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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
THK MOUNIHG AS I'OItlAN, WEMESDAY OCTOBER 11. IM. ,11 Attention, Business men. ' Tin Adtohian has iiltlcd a number o( the Uet fares of yt to ill job printing te jiartmcnl, ml i prepared to turn out a quality of . . . COMMERCIAL PRINTING superior to any that can be procured elsewhere. It will pay you to call and get estimate on any ami all kind of printing. ! rincstWork Lowest Prices . " : ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. PORTLAND. Arrive. Portland Union Dpot,lll:II a.m. for Astoria and InUH l:4p.m. medial polnia. 1:00 a, m. 7.W p. m. 7 4.'. a.m. 1 10 p.m ASTORIA. For Portland In termediate polnte SEASIDE DIVISION. U:Ma.m. 10:M p.m. p m.'a. m l l:Ml 11 :K'Uw I y.'ii:;Ar (:M 1J:UI, l l:WlAr Ar L am 7:40) Arl :H 1:1 l:l! p.m. 40 7.W1 I ..Astoria..., .WarrtnioB. ,..Sal !.. Lv SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Uavei Astoria at 1:10 a. m.j arrive at Seaside 1:41 a. m. passengers mar return on any train hown on schedule oa same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside ran ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren- ton, All tralna make doe connection at Ooble who all Northern Pacific tratna to and from the eat or Bound points. At Portland with all train lasTlng Union depot At Aatorla. with I. R. N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUOH TICKETS oo aale at Aa torla for Bacramento. Ban Francisco, all Eaitern and European point. City ticket office Aatorla, U4 Commer. tlal street J. C. MATO. Oen'l Eft and Pass. Agent. i XT3 THE NET "North-Western Limited" (ami Cwtoy Turn.) between Minneapolis. St. Pail and Chicieo, Is entertainingly described In an Illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished free on application to W. H. MEAD. Gen. Aft., 48 Washtngtoa Btnrt, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER, Coa. AfMX, aoarintAnaoe, SEATTLE. WASJI Oomio.Ad TM3 5C ME DOLES DEPART rrora Portland rut . alt lake, I'eovr. H. v... LTj Worth, Omaha. Kan- C".! fiem Astoria OCEAN BTBAM5HIP9 All Sailing Dates eab lert In change. For Has rrneeo-Heli Oc'.a. 10, l. ColrmbU Rrvar 7ameit)n, Steamers ItaeiHO soar To Portlaa4 aai adev Wry Laadtage. WIILwMtU H4 Vast- :p m. 7 a.m. hill Rivers. Mou.,Wed, I'oreg-m City, Dayton, A and f rt. way-landing. Klparla ka Blvar. ' LvUwlsta . BlpiZoUwten. "ffi ItUXURIOUS TRAVEL rpHK "North.Wtern Limited" tralna, eUctrle lighted throughout, both hv eld and out, and stetm Heated, are, without exception, the flneet train In Lb world. They embody the latest, nwt and beet Idea for comfort, eonrenteaon and luxury ever offered the travellaf public, and altogether are the moet com. plete and splendid production of the one builder art. Theae Splendid Train Connect with 4 The Great Northern The Xorthen Pacific and The Caoadiai I'aciflc AT ST. PAUL TOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra chart for thee superior a. commodatlon and all claaee of ticket re available for passage oa the famona North-weeterB Limited." All train M till line ar protected by the Interlocktaf Block ayatom. W. H. MIAD. r. C. BAVAGb, Oeat Agent, T- A. "PortUad Or. m... . . .. rt-r'w im n I' t Mod. WedWfon .'" ".ewoerf, Tuee.Tbai frider j oleia way-uuii. Beiurday a w. LnnxaBCRRT. Agent Atorla. Oea. na Act. PertlaaWL Or. a A mmlllar nam for tbe Chicago. IflW wanke A Be Paul Railway, known ail orer the Unkm a tb Oreae Railway running Lb " Pioneer Limited" tratna every day and aigttt between BL Paul and Chloaco. and Omaha and Cnicaa-o. m only perfed traio In tfc wortd.' tjDderatnnd: CoMvectloo an mad with all TranaoootlnenUl Lmea, aurlng to paMenr the best errw known. Lnx urlou ooMhoa, elootrto light, steam bent. of mrltv eauaJed DT DO Other UnO. Beo that your ucaoc reao Tie. -im UUwaukee" when folnv to any point In the United State or Canada. Ail ticket ifMtia mU mem. For rate, pamphlet, or other Informa tion, iaddree. W. CASET. C. 1. UUi, Trr. Paaa. Aft, General Agent. Portland. Or. Portland. O. Continued from pa wnoiy oi iiavivw gvwiii, i. tig ni;k.. but In all other rwpeeUj oetii to fully a food as those of Ainrrliaii make. j uenrral Heev a asked about the lulluiiu i.f the iiUh rotlglou or-J di'ra on tli UUihU, and be seemed to think tla a a problem which would find It own solution. 'The Hpanlsb priest wore hated by the Tagl.j," he sold, "on account of their cruelly and rapacity. The 'na tive prints 0oy like, however, and the Tale kiiIJ lli'-y wer untiring In their dtvotlon to the alok. Tbe Span-. Uh ptUala are rapidly kvln ManUa.! Thirteen of Jiem were on the atdp) on which i returned to this country, and wr bound for South America. They belong to a soot, I think, called IUo colette, which la supposed to hnv only a script and staff, but Captain Boabury of the China told me Lhe-t, la Mts of thla, they had over ttUrty.two ton of baggiK") with them, and they wore the gayest crowd I avor saw. Xbey drank wins constantly and In Urge quantities, and played th moat nuostlonable of waiti muslo on Sunday. They played It well, though, and thai reminds me that the natives am won Jerful mualclaus. They cannot play ...... ..n u well as our bands ctol but In waltijs and opera muslo they wars far bettor. They are tilg-ana, playing- wholly without nutca, and can memorlM a pleos after playing It twlcs. Agulnaldo had a band of eighty plec-M. which h used to send In to play for us before tho troubled and It was a treat to hear them. In spite of all this however, I do not think that they are as yet cnpabl of aelf government, but I do think they would do well under an American pro tootorate, but thoro are so many ooun tilei with Eastern lntorets that are canting covetous and longing eyes to ward the Philippine Islands thmt an at tempt nl self-government on tholr part would probably Inntanitly lead to for eign complications, which would bs a clonk to an attempt to wreat their fr. dom from them and would result In a complete loss of their Identity as an In. dependent people. I think, however, they are as capable of governing them selves as some of the Central American republics, where 'the maaaoa of the peo ple are not nearly as well educated and intelligent aa the Flliplnoa. "I betleva they can mat. age their own Intel nal affaire and well conduct all forms of government appertaining wholly to themselves, but that In fl- nance and foreign rotations they are( still In need of a gul.llng hand, as they re aa yet not capable of carrying on Intercourse with foreign nations. j "What do you think of Agulnaldo?" ths reenter Lhen asked Oensral Heev. Me paused a moment and hle face brightened aa he said: ( "Ir. Dclober of last year! when I paldj Agulnaidn a' visit, one thing be told (i me, was that the only religion they knew mas lha Cth"llo, but that tlKy had dlaaasoclatod cburob nd' and that any st inA Allglon wouW be allowed to coma In ana 'U-acn tne Housework io Hard Work without Gold Dust It lightens the labor of cleaning more than half and saves both time and money. It is ''Woman's Best Friend, Dirt's Worst PofcmV.'f ' ' V J i . SM fr fTM fcwkt--0t Hf Iwmit", ; , THE fi. L FARBANK COMPANY .(rWTark union miVM mm OF LONDON. EsubHshed duHng the reicn ot Quaan Anne. A. D. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE uDacnoed caiMtaj I u,iw ut Asaeta U.4U.4M P Surplus to policy holders 4. OCXS M Exclualv ot paid up capital -?rilT TICKETS i QAfliV1 POINTS ERST Through oalace and tourist sleapc dining and library observation can. K .KJANT V KJJ I IMU Lift. No. 4 United leavea Portland at 1:U r m f40. I Ldmiiea amres ruruun ( . m. For rate, etc, can or eddres O. W. LiOUNSBERRY. As-ent a R. A N.. Astoria. A. B. C. DENNTSTON. C r. a T. A.,roruano "7r Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Suberrtbed or giurataed cap ital .. t TjOOOOt 00 Capita, paid np I M KI0 00 Asseta auJMS so Catton, Bell & Co. Osn sj Agents, Ban Fraaclaco, Cal. Samuel Flmore & Co. Realdent Aganta, Aatorla, Oregon. Latant and Beat. ciciirn ddac General Supply House for 1 Family Groceries Bqilders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc i Ilei$i!fCTO Of New Zealand. W. P Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF ( 5HAREH01 DEIS. Subscribtnl Capital'' ' $5,000,000 Tnid-Up Cnpital - - .1,000,000 Assets As8?te hi United States Surulus to Policy Holders cd. -he thought he "Lr.! Has been Underwriting on the Tacific Coast over Twaih-two years SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., ReBldent Agents. Astoria. Oregon Killplni the tent' of Ha faith. -i wa. 'favorably ".mp'rd wi.h (p y Sharpie's Cream Separators Agult.nldo and I do not think there !-' ! - any duht about his Intafrtty of pur-j pese. This talk about selling out Is nothing but rubbish. Personally he la. an Intelligent and well Informed man,' and teemed to know about averytning going on In ths world. The men about him attached to his headquarters, some twenty In number, were bright and Intelligent. All of them had been educated abroad and spoke English perfectly. In fact, as well as you or I do. One of them. Marty Burgon, came to this country afterward, and another, Infantes was one of the largeat proper ty holders in Blnondo, the bualnesa die. trlct of Manila. ' "Of course, his opinion may since havo changed, but at that time Aguln aldo said: "What we want Is an Amer ican protectors,, because aa yet we are not competent to meet Internation al quentlona or dvl with the finances, but I think we can govern our Internal affair." "At that time," the general contln- out rf D.nCCTAJc.;,!l iow v4lvl,,4 r1" Bast ttAVK Mo. ll;M p. B 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 party In pondenee of the Island, but the war prove they wens too strong for him. Ir, December Agulnaldo offered to re sign the presidency of the Filipino re public, although I don't think this is generally known, giving as his reason that when the cabinet, headed by Pa- t.rno, was turned out and the cabinet headed by Mabenl was substituted for It, he was not In sympathy with the views of the war party, headed by Oojioral Luna. His friends and most of the others, however, insisted that ! on patriotic grounds It was his duty to ivtiun the pivaldoncy, and he gave way to them." should lern early the necea- T lty of keeping on hand a Gail Borden: Eagle Brand! ; l CONDENSED MTI.K for nnraln(T b.ble, as well aa lor ) ak no auutrtute. Bknu for Book o.t "Babies. i teat for forty year. OSDCN'e Condcnscd MilK Co., NiW YosK 0 gonottre Condnd Miiaco., nw tobr n Ho, i. U ti a. m OoBLE nut Mall for AberdeenJ Enn tienn, irun, kane., Butte, uen(ia,8t-Paiil,Ohl- Imwo. New fk. Hoston. land all point, east and an Bouineati, Umrtland. Seattle and friaoma iTvreu; loH hfeuttle. Taeoma. OlrmH htl antl Intermediate! hwlnta. Alto poluta eaat ARRIVE. No. 1. X a. ta No. S. tp.m. t ana euiar Three . rot Throe sad ew.JV ..av. alsM mm wsva eonnaottona t CWjh i tAa aaat bound unioa ww v- Ctueav- Hoa ( tlcketa. ehaoked thromrh to eatina. reta. yrieapliw oar josui satlgns. weitats, aaaas of rootea am vim umi u , oatoratwrasa,, cm cm fenh- .-mm. OeneraJ Fasonr Alrent, tV Morrlaoe treeC Portnuui. Or. MQTT'S PENNYROYAL PiLL! 1 nt'T pTcrrtimr " cmji . niw Urity nj ouiitwttu(-,lnt,rribO itwr and batilort pains of mrn-trua- to ui-1 lit wm-inhoJ. atiliiu u knu ii i 'iiit-ily (or wfuien m,iiMi mi I)r. Williams- Indian Fit Ointment will ci'W BIIbo Ulceiline and Itching Pika. It atisorlwtliotuniore ulln.vs the UcMiiKatouic ac'! a A DOUIlL'O. Kivca iil.statlt lief. llr. V'illiainVluili:inrileL:nti uwnt Ispreiwrwl tor Piles andluh nt iIib nnrnie nnrts. Kvery box warrnnteit. Uv driii-glts. bj mull on m ot nrite. 6tt emu Htm iLLIAfi.S JhSilFACTURINB CO.. 1'roP. -Vvrlaid mi r-s R Ji B I I. Si H rJ 1 hAl Inrr Through Tickets -TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST . -VIA ' sicro' PULLMAN PALACE SLKEPERfl. T0URI3TS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Daibr to- Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha Chicago, Kansas City and other E altera el tie. Baggac checked tnroara to aeatinatloa. Union last ume, towesi ratea PiniaA lirht In all ears. Foe rates and otber tnXormatloa call oa or addreas Q. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, O. R. 4k N. Co Astoria, oragoa. or J. H. LOTHRnn, Gea. Agent, IX Third bt-. cor. juaer, roruano. ur. LEAVE n-.m A. u DaHy except Sunday HM P. Ml PORTIiAKD OVERLAND EX PRESS, for Salem, Roaebura. Ashland. l:t0 P.ILIeacrainento. OKden, ban Francisco, o iave, Los Angela, El Paso. New Or leans and the East Roaeburg pasaenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Ancel. 811- verton, Weet Bclo, urownvuie, npni field and Nation. Corvallls passenger Independence pass ARRIV1 :0O A.M. HM P. Dallr exceDt Sunday tt:B0 A. It.: A rmtiv r" aunoar. rnnniM-tlna- at San Francisco with Occi dental ft Oriental, Pacific Mall and Oce anic steamanip line ror JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, HAWAi. A..u . i.lUPPINEa. Rebate ticket on aale dally between Portland, Bacr&menio, ana nan rTancia- oo. Mel raiea ii, kuu an aw nA.lflia. inclULllna aleener. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ana Europe. Also japaa. aina. nonojuiu, anil Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIAND. Ticket Agent 1M Third st. R. KOEHLER, C. 1L MARKHAM Manaare. Q. V. ft P. A Through tickets East for lowest rates. Oa I on t;. J itt-'iki". Wer.s Farg.0 Cotaoaojr e offloe. Astoria. You Don't Change Cars If yoo go aaat rU BuUngs and tna Burtloartoa ronoa. The Bnmnstoo root run through toarhK sleepers twto a week, Seal to Kansas aty-Ge on at any point along th main Un of toe Northern Pacific in Washington or Uootanav-get oft at Kanaaa City. Standard aleepera, very day In the week. Butte to 8t Louts Ti Lincoln, Omaha, and Sc Josspb, A. C. SHELDON, Oenaral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregoa. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Point-. Gives choice of two farorit rout, (la the Union Pactfio Fast Man Lin, ar th Rio Grande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME , 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 1 Days to New York. Free reclining ohalrs, upholstered toon 1st sleeping oars, and Pullman palaca sleepers, operated on aQ tralna. For further Information, apply to O. W. LOUNSBERRT, : Aftnt. O. R. ft N., Or Aatorla, Oregon. C. a TERRT. W. B. COMAN. Trav. Pass AgL, Geo, Agree t. W Third St. Portland. Or. WHITE COLLAR LINL OolumMa River and ruet Bound Navt ration company. Bailey Oatsert leaves Astoria daily. except Sunday, at T p. m. Leavea Portland dally except Bun- day at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets ana O. r. ft N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey Oatsert and Hassalo. Far between Astoria and Portland, SO cent. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Aft. U. B. SCOTT. Telephone lit. President A FEW INTERESTING FACTS ' Whan people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service ob tainable so tar aa aaeed, comfort aad aalety Is concerned. Employe ot tae WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEt ar uald to serv th public and our tralna are operated so aa to make olose ooa neotioa with diverging lines at all Juncrtkm point. Pullman Palaos Sleeping and Chair Cars on through tralna. Dining Car service unexcelled. Meala served a at carta. In order to obtain thla fbst class servio. ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at Bt Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all polnte east For any further Information call on aa ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Agent, or JAS A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent lit Stark St. roroana Or.