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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
THK MORNING ASTOR1AN. Yti.ftKSDA, UCTOKER II, ttttt Headquarter for Pry Good on the J.owcr Colombia j The A. Dunbar Co.! CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers MBFrT uiRrc mN ew York Stock Exchange DIRECT HIRES TO cmgQ Qf 8 To the ladies of Astoria AND VICINITY. W'c t onlully invite yon to vi-it m in our new imirtrr, Corner Morrison and First Sts., l'ormcrly ottiic(l ly A. II. STIMNHACII, hie we have mi tlinly the largo! cxi'liiivc line of Millinery m the Ctat. Up-to-Date Millinery AT POPULAR PRICKS. Outing Flannels jGolf Copes 5; to r yard, We have Wire new Mock of New Fall rIUrtia in the popular prices. A now awrtit'rit for jt tit, Mixooa ml CUWivu u ci ived today ami shown in Cloak IV parlmt'tit. 2 1 4-2 1 5 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY roaaUaal INTO. J. V. Hill, M. U.. rrlall. November Deline.itir and Butierick Pattern on sile nt l'.ttteru cuniir. vS.....xijc ,r'T'. Uaf Senator Hanna la said to hav paid a ucv-.m financially. Kill Ulalr won Ckrtstaaa Tvra, op.aa i. I a, ins. rcr hla ault of apartments at Clarldge' the first priae In spitting at a crack, hotel, where he stopped white In Lon- S'.iyor Bowman done a few slight of don, 175 guinea: a Wv.k. This la about hund tricks, and the watch a and J.w- ! oh y w re told later on. Hill Bunion, the corn doctor, won the Colt 'a revol- A ftcartlnc aa Par aVlMol ywr i,Ioun or mtiraatloa aJJra l rtnvMrl. J. w. HtLU M. IX. P. O. irtwtt 11 Portland. Or. primary. Praparatpry and Aradtmle Imparl ttnt., Cll( Praparattoe Mllll.rr lbvclpll, Uuul Training. Hm 4 all ftfa raoalr.4. " " nn. ver for the be looking man. and Mr, the Paris exposition are expecting that Jilm,e Krvug won the W( m the beat exhibits made by foreign na- utoon for ,he ,w ,a tlona will be those of the United States auid Germany i Wn" 'be fund for a home for Dewey i Noatate funds being available to i. still growing he ha aettu-d all -The Chicago department of the VcJ-' ?nJ the hl Kuardamen to the Dew.; tempta to awake any wish In him for unteera of Americ. the organlxatlon "r '- e republican gover-;, white Houae In Washington. which separated from the Salvation "r' l,u;hn " democratic cm-, Army some time ago, ha. decided to I'V ,h a? TOA uiviue xne rxpeiuK oeiween mom. Tins .jvirv r bi-umu discontinue the use of tambourine and other noisy Instruments hereafter In It religtotis services. Preeldent McKinley'a acceptance of. la ai. Incident of which the Ohio cam- ' naisn orator win h aM ,,, 1 u0 " exhilarating atnae of re. little. I newed health and atrength and In- (emeu ctranuneas, wnicn (t)uowa ma honorary membership in the Brlcklay- A era and Uasona Union of Chicago ha pa,ch A correspondent of the St. Paul Dla- ometlmrt offered but never accepted by the well-Inform-, ed. Uuy the genuine. Manufactured I by the California Fig Syrup Co. FOR RENT OR SALE. uae, of Syrup of Figs, la unknown to the few who have not nma-rMa,! h Mys: "The mot auggeative and1 vh ,,. m.. . jubi oeen made public in a letter writ-' ,"UI"' "w or a ,chea p aubatitutea ten py ma aecretary at his request to u,uss,! lhikois. it was u. the president of the union. The ac-J R- W'elcim. hi first name being I'rl- ceptanc ta based on the assertion that Across the atreet waa anoth. r man It will Impose no obligation or rvairalnt' wl,! a funn' name. He rxre the eu- Inconslatent with the duty of the ehU-f Phontous cognomen, John Stur.epoun-' executive to all the people. j In thp nt town I found a man; j wnj waa so fat that the name of Ex-Senator John H. Rrann of Tex- Abrahilrn Crumpacker vmed eeiwc- j A very desirable dairy farm, flneet as. the last aurvlvor of the cabinet of lally nttln'- But there 'Vs a woman beaver dam land with abundant living Jefferson Davis, is now In his eighty- ln th town 'no went hlm one btler. water. r.nd cowa, buildings, orcharda fifth year, but. In spite of the slgna of' H,r name was Emily Kreshbread. In 'and aeparators. Address Robert Craw, -age In his face, his brown eyes ahlne ,h n'xt ,own 1 ro Intervated In fotl. Nehalem, Tillamook county. Ore. luatrloualy. his voice Is steady and hla queer nam I oon heail of a step la firm. He says he takes the best SP Individual called Sarah Doer-; ,,, .,f fl of care of himself, going to bed arly hoot ln ,hat ,ame town 'a a man' noman s neu, re and getting up with the sun. He' namei1 Henry Bookstruck. Ever after .within her own control; greatest works hard and sleeps well. 'that I was on the lookout. On the j French medical triumph of this cen- ' , train 1 met David Xewsalt an.l Millie tury. for aJ 1 female Irregularities, Cnless an International hog trust ta Newlov- The man with the nut war-; "knesa, etc.; a positive blessing to KNAPP BROS., Health Food Co., KM Port Un J, Ore., Maimlaoturer of I Nl'T BL'TTKR, the FimhI and K B CKKKAI. the Drink. Every Hand (or alt I Health .i m poasibie, pork ought soon to bo cheap. r like name I ran against was Abraham! married ladles. AX. i- ' , f vr y. v.. Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up. Golf I tats with long Quills all colors, 97o Cocli Street Hats all new styles from , . . 7Bc nnd up. New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turban The Wonder Millinery Co., --The Big; Store Corner Morrison mid 'Kirxt St."., 1H1.TI.ANI, OKlXiON. tit in .r- -i-r- z-zr 7. -!, -yn,- m Call or write for In this countrv thmoeh th- -ratlo,,. """P-w- one town I round a man .murmwuon. inclose amrnp, cf . avndlr-at. of pn.h fi,. ." haJ poetic name. It was; Office. 3Wi Waahlngton atreet. over Kusslan capitalists, who have raised W,0,000 to compete with American MJIaV X LfaJTUfril. 1 I If rtlMJl IN 1 41 HllW - . - i i- mi. .v. wrilerlous monkeytntr with DDle,' r than ln the M. " " War" ' s lna DCuULIIU I Seabright Sunblwm. But the last j Cord ray 'a, rooms 9-10, Portland. Ore. i name I struck finished me. It aeemed! , uae a airect command to cease my1 it can be done cheaper Cnit'd States, and to establish at the proper points slaughter houses run on the most approved American plan. Tie following curious news Item re cently appeared In The Gladstone (CoL) Kibosh: "The church social or the purpose of raising money to pur chase napkins for the Ute Indians waa quit. A Quickflnlsh. And what do you suppose hia partner's name was? It waa W. K. Ooforth." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab leta. All druggists refund the money If It fall to cure. E. W. Grove' sig nature la on each box. 2Sc MUHHery At prirea within the reach of all. Call and examine the new stjlea. MRS. ROSS, 183 Utb Blrctft Ut'iulics for th delicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS mado nt The Spa Candy Factory The lnrgcstt lino of Lowney's Famous Cliocolntcs ever brought to Astorin. J Pcrtilti ! Shortlmnd School H. W. BKIINKR i'rlnclpnl. Rooms 311 OrrKotiitiii ItiiiMin.', I'm tlmiJ, Ore. i The Pernln System waa awarded th l World' Fnlr Modal and Diploma. No ahadlng: No position; Few word-algn ! no raliurra nay ana nignt. oneourth thr time rrii,.l in the cost The auccras of huinlieila of our f;ri,luatra) la evrty Ujr proof of tu value of a practical eluction. Ki.iiuinr into thr inrrila of our kIkmi! Ixrj how and whitt we Irach, puraulta arc much more prolitnlile to the eiin than any of tlie profs, aiona A atuilioua young uuu or woman C4u pirpure (or a bu.iuru career ia about A. B. COON LET, Propr. I'bone 20(Vt Holmes' English -AND - Business College IU Yamhill St, rortlan.l, Oregon. SIX DrPAKIMF.VIS FliKlish, IhHikkccpiiiK. Short liun J, TypvwrftliiK, I'ciiiiiaiishlp, Hend tnroirotilara. All. giajrStiiilriita of "Aitnttrong'i Coiuhinnt Theory au4 Practicsof BookkeepliiK" Irani to keep Ikx.Ii. t tnctlr at lliry ai keep In buaU neaa. New way to frarA; uukea iMMikkrepiug ruy. luvc.lljjatt. Call, or writs, Portland Business College Tifth and Yam!:i!l SU. A. P. Armntronf. Irln. Open all t'ic Sule rt m.iv i nii r .it 4iiv Mine. HtitinrM, Shorthand and Englih tlfinrt urnt-s. I'riv;it or rl.i im'ni lion, ('atalogi1 free. Hi 111111 Iffif Coaxer No. I. All men's suits up to Jio, now $ 8 15 All men's suits above 10 up to 12.50, now 10 00 All men's suits above 12.50 up to J 1 5 1200 All men's suits above 15 up to $17.50, now 14 50 All men's suits above 17.50 up to 20, now 16 00 All men's suits above 20, up to J25, now 21 00 Coaxer No. 2. 20 percent reduction on all underwear. Coaxer No. 3. 20 per cent off on all Rubber Mackintoshes, Coaxer No. 4. All men's hats 1.50, now 10 All men's hats up to 2, now '5 All men's hats, regular 2.50, now 1 90 J All men's hats, regular 3, now . , 2 10 j All men's hats, regular 3.50, now 260 j All men's hats, regular 4, now 3 00 ! WLirMS NOT FOR ASTORIA VV 1 1U IS AGAINST HER! It shall not be said that Astoria trade goes to Portland because Astoria merchants are not wide awake enough. 1st. We keep as fine clothes as money can buy, 2nd. We sell clothes cheaper than Portland can. Ord We are ttith you on every proposition, ivhile Porthni is against you RCAD THESE GOAXERS THESE PRIGBS WE QUOTE! Will 50c fare induce you to become a TRAITOR to your town? Coaxer No. 5. All men's overcoats, regular 10, now 7 .j All men's overcoats, regular 11.50, now 0oo All men's overcoats, regular 15, how u 00 All men's overcoats, regular 17,50, now 1450 Coaxer No. 6. 70 per cent reduction on all Roys and Children' Suits and Overcoats. Coaxer No. 7. All 50c sox now jj cents All 25c sox now 3 for 50 cents All 15c sox now 3for,s ccnu Coaxer No. 8. All 50 cent Ties now cents AI125 cent Ties now j ce,, HERMAN WISE: THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER 'ASTORIA, OREGON