THK MORNING ASTOIUAN SATURDA. OCTOBER 7, im. 4 gaily gUtovian. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTTOK. DAILY. Sent by mail, pr year $4.00 Bent bjr mall, per rnoata M Served by carrier, per month M SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per rear. In ad ranee 1100 Postage fre to subscribers. All communication Intended (or pub licities should be dlreoted to the edi tor. Business communications of all kinds and remittance muat be addreaa ed to "The Aatoriaa." The Aatoriana g uaranteea to Its ad YerUsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. TO RKA DKRft. Tha "Dally a.torlaa" aoatila twlea a mack reading matter as aay alaar ar aabllaaad la Aatorla. II la te aaljr papar Uutt praaeala lu raadar wit a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVKRT1SKK9. The Dally Aa toriaa has mora than t a lee aa aainy rad- rla. It is lAarafor wura taaa la lea aa ralaable aa aa adrertlaing aiadlam. A DISCLOSURE THAT WILL TOUND OREGON. AS- It has bei frequently asserted by the Aytorian that James J. Hill was ex ercising too much control over the O. R. 4 N. and that Portland and the whole of Oregon was suffering from this domination of the "Orrfton" road In the interest of the Sound. The Ore- Kunian has always aAVcted to n,r at' tbese warnings. Only yesterday that!83"'-11 ' on tne eouth. which enjoys. paper published an extract from the Tacoma Ledgvr ridiculing the preten sions of Astoria as the natural and best seaport for Oregon. In the Oregonlan's comment on these statements from the Ledger it again laughs at the Astor ian's suggestion that the commerce of the Columbia river is being diverted from Portland, and that unless some immediate change Is made from the unnatural conditions which hold the chief export and Import port of Ore gon it a point 110 miles Inland, where that commerce Is subject to the manip ulations and discriminations of the railroad combination, Portland and Oregon will not participate In the bene- fits of the coming trade with Ala and ,.;. v.... . ....'extending into this city. And under htlt that imT t fnn m.r..k will inevitably be thrown to Sound I The attention of the Oregonian and such of its readers in he slate as have been led to believe the fears ex pressed by the Astorian imaginary or inspired out of malice towards the O. R. it N. Company, Is invited to an ar-' tide published in .the Post-Intelli-1 , . , . , I gencr on Thursday, which is repro- duced In full below. Can any Orego- nlan who reads that article understand the silence of Oregon's greatest news paper on a subject so vital or that paper's repeated contemptuous refer ence6 to the Astorian's efforts to bring the real facts of the situation before the business men and producers of Oregon? Can the press of the state any longer afford to Ignore a matter ! of such transcendent Importance out of deference to the Oregonlin's feelings or the very peculiar attitude that paper J has teen fit to assume towards It? The Astorian especially calls upon the' Hillsboro Independent and other pa-' pers which have lately shown an inter-! est In the Astoria discussion to notice this Post-Intelllgencer article. The statements made 'there should create a profound impression throughout Ore gon. If the Oregonlan will not take this matter up and do its duty by It, then the people of Portland must be aroused to the crisis that confronts them by Ithe influence of the outside press. The article in question reads as follows: Again the rumor Is revived that the Union Pacific will extend the oregonj Shoit Line from Portland into Seattle, and under an agreement with the Great Northern, will assist in making Seattle the leading pom for the hand ling of Oriental and Asiatic trade. This statement Is made upon the au thority of an official of the Oregon Railroad Sr. Navigation Company who is in a position to know the facts and who is able to produce a letter dealing with certain facts known only In the oitlcial circles of the Oregon and Union Pacific lines. The rumor has been cur rent for several days past. During the visit of President A. L. Mrtiler to this city two wek at h' was asked th plain question, 'Dace the Union Tacinc conUMnplate the exten sion cf the Oregon Short Lin Into Se attle?" to which he ivplled; 'The I'nlon Taclflo contemplate many things. Time alone will tell what It will do in this direction." A special meeting of he stockholders of all three roads, the Union Paclflc. Oregon 6hot Line and Oregon Rail road A Navigation company, was held In Salt Lake City a wvek rx The purpose of the meeting, so far aa the gvneral public Is Informed, was to vote an the Issuance of a rew lot of Union Paclf c bonds for the purposv of taking up a portion of the outstanding Indebt edness of the Oregon Railroad A Nav igation company and the Oregon Short Line. Put according to the Oregon Railroad A Navigation man and the letter referred to. there was another and deeper reason for calling the meet ing, and one which brought from the east and west directors and stockhold ers of both roads In great numbers. According to the letter, the business In which this city Is Interested was all transacted on the second day of the meeting, when, by a unanimous rote, the Issuance of bonds was authorised for the purpose, so the records of the meeting. It is said, show, of taking up a certain amount of the outstanding In debtedness of th two Oregon lines and extending the Short Line Into Seattle. The extension work. It Is stated, was authorised begun as soon as the bonds weru Issued and sold, which will proba blv be this fall. or. at latest, next spring. Now comes the reasoning from the facts as they are said to exist. First of all, it is the known ambition of all the roads operating toward the coast to tulld to Seattle, the future port for the development and care of the new trade of the Pacific. A second ambl tlon, and one that has extended over msny years, has been to find an eu trance to the Southern Pacific's terri' tory in California. Through the ener gies of Collis P. Huntington, this has proved not practical, and now a west em railroad movement is on foot to divert the Pacific coast trade by land and water frra Saa Francisco to Seat tle. To bring about this condition, all Pa cific Northwest lines are willing to as sist, as, at the present time, they par- I ticipate to but a very small degree In the San Francisco trade. TtK- soutn- ern Iuiric has a monopoly and In rvatitv has but one competitor, the as Lazarus did, the crumbs. So it is that at this time the Union Pacific, tapping the great South Central West, Is able to make arrangements with the transcontinental lines enter ing Seattle and secure fe-rminals here. Under the new arrangement, which is now said to be practically agreed upon, the Great Northern and Northern Pa- rlf-.e in the Northwest and the Union Pacific and Its Oregon connections In the South and Central West and North- wtst, will be able, within themselves, to control to a great degree a large amount of the business now being handled by the Southern Pacific from and to San Francisco. This It Is the intention to bring to Seattle out of the reach of the Southern Pacific. So it Is that the only means whereby the hog gtsh actions of the Southern Pacific can be combated is by the Union Pacific tne circumstances me unui iurmr-ru v. tllr g to aaalst. Kiom this point the Great Ncrthern- Unii.n Pacific agreement contemplates, until bltr facilities can be arranged, the handling of Union Pacific business to California points by the- Pacific Cuasi ships. Steamship Company's steam- The but a - line of the plan. But more definite In- fonaat,OB to announced by the lit Interested. President Mohler is at present in St. Paul, the guest of .1 President James J. Hill, with whom he , I held a conference before th Salt Lake meeting, when both were In this city two weeks ago. Spending millions for an Imprdved supply may make money flow like wa ter, but It's something If the water Is clean, clear and healthy. W)a) i scorn PULSION! ' is a food medicine for the baby that b thin and not v j well nourished and for the ; mother whose milk does if not nourish the baby. f It is equally good for the i boy or girl who is thin and 3 pale and not well nourished f i by their food; also for the ansmic or consumptive g a(jun that is losing flesh and strength. Z V In fact, for all conditions of wasting, it is the food V medicine that will nourish J and build up the body and 5 ? give new life and energy 5 when all other means fail J J Should be taken In tummerai V well at winter. w 50c and $1.00, all druggists. w ICOTT &BOWNE,Chemi., New York, y T:;ii WoRRim Man's Frifnii The nun J reacts on the bouy ia a wonderful way. Perturbation of mind ami anxiety cause any predisposition to disease to develop into actual disease. Many a man who has fallen a victim to Bright' disease i-f the kidueys con trace its fi o'. inuUcst.ition to a time w'.xn be was struggling for financial life in a vciy sea of troubles. What can be done under such circumstances to avoid a probably mortal disease Why, follow the example, ot thousands, who now bless its discovery, and take Warner's Safe Cure. It is a remedy that can be relied upon, a remedy that pever fails. BOTH SIDES DIFFIDENT. Clash in South Africa May Not Occur For Some Days. LONDON. Oct. S.-AII reliable In telligence from South Afrlo points to a continuation of he existing situation for some time, as both side are appar ently dlllldent about commencing n attack, although from dlapatches re ceived here it seems as If the move ment of a patrol, and every cloud of dust made by a heed of caxtle, were turned Into a general advance by both armies. The delay tends for good, inasmuch as it give time for further negotia tions, and today's Indications apparent ly show a willingness on the part of th Erlush government to continue to util ise diplomacy. A well-deAned convic tion Is prevalent that the foreign office Is trying to discover a way out of the impasse which has own created by th Admitted mistakes and miscalculations, and Its is evident that the pvace ad vocates and peace counsels are gaining ground. While the distaste for war evidently increases In Great Britain, dispatches from the scene of possible hostilities' grow mow and more threatening. Ad virts from Pretoria describe the Trans vaal organs as crying for Impossible terms, and President Kruger rvferring to the prospective struggle as a means of setting the republic "totally free of England." It Is also said, according to advices from the same point, that the Boer forces at Volksru will advance today to the Natal border. ATTEMPT AT 81'ICIDE. Polish Woman at Bucado, Wash., Drives Hatpin Into Her Stomach. SEATTLE, Oct. . A special to tho Post-Intelllgencer from Olympla, says: A most deliberate and barbaric at tempt at suicide occurred at Bucoda yesterday. Mrs. Leo. Psrbusk.1. a Pol ish woman became angered st some lit tle domestic occurrence and determin ed to end her life. She drove an ordi nary hat pin six Inches long into her stcmacb through the navel. Pressing hard against the pin, she drove U un til it could go no further aa it had lodged In the spine. Then, wtth the In tention of forcing the pin out at the back, she forced a rusty darning needle into what she thought was a hole made by the hat pin. Not until 12 o'clock last night did she tell anyone what she hd done. Today Mrs. Prabuskl repented of her act and accompanied a Bucoda doctor to this city, when Dr. Redpaith removed the pin and needte. Dr. Redpath thinks she will live. She Is 48 years old and Is the mother of 19 children, only five of whom are living. D'AKOOS ECLOGISES DEWEY. Says No Honor America Can Show Him is Too Great. BOSTON, Oct. H.-The Spanish minis ter, Duke D'Arcos, who has Just left his house at Manchester, said with re gard to the receptions being given Admiral Dewey: "It does not surprise me In the least Admiral Dewey Is a brave and a noble man, and for the extraordinary service he hns rendered his country no honor that can be shown him In return la too great. He has aroused the admiration of the whole world by the gallantry of his conduct and he would be a small man, Indeed, who could not recognize his merit and give free expression to his admiration for Dewey's valor. CONTRACTS FOR MULES. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Oct. J.-Aff-nU of the British government have closed contracts for 1200 mules ito be shipped Monday next to New Orleans, presum ably for transportation to South Africa.! ' LAVIONK KNOCKED OUT. NKV YOllK. Oct. 1-McFadden knocked out Kid Lavlgne In th nine teenth round tonight. HOW DEMOCRATIC? The Walla Walla Suteeman has placed at the heal of Ita columns the following: "For president of the V. 8.. Admiral George Dewvy. Platform Anything he soys goes." Scrofula to Consumption. Any one predisposed to SerofuU mb never be healthy and vigorous. This taint ia Ibe blood nslureilj drift lata Consumption. Being itioh a deep-seated blood dleeeee. Swift's Speoioe Is the only known ear for Scrofula, beoaoe It is the only remedy which eea reach the disease, Somtula ssBtarsd aa Us head nl VT UMte tTaafeaUSwhtaoulyltaMmlkaola. fcartlf altar hraallnf aal li sanad raaldly au evar ar iqfne Tbs saake aa the sons woul aaal Sllfhiasl toaah, aad taa ndor thai Id attsa sjada the at noaphara at I ha raeai Ukntng aaamabsaraala. r&a iliaaae IUI attacked ha arts, aa va (aaiad saa ouil laaa aa algal, fcm ;nf n ahyalelans tram nirnxiadiBg eaaaar wars tonniltad. eotlld 4s aUun a rsurre the lit Ua tnnaeeat, ass saa It as Ualr apt lea thai the asaa vaa hoaalaaa ana In-. aoaalala fca sava the ehWS's than that wa daeldaS la Ira Thai ajaalaiDa at oaaa aada a apaadr ao4 seav olata aura, aha Is saw a youac lady, aal aal Betas ha e SUB at la Oaasaa K latum Ha, ants 1iilt, sua, aaa, Scrofula is an obaeiaate bUxxl disease, end to beyoad Us reesh ot the sverage blood nsdwin. Swift's Specific S.5.S.rBlood to the only remedy equal to euoh deep stated disease; it toes down to the very fotiadettoa end foroes sot srery taint. It is purely ttrtmbU, slid is the only blood remedy fiarenteed ts sontain no mercury, aotaeh or other mineral gabstance whaleter. Books mailed free by tiwift 8peoifle Oompaxy, AUaaU, Oeargi. OREGON COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Cor. Second and Morrison its.. PORTLAND. OR. The regular annual session begins October t, 1899. Last day for entrance Is October U. Th course of Instruc tion In this college ts In advance, or rather more extended, than are the requirements of the National Associa tion of Dental College facilities. For catalogues and further particulars, ap ply at the college building, or to DR. HERBERT C. MILLER. Dean. 109 Oregonlan Building. DR. a B. WRIGHT, Secretary, Ml Dekum Building. Astoria Public Library RXADIMl ROOM TOEX TO ALL. Onaei evesr -T from I e dock to !: ao4 I B te I 9. sa. Mbacrlptlen rata ej ear anaeia, West Cor. Bareats sad Dusa. itraata TEMPLE LODGE NO. T. A. T. A. M. Regular eommunleatloae bald os the first and third Taasflay arrnlng of each month. J. N. ORimN, W. VL; E. C HOLD EN. Becratary. anawm. II was tiwltl'l Sraetee. SAINT PAUL FIRE ANDIARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN,, JAN. tat, 1899. Capital . .... $ 500,000.00 Reserve for Unearned Premium 1,016,407.87 Reserve for all Other Liabilities 222,091.07 Net Surplus over all Liabilities 784,888.78 Total Assets PACIFIC DEPART?! ENT. CHARLES CKRI8TZNBEN. Manager. B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 317Callfornla St., S. F., Cal. "Russell" Automatic Engine U fa r-rT 1IT 1 . ft j 1 write ior uaiuiogues oi A. II. AVERILL, Manager. Andrew Lake $ COMMKWCI AL MT, ...ftlerchant Tailor... Perfect fit Gunrsntccd. Low Prices. Repairing and Cleaning Naatly Done. Light your house end place ot business with Incandescent Vapor Gas Lamps 10e-candle power at a cost of le for three heure. Miller & Baroaber?. Agents 404 Bond Street, Astoria. THE PROOF of the pudding Is In th and tne proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that'e eeaa elusive a datnvatrtk Ours will stand la test. HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and HuUder House-moving Tools lor Rent. L LEBECK Carpentor and Hullder Oertcrol ContrciKtor HOUSE RAISlNU AND MOVING A SPECIALTY 5inger Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Payments Old machines tukeu in eicliantte. C. P. Looney, Agent. 433 Commercial Strevt, Astoria. POVEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Fin work at Popular Prices. 337 Koahlrkgton Street, Next Imperial Hotel $2,523,987.72 E 4 CO, Agents, Astoilu, Oregon 'in- iA2"t' i:y 1 11 -, .... engine IJoilcrs, Saw Mills RUSSELL & CO, Portland, Oregon. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon A nm - itJL'as.i Lithographing on Un Francisco, Cat. Astoria, Ore. Fatrbaven. Wash. Writ Us. 1 ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No, i!J Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4 Cfardal II., sast Palaa Rulaaf aal. Pacific NavigationCompany STEAMBRH It. P. Elmore W. II. Ilnrrlseon QAHIBALD1 HAY Connecting st Astoria with ths Saa Frsnolsro, rortlaml enj all ger rates einly j COIlS AGO, AgeoU, TlLUMOOK.Cre. The DAT W. W. Whlpple.lroprlr 0 r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENTIVE URTICa.... FIRBTaTLAM CTJIMNa.. privati noota roit uuitBa. 5 38Commerclnl St., Columbia Electric & Repair Go Succeaor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boilermakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Engines Uullt find Repaired Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty folc Manufacturers of the I'nsurpasstd . . " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Liglita and Tower Plant, SMOKERS READ, All 15c cigars 10c El Palcncia lOc El Bolmont 10c Gen. Arthur..- 10c Loland Stanford 10c Sanchez Y Hyas 10c All 6c cigars 6 for 25c J. F. HANDLEY and Co. Cut rate cigar and news dealers, Perkins Hotel building, TORTLAND, Ore. Twenty Years of Success In the trealment of chronlo diseases, such as liver, klanejr, and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, drupaloal awelllnvs. Brlcht'S disease, etc. KIDNEY AND URINAKY Complaints, painful, dlffloult, too frequent, milky or Woody urine, unnatural dischargee speedily cured. wuy uniw, DISEASES OF THE RECTUM Such aa piles, fistula, fissure, uloeratlon, muooua and bloody dis chargee cured without the knife, pain or confinement. DISEASES OF MEN Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, Impotenoy, thorough ly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed. YOUN'l MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bashfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood, UNFITS YOU FOR BUHINEflS OH MARRIAQEL MIDDLK-AOED MEN, who from excesses and etreina. have loat their manly power. m l"UM nav lm BLOOD AND BKIN DIBEA8ES, Syphilis, Oonorrhoea. nalnfuL bloody urine Gleet Stricture, enlarg.,d proitaS TESSt iSbU ty, Varicocele, Hydroccl, Kidney and Liver troubles, cured WITHOUT WEKCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUas?UrBCatarrhH0J Kheumntlsm CURED. Dr. Walker's method are regular and scientific He used no pat ent nostrums or ready-made preparations, but cures the dlseesa Tie thorough medical treatment. HI. New Phamplet cl PrtrauTJsee! '? ;ent rr!J,0. Mo,mlirh(.e!crlhe thelr tnwiWe. PaUenU Tcuria at home. Terms reasonable. All iettor, y, , , , envelope. Consultation free and eaeredly conndentlal. Call on or addrtse Doctor Walker, 1.12 Fli nt St., Cor, Aldr. Portland, Or. Metal Works TS. TT" spice - - L i .... Tin a Specialty. for Prleea ONLY niHKCT LINK AHTOUIA to TILLAMOOK CITY IIOUHONVILLK Oregon IUllrm.1 A Nalgtlon Ou, fur point rsal. For freight sod naasoo BamMel Elmore e) Co. ( era) Agrata, AHTOIUA. DUE. Orvgn airoa." Nslgllou Co., IVllTU.VD, Ore, A PC Open Day and Night. AHtorla. Oregon Loggers' Supplies Kept In stock