THE .HURXINO ASTOK1AN. SUUKDA., OCTOBER 14, IHrfV. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers niprn uirfq mN lM Yd 1. Sleek Exchange D1REC1 WIPES T0-Chcaro EMrt Qf Traje Headquarters for Pry CooJs on the Lower Columbia The A. Dunbar Co. 1 To the ladies of Astoria SSt AND VICINITY. ladles' Handkerchiefs, 19c. IV nut mils ifft'iiw ono Im ( lom D or to of o ir 2m" AI.I. LIMA L'"lif' IhubroMereJ Ilioi.tkervhieU (or 10c; ule lat tliii week. Umbrellas, Mon' Women's ami t luMren'a Umbrellas, an immense -Mnieiil at popular price. Wc roidlully invite you to im in our urw iiiurtrrw, Coruer Morrison and First Sts., l onnorly orni.if(! by A. II. STKINHAl'll. wlirrc wc huve on tlisjilay the laroat exclusive line of Millinery on the C'oiihI. Up-to-Date Millinery AT POPtJLAIt IMilOliS. 214-21 S ' lumbrr ot imiintTir Portland. Oregon. ; m .1 i - BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY Koaarird INTO. Illlt. M. ll I'rlarliiat. r. ai I SI .V 'J. hi-! WORK FOR DOCTORS. Vhe liish prtxe of lifV. the crowning fortune of a man, Is to be born to some Carlataiaa Term Opraa pt. It, IN. I v" . -" -...: i A Buanllni and Pa School unices Are vrowuea v un vnuurvn pursuit wnU-h Hilda nlm In empU'VUU IU "Minni am tail . . . 1 . . ror LlliiMUM or I oeemng acanauion. an. happiness, whether It bo to inike' rtiKipal l. w. HILU at. Unoar araaaal Astoria doctors w busy yesterday. All day school children flocked Into the offices of the men of medicine and bared their arnia for the scratching basket, or broadswords, or canals or songs. Inforroatloa ajMraaa tat artnclpal J. W. H1U. at. !.. P. O. dttim IT. t-ortiaaj. UT. I Manual Tiaiain. Mura at i Prlmarr. Prpr4tonr an J Afolamlo ra part- lira migration, Military Pktalpllaa, I aaraa raoalirad. I TO CURE LAGRIPPE IN TWO DATS. that Inoculates them with small-pox Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. by n honest js of Hostetter's Stom preventative. a All druggists refund th money if it ach Hitters. Us It for Indigestion. There is no school today, and the fn. to ur- R w rim.'. ai.n.inr. constipation. dyspepsia, callers will be more numerous than on each box. 35c i llvjr or kidney trouble, and see that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. ever. Some of the little folks dread the process. The long word "vaccina tion" being associated in their minds with small-pox, has in its eleven letters A (error all Its own. But familiarity breeds contempt, and when he discov ers that the myjterijus process consists only- in making a lVw scratches that THET CUT AND FIT. FOR RENT OR SALE. Two Fashionable Furrles Who Are, Earnlr.g Well-Merited Approval a very desirable dairy farm, finest j beaver dam land with abundant living ! aood work, correct style and perfect i water. nnd cows, buildings, orchards h,.m v,thf,,i Am,-, i. loud' tor the furrier than! and separators. Address Robert Craw. el'ned to consider the whole business a1 y advertisement that can be written. ; ford' Nehalem. Tillamook county. Ore. fraud. Still he poses before the un-! Appleath & Prasil, the fashionable. vaccinated as a her and boasts of his furriers, at 143 Third street, between fortitude in withstanding the pain of, AllJer Morrison, guarantee abso-! me operation. THAT JOTFUL FEELING. With the exhilarating sense of re- 1 1 1 r A anrtcftlff l,-n in ai'urv oak wh.iN w . . . . Tho small-pox treble will tempora-: , " 7TB."Bno IT rily settle the crowded-schoolroom dif-! a Purchas 18 mde "tabllsh- 1""""" "hlC.h f"0WS 'I : d,,k .i i UBC ul fynin oi rur. is unanown 10 acuity. Thotv will be many children' ment Both gentlemen are practical the few who have not progressed be- absent Monday, a number of iwvnt,i cuUe ,nJ fltters. who have been em- yond the oId.,me meic,,1M an,, ,he oeing unoeiiera rsuruinij -ine euicacy and necessity of the Jenner mothod of counteracting the contagious qualities of small-pox. i States. There is a style and finish to Of course the vaccination candl-'a!l work turnM out by this firm that dates are not all children. A great 8tnmp botn gentlemen experts In this . v v . , v i business. Garments will be taken to .,,i,i k.. ,,. m to have the Drotective Ivmoh aDDl ed.- within her own control; gr-atest This Is about the only visible effect ma ,e over repaired, arnl the work French medical triumph of this c n that the knowledge that there Is small- turned out with the least possible de- tury, for al I female Irregularities. lay ployed in some of the largvat hous-s chea p substitutes sometlmos offered In the principal cities of the United ;,ut rever accepted by the well-inform ed, lluy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Womns W'cjr fi KNAPP BROS., Health Food Co., Kat Forthuul, Ore., .ManiiliipHirtTM of SIT HL'TTFR, the F.mkI for lf und K It CF.KFAI. the Health Drink. ! Every Hand m Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up. Coif Hats with long Quills all colors, O7o 1-ncJi Street Hats all new styles from . . . 7Bc nttel up. New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turbans The Wonder Millinery Co., Coiiiir Morrison and Firvt Stu,, PORTLAND, ORKUON. The Big Store pox In town has had on the public. No one seems alarmed or excited, and Indeed there is no reason for alarm. A STRIKE EPIDEMIC. HE WAS A SCHOLARLY ATHLETE. Strikes are serious things, and in view of the number that have oc- It Is said that the pope owes much curred It Is well to remember that until weakness, etc.; a positive blessing to married ladles. Call or write for sealed Information. Inclose stump. Office, SW'-j Washington street, over Cordruy's, rooms 9-10, Portland. Ore. ojTJils long and vigorous life to the lh caus ,s removed, dissatisfaction -4.J-fli healthy outdoor pastimes he enjoyed ln appreciate work and prove a men-i l5G014L1I14 I when a boy. With his dog and gun he Me 10 ociety. But it Is not only the - JIJM-.-,,. would tramp for miles over the moun- commercial life which has its strikes. j IT 1 1 1 1 1 tl Cry . . talrs in pursuit for game. Neverthe- Th 'hol country is groaning under. less, he was a studious boy, wrote Lat-; te 8tr'Ks ' th stomach, and many, At icefl -nh-m ,i,e In verses at -the age of 11, and passed PPle make the mistake of trying to- rea,h of a ( a his examination at the Roman college suppress the symptoms Instead of re-' and examine the new with such distinction that a special ; moving the cause. There is but one ! st les. record was made of it in the college re way of curing the Ills which arise! archives. from a rebellious stomach, and that is JURS, ROSS, 183 11th Street. in lleiifhes lor tlic (lfliciotis CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS imule at The Spa Candy Factory The largest! line of Lowney's Famous CliocolattM ever brought to Astoria. A. B. COONLEY, F'rop'r. 'rbone 20M Pern i it Sliortlifiticl School H. W. BKHNKE. Principal, Itooms lt tlreniii iii liiiii.l u. I'm tl.niil. t'l c. Th Ternln System awarded the World's Knlr Medal atd Ittloma. No shading: No position: Pew word-sign No fatlurea Duy and night. Holmes' English -AND- Business College 414 Vu in t ill St, lVrtlund, Oregon. SIX DKI'ARIMKMS KiikHIi. HookkeepiiiK. Shorthand, Type writ Intt. I'eninaiiHlilp, Aii. Send for What 15 It, do you n5k ? It Is a new w.n to tench bookkeeping. SttnlniH learn to keep books exuettr as they are kept in business No text-book is used. A text-book teaches, in a theoretical way, how books mar fee kept Arm.strong's teaches, in u nm ticttl way, how books Are kept. It is book keejien method. Invotigate. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armntronf , Prln. Open all the year. Students may enter at any lime. Iliitinru, Shorthand and English departments. Private or class Instruction. Catalogue free The Lightest Store ip Astoria Wise's Customers See What They Duy V-' ; y i 'Oh tub higgr Tiiii trade. : I IS Tim ii ii an n W LI 3 W Coaxer No. I. All men's suits up to $io, now $ 8 15 j All men's suits above 10 up to 112.50, now 1000 ' All men's suits above 12.50 up to $15 12 00 J All men's suits above 15 up to $17.50, now 14 50 All men's suits above 17.50 up to $20, now 16 00 j All men's suits above 20, up to $25, now 21 00 1 1 Coaxer No. 2. ! 20 percent reduction on all underwear, Coaxer No. 3. 20 per cent off on all Rubber Mackintoshes, j ! Coaxer No. 4. All men's hats 1.50, now $1 10 All men's hats up to 2, now j 50 All men's hats, regular 2.50, now 1 90 i All men's hats, regular 3, now 2 10 All men's hats, regular 3.50, now 2 Co All men's hats, regular 4, now 3 00 WHO IS NOT FOR ASTORIA Coaxer No. 5. IS AGAINST HER! It shall not be said that Astoria trade goes to Portland because Astoria merchants are not wide awake enough. 1st We keep as fine clothes as money can buy. 2nd. We sell clothes cheaper than Portland can 3rd We are tbith you on every proposition, while Portland is against you READ THESE GOAXERS THESE PRIGES WE QUOTE! Will 50c fare induce you to become a TRAITOR to your town? All men's overcoats, regular io, now $ 7 75 All men's overcoats, regular 12.50, now 1000 All men's overcoats, regular 15, now 1200 4 5 All men's overcoats, regular 17,50, now, Coaxer No. 6. 20 per cent reduction on all Hoys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats. Coaxer No. 7. All 50c box now .35 cents All 25c sox now 3 for 50 cents All 15c sox now 3 for 25 cents Coaxer No. 8. All 50 cent Ties now 35 cents All 25 cent Ties now 15 cents HERMAN WISE THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORIA, OREGOI I ! 3 I' 7 I 5 il I 1 i