The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 14, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Telephone Main CO.
Sent by mall, per year U.00
Bent by mall per moatb.
Served by carrier, per month K
Sent by mall per year. In advanc U.00
Postage free to ubcrlbr.
All communication Intended for pub
lication ahuld be directed to the edi
tor. Business communication of all
kinds and remittance muat be address
ed to 'The Aatorlan."
The Aatorlani guarantee to IU ad
verUaer the largest circulation of any
newspaper published oa the Columbia
Advertising rate can be bad on ap
plication to the bus! net manager.
TO READERS. T "Dally A.tnrtaa"
mUIh twlea m antes) mullag aiattvr as
say other pr aabltahr4 la Aotnrla. Il
It th. oaly pasr that sraru IU rwdrn
with aJally tles;rapal npr.
Sorlaa" kt.Bun taaaiaimaxa.. y rd
ra a aay uthrr paprr pabiUhrd la tf
Ha. 1 Saarofwra mar lhaa laio a
talaable a aa advertUInf luwtiaia.
In bis tour through the East to the
Middle jVest, the president was every
where met with a cordial reception.
which speaks volume foe the loyalty
and hospitality alike of Its people, re
gardless of the political preferences of JJJIJL DEH'l'Y IN
lndl Uuals. The popular demoustra-
lions that greeted him at all points give
the lie to those who are encouraging
enemies of our country to believe an
."uprising" against the policy of the ad
ministration, or even the administra
tion itself. Is imminent. It shows that
Ihe great mass of the American people,
m the face of the armed resistance to
the authority of the United State, pre
sents a solid phalanx to the enemy, an 1
the strident voice of an occasional mal
content, whose mind is as distorted as
the form of the ,-xolding Thersiies, who.
Homer tells us, rained his voice against
Ihe Grvciun leader before the walls of
Troy, is un.;onsilet?d. The Thersitean
mlnded Atkinsocis, Wlnslows. Garrisons
and that Ilk are held In aa complete
contempt by the American people as'
ras the old-time "kicker" with the
Achalan hosts.
Small -po I made Its first appearance.
In Europe at the close of the sixth oen-
. , , ... . , . ..'
tury, being brought from Asia, where lt(
Had been known from antiquity. It
came In more destructive form during
the crusades. It Is characterized at
first by high fev.f, lasting two days,
followed by a rash or eruption of the
skin. These form Into pustule pitted
In the center. They burst and are fol
lowed by the secondary fever, charac
terized by delirium, extreme nervous
phenomena and a peculiar odor. It Is
then that the greatest danger of death
ensue. The sores then dry up slowly,1
accompanied by severe itching, which
1s alleviated by greasing the body
with vaseline. Vaccination and isola
tion, with room darkened but well ven
tilate!, are the prevailing treatment.
The deth rate Is very low and H has
lost many of Us terrors, boing not near-:
ly so severe as typhoid fever. It is a Fiv Men ln "Unois Rob a Northwest
winter di;a.Te, and follows armies, to' crn Mmlted Train.
which may be attributed its present vi
olent outbreak in the United State.
When Cr.:- Invaded Mexico, the
small-p-ix, originating from one ngro
in hU army, spread until It almost d-?
tho country, killing Aztecs
by the thousands. Doctors of today con
sider it the of epidemics. It pre
vails in the Urjrr cities at all times,
and create r.o uneasiness. There is no
dang r whiter -r of the disease bwom
Ir.g epl'jeinlc in Astoria, but it is the
part, levertheless, that
ov ry precaution i-ho-ild be taken.
Now that England and the Transvaal
are actually engaged In combat, much
Interest will he -Manifested in the little
B.wr .r Du'ch republic In South Africa
as well as "Oom Paul" Kruger, its pres-'
ldvrt, or rather dictator. The Boers are
des. en lan's of Holland Dutch who first
colonized South Africa. Pressed north
ward by the English, who drove them
.from Cape Colony, they established
their present republic, lying below
Zambesia and surrounded now on all
side by subsequently acquired British
possessions, and farming the only bar
rier between England's complete chain
of empire from Cairo to Good Hope.
The great diamond and gold mines of
South Africa are located In the Tran.
vaal and have attracted fortune hunt
er from all nation, but mostly English
and American. The men are called
"ntlandii" (outlanders) by the Boer
and re thoroughly hated by thorn, not
withstanding the fore!, have built ,;K A Y I Oil, AND WIND ASLEEP
ratings, developed the country and
made a great metropolis of Johannes-
burjr. the capital. The Boer hate pro
gress, are uportltlou, Iuggih and
only ask to be let aRne with their prim
itive way of living, being for the moat
part small farmer. They are a very
religious people and fine fighter, hav
ing twice before got the best of Eng-
'amj aimed fore?, though largely, of
course, through the leniency of the
British government. There are not a
million Inhabitants all told In the little
republic. They see In the Ultlander
only an English scheme to deprive
them of a country by ballot, and hare
steadily Increased ;he number of year
renuired for naturalisation until but:
few foreigners, though taxed heavily
and discriminated against In many
ways, csn to, the Boer giving as a
reason tor this that the Ultlander do
not wish to become bona fide cltisens,
but only to amass wealth and leave
This has been the ground of contention.
but In reality England U using It mere
ly a a pretext to get the Dutch repub
lic out of the way, and In doing so
complete her African empire. The Ult-1
landers, as In the Jameson raid, have
made one or twj attempts at Insur
rection, but have been quelled.
i o.
Je al J.aJ 0J 10,001)
I lif S:lcTlS.
BOSTON, Oct 11 Admiral Dtwey
arrived here this evening at six o'clock
ou a special train.
IK received an ovation all the way
from Moiupelier. The admiral rode at
me head of a column of 10,0vO war vet-
raii.s through the city's principal down
town strwts to the bote! Touralne
which will be his headquarters during
h" ot thre
Immediately after dinner, he witness
ed a !ne display of fireworks on Boa
ton common from his apartments in the
hotel and rvtirvd soon after.
Tomorrow he will have an arduous
day as he wilt attend many functions,
Flninh of the Criminal Aotion Against
Senator Kenney.
VI!.MINGTON, Del., Oct. 13 Judge
Bradford, in the United Stattw district
court toilay granted to District At
torney Wm. Michael Dryne. permission
to enter Nolle prosae qui in the case of
I'nltnl States Senator Richard E. Ken-j
ney, Indicted for conspiracy to aid and
aret William N. Boggs. the default
ing paying teller of the First National
i!:ink of Dover, who robbed that In
"titmlMn of 1107,000.
CHICAGO, Oct. 13.-The Northwest-
! em limited train leaving Chicago at
I", w last night was held up not far
from Dekalb, Ills., and robbed. The
hold up occurred three miles from
Maple Park, Ills., aixmt midnight.
A special train containing a num
ber if armed men and detectives left
the Northwestern station in Chicago
arly this morning bound for the scene
.f robbery. It is said there were five
masked men engaged in the operation.
u:n inline me rajn was
due at Maple Park, robbers burs, intoi
the station house and preeenllng re- I
volvers at the head of the station agent j
forced a gag Into his mouth and left
him utterlv helr.1
then chang-Hl so that the train would be.
compelled to stop before reaching the
As soon as It came to a halt two
of the men covered the engineer and
flremen with revolvers and after un
coupling the engine, compelled the en
gineer to run down the track two miles.
They then blew up the express car
with dynamite, practically demolishing
it and blocking the track. They then
blew open the safe and rifled It. It Is
not known how much money they secured.
Krpt-a fd Pom pon men !s of the Yacht
Mir Walks, Out ihe Patleuce
oi Every Oue.
Nt:V YORK. Oct. It-Winds asleep
In their canvas and a coverlet of white
fog drawn over the bosom of a drowsy
vesji today, lengthened the unprece
dented rle of fluke In the cup con
test tc ill A on Tuesday, the yacht
did not leav their anchorage Inside of
Sandy Hook.
Kverybody la thoroughly disgusted.
The patience of th public l almost
ThauteJ. Prom 50.000 people who
went out on the first day. the crowds
have dwindled until It la perfectly safe
to say that lees than 5.000 people were
afloat today.
The outlook was so gloomy from a
money-making standpoint that some of
the excursion boat which sold tickets
for the series of race were trying today
to redeem then with the Intention of
abandoning their excursion altogether.
Repeated postponement have also
worn out the patience of the command
ing owners of the two yachts. Sir
Thomas Llpton and Commodore Mor
gan each have company of invited
guests" aboard their yachts.
Experts estimate that the big club
topsail which the Shamrock showed
yesterday for the first time contains
about S'1 mre square yards of canvas
man the similar sail of the Yankee
boat." Add to this the excess of sail
ar-a of h.r lower sails, and the for
'lner Is capable of spreading some
thing like 1.290 square fwt more can
vis than the Columbia. In light airs,
therefore, the Shamrock must have a
irreHt advantage, and patriots are
whist'iinp for a spanking brwse that
will prevent the hoisting of these sky-s-rapln?
sails and bring the two bouts
down to even terms In the matter of
canvas. I
NEW YORK. Oct. 14 The operator
at Sandy Hook at 1:45 a. m. reports no
wind and dense fog; prospect for Calm
DUMFRIES. Scotland. Oct. U.-Upon
the occasion today of laying foundation
stone of the free library presented to
Dumfries by Andrew Carnegie, the don
or was given freedom of the town.
CIiICAQO, Oot. 1J. The special train
which is to carry delegates to the
national convention of the W. C. T. V.
In Seattle, left Chicago tonight.
lndon Chronicle.
A soldier's moldy hat has Just been
found under a huge stone In the "Val
hy of Death" at Balaklava. Some of
the bys had shifted the bowlder, as
bees had built a neat beneath it. and
the youngsters wanted to get the hon
ey. From the design of the badge It
is evident that the headgear belonged
to a trooper of the Seventeenth Lan
cers, a corps which was Included In the
Immortal Light Brigade.
mO USE i:
I can't take plain cod-iivtrf i
oiL Doctor says, try it Hel j
might as well teli me to meltS i
Sard or butter and try to take J
sLiiiM 14 4n rik mrA T
. LI1CII1 It u iw 1 1 vi i emu m
t will upset the stomach. Buti
vnu can take milk cr cream, t
. , ...
A 5 J" " S
i 50 Y011 Mn
Scoffs Enlsion;
It is like creams but will
feed and nourish when cream f
will not. Babies and chil-J
Idren wiil thrive z?.d grow
vj fat on it when thefr ordinary
, food does not r.cur:;h them. Z
persons nave ueen Known io jam
a pound a day when Ukinj n(
t ounce of Sco'U' EmuLioa it etsl
the ditfcjti'c macliir.t,7 i:i woriun J
nr.. ...ii . ' . i
ot rsii. LlMrmutS, ,W York. W
The renowned Dr.
Beyer of Germany
I use Warners
Safe Cure for pa
tients who suffer
from kidney and liver
diseases, and it re
stores them to com
plete health. I rec
ommend it most
cordially in all circle:,
of my acquaintance "
How Foreign Emissaries Use Our Of
ficial Envelopes.
The use of the ofllclul envelopes of
the United State by th French and
German spies Is an old dixlxe. my tlve
New Orleans Times-IVmocnU. and a
great many stolen from' the smaller
consulates In tfrrmany, where the folk
In charge are rather careless about
their stationary. Sorm Inkling of this
leaked out years ago, and the thing
was talked about In diplomatic and
newspaper circle as a xl Joke. Bret! rant ha sixty-eight whit employe on
Harte was then In the consulate s..r-l'l W Remember the location,
vice in England and naturally he heard
the parn. It struck him as K'l litw
aiy material, and he wrote a short
story based upon It which was publish
ed In one of the London Christmas an
nuals I think the Graphic but I am
not iulte sure. In 'M or '5.
'This story," continual the newspa
per man, "was quite) dlnVtvnt from Mr.
I'arte's usual vein, and was very clever
an I amusing. It purported to be the
narrative of the America nronsul at u
fortified city In Interior Oermany. and
cpened with the apearance at the lucal
gunlson of a very raw ivcrult. who
spvdlly b.came the butt of his cm-! The poor Mlow, wh.. was thel
riiui oi s;HMi-n.i:urei iciinry, ueeu to
come to the consulate to write letter
tc his brother In America.' and was
allowed to help hinualf to the ofTlee
stationary. Later on he disappeared,
and was suppxl to have been drown
ed in the river when bathing. Two
ye-irs the consul was In Parts, and
while seated in front of a boulevard
cafe was acconted by a smart young
French captain In full uniform. The
face of the soldier was strangely fa
miliar, and suddenly a light broke In
upon the consul. Th smart captain
was rone other than the stupid recruit
ho had a dear brother In far-away
America. He was a French spy and
a matchless mimic, and the consul for
got his chagrin over the misused st
t'onrry In his admiration for the man's
pluck and audacity. The reader Is glv
en plainly to understand that the let
ters written at tne consulate never
wnt to America, but were addressed
to a secret agvnt in Paris and passed
safely through the malls, guarded by
the official insignia of Uncte Sam. That
Ule was printed four or five wears ago
Scrofula, a Vile
Scrofula 1 the most obetloat of blood
rouble, and ia often th result ot an
Inherited taint in the blood. S. S. 8.
I the only remedy whioh goe deep
j enough to reach Scrofula; it force out
i trerr trace of the disease, and oure
the worst ease.
Uj son', Oharlia.vMsfflleted from Infaoey
: with Scrotals, and h saffsradso that It was
Impossible to dm him
lor three yesrs. His
tssd and body vers s
Bass of son, and his
! syeslght also became
i sffwwd. No treatment
! wi spared that we
J thought would rrllfiT
; him. but he grw irons 'i
anttl his condition wasu
Indeed pltlsbls. 1 bad,
almost despaired of bis
srer belnr cured, whan
i byths adrlecot a friend
1 nr him S. 8. 8.
I (w!7t's Hpcclflci. A6
sldd lnmrorenient was the
It, and aflai
. Be had taken a riozjn bottles, no nm who kna
tt his former dreadful condition would havs
: recognised him. All tha sores on bis body
hsve healed, bis skin Is perfsctlT clear ana
imootb, and he ha been restored to psrfaot
Health. Mas. 8. 8. Mry,
W Kim St.. Maaoo, Ga.
' For real blood troubles it i a waste
. of time to oi pec t a cure from the doc
tors. Blood diseases are beyond their
kill. Swift's Specific,
reaches all deep-seated case which
bther remedies hove no effect upon, It
is tlie only blood remedy guaranteed
purely vegetable, and contain no pot
ish, mercury, or other mineral.
Books mailed free to any addreu by
Bwift Speciflo Co., Atlanta, Oa.
and Is a tolerably striking confirmation
tf what I have said III reference to the
use of our envelop by solos on both
Do you want a good meal when you
vlilt Portland? tf so, go to the Port
land restaurant, SOS Washington street.
E. House' Caf at IU Third street.
Portland. I regarded by many ptopl
a the leading restaurant In th Pa
cific. Northwest.
A good meal with meat rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, I
Just what you get at th Crcainsrt
restaurant, 371 Washington street, near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If you are going up to Portland and
ml going to the Creatnrle Restau
rant, 171 Washington St., you may con
sider (hat your trip will not be a suc
cess, as others will tell you, who do not
miss It.
Holmes' English and Buftlns Col
lege at No. 4.U Yamhill street, Portland,
Is prepared to accommodate a larg
number of pupils thl year. Already
the classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicate the excellent character of
th Institution.
Smoker, read All IS cent olgar. 10
cent. El Palencla, It cent; El Be
lmont, 10 cents; General Arthur, 10
cents; Leland Stanford, 10 cent; Ban
chet Y. Mya. 10 cents; All I cent, for
2S cent. J. F. Handler A Co., out
rate cigar and newsdealer. Prkln
hotel building, Portland, Or.
Why I Wation' restaurant In Port
land patronlied by thousand of peopl
dally? Simply becaus It la th largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Paclfie coast. Watson' restau-
109-11 Fourth street.
Th Pernln method of snorthand 1
being taught by Mr. H. W. Bebnk In
the Oregonlan building at Portland.
The Pernln system I not only extreme
ly legible after being written, but II
exceptionality rapid. It 1 said that
students under Mr. Rehnke' direction
attain success In one-half the time es
sential with either Graham, Munson
or Pitman methods. Thl school Is i
open day and night. J
A tailoring establishment of om !
pretentions, located on Washington !
street. Portland, claims to hav made
47 suits for dressy Astorlans during th
Pst months. This statement I de-
nM by th nrm f PVey Blrcha',( at
iV SVashlngton street, near the Im-
perlal hotel, who are patronised by th
gr-at majority of outside customer.
Piivey & Hirchall make th well ult
fc.r most of the stylish Portlanders, and
f-el that they are not excelled by any
Portland Arm for out of town pat
Borrowing Is the canker and the
death of every man's estate.
Andrew Lake
...Merchant Tailor...
I'crfeit rit (iuarantctd. Low I'rlccs.
RepaJrinx and Cleaning- Nastly Done.
your hotue
of buslnss
Vapor Gas Lamps
100-candl power at a
of la for three hur..
Miller & Barnaberg, Agents
OS Bond Street, Astoria.
of the puddlnf Is In th. aattas
and th proof of liquors
That' an arfument that' con
elusive a dmnonstnttoa.
Ours will stand th taut.
J. A. Fastabend
and E3uilder
House-moving Tools lor Rent.
Carpenter and Builder
General Contractor
Pacific Sheet
Lithographing on
i-rancisco. Ul. Astoria. Ore. Falrhave n. Wish.
Astoria, Ore.
Write U for Prla
Telephone No. itJt
Handles Only the Choicest flleats
4 CtsisMrclal It., Palace RMtsarsat.
Pacific Navigation Company
R. P. nittior)
W. II. HnrrlMon
Connecting- at Astoria with th Oregon lUllroail k Navigation Co. for
Sao Francisco, Portlsud and all olnU east. For Irolght and aen
get rU p;ly I. Bflmutl Elmor it Co.
I ual Ag.uts, ABT01UA, OKE.
CO! IN 4CO Agent, Orco airo. k Navigation Co.,
XV. W. Whlpple.ProprMOr
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
538Comnierclal St., Antorin, Oregon
Golambia Electric & Repair Go
Successor to
Logging Bnglness
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially
Sole Manufacturers of the lourpasstd
..." Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ...
Contractors for Electric Light and Power Plantfl.
All 16c cigars 10c
El Palencia 10c
El Belmont 10c
Gen. Arthur 10c
Leland Stanford 10c
Sanchez Y Hyas 10c
All 6c cigars C for 25c
J. F. HANDLEY and Co.
Cut rate cigar and news dealers,
Twenty Years of Success
in th treatment of chronlo dlsoaie, auoh a liver, kidney, and
tomach disorder, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical w.llln. Brtxht'
disease, etc
Complaints, painful, difficult, too froquent, milky or bloody urin,
unnatural discharge speedily cured.
Such a piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, muooui and
charge cured without th knife, pain or confinement.
Blood poison, gleet, strletui. unnatural losses, ImpoUnoy, thorough,
ly cured. No failure. Cure guaranteed
TOUN-1 MEN troubled with night emission, dream, xhautlhg
drain, bashfulnes. aversion to oclety, which deprive you of your
MIDDLE-AOED MEN, who from ewesse. and trJn. bav lost
their MaNLT POWER. a lnun"' n,v" ,am
K,BI0O,ANn8IINH.I?I?,''A'L;a S5,t,nl11"' Qonorrhoe, painful.
SSaASHBR P,80N0U3 UaB?UredCa"
Dr. Walker' method, are regular and scientific. He used no pat
ent nostrums or ready-mads preparation, hiit rur the dle"e by
thorough mH.eoal tr.atrnent HI. New nZpta M ftVSSJZ
'! ;el'. FtT Saannai u i ?.e!crlbe thelr PaUenU cured
at home. Term reasonnhle. letter answnrpd in niain anveloD.
Con.ultatlon free and sacredly connaen d0I VMm i
I),ctor Wulkcr, 1.12 First St., Cr. Alder. Portland. Or.
Metal Works
Tin a Specialty.
Open Day
and Night.
Kept In Stock
UmIII and Repaired
Perkins Hotel building,
bloody dlsv