The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 10, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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.mKltmtUmmmmmm liaml'l Iffl 1 " ' 1SUSXS .r-,. - - "1""'rW
System of Government Will fce Put in Force
at Once and SeniorOfficers Will Control
CtiirgeJ With Administration of Municipal Affairs and Will te
the Ruling Power in Ail Cities Cruiser Brooklyn Will Leave
' " Hampton Roads for Manila Today.
CHICAGO, Oct 9. A special to the Times-Herald from Wash
ington says Major General Otis has intorrued the war depart
ment of his adoption of a comprehensive scheme of local govern
ment for all cities and towns in Luzon occupied by American
forces. He has issued instructions directing that the systriu be put
in force and placing seniority officers of the occupying troops in
charge of the formation of such government
In each town there will be a muni
cipal council composed of ft president J
and as many representative! or neaa
men as there may be ward In the
town which shall be charred with the
maintenance of public order and the
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 1 It Is now
j known tht the Tartar, bringing the
! Kansas regiment, did not sail from
I Yokohama until September XS, and U
RRt rilU. htVk until Wulnalaw T. .
wgu atlon of municipal anairs. uwui,
... City of Peking, which is now more than
cjf majority vote, tnrougu me aaopuuu
, . , ' two days overdue, and the Transport
of" ordinances or decrees, administer,
I Pennsylvania, with the Washington
v. ... a i rot-am mivl but no or-,
,i regiment, left Yokohama on September
dtnaiice or decree sn&u oc
' 19- or dy wlier than the Tartar,
til Miprovjd by the commanding ufn-i
cer of the troops.
f nvnnv ctm ti it
The president shall be elected by ;JUiUUit I I.-tCliL
vtva voce vote of the residents of the!
town, approved by the commanding :
officer, and together with the head men
shall Mi office for one year. He shall
be of native binh and parentage and a
resident and property owner of thej COudilioDS Half llflt EY?B SO
ton. The held men shall be elected
sdiled Since l!S66.
by a viva voce vote of resident of;
their wards.
The president shall be the executive
of the municipal council to ex-cute Usj AH Earupf, 3S Wfll $ England,
decrees and the senior bead man or
one designated by the council shall be
Tice president of the same, assistant
to the president and ex-offieJo lieuten
ant of polio.
The council shall have no Jurisdiction
lu civil cases but on application of the
parties in interest and their agreement
in writing to accept the award of the
council It shall hear and decide casrs
involving prop?rty not exceeding 1500
in value.
Wint Gold of Out
Manding Credit.
still the strongest of all European
banks in many reaper-is because Lon
don Is creditor of both France and
Germany. Of the German, French,
Russian and Dutch bills of exchange
r.ot lent than 55,(HV.fcV of our banking
resources la currency Invested. Hence
continental rates of exchang have all
moved sharply In our favor this week
and still w do not receive gold as fast
as it goes away, practically to South
Th truth Is that no market can
spare gold to us or to the United Stat.
To protect themselves, therefore, for
eign bank rates must go farther up
and the Rank of England Is sure to
follow. Tht open market recognises
this probability and quotes 1 to IV
per tent for January bills so as to drlvs
business direct to the Bank of Eng
land. The Immediate prospect Is one of
greater ease. Call money has fallen to
from S to 4 per cent and discount rate
have sugged until per cent is the
true working figure.
Trcttbto is likely to arise among the
Scotch banks aver whisky. They have
locked op many millions In it, and can
not escape without disastrous liquidation.
Relieved that Germans are Plotting
With The Natives.
VICTORIA. B. C Oct .-The steam
er Toe, which has brought ISO.Ik In
gold from Alaska, reports that a stam
pede In now on In earnest from Daw
son to Cap Nome. When the miners
who arrived by the Tee k-ft the Klon
dike, river steamers were being left
without crews, the seamen deserting to
Join the great crowd hurrying down
the river to the new Eldorado.
Navigation will cloee next week on
the upper river, and the steamers will
go Into winter quarters near White
Applies to Bri'ish Consul fiirSr-rviej
in South Africa.
Havana Paper Thinks American
Piwpt and Example Will be
Cnban Salvation.
NEW YORK. Oct i.-Th Times Lon
don financial correspondent cables
One must go back to 187J to find an'
advance In the Bank of England twice
i In one week ami ISM when the rate
rose from t to 10 per cent In k-ss than
i a fortnight to discover circumstances
In criminal matters the president, dually deleting to those now corn
representing the council shall make the ing to the surface,
preliminary examinations and accord-! A,lhr na , ,K
r- v. .I, .ii utr-
Ing to the resuk discharge the prisoner ,, Mh . ., . . I
lnlcn is uncertain and from the first
or transfer him Immediately to ciis- h. . ., .... i
i nas been contemplated by the British,
' ' government, ominous weakness have
trial Dy provost court.
The cruiser Brooklyn will sail from
Hampton Roads on Tuesday for Mani
la via he Sues canal. The Nashville
will leave San luan this week for Ma
nila' by the same route. The New Or
leans will require six days In which to
make slight alterations and she will
then proceed to Jotn Rear Admiral
Watson. Reports received from the
auxiliary cruiser Badger show that she
been revealing themselves In our credit
market for some time past. In the'
course of another year almost two of
these weaknesses would have culmlna-!
ted In another crisis such as that which '
visits all money markets periodically.
Instead of baring difficulties we
should have had some Joint bank fall-'
ires, panic on the ttock exchange and'
a general s.:t back. The materials cal-'
,,culated to produce thli explosion have
is in need of considerable repairs and been rapidly accumulating for the last'
H may be decided to transfer her of- five years, but were not ripe for a fire '
fleer and crew to the Ranger. Just ordinary conditions prevailing. The
completed, and dispatch that vessel to. Boer Is calculated to net thom .it ... .
Join the Artatlc squadron.
Orders have been telegraphed to the( Our great safe guard against a credit
Boston navy yard to exploit the work( blizzard has been new supplies of Kold
on the gunboat Bancroft and she will ( from the Transvaal. For three months
be placed In commission without thet the shortest and probably fr six,'
Uss of any time and sent to the farth BUpply w, popped and at
EaBt ""e time the demandB upon us for the'
Th gunboat Annapolis Is now at , metal will be Increasedly acute.
the Norfolk navy yard and her repairsj Leaving the United States out of'
will be pushed. . j consideration, all Europe v,ants g.,ld'
The protected cruiser Albany will b?( because all Europe hag overstrained Its'
completed by January 1. and orders f credit. The bank rat on the conti-
will soon be issued for her detail of of-( nent show how the struggle Is bocomJ
fleers and crew and they will be sent Ing Increasingly wolfish,
Both the
to England to lane cn&rge ot ine ves- lumru-nunganan and the German
sel, proceeding at once to Manila, j stale banks raised tholr discount rates'
The gunboat Machlas may be sent( to bIx per cent last week and the
to Manila without making the surveyank of the Netherlands moved up to1
of the mouth of the Orinoco, recently five per cent. The Bank of France'
ordered. I must soon go up also, although It'
It Is confidently believed that a works note '"sue with great fklU
strict blockade of Luzon will be maln-jand Protects Its stock of gold by put-;
talned by Rear Admiral Watson, that, n"g a Premium on It by paying out-'
the Filipino will not be able to renew worn c)ln and In other ways. A point'
their supplies of munitions of war and 'nl s00n reached where these tac-'
food. Th last mall reports from Ma-( tlc must abandoned for fear the'
nlla announce the capture of three ves-, French people should take fright owing
sels by the Prlnston off the coast of 10 ihe convertibility of the notes. j
Bataganxa, Luxon. I At present the Bank of England is
HAVANA. Oct. . Several hundred
persons. Including a large number of
teamsters, have made offers to Sir
Griffith, acting British consul general.
of their service in South Africa. Some
of these persons are English but a ma
jority of then are Americans. They
have no organizations and the offers
are seldom made by more than three
persons tog t her.
An attempt will shortly be made to
connect Havana and Key West by the
Marconi system of wireless telegraphy.
It is claimed that if this is successful
It will reduce the expense of cabling
tc New York more than one half.
El Epoca says contact with a race
which does not tolerate the shirking
of dally labor and among which before
everything, a man Is the legitimate
child of his own merits and his own
deeds, must be to us a powerful stlmu
lent for discarding once and forever
the accumulation of habits which con
stitute the unfortunate inheritance of
a regime based upon the exploitation of
the negro by the white, and all by the
"The sanitation of our cities by
American methods has been productive
of untold benefits and who I capable of
calculating the benefits which will be
obtained by the cleansing of our con
science?" Regarding the remarks of Senor Col
lazo about the Cubans pulverizing a
European power, the Epoca says:
Jf forty years hence we shall all be
willing to confess that, while we were
able to gain victories over hunger,
thirst, weariness and the rigors of the
climate, to the American army and
navy Is due the victory over the Span
l.ih, why not be honest and confess It
NUW YORK, Oct. 9.-It Is announced
that the Roman Catholic orphan asy
lum, occupying a block on Fifth avenue
adjoining St. Patrick's cathedral, and
valued at 2,760,000, has been sold to a
capitalist, who will erect a great hotel
of the Waldorf-Astoria type.
ft Ib alto stated that Elbrldge T.
Gerry has begun the erection of a large
hotel on the site of the Windsor hotel,
burned last March, with a loss of 45
ImjHirittioo of Arms Korbiddem by
Berlin Treat) -All Three Nations
Represented by Wr Vessels
ivkh, uoi. a. a special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Soro apprehension is felt In official
circle over the condition of affairs pre
vailing In StniH.
Th state department is without com
plet advice from Consul Oeneral Os
born regarding the situation, but suffi
cient la known to make Uw authorities
understand that the native are ag.dn
plotting. It Is not belltved, howvver,
that there will be a return of th light
ing which occurred last April unless
there has been a heavy Importation of
arms, which is expressly forbidden by
the provisions of the Berlin treaty.
It will be recalled that when the
ladser returned from Samoa, she
brought In her hold 1W0 ritles belong
ing to the native. These rifles are
now In the armory at Mar Island.
Cal. awaiting the disposition of Orvat
Britain, Germany and the United
All thrve nations are represented by
men of war in Samoa waters. The
United State has the auxiliary cruiser
Aterend. under the command of
Commander Tllley. The Aberenda was
nt to Apia particularly to facilitate
th establishment of a coaling station
at Pango-Pango, but it Is presumed
that Commander Tllley has made ar
rangements to communicate with Con
sul tloneral Osborn. and that In esse
of. trouble she will take stntlon at
Apia and provide protection for Amer
ican Interests.
The charge Is renewed that Germans
In the island are spreading dlssatlsfac
lion among the natives and It would
not be surprising If certain of these
men are plotting with Mataafv who
has remained In Samoa.
The three governments have not for
mally adopted the recommendation of
the high Joint commission which In
vestlgated the Samoa question, nor are
negotiations looking to this end Ilk
ly to be set on foot until the return
of Secretary Hay.
Hundreds of Bargains
The Largost Stock of Dry Goods.
Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc.,
on the Columbia River.
ir JrJiiVsswsTVJX'XA
$1,300.00 Worth of
Bedspreads. Blan
kets and Com
forts, at Special
?5c gray cotton tilsukels, Urg
ale, sale price !o.
11.00 gry or while cotton blank
et, (nil tite, al price ti'A-.
I"J grav ball wool blstikvls, full
sue, sale pric 1.50.
75o Urge tit bed spreads, ml
prir too.
$1.00 larg die bed iprei.l, al
prir 6o.
il.'.'S -1 (4 heavy be. I iireadV tale
Jiric viVe.
l.'.'A larn tin lilconforter, sure
while coltou tllltug, pric
Linens and Domes
tics. (H-inch extra heavy cream damask,
(V) yard extra goo value.
M-io.h tiill blenched all linen
damask, S.V pr yard.
Turkey red (able dmk, '.'.V rr
bleat'Lrd dinner napkin at
li.00 per doxeu
size (ringed nViu, ipecial
sslo price 50j doirn.
L . ipecial yrd wide muslin
special 4 '40 yard.
Ladies' Silk
An extraordinary tilTsrliig o(
Udie' tin silk waist lu all Hi
laical style, and colors from 11.78.
.New plaiu ami plaid woolen aiiirt
wall uow 00 sale, tvery out) up
bwUl In atylr aj ooloriugs.
V ben you waul lu buy com and
ft us, it may meat) 1 saving.
Ladles' Furnish
' ings.
Udir' IV, vMi at (kx,
J.nlie' heavy rubttfr vest 9So
iAdwa' muslin night gown eoll
ladle' outiug tlannvl night
fnwua. C, floe, &t, 75o and Il lKJi
lilMren' oullng rlsonelcd night
gown and ilcepiug lulls
Udie' long vaiil, best quality,
black sateen corset, ipecial tOe.
Udiei' onau, caps, golf
rapes, (ur cllrttt, irol( sud
walking, Just ariivrd, al luwmt
Ladies' double texture cap insck
iiiliwb, dill skirts, pecil I;) 60.
Udis all wool duublm texlur
prinoe rapt guaranteed colors
navv black and erren-peciol $4.90
Cliildrvn' niackiulMbr, the lrg.
wt Unk In Aitona, Hcial low
Notion Bargains.
At uuriiiiliou Counter )uur uluible
uk'knl goe n good way toward
implying yutir wauls.
Hliell hair in per duiio, fta,
l!ublr drtwalng oouiU, ouly 10c
lUndottiv ptK-kct combs, only Co,
Urcst ! per !, only Ac.
Alumlimm Ihiiuhlr, only lo.
leather purse, only flc.
Cuildran (al black iloulil kne
stocking ili. tt to pr pair 10c.
Clilldren extra licnty fletH-ed-llued
lat lilat k doublt-ku stuck
iugi, 3 pain (ur 3oc.
20o ladit' fait Mack illk
itookingMsli price er pair o.
IV ladi' fast black till how,
doubl heel and to, ipecial aal
jr pair IV.
Boys' Knee Pants.
Hoy ' corduroy panu, bt qual
ity, well Mwed, lises 4 It 14, good
valu a'. 7V, ijecial price 00c.
Itoyi' schotil nt made of good
strong wurstcd, aorlcd color,
special pric :'Jo pair. N
Two plrc Ixiyi' lull of good
strong wonted well icwed, good
school itiit, ipecial price 11.50
. . . ShatiahaiVs . , .
China Clocks.
Great Ltrr 0VE "Sale
' Price Away Down.
You'll Hay go,
When You See Prices.
100 Stores.
171 CosaercW tt.'Ajstla.
He says was always so light
and well baked.
Well ther Is a knack In mak
ing IL
But don't forget the kind of
stove or rang used make a
difference. His mother used a
Star Eetate Kange
rw,rf ' i 1
''mmm. jmm
frFs r,l tliifi
llll :
W. J. 8CULLT. Agent,
ill Bond Street.
The "Delsane"
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
An M L
Styles 1 r
0ne ill
prlce 1 III
$3-50 Ml
Bought, Sold niul Exclinugod
at tlu
Old Book Store
I HUtory, Ulogrsidiy, Mechanical,
Heterrncc, P.wtry. Medical,
t 1.. iio..i
iwiigioui, Dcieuuiio
All (tandard works.
iuuvnAfuv uwuwuu nnrvn
r 8ecoud-hsnd school books, large Itcx-k
cheap, becood-band mKlnei. Li
braries bought. Larg slock of novels,
10.000 title.
Equal hylAND BROS.
aDy 2-231 Tamhlll 81.. below 8H-ond.
j fj QQ Telephone Rod
Also "Queen Quality"
Shoes for Women
E. C. Goddard & Co,
Oregonian Building, Portland.
Tonsorial Parlors
301 Washington St, corner Fifth
Opposita Hotol Perkloi
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Ladia tntrance to bath
on Fifth itftisL '
Optical Go.
8EC0ND and WA8INUT0N, 8
20, 21, 22, 23
W C A. Pohl,
Undertaker, Cmbalmcr
and Funeral Director
Caiketi nd Funeral Hunplle comtnnt
ly od liaud.
Corner Utli and Dtiane 8t, Aitorl, Or
Foard & Stokes Company
Ship Chandlers and General Wholesalers and
Special Departments
Hardware Groceries
Fruits and Meats
Stoves, Tinware
Paints and Oils
Largest Store of the Kind in Oregon.