The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 15, 1899, Image 1

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    r -Aft
NO.. 120
Any old thinjr bought
before the advance and
sold regardless of it
on account of moving.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
(Kruger to Be Crashed With Greater Determi-
nation Than Confronted Napoleon.
! .
Blank and
New Crape and !
Waterman Fountain Pens
Mux Decorated ln per
and KnvetopeM-ioc
Goes to Africa with Unlimited Power and Assnracce That
His Hani Will Not tie Stayed-Britlsb flood
Already Shed.
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at mcdeiate prices
' New Hasten) Illoater Mackerel.
New Eastern Codfitdi.
New Crop Kvaorated Fruits.
New Crop Nuts, Fig, eU.
Mince Meat mid Pumpkin for I'io.
LONDON, Oit. 14. Tho following official dispHtd
hwn received from (h: Town, where it wan filtd at
p. in. today:
"Tlio inline driver and one native escaped from the
armored train. Tin- luruier was wounded in the hand. He
.epnrt.s Captain NYbitt wan plightly wounded and that
tin- party in the train, whose number lie does not knw, wai
captured hy the liner. He believes the pri.orH;r3 'were" un
armed. Tin' arinoi t-il train that was sent to Viybtirg from
Kiinlnrly with twj M V n-pouniltrs ban returned to KiniU-r-ley
in safety, having transferred the gun.s to the train that
was dfftmved."
campaign.' The Uirre plan k now un
folding Itself.' It seems to be to strike
simultaneously at different point with
view of obtaining a strong strategic
position In Natal before lift arrival of
British reinforcements.
Hlr Oeorge Htewart White, command
ln In Natal, in estimated to have about
15,000 mm stretched In strongly en
trenched poshlona, from Ladyemlth to
Dunde?. He I a man at great re
souirea, and ha. the valuable bjimI st
ance of General William Percy Bymona,
and of General Archibald Hunter, ex
experienced In hill fighting In indla,
prlenced in Boudan campaign.
It la now expected that the amalon
of parliument will not exceed two '
week. The opposition will devote lt
energies to endeavor to extract ' from
the government some Information on
hit condltlona peace wilt be conclud
ed, and aa to the future position of the
Tranavaal. i
Chamberlain Greatly Hampered by Her
EfTorta to Stop War Preparation.
The bashing Americans inflict Heavy Loss
UPon the Array of Aguinaldo-
She Would Participate In Some Concerted Action of the Powers
Looking Toward Intervention, Bnt has no Idea of
' 'Taklnftheliitlative. '.
NEW TOl'.K. Oct. 14. A dispatch to
the World from London says:
Queen Victoria's effort o maintain J
peace hat been a aore obatacle to Co
lonial Secretary Chamberlain and the
war party. She waa aided In the cabi
net chiefly by Prime Minister Balls
bury and the Duke of Devonshire, the
LONDON, Oct. 14.-Copyrlghtrd J.HW of Chose that, onoe put to the plow, re-
j by Associated Prese.) War, so oftrn It-uses Ita grip."
j predicted as being Ihe Inevitable ell- HulWr la pnKy certain to cut the
! max to hopeless things, hsa .-n at wlwa - bhlnd hkntuid to be out of
j last, and la now In full swing for the touch wlUi London at critical moments,
1 subjection of a little republic whose for fear the cabinet might change Its
! military sua sets and) rises i Mnjuban mind.
W ASHINGTON, Oct. 14. The following
from General Otis has been received at the war department
"Manilla, Oct. 14. Schwan's column swung into Imus from
Las Marinas yesterday morning, camped at Bacbor last night;
has scattered insurgents who were probably retiring by de.
tachments on Indang. Condition of the roads prevents
further pursuit. One hundred and twenty-five men, Thirty
seventh volunteers, uu.Ier Major Cheatham, drove the insur
gents south and wehtward from the town of Muutintupa
yesterday, pursuing them several miles. Troop retired to
Bacoor last night by Zupote river roads. Lct three men
killed, two wounded and one missing.
Schwan's movement is very successful, inflicting heavy
BOSTON'S GUEST on t'ie IUCU an l,rPer' tne southern insurgent army'
lie reports tneir casualties as zuu iciiieu aim -iuu wounuett
their stored supplien destroyed.
latter of whom, the lord president of
the coumil of -ministers, has Incurred
the bitter hostollty of the jingoes by
making two speeches declaring peace
still possible after Mr. Chamberlain and J
(Continued on page S.)
- HAD,
All New Kniriaml I'niles to
The Sllverfleld Fur Mannfacturlng Co.,
23m3HH Morrlaiort St., Portland, Or.
To tho LndlcH of Astorloi
Ws will lave you one-fuurtu on every garment you purchase from u. b"
cause we are dirvct umuufHiturvrs, ami yon will save the middleman 'a
pro tH.
Kiir I'ollBi-etlm, fniin ... I4.M up
KurN.rK Hum. from IV up
Uillea' f. Int. T.llor -Mails Mult from IX up
Udlna' Klne allor Mutt flolli Jwkrla, from up
Uillii' Kill, rrcnrh Flannel WalaU. from ...(1.7) up
AWuka Hfnl skin .liu-ktu, Mndnn ly., mail.
vieilally to onlrr lron,. IISO.OO up
' Remodeling nf rur OarroeiiU Into the Ulsat 8lyls at vary
low Ilium.
Hang for llliitratd ratalot.;, whU'li w.wlll (ladly nmll
Highest t rice Paid for Kaw Pars. Yours Kespectfully,
The Sllverfleld Fur RIanufacturlnS Co.
Top lloor Wa.sliington Building.
Largest and Best Equipped Offices
Iti the Northwest.
Oreat Britain has set going machln
ery more powerful than that whlcl
I crushed Napoleon and twice as strong
i as that which gave her Egypt and the
'ontlnuous Fighting Going On-Re.
pcated Attacks Made on Maft-klng.
Which Were Repulsed.
"Young, iu moving from .Araya north and westward,. m
of :
the Nation's INrn and Her
Fsiorile Sun.
yesterdHy scattered insurgents, who retired northwest. His
casualties are three slightly wounded; considerable store
grain captured."
Soudan. General Sir Redvers Puller j ,
haa gone, sjd already Boer bullrtts havi?1 I.ONUON, Oot. 14. The Exchange' BOSTON, Oct. 14. -The residents of
sung a song of desperate dvflanc.
That the next few wwks will
I Telegraph Comjiany received a dispatch 1 Boston and vicinity, augmented by
be from Cape Town dated this morning I thousands of visitors from other sec-
arked by sharp fighting can ahmt be "yiR that the Boers have blown up'Hn h commonwealth and from
taken for granted,
probably bs for a
That the result will 'o"er armored train carrying tele
Urn not too favor- "r,l,n operators from Mafeklng. The
able to the BrlUsh Is also to U- admit-' Hwn- 't reported, have selied a rail
ted. The main quesUon Is. How long
ta(sss ww-Mliwv.
INTERESTS AB WE S11IPATHT. vleff, to bring about concerted Inter-
j venUon are unfortunately only ru
Germany Prays for the Boers, but She mor- . y
Cannot Afford to Aid Them. "I say 'unfortunately,' the word
showing how our sympathies lie, but
BERLIN, Oct. 14. (Copyrighted 189S politics In these days must be strictly
by Associated Press.) A high German separated from interests on one side
and sympathy on the other.' It is true
our press called upon the government
K.J .........
! are humilities to last?" Ultimate Eng.,
ilah victory is almost assumed by vlr-1
i tue of her overwhelming strength. i
road station north of Fourteen streams,
Vreyburg and Kimberly.
Fighting la atill continuing In - the
the front ranks of the brilliant r.aval
j A forecast ot the length and nature According to dispatches from the
of the campaign should not be ventured tlvni- Hoer have made svvwil at
! without knowledge of the xtraordl-J ,ft,k8 Mafeklng, all of which have
inary circumstances communlcatel oi'a,!n repulsed. In ConneoUon tWth the
iha Am.o.-lai1 Piva on moM reliable rumortd attack upou MafekliMt. t dls-h"hlch all atatos, from Eastern Canada
, ,. 1
adjacent slates, today did honor to Ad-
. , mvi. .i ... official, whose utterances may be taken
mlral Dewey. The hearty greeting with '
urhith r.. . .. ko i, absolutely conclusive, salu to a rep-
rived last nhrht was comoletelv over- re8entativ th A-odatH Press to- to Interpose between the brave Httle re
shadowed today, when the ever-famous
Vermonter appeared In public,' and par-
day! public and big, powerful England. But
"We shall observe the strictest neu-1 we would be fools to listen to this siren
tlcularly as he rode through the city In
trallty, no matter what may develop eong.
w f. k 1 1
In the war between the Boer republic
and military pageant which wan
chief event of the day.
'and Great Britain.
"That Is the only course left open, as
"On one ociaslon when we blew an
alarm horn I refer to Emperor Will
iam's telegram to President Kruger In
'authority, though not hitherto printed 'lul.rtlug report comes from Pretoria to' t0 L0" ,sland 80U,,d- """ to ac
In England-namely. that General ' en"-'t that the Ruatenburg and Ma-1 Hno" let,Ke honora due the naval
Tlw demonstration really was one in conu,uu"s " u'n Alru - iw-na tnea to a8mi.e tne powere
plicated and our relations with both ! with a view of opposing Great Britain
aides are so delicate that to abandon IhJ her. selfish nd rude aggressiveness,
neutrality by so much as a hair's we had had experience. The lesson waa
' Kedvera Buller has gone to take enUre
control of the South Africa situation.
fie will be as absolute as waa Well
ington, acd less than was
' Kitchener. Therefore, not only th con-
' duct of the war Ilea In his discretion,
but alP. virtually, the future of all
South Africa.
Two months ago the secre-tary of war,
Mar-iula of Lansdowne, offered Buller,
the command of the projected army
rlii ooinmiui(t hav rnmiKxt th.. WHrl leader and his men for their triumph
i , . . ,, . r and unforeseen complications.
.,.,.....1 ,i... ... l... u. ' in the bav of Manila. Some of the New.
iwwn T.lihienhinir m..,..i.i Eneland states sent their governors
' .. . - - vvard both partico.
blowing up a bridge over the Maloppo' H"n,e "u"lurr mml k..u...i.
, . ..j . , . . - men. Prom n.11 ORrta came lar&re dele- .
r.ver um ueairoyi.. a unumoaa or: - ,nterfere have also concluded to keep
avi.nmit mul Hi ir.vit A Mnfeirinff' gallons. Roston today was decorated
oynamiie ami tne jracK. as MareKing!" quiet. Such rumors as now and again
.i i ii.... i a i. .'as the cltv seldom has been.
uriwuwi upon nooiSiviiu lor u. ier , .nh th- iBtjinpe. the re.lM,i. in ...m Mrtl notion .
breadth necessarily would lead to neww, lost upon, us! , ' ' '
I "Our intention has been communicat-
We mean to adhere to neutrality to-; ed fully to the Transvaal and to Eng-
What else can we i land. England would not have gone on
Other powers spoken of as likely a: she has If she had not thoroughly
unnersioou mm. i.o hoi unueraiuuu nie
to mean that Germany would not par
The first part of the day's program
was devoted to a musical recital bjr
port about alleged attempts on the part1 ing toward Intervention, but she has
supply,' the significance of this move la'
evident I of the Russian minister. Count Mura- no ide of again taking the Initiative.
A dispatch from Pretoria dated Octo- i thousands of school children on the .
ber 14 pays: "General Koch wires from cmn at 10 o clock. From the corn-
Sir Redver. gave a point blank' Nutal border that his command ha. oo-; Aan,,r'"
' eui.i.l BotohOK nass and also oanlured conducted to a iarffe reviewing alu...u
tho enllwav .t.tlon , ' frot of th city hall building, Whre oenuior fnoup wppuses KiniuMui uov-
U,tet reports from Vreyburg say the ln the prwence of clty ' "nmentjoAlaska,
nr..,orrt train that whji at I OI'ICIBIS I1U ue!il aim t..uui...u i
Best Wb'rk at our Prices, because we have the
largest volume of Dental Work in rortiand.
Heat Grown aud Bridge Work, 22 karat Rolil
nor tooth
8et Teeth, (ally guraiiteea rubber $5.00
liest (lold Filling $1.00 up
Ilent Alloy Filling .-. 50c up
Teeth extracted without pain 60c up
refuaal unless the war office would
! guarantee him between sixty and sev
' enty thousand men. He la quoted as
havlne said on that occasion: "I shall
1 not be handed down In hietory as an
' other Sir Georgu Colley." Hie refer
ience was, of course, to the defeat at
Majtibah Hill.
He also said that if h were to go lt
must be on the distinct understanding.
could select his own stall andj
entlraly uninterfered with by
the war office. His request regarding
the staff, It Is said, was prompted by
his suspicion that Lord Wolaeley would
attempt to pay off old scores by foist
ing upon him staff officers antagonistic
to him.
Prior to Lord Lansdowne's assent,
Mmsrc til.vho. Or. 14. Sonator
J Kmalpan contained, in addition toes- "ors. presented him. on behalf of ft
I ' r- I.V - l .,...11.1 molak 1 '
bltt's foe. a number of workmen and."' w" trlp t u ,aken t.halrman
sx residents of Marigogo, south of I Kna ?,,a ,ne ure
allotted to the city government, with
the exception of the later entertain
ment provided for officers and men of
the Olympia. The admiral was driven
back to the bay, where the parade was
Mafeklng, who, on hearing of the Boer
advance, took refuge In the train.
The following dispatch front Lady-
smith has been received at the war.
"Sir George Stewart White went in ' " - " - "-
th direction of Vanreeman's pass ftt:monweaMh of MacliutetU assumed
3 a, m. (Friday), but failed to draw the' direction of -"
We employ only the most modern methods and
Guarantee satisfaction.
Boere to the pasa. He returned to Lady-'
smith, where he is now. No engagement I
of the senate committee on territories,
for the purpose of acquainting himself
with legislative needs there. '
H- Is radically opposed to giving
Alaska a territorial form of govern
ment at this time. He says residents
of Alaska who would have to bear the
burden of territorial government are
strongly opposed to It. The cost of
maintaining such a government would
General Buller freely expressed his
opinion that when he had driven the' But Situation Will Be Changed When
Boers Into a corner, his hand might be the Reserves Begin to Arrive. .
staved bv a Deace-lovlns miblic. or a' LONDON. Oct. 14. The capture of
m.... o w..i,(. ..t .,nu, !!,!,. .ml ask for the Tortlatid ' well-intentioned war officer, a condition ' the train on the western border of the io days.
Dental Purlera, Top Floor. ' of things he could aot tolerate, for, as' Transvaal Is the beginning of a few The Olympia and Pennsylvania may the appointment of mere United States
pnon. Or-uon, Brown 401. goo. he expressed It, his hand was "not one' anticipated reverses at the outset of the gi to Portland to take 00 troops there, 'commissioners.
, be enormous and taxaUon would be
Olympia and Pennsylvania May Go to equivalent to confiscation.
Portland. j Senator Shoup will recommend the
appointment of two more Ui.!ted States
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Trans- Judges for Alaska, with an additional
port officials expect that five vessels United States marshal and United
will sail for Manila within a week or States attorney for each new court so
established. He will also recommend
Ladies of His Harem Concerned in
the Plot for His Death.
LONDON, Oct, 14. .A special from
Bucharest says the sultan was
drou ned in the Bosphorus. Several la
dles of the harem are suspected of com
plicity with members of the young
Turkish party.
KIMBERLY. Oct. 14. The report
tbttt righting has taken place at Kraal
pun has been officially confirmed.
GLENCOE CAMP, Oot. 13, 10 a. m.
The iiotrs have occupied Bpltzkop, near