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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1899)
'IHJ5 MUUII10 ASTUKfAN WEDKEnriroCioirKUTr. Tk9. ACTSCtNTLV ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels acANSES the System ,,5P EFFECTUALLY OVIRCOMWJ'.- PERMANENTLY tvt t( atMuiNi - wan r o tv On retlmale of th- numlwr f wd dim prettnls rwxlvrd by the Prlro and Princes Caiitoune put It at I. MO. M1MIMI Awful Itchlngof Eczema Dreadful Scaling of Psoriasis CURED BY CUT1CURA Cirrircfta SoAr, to elatnt th skin, CtmrrftA Ointment, to bal the tain, and Cvncva ItatonsHT, to cool Ike blond, take the raual cotiiplaw aud ipeaJy cut traatmsnt for torturing, dlaflgarln. ho nor, rathse, and Irrlutloue, with k of hair, which have defied theaklll of Ike beet Bhytlclana and all oilier ranedlo. -.THE SET $1.25 ( bar, Ik i (ktmn, Ml bmnn, . a wrtbn rmUl'. C.r r, . lAhnr rlda ua of thr groat v1l; li kaitjnattraa, vie and poverty. Dc Shilohsl Counh and fknnniniinn Cure? 'A Thltfi hrrmitl qur-.'lnn ih 'Mi niiMt ftiKxfkAful I uiiL'h M I'll I'ltil tfrt known t( w irliro; II 1 if? tew itori liivuriarily rui thr U$j vrnr-t . ni ( mttrn, Croup Hi mw MnHt liitin. whiU 1U won W Ovi Cut itKvtit III U)t v mo v( Conttimplmn U without a par- llrl lllllir li .! ) el llilii.u:if, pirn Iti fjit discovery It haf been itoiit tn A fiuiuiitre a Vi abith nu iniivf iikjiIIcIb run Miami- 11 von have a Cough, we ernet'y oak yon tiilcr 11. In l'niu.l M.teaeiid ('nnilit V . v, nnja.iin.and In KiiKlaml It, ! ,, kl i4 4a W. 1 SOLC PROPRIETORS 5.C.WELLS&Cal An evil Intention pervcrU th bet actions and make them etne. lhi tiny Cgpeuleitr superior to tsaiwm or v.odid ,-. Cubb or Injaetiont andirrmf CURE IN 48 HOURS"""" the uma diKMtl wHtvw out Ineortvenlenc. v all lirurfiitt. TURNING TAIL. WiiHlilimton Pat. "Appnrent proeperlty" la a term now finding He way Into the remarka of the di-iiiocratlo loadora. It li a euro sign of rotroat on the calamity leaue. Pears' Pears' soap is dried a whole year. That's why it lasts so. If? IE ROY. N.Y. Ill CHANGES TO BE MADE IN ARMY PERSONNEL Retirement of Shatter Will Cause Either Pro motion or Retirement of Five Colonels. SHAFTER MAY Strong Hopes That Congress Will Hot Ignore H!m-MacArtnur and Uwton Stated for Brigadier General WitnCbancts lb Favor of . NKW YOHK, CM. 10 -A ipt'CIII ' Tito rttirt incut of (Jt iurnl (Vtoltcr Ki pruininn t KaJ to tlio I wist (ivo polnmlu its lirij.'ndier-j'iir'riilH und to ii the way for tin-rti(lc-nt to rwniii.o tho consj.icuoiH m hii vi monts f two t-tiill- oiicIh, I .aw tn ami MiicArtluir, by tlx' lim. (ifiurl Shuftor will reutli tlic Octolx r lii, but it in ngn til lie will 1 juirt tiM nt of Ciilifornin, willi tin' Hciu ral, until uftt'i' tin1 voluntftrs hiustir out. inn! until tin1 liif-t of tliu dtnrtwl ncroMi tin I'licift. : There l a at ron g hox al ka4iiuar. t. re that ongrwe will mH Ignore BhaN, Ift'e tiTvh-e at Bantliigf and Ban Tntn- i-l0. and that he will no r-tlird by api-rlnl art t Irturt at major geiKrnl. The prfwldont la eald to conti-iiiptate recuinmf tilling euch actli,by congn-a at eny rate. 'or the vacancy cauted by Shnfter'e retirement from the regular eervlco It le expected Dial Colonel Louie II. rar p.mter. rtoyal T. Frank. Alexand. r C. M. Pennington. Andrew ft. rturt and Rnmuel 0-erahlne will he euconalvely promoted to the rank of brtgailh-r gen- eral and Immediately rwtlred. , Thiae oflrere are all entllM to retire on their own application on account of age or long eervlce at th preeent time, I .. . - e . ..,-.. - the vacancy aa nnpuiior grn.-nii i i go either to MacArthur or Lawt.ui.j with the chance In favor of the Int., ter. ENOl.AND WENT PLOW. Forced Renponalblllty of r.-clarlng Wnrl Vpon the riuem. j NKW YORK. Oct. 10.-A dlaimlch to the Tribune from London aaye: The ningnltude and delllertitlon of the Dtltlnh prermratlons for war ur- now- regarttoil by many keen oWrvera, nt enfeguiinlii agnlnat houtllltl.. An itr.alv campaign la deferred there ty until the nd of November, and the rtpptnrilbllltr fr acclaring war le forced upon the IWra. who will unite the Kngllah people Rgitlntt them by any overt net agilnat Natal. ITnleea they are willing to face hl respontlblllty and put thenwlve on thrf wrung elde of the moral nitration, they will keep their ll-oignnlx.d army encftoipod on the bordere for nearly two nnntha. until the Ttrltlh are prepared to attack them with m overwhelming 'ft red. . jt. - Men who have be-m In South Africa are rmpnaiic n u"ir u.. . i Athr ntlAu-k within a int nmn iiiur it week or run the risk of having a die contented and detnomlUed nrmy at the em! of November. Pelay and maeterly inectlvlty are on the elde of the Vg bnltnllone, A prominent liberal ume up Tranavnnl eltuatlon In this way: the ' It will not be a campaign, but a .. . imnerlnl ntirpoiiea the b'.tfgeet ever known of red roate. Km ger hn forced ua to eend BO.flOO regti r.. In addition to- the SO.OOfl alrendy dlHpatchcd, and there will be no tight. In. in the end, elno the anlWt dop- pell enn unnVnuUnfl ithnt there te r,o chance of defeating a fore or -urn n nrnlt-lde. Money will not be wnatd. tlnce thin tine pnrndo will convince everybody everywhere that England Ib the paramount power In South Africa." HEALTH OF TOTITO RIfO ARMY, WASHINGTON. Oct. lO.-Surgoon Oenernl Sternberg ha received a p.T annnl letter from Major Valery Hnvnrd. . . . . the rtennrtment of enter mu'-"" - Santiago and Puerto Trlnclpe, in which BE RECOGNIZED tbe Latter. 1 to tho Triliune from Wh Muiftcr from the H-gula nrmy i inut ii i uiiil rttirt iiunt of 11 limiting tln'in m iicrnl "NicTrs of cnmjiuNory ntin nit nt up- on lie continual in cniiiii,iiinl of the jirm-nt voluntu r runk of major- luivi' ri tiiinnl !rom .Manila for new infnhtry n (.inifnt have Iu Uv dctuile of an -xt-nd-d trip IItoukIi the two provlncva with (k-nrraJ o... Hi eayt th.y hav quit nuinlwr or vmte nn the orth cixnt. and he haa lwn iiirprlB-il to ee hnw heallhy they ar. the n--ntK.' nf tick aeldom exceeding 5, the trouble blng montly malaria of a mild tMe. TI1R RorilH AND THE TOUGH Well IVflned Dlfferenoe Between th Two Extreme. Ae "rtmh'' and the ' tough' are not fieiiuently dlatlngulnhrd by well-mean-Irg but undecernlng people, an effirt will be made to point out the different- between them and o r'lleve the one of the odium which the other by menta haa cant upon him. r4"Jt(h l man who by his atrug. (gl,., with nature In her eterneet m.xKle and humanity not refined, ha acquired their outward eigne and Inn. r mrength h "".' ' 'fm the dre- nnd -t- inritrt ci a tpcclallxttj cIvlllxAtlon. The rough surrounding rough thing learn their truth and knowt thlr beaut). The tough ecorna redni-ment and knowe no good of her. A rough le no rougher than he need be, but a tough Is as tough a he can be, and takes pride In his toughnees. His only heroes are beings tougher than himself. Ruth are slaves to style, but that of the rough Is a hat-rim turned back from fearless face, while the tough pulls his hat down over his leering eyes fend thrusts his Jaw forward In Imita tion of the undershot cur nt his heels. Cowboys, lumhermen and sailors are roughs; strike organizers, politicians , lege at No. 414 Yamhill street, Portland, an I other loafr are toughs. The u prepared to accommodate ft large rough works hard In the open air, but number of pupils thl year. Already the tough never works except when ' the classes are well crowded, a fact sentenced. The tough want every one that Indicate the excellent character of to know that he Is a "scrapper," but the Institution. nevr fights until sure of a victory. A . " """ rough kovpa the pence as long as con- Smoker, read-All 18 cent Olgar. 10 venlent and then fight all comers. The cents: El Talencla. 10 cents: El Be tough ha never made a soldier, and Imont. 11 cents; General Arthur, 10 will not atand fire, a tried In the cents; Lelnnd Stanford. 10 cents; San- civil war, when a regiment from the che Y, Hyas. 10 cents; All 5 cent, 6 for flowery was frequently sent townrd 25 J- F- Hn"ey & Co.. cut the front, but never arrive.!. . rate cigar and newsdealer. Perkins Dewey', men, ShafteT' men nnd thejtl building, Portland, Ore. hien of the Eighth Corps were roughs, ' because our regulars and out blue Jack ' Why is Watson' restaurant tn Port em are roughs, and the volunteer gTowa and patronized by thousands of people roltgh as he learns to soldier. ' daily? Simply because It is the largest, A rough transplanted to soenes of lux- finest and best equipped eating resort our and ease may lose some of his su-' on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau pernclal traits, but never his manhood. ! rant ha slxty-elght whit employe on Give ft tough money or place and he become either a fool, a dude or a cad, or all three. Convert one, make a preacher of him, and he Is a tough at heart still, because he Is prouder of his toiighhood day than his work for the Lord. ' The "knights of old with spurs of gold" never had the heart-felt chivalry of the rough, nor his regard for vir tue, who will never montlon sister, trothcr or sweetheart except when with manly men. The tough believe vir tue a myth, and will purr smoKe in a lady face or stand on a corner with a smlrV fe'.ooned with tobacco Juice nnd try to "make ft mash." The tough amuses himself with dog fights and bull fights, and thus almost Miches the moral elevation of the con leitimts. A tough may attend ono bull flsht, but he will sympathize with the bull. Ulysses, Mlltlndes, Alexander In his younger days, Caesar. Hannibal, Charles Martel, Richard Coeur de Leon, Plr Walter Raleigh, John Smith of, Putnam, Morgan, Jackson, Sherman, Sheridan, Mosby. Old Ken- tucU Jim Bludso, and Sen Jucfclln were rough. ' Hiunn, Goliath, Tarquen Bcrerruy Nero, John I, Bill Byke were toughf. A rough may nut be svsalnt, but he In & niarill-r man than moot saintly aapl rairta, A to'jgh may not be a fl-nd, but It la from lack of opportunity, not Intention. ThM trrfll)le dixy " ' I" U wlikb wnmru err aulijrV ait dur Uliir (Hurt In trn tn i,nir wruknrat or Utiliriiltliy run diinm ( Hi' dlMinctljr frmi nin oiKmlll. Tlic Ktrilf dmir in K-n-rel tai-tlie dort mil Imlf irelitt lhi. He iitrncrilxt tome atifM-rfi. ril irrainiriit ff heauvhe ir dypr iu ur liver Uoulile witliuot j tiiM.rtting the reel mute of thr ' dllTHUlty. A woman usually amlrrsttndt wnai isinv irouuir um iu w w undergo the pi(-tifying nd gen- TT eially urlra"ciBinmaliona" aud U "local application" en which the loesl practitioner ia almotl sure lu inuU iiut tlifit It far more Miitible ulti rutuve : Any womta afflicted -ith ilclindr vee.V neaa of thia nature thuuld aeek the aid of that mirvelout "Havmile l'recriiliuti " Invented bv Dr. R. V. Pierre, chief consult trig phyoirian of the Invalid.' Hotel and Sotgiinl linlitute, of DurTalo, N. Y. In env cue so otntintte at not to be promptly cured by tliit great " FremTip lion" vcial advice for inexp'inive home treittment adapted to the individual cute, will be aent by Dr. I'irrce to any one who will addic. him by mail. All letters air treated with the ttiuttBl privacy and never printed except 1 the writrr't iperiil leqneat. CaM't intfunted to hit cart are in the hand of one who has a liltlime't ex pert' nee and who aUnda amting the moM eminent of living .pecialiU in this par ticular field of practice. Every woman thnuld poaaett e copy of Dr. IMerce't fawout thouaand pace illua Iratrd volume, the Common Sense Midicd Adviw-r which ha bad a larger aole thin any medical book in any Uiiguagc. A paper hound copv will be aent abwlntely fret on receipt of Ji one -cent tutnp to fay the cost of mailing only AililriM World't l)ipentary Medical Ataoci.tllon, Hnffalo, N. V . or tend v atampa for cloth bound copy. A whole medical library ie one louopage volume. BEECHAnTS PILLS t Cure Pain in the i Stomach and Distress After Eating. I i io cents and25cents,Drnce:ists NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Da vou want a rood mal when you vitlt Portland? If to. go to the roit-! land restaurant, 105 Washington street j E. House's Cafe at 12$ Third treet. Portland, la regarded by many people. a the leading rertaurant in th Pa- cific Northwest A good meal with meat, rich In flavor. V and one you will enjoy with a relish. Is Just what you get at the Creamer! restaurant. 271 Washington street, near Third. Try It when you ge to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and mis going to the Creamerle Restau rant, 271 Washington St., you may con sider that your trip will not be ft uo ccss, a other will tell you, who do not mis It .-.. Holme' English and Business Col it pay roll. Remember the location. 109-11 Fourth treet Th Pernln method of northand 1 being taught by Mr. H. W. Behnk In the Oregonlan building at Portland. The Pernln system is not only extreme ly legible after being written, but I excepUonably rapid. It Is said that student under Mr. Behnke' direction attain success in one-half the time es sential with either Graham, Munson or Pitman methods. This school Is open day and night. A tailoring establishment of om pretentions, located on Washington street. Portland, claim to have made 47 suits for dressy Astorlans during the past six months. This statement 1 de nied by the firm of Povey ft Blrcha.1, at s?7 Washington street, near the Im- perial hotel, who are patronized by the great majority of outside customers. Povey & Blrchall make the swell suit for most of the stylish Portlanders, and fel that they are not excelled by any Portland firm for out of town juit- , ronag. . r v r. : .1 t v.- "HARD IN OLD KEN TUCKY." From ths Washington Post. Tho election law dcelgned by th Hon. I It II Oo-bel may do the business, but It ha stirred up some very lively passenger. For ma.iy year vclenc baa studied liquors. Result th whole world use whiskey. It haa proven th best stim ulant and doe not Injur nerve and tissue Ilk coca wine and other drug ged compound. And Harper Whlskoy Is the Ideal whiskey. Bold by Foard at Btokea Co.. Astoria Oregon. H irnebody announce that ha Is go ing to give Dewey a monster scrap. book containing all tbe fxwtry that ha been written about him. Bo It will b two that evjn Dewey Is not wllfiout eneml :. loreph Btockford, Hodgdon, M . heal, cd a sore running for seventeen year and cured hi pile of long standing by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin disease. For sale by Char Iks Kogera. A London correspondent announce IT WAS tha. the conjugal relation bexwa.-o' cty .D(1 politic. There are now Nat Qoodwlu and Maxlne Elliott ftr,n tn9 clty & gM Francisco 100r) na eomewhit lrlned. It Un't likely,' u . chines of legal voting age. however, thai Nat will be prostrated Dy tho trouble, whatever It may be. Millions of dollar 1 th value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., o:i tho life of her child, which she sav - ed from croup by tbe use of On Min ute t'nugh Cur. It cure all coughs, colds and throat and lung trouble. For calc by Charles Roger. Richard Crokvr i again in eupreme control of N?w York. Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cor will digest what yon eat It cure all forme of dyspepsia and stomach trou bles. i:. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tec, suys. "it relelved me from the start and cured me. It 1 now my ever lasting friend." Bold by Chaa. Rogers. Mn exist for the sake of on an' other. Teach them or bear with them, i "When our boy were almoat dead from whooping cough, our doctor gave One Minute Cough Cur. They re covered rapidly," write P. B. Bell, Arglye, Pa. It cure coughs, colds, grippe, and all throat troubles. Bold by Chaa Rogers, druggist The wise man expects everything from himself; the fool looks to others.; "It did me more good than anything I ever used. My dyspepsia was of merit' s' standing; after eating it was terrible. Now I r.m well" writes B. B. Keener. Hoislngton, Kan., of Kodol Dyspepsia Cur. It digest what you eat. 8nld by Chaa. Rogers, druggist rh Imports of Africa amounted dur-j '"K 'h P' $100,000,000. of, which 118,000,000 was furnished by the I'nitcd State. The exports for the t,n. were mooo,000. -of which the Umted Slateg took ,10i000 0oe. xhe itiitish colonies In Africa Imported, gojd(l t0 the valuc ot 1131.000,000. while! I the exjiorla were over $132,000,000. The South African Republic, or the Trana- . . 1 l.rth..Hl- A.inH lljll AAA AAA . . 1 I. . vshI, Imports over $104,000,000 and the experts are $54,000,000. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturer of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for huvliifr put on the market such ft won derful medicine," says W. W. Mfts slngill, of Beaumont Texas. Ther or thousands of mother whose children hav been saved from attacks of dys entery snd cholera Infantum who must alo feel thankful. It Is tor sale by Chat. Rogers. Cause, or Effect? "Brown and Jone are great cronies." 'Yep. Browne' wife hates Jones, and Jones's wife hates Brown." In dianapolis Journal. "If you " scour the world you will never find a remedy equal to One Sllnute Cough Cure,"says Editor Fack ler, of the Mlcanopy, Flo.. "Hustler." It cured his family of LaGrippe and saves thousands from pneumonia, bron chitis, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Sold by Chas, Rogers. ... . - teernnrd Krugor, a nephew of Presi dent Kruger, of the Transvaal, slept off the effects of a debauch the other morning, according to the Leavenworth Times, at the San Francisco police sta tion. In the orison safe was a cable gram, which had been taken from the prisoner, snt by his uncle, who Is now occupying the center of the stag? in the world's affaire, directing the ne phew to come home to Pretoria as quickly as he could travel. wsaaaaeaaasasBajaaaeesBi t President King. Farmer' Bank, Brooklyn, Mich., has used DeWltt' Little Early Risers In hi family for years. Says they are th best. These famous little pills cure constipation, bllllousness and all liver and bowel trouble. Sold by Chas. Rogers. Admiral Dewey never commanded a modern steel war ship, and never served on any until he rained his flag or the Olympla. He was not, as the commander-in-chief of the Asiatic squadron, In command of that vessel. The only vessel of the new navy which ho ommnnded was the dispatch boat Dolphin. Tl-e "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J. Klrltmnn. Belle Rive. 111., say. "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trou ble for ten years. I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It Is all that I claimed and mor." It cures coughs, colds, grlpp and all throat and lung trouble. Bold by Chaa. Rrers, druggist , V. W. Prnlson, of Vermont, who ha been tbe legal advisor of the Japanese government for fifteen years, I going to visit hi old home for the first time sine h began his service In Japan. Th emporer of Japan haa made him a number of costly present a a token of regard. On th 10th of December, 199T, Rev. B. A. Donatio, pastor of M. E. Church, South, Pt Pleasant, W. Vs., contracted a severe cold, which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He sajs: "After resorting to a numb-r of so-called 'specific,' usually kept In the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, which acted Ilk a charm. I moar cheerfully recommend It to th public" For rale by Chaa. Rogers. Robert S. Parke, an Arrtericanlxed Chinaman, who was bom In Ban Fran cisco, has recently organized the Chi nea voter of California, and they noW roDom taking an active part In the Durirg th winter of 1837 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizen and merchant of Clay, Clay Co., W. V, struck hi leg against ft cake of to . In sueh a manner as to bruise It s. verely. It became very much swollen; and pained him to badly that be could not wa k without the aid of crutches.! RALSTOEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Select Bran . . . Barley Food T Yeast, Cocoa 1 Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats m A. V. ALLEN'S W. F. SCHEIBE, A rail Hat at Pleat. aa AaMktra' Articles. 47t Commercial t. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. ....Higlt-Grade College for Boys and Young Men.... Healthful and ftrtisvetir looavtlon (a) miles fnra Portland 00 th Sowthera , Padfio Sprlngfleld bran). Complete and thorong preparatory, Krerary, solen'iflc. f-Hi normal, oommorol al course. SPECIAL COURSES ! ' mafiesnaU: Burreylnc, Drawing. OvU Serrtce, Freodi. Oermaa. Bpanisft Itallaa. Shorthand. Typewrttlng, Tetegntphy. Music Academse Degree ao4 Tea -hen' 8tats Certlflvte and Diplomas Cooferrjd. Bend tor catalogue. . ADDRE3fc The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg C. J. Commission, Brokerage, Insurance anJ Shipping. iyviUJUuuinjiJVvriAin I UOTEL 1 1 PORTLAND. OR. -. t., PieDt.rinBu Hotel In Portland S Li n ? wiiij - -... t ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE.. FRONT AND MORRISON STS.,3oet.UV)pd.y. American p:a., 1.00 10 i00 per day. f CHAS. HEILBORN & SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all size THE AST0RIAN... QLUiki- .-bfty iVOTItTOtl iSl'-r f, . e . 1 - '1 , , a 1 ri:rr.i j vi . .t'O' a! tilt-UMK, - . . ..... I ,'ftrXM potency, r-oe.o:. ,. "itVi'.t A-., tf n-:, K-r:".'S r .Jj vou. , Kitohing o. ei.i,; '- ; trpxi K." ". nl a ." tni-Uv-i I- ' . ,Ti,"-m.vl laWnl A fa'tatM. caje arw sHmultie. it. tio and ... - ' i L u han Homed" Co.. S rrancltcojCsl. ZtA ct.- A'--- e, uha b"cHARLEa ROQSRll. He was treated by physicians, als used several kind of Unlmcnt and tw ar.d a half gallon of whisky Ira hath ing It, but nothing gave any relict until he began using Chamberlain's Pain balm. Thia brought almost ft coTir,et cur In ft week' Um and h believes that had h not used thl rem edy hi leg would hav had to be am putated. ' Pain Balm Is unequalled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Chaa. Roger. The new editor of the Johannesburg Star Is J. C. Hall, an American. U was appointed to fill the vacancy caus ed by the flight of Mr. Moneypenny, who crossed the border to evade a war rant Issued for his arrest by the Trans vaal authorities. Mr. Moneypenny I not expected to return for ome time. HOW'S THIST We offir One Hundred Dollar Bs ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cur. . F. J. CHENBT A CO., Totedo, 0.' We, th undersigned, have known W J. Cheney for th last IS year, and be lieve, him perfectly bonorabl . In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mads by their firm. , WEST TRATJX Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, 0. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Cur la takan Internal- ly, acting directly upon tba blood and mucous surface of th system. Te tln.or.lais sent rree, rnoe, tdc par do tie. fold by all druggists. Hall' Family PHI are th beat , Manufacturer of the Always Reliable "Li Belle Astoria" Ctfir Scneibe's Opera Star Schelbe's Special . And Othar Brandt TRENCHARD, Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, OREGON Afent W. P. A Co- and raetde tsorena Oo"t. ' - n PORTLAND OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J J. i PKN'DEGAHT, Chief Clerk. and styles. We shall continue to sell Iron and Bras Bedstead at the same Low Prices reKordlea of the raise In the price of iron and bras Delivered at your Office, Store, or Residence, Only 60 Cents a Month- f'lVil 1. " - T rTt - ,tt. t.. le-Hier PUh, M. ' v'V c t ,.t ,,,,1 an i v . in ( iiMn t-tm fleet. )