.Kling. but they then tied
him down with a buckskin.
"There was a train coming, and oper
ator told the men It wa the fourth 119
j and the men cleared the block. When
No. 9 approach ?d, the men saw it was
their train and dropped the train order
signal, stopping the train. They Im
mediately blew open the safe In the
A Complete Fouudation for Measuring Miud.
Thirty Distinct Factors Have to be Considered.
The Faculties of Power. The Successful Man.
Wliv some have Stronger Constitutions. ,.,,.
The Principles of Self-Development. Different kinds of will.
leased he gave the fli.rt real Informa
tion to tho officials.
He Bald at 10:30 o'clock four men had
come Into the tower and asked hltu the
number of the next train going west.
They wanted to know If It was not No.
9 but the operator says he told them
It was No. 119.
The robber then told thj operator
he wns a fool, that they knew better.
iv. tin. nnerator thrat they had
it nil.... j nieumiei
laid their plans thoroughly ana Knew Amerlcan Express Company's car. loot-
what they were talking about, theyj ed J( nntg, then, nut off the engine
We have the largest assortment of Books and
Magazines in the Northwest. Call ami see us.
Joties Book Store,
291 Alder St., bet. 4th and 5th, PORTLAFD.
J. 0. Gillen 8 Co.,
pointed guns at his head and told him
If he made a move they would kill him.
They tied him up with ropes, stuffed a
towel In his mouth and told him If he
was a good fellow he would escape
without being hurt. They then set the
signals which caused No. 9 to slow up.
The train dispatcher made repeats f-
forts to reach the Maple Park operator
when no report was made to him for
fifteen minutes of the passing of No. .
It was first thought at the North
western offloo tha No. 9 had been
wrecked, and orders were sent up and
down the line to watch out and report
an accident If any naff occurred.
The nollee at ' the detective head-
and ran with It to a point two miles
wfcst of Maple Park and escaped. The
express train was badly damaged."
CHICAGO. Oct. 14.-When the special
train bearing General Superintendent
Sanborn and Trainmaster Battlsford
reached the scene of the train robbery,
they found that not only the operator
of tower "W" had been bound and
hut the conduotor, engineer
Bl,bB i
and tlremnn of the train had been tied
. ..-.,i.f .t the ernress car. the rob-
nuiri.T r
bers thus preventing Immediate pur
suit. The trainmen were only able to
give the railroad officials the direction
Dealers in and Manufacturers of Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Coverings
229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE.
Wall Paper and
Room n!ouldins
Gypsine. Paints, Oil.
Varnishes, etc.
Plain and Decorative Paper
Hanging. -House
and Fresco Painters, Etc.
343 WosliltiRtofi St., Portland, Ore.
Telephone Red 19S5.
- A
--.... .