The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 07, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    I HE mi)kLAti .' iJAlt'HDA). OCTOBrffi 7, 1899
Extraordinary Salo
Special for Wednesday andJThursday.
Itluck and Culorwl &rge fl.00 quality &0
OoU Maid 40 In. Moiu!it ' 45c
Kngliah J'launuletto 10c quality c
Alt other goods' in projiortion
470 Comtuvrcial St.
T IUILV AITOHIAN will in fuund
! In 1'urlUnd Ik .ll-knuit
tlMry ki.UM ntt.t, NlktlUy !. l
Wa.MuliH Slrl. Itrdara Wnr un with Mill arm will rmlii
rntil AtUlilloa,
1'OIITL.AND, Dot, T.-Falr weather
today, warmer weal of Cascade
F. Evant of Qrty't Harbor It In tht
Mas Urmndv
tpent ywrtortlay n
Mr. Hubert Morrjr of Nehalvm wtt Id
lh city yetterdiy.
Frank Duw wu In from Toutig't
rlvtr yesterday.
W, N. Meaerv of Gray' river iru In
town yurdy.
Chrl. Petr-n of Oitwy tpciA yet
terUay In tbt cMy.
Editor Illaeaford, of thi ClaUkanl
Chief, li In the city.
tlan Co Irft th city fur Portland! on
yaiurJay morning! train,
1IOH N-Ootulu 1 to th wife of
I. E. Drown, daughur.
Dr. rtlihop loft on laal nlght't train
to attend patient a Knapp.
The lemer Elmure will leave out
till morning fur Tillamook.
Itev. XI r. Mot'onnlo tuk the train
yritcrday morning for Portland.
A ipeclal inratliif of the city coun
cil Mill bo hold at 7. JO thla evening.
C. A. Oovi a horn from Loa AngvHet,
Cal. Ho was furmorly a Portlamler.
Furnished room for light hou.keep.
(kit Mm. K. O, I'urran. !7J Tenth Bt.
Ml Mantle fowls returned yeater
day from an attended vlalt to the rani.
Mi Clara Llonberger went to Port
land Inat evening to spend a few Ayi.
For ront Furnished front room on
Commercial trt; nqulr at thla of-do.
In tow for Portland yeaterday, to load
C. A. Oundenon and dtughtert were
paaienvvr on the up train yesterday
Paul Padoloit wu among the pas
senger! lo Portland on yoobsnlay morn
Iffi train,
Oaston It going to build a new junk
lor at the oomor of Fourtenfa ant
Bond ttreett.
Mike Oorman. f Cathlamnt, acconv
panlrd by hit wife and child, U vlelt
Ing In the city.
The confectionery at Tba Spa Candy
Factory hat )utt that delloaU flavor
you Ilk to well.
Hen Ward haa rvtumed from Doug-
Iim and Coot courttlea. whoro he haa
been prmpectlng for coal.
Keep your eye on Knapp Dm.'
Health Food Co. 'a ad. In another col
umn. Not thotr product.
Mlu May ruing haa been appoint
d tubatllut tnachrr In the public
schools by the (chool board.
The Prltleh ahlp MtrDufT arrived In
tow from Portland yetterday, wheat
laili-n fur Algoa bay.
Tim pilot schooner Joseph Pulllter
moved down to the lower harbor yea
terday preparatory to going to fa
Mli Mamie fowlt relumed yetter
dny from Wisconsin, where the htt
been vleltlng relative for th apart
right month.
Profiwttf Stoddard organise hit full
cUm In 1 taint on physical culture and
glv-t th flrtt Iraaon at Hanthorn hall
Senator Simon hat written a Utrr
pron.lnlng hit tupport In th movement
to make Fort fllevent an xtnilv mil
itary rettfrvafton.
Th brtrk foondutlon of th fttMidardi
Oil Comptny'i war-houe It Hearing
ccimplptlnn and will bo flnlthed about
th mldddle of netl week.
ovlled, W tucoeed In making thvm
jUMt a llltle better than othen.
When In Aatoria, trantlont gui-ttt
oan toour unturpaiiaad accommodu'
tiont at IIm Attor Houao. Perfeot oook-
Inir and nlc, olean room. Italna, f)
per day.
It. II. Hal, who had hit arm to ae-
vrjly cut totn tlm ago In Olaon't
camp at Hoatlde, hat aliiwiat euiln-ly
rooovered, and ctpectt toon to Mom
to hit employment.
Ilev. 0. W. Cirannlt, who tome yean
ago had charge of th MiUiodlirt pat
tiirat of thl city, haa Ikwii appointed
nnamlol agutit of th Willamette
unlvertlty A Balotn.
Prwtbyterlan Church. Service ai
utual tomorrow. Them of the morn
Ing tormon, "Fear Not." Evening
theme. "Work." A very cordlul luvlla-
Hon la extended to all.
I. W. Harper! Nelton county, Ky.,
whltkry. A gentleman'! wbltkey; a
whltkey for tht ildeboard; a whitkey
for th tick room. Bold by Foard A
Bluket Company, AttorU, Oregon.
Th Mlttat Mabel and Jennie J.-f
fort, daughter! of E. C. Jeffert of the
Lewlt and Clark, hav tec u red apart.
men It at th rwldenc of Mrt. DayKa
of thlt city and will attend tchool dur
ing th winter.
Mitt Annie Olton, a tucccwiful teach
er, hat recelwd Jeavrved promottrti In
b-lng appointed Vice-principal of the
Oiney tchool Th board hat elivtrd
Mitt May Utxlnrr, a capable young
lady, to be tubstltuto trch"r.
Tht Columbine tried to go out yetier
dty morning, but put back on ireount
of fog and rough water. Bhe will tall
thlt morning for Quartermaat-r har
bor. Bbt will go In dry dock trier and
have her bottom temped and palnte.
In th circuit court yvtlcrdty the
caart of Myra Runeell va Frank Cook
and C. Evanum and J. N. Jonct vt.
Olive Jom were tcttkeil and dlamlnied.
Thet wu an order confirming tab In
the cat of the Clataop Mill. Co. v.
Bui Cot
At th Norwegian Evangvllcal Luth
eran church tomorrow there will be
Englith Sunday tchool at (.30 a. m.;
Norwegian tervloet, 10 45 a. m.: text.
"What think ye of ChiittT " Engllith
Krvloet at 7: JO p. m.; tubjeot, "Flrtt
fWie local taxpayer' league, It It
teml-oinclolly announced, will be en
tered In the municipal political race.
It It hinted that If the orgunlintlon
ninket a lumdent ihowlng tu IVvm-
her. It will htve a
ofllcet next June.
The Chrytanthomum toclal club gar
their flrtt party of the teuton lut night
at Foard at Huke hall. Fl'wr, muni
and attembly wer at thnlr beat and
thlt Initiatory hop wu a pleutant tut
cent. The palrwiewi wer M4amei
Oiburn, Newell, Thomaon and Hell
born. Gilbert F. Ninith of Portland I vUlt
Ing hit tlter, Mr. Jack Clark, In thlt
city, "bert" wu a memU-r of th B'
ond Or-gon n-glmerit and terved u
Colonel Huinniert ordvrly while In the
UvUl In the reporti he wu tpeclally
mentioned for couragtiout conduit In
The German thlp Nock arrived In
tow from Portland yeaterday, barley
laden for Dublin. Her cargo contltti
of IM.m buthelt, valued at 127, 1M and
I ihlperl by U. W. Mc.NVar. Thlt It
th only entire barley cargo to h av
th Columbia liver during the prenent
year and there will likely be no other.
Tht F.cllpie Hardware Company bu
tented the building formerly occupied
by the Creamery restaurant and Piar
t'jfi't lommlralon atort tnd will re
move about the flmt of next month.
The new quarter! art larger and mure
oommodloua and th Increated butlnctt
of th company can b handled there
with better taultfactlon.
A gentleman who wu going a thort
dlMnte up the road last evening made
li.'iulry of c friend u to the price of
the tirkt to hi declination. He wu
Informed that It wu 75 ountt, to, wltn
ly determining to aave a quarter, be
paid M cenlt for a tlckot to Pictland,
only to d lac over after he had paid for
the ik-kt't that hit informant wu
wrong and that It would have coet him
Just 40 centa to go where he detlred.
A party of gowk-men engaged in the
logging builnesi on Gray' river wr
dlatuulng the preaent-day market at
the Parker house lut night. They
claimed that there It a great Improve
ment over former yaart. The cliitt of
loci that a couple of yean ago brought
ft and IS now easily bring ti. The
increue It far from being all profit,
however. All hardware tuppllet used
In logging have advanced. Ornoerlea,
t.o, are hlgh.r, and the price of labor
la materially greater. Lnlx.r. in fhet,
gett the crvam of the Improved prlo-a.
Hwen Olton, a reeldont of Warrenton,
Ti, o.n r)nt nv.r to not tltUa of uw. brought over rrom nil J'""-
elt at Hyltnd Broa.' old bookttor,Port. tnrday aflemoot o receive nu-dle.U
... n .-a , . ,vi t. leeniment at 9t. Manr't hoipltal. He
. ha ai nnent eerlouiily III. and a con
Tht chocolat creama mad at The
Pretty weather, tucb u that of y--terday,
It conducive to contentment,
but In Oregon It It bad for
and newt. Ongonlani gmwl at rain
ard all the while how by their actlont
that they love It. When the tun shines
people grow Innguld 'and apparently
endeavcr to refrain from doing any
thing of Interest. When the cloud teera
fall the women with women, with um
brellat and. mackliUnatiet, go ahopplng
try at the county crowdt, men g't down to btitlncM
and do thing that other people like to
hear about. Thing happen In Oregon
uhen It ralna
Foard & Stokes Company
Ship Chandlers and General Wholesalers and
Special Departments
Hardware. Groceries
Fruits and Meats
Stoves, Tinware
Faints and Oils
Largest 5tore of the Kind in Oregon.
V au
v .. i r
Of 6
Tonscrial Parlors
301 Washington St, comer Fifth
Opposite Hotel Perkint
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty
Ladiea entrance to bath
oo Fifth itreet
If you have eccema or ringworm, k
will pay you to write or call at J. A.
Clementon't drug store, 227 Yamhill
street, Portland, Or., for a tarn pie of
Cyleed, the wonderful eczema and ring
worm cure. Thla remedy baa been
known for over ten yean, but we have
never hod tufflclenrt proof of ltt cura
tive power until the lasn year or two
to warrant putting It before the pub
lic. Now we have teen It cure to many
I that we are willing to apend a little
money putting it before the public,
knowing that H needs only an Intro
duction to prove a succesa.
Breakfast Food Select Bran ...
Barley Food T . Yeast, Cocoa
Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats
The traveling public will be pleated
to horn that under the new manage
ivcpt announced for the Occident hot l
tultatlon of phyilclana will be held u''" ""V"1" ,h ""
to the advliablllty of performing an
The Prlllth ihlp- ComhVbank U-ft up Ppa Candy Factory oannot be ex- operation.
. . FREE..
To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the same advantages as
the people of Portland, we will, during the coutinuance of the prevailing
rates, furnish round trip ticots from .....
Astoria to Portland and Return
Absolutely Free
By giving one round trip ticket and an Admission
to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur
chased of us, no matter what price the garment,
This will enable those deniring to visit tho Exposition to do so without cost
and at the samo time to take advantage of our enormous selection of
For Mons, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures.
CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and
an admission to tho exposition with each purchase of a Suit or Overcoat.
Moyer Clothing Co.
The Popular Price Clothiers.
BEN SELLING, Manager. . 3rd and Onk Streets, Portlur.d
and gentlemanly clerk of thaj popular
hostelry for the pott eight years, Mr.
Arthur J. Tve, will ba retained In his
old position. Mr. Tee Is one of the
best qualified hotol clerks on the Pa
cific coast, and In the many years of
hit crnnectlon with the Occident he hat
most favorably Imprvwed all whh
whom he hu been brought In comaat.
The high reputation sustained through
out the country by Astoria'i chief
house, of public entertainment hu been
not a little due to Mr. Tee'a uniform
poiltenru and painstaking efforts to
make the vlslta of its gueata pleasant
and comfortable.
At hu already been ttated, the Ave
men who In the gvueral confusion
I missed th transport at Portland
l .-'aught their ves! at (hit port, but It
i It probably not generally known that
their teif-constltuted guardian wu de
i-ldedly left. A young cltlten of Port'
bind Intended to go u a passenger on
the Sikh and had arranged to board
his v easel at thlt place. Upon dUcov
erlng the pretence of the too-much-gag
tnldlert he became very anxious for
their welfare, and decided that at all
hazards they should be gotten safely
aboard. With thlt kind purpose In
view, he wat searching for hit wtrdt
tit the lut minute, and a Hot K? later
than the lut minute, which accounts
for the fact ithat he It now the only
man who misted the transport! to Ma
nila. However, he is consoled by the
faot that his outfit will no doubt get
safely tlwre.
There wu a rumor In circulation yes
terday that the cannerymen raised the
pries of fall salmon and were paying
J cents a pound, or a half cent a
pound more than what wu paid at the
opening of the season. F. M. Warren,
the Cathlamet and Cascade cannery
man, la eald to havo mode the advance.
Fishermen who were in Astoria dur
ing the day sold there was nothing in
the advance, as the-Warren buyers hod
paid tho advanced prices only where
they dosired to gvit Ithe flsh of outside
boats, and that the price wu not gen
erally paid to the men fishing for the
Xt arren canneries. The run of salmon
has considerably Increased wlithln the
past few days. Trappers, Mners and
gillnettcrs ar making good catches and
there Is every prospect that the run will
continue for a week or more. Stoel
hcads nre selling alt 6 centa a pound
but very few are being taken.
Headquarters for Cutters' Losing
Shoes and Loggers' Outfits. THE RED
FRONT, 269 Morrison street, Portland.
The recent yellow fever fright raited
wldefelt Interest in ltt treatment It la
treated In the simplest way possible al
though It Is a terrible disease. Perfect
sanitary arrangements ore Insisted up
on, the supply of water must be pure,
simple medicines are administered and
the bowelt kept regular. If thlt last
measure was observed by everyone we
would be a magnificent race. There Is
nothing better than Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters for cleansing the system, a
dose three times a day will bring new
life and happiness. It will positively
cure constitution and dyspepsia and for
weak liver or kidneys there It nothing
to equal it. Every truggtst Keeps u
and a private Revenue Stamp covert
the neck of th Dome.
5 1:
The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland
rwuvuuxn ouutnAAnivuiruvuuinnnnAAAAnAAnXAnuiAnAnrini
...The Esmond Hotel...
lit. clairvoyant and life reader: con
ult her on all business affairs, lov
trouble, absent friends; she haa no
equal; restores lost love. W7tt First
street, parlors S and I Fee, Ho and
WAK0N BROS., Proprs, .
fondue ted on the check tiyit.m, there
fore patroni pay for what tbey ord.r
tnd no more.
We ruin
tli lit Urtrit, CkfiMiL
lirtot Scnin ii Ui Itrtki
109 and 111 Fourth 8t.
Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND
r:irv',;ttit.'OprdAV. OsCAft ANDErtSON, Manager- i
American plan, 1.00 lo 1100 per day. J. C. FEJiDEGAST, Chief Clerk.
P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
La tost and Best.
General Supply
House for
Family Groceries
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc.
.nulMluecr ol
the Always) Rella
rioprleb r.
Priritt bout lor LiJim.
m Washing
ton SI , near Sth
E. House's
Third trtct, Portland, Oregon.
The Host Cup of Codte
orCoooainthe city.
Cream anil Milk
from our owu ranch
llome made I'lei anil cakes.
A hill Mm J PiM.
a Smtktn' ArtklM.
47-t Comisii.lal tH t .
"La Belle Astoria" Clear
Scheite's Opera Star
Scbeibe's Special
And Oth.r Brand
Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.
.... High-Grade Colege for Boys and Young: Men....
Healthful and ttrotv location CM miles tron Portland oo th 9outhra
Facdfio. Springfield branoh). Ooniptett and tborougli preparatory, Bterary,
toianMflo, oktMloat, normal, oommeret al oourae. 8PDCIA1, COURSES fn
matmaitijtt, StirryUi, Drawlnf, CI ril Service, French, German, Spanlsa
Italian, Shorthand, Typewriting. Tategnapby, Musio. Aoademlo Degrees and
Teachers' Slat Certiflcatea and Dipiomvs Conferred. Send for catalogue,
The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg
Custom House Broker.
Insurance and Shirting. Agent w. r. acq.. dj paeiac wem co'.
Commission. Brokerage,
In all sizes and styles.
We shall continue to sell
Iron and Brats Bedstead
at the same Low Fricet
regardless of the raise in
the price of iron and braes