The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 11, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    lllE MORiMXU ASTORIA N Wednesday octouek II, m.
gaily Slotodmn
Telethon Mala KL
Sent by mall, per year 4.M
Bent by mall, per moath M
Served by carrier, per month,
Sent by mall, per year, In advance $100
Postage free to subscriber!.
All communication! Intended for pub
Oration should be directed to the edi
tor. Business communlcaUooa of all
kinds and remittances must be address
ed to "The Astorlaa."
The AstorUna guarantee to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
TO ItKADKRS Tt Ih.My litorln"
rnulu iwles as aaach rvadtag matter as
say uthar paper ntU.hrd ia Aturia. It
Is tha uulj papar thai praerata lie raailars
with s Sallj trlrgraaaic report.
TO AIVk'KrHItS.-Tae "lally As
torlaa aa ..r thaa .tccaa.uii.y r.ati
rsaaaay oiu.r payor pubil.had la .t
Ha It la Iharaforo aura thaa twlra as
vsJaabla aa an aaWertiiac aaeliaaa.
The flippant tone the Oregonlan is
em and Northern Pacific It will divert
the tra.le of the Orient to Settle.
"At the present time the Central F.v
cine take most of the Union raclflc
busli.ess for the Pacific and a close
combination at this time exists between
the Northwestern, Union Pacific. Cen
tral Pacific and the a a Steamship
company. It Is known as the Ssn Fran
cisco overland route, and one man Is
its general agent at Yokohama.
"Tl.e Chicago Northwestern un
der t) new condition will be the Bret
line to be dropped. Its place will be
taken by the Illinois Central at Omaha
and the Chicago Alton at Kansas
City. The Baltimore A Ohio will be the
line fftAored from the Atlantic seaboard.
The Illinois Central also runt from New
Orltrs to Chicago via St, Louts, and if
tr. Harrlman seta the Port Arthur
rout this will give another Gulf line
reaching into Kansas City.
Thus, you see, the Northern Pacific
will be fed from all points south and
east. Chicago and Lake points. All the
large cities at the four points of the
comisvs will be roots of the Harrlman
tree. The trunk will be the present
Union Pacific and Its Oregon Short
Line connections into Seattle. The har
vest of the great line will be found
In the Hawaiian islanda, tiw Orient and
the Philippines.
"It u not at all probable but that If
the construction is made to Settle you
will see an agreement between the
Northtteotern, Burlington and Central
Paci lc working toward San Francisco,
but the Union Pacific will tap the great
market centers doing business with the
far east and will practically be In con
trol, together with the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific of the Oriental
business. It will also mean that Seat
tle will be built up at the expense of
San Franclnoo. The vast amount of
business now bWng held by San Fran
cisco owing to its present transconti
nental traffic arrangement will be
transferred to Seattle and made a part
of the volume of business to be trans-
I acted at this point
j "It will also mean a lower frvtght
i rate to the Orient. This I will explain
! by saying that the San Francisco lines'
Priors of Horses a md Mules Grrally
Advinced by the Philippine
and Boer Win.
New Tork Tribune.
Had the sixteen mules who on Sun
day afternoon dashed through Fortieth
say, that are to be purchased on these
orders are the heavy, well built horses,
chiefly from the Middle states, ht
are at present greatly favored In Lon.
don for cab and draught purposes.
They are valued at from HM to 1150
each, and stand on the average about
l hands high. The mules that are to
be looked nut for are those of excellent
"There should he a record," he says,
'f every corporation, that Ihe public
may know at all times whether It Is
worthy of credit and confidence," In
return for benefits couforred corpora
tions, he add, "should he willing that
their transaction should be an open
book so that we may know what they
I aiv and who they are." Republicans
approach this subject meaning busi
ness. Democrats surround It with
quality, nut not of the best sort. The. demagogic humbug and crookedness,
finest American mule today costs from They are opposed to republican prlncl.
tin to . aa much aa a first class'1'1''" ml '"Iwtstratlon and not to
horse of equal draught power, and he1 I! "iT'
" they would fire all their ammunition
runs from Ki to 1"H hands high, at before reaching them,
times even up to IS hands. The Mis-' -
sour! stock Is perhaps the best known.1 M,,r l)'r-, I ." M the
... . i tail member of the millionaires' club.
The British government Is under- ...
I "that there are noblemen going around
stood to be looking out for a class of disguised aa tramps,"
mule somewhat smaller and less ex- "That may tie," asswitod the member
pensive. It has. U Is snld. fixed upon wllh marriageable daughters, "but
for I tramps
i noblemen,
, I hat I wish to took out
going around disguised ai
st. from the North River to First -a ve. a mule IS hands high and coating about
In one exciting charge put their heads j I US. of the same general stock, how
together to bring before the public an ever.
American sode In th Transvaal Imborg- tt la Interesting to note that there Is
Ho. they could have devised no better ( this demand for American stock, de
way. Not only are the mules now spite the present high prices. Horses
famous, but they hav again called at- nd mules for draught purposes sell
tontlon to tha rumora that th Rritlah nearly 33 ner oent hlahee than lhv
J. 11,1 . , tm. ..l-.... J ftwiwoeil fcplr-mlwr 1.1
-a B- - - ,tlress.
ties horses and mules for South Africa, loes not seem to have deferred the
The sixteen mules who bolted and ran British war office, however. In all, MISS ELKSORK TUIBUKT I'll
For circulars
were part of an consignment of sixty- probability the export figures will noti
seven now awaiting In the city ship- exceed those of last year, because of
ment abroad.
Agents of the British government. It
this considemition,
happened, was a
Last year, as It '
banner year, and', Portland Oregon
Telephone Ptdjoi.
la stated by the leading horse? dealers a'ruck the top notch by some thous
and shippers of New Tork last night, an Is. In all, 5S.0OO head of horse and
are now In this country picking up niules were eiported. 80 per cent of
horses and mules by the hundred and them from New York, one single line
arranging for speedy shipment. One 'carrying 15.W0. The export figures for
story has It that two British army offl-j 197 showed 45.WO. a great Increase
eers have arranged to send out two over f. Without the purchases of
ships from the coast of Florida within the British government, this year's fig
the next few weeks, Tampa probably ures will. It a said, touch 50.0W at the
to be the port, one with XK niules lowest. The entire trade Is less than
aboaid. thr other with 600. These offl-' ten years old.
; Andrew Lake
...Merchant Tailor...
I'crfcct fit Guaranteed. Low Trices.
Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Dons.
will under any new arrangement con-
pleased to assume toward the grave j troI an amount of business which will
question oi Jim mil l designs in tore- . prooaoiy warrant the orTatlon of a'
Irx the O. R. & N. eomoanv to extend U" of Kteamers for freight and pas-
sencer business to the Orient. This uu-iner are n w Dougni ior
will then be strictly a competitive line' use In South Africa. This, the horse
j cUls will travel through Missouri and'
Kentucky, making tholr purchases. J
l Anotner story Is that 12.000 horses and
Its line to Seattle may fool the few
Portland people to whom that astonish
lrg piece of news Just now an absorb
ing topic of discussion In the railroad
world has only penetrated as a vague
rumcr, but intelligent men ouulde of
your house
of business
anl for the purposes of trade win be
obliged to keep operative a low freight
"The opinion prevailing In
the L.i5t Is that In its absorption of the
two Oregon lines the I'nion Pacific
Portland who read other papers than sveurvd control of the situation, and
the Orezonian Will not be ao ensilv Dae. Will he .hU hv an arrancrm.t nidi
Hied. The Post-lntelllgencvr Is ordin'K northwestern transcon-1 ,helr order' 'nJ lo " ,n S,,,,,h
rtly a rcpeotable and reliable paper. Mii 'ine8 t0 uct l' A,r,M ,lr tM pUrpn"' the
Bnrt !1tU,1 lin a rutPt a M nolnt tilnk ! ? hJ litntf waan L-nnn-n ttta Amusat
aii4 at (rvi k oat, una i 1 1. n II IV 1 1 l - " ' a vht ii nintnii t il ca.v niliri I-
will be the chief one on the coast for
firm of Fiss, Poerr Carroll say, Is
their understanding of the situation,
and they further state that 1.100 of
these are ordered for Immediate ship-'
ment. The. sixty-seven mules that ar
rived In this city on Sunday came to
Mr. McLean, th democratic candi
date for governor of Ohio, ought to
know something about trusts a-id bis !
corporations. He hits made $!S.O"' , n nnt, C t a I
by Investing In them and Is the .resl-' flpOl UclS LUiTipS
d-nt of ,he Washington Gas Light1 100-candl. bower at a enat
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco, ttl Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven, Wasn.
Astoria, Ore.
Writ Um for PrUsi
Handles Only the Choicest Aleats
JIB Ml., mmt PaaJsMls. ItMlAoartu.!.
Pacific N a vigation Com pan y
tt P. Blmora
W. II. Ilnrrlwon
OoniMotiiig tt Astoria with tlis Oregon lUllnl Jt ,Nigsllon Co. for
San Kranclsco, lVrtland and all ihjIiiIs east. Kur freighl suJ passno.
ger rates ap;ily I rlnniMol Hlntor Si Co.
( .r.l Ageiila, AHTOKIA. ORE.
COHS ACO AgetiU, Orego din" Navigation Co.,
Open Day
and Night.
W. V. Whlpple.IYoprUt: r
Siaot the publication of the article re
produced by the Astorian last Saturday Oriental tradt
morning, the Seattle paper has not
omitted In a single issue to dtote WAR AND PEACE STILL IN THE
more space to the reiteration of Its a-
csn Horses are meeting exceptional
favor abroad, but It was not hitherto
understood that our stock was so high
ly regarded, as this action of the Rrit-
t'umpany. lth a salary double,
rtnelved by the governor of the state'
Irf whlrh hf spends a few week when'
a candidate. The pint form on which'
h Is running akos the usual d-nio-
cratlc corkscrvw course on trusts. It
declares that 'all unlawful coiiiblna
tlons of capital aiv the llgitlmxte fruits
of a gold Mandord and other cmi
republican registatlon on questions of
tariff' Mr. McLean personally reoom-'
mends something In addition to this.!
of lc for three hsurs.
Miller & Barnaberg, Agents
40S Bond Street, Astoria.
Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco
53 8Conimerciul St., AHtnrla, Oregon
of the pudding la In tha aattag
and th proof of liquors
ish War Office would seem to In.llcate. ' though It amounts to nothing when
Pome horse dealers and experts here 1 analyied. "The only practical n-ine,iy! ... . . ....
that suggests lts..f to my mind." hel 111 Aflr I I njll
would be a limit ss to capltall-
em to Seattle, where it may be divided
among the members of the Northwest
ertions and the discu.eion of the pur-
i Philadelphia Times.
u-vi . i - r, a i . .
iw oeiiii.u me ,v. n. tt .. B move aim Tu,. .
, , 'ho Transial mtuati.m contimu-s I fAV that they cannot understand It.
Us probable effect on Seattle. , uiKhaured. and there is nothing on
The purpose is distinctly stated to be. tl.e surface Co indicate what the ultl-! j. j . , tatun BrHj on tne 1)p,flts of that capl-
that of diverting the trade of the Orl-..'1 "'come will be. M-mbera of the!an "Pl'"""1' ' Emslie's the horse, tallsation " He falls t.) say what the
uir.-i a'j ii&.v nail I. niim rnain 8 lal- f.'i lei, uir iuii,.-iii. mi cull up- iiii'ii numn in iti'.ii.-i . iiii.uhii
est dispatch before them, and are now on all the cab cotnpanUs and all the' he remarks that ln-etors are satlnfl.-d
probably aware of the terms of the i . .n ... ,,. .v, ...... w'th a nAtf 5 P"r emt In these times.
railroad combination, and Its effect will rply drafted by President Kruger and ! Irtoine Inwstors are. Trusts are nut.
be to build up Seattle as the chief port Lis advisers. On the reply will hinge They ,,ay 8om,'thlnf llke ,en "hlllinBs Thlr watpw, capml llllulUly rpr,.
on the Pacific coast for the Oriental UarK,!ly' or "ntl,vl'- the the!a VK,r for eaoh hor9e' and ran 1 ni necr Per cnt than 6 per
n;ur. .r left to himself and allnwed; tuem out at a moment s notice. I cent, unci no one is practically better
m hampered to continue his traditional' ran t s why they should buy Ameri- ac()ualnted with the fact than Is the
jKillcv. Kmer may mwi EiiKiand s de. ' , ,. . . demix'ratlc candidate fir governor of
, . , , R i run horses. They could get horws far ,
ir.inds oy alternative projios-ils that' , Ohio.
would leave Jxrd Salisbury a loop hole ' cne"P"r ln Australia. , TurnlnK to Mr. sumh, the republican
t retire "wl'h honor" from a position I "A' to mules," said another man. candidate, who has neither a bar'! nor
in whlth England has neither th- sym-t "we have already exDorted them to trust affiliations, the subject Is ait once
trade. What the Oregonlan means by
Its trifling allusions to the Astorian's
discussion of so important a question,
or why that paper, whatever Its opin
ion regarding the probability of the
consummation of the plan, doesn't pub
lish the rumors relating to It as a mat. ;
ter of mere news, ft Is difficult to under.'
That's an argument that's
clusira a demonstration.
Ours will stand tha taat.
ptithy of ihe nations nor even the mor
al suppjrt of a large number of her
But It is evident that President Kru-
South Africa from here, and the British
War Office must have noticed of what
value they have been. Not many
mules have gone abroad, and especially
stand. It will not do to dismiss the
. Kr is no longer a free agent n this
matter as of no consequence, for even' ... . , . !
. grave mailer. Herein lies the danger,
if the reports In circulation are untrue. Trw younger element of the Boer com
the fact, as stated by h Post-Intel-1 munlty, taught from helr childhood
Ilsvnrwr thai thev constitute "the nnn. ' to regard England as the unrelenting-
roe or tne Transvaal, are quite willing! erase 'r. so Fevarm hi oouui am
I If not qui.e anxious to try conclusions - ca. that drives horses wild, and It can
. with the hated Britons. They have rtn orl ork in a ramDSlirn. If It pan.
pons s sunicieni. ikwj viiue w jumiy neara or .vajuba Hill and think they!
. I j.. . ; not
tbelr publication in any general news- " iiuput-aie u, na conscious tnat i
not only the Orange Free State, but 1
all Dutch South Africa Is on their'
lifted to the level of a direct purpose
to do something and an Intelligent
knowledge of how to begin. Mr. Nash
says that before the state should per
mlt a corporation to operate It should
to South Africa, h is true, but enoush require that all. or nearly all, of the
, , I capital ftock to be paid In money and
actually Invested In the business,
thing the mule Is never troubled by the
eJpal subject of discussion among rail
road men these days," gives the re-
If the Astoria chamber of commerce
be fed oftener than once In 24
The horses,
Flss, Doerr 4 Carrolll
should take hold of Ahe matter and ln
side, ithey are a grave and standing
, menao? to the maintenance of neace. I
vestlgate a rumor so pregnant with' A few days, probably a few hour, I
eorioern for Oregon and bring It to the' mal' -ctie the fate of the Transvaal!
attention of all the boards of trade in' an! hr PP,lb"C- By yW'llr"f 8
, ., . , , . , Iibtle President Kxuger can stave off.'
the Columbian basin. It is doubtful If fw a Ume M a dsaatroug war I
a single member of Portland's chamber Should, however, his reply render all'
of commerce has even so much as heard further negotiations Impossible the '
of the rumor. The Oregonlan has a mo-' wor,', wlth admiration for!
,j , ., , their pluck and pity for their fate a'
nnpoly of the news field In Portland, ... , , , ' , . ' a.
Mlberty-loving and God-fearing people,
and so long as any item is kft out of deprived of their Independence and ah-1
tts various publications the general sorted In th Insatiable maw of the'
public of Portland might go on for' mo,,t voracious land-grabber the world'
months and years without ever hearing has eTer known- j
! Although conRTess voted ma
in its runner discussion or the mat- A imirai uewey starr officer as lon
ter, the Post-Intelllgeneer ln last Mon-' tt8 88 el&hteen months, they have not
day's edition says: I yt lf,n P"1- 'hat three r.ffl.-
t un o, uicu , m. urumoy, Lien-'
The r-.mored movement on the part of tenanf H H Caldwell and Ensign W
le Union Pacific to extend the Oregon, F It. of all those who fought In the
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not, something must be
wrong with its food. If the 7
mother's milk doesn't nour
ish it, she needs SCOTTS
EMULSION. It unriliM the
to' elements of hi required for
18 ! ? the baby. If baby is not
s nourished by its artificial I
food, then it requires
battle or Manila bay, were the only
I men In the New York Dewey celebra
tion that did not wear mMals
Short Line Into Seattle is the principal
subject of discussion among railroad
men these days, and the general ex-
preswn Deer is tnai mere is more b0fIy se(ms able t0 xp)aIn why
truth than fiction ln the report. ( m.dau have not been
At the present time several eastern j
railroad officials are ln the city. In
speaking of the matter yesterday one of' The French authorltlr., have sup
theee ln an Interview, said: "The ru-1 ?r"f C,harreUP'" a mu"1" ha"
mor of the Union Pacific extension into' bil,la3' Whlch ls uMd to deal with
s-at.H. I. nm local. It ha.. hm dls. thp ,ove affalrs of a nuP r. sties
.,,...1 m nmv,s nrl rhlcao tvr two1 bause, by an Ingenious arrangem
Wk, rBt if it nn rarrv nut I ' wor''B- ,ne chorus when singing ra;
the policy outlined it will mean a hard' ,d,y 80U"ds M though th ",n n
blow for San Francisco. It will mean1 8ay nf ,hf n,y the eff',rt ' M. D,-
hl that unrlM- the rrnnhlnatlon ar-' car or Stat" out
.rangoment with bath the Great North
I of the hole.
I Scott's Emulsion I
Half a teaspoonful three
I or four times a day in its
i bottle will have the desired
? effect It seems to have a
I matfical effect uoon babies
i anrf r.hilHrp.n. A fiffv.rnt 4
bottle will provs thz truth
D-! , of our statement j. J
: juuutu us MAtu in tuiuiuwr mm
well aa winter.
50c. anil f '.'e. ll '1-'r?'Tili.
f SCOTT oiBOWNb, (, Iww'
Oh, the Pain of
Misainstiinj often causes tha most In
Imn itrfrennfl. Many havs for Man
w-j sougni reiiM irom Uilt aiiabllng
dlseas, and are to-day worts off than
err. BhAumatism is a blood dtsease,
nd Swift's fipecifi Is the only euro, be
cause it is wo oniy ram say waioh can
reaoh such deep-sea tod diseases.
A fair rears ago I vu Ukin vita laflasMaa
lory Bhaumstlnn, wbioh besams so islaass
that I was for weeks unable to walk. I triad
aereral tromlaat phjsl
elsm and look thalr traal.
ment faithfully, but was
unable to gt th slight
at relief, In fast, my son.
dltlon sctmad to grow
worst, lbs disease spraad
ortr myaaUrt body, and
from November to March
I snflarad agosy. I tried
maigr palest madlalaas,
tsontbt sUtI
ormareury. I felt so nih bttlaislui
rai noae reuarca me,
ss of a
I ta tee
1. 1, s. Before allowing me to take tt. hoV-
aJ. A. Fastabend
and Guilder
Houso-iiiovin Tools tor Rent.
Carpenter- and Builder
General Contractor
end I decided to
sew. my guardian, who was a (hernial, ana
lyses ia remedy, and nronounced it bee ol
l hra bottles, thai 1 eonUnuad tba ram.
f.aodln two mon. In 1 wasouradoompleMy.
ft was permanenl, Kir l.hiTe navatalnoe
a louaa of KUeamatltm ttaonsh mi
i strposed to damp and cold wraibi
BLSA.SOB M. TirpaLf..
ITU reweltoa Arenue, Valladslphla.
Don't suffer longer with Bheumatlsm.
Throw aside your oils and liniments, as
nsy can not reach yotirtrouble. Don't
experiment with doctors their potato
aod mercury will add to your disabil
ity and completely destroy your diges
tion. S.S.S.rfneBlood
Will euro perfectly and permanently.
U is guaranteed purely vegetable, and
ooo tains no potash, meroury, or other
mineral. ' Books mailed tree by Bwtft
Specific Qo., Atlanta, Os.
Cor. Second and Morrison its.,
Th regular annual esslon begins
October I, 1899. Last day tot entranos
Is Ooloher 11. The course of instruc
Hon In this college Is In advance, or
rather more extended, than are the
requirements of the National Associa
tion of Dental College facilities. For
catalogues and further particulars, ap
ply at the college building, or to
109 Oregonlan Building.
DR B. B. WRIGHT, BeoreUry,
tOt Dekum Building.
Colombia Eleetrie & Repair Go
SueeeHMor to
Kept la Stock
Logging Engines. IImIII and Repaired
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially
Sole Manufacturers of the To-surpassed
... " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ...
Contractors for Llwtric Light and Power PlnnU.
All 15c cigars joc
El Palencia 0c
El Bolmont (Jc
Ocn. Arthur I0c
Loland Stanford 10c
Sanchez Y Hyas 10c
All 6c cigars 6 for 2fc
J. F. HANDLEY and Co.
Cut rate cigar and nows dealers, Perkins Hotel building,
Astoria Public Library
Op every .ay from I oetoek to I'M
. and l:M to l:M p. as.
B'lbacrlutlon rates tt per annum.
West Cor. Eleranth anil Duaae Itraata
M. Regular communications held on
tbs first and third Tuesday evening of
each month. J. N. GRIFFIN, W.
M.; E. C. HOLD EN, Secretary.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronlo dlaaaaea .i.a .. ....
stomach disorders. oonstlDaUon. diarrhea "LV..
disease, ato. f..m swoningsj, ur.igni
Complaints, painful, difficult, too freiuent, milky or hlmdv urlna.
unnatural discharges speedily cured. Wooaf wrtn
Buoh aa piles, fistula, fl-.urs, ulotratlon, mucous and bloody dls
charges cured without tits knife, pain or confinement
Blood poison, fleet, strlctuis, unnatural losses. ImDotsnov thnmue-h.
ly cured. No failures. Cures riaranteed "npowncy, tnorougn-
YpUNO MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams exhausUnt
drains, bashfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you t JoS
MIDDLR-AOKD MEN, who from excess,, and ,trSn have lost
their MtNLY POWER. Kraum, navs I0
BLOOD AND BKIN DIBBJAHES, Byphllls. QonorrhoM. nalnfuL
bloody urine, Oleet. Btrlcture, enlargd prolate Be.ut?" r?.hMU.
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kidney and LlVer troubl. ' cured WITHOUT
Rheumatism CURED. "uuu. Catarrh and
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific Hs used no oat
ent nostrums or ready-mads preparations, but cures the disJaa. trV
thorough medical treatment. His New tnumtiStm PtUl
e. sent Tree to all men who describe thS?25Jbff WenUS
at horns. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in nlalri .nvaloa!
ConsulUtlon fre and sacredly confidential. CaU on or iddrSsV
Doctor Walker, 132 Flrnt St., Cor. Aider, Portland, Or.