WOTIOMI Docks, Periodicals, Magazines, &c, Are Not to be Taken Frcr.iThe Library without p-rmiiou Any ono . JKl guilty of sue! j fJK.t.. w,H2KiKVPrt3ecu,': VOL L AST0U1A. OHKGON, tfAH'RI'AY. HCTI'IO 7. 1809 NO. 113 1 1 I Art We tire the wiling agents in Astoria for the New Born Steel Range I'rlccs from $28.00 to $50.00. Every Kinuc Guaranteed. Bcllpso Hardware Co. At.su sole iqciIs fur tbe Celebrated Superior Stom ind Kioqcs and Cole's Air Tight Cole tluracr. Books... Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens Mux Decorated lnpcr nml Itnvelope--too DAY OF REST WITH THE GREAT RACERS Columbia Towed From Sandy Hook to Safer Moorings While Shamrock Remained There at Anchorage. EACH SIDE BELIEVES IT WILL WIN rather Inclined to favor the Columbia on Recount of her sailing ability, as far It could be judged while the wind rM-td good yesterday. A few beta on the yacht rat werei ma4 on the stock exchange yesterday,! th odds airaln favoring th Columbia.! R. II. llalstead haw wvral hundred: d llarn out at 10 to t and 10 to 7, and those were the prevailing odila yester-! day. One prominent broker off-ivd to , bet M0 even on the Columbia winning . the srt-s, but wa unable to plaos bis Tw..wudIa.,n1(rhthatnnoneyon'General Fred Grant Advances From Imas tn Columbia was being put in Boston at 2 to 1, with little Shamrock money i at even these figures. BANK OF THE IfilUS RIVER IS CLEARED THREE AMERICANS WERE WOUNDED L0'D0N RACE COMMENT i Much Diss ppolotmnt on ihe Contln Expert Yicbtmen Undecided as to Merits of Columbia and Believe, Bf(j Flukes-Upton's Enter Sbamrock a Tboroogbly Danferons Rival-Hard lainment Praised. Northeaster Expected Tbls Morning. and Routes the Rebels, Latter Firing . Volleys as They Retire. GRIFFIN & REED Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate pikes KALSTOX HEALTH POODS la great tarlctv froh from the mills. AROMATIC SI'ICES gaaraatctd the finest. TILLMANX'S I'lKE EXTRACTS. CHASE ft SAXHORN'S COPPEES art rivalled. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO NEW YOKK.Oct. l. Thislwisbwn adayotrest on board tlio intt-mntionitl ruccrs. The Columbia was towed from Sandy Hook to l!ay Kiilgo to pet her out of any danger from a northeaster. The Shamrock remained nt her anchorage at the Hook, her jteojdo seeming willing to tuke chances. Tho feeling on both sides is one of confidence. Mr. Iscliu thinks ho will win. bir 1 lionins Upton lias a nice little corner tho Erin ull ready lor the cuj. in ; i , LONLON. Oct 6-Few of the morn , In papers print editorials on the yacht ra-e, and those published are mostly , repetitions of the comments' of the first race, with deeper expressions of Filipino Loss Estimated at Ten Kille j-Pilcy's Battery Does Ef- fectlve Work and West Bank of tbe River is now Held by Americans. dis- appointment and a shade greater eon-' fldence In the Shamrock's ability to I win the cup. J The Dally News expresses the opln-! Ion that the fate of tbe cup decided by the next event. will be ! The Dally Chronicle and tho Dally Mall advocate the abolition of the time limit, declaring that otherwise the pres- ent generation may not live to see the MANILA, Oct. 6., 5:50 p. m. General Fred Grant, with three companies of the Fourth infantry, two companies of the! Fourteenth infantry -and a band of scouta attached to the former regiment, advanced from Imus this morning driving the insurgents from the entire west bank of Imus river. Three Americans were wounded. It is estimated that ten Filipinos were killed. TO THE LADIES Send for IlhiHtrated Catalogue of PURS AND CLOAKS -- TAILOR MADE SUITS To Outof-Towo People : For fura or cloth we say write to us. We will tend goods on approval and pay expruss cue ay. Will gWs yog (ull details as to stylo and price. In (set wo want your trade. Highest price paid (or raw lurs. The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Go, a32HS Morrtaon St.. near 4th. ...Portland Dental Parlors... Top floor Washington Bl'dg. Largest and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest The public Is In doubt, and It must b said that there la a feeling of Inde cision among expert yach'smen. Two days of drifting have furnlnhed almost nothing on which to base an opinion. They have, however, semd to strengthen In the bellve that the Sham reck Is a thoroughly dangerous propo sition. This Is now a well-grounded opinion, and If the two days of light airs have done anything they have shaken that "onfldent feeling that has prevailed among backers of the Columbia. Those who have watched moat closely j every movement of the two yachts are firm In the belief that there is lime w choose between them In a drift, and. us It Is remembered that the Shamrock people have never asserted that she was a drifter, K can be understood that then Is reason for a rise In ithe Sham rock's stock. It now looks as though the first race to finish would come In a good, strong brcere. At sundown tne vino as blowing hard from the north, the weather waa clearing and there were good signs of a pretty hard northwest er in tn morning. THE RACE TODAT. result of the eoritest. The Chronicle These Weather Bureau Predicts Rain Htrong Winds Over Course. and the line say before sundown be declared the winner. should , i vane od westward In the direction of the ' I The Dally Mall refers to the regal' BlnCtt5fan road, the Insurgents firing ( sugeits that the first yacht to cross Companies C and H. with scouts, twsen Bacoor and Cavtte Vlej-x crossed the river at Big Bend and ad- were routed, six being killed. Riley's battery of the Fifth artillery made an effective sortie about a mile NEW TOKK. Oct .-By the rules 'manner In whlrh Bir Thr.m. t intnn' volleys but retiring. Twenty Filipinos, south of Bacoor and shelled the west under which the presvnt series for the; an(1 tne others nf his party are enter- wre discovered in the trenches at th bank of the river at close range. That America's cup Is being sailed, another! talned, and says: ! Blncayan church about midway be- bank is now held by the Americans, trial is held two days alter an un completed race. Hence the Columbia and Hhamrock will nave another try out ovx the eourw tomorrow. Both of the trials that have already teen mads have failed because of lack of wind, but there Is every reason to believe that this advantage will not be present tomorrow. The weather bureau today predicts rain and strong winds, over th course tomorrow, and If the1 J "We are convinced that It Is no mere impuie of the moment, but a clear ( increase In number and liabilities of sign that the Anglo-American alliance failures in the west over those In the .s no inpty phrase," , gecond quarter Is noticeable. " I Against this, however, it is to be re- TRADE STEADILY IMPROVES i called that comparisons with a year ao are satisfactory, though business conditions last year In the west and northwest were highly favorable, Per- 1 haps the most satisfactory showing of ' all Is that made by tbe southern states, i which have at last, apparently, begun prognostication provw correct the ex r 1 1 rt irai 1 n-hn nv r1in-n 4 iii thA Mti.i us,, tomorrow win not be disappoint.; Statistics of Liabiliiies and Failures. 1 sh"e ,n th pro8f earller M 1 ! lit vttASSi ,-tnm a' ilia Hniintaiw ed. From inch trials as have taken place It is Impossible to Judg with any de gree of accuracy which of the raoers will prove the butter vessel, but those who bet without sentiment, and whol ly with the Idea of winning money, are inclined to favor Columbia, and con sequently offer odds on that vessel, The only lesson learned by the nautl- Show Them the Smallest Knows in Years. in other sections of the country, Confirmation of iv porta from time to time of Improving southern trade con ditions, partly, of course, the result of better cotton prices, is found in our- ' rent failure returns. Growth In popu- NEW YORK. Oct. . Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Statistics of failures point to con tinued trade Improvement, and to a cal sharps from yesterday's contest was I still ebbing tide of business mortality, the faot that Columbia Is better in ! Failure reports for the first and sec running and reaching, and Shamrock ! ond quarters of the year left little to Extracting by our process without pain. jwinnntn Best Work at our prices becaase we havt the largest volume of dental work in Portland. rrtrt rmm Mill Itt st Crown and Bridge Work, 22 karat Rold pw tooth HotTeutb, fully guaranteed rubber $5.00 Bcatdold Filllnu $1.00 up BoBt Alloy Fllliiifc' fi0c "P Tueth extracted without pain SOc up Bring this adv with you and have your teeth cleaned Free of Charge uxnjvuvuu Dental Wor k We employ only the most modern methods, and guarantee satisfaction. lb sllfshlly superior In beating. When the wind freshened, Columbia show- ' ed a dealt pair ot heels to her Emerald j rival, but whon the brwese died away I the Shamrock slowly crept up on the I white bi-at. The action of the general government in taking care of the course over which the yachts race this year is the subject of much complimentary talk, and the thorough manner in which Captain K'obloy D. Evans enforces the restric tions have added to that officer's fame. In spite of the fact that the first lvO trials have ended In flukes, excitement! be desired, showing, as they did, fewer failures than in any but the most fa- i latlon, and, consequently, in the num ber ct traders, is, apparently, mainly responsible for the Increased number ot failures throughout the territories. The total number of failures for the nine months was only 7,075, a falling off of 20 percent from last year, of 28 per cent from 1837 and of 57 per cent from 1S96, which year held the record for the most numerous nlne-month3a ' ures, exceeding even the panic 1S9X As regards liabilities, the I . wro kvuuu m-. uivru, rjuner roan uio preseuce of unfavorable conditions, la probably responsible for tbe increase, which has, indeed, run through, every quarter of the year. This view is also confirmed by the relatively trifling gain in liabilities shown. ' , As regards the latter particular. It might be said that, with the slight ex ception noted In the case of tbe terri tories, the liabilities of every other group of states haw decreased, the heaviest falling off being In the mid dle states group, tbe liabilities In which are less than half what they were a year ago. Decreases In the west and In the eastern states are also notable. Farther west the decreases in liabil ities are teas notable, partly because of comparisons being made with excep tionally favorable conditions a year ago, and partly, also, because the growth of those sections in population, and, therefore, in the number of trad ers, favors increases rather than de creases In (labilities, other conditions being equal One of the b?st showings made by any state is that noted in Pennsylva nia, where the IiablHtler show a de- total for crease of 6i per cent from a year ago. fall-year vored years. " '. Roturns by months showed failures and liabilities in June only about half imi uiey were in jiuiuary, inuicaung " that failures were well down to the the period under review J63.S53.21S is , The drop in New York, too, is over 60 minimum possible when the friction in 35 per cent smaller than It was last Pr oent. Among large states making oniinarj business life was considered, year, 45 per cent smaller than in 1S97, favorable comparisons might bs mcn The piestMtt report of business fall- 61 per cent smaller than in 1396. 80 per( tloned Massachusetts, in which the 11a ures is, however, even better than any percent smaJer than In IMS the panlc( billtles are 16 per cent smaller;' Ohio, that has gone before It in recent year; 14 oer cent smalltr than In "S?2. in which they are nearly 60 per cent years, and the third quarter of the year' and in fact Is tin smallest aggregate, less, and Illinois, In which they are 30 1S38, appropriately enough, shows the of liabilities for the period menUoned fewest failures, the smallest liabilities that there is any record of. per cent smaller, Missouri, Iowa, Mich igan and Oeorgia also show largely re- here over the races Is high, and therei and the smallest proportion of assets Assets show even greater shrinftnge,, auo'i" "aum es- is lltle doubt but that the excursion to liabilities of which there Is any re- being 41 per cent less than last year.l A i.cts'.ile exception to the much bet steamers which tfo down to see the cent record. ess tnttt half whait they were In 1897,' tpr showing generally reported by the races tomorrow will bear as large crowds as they did on the occasion of either of tho other trials. COLUMBIA THE FAVORITE Odds Offered on Columbia Willi Little Shamrock Money About. it m I Tut inrirt i ti iiim iiimi ii i mmnm Take Elevator o Washington Street near For th and ask for the Portland Dental Parlors, Top Floor. 'Phone Oregon, Brown 493. Columbia, 569. NEW YORK, Oct. 6. Betting around town last night seemed to rest with odds as before, on the Columbia. There was no betting of any magnitude, two bets of 1100 to VO each on the Columbia belne all that were heard of. There is apparently no Shamrock money about, if tho truth must be told. It was ru mored that Richard Croker and An drew Freedman were taking the Shanii rock end of some bets, but this could not be verified, and when Mr. Croker was seen in the Hoffman Houaewlth Senator Murphy lost night, he seemed As IndlcaUve of Uils good showing 1393 cr m 1594, nly one-third of those being representative of existing condl- f 1SD6 and only one-seventh of what tlons, it Is to be remarked that failures they were in 189? It is not strange,' and liabilities alike found their mini-1 therefore, to find that the percentage! mum this year In September, and tor- o asset8 to liabilities is only 44 per responding totals of previous jrW CPnt this year, against 51 last year, 65 show that the month just closed comes ln 1897 6S ln jg9$ an(j 70 93, near to, If not Mtually, possessing th wporta 8how that , only! record of the smallest business embar- on(f that o the terrttorI l81 rassments and liabilities. 1 There were only 2.026 failures, in volving 113,550,965-In liabilities and tO,340,?S6 ln assets, ln the third quarter of 1599, a decrease of 16 percent in num.. ber and of 48 percent ln liabilities from the same quarter of last year, which, II is hardly necessary to add, was a very good one for business generally. Compared with the second quarter of 1R99, liabilities are 18 per oent small- er, and compared with the first three months of this year, liabilities are lessi than half as heavy. TliiB tendency U practically universal, though a slight Southern states, Is. furnished by Mis sissippi and Lousiana, ln which con siderable gains and libllitles and ln number of failures are reported. Other states showing Increased lia bilities are California, New Hampshire, New Jersey Indiana and several of the territories. Canadian failures for the three quarter number 679, aggregate I9,715,15 In llblllties. a decrease of 10 of failures as compared with the nlnej per cent In number, but a gain of 13 months of last year, and the growth of per cent ln liabilities from1 lost year. there an Increase shown in the number. s Nn lioy uj-vautj ifovDEli Makes the food more delicious and wholesome kom (memo powreaco,, wre voan.