The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 08, 1899, Image 1

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Gooka, Periodicals. Magazines, &c,
Are KoUo be. Taken Fram The
NO. 114
In oxpoimi vo, w had rather Ioho n littlo
money on our Stove tliun (o inova tliem.
Wo imvo a big lot of Ihcvi on hand,
tonight before tho ndvnni'o. W will
soil thorn chi'iip until Nov. 15th.
Eclipse Hardware Co.
.nun uunu RiMaitiT
Blank and
New Crape and
Waterman Fountain Pens
Mux Decorated 10 per
find Knvclopea-ioc
Here Is a List
Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prkce
KALSTOS HEALTH I'OnDN In great varlcti
fresh from the milts.
AKOMATIC SPICES guaranteed the finest.
rivalled. Together with a host of other
good thing.
It hu i desparate game but It won.
Had the Columbia to much at touched
the float, the would have bwn disqual
ified tben and there.
j FUNHTON 18 ALL IliailT.
Gov. Stanley Bay. lie Will Be Given
j Anything He Want In Kansas.
Race Declared Off Fifteen Minutes Before
Limit Expired, With the Columbia
in the Lead. j
For First Fifteen Miles Col. rntlJ Ltd Irish Beat nearly Nose and
a Hilf Ltnf th-Desperate Courage if Yaikaj Brings
Columbia li First.
SAN FRANCISCO, Out 7.-Ooverno
Htanly of Kansas, who arrived
laat night to welcome the Kanta vol
unteert on their return from Manila,'
"General Funalon ran have anything
hn waiV.i politically In our Mate. They,
went to make him governor, nator,
congressman ai large and give him half j
dozen other title all at onoe. Noth-j
Irg will be done, however, until he
1 express a wish of hit own."
' All the membera of the Kanaai rt-f
Imcnt will be decorated with Imitation
! unflowr of yellow felt and brown
h-,Creat Britain Not Forced to Open Hostili
ties, Merely Issuing Orders for Main
taining Her Sovereignty.
aatln, ahlch have be, mad. by the pjffc MMSurei 0 ljf LwAfj UfOlI 8S 8 MeflOS Of Scttlinf
ladle, of the party. On the railroad "
me Dispute, ana eoers are rxptctce to ttirtmce
journey to the coast MO of thene w -re
made, the men joining with (he ladlet
In fashioning the badge. j
Hostilities any Hour.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue of
To Out (( Town IVople : For fur or doth we any writ to u.
W will teud good on approval and par exptrst one way.
Will girt yon (ull dotallt at to tlyle and prlce. In (tot we
wtnt your trade. Illgueat price paid lor raw (ura.
The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Co.
2H3.2HH Morrlnon St., Dear4tb.
NKW VOKK", Oct. 7. Old Un-us ugnin today j.layed
biittli-diiro ii ixl n ttli-t-ock with the great single (-tillers, nnd
the third ntMnjit to iiil (he fir-t ruee f the ColumbiuSlinm
iVK'k series of the iutei'iiutiuiiul trojihy ended in failure.
The raeo was declared olT fifteen minutes before the time
limit expired, with the ynclits i ill five miles from the finish.
Hut the vast throngs who went down to the sea to witness the
battle royal wero, in n measur", einiensated by seeing
magnificent light weather duel.
NKW YORK. Oct. T.-It It announced Copyright, ltm, by Associated Pres.
that the L'nfted Hat Matter of Anw- .
LONDON, Oct. 7. J udging from the reports from
lea have been merged Into the United
Hatter of America, which union now South Africa, a state of war practically exists between Great
control, the workmen of the trade. I J BriUn flnd the Transvanl This 8eems almogt paradoxical in
io perpetuate dewey arch. conjunction with the fact that the British diplomatic agent,
new York. OcTr.-it i. likely that'i Coinynghurn Grecue, still remains at Pretoria, aud.the further
til D.wey memorial arch wiu be per-'J fact that the negotiations continued for the solution of this
Muated. The movement to that end J aIr,aieIlt Iart4lox probably lies in th e understand imr of the
Ik being encouraged by men of ample 6
i . t a ? . . t a. it . 1 .
mean.. The co of twpndurinr m curious roiauous ueiweea me two governments. J
mvbl the great triumphal arch will be' ;
at least $",0n.
In tlie end (he disappointment of th.
pntn .lt wat kharpem-d, perhtpi by the
fact that when the race wat abandoned,
Ihe Columbia wat In the lead and Im
proving her potillon and had It been
flnlhel today, the American champion
might have had one race to her credit.
After three trlu1.exp-rti are about ut
rruih myatlaflud t they were ajt the
heglnlng conc-.-'nlng the merlta of thr
two yachtt. Nothing but a ipanklng
whole tall bnrete will furnish the true
teat. Today, at the two prevlout duyt,
the courts wn laid 15 mile dead be
fore the wind and return. Bo evenly
matched werj the beautiful clean limb
ed raeer that they rounded the outer
mark like thoroughbred, almost neck
anj neck and flnlnhed, after a three
hour threah to wlndnrd with the Co-
niut. and what It atlll more tmportunt,'
h it more ably handled than the
defender. 1
The .upetlor teamanahlp of .'iptalni
Hogarth and hi crew wat dem-m-atiated
at teveral critical polntt In the'
race today. Though to Captain Bart'
and ihe nervy owner, ot the Yankee'
aloop belong the ortdlt of executing as'
brilliant tnd daring a piece of aea-l
n,nhlp a. waa ever wltnemed Jn yacht i
rare, II. reckleeanea. caused a great'
d-al pf nervou.nea and anxiety ; Its;
itcoVDpllahment th.-refore, made the
pulte of the Americans beat higher'
vlth prIJe. '
It wag a apeclacular feature of the'
duy, and fortune favored the brave.1
The Irish boat did undeniably better.
work t- windward. She canvd her
Great Britain I not likely to make a 'Orange Free State haa received tha
formal declaration of war against what g)ffnature, more .,a
the conalder a dependent nation, the1
. process being a mere Issue ot order
tlve men. Including 80 odd preaJdenU
' to the military force to restore a state i 01 "lfe. fifty church dlgnatartea,
l AROTTFTTF PI TIR of overelgnty which .he allege orig-1 governors of Mate, mayor of cities,
IWAlVVjUrv 1 1 iv lLUI),naJ,y Isud. were England -mllarly j justice, of the United State, and sta
, ' ' P7' recognlwd congreimen. editor.
de U would some time ago hAve compel- j and other" conPlcuou. In pubUc mat
led her to break off diplomatic negotla- -er8' 'n profeeston. and commerce.
'tlon.. It I. thl. legend of .uaeralnty Regarding the petition, the Earl of
th it enable, her to palaver without loss Aberdecn cabled to the World "If evea
to run a good chance of placing the no" way COBld trtend-
' onu. of beginning hoetllltles upon the . Inten-ention the, good office, of none
NOTABLE .MEN PRESENT! Bcr!'- "- flJlln ln tBftt t0 de,ftJr ct,on would mons Ptlble to the people
," naa n the neld a auracieni 0f Great Britafh and presumably also
lorec to overrun ine iTanavatu.
This it the only ground on which It 1
Large Ga!b?r!ng at Chicago's Fam
ous B nqnct Hall
lumbla. the "white shark." something way up Into the wind In astonishing'
like a noae lnd a half length In front style, but here again the Columbia
UlIU 111 llli" -wmvi wi."..,
clow was her grwn rival that the black
sUdcw of the Shamrock's looming
sails was allhoueted against the Yan
kee'. no.vy canvas.
A. a result ot today', druggie and
those on the Tuesday and Thursday,
yacht talent are good deal confounded.
8ome of them differ a. to the merits of
the two boit., but they eem Unani
mous upon two things: that the
Shamrock Is the ablest boat that ever
crated the western ocean to lift the
...Portland Dental Parlors...
Top floor Washington BI'dg. '
Largest and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest
by our
process without
Best Work
at our prices
because we havt
the largest
volume of
dental work
Heat Crown and Bridgo Work, 22 knrat gold
per tooth -w
Set Teeth, fully guaranteed rubber $5.00
Best (iold Filling 1.00 up
Best Alloy Filling 80c "P
Teeth extracted without pain Wc "P
HmwtwHHHiwMMWw Mti i h wmr 1 1 in i n 1 1 i him n 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 n 1 1 m mmt
this adv with
you and have
your teeth cleaned
Free of Charge
Dental Work
We employ
only the most
methods, and
Take Elevator on Washington Street near Forth and ask for the Portland Dental
M rariors, i op a loor.
L'Phone Oregon, Brown 493. Columbia, 569. p
j s.ineJ able to more than make up In j
n one lusi in potming, ana
as the ability of sailing a vessel la de-'
termlnet by her iwwer to make h. aj '
way against th"? adverse wind, the Is
.1 t-etter by that test.
The early morning was full of prom
ises for a glorious whole sail breete.
Th heart of the seafaring folk who
wnt down to the waterfront waa glad-1
dneC by a l(t 10-knot blast, straight j
out of the northwest, that covered the'
upper and lower bay with a smear of'
whltecaps. But befrr tne fleet had;
reached the cpeii, the breeze bean toj
When the yachts were about a mile i
and a half from the outer mark, thej
ste-Minors, tugs and yachts : hurried,
across the course and lined up to lej-i
waril, waiting with eager Interest to teal
which would round fliat. ,
Uallantly tlw American came en. It
v as astonishing how fust she glided
through the water. She ate up tha
ill."tunrc betwten her and the green
boat until, when the mark wat a quar
ter of a mil-' away, less than a hundred
yanla separated them. Hope rose.
The Shamrock was to windward They
were coming like horses down the
street h. A hundred foet away and th
Columbia had closed up the gap. Her
slender prow Just lapped the stern t4
tee green hull. Under the rules they
must past the float with the red ball
the starboard end. As the balloon jibs
rattled down In Buth boats, prepara
tory to a gybe, the watching thous
ands held their breath. It did not teem
possible thait the white yacht could
tqueexe In between the Shamrock and
the mark. To onlooker tt teemed In
evitable that unless the Yankee boat
kept a way under the stern ot the
Shamrock there would be a collision or
the Columbia would float, but C. Oliver
Iselln had desperate oavbvsntU' emmm
place. He pluycd the limit. The .nan
who sex the club topsa.ll in a driving
gale In deciding the race between the
Vigilant and 'the Valkyrie II, would stop
at nothing. On he come forcing the
Shomrock to go wide around, while the
Columbia aeemed to scrape the float
as she wore about with her helm hard
Thouph the Shamrock rounded first
by nine s?conds she swept around so
fur on the outside that as both boata
came up and their sulls tilled away on
the starboard tack, the Columbia not
only bad the weather gaege but was ln
the lead.
No more reckless piece of courage
was ever seen In an international race,
Smalm Fairbank and
U the Dutch in South Africa, than
those of the president of the United
The Duke ot Westminster also cabled
to the World:
"Judging from past history and the
prolonged negotiations with our gov
ernment, whose proposals are moat
Speet-hfS by Archbishop IreiaOd,' possible to reconcile the government1
passive reception of the palpably ho
' tile acts on the part of the Boers; for
' It is now Impossible to believe that th
'Transvaal force are massing merely
for defensive purpose. This war ap-
" ' pears to be the only possible outcome.
CHlCAaO, Oct. 7.-Tblrty-flve hun- jf the Boer are determined to par-
dred men gathered around the table ln tlcipale ln a conflict, hostilities are ( moderate. I am of the opinion that the
the great banquet hall of the auditor- on'y action pi day. It England la,Boers wm not ,sten f
, . . . , . . allowed to take her own time, then two .
.urn tonight at the annual banquet of montbi may Mw flrat Wow affecting .tbelr political statu, and that
tlieMarquette club. ' ,g 8truc) Though a week has produced therefore arbltraUon it out of the que.
The guest of honor was President nonegotlaltona tending to throw light tlon.
McRiQley who sat at a raised itabl on uPn tn mertt of he - tl lB ev-"
the east side of the hall. On the right rtent that n"'tlatl0M had n cewf
so far a. diplomatic correspondence Is
of tne president sat Archbishop Ireland. concern;d.
The others at the table were Secretary The pith of the whole dispute, how
Gago, Attorney General Griggs, Poat-'ever, is dally becoming clearer. The
n aster Smith. Secretary Hay, and Boers are thoroughly convinced that
other member of the president's party thelr freedom Is m r.anced and England
and officers of the Marquette dub. ' g convinced that her supremacy In
President ' Wickerman Introduced guth Africa !s threatened. This con
Arohblshop Irtland. who rose to speak gtitute an Impasse against which pa
of "the Amerioan republic." The arch- cfic nu-nsures can scarcely be eftec-bls-hop
was given an ovation as he rose t(ve. As the possibility of war increas
and his speech was an eloquent tribute e9i tne British conjecture as to the un
to American manhood and to the re- f,endly attitude of other European
public, which he declared to be "the powers Increases.
btst form of 3rganlzed democracy re
vealed in the history of humanity."
Senator Chas. W. Fairbanks of In- HID I MTC DVPTTAW
..a .n, tn ."Th. IV 111 IMVtUt 1UH
dlana responded to the sentiment "The
Present Administration." He said:
"The present administration needs
neither an apologist nor a eulogist. Its
Imperishable record Is written and Is 1
before the world. It is an admlnlstra-' TiT)r-trr'VT nrTtTinvrr.
tlon of arduous deeds done .which lift It THE PKEMDLM PET11I0NLD
above the did-level of history. It '
haa been confronted with great ques-'
tlons of domestic policy; it has solved
them, it also has encountered grave Representative Men Urgpi the Friend-
luiriBii .iuuiviiiB, nviiu wen n iioa iiiei
thent. No emergency has been so great, I
or exigency so severe, thalt It ho not
been met on the high plane ot national
duty and national honor. I
Few administration ewr succeeded
to power with more weighty responsl-'
bllitles or of which there were more
exalted expectations. There were years
ly Services of the United
NEW YORK. Oct. 7. The petition to
President McKlnley, urging the frlend-
of distress, years of hopelessness and 'y ?rvlces of the United States In mo
cripplcd enterprise back of us. There dlation between Great Britain and the
was a Macedonian cry from all sec- pepuwjeg 0f the Transvaal and the
tlons or the land ror reuer, tor deliv
The administration was essentially
Among the editors who have signed '
the petition are Clark Howell of At- '
lama, John R. McLean of Cincinnati, 1
Edward Rosewater of Omaha, M. H. 4e .'
Toung of San Francisco and Frank P,
Mclennan of Topeka,
Due, It is Sold, to the Chartering of '
Steamers by the British Government.
NEW YORK, Oct .-The prvdlcted
Increase in freight rates owing to th .
chartering of so many trans-Atlantle
liners and tramp steamships by the .
British government has, it is said, al- -ready
begun to manifest itself.
Ocean freight agents say that there
is a general upward tendency ln rate,
and that the offerings of freight for
shipment are becoming comparatively
small, as shippers are waiting for the
outcome of affairs. One item cited a.
showing an advance ln rates Is flour,
the tonnage rates to South Africa In
creasing .') shillings today.
Reports of further chartering of
steamers by the British government
PORTLAND, Oct. 7. Julius Loewen
berg, for many years of the Arm of
Goldsmith 4 Loewcnberg, and one of
the bc-st known merchants of this city,
died suddenly at his home In this city
pieugeu io me ziituiueiituic; 01 mu puu-i
lie credit, the public faith. Public cred-
it Is preserved yes, It was never so,
high tt home and abroad as It Is In this
historic hour.
"The first duty which was laid upon
the administration was to secure the
readjustment of the tariff and the en-'
actment of a genuine protective meas
ure. To this end, congress was con-'
(Continued on Page Two.)
v Absciutdly PLBE
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome