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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
NIK MORNING AST0R1AN. FRIDAY, OCTOUER 6. IMS. Headquarters (or Pry Goods on the Lower Columbia The A. Dtitibar Co, V. C, C. CORSETS rorrwt in ewry detail : the eniKxliutent ol sonuiue elegance and perfection. A strictly baud-made, bias-cut oorsot. iSteols in triple (avert. Finest materials used in construction. Sold at a common teuee price. FLANNELETTE NTGHTCOw NS Children's fancy stiiped niuhtdrvwo. collars and cuffs l'riimiui ailh embroid ery, Wc Ir. Denton's sleeping garments' with (eel, eiiee 2 to 0 years, 40c to 75c esc AND CHILDREN'S LADIES' At 95c Ladies' fancy striped flnncelette gowns, full width, collar lace trimmed. At $1.25 Ladies' gown of letter flannelette. Mother Hubbard style, collar edged with embroidery. November Delineators on sale in Tattem Department Rev. Edward Curran has begun the publication of a liUtle Journal called the Church News. It Is devoted particu larly to the Interests of the Conirrvg-a-tlonaJ church, but as Ita name Implies, runs the general news of all the churrhes. The first number has been issued and It will be. continued monthly. THE GRADE QUESTION. City Council Beginning to ReaJixe the Importance of Preserving u niform Ity in Laying Out New Street Improvements. The city council met last night, but accomplished nothing of importance. In discussing the ordinance for the im provement of Seventeenth street, how. ever, there wens severs! Interesting queatlona raised. The councllmen present expressed thensvlves as favoring he improve ment but there was some qus-stlon as to ita legality If the grade of the pro posed improvement corresponds to the grade of cross streets. The ordinance provides that the street shaJl be Improved at the estab lished grade. It was suited at the council meeting that the Grand avenue crossing Is one foot and a quarter be-i Klmberly. Utmost enthusiasm pre vails, and many are anxious to place their seirlces at the disposal of the gov eminent SAILOR'S TERRIBLK FATE. Caught In a Whale Line and Carried Down With the Monster. CULLISON & CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers MRFf t wirf; to Kcw York stock Exchange uiKtii mvtb 1U Chicago Board of Trade '214-215 Chamber of Commerce, I'ortl.irul, Oreeon. CANADA MAY NOT HHP. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8.-The offi cers of the whaler IVlagu tell of the terrible fate of Oscar Huschenbett, s sailor in the Arctic. On August. Il'lStt. the bots were lowered for an enevnious whale. Just aft.T s harpoon had ben fixed In the whale's aides and he had started off at tremendous speed, Huschenbett stepped carelessly Into the rope's bight. A loop caught his leg and be was drawn Into the wvter. In passing out of the boat, the body of the man hurled Itself against Third Mate Mlklto ard cue of the crew, knocking the sea man overboard. The nate scrambled up and slashed OTTAWA Oct. S.-rremler Laurler states positively that so far no offer has been matte by Canada to send troops to South Africa. The sending of troops out of Canada, the premier ad ded, was an Important matter which would call for parliamentary notion, as It Involved a large outlay of publlo moneys. THE UVJ RAPT ARRIVES. SAM FRANCISCO. Oct. S.-The Im mense log tuft which left Seattle a few wee ks ago In tow of the steamer Csar- ina. and which was lost off the coast and found a few days ago off Port Orfont. was towed Into port today not much the worse for wear and practi cally Intact. SMALLrOX IN ORCAS ISLAND. PORT TOWNSEND, Oct. (.-Four teen cases of smallpox and one d.-ath are reported from Oreaa Island. JAMES HARLAN PEAD. PES MOINES. Ia., Oct. S.-EX United States Senator J as. Harlan died today si Mount rieasant. . . v 1 1 .v. . A 1 T n . tin, ll averse to changing the Grand ,he r ln ,wo wlth w knlf- n sver.ue grade, and It Is not certain that Legan a chase for the whale and the the city can enforce assessments, hody of the man. For three hours the against the property holders if the im- n,,,. on(1 t0 th bottom provements are made contrary to a md. already established. The city at- torney stated that there was nothing or'i boly rcov?red. record, apparently, to show that beforu he could be lanced and the sail- on the Grand avenue crossing was below the established grade. Each city sur veyor, apparently, had had a different pplnlon and measurements concerning! Bie .trades. As there was a doubt about the Grand avenue crossing, he advised a re-refereno. with an early STEAMER LEONA BURNED. Caught Fire at Sea and Burns on Ar riving at New York. NEW TORE, Oct. 5.-The Mallory steamer Leon a was burned and sunk meeting of the council to act upon thej M D,r Vj,arf In the East river tonight matter. Upon motion, the ordinance was re ferred back to the committee, with In struction to the city surveyor to make written report as to the condition of the grades. When the council ad journed It adjourned o meet tomorrow niht, and the ordinance was made special order. There Is hardly anything that cmes before .the courts more perplexing ana ! fu rlv Intricate than street improvement mat ters. They are the bugbear of council men. Astoria has now cne case In the supreme court Involving the question. Perhaps the council oan order an im and the cargo, consisting of tobacco and 8.00 bales of cotton, and valued at nearly 300,000, Is a total loss, and the boat Is little better than a wreck. It Is believed that the Leon a. which sailed from Galveston September 27. caught fire at sea several days ago slnoe w hich time she has proceeded at with battened hatches, for this port. This afternoon the Leona came racing up the East river to her pier, where she was made to dlsem bark the passengers and open the proverrent below or aoove xne grime; hatche(,. An hour ,at(?r ,j, army of already established, ana legauy ass-.-ss the responsible property, but the coun cil wishes to avoid having to d "termlne Its rights through the courts Several matters that were to have been acted upon were passed on be cause members of the proper commit tses were not present to report. HOPES FOR PEACE. men were vainly fighting the fire In the steamer's hold. Finally the ship was scuttled. HEAVY BANK CLEARINGS. NEW YORK. Oct. 5. Bradstreets Saturday will say: September bank Hearings refirns confirm early advlcee Transvaal Orders That British TVrri-i of the malntenace of the country's sen tory Mu Not be Invaded. .tra(j,, gj,j productive Industry of I an exceedingly large volume. LONDON. Oat. 5. Although today's i news from South Africa is grave, thej adherents of peace still derive hope from the dispa'.ches that the stage of; negotiations Is not yet past. The newsj announcement that the Boers have oc cupied Icing's Nek is printed a dis patch from Pretoria stating that the; Transvaal government Isstifd strict in-! Junctions to the commandants that British territory must not be invad-d, and that General Joubert has Issued a proclamation threatening to shoot uny man who crosses the border. There is no evidence going to show that the Btirph-rs corr'emplate retreating. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon noth ing lad arrived to confirm the dispatch from Newcastle to the Dally Telegraph anncunrlng that the advanoe of the Eier forces began yesterday. The al leged Boer advanoe coincides curiously with simultaneous telegrams from va rious quarters regarding a Boer ulti matum, and the expiration of the limit in the evening. A distinctly serious and UKly statement comes from New castle to the pfTect that armed Kaffirs accoir-.pany the Boer command'-rs. This would be an absolute breach ofi the conditions supposed to govern war fare among civilized nations, and If true, presages scenes worse than even the gloomiest forecast. From other Newcastle advlc-s, It ap pears that the premier of Natal his telegraphed to 'the military authorities that they can render Newcastle no as sistance, aiMIng that If the Boers In tend to attack tha town, resistance woud he futile. The Intelligence from Cape Town Includes an official denial of the rumor that the British have crossed the Transvaal frontier near The total clearings for nine monthr this year, aggregate a sum greater than the entire 1SJS total, thought there are three months yet to elapse before the year Is complete. The annual report of Manager Sherrer, of the New York clearing house, shows that the aggre gate bank clearings In the year ending with September were the heaviest ever known. WON BY LORD VINCENT. LEXINGTON, Oct. 5. The great J10.0W Transylvananla stake was won today by Lord Vlnoent. Dinner Sets. Great Left Over Salb Prices Away Down. You'll Say So, When von ee Price. Great American Importinn Tea Co. STORKS F.VKH1WI1KHE, ioo Stores, 171 Commercial sH.. Astsrie. ST. HELEN'S HALL. A B0APDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Reopened September 13. For circulars address. MLSS LLKNOP.i; TUIWiKTIH, I'll. I) Principal, Portland Oregon Telepfioi eRed 391. WHERE EDWARD 13 STRONO. Louisville )iirler-Jourmil. Edward Atkinson calW attention to the fact that be predicted ln ls :hat In ten years from that date the Unite! States woud htve the supremacy 'n tLe production of iron and steel, and claims that the prophecy has been verified. Mr. Atkinson has achieved such suc cess as an economist that It Is a great pity he should have abandoned that Mold In a measure to become a ejlorfst of Agulnaldo. HAND-MADE VOICE3. Voices made to order are the lat-st thing In surgery. Actual operations have demonstrated that the larynx, or vocal box. can be successfully removed and the patient may not only survive the shock, nut recover. The voice sr- tltlclaily produced Is Incapable of In flection, but. although H Is a monotone, the patient Is perfectly able to carry on a conversation. FOR RENT OR SALE. A very desirable dairy farm, finest beaver dam land with abundant living water, and cows, buildings, orchards and separators. Address Robert Craw, ford, Nehalem. Tillamook county, Ore. Womai's Wclftre within her own control; greatest French medical Itriumph of this cen tury, for al I female Irregularities, neakness, etc.: a positive blewslng to married ladles. Call or write for sealed information. Inclose stamp, Office. 350 !4 Washington strert, over CorUray's, rooms 9-10. Portland, Ore. oatuvuvuwi uwuuvuunnnn S florthoiest Optieal Go. THE LAP.BE BUILDING, SECOND and WASINt HON, 8t Rooms 20, 21, 22, 23 PORTLAND - OREGON Every Hand V,.'. '' 4 V ',n,'',-s v Renclies for tlie tlolicious CHOCOLATE AND CREAM BONBONS uiiule ut The Spa Candy Factory The ltirgcstt lino of Lownoy's Famous Chocolntrs cvor broiifjlit to Astorin. j A. B. COONLEY. I'rop'r. 'I'hous a' THE PAUU)R ! CANDY STOKE! ATAlHi, rroprietor. ! Special attention giren to family orders. ! School Started Monday A in! t)u thoughts of tlitf cliililron uro 01100 moro tlivrrltul to tlioir Html ion. Tht loj,iiiniiij of td tin your funis tln-m with Imrdor bttidit u to iniiMor uiul moro coniilinitnl irtlltMiiH to solvo. Ilnvo jou solvi t! tlio rt)bloin of littinj; tho t liildrou out rtn'rly? Wo liiivt'i itinl aro ivillinj; to lot you tloiivo the ItonoliU of our oll'ort.s. Wo ro rrMtrotl to liniitllo nil tlio school ohihln-n in Astoria and vicinity; ami fit them out with the projur kimls of clothing at ricos you will he gliul to pay. iMArtAAslVvVwwW Hoys' Well Mi Suits 1)1 His Iwst Isbrlrs, flntu'as lineres and woratsdf.uicely lined, fully 0O; stcisl $150 lloya' $J 00 Suits Kvsrjr till tailored in flrtt-rlaM manner, tlnely UnUlied ami perfect fitting garrosnt, speeisl $2.50 Ths Bsrt $4 00 8ulls Tlial wers ever shown ars placed on sal tomorrow (or S3.25 Boys' Sj.oo 5ultt In al nil all aiisa made ol tlio finest caasimsnss snd fancy plaids, slrlpss and nilkturrs all wool garmsnta, special $4.00 Young Hen's 5ult- Made ol good hrsvy caal- meres, in nenl mtird sttetni, niarn or round cut, wll sevvd and linr.l, It to ID vesrs, worth fVfiO, aperial.... 4.00 Boys' Knts Pants- In corduroy, tweinl, serges and cheviots, all well made and sewed, age S lo 14 years al ajG to $1.00 Black Cat Stocklnga- Wltli triple kiiiva heel and toes, wear fitly erciil long. er tlisn orillnary stoi'liilitia. No. 13 is the licavitwl ami Irougnit Inns' atiM'klng iu the soil. I. No, It) is a litflil rr ti:lit. No. tK) la Hie Au ral iu the market for ladles' niiura and children, prleo per sir JSC Cliildreua fast litsu k double knee, lieavr rilliel stock liii;s, tia 0 Iu 0 1 'J, Seoial vt pair IOC Culldrss'a I'ndstwesr lloyt' Uravy rlliled rleeos- lined shirts and drawers, oau't 1 brat (or Ilia price asked, iiieaS4tuSI, iMvil r garmeut igc Boys' Swssttrs Hoys' heavy roltou awealura, odor uavy blue and uiartHin, rlce roc Boys' extra fine all pure ool wcnlars, navy blue ami maroon 10 ; l' j -! ' Jrxt aiseslls to IM each li So Hoy a' Cspa-ltoy gulf est in plaids and oliecks and plain colors... JSC Hots' fine nsvv c with rnililema iu overshot silk, best quality, all ool ;clutus fiOo rai-h N. IV Wejhavpjlho hitpt.-l line of sthool sui jilitH in the eity; lare lahhts m-; fonihiiiutioii sihool hoxes, .'10; bound slates, 80; soa-tono eiuil.s, '.'"c j tr iluzt n; Ihk slraps, &e: ruhl't r iiiM rtttl load jienoils, lcwieh; etc. . . . Shanahan's . . . PURE ICBCREaM In Utrse or Mnall Quantities Atrni for CUNTHIRS CANDIES Special attention uiven to fsuiily orders. Wholssals and Hetail Dealers in CANDIES 483 Commercjal St., Astoria, Oregon, Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged at the Old Book Store History, Biography, Mechanical, Reference, Poetry. Medical, Law. Religious, Scientific All standard works. Seoond-band school books, large stock cheap. 6ecnnd-band mairazlnes. Li braries bongbt. Large stock 01 novels, 10.000 titles. HYLAND BROS. PORTLAND, OR, 220-231 Yamhill Br., below Socond. I Telephone Red 2883. Pcrtilti Shorthand School H. W. BKHNKB. Principal, Booms 111 Oregonlaa Building, I'ortlunJ, Ore. The Pemln Bysttm was swarded ths World's Fair Medal snd Diploma. Ne shading: No postUon; few word-atgns Nq failures. Day and night Posing Upseially. HYUflflD The Photographer N. W. Corner Kereuth and Washington POKTLAND. ORKdON Holmes' English AND Business College 414 Yamhill SL, Portland, Oregon. The "Delsarle" and "Regem" s Shoes for Women L ' -J Those who have delayed buying. Summer Footwear are fortunate. They can save at least a third on the usual cost of high grade shoes. We are closing out all of our summer tan shoes at a great reduction. We have them for men, women and children, which should bring everyone to the store. Tbey ore new goods which have overstayed their time. Consider these figures. Petersen & Brown. All' LjEqnal Styles i f to One I :gA any ri$5.00 V Mi Shoe Price $3.50 Also "Queen Quality" Shoes for Women $100 E. C. Goddard & Co, Oregonitn Building, Portland. 1 SIX DEPARTMENTS FmkIIhIi, IkxikkccpliiK, Short hiind, TypcwrlthiK, Penmanship, All. Send for oironlara, ' T What Is It. do you ask? It b a new way to fracA bookkeeping. Students learn to keep books exactly as tbey are kept In business. No text-book it nsed. A text-book teaches, in a theoretical way, how books mat b kept Armstrong's teaches, in a practical way, how books are kept. It is a bookkeepers method. Investigate. Call, or write. Portland Business College Fifth and Yamhill St. A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Open til the year. Sludenti may enter at any time. Duiinets, Shorthand and English departments. Private or class instruction. Catalogue frea, BISHOP SCOn ACADEMY 1STO. 4. W. Hill. M. D rrlaalsaJ. Caastorssas Tsm 0es Sept 1 iat. A return mm rtav BskaaL Oastr BiHIMM BI Vot MUlofua or lnortnUoa tiinm the rotp.1. J. w. MUX, M. U.. P. O. inm PorlluKl, Or. Prima 17, Preparatory sal Anaemia rwpart- Boaug Coils Praporatloo, Unnmrt DlaaiplUia uul TrslDlos. W all ss noting. To the ladies of Astoria AND VICINITY. We cordially invite you to visit its in our new quarters, Corner Morrison and First Sts., Formerly occupied by A. I). STEINUACH, where we have on display the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Coast. Up-to-Date Millinery AT POPULAR PRICES. Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up. Golf Hats with long Quills all colors, 97c Bacti Street Hats all new styles from . . . 76c and up. j? New walking Hats. New Tams and Turbans r ... -r-V, The Wonder Millinery Co., Corner Morrinon mid First Sts.; PORTLAND, OREGON. -The Big Store