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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
flIK MORNING AHTOltlAN WEDNE.S0AV. OCTOBER ll. IBM Extraordinary Sale i .ii.i ... .1 im; ... 1 1 i inui :wr.r-"--" v.-. " ,,, ""r Special for Wednesday and Thursday. Muck and Colortxl Burgoo 11.00 quality 60c (iolf Maid 40 in. 65o qulily Vc Knglinli Flnnuvlette 10c quality BJc All other goods in proportion McALLEN & HcDONNELL, 470 Coinuiorciiil St. TO ASTORIANS. Tae IUII.V ASTOHMN still b roand Ml In s'orllauil al la a wall kaova a lloaarr Iiuhm J. r. Ilanaiay a) tu., mil Maliltua Slraet, Orders for sdtar atalng lad wlln this ttm Mill raaalte arual Atlaallaa. TODAT'g W BATHER. IDItTLANU. Oot. lt.-IUln today. aROUNIDJOVVN. ;. r. Dower of Cbadwoll It Id town. J. 8. I'olhcmui of Portland I In th city. C. W. Nottingham of Portland U In .Astoria. Harry Oray cum up on lb NachoU yesterday. Andy Heed la at Tokland Uklnf his annual outing. It. Ilurch, Bkamokawa, la registered at the Parker. rharlt Kln of Portland 1 In th cliy on buainea. W. W. Whlppl m rvglatered at th 1'iirUand yesterday. Chill oon came with frljojl at Lee Herring's National Cat vry day. The Mate of California crosaed out yrat-rJay morning for Bon Francisco Piirnlahed room for light hour kP In. Mr. B. O. Curran, 171 Tenth BL I'lilll eon earn and frljolle at L lirrrlna's National Cafe wry day. A tl( tlmo li expected at th ne klle party at K. of p. hall, Thursday nliiht. Mrs. Captain Chas. Richardson and Mliw IVarl Cola are vlsttlng In Port land. Th latest In th confection tin ar those, dollcat Ice Cream Chocolate at The Spa. Oew, P. Stout, the well-known Port land attorney, was In Astoria yester day on business, Portland and Astoria FREE.. To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with tho same advantage! aa fliepcoplo of Portland, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing rates, furnish round trip ticltoU from . Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur chased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without coat and at tho same timo to take advantage of our enormous eoloction of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS For Mon9, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will bo honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to tho exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co. The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. Mr. E. 8. Crawford of th C II. Coop r alor rottiriMd yesterday from a brief to roriland. Keep your ty on Knapp Uro.' Health Food Co. 'a ad. In another ool umn. Not thtr product, Mra Haddock will reoelv a II ml tad numtwr of pupil In voloa cultur and Plane, I.T lkjlnjv.nue, Th. IlKbthoua iendVr Manianlla Wt' up th rlvor ytrday to vMl th light1 nation and dUvi upll Tu (Jarroao ahlp Carl, wbaat laden for Qutrnatown, for ordn, arrived down from Portland yvaterday. Tou can And over 10.0C utleg of aov ela at llyland Broa.' old booator.PotV land. Prop In and get aomethlng to read. Profrtiur Urgg'f Wedtarday-after noon danvlng claaava at Hanthorn bail ar well attended and Incraaalng In In- lert. Lipton' boat may be Shamrock la name, but there I a chance that the Columbia la stumbling up agalnat the real thing. C. C. tiabbadge, night watchman at the O. K. a. N. dock, has accepted a position a hrakvinan on a road leading out of Purtland. Everybody invited to the necktie party to be given by Charily lodge, D. of II., Thursday evening, October 11th, at th K. of P. hall. rrvalilrnt Hammond of the A. A C. R. R. has gone to Montana on a brief business trip and experts to return Portland again on Sunday. to When In Astoria, transient guest can secur unsurpassed accommoda tions at th Astor House. Perfect cook ing and nice, olean rooms. Rates, fl Pr day. I. W, Harper's Nelson county, Ky.. whiskey. A gentleman's whiskey; whiskey for th sideboard; a whiskey fur the sick room. Bold by Foard Stokea Company, Astoria, Oregon. 3rd Hlx valiant bowler of th Multno mad club will bauit agulnst A. T. C, rfwked-hattnr next Saturday night at Ilia horn alleys. An exciting gam la expected. Ha sure to alitend tho tea and dls. .ly of hand pointed china to bt ilvon this afternoon by the young U'llis of HI. Agnm guild at tho horn of Mrs. B. Worsley, on franklin avenue. Th national bank of Aalorla war visited by th government bank ei amlners yesterday, Oregon la on of the few state In which private bank ar exempt from state supervision. Miss Hilda Lund, for several years In the ulTtr of Foard Blokes cominy. ha resigned bar poaltlon and atart to morrow for hrr old hm In Norway. whir ihe expects to viilt for some Urn. op mlta ,h 1,",,"t churrh wh,ch h" b"n "" f"r "" M ,,cn"0, nuw ' Duln nMrUMK'lta uiu oy It owner, Mr. Dorlllnr, Into a double mldance. Mr. and Mrs. K. Evandrr, Mr. J. A. Fulton, Mia Fulton. II L. Ward, Mr. and Mm. F. D. Kuettr.rr, J. A. Devlin, W. E. Dement. Mr. A. Dunbar, Mr. H. D. Thing and F. C. Reed are among Aatorlani vlaltlng Portland. Through th mletak In th copy handed In for publication yesterday, Ihe tea and display of hand painted rhlna to be given by Bt. Agne guild of! ('race church, was advertised to take place Thursday Instead of this after noon. At a meeting of the ladles of the MethiHllat church yesterday afternoon II was decided to tender Dr. and Mrs. Peart a reception at Ihe church tomor row evening. Every on Is Invited to attend and make the acquaintance of the new pastor and his wife. There are a number of Improvements being made In various parts of th cliy that In a smaller place would be con sidered quit noteworthy. Renldenrea inj l(olvhou are being erected, stores enlarged and many other evi dence of progress and growth strike the eye of a stroller 'round town. The captains of the two German hips, the Neck and th Carl, have miide a bet a to which will arrive in Europe flrst. Th Neck arrived from Portland a few day ago and the Carl arrived yesterday. Both are whu la den and they will probably be towed to sra today. ' and Oak St rncts, Portlnr d h At a apeolal meeting of tl Toriland chamber of cotninnrce, lwl'1 yesterday afternoon, a apeclal comniltua) was ap pointed to Invvatlgate th report that the Union 1'aclfla company 1 contem plating an extension of the O, It. at N. rood to the Hound. Tho cnntnlUee la uniMjevd of evmte of Portland's uwml dlNlltiKUlshod and energotic bualnees men, and It Is auid to be lite d?U-rml-nation of the Portland chamber to sift the Intentions and policy of the Union Pacific to the botltom. Th-re Is much concern throughout all ranks of busi ness tmn over the situation. "" There I sum money up In Astoria on th Columbia-Hhamrock race, but the betting doeei not keep pace with the liitt'n-st aroused. Bo far as known, the amount placed are small and no odd given, although the Columbia followers ar in a large majority, a Is natural. Ai'cunllng to the reports, eastern critics are Inclined to believe that the races attempted to be sailed so far show the Shamrock to be the btfUer boat, but local experts say that, Judging from! the bulletins, If there baa been any-! thing to indicate what the boats canj du in a good brevae, It Is In favor of the Columbia. At the regular meeting of Hotly Ranch. No, 19, United Modern Vigilan tes, (he election of officers for the en suing year was held, with the following results: Leader, C. C. Brower; veata, Mra. R. J. Voeth; aide. R. C. Voeth; vesta aide, Mrs. 8. B. 81ade; scribe, M. R Bozurlh; treasurer, D. R. Campbell; trpe. Mrs. M. II. Boiorth; acout. J. L. Crandall; examiner. Dr. 11. L. Hen dorson; guard. Mra. J. U Henderson; outer guard, I. A. Haaven; approver, W. J, Cook. Considerable business was transacted and several new memoirs' received, while prospects are good f.r! a number of Initiations at the next1 meeting. The boys who broke Into Nick Clin ton's tool chest and stole, thn-w away or destroyed a number of tools, haw been discovered. Chief of Police Hal- lock has been quietly looking up the I culprits since the matter was reported, and yterday arrested half a doxen ( youngsters whose ages range from to 1! years. 8ome of them were mixed; up In the Cedar street school affair.' Their youthfulneas makvs the case a dllllciilt one to handle, trouble evidently has nothing, and there are Their former taught them ' two or three; other gangs in town on the look-out for mischief.. The rase will be tried. before Justice Hughes. Mr. W. W. Park-T will leave In a1 few duys for Southern California to re-' i slile. Mrs. Parker has long been known in Astoria as a leader In charitable and temperance work, and was secretory and treasurer of the Rveue club for iiii;y o-j afu-r La organlxalluu. S'.ie was one of the first members of the club. Dr. O. B. Estes was Its presldei t at that time, and much guod was ac- compllshed by their combined effort, The property belonging to the club. In-' eluding a piano, chairs, etc., will be turned over to the W. C. T. U. The dlrectors and trustees of the club, as' teers. The soldier wore their blue fa well as all others Interested, are re-' tlgue uniforms. In the rifles of the men quested to meet at the ofllc of Dr. Es- had been placed bouquets of roses and tea tomorrow evening for the purpose pinks. The men appeared to be In ex of formally turning over the property. ' oellent condition, and marched like vet i ' I erans. The Third artillery and two Tinier an execution issued from the troops of cavalry followed the volun clrcult court of Multnomah county, the teers. stock of lumber, scow and tugboat be-j The entrance to the Presidio was longing to the H. B. Borthwick Lumber reached a few minutes after noon, and company wens alexed by Sheriff Llnvllle the men were given permission, tmme yesterday. The judgment is lu favor of dlattly upon their arrival at tho camp, Jas. T. Watson, trustee, and the Com-! to attend to their luggage and rest In niercial National bank of Portland, and the tents. la for S9,?.0S, $1,$JS. ...-'- fi' ' The Washington soldiers will remain and for costs. A number of defendants,' In camp for sevral weeks before going Including H. B. Borthwlck and Borth-j north to their homes, wick tc Fane are named In the Judg- The First Montana regiment played ment. The execution was not levied host to the returning Washington vol with the purpose to tie up or embar-J unteers at the Presidio today, rsss the affairs of the Borthwlck Lum-j The entire returning regiment was ber company, but was taken as a for- given luncheon In the camp of the boys trial action to keep the judgment alive of the middle Northwest. Each cotn and protect the Interests of the several pany of enlisted men entertained the Interested parties. The mill at Ooble company of corresponding letter in the and the Astoria yard will be operated Washington regiment, the banquet be; as usual. Ing spread In the company mess rooms. The officers of the Montana regiment At the special meeting of th council entertained the officers of the visiting I Wednesday night, the action of City Treasurer Carney In refusing to pay compound Interest on warrants held by J. Y. Hamilton was upheld by the coun. ell. City Attorney Allen, in giving an opinion on the subjeot .stated mat wnlle; Mr. Carney was correct f."om a com mercial standpoint, Mr. Hn,:i!l' technically right. Mr. Carney, how-J ever, refused to pay Mr. Hamilton the difference In dispute until authorized so to do by the council. The opinion of the city attorney settles the matter so fnr as the city treasurer Is concerned, unites Mr. Hamilton or the holders of similar warrants bring suit In th courts, a course not considered likely. Mr. Carney ha maintained from the beginning that his method of comput Ing Interest on warrant where partial payments were made was the proper on, and precisely th same system fol lowed by the commercial houses and bank of the city. A resolution was passed by th council directing the city treasurer to adhor to this method of paying Interest on warrants. WASHINGTON BOYS GET BIG GREETING WERE LANDED YESTERDAY Will Remain at Presidio for Some Days Ikfore Returning Home Danqneted by Mlnnesotlans. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10.-Th First Washington volunteers and the oUur soldiers who arrived here yesterday from Manila on the transport Pennsyl vania, were landed this morning and marched to the ferry building, where breakfast was served to them under the direction of the citizen1 reception com mute. The soldiers wer given a fine reception. After breakfast they were again mustered Into line and marched to th Presidio. Tbtlr route took them through the business section of the city, and all along the line they wtro received with wild hurrahs, the blowing of whistles and the firing of cannon. The new arrivals were escorted to the Prealdlo by the Presidio band, two naileries of the Third artillery, and trooo O of the Sixth cavalry. On Van Ness avenue the regiment was re Vewe)i by General Shaftcr, Governor Roavrs of Washington and Governor Stanley of Kansas. The camp for the Washington had prepared for them in advance. an(1 on arrival at the reservation very u,te na(j l0 be done to make the men comfortable. The soldiers will remain here for some time. Arrangements have been made to take them to their northern homes In special trains pro- vlded by Levi Ankeiiy, the Walla Walla millionaire, who has. a son in the reg- intent. While the speech-making was in pro- aress at the ferries, a committee of ladles from Washington were attend- Ing to the wants of the soldiers at tho breakfast table and decorating them with flowers. After breakfast the men reported bock to the transport to gt-t their arms, and shortly afterward the command to march was sounded. The prooaioii was Kd by he Third artillery band and two companies of heavy artillery. Tre governor of Wash lngton, visiting citlxens of Washington and city representative followed in carriages. Then came the First Washington bad, the drum corps and the volun- regiment in their mess hall. HOW THE CORSET CAME. Catherine de Medici first introduced the Corset into France. Her example, however, was not followed by Mary Stuart of Diana Poitiers, though It wa iulimued by all the ladles of the French court that It was utterly indlsprnsable to the beauty of the female Infancy and was fashionable more after the style of a knight's chlrass than anything else. The frameware was made entirely of iron, and the velvet which decorated the exterior only served to hide a frightful and cumbersome article of The BEE HIVE Cloi'rgCut fAen'sSisfiesrtCoit $3.50 HI., for (2I'0 2 50 Hhoes for 1.75 1.50 Hlioes lor 1.10 Udiei' Woolen Bbirt Waists, Outing Wsini 70 cents Ladies' Jackets from $2.75 to !? 00 Collarettes from fl 60 to $9.00 fxamne cur Mlliiciy Dtp't Golf llattf, all colrri bd latesl styles Our Kasteru Trimmer in the Hat De partment is proviig great sucoees. In Children's Cloaks are carrying tbe largest assortment ever before dig played in oar store. 467 COMMERCIAL ST., ASTORIA. Heretofore AwtorlanH have went away for their CALENDARS I dow hare in stock an up-to-date lme of 1900 to select from. Call and ex atnin them, Tbe moat Beautiful Variety ever displayed in the Pacific Northwest. ). 8. DF.IMXC.ER. torture. This state of things, so ruinous to health and personal conven ience, could not last long, and the ar tisans of those days gave much time and thought toward rendering the met al more light and pliable. The corset found great favor In the eye of Louis XIV., but in tbe following reign It was threatened with entire banishment from the toilet. Fashion took a rural and simple turn, many of the court celebrities being guided by the taste of Boucher, In whose picture many of them appear aa shepherds and shep herdesses. When the painter departed, however, fashion returned once more to the eccentricities and extravagau clea of former time. Corset were again forgotten during tbe revolution, being practically tabooed by the fash ionable world. The beauties of tbe day went In for classical fashions. Roman dress being held In especial esteem. The empire did away with the classic fashions, but did not take the corset back Into favor. High waists were all the vogue, and the more decollete a costume the more fashionable U was considered. With the fall of the empire came the fall of the waists, and then, as a matter of course, the return to the corset followed. of their ownetaoln n.rApk IEdi shrdlu DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between A. J. Megler and C S. Wright, under the firm name of Megler ft Wright, has this day been dissolved by mutual oon ent. Mr. Wright letirlng. All the in debtedness of tbe firm has been assum ed by Mr. Megler and all bills due the firm must be puid to him. Dated October 5th, 1S99. A. J. MEGLER, . C. S. WRIGHT. THET COT AND FIT. Two Fashionable Furriers Who Are Earning Well-Merited Approval..' . Good work, correot style and perfect fit sneak louder for the furrier than any advi rtiseintnt that can be written. Applfcilh & Prasil, the fashionable furriers, at 14S Third street, between Alder and 'Morrison, guarantee abso lute satisfaction in every case where a purchase Is made at tbeir establish ment. Both gentlemen are practical cutters and Utters, who have been em ployed In some of the largest houses In the principal clUes of tbe United States. There is a style and finish to all work turned out by this firm that stamp both gentlemen experts in this business.' Garments will be token to be made over or repaired, and the work turned out with the least possible de lay. A STRIKE EPIDEMIC. Strikes are serious things, and In view of th number that have oc curred it Is well to remember that until the cause Is removed, dissatisfaction will depreciate work and prove a men ace tc society. But It is not only the commercial life which has its strikes. The whole country is groaning under the strike of the stomach, and many people make the mistake of trying to suppress the symptoms Instead of re moving the cause. There is but on sure way of curing the Ills which arise from a rebellious stomach, and that is by an honest use of Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters. Use It for Indigestion. constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver or kidney trouble, and see that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. I FOR SALE. Improved ranch, 'consisting of 120 acres, on Young's river. Apply to John L Hayseth, Wise, Or. LOGGERS ATTENTIONI Headquarters for Cutters' Logging Shoes and Loggers' Outfits. THE RED FRONT. 269 Morrison street, Portland. FREE CURE TO ALL. If you have ecxema or ringworm, k will pay you tft write or call at J. A. Clemenson's drug store, 227 YamMll street, Portland, Or., for a sample of Cyleed, the wonderful eczema and ring worm cure. This remedy has been known for over ten years, but we have iPa' "'rt ffi W u, Cor. Ninth and Commercial Sts. never had sufficient proof of It cursv tlve power until the last year or tw to warrant putting It before the pub lie. Now we bars teen It cur so many that w ar witling- to spend a little money putting It before th public, knowing that it seeds only an Intro duction to pror a success. riaa Mlllloerr. MI83 McKKA Corner 10th and Com mercial 8ts. Watson's Restaurant WATSOH BROS., Propr-, Tondneted on the eheck ytam. them fore patron i pay lor what Uiey order and ao more. h Wi Claii Ik Uncut, Ckuptt, Int IB tunsai strtm is is jti iixrw. . 10 and 111 Fourth St. Opoaa.ia. lop.m. PORTLAND CalMlilTstM !(. The Portland Restaurant L I. rITTELllC, riopriefe r. fruit Isobi fcr Uin. 905 Washing ton i. near 3th OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 1 I E. House's Cafe, 3 128 Tairi Irect, Nrtliii, Irrfti. v 1 Th Bast Cup of Ojfle 0 or Coco in the city. 1 Cream and Milk f rum oar own reach Bom made Pies and cakes . "J Posing Specialty. HYliRfJD The Photographer N. W. Corner Seventh and Washington PORTLAND, OREG0H THE PARLOR CANDY STORE A TAGG, Proprietor. Special attention given to family orders. PURE ICBCREaM In Lame or Small Quantities. Agent for GUNT41RS CANDIES Special attention given to family orders. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CANDIES . 4S3 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon. P0VEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Fin work at Popular Prices. 327 Washington Street Next Imperial Hotel