The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 07, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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English Racer tie. Best Ever Turned Out and
Has tie Pick of Experienced Sailors.
The Whole Country Anxiously
Await the Outcome of the
Tt America Wrestel ike Trophy
From EngUnd Half Century Ago
Outdistanclrf a Squijroa of E
lish Yactts Nearly Half a Mlle-
wllllng In the extreme that he shout
carry away the prtie to often won
Not thai he will not gvt fair ttwtnu'nt
an be afford! every courtesy It
possible for the New Tork Yacht Club
to five. He wilt gvt all that and more.
And he is determined to win If the big,
graceful Wrd Shamrock can win for
This will b the elewnth serlea oi
rices for the cup, counting the first,
when the America, a sloop yacht,
made tV Journey to England, seeking
whom she might conquer. She sought
match races, but no heed was paid t
her challenges. She arrived In time for
the race of the Royal Tacht Squadron
at Cowes, and so decided to enter.
The course was around the Isle of
Wight, a fluky course and one manl-
rVMv nnfutr ttv tk iTiphf linfiLmltliir
BlSIOry Of meyaCbtS Seat Over by! with Its Uds and currents and winds.
Indeed, the London Times remarked
at the time: "The course ar.iund the
Isle of Wight Is notoriously one of the
n.ost unfair to strangers that can be
selected, and Indeed does not appear
a good race ground for anyone. Inas
much as the currents and tide render
liK?al knowledge of more value than
swift sailing an J nautical skill."
flcnever, the American sailors Wire
game and sailed In the race a race
destined to go down In yachting hls-
tory as the most remarkable Interna
tional race ever sailed. A previous
brush with the crack British yacht
Laverack had resulted In a vtc'ory for
the America, but the Britishers had
no fear that some one of their four
teen craft, eight cutters and six
schooners, would defeat America, go
it vas decided to enter the squadron
Great Britain to
Win Back the
Oh, weep ye British sallora true.
Above or under hatches,
Here's Tankee Doodle been and oome
And beat our crackest yatches.
ml - . . .
xuey siarcea ail to run a race.
And wor well timed with watches
But, oh! they never had no chance,
Had any of our yatches.
London Punch after America's victory
In 1S5L
Columbia or Shamrock who will
win? American yachting supremacy,
malntaired by an unbroken line of vic-
ae America, way back In; event for the 100 cup, the evnt being
4i, uiwny aisiancea an tne fleet of to all nations.
ual lacnt liuds squadron at' They started. America was Inst to
Length over all m ft. 4 in.
Loud water line H) tu t In.
Beam U ft 24 In.
Du?ht ft S in.
Forward overhang 15 ft. ( In.
After overhang j ft..
Weight of lead in keel to tons.
Displacement in tons ..115.
Freebcard at bow 7 ft. n.
Freeboard at stern 4 ft. 9 In.
Freeboard amidships 4 ft.
Surface below water 1,760 so,, ft.
Sail area 12,900 sq. ft.
Height of mast from deck to hounds 73 tit.
From deck to topmast 123 ft.
Greatest circumference of mainmast 66 in.
152 ft. 2 In.
89 ft. 2 In.
25 ft. 6 In.
20 ft. 24 In.
20 ft.
22 ft.
V) tons.
7 ft. 4 In.
S ft.
S ft. 10 In.
2.C19 sq. ft.
13.( sq. ft.
77 ft.
121 ft.
00 In.
the Isle of Wight, Is at stake. The
prestige of American designers, Amer
ican builders and American sailors Is
to be defended by the Columbia, as
well as the old,, battered silver trophy
known as the America's cup.
British bulldog perseverance, the best
of the brains devoted to Scotch yacht
designing, and the pick of experienced
English and Scotch sailors are to be
contended against. "Llpton's luck,"
which has in thirty years made a
many-times millionaire of an errand
boy, a term conjured by In England
and something considered a great fac
tor in the life of the- big tea grower,
packer and merchant, Is to be reckoned
in. When Llpman decides to bring a
boat oi er to carry back the plec of
silver it Is time America! ya'.chmen
look to their laurels.
All the country Is Interested. Amer
ica Is once more on the eve of a great
eomfcat with England a friendly com
bat, to be sure, but none the less keen,
and all Americans, whether they live
on Long Island sound or In Arizona,
are looking toward Sandy . Hook and
the races which are to take place there
October 3, 5, and 7.
When Lord Durraven packed up his
grip and hied himself home In a huff
after the Defender Valkyrie III. race
lr. 1805, American yatchmen despaired
for a time of ever again having the
pleasure of engaging In the defense of
the trophy.
"Quoth Dunraven: 'Nevermore!"
And the disgruntled lord Influenced
so many of his countrymen to b-lieve
he had been treated unfairly that sen
timent In England was for three y ars
against challenging for the cup again.
It remained for Sir Thomas Johnson
Llpman, t?a prince, to throw to the
winds all pr-Judlce on account of Dun
raven, and in 1838 he Joined the Royal
Lister Yacht Club with the avowed
purpose of coming after the American
Will he succeed? He has the past
experiences of many Eritlsh sportsmen
to discourage him. He has the disad
vantage of having to Incur enormous
expense perhaps In vain. He has the
further disadvantage of sailing the
race in American waters and surround
ed by a people zealously partlslan, un
cross the line, but she passed through
the English floit as If they had ben
anchored, so swiftly did she go. Bigger
and bigger grew the gap. On board
the royal stam yacht Victoria and
Albert on that famous day, August
22. 1S31, was Queen Victoria. Turning
to an attendant she asked:
"Which Is first?"
"America, your majesty."
"And which Is second?"
"There is no second, your majesty."
It v as true. On passing the Needles
the nearest yicht to the America waa
tho Aurora, and she was eight miles
astvrn. Ar.U America, the vUitor, drop
ped anchor oft Cowes, winner of the
cup. Elghten minutes afterward Au
rora finished. The remainder of the
fleet finished on the following day.
As Punch put it:
Thlr whole squadron she outsped
And that on their own water!
Of all the lot she went ahead
And they came nowhere arter.
Thus It was that America won, near
ly a half century afro, and so it hu1
been In every succeeding race fur the'
cup, with slightly varying clrcum.
The Englishmen consider them
telves so thoroughly beaten that for
seventeen years the cup, most bi-autl- and excursion
It was Columbia which was first
defeated by a British yacht.
The nel two races for the cup were
sailed l Canadian yachts. Vice Cum
modore Charles Clifford of the Hoytit
Ctnnllnn Yacht Club in W sent
the Countens of Dufferln ns the chai.
lefir, and the good schooner Made
leine grotlfted her American friends by
defeating the Canadian, In th second
nice the old America, ulaunch ami
tl-ot, though Just a bit old-fashion
looking, sailed the course, and herself
defeated this Canadian uiwtain by over
nineteen minutes.
Again an interval of five years, and
then came another Canadian challenge
this time from Captain Alexaudei
Cutborth of the Bay of Toronto Yacht
Clut, who sent his boat Atalnnta
through the Erie canal. The Amer
Kan yacht Mischief outclassed the lit
tie champion from tho north, win
nlng the first race by vr twenty mln
utes. and the second by nearly fifty
nine minute. Tttcae deeUlvw defeat:
.tttsned th Canadians that the cup
.xs beyond their reach.
Coming down to the more recent eon
tests, the excitement of the mors which
has taken place sine 1JSS is recall
ana Puritan, Mayflower, Volunteer,
Igllant and Defender nanves that
cause a thrill In the breasts of Amtr
lean yaehtmen played their parts In
the defense. Sir- Itlchard Sutton in
l5 sent over the cutter Geneeta a an
entry from the Royal Tacht squadron
J. Beaver Webb was her designer, and
Edward Kurgeas fashioned the bvauU
iui winged creature Puritan. On tne
first race the wind died down and the
race wus called off. Next day the
boats started, but collided on the
course, Uenesta losing her bowtprlt
Puritan s malna!l being torn. The out
"nimiiiT uevioeu ine accident was
Puritan's fault, and Informed Sir
Itlchard he could will over the course
alone and claim the cup. But he was
after a real race, and true snortman
that he was, he declined to accept the
gift. Turltan won both nuvs. the last
by only one minute and thirty-eight
seconds, and still the trophy remained
in the possesion of the New York
Yacht Club.
The Urttalns redoubled their efforts,
and quadrupled their expenditures In
getting the very best of everything f.r
their yachts, but all to no purine.
The. next victim was t.Mit.nant W.
ft. lienn of the royal navy, who came
with Galatea in 1SS8, Hurir.-ss produc
ing Mayflower aa tho American repre
sentauvo. .Maynower was a center-
board sloop, built at the personal ex
pense of General Charles J. Paine of
Boston, and not constructed by a syn
dicate, as some of the previous yachts
had been. Mayflower took both the
f rst two races handily.
Then came the first challenge from
a Scotch yachting organ I xat Ion. In
the fall of 1SS8 the Royal Clyde Tacht
Club notified the New York Yacht
Club that It would send the Scotch
cutter Thistle as Its representative to
compote the next yr for the cup.
The Thistle waa a ateel cutter. She
had as an opponent the Volunteer,
another Burgess product. Though
the Thistle waa found to be eighteen
Inches longer on the load water line
than had been specified In the condl
lions for the race, the cup committee
waived the point and the races were
sailed between the two fastest yachts
America and Britain had up to that
time built. Volunteer showed wonder
ful speed and defeated her rival by
nineteen minutes and twenty-three and
three-fourths seconds in the first race,
and by eleven minutes and forty-eight
and three-fourths seconds In the sec
Lord Dunraven, commodore of the
Castle Yacht Club at Calshot Castle,
challenged in the winter of 1892, and
the New York Yacht Club Immediately
took up the gage. Wealthy New
Yorker determined the cup should re
main and formed Itwo separate syndi
cates, and General Payne of Boston
volunteered to have a yacht built at
his cwn expense. Then a Boston syn
dicate waa formed to build a yacht,
making four In all, and the yachts Vig
ilant, JuMlee, Pilgrim and Colonla
were the results. In the trial races the
Vigilant demonstrated her superiority
and waa chosen defender. The Val
kyrie proved a worthy yacht, but she
was not the craft to defeat the Vigi
lant and the Vigilant won ithe three
races, Dunraven having stipulated that
the best three in five should decide.
Dunraven wished to contest for the
cup again, and had a new yacht, Val
kyrie III., built and came over again
in lt95. The Defender, a magnificent
yacht wis built by the Americans.
On the first race the Defender won
rather easily by eight minutes, forty
nine seconds, but In the second by only
forty-nine seconds. On this race the
course waa crowded with pleasure craft
boats and Dunraven
iui trophy in the eyes of American claimed that he was hampered by this
yathtmc-n, remained In possession ofj
the New York Yacht Club. Then In
jamea Ashbury, representing the
Royal Thames Yacht Club, challenged
f r his fine keel schooner Cambria. The
race, August S, 1870, over the course of
the New York Yacht Club, was upon
conditions similar to those under which
the cup had been won originally, the
Cambria sailing against the whole club
fleet, twe-nty-two strong, seven keel
and fifteen cen'.erboard schooners.
Majflc, centerboard, wag first, Cambria
coming In tenth. This was the only
fleet. lie refused to continue thie rac-a
and took passage Immediately for
England, claiming that he could so
Influence mattfcTS In England thait there
would never be another challenge by
an Englishman for the American cup.
But Plr Thomas Llpton's challenge
came, and onco more the saltwater
yochtmen are on the qui vlve of ex
pectancy. Well knowing that Sir
Thomas would spare neither pains nor
money to have the very highest type
of craft constructed, patriotic men who
had America's yachting interests at
and Tones
. , v t I I .1
tho System;
the Blood.
Mm. Mury M. Myera tMS
inort', Ohio, wrilo "I miflVrod
fur 'i;!it ytnw with nrrvou ro
tnitioll iiml tho gclHTuI tlfhility
I'imituoii to women, ami luul mich
pnins in my lnck tlint I coull
not gi t nroitiul thr Iiou e, I used
!viiiil ri'incilies utul conmiltod
m'VituI of tin ImM h ninnns
without ol.tiiiiiing nny ivliof
I'liiiic'st'i hry (mijoiiiul restored
lilt U lll'llltll,
"I uImi want toniy to nil moth'
tr.s that I'ainc's (Vhry I'otiijtiniinl
it u ili itiliil mi.licino fur their
The organs of the
infciire their healthy
' Ail
expend great nerve energy,
body need vigorous nerves to
action. Suffering of acute nervousness is caused by weak, inflamed
nerves. The body soon becomes debilitated when the nerves are
weakened. Paine's Celery Compound will nourish and reinforce the
nerve fibres.
with the product of the Britain. W.
fuller Duncan, managing owner of
the DefendvT, hag expended a consid
erable sum In the fitting up of the
Defender, though at no time has It
been a-'rlously thought that the Co
lumbia would not be the yacht to con
test against the Shamrock.
From the description of the two
yachts so far obtained, no two cup
yachts have ever been so near one
another In design and d. Rails of con
struction. In length, in g.norul ap
pearance of hull and in equipment, the
designers, Fife of the Shamrock and
Nat" Hereshoff of the Columbia,
have had very similar Ideas. Columbia,
Defender and Shamrock resemble one
another very closuly, and experienced
yaehtmen say the battle off Sandy
Hook will be largely a battle ba'.ween
holmsmen and crews.
Ruth the Shamrock and Columbia are
built with great regard for economy
of weight. Fife consulted tho Thor
neycrof'B, the torpedo boat men, when
constructing the Shamrock, and when
told by them that he could save a ton
by laying a light metal deck, Instead
of the ordinary wooden one, he fell In
with the Idea at once, and so the deck
Is simply a thin sheet, covered over
with tarred canvass, so that the crew
will not slip, however rough the weath
er. The lower masts on Dotn cnauengcr
and defender, are made of thoroughly
tested steel plates.
Though Sir Thomas Is an Irishman,
and his steam yacht la called tho Erin
and hla challenger tho Shamrock, yet
there Is little in the yacht to suggest
Ireland, except her green painted top-
sides. His searoh for an Irish design
er was In vain; his request to Har
land & Wolff, builders of large ocean
(Continued on Pago Seven.)
rMJ gOurlndltmtlon,
amm m J oonmtipmmn.
BEmBmU Blok HmmilmolU.
10 cents an! 25 etnts, at all drug stores.
race In which a challenging yacht was heart, and who wanted to defend the
pitted against more than one yacht.
cun as
Not disheartened, Mr. Ashbury next a new
best they might, decided that
yajht should be built. Chief
year sent over Livonia, a keel Bchoon- among these men were J. Plerpont
er, and Columbia, a pretty schooner, Morgan and C. Oliver Iselin. It was
wag selected to represent the defense. ' decided that tho Defender, which had
Columbia won the first two rates, lost' done such yeoman service, should b
the third, and the cup committee sub-' retained as a trial horse.and If they new
stltuted Sappoh,
which won the next
creation should prove less speedy the
Defender would again enter the lists
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