The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 10, 1899, Image 1

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Hi Rotw be ! " i U
I I A. A.
M 111 HA"i
0 H.. k N. Now Under Absolute Coo
trol of L'nlim Pacific.
HALT LA KB, Oct. 9.-At a special
mining of the stockholders of the Un
ion Pacific Railroad Company here to
U exni'iimvu, we had rutli it low a little
money on our Stovca tliuu to tnovu them.
Wo liuvo it lg lot of tliiui on IiiiikI,
Uuidl bcfoio tliu ndviiixo. We will
. soli thorn clioi until Nov. Ifitli.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
I lux Decorated I a e r
and KnviliipiN.'iiK)
The Two Fleet Boats Will Try Conclusions
From Now on Except Tomorrow.
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices
K ALSTON HEALTH rOtlllS In great vtrfctt
fresh from the milts.
AKOflATIC SI'ICES guanateri the finest.
rivalled. Together wit. host of other
good tklagx.
Columbia People Worry neWhl.'e Jbararak People are Confidant
Irish Boat Had Best of It on tne Three Days' Flukes
Stirring Breeze Premised Today.
il KV an amendment waa adopted
artMe of the association to Inc
lit. preferred capital atock by the;
amount of $25,000,000 and ita common
stock by I7.7H.6O0. i
The Increar-d capHal stork of the
company la to be used for the eonvef'-'
Ion at par of the outstanding Oregon
Short Line and Oregon Railroad
Navigation bunda. Thla give theUn
i'Ui Pacific (which already control the
Short Une) abolut control of the Ore-
Schwan's CoIomn Meets With Heavy Oppo-
- sition But Routes the Enemy.
gon Railroad Navigation Company. Retes Drye0 From Thelf POSltlOfl While Our LOSS In Bottl Ell
Lending officials here say no change
ligtmtais was biigni-bcnwan continoed Advance to De
In the policy or management I con
tfinnlated. i
Malaton and Met With Little Resistance.
NKW YoKK, Oct. 5. Tln r is a buoyant Ming of ex
pectancy nml cxi itt mcnt yachtsmen tonight, not that
they feel sure of the ruce tomorrow, but that they know every
hiy will b a race day frtni now1 on to a' finirli, with the ex
cKption of Wclneslay. This iijjrcPineiit of the regatta coin
mittet ami the Shamrock ami Columbia ooonle, has proved
jioj.ulnr. It i a fair ronsitioii and every one likes tho man
ner in w hich it in met.
Walinpton Arrive
Francisco YeMerday.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. General Otis has made the
following report to the war department of yesterday's fighting:
"Schwan with a column of 1726 men of the Thirteenth
infantry, a batallion of the Fourteenth infantry, with cavalry
and artillery, left Bacoor yesterday and proceeded to Novele
ta. He encountered heavy opposition at Old Cavite and be
lt yond, but drove the enemy, capturing two guns and inflicting
Send for Illustrated Catalogue of
To Out-of-Towo Propla: For fun orrloth we aay write to ua.
Wa will tend good, on approval and pay express one way.
Will give yon full detail, a. to atyle and price. Io (act we
want yottr trade, liluueat price paid lor raw (an.
The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Co,
a32HH Morrlaon St., oeareth.
. ivaalng brceae. If it cornea, It will be
a welcome wind to the thousands of
ya-htmen who have come mllee to wH-j
nM the contest. ,
If thla nerdlrtloo ' la fulfilled, the '
rovia will be aent owr the line to
windward down the Jersry coast, the'
c-uin name aa on Saturday, but that'
ih? order of nailing la reversed, the'
ftrat leg to windward with a run home.,
T)A wilt
defelt Gun A Ammunition Company, .
The Men Ik Good Hralih ami Will,
Land From Pennsylvania Today !
-Levy Ankcny Cheered.
...Portland Dental Parlors...
Top floor Washington Bfdg.
Largest and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest
. Thla haa been a foggy day down
around Ihe horehe anJ everything
haa been q'llet with the fleet there, ex
cept on the derka of the Columbia,
wetv the cr-wa have leen cutting and
refitting aalla. Thla Is taken In yacht
ing circles to Indicate nervousneas.
There la mxhlng to be gained In trying
io put anlde facta. They are worrying
on tho Columbia; they are oalm on the
The reanon for all thla la that the
Kngllnh boat haa done the better work
on the thr daya of flukes. Look at it
from whatever atandpolnt you will,
thcae plain facia stare you In the face.
On two of the daya, at th moment the
signal, "race off,M was set
rock was In the lead. On the third day
she waa no worse than on even terms.
ImWd the weight of opinion Is that the
waa ahead, considering her position
and the fact that eh started some sec
onds behind the Ootumbla. Add to this
her time allowance of six seconds and
the chances are still more In her favor.
There Is good reason for nervousnees
among the Americana and nothing has
occurred touay u ainunun . hanictor of the debates when parlt- "Governor, I've brought back your ll"ey" battery of the Fifth artillery
Unpleasant truth, but It IS Just as We I In nffledl etrolna tmr ravlmont M it nii.nt and Lowe's scouts. onntlnueH K at.
Ik said to be apprehension that the he grasped the governor bythe hand. vanc today towards San Francisco de
radicals will offer protracted opposi- Governor Ttogvrs responded with a Malabon. meeting with little resistance
tlon to the government's policy In complimentary tribute to the excellent and Buffering no casualties. The enemy
South, Africa, which will possibly make services the Washington troops per- bac,t "teadlly.
prorogation and Christmas near neigh- formed In 'the Philippines, and then he Tne American camp tonight Is within
bore. went down on the lowwr decks and ,lgnt San Francisco de Malabon, the
Lord Salisbury's whip to the lrds, shook hands with nearly every man atronghold of the insurgents In the
bo morf rWhetwr a It u,u"rt 'vania, with the Wash-
gives a hotter run f.. skill In maneuv-j lns,on Flnrt "-slment enlved
erlng for a weather berth at the start j ,hort,y Mon noon today and anchore1
I In the stream off Folsom street wharf.
Governor Rogers and party, Including
OX , 1'nlted States Senator George Turner
, and A. Q. Foster, steamed up the bay
1 i on the tuff F:irles ta welcnmA thm
the Sham-, jjjj 'Mlmls frE fj,),, Mnlh' , Aboard the fearless were many friend.
SuiinliiS fur ArJIV Sfri ici' t'nms. ' an(1 ""'ves cf the soldier boys, and
I I J ' I
This evening the column is resting
between Santa Crus and San Francisco
de MalaboQ. Pri visions are being con
veyed to Rosario, between Noveleta;
I and Santa Crus.
The casualties are Captain Scaffold!
Thirteenth infantry, killed: Captain
,McGrath. Fourth cavalry, .seriously'
wounded; 10 enlisted men wounded.
I A Autumn la antprln V7nari thla
morning, meeting slight opposition.
Navy vessels and the marines at Cavite
made a demonstration on Noveleta yes
terday while Schwan advanced at the
same time. The troops at Imus attacked
the Insurgents at San Nicholas, two
limited, has shipped two six-gun bat
teries of the mountain guns to Manila.
The ordnance Is of the latest pattern.
Set Free by General Otis For Saving
Life of an American Soldier.
NEW YORK. Oct. .-A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
For saving the life of an American
solOier, General Otis has granted a full
pardon to Domingo Magno, a Filipino
prisoner who waa sentenced by a Span
ish court In 1S97 for penal servitude for
miles east of the city, and drove them six years for robbery. Magno suffered '
from their position. Four men were ( confinement for the alleged offence for
slightly wounded. The enemy left six i four years prior to bis trial and con-
bodles on the field.
they shouted themselves hoarse and
' waved handkerchiefs and flags and
LONDON. Cot. J. The complete gav other evidences of Joy. As soon "
derth of news from the Cape, on which; as Dr. Klnlyon finished Inspecting the En?my Fe" Back Steadily and no Cas-
all attention Is rivited. Is poorly com-, big transport, Ihe welcoming party
ualtles Were Suffered.
MANILA. Oct. . General Schwan's
pena;ed for by the mass of minor de- climbed up the ships ladder and board-
tails published concerning preparations ed the transport. Governor Rogers, column, consisting of the Thirteenth
for the despatch of the army corps who led the party, was met at the Infantry, a battalion of the Fourteenth
I and speculation as to the length and' gangway by Colonel Wholley. , Infantry, two troops of cavalry, Captain
II la an
vlction. .
During the attack on Manila last
February by Insurgent sympathlaers;
the prisoner saved the life of an Amer
ican soldier, and the provost tnarsal
general reported that the prisoner had
displayed good conduct during the time
h" had been under surveillance by
the Americana
to admit it. The weather Is an import
ant thing now. The weather man in
Washington promises a southerly, In-
Extracting Bring
by our this adr with
process without lr 0VI arK ave
pain. Vfca.7 ) your teet cleaned
wwuvwi fAj-x irfv Free of Charge '
Best Work vJnnQJ Dental Wo' k
atourPrice'' ' We employ
because we have . onIy the most
. e largest modern
t eat Crown and Bridge Work, 2S karat gold
volume of mo methods, and
dental work in 8t Teeth, (ully guaranteed rubber $5.00
c Best Gold Filling $t.oo up guarantee
Portland. Bt Alloy Filling soc 'P ..f,,,
Teeth, extracted without pain 50c up satisiaction.
lajiajjaaililililllil Will WH11-rtt11-rT ''t 11i'1H rWltitlWil llililtMiMli I II i I I iMHHllilHal rTI ttl t ntTf 1 M 1 1 1 MMI I II I l'H IIMWtilUHIHM4H
Take Elevator on Washington Street near Forth and ask for the Portland Dental
Parlors, Top Floor.
'Phone Oregon. Brown 493. Columbia, 569. 13
NEW YORK, Oct. .-James Monroe
Heiskell, great grandson of. President
James Monroe, Is dead at his home In
this city, aged 55 years. He was a na
tive of Virginia, and when the civil war
broke out he was a cadet at West
Point. He left the academy, returned
Issued to night, says parliament will In the regiment. province of Cavite, where the Fillp- Virginia, was commissioned a lieu
deal with matters of grave moment. Levi Ankeny. the Walla Walla mil- 11108 are 881(1 to number 5.000. During , tenant in the Thirty-seventh Virginia
The latest dispatch from Lourenxo, llonalre, who has generously offered to th march from Noveleta to Rosario cavalry and was promoted to be cap
relating to the chasing of the steamer pay for the transportation of the entire ""' a few 8nots wvre fired. This j tfvy1- He resigned In order to Join
Guelp by the cruiser Philomel caused regiment from this city to Seattle, went ,arge coast "town waa literally filled General Hosby's famous regiment as a
some stir, especially as it was announc- aboard with his wife to see their son witn white flags. The Americans cap-, private. He was captured by the North
ed that the Ouelph had landed at Dur- who Is a private In company L, and luleJ two or thre hundred men, many em tnps, escaped from prison, re
ban ammunition, for the Boers. There when the men learned of Ankeny's gen- of ,he Filipinos changing their clothing1 Joined Mosby. was recaptured and sent
Is pretty general fueling that ammunl- erostty they cheered him to the echo. 'or white costumes. The bay of Ros-jto Fort Warren prison, near Boston,
tlon ought not to be allowed to be for- While the troops were at Yokohama, ' ar' was filled, with hundreds of boats! Returning to Baltimore on his re-
John F. Gowey, ex-mayor of Olympla, and he People had spent an exciting lease, Mr. Halskell entered active pol-
Lord Wantage, president of the Brit- w ho Is now consul at Yokohama, ten- niht. ( Itlcs, and was for several years clerk
lsh Red Cross society will shortly Issue dered the officers of the regiment a An expedition composed of the gun-1 of the court of common pleas,
an appeal for contributions to aid In banquet. boats Callaco and Manila with an arm-1
the work of the socltey, which he says, in addition to the Washington troops, ed flat bot and a steam pump has left
will provide two hospital trains and the transport brought back 80 discharg- Cavfte for the river Paslg or Betls,
a hfcepltal ship. The duke of West- ed soldiers from the Fourth cavalry which empties in Manila bay on the
nilnator nn.t Tril W'untairp tlAVA oivpn n-l lnnM. ' rnAM north side. With a View nt mining ttukl
. . . v. , . ......... - miu vmv iuuikviiiii 1 1 1 1 in . 1 1 . , .i i a j v i , - ra 1 phQn WaS
1,000 pounds each and Baron Rotschlld Eaton, of the Twelfth Infantry, waa al-, sPniBn gun boat Ayat, purposely
has raised 11,000 pounds among his so aboard. He returns to be retired. ; sunlt DV tn Spaniards, which Is re
frlends. "I am proud of the record made by ported to be In good condition. The
Some Indication of the war office estl- 0ur boys." said Governor Rogers, when gunboat Helena, with a body of ma-
mate of the duration of the campaign seen ' aboard the transport. "They rlncs from the Baltimore, preceded the
Is given by the fact that the author- proved themselves to be fighters of expedition to make soundings at the
itles have contracted for eight months high standard und our state Is Justly mouth of the river.
supplies of bread and other military re- proud of them. I am simply overjoyed
qutsttlons rendered necessary by the at their safe return."
absence of the army service corps,
whom the war office thus evidently cal
culates w ill be at home again by the be
ginning of May.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9. The Unit
ed Slates transport Newport arrived to
night, 33 days from Manila. She has
465 members of the volunteer signal
em oh aboard and 13 civilians.
The general health of the soldiers was
found to be good. There was consld-j
erable sickness of a minor character
among the men when the vessel left i
Manila, but the bracing sea air was so
beneficial that the Invalids Improved
wonderfully. The Pennsylvania will
.dock tomorrow morning on the early
tide, and. according to the present pro
gram the nun will be breakfasted In
the ferry depot. After breakfast they
, will march to the Presidio. ' '
LONDON. Oct. 9.-The Maxim Nor-
YOKOHAMA. Oct. 9. While a ty-
raglng Saturday a train
was blown from a bridge Into the river
near Utsumomya. Six persons were,
killed and many injured. Great dam
age was done to property and crops.
YOKOHAMA, Oct. 9. It Is now be
lieved 50 persons perished In Saturday's
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome