The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 07, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Headquarters for Iry Goods on the Lower Columbia
Fur Garments
Wheat and Stock Brokers
niprrT uiccc m New York Stock Exchange
DIRECT MIRES TO a(cag0 BMrd of m
214-215 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
Frirtiv. purchasers Uirtu lb finest quality at co
tiotniral prices cannot attoM to owlook our suporb show
ing of Klegant Fur Cap anj Collarette. All made from
the finrtt piu and in lb most approved styli.
J New Store
jrou good
The A, Dunbar Co,
Astoria Rejolc. Over Her Success In Plam Metlnf Between the Two at
Celling a Share of the Trans
port Buatoecs.
Canton, III
FEOKIA, Oc. 1-Colonol W. J.
Bryan sat directly behind President
McKlnley this afternoon at Canton.
ill., while the president delivered a
It Is announced as certain that the
Thirty-ninth regiment will embark for
the Philippines at Portland, and It is
verv nrofcable that the Forty-nfth will
follow. The successful experiment with , brief address. The state fair Is In pro
the Thlrty-nfth la causing the govern-1 gres at Canton and Colonel Bryan had
mont lo look upon the Columbia river bw,n a, to deliver a two hours
with favor. I.neech
A casual canvass of Astoria business '
houses Indlcaes that thfre Is none of; The NebrasKan was among the first
that hostility here towards Portland's to grett President McKlnley as he left
enterprise in securing part of the trans-1 the trilln ascended the platform
port business for the Columbia riven
that some of the Portland papers rep
resent as existing in Astoria.
The honest fear has prevailed that , Colonel
I When the president concluded his ad
dress he turned and heartily grasped
Bryan's outstretched hand.
. llvered his address after the departure
Portland's ambition, however praise- "Good bye, Mr. president," said Colonel
worthy, might press the river beyond ; Bryan anJ th(, ppe9lJl.nt responded
. "'J?;.-, with a wont of farewell. This closed the
ntatlon. It is Astoria's deep friendly , short mating between the the former
Interest in the river that has been mis- rivals of 1S9 as the presidential train
taken for enmity. , immediately. Colonel Br"an de-
Everywhen?. as the Astorian reporter
ctade his rounds, was satisfaction ex
pressed over the successful trip of the pf th Pident.
Rio de Janeiro and the Sikh. Of course
Astoria would like to have more than SOLDIERS GIVEN MEDALS.
an Incidental Interest in the transport;
business, and It has been suggested Governor Rog?rs Decorates Washing-
that Immediate action may secure trj ton Men in San Francisco Gen-
thls ulty a share in the outfitting of j eral Hospital.
the next government carriers that go ;
from the Columbia to the Philippines. j SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. . Governor
UNTTT OF ACTION j Rpers ftn(1 several members of his
j staff, besides a number of ladles, vis-
The Watchword of the Pacific Coast ted the general hospital today in
Cities Against the AggTv-slve I Mwh of Waahlngton men that
Commercial Tactics of Other
I might be there, so they mlgtu d'-conue
' the sufferers with the state m?dal to be
city of Illinois, today took part In an
elaborate demonstration lo welcome to
their city the president of the United
StAt-s. The gn-t ewnt of the day was
the unveiling of a beautiful monument
erected by Peoria's rfiltena as mem
orial of the sellers of the rebellion liv
ing and dead.
The X Rays Applied to Blind and Par
alysed Chicago- Girl.
CHICAGO, Oct. (.-Harriet Hllbu:h.
five years old and for two years blind
and a paralytic haa had her sight and
the use of her limbs restored through
the agency of the X-rays.
Two years ago the child while play
ing fell from porch to the sidewalk,
a distance of It feut striking on her
head. Th fall left her totally blind
and with her right aide paralysed. A
few days ago the X-raya were applied
and revealed a turn r the slxe of an
egg pressing on the brain.
The skull was trplned dlnvtly over
the cyst as shown In the skiagraph,
act! the tumor removed. The child
was able to move her limbs on recover
ing consciousness, and is now gradual
ly recovering her sight.
presented to the men of the regiment
Loo I men regard with favor the
movement to organise the commercla
Interests of the coast for mutual Bene-, when it has returned.
fit and proteoJon. So far it is thei There were seven Washington men In
wholesale merchants who are acUngthe hospital: Nelson Churchill. Louis
and thej are prompted by necessity, , . .
..... , . .v . . !i E Briwson and C. H. Hovey, of com-
as the beginning of a general active! Panv H; Robert E. Bucklln, of company
unity of coast interests. I K; and Jesse Arnold and Robert T.
ine aiuujo n em. joooers in aneir Golden of company C. Golden was
campaign In fields which coast whole- j M , wh typho,d hat no but
the governor was allowed to s him
but the others were all anxious to see
salers look upon as their rightful ter
rltory, have consolidated the coast
foroet. who were quick to realize the
necessity of organizing against the In- the delegation and In each ward where
"The vastly Increasing commercial
Importance of the West, and especially
of the Pacific coast," explained a prom-
there was a Washington man quite le-
i vee was held. Governor Rogers himself
! decorated each man at the same time
inent Astorian, "is arousing the Jeal- acknowledging his service In the name
ousy of other sections, and this Jealousy . 0f the state.
is becoming so manifest that our cities '
are dropping their petty differences and REPUBLICANS HARMONIOUS,
are getting ready to work for a com-'
mon end the development of Pacific Wm. Murray Crane Nominated Gover
coast trade. ' nor ' Massachusetts.
"We are weak, politically, as compar
ed with our business Interests, but a
Secretary of state, Wm. M. Olin, Eos-
BOSTON, Oct. . The republican
combination of forces will make us state convention today was exceedingly
respected in congress and obtain for us; enthusiastic and harmonious and nom-
our rights. inated the following tlcktt:
"I see that U is reported that San
Frarlsco is really aiding the Columbia' Governor, Wm. Murray Crane, Dal
rler in Ks efforts to secure part of ton.
the government Philippine traftV, and Lieutenant governor, John L. Bates,
Portland and Seattle are not quarrel-' igt
lr.g. In this new business brotherhood
Astoria is sure to share in the result
ing penents.' 1 ton-
Attorney general, H. M. Knowlton,
An interesting Incident happened yes- Auditor, John W. Kimball, Fltch-
terday on Bond street, which redounds .
rru?h to the credit of the wife of one of
Astoria's best known merchants. a; Treasurer and receiver general
fierce bull dug sneaked into one of the ward S. Bradford, Springfield,
shacks In the Chinese quarter and;
grabbed a fine cat, the pet of that; THE PRESIDENT WELCOMED,
whole neighborhood. The dog ran to!
the center or tne street ana proceeded PEORIA, III., Oct. 6.-A good part of
to shake the lire out or the cat, whilt
a group of gesticulating gibbering
Chinamen stood at the edge of thej
sidewalk without daring to Interfere
with the sport of the ferocious mon-j
ster. Just a that Juncture a Ihdy came !
riding down the street on hr pony, j
Her attention was attracted by th"l
crowd and the piteous screaming of the
cat. Without a
she dismounted and threw the rin
over her pony's neck. Walking ri(?ht
Into the melee, she seized the big bull
dng by the nape of the neck and pro
ceeded to wear out her riding whip on
his carcass until his cris resounded
all over the block. The poor cat was!
killed, hut its murderer got such a beat-!
BRISBANE, Queensland. Oct. t.
Great surprise and dissatisfaction are
expressed In commercial and political
circles here at the news that the Brit
ish war offi?e has placed large orders
fir canned meats In the United States,
As a matter of fact, the Queensland
canners, anticipating a large demand,
have prepared Increased stocks, which
It Is probable will become a drug on
their hands.
Every Hand
I ' I 111 -
w -
PORTLAND. Oct. . The gowrn
ment today awarded Wolff A Zwlcker
the contract for remodeling the trans
port Lennox, which Is to carry mules
and supplies to the Philippines. The
contract price Is $30,000.
With the exhilarating sense of re
newed health and strength and In
ternal cleanliness, which follows the
use of Syrnp of Figs, is unknown to
the few who have not progressed be
yond the old-time medicines and the
chea p substitutes sometimes offered
but never accepted by the well-inform
ed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
A very desirable dairy farm, finest
beaver dam land with abundant living
water, n.nd cows, buildings, orchards
and separators. -Address Robert Craw,
ford, Nehalem, Tillamook county, Ore.
Woman's Welfrre
within her own control: greatest
French medical Itrlumph of this cen
tury, for al 1 female Irregularities,
weakness, etc.; a positive blessing to
married ladles. Call or write for
sealed Information. Inclose stamp,
Office, 3f0 Washington street, over
Cordray's, rooms 9-10, Portland, Ore.
: the population of Peoria, the second
i . r f .
moment's hesitation VJKtAI L,tH UVEK 3ALB
Prices Away Down.
You'll Say So,
When You See Prices.
Great American ImporUniiTea Go.
ing as perhaps he had not received be
fore in his whole lifetime. After whip
ping the dog until her strength was
gone, the lady threw the dog from
her, remounted her astonished ony
ar.d rode off without a word. It was
one of the pluckiest and most applaud
ed street occurences seen In Asturla for
a long time. The lady deserves a medal
and the human society ouicht to find
out who she Is and so reward her.
Stored Everywhere.
ioo Stores.
171 Commercial St. Astsrla.
LEGE. Charles Johnson and James Babbidge
entered the Portland Business College
last week. They are studious young
men and will undoubtedly render good
accounts of themselves. They will both
take the full business course.
Reopened September 13. P'or circulars
Principal, Portland Oregon
Telepho neked 391,
Food Co.,
East Portland, Ore., Manufacturers 0
NUT BUTTER, the Foot! for alt
and K B CEREAL the Health
Optieal Go.
Reaches for the delicious
made at
The Spa Candy Factory
The largest lino of Lownt'y's;
Famous Chocolates ever brought j
to Astoria. ,
A H.l'OONLKY, 1'rop'r. Thone V.
ATAtiti, Proprietor.
Sjecial attention Kircn to family orders
la Larue nr msll
Aitetit for
Special nttcntion itivrn tu fuuii!)' orders.
WhoUsale Bud Itetuil Dealers in
483 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon.
Bought, Sold and Exchanged
at the
Old Book Store
History, Biography, Meolunlcal,
Reference, Poetry. Medical,
Lav. ftelitfious, Scicutitlo
AH standard works.
Seoond-band school books, large stock
cheap. Second-Laud magazines. Li
braries bought. Large stock of novels,
10.000 title.
22U-231 Yamhill St., below Socond.
Telephone Red 2883.
The "Delsarie"
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
School Started Monday
And the thoughts of the children nro oneo mow divi'i ted to their ntudies. The beginning of
ot the year funis them with harder studies to iniihterund more complicated prolloin'it to
Holve. lliive you Kolved the prtiblem of lilting the iliildren out properly? Wn have,
tuid nro willing U let you derive tho beiiells of our elli rts. We are prepared to hundlo
nil the sch(Ml children in Antoria and vicinity; and lit tltcin out with the proper kinds of
clothing at prices you will bo glad to puy.
Hoys' Well MJ Suits
Of the heft fulirli-a, flnv I'M
siiurree nd worsteds, nicely
linrd, full v '.' 00; sim-ial
Boya' Ij.oo Suits Every
suit tailored in a Hrtt-t'laaa
manner, finely flnlshml and
iwrlet't Hltmu sarmeot,
1b Best S4.00 Suits-,
That were r shown are
plsitvl oo sale tomorrow for
Roys' $s-oo Suits la al
luoel all slim maile of the
fluent cMiniere ami fanry
plnlds, rtrlM and mUlllrr
all wool irarmeuts, s(Hrial
Vounj Hen's 5ull- lsde of (tHxl bttry casai
meres, in n. t tuiird attern', square or round
rut. wvll ''d and linrd, w 14 to 111 ears,
worth ('V, spo'iid $4.00
Hoys' Knee Pant In eorduroy, twtvd, seryee
and 1 hcvints, nil wrll iiin.Ii snd sewisl, 3 lo
14 yean, al JC to $1.00
v r i )
9 qj
Plack Cat Stockings-
Willi triple kuere heel and
tor, wear filly ht ivnl long,
rr tlmn onlinary sluekliiiis.
.No. Iftls the lii'avil slid
Inintiml l)s' liH'klli)j In
Hie world. Nu. 10 la a light
er Meiiht No. (K) is the fin
est tu lint market (or ladlce'
nilMe and ehlldren, price
er ir SC
Clilldmio feat Maw k double
knee, heave rlhhod slmk
liiK, eiice d lo 0 1 'J, Seotal
per pair IOC
Children's I'ndei wear
Hoys' heavy rlhlied Hioe-
llued sliiiU and diawi ra,ro't heal for tlie price ked,
siaea U tnSI, apecial tier lisrmrut Se
Boys' Sweaters Ho-a' heavy roltnn swealera, odors navy
blue and inartHin, pi lie 90c
llori' extra tine all pure wmd iwealsre, iiavy Mue and Uiannitj
aiieS4 lo 114 each M JO
Hove' Caps-IUiy
Knlfrsiia In plaids
ami ehiH-ks snd
plain minis... ISC
Hots' fine navr
ra with emblems
hot silt.
nlity. all
wool 'rloths tOo
r Trl fWiii
Ul V 1 in over.
....- 1 . rut
X. H. 'ehiivell f lnrgtht lit c of mhool (nipplies in the city; large tablets Ac; combination
school boxes, .'c; bound flutes, Kc; Hoiip.itoiie pi nt JJe j i r ib ni, book Mrap, 01 :
rubluT iiixerled lead pencils, Icwich; etc.
. . . Shanahaii's . . .
Short luitul
H. W. BEHNKB. PrindpeJ.
Rooms 111
Ureioiiian Iluilditiit, Purl land, Ore.
The Pernln System was awarded the
World'a Fair Modal and Diploma. No
shading: No position; Few word-signs
No (allures.
Day and nlfhL
Posing a Specialty.
The Photographer
N. V. Corner
Si'veuth and WashiiiKtnn
Holmes1 English
Business College
414 Yamhill SL, Portlund, Oregon.
j prevents the adva 'rut of many young people wl 0 pourM all other elements
necew iy to succeed. The remedy lies in tbeir own bauds eatlraly.
"It Is Never too Late to Learn."
We admit students of all ages, for a full course or fit a lew branches only
We teach Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Letter Writing, Corn liter,
eial Law, Bookkeepiug, Office Work, Shorthand, Typewriting, Business Forma,
Manifolding, lite. "Armstrong's Combined Theory end Practice of Book
keeping" makes that branch easy. Investigate. It will pay. Call, or writ.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU A. P. Armstrong, Prln.
Ofn all th year. Students may enter st any time. lUiiirirM, Shorthand
and English departments. Private or cLus instruction. Catalogue Ireo.
EnKlish, HiiokkccpiiiK,
Short hand, Typewriting,
Penmanship, All.
Scud for cirmilnrs.
r4 taro.
I. W. Hill. M. D FHaalvaJ.
UrMasi Trm Owewa . . 1SOO.
A SMreins aa4 rT SokMi CaAw i'lnl
tor skUIocum of lnfonnll lAAnm th
riiuHptl. i. W. MILL, M. I)., r. O. draww
It, Porilua, 0r-
Primary, Prtptratorjr ul Ao0nlo !) rl
mdUi Onllm Praiwrsllsa, Mllllur Ptaolpllnt,
Visual TruDlna. Uu)W W U f ntni.
20, 21, 22, 23
M .'iii!.- ,,"
All MiJA Equal
Styles 4 P to
One f IAVa afly
Price "f I $5.00
$3.50 ShC
Also "Queen Quality"
Shoe6 for Women
E. C, Goddard & Co.
Oregonisn Bnilding, Portland.
Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up.
Golf Hats with long Quills all colors,
97c Bach
Street Hats all new styles from ...
78c orid up.
New walking Hats. New Tams and Turbans
To the ladles of Astoria
We cordially invite you to visit us in our new quarters,
Comer Morrison and First Sts.,
Formerly occupied by A. H. STEINHACH, where we have on
display the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Coast.
Up-to-Date Millinery
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
The Big: Store
Corner Morrison and First Stfl.,