Tilt: MUttNIrtU ASTOJUAN, SAT lllltAY OCTOBEtt 14. Am. 7 NEW BATTLE SHIPS OF LIGHT DRAFT ENGLAND'S NEW MODEL borrowed From I lie KxpiTluii'iils ul the In i if d Slates a mil Other t'oynirli'.s. From tht beat Information obulnublo it li aavrted that the light draught feature if the now Uritlsh ships has Wn srcured by Incorporating the Vnnnliifiit Ideas which prevailed 111 the Itusslan yacht Livldla. The Livldla wm built In Scotland fur In Imperial IlUMlan household. As the prtnci who was most dlreotly In-liT-mml in that craft was easily ren dered seasick. It wu ordered that th Livldla should be built ao as to posses the maximum degree of ttpedlm-ss. JSvrythlng wm sacrificed o comfort. The principal dimensions of the IJvl lla were. Length. 1W feet: beam. 1!0 leot, and extivm draught, about 11 fori. Ibe hull pr.p-r resembled an oval. Around thin oval wan bull a cofferdam, which waa secured to the ' ' - t-it'i Aflrr ihe cofferdam had been placed the whole waa Inclosed with ahrathlng. The aid trf the Livldla rose to a height of twenty ft above th water. On the upper deck waa built a super trurture In salient form. Powerful engine wwre Bated, and despite the val shape of the hull the undor-water Jlnti had been so well laid oft that a pnrd of IS knrta an hour waa actually obtained, The Unlit dr.tught of the I.lvldla waa assured by the great beam of tha craft, supported by tha additional flotation power of the oonVrdam. Thin coffrr dsm waa divided Into longitudinal and alhwartshlp compartments, and had a width at the wldcet part of llfievn fot. No stoma or wvlglits of any kind were carried In the cofferdam. Tha out side shell, a It might be termod, serv- d wholly lo brvak tha fore of tha Additional data regarding the nw tlrltlali battleship give tha longth of euch craft aa 42& foot, beam HI) feut and draught Tl foot. Tim displacement will b about 13,000 ton. Tha anglnoa, It li mid, will develops about 18,000 horie power, and It la eipvotod that Ui speed will approach cloauly to nineteen knot, The reported home-pvwvr develop mviit planned fur tha now Ilrltlah ahlpa l a grvat advanoe on tha power " (rally planned for battleship. The an glni'i of the now Malna are calculated ti develop 1,000 horse power mora than the engine of tha Indiana, Mussachug etu and Orefoa typ. In th cue of tha Llvldlu tha outer ri.ll noiiioartinetil waa mad of compar atively light material. H waa uniid4, to take up tha vibratory effects of tach wave mock, while at Ilia tame lima adding to the notation qualltk- of the ship. J'li.v cofferdam arraiUfeuiviiU of tha now Ilrltlah thlpa, It la understood, will b conilrucled with apoclal reference to itrength. The armor will be placed on the outer akin, and this whan back ed at tha wator Una vicinity with com pith ti-rvea to close any opening oc cuaionl by the uirmnc of a shot Thl Is effected through the medium of tho expansive properties of the cord pith manor when brought In contact with water. The first of the new llrtUnli batUtf lilpa will be laid down lit about four weeks' time. Tha prototype of th class la expvolvd to be finished In one year bence. The new Maine U now bulldwt at the yurdi of the Cramps at Fhluukl phla. Owing to the trouble at preeent experienced In the United Htuitea In ee curing prompt delivery of gteel It feared that the .Maine will be delayed fully ilx monlha In hvr completion, j coiiK-rvatlve vatlmale plaoea the com ulctlon of tho Maine at Hrly In tha ummrr of 1ML Sparkling Glass Varo, Cut glass, or any kind of glass ware, window panels and mirrors will sparkle if you use Gold Dust. It does the work your muscle has to do when you use soap. Bm4 (or tr koolilel-uOoMa Belai jr Hutnit," THE N.K. FAIBBANK COMPANY It. Ueh NeeTerk ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. (ieoiZealaod pre iDsafcinee Go Of New Zealand. V. P TlioniQB, Mgr., Son Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. tve. l:M a. m." 7:00 p. m. 7.45 a.m. 6.10 p.m PORTLAND. Arrive. Portland Union Dpot.lli:M a.m. for Antorla and IntcM i:W p.m. mediate polnti. ( ASTORIA. ( For Portland & ln-ll:J0 a.m. termedlate point 10:3p.rn. BKABIDE DIVISION. m.la. m.l VWW-XAUi ....Aitorla..., t:Sill:UIAr :V 1:001 Ar ....B-l(1... Ar tVl "AH a.m. 7:W 7: p. m. 4M I 1:10 :t la AFT1SH 1'ACiriC COABT BU8INK8S fan Fnuicloco llullulln. The Jobber of Bt Iula nd Chicago through the St. Louie Tralllc Uureau have brought ault before tho Interstate Commerce Commlaalon agolnal the trunacontlneiiUU rallruaJa, the purpose of whl:h I to aecure for Koatern Job bi-r the aanie rutca of traiutportatlon for amnll alilbinvnta aa for carload alilpmonta. If the lutcrxtate Commeroo Commlialon can be pursuaded to coin- uly with the rvuui-at of the liaatorn I Jobbnra the trade of Pacific coaat job wnvm anil lo lighten and ati-ady the'lMn will largvly fall Into the harida of hip. .f ven with the cofferdam plerood'lhe Kaatfrn flnna. The St. Louis and and with every on fllliyj with wtti-r, I Chicago Jobber made their claim for Din drnuitht of the Uvblla I Increased equal rate last ycur before the trans continental railroad companies and were defeated. The advoiktae of lower rate to carload shipper than to the retail trade Is about all that enable Hay of Illacay while en local Jobber In any section of the ltr.et to Ferrol. The I country to hold a trade that la often only twenty-two Inohea. while at the same lime the ship la render! sten. Or. The l.lvMIn eiii'ounter.1 a terrible nlorn In Die route from ieu1lnct,nf the ship waa remarkable. ' secured at a considerable outlay. If The xiviiteiit angle of roll recorded wo four degrees, and the gie.tit angle pitch five degova, Thla la trilling when compared with the ithlrty degrees angle of roll each way from the ver tical which haa frequently been record el on naval ships. During the block- the 81. Louis or Chicago Jobber I given the eiun rate for hundred-pound shipment that the Jobber ha for a carload, the former can supply retail dealers right up to the door of the jabbers. The Pacific ooturt Jobber and the Kuatern or Middle West Jobber ade of Havana K wn a common eight buy In the same market and the coat of to see the small gun veiaels during' transportation la the principal factor In the prevalence of a fresh trade blow! fletermlulng polnta of supply- The, ault rolling, many of them, from wenty commenced by the Middle . Wea) Job 4hlrty degree fnm the vertical,. I bfra I an attmick upo Padpc', ocmM In point of ateodlneaa and sesw'orthl-j hiislm all alony th line, , itpd will ties the Mvldla demonM rnted jhat fhe doubtliB unlto IMclflc coaat Jobbers In wa a remarkable craft. Tho exper- defonw. : The railroad compeuOea axe not nominally defwtylanta, aa the prop osition ll not y reijurf rate tut to abollah d)stlcym between earload and package ililprreml., L . ' ... , l ' A 1 I 'J '. .4 . Frank Uraugwln of Londei, who waa recently elected a member of the Plttabttrg Carnegie Institute Intema- Anwnd thl hull will be placed' "o"' Art Jury, haa cabled Ourt he win he unable to come ito America at thl time. William Stott, of Oldham, ,thr tmlnent English painter, haa been se lected to take his place. lence gained In 4he Hay of Illscay storm taiikht the value of the cofferdam ar rangement, while additional Idea were Kiiiwiru as io jne ori meinoos i,r ,we curlng to the hull proper (he ootslde pro lection. In the new Iltitlnh battleship the de signs, H I said, first oall for a hull proper with very pronounced sloping aides, a eoferdam const ruotlon, reaching from wvll below ':he woter to the level of the main deck. The cofferdam Is expected to avrve the same a would pontoon If loaned along-side, When a veeaeln draugrht la to great to permit her crossing a bar or shallow spot a common recourse Is to lash 'pontoons alongside filled with water. When firmly secured the pon toons are pumped out and the addition al flotation power cause the vessel to rlsi In the water. A vessel' draught Is letiRPned .when the beam I Incrt-owd. ' In their new design the British architect have built a vessel proper acordlng to standard rules, though with perhaps more alope to the sldo than would be the case were no outside hull provided. The teadlncs of the ship ha been In creased by building a Jog In the under water hull on each side, which serve the snme purpose as bilge keel. A tllge keel, It should be known, acta t a steadying power much the same is a balance pole does for the tight rope walkor. In adopting the "break-ln-the-hull" feature the English designer! have ap propriated an essential American Idea. It was Ericsson, the Inventor of the Monitor, who originally Incorporated a projecting overhang to a hull In or der to secure greater righting qualities. In the Ill-fated nritlsh woi-shlp Captain ..'the English designer attempted a low Wboard vessel without an overhang, ni with the result that that ship hundered at sea. Whore there Is no Lrhang stability Is secured by butld Hf high hide. i higli-sldod ship, which Is further mo steady by reanon bilge keels, pnslnw the advantage of carrying her .ttery well above an ordinary sea. in auw fiveboard vessel of Quick moveWt It nitght often happen that the gp could not be worked In even a sea moderate height Subucribcil Capital Paid-Up Capital AsseU Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders 15,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 (Ius bbin Underwriting on the Pacific Coast 6Vef Twtnty-two years SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agenta. Astoria. Oregon P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latent and Beat FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardcuare, Ship Chandlery, Etc. State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training School for TescWrs. New Buildings f New Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good;- Positions. 8TRONO COURSES-Wotl equipped train lnc toportmenw. Normal course. auickeet and best way to State Oritur tee. Expense for year from $l to Bosrd SIM to 0 per week; Tuitlo, 1U per ann of tea week. Fs.ll term begin September ltth; Summer term June to Srfrtember L For catalogue address p. L, CAMPBELL. PresldetM ' or W. A. WAjm. Be of Faculty. Lr) :!(! SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. m.j arrlres at Seaside : a. m. Passengers mar return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Stastfe rua ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All train mak close connection at a obi wKh all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains tearing Union depot At Astoria with I. R. N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from Hwaco and North Beach points. THROUGH TICKETS on sal at As. torla for Sacramento, Ban Francisco, all Eastern and European point. City ticket offloe Astoria, 624 Commer. Oat street J. C. 1IATO, Oen'l Frt and Pas. Agent. 0 Jo) o FI oiflio llMa J TIMS KHEDUteS tlEPAET From portly,,! Assrr fun -' 'xe. "nYr, Ft. . m,i Worth, Omitha. Kan- l'. fc"t "t iom AnUirla OCEAN STEAM5HIP5 All Hallloc liU- tub led tfictuinge. For tan Franico-Hall Oc'. . 10, Ift, a, V. it , ColfnWa Rlrer 7smexBui Htoamers tsmezVo oday To Portland aa4 ndtT War Landing. WlllsoMtt as VsmJ 1" B, -"XT Crt'W City, Kayton, dFrl. wy-Laadlnga, KIparlA - u LrLswlsto Ie d! omamm kitst. l;40am. Rlpertato LewUton. w dajly Vfim Portland i a.m. WILUMmit K.Vr.R; 4M Mod, WedOrwm ct. Kewherg.'Taes.Thui ;;lay j $ieu & aj-Und i, ,BWrda It T UXUWS 1 RAVEL rpHE "North.Wstrn Limited" trains, J electric lighted throughout, both In sld and out, and tteim heated, are, without exception, the flnest trains In the world. They embody ths latest newest and best ldas for comfort, conveniens snd luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether art the most com. plete and splendid production of the ear builder' art These Splendid Trains Conneet with The Great: Northera The .Northern facific and The Caaariian I'aclfic AT ST. PAUL FOB i CHICAGO and the EAST, N eatra charge for these superior ao. commodatlon and all classes of ticket ar available for passage en the famous North-western Limited.' All train oa thl Una are protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. H. HEAD, F. a SAVAOB, Oenl Agent . T- A. Portland Or. msniHuiiisnsnse-' THE NET "North-Western Limited" (20TH ClUTDItY TltaW.) between Minneapolis, St. Pail and Chicago, is entertainhigrf described in an illustrate booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 948 WaihUtgtoo Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W.PARKER. S. Com. Agent, tM) nm Avenue, SEATTLE. WASH O. W. LOUNSBIRRT. , Agent Astoria. Oea. Paa. Jurt Pertlaad. or. m 1 1 KOPP'S BEST A Deiiciouti uiid Palatable Drink ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. Established during the reicn of Queen Anne. A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. Buoecnoed capital a imu.w vo Awets n.wi.ua m Surplus to policy holders 4 Kl,rs M Exclusive of paid up capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed cap- Kl I7J0O 0M9O Capitat paid up 1JM.MM Au su.iaijsk so Catton, Bell & Co. Oe al Agent. San Fraadsoo. CaL Samuel Elmore & Co. leelde Atypc, Astoria, Orecon. ADSotulteiy Pure BUSINESS POINTERS. The o. a r, Fresh iraeked crabs at the National Caf. I Sweet cream In any amount at the Parlor. Burbank potatoea, $1 a sack, at Pat' Market Jefta is Whit cooks. "th only" restaurant Astoria via O. It. to Portland & N. only (0 oeata Home made chocolate, 10 eenta a pound, at the Parlor. Beet 15-oent meal, R Urine Bun reatau. rant, tU Commercial street We guarantee our Ice cream to be made of pure cream, Tha Parlor. Cold lunch, pickled pig feet, oyster, sheep tongue, etc, at the National Cafe. Our Ice cream Is warranted to be made ot pure cream. The Parlor, next to John Hahn's. live California wlae SO cents per gal. lcn. Alex Gilbert, . sole . agent for As toria. Telephone tt. Do you know Snodgras make 8tamp Photon T Call and sea them taey are all the go. Cream Pure Rye. Amarloa' flnest whiskey. Tha only pure goods, guaran. tevd rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole aereot The North Paeiflo Brewery, ot wbicb Mr John Kopp to proprietor, makes betr tor domea'io and eiport trade. Bottled oeer tor tnmily use, or ke beer (applied at bdj time, delivery u Die city free. lorth Pacific Brewery SAINT PAUL INSURANCE COMPANY Line I I Jlnoate STOSB VSXX1 t0,he LKAVS ST. PA.UL,, MINN., JAN. it, 1899. Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTflENT. CHARLES CKRISTBTSSN. Uanager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Uanager. ftl7CaHfornla St.. S. F., Cal. $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Jlgents, " ' " Astoria, Oregon For rent Furnished rooms with ! Oo to the Columbia Electric, Re-flrt-claa ubla board. Apply Vra, St. ! pair Company for all kinds of new C Holden' corner Ninth and Duane Street. Boquet De Cuba and Key Weat Oems are the finest flv cent cigar that aver came to thla market Henry Roe. op posite brewery. Beginners and advanced pupil can have thorough Instruction on the vio lin and piano by applying to J. H. Am ine, a graduate of Dresden and Lerp ilg conservatory. Hotel Tlghe. and repair work, from a cambrlo needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery ot all kind a specialty. Shop opposite Ross, Hlg gins A Co. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No. 839 Astor street, Is the one and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wise Is doing some thing new among concert halls. He is not only selling a class ot pure liquors, Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box ! but is giving his place a management wood to any part of the city on short ! which Insures gentlemanly attention All orders left at Zapf fur- ftml trparm(,nt to his natrons. Tho good music and the crowd will be notice. nlture store, 630 Commercial will receive prompt attention, phone JU4. street, Tele- found at Charlie Wise' place. Mo. I 12:36 p. n No, 4. I2:tt a. m. GOBLX hat Had tor Aberdeen. Uukh n A -n N Bpokane, Helena, Butle, AnacenaatBi-raui.c Lm Vu V., A. Dm... 1 all points east and aai oouinesaT. Pnrllnnd. Btntile and BeatUe, Tseosu. Olm ila snd Ibtarmedlate points. Alio point sun ABBIVK. No. 1. 6:30 a, la. No. 8. 1:96 p. m, Three Aays to Bt nm, omaJM, Kaa aas City a4 Mlwwiwl liver notnta. Ti aooT An (Rut iut to 8L.IiOUsa. phllaHvii end far eaatera fomm. r aanwniren wmi m Jk. v. n. it, n. taat mail. 1:e5 o'clock monHng train will make dome eooneotlaM at Oobla wh the mmt scvaal Unto a depot oooaectloos at all nruHlaeJ ertiea. Baggaa checked through to detttn. tkm of llctaXa. ror sleoplns; ear reaeraatlona, W , Mkps of roote and other lnformatloB, sail ea or addrea AsaiBSUiit Geaeral PeMKOger Ageat. V Morrisoa Btreet Pormod. Or. MOIT'S PEKRYROYAL PILLS They OToroomf Wfkuewi, Irrepiv inruy unci ouuionitiiierua vir.cr and bant nil " itn of tncnttiu toirlrlsat womintiooii, aitttni; ti V TK-nrnt-nt of orirmi ami boar. Nu ' f if known remedy for women cquuIs .X jST'.v thm. t'!ttinl Ao, harm life le- K. wcines R lleats'ie. V.TANs?-' V nuill. tld t.y di'HKC.A. vrfJlt.' tKr UHfcBUbAI. OU--" Dr. Williams-Indian fr ointment will ci're Hllun Ulefdilitf ftud liuitiiiu Piles. It Hbsorbsthetumo'.-s nlluys the Itching at ouce, core US tk ni)Ultlce. uivt-fl lnstnnt llet. Dr. willlans'Iiiilinn PilcOint meut Is nrflnarpil fnr Pi.iAni1 km Ing of the prlvaie parts. Every box i warranieu. ai aruuffiita, py mnii on r j.Mnt ol nrli-e. 60 cente anU'lfl.OO. Uyil Utif.S HJlKllFACTUrilNS CO.. from.. CloviUad. Ohio mi ps v 1 A ftfmlllar nam for the Chicago. UtU wavke A St Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" tisjr.j every day and night between 8L Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect tram la the world." Understand: Conoectlona are made with all Transcontinental Inms, assuring to passegenr the best seme Twnrn. Lux urious coaches, electric light, steam beat. of a verity equaled by no other Un. aee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going- to any point In the United 8tates or Canada. All ticket tgenta sell tbeo. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informs, tlonwaddresa. 3. W. CASEY, C J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt, General Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, O.r riCKKTS to all 11 BAI1YATP0IHTS EAST Through oalice and tourist sleeoer. dining snd library observation cars. VESTIBUlK TRAiNH. No. 4 Li-nlted leaves Portland at 1:10 p. m. .vo. 3 Limited arrives Portland at 1:30 . m. For rates, etc, call or address G. W. LOUN'SBERRY. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria. or A. B. C. DENNISTON. C. P. & T. A..Portland Ore 'saw 1 You Don't Change Cars If you go east via Billings and the Burlington rout. The Burlington route run through tourtot sleepers twice a week, Seattle to Kansas City Get oo at any point along the mam line of the Northern Pad He tat Washington or Montana get off at Kanaaa City. Standard sleepers, every day In ths week, Butte to St. Lout via Lincoln, Omaha, and Bt Joseph. A. C. SHELDON, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. assssssssstssa s i Through1 Tickets -TO THU- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- PULLMAN PALACE 8LEBPER8. TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern el ties. Baggage) checked tnrougn to destination. Union Depots, faat tune, lowest rates, Plntsoh light in all oars. For rates and other Information can oa or address O. W. LOUNSBBRRY. Agent, O. R. 4 N. Co. Astoria. Orroa. or J. H. LOTHROA Gen. Agent. IS Third St.. cor. Alder, Portland. Or. 0& O OGDCm SHASTA p JO EAST Tu , sourn LEAVE H-M A. Uj DaHy exceDt Sunday tT: A. Ml n:to P. M PORTLAND OVERLAND EX PRESS, for Salem. I Roseburg, Ashland. 7:N P.M.8aeramento, Ogdea, ean cTanolsco, o- iave, Los Angeles, Dl Paso, New Or leans and the East Roseburg passenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Ansel. 811- verton, West Sclo, field and VJo on.. Corvallls passenger Independence pass' ARRTV1 :iM A.M. i-.n p. m Dally except Sunday t: A. M m-.a A.M Dally, tDailj except ounaay. Connecting at Ban KnuinLm with rWH. dental ft Oriental, Pacific Mail and 0e anlc steamship line for JArAN, fMlNA. AT 51-. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on aa.le dAJIv hntwAAn Portland, Sacramento, and San Francis co. Net rates II? flrat-ola.xs. anil til mtn. ond-clase, Including sleeoer. Rates and ticket to Kaatern nolnta inn Europe. Aleo Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIAND. Ticket Aitent. 134 Third at. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM Msnaarer'. G. F. ft P. A. Thraush tickets East for lowest rateti Call on C. J Treochard local agent, Wer t Fargo ctmux Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. : . Gives choice of two favorite rouses, via the Union Paclflo Fast Vail Line, ar the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3jf Days to Chicago 4J Pn'T to ." - Free recllnta chairs, upholstered toot bt sleep hig ears, and Pullman palae sleepers, operated oa aa trains. ; For further Information, apply to Q. W. LOUNSBBRRY. Agent. O. R ft N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. 6. TERRY. W. B. COMAN. Trav. Pass Agt. Oea. Agent.. 1M Third BL. Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINt OotumMa River and V'uget Sound Navi gation Company, Bailey Gatsert leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 av m. White Collar line tickets and a R. 4 N. tickets interchangeable on Bailer Gatsert and Hassala Far betweao Astoria and Portland, 60 cents. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 1U. President ne-'s offlce. Astoria. A FEVI INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating a tn, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service ob tainable so far aa speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of tke WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEL are uald to serve the publlo and our trains ar operated so as to mak close cos neotlona with diverging lines at all Juncvtloa paints. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car on through trains. Dining Car senrto unexcelled. Meals served a la carta. In order to obtain thla first olass service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will maxe direct connection at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east For any further Information oall on aay ticket ageat or correspond with J AS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Agent, , or J A3 A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent Ml Stark Bt. Foraand Or.