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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
l-r: V v THE MOUSING ASTORIA, KIUDAY OCTQBEH 6. 1899. BENEFIT FROM PHILIPPINE WAR Continual from page 1 haw profited equally, In fuel there It huiMly a brarrh f tirade which has not been J I trolly or Indirectly affected, Hut the best M.u of quantity re luiivd by th subalstvnce department U to be gathered from It proposal form. The department ileal! with the iwrvhunl and every moitth or no sends out Hit of th article U requires. In viting tenders for their supply, Th 1 lot rovers a hug printed sheet the site uf ihii mwsiaper and make men tlon of nearly every kind of eatable. It Ii Impossible to produce the docu ment In IU entirety, but X will no over few of the trading tlm. In the matter of meat our soldier need 10,000 pound of malt pork and 10, 000 poundf of tail bef. Bacon Ii still a more popular article, fur M.000 pound of H are required. Tinned oup 1 a much more luiurlou diet, and I sup pose the officer get mot of It. They need 1,100 urt can of beef soup, 1,000 of chicken, 1,100 of clam chowder, 1.M0 of muck turtle and 1500 of oxiali. Six thousand pound of dried flh are asked for, and 100.000 pound of extra family flour, In addition there are 10, 0 pound of hard bread. 1.000 pound of eornmeal. 60.000 pound of bean and 1,200 pound of hominy. For drink in ther are U.OOO pound of roasted coffee, 1,700 pound of tea, 5,000 gallon of the strongest vinegar and 1.200 gal Ion of ayrup neutrality each othe. For condiment Kher are 40.000 pound uf salt and 1,000 pound of pepper. Fruit I In greeit domand. Nineteen thouaand two hundred two-and-a-half-pound can of apple are aked for, 00,000 pound of evaporated, apple, 13 000 can apple, 11,000 can apricot, 12,000 can peache. U.OOO can pear, 0,000 pound evaporated penoh, 1,000 can pineapple, 1,000 can damnon pre serve, and (0,000 pounds dried prune. These are the ohlef artlole on the list which may be railed necessaries, but there follow a long string of luxuries, mot of thorn, I uppoo, Intended for ale to the offloisrs' me. There are 36,00 pound of butter, 8,600 pounds fancy chocolate, 3,200 can aaparagus, 1,200 can trlng heana, 6,000 can green corn and 1.200 can pen. Smaller quantities are required of almoiit every article of table luxury, suth as olnrn bouillon, suocotaah, ourry pow der, cocoa, marmalade, beef extract, crab, crackpr, macaroni, mushroom, deviled ham, iplcea, oil, picket etc. Fancy Jams sre In great demand. 24, 000 two-pound can being called for, and the army mut be a positive glut ton for oranborry sauoe, slnoo It need 24,010 two-pound can. I oan under state all thee things finding their way on a well-appointed men table, but what n the name of goodnen do sol MmN. mpplNv I i Attention, Business Tmk AkioxiAN hit idiled number uf (he lalest faces of type to ill job printing de partment, ami ii prepared to turn out a quality of . . . COMMERCIAL PRINTING superior to any that can be procured elsewhere. It will pay you to call and Kct estimates on any and all klmli of printing. Finest Work Lowest Prices dier want with W0 buttles of Infant' food of a much advertised brand? Tcb'icro of varlou brand runs up over pounds, and 'thousand of plpi are nctdrd to imoke II. It mut be remembered that thee figures represent only the minimum amount of ach article required. The department ha power lo double the ounnllty If It sec fit. And a the emy In the rhlllpplnca Increases, so will the proposals be extended, and business trow still brisker. Th prepa ration and manufacture of all these ait'.il.s have sbnorbvd all the surpl labor of the market; the urgent de mand of the transport have practi cally cleaned up tho water front; shlp-wrla-hf are working overtime and nuking higher wage than they have ever lnc the pioneer aay long shoremen are Betting all the work they can poMlnbly do. and sailor never werf mi hard lo obtain. Tne grwwest individual aalner ha rrobably been the Boulhern PaclDa Company and I' offshoot. They have brought, a we have. een, over W.W0 men Into Ban Frnnrlsco, to ay nothing of th rel tlve and friend of the Midler. Eventually they mut got the return irafllo, too, which mean the transport of an army of over a hundred thou- and. Laatly, I will quote J. A. Fllohr, th minar of the state board of trad. who from hi official position I enabled Iq take a broad and ; oompreheasiv matters. ,"Ths merobnnts of the city and coast have gained mil lion," ald Fllcner, "how many I can not antl tell you. But thl I know from many dealer, that the retail rne wa never in prosperous a at preserit. Bn with the agricultural Inter- et of the atate. Take potatoes a a staph, and you will find that th price this year In consequence of the enor- mou military demand has been main tained at about double Its former rate." i " AM F.RICA N BEEF ABROAD. l;oston Journal. There was no need to fear that that army beef Investigation would perma nently Injure the sale of American oanned beef abroad, It ha not don so. The July treasury rdturns show an Increase In our export of canned beef to foreign countrle. Tho real ex cellence of the average beef Is Irre- slstablc. As to provisions In general, too, our export trade la booming. For the elaht months ending with August, lK!t9, we sold $112,428,509 of theee goods ito our overseas ouatomers, as com pared" with 1108,815,200 In the first eight months of 1R93, $77,728,405 In the corres nondlnir oerlod of 1887 and $78,126,307 In that of 1808. And the tremendous In crease of the noat two years hns oc curred under the "baleful shadow" of the "Chinese wall" of the hlght tar iff ever known!" Heally, between our selvcB, how comical those old; time free trade jeremiad seem, as we look baok tupon tlijm. III mem Woman's Best Friend Dirt Worst Enemy i i i IIJV... BTRONO CXCB8BS-Well equipped trelatng departmst. Normal eowM. aulckeat and beat way. ,te aXate OrtlBrau .... i Kxpea for year com tut to U Bard UK to H pr week; Taltloa, 0 per term f tea week. . Fall term besriM September tKh; Bummer trm Jwne Beptenber k.. Fur catalogue address . . There eem to be "no doubt of the existence of strained relation between Governor Roosevelt and the New Tork city officials coaoemlng the part allow ed to the state representative of New Tork In (the Dewey oelebratlon. Ths matter doe not 'receive th publicity It might for the reason that the wrang les of al tort whloh nave marked the preparation have already been betu?r advertised than the New York ers care about. Governor Roosevelt thinks he ha been allgnted by the committee of arrangement and h de cided to visit Dewey personally on a yacht before th returned sailor be come a guest of Uie city. UERVITA PILLS Rtstort Vllillty, LostVlfor and Msnhood. Cure Imnotency, Nlpht Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A ncrvo tonic and blood bnildor. Brings the I .. 1. tAM aa .,1a .l,Alra anil iJrW restore the fire of youth. 1, rw "Jr man ovc per doxi uuaco or '2.ROi with a written cuaran. tee to cure or refund tho money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Olnton dt Jackson St., CHICAGO, l(Jb For Sal by Charles It vers. Druaglst. Astoria. Oregon. W -14 m M 1 i i 3 f7,.t!Ww'' 'i State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON Training Sohool for Teaeker. Nrw BulMtn N'W Department, fnaraded CoMtry; Bekool Work. Graduates Stcnre Good Positions. p. L. CAM7BXLU or W. A. WAITN, Be e faculty. I'ubllc story iteller earn a good living In Japan. Six hundred of them ply their trade about Toklo. SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE That's it Beware of Imitations Jcfca Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. "PORTLAND." " AitIvT I:M a. in. 7:00 P. m. Portland Union Dpot.iI:U a m. for Astoria and InUM (:40 p.m medial polnta ASTORIA. For Portland 7.45 a.m. am. I 10 p.m. termedlate point 110: M p.m. BRABIDB DrVISION. p m. 1a.m. I llOOlllB't.V .-.Kin WAr OX l:00Ar la m . s m. .Astoria..., Ar 7:W( ..Warrentoq l.v 7:K I ..Warrentoq.,.-;. jij,) ..,Bald.... Vr, :U 1:M (SPECIAL SEASIDE BUNDAT TRAIN Leave Aetoiia at t X a. m.; arrive at Seaside a. m. PaaMOgor may return en any train howa oo schedule oa same due. A IX TRAINS to and from eai4 rua ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All train make close connections at Gobi with all Northern Paetlla trains to and from tb east or Sound point. At Portland wtth all train leaving Union depot. At Astoria with L R A N. Co.' boat and rail line to and from Itwaco and north Beaob points. THROUOH TICKJCTt on al at As tort for Sacramento. Saa Fraaclaco, all Eastern and European point. City ticket offlo Astoria, 111 Commer. tlal street J. C. HATO, Oen'l Frt and Paa. AceoL THE NET "North-Western LttnTED" (jots Ccttdit Tiain.) between Minneapolis, St Paai and Chicago, is tnttrtalnliifty described In an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished run on application t W. H. MEAD, Gtn. Agt., MS Wwhtaftoa Street, PORTLAND, OU. F. W. PARKER. - , Com.Atmt, gJSST SEATTLt, WASJ UNION UUE SOCIETY OF LONDON. BstabHolied during th reign of Queen Anne. A- D. mi FIRE AND LIFE. uoscnoeo capttai isjwamiisj Aseeta U.M.4M SS Surplm to policy holders 10OJ3I 0 Exclusive or paid up capita Law Union and Crcwn Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Subscribed or guaranteed cap ital I7J00OM0O Capita, said no 1 Btane on Ae 9UMjm m Catton, Bell & Co. Oeo a Agents. San Francisco, CaL Samuel Elmore & Co. Reatdeot Agents, Astoria. Oregon. SOBLK Ak&IVK. Past Moll tr Aberdeen. Wealth Bend. TscQma.1 Vo. 1 lt p. Hpnksne, Helena. Batte, Ito. 1. WO a. m. No. L ranaeoiKia. ei rsui,t;ai. LL . UAVb IhMln. Isod all solirtt east sad ha-t SotnlMast. . . IPonWnd, Seattle n "IMuna Knren; KiH No. 4. 13 1 85 a.n ' J:p. m, heart, Taeoroo, Olrm L, Intermediate. tpotst. Also poiuts eut no, omakm, Kaf Mml river nolnta. 63 to ft. VtSOL "fV! WuUnjetan. T.5oOcSnowinSn w4l nvSe'Sne exnstenMMtmMMM AklLdawot eoooectloas at ail prtnci 1 3iSbeosad Uuongk to' desttn. 1 tfcftato, Voeiirej ear iei satlons. Jtet, vka U nxiTto n other unomntum, d m or address , J. C MJfTO. AireaA. V IW CosntMrc. 4 Bt. AMor) A. i, CMAKUTUM, I ..Jalrf (lMl VW.TH?, iorrtaoa Btreat, Fortiaod, Or. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests vvhat you eat. It artificially digests the food bd aids Nature In strengthening and recotr structlng the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonlo. No other prcparatlor can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently curet Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache.Gast ralgi a.Cramps, and all other resultsof Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Co., Cblcogo. For Sale by CHAHLES ROOZTJI. USB j jljoste ST0SC fsZVl UtU 'ioiiii. m an wmjg Jo) O""- u TIM 8 SCHEDULE Pram Portland DKPABTl A aura rut Mall tp. m. salt Uke. tienrrf. Kt I Ft ... t:iw. mi . 1 stall t.'hlruu and tut r- Spokane river 1 10 p. n Wnlla Wsll. Hpohtne mnkM i...i..,k rlrol liuluth, Milwaukee, S M a. m. I bl(4Mlo ana km. Frm Ailnrta OCEAf " iAM5t1IP Al) Haillna Ixus sab leet Ui rhmtire. Far baa Kmneitco-Hall Oc'. i. 10, IS, 2w, , M i Colombia River 7amesBO, Smdmci SsmeiMo Ddur To Fortiaad oa ndav Wlllowtto aaa Vai bill Klvars. S SO p. m. Moo.ed. sod rn. To. m. Tnes.ThaH and Sm. Oregon City, Dayton, Al wsjr-uuiaitin. Klparla Lear 01) ieikl Hirer. Bl parts to Lewis ten. LvLswtst Mam dally l ;va. m. rrum Portland i jriLLAkUmi H1VKB Is, m. f JO p. m Mod, Wed.Orroo Ct, Hewberg, Toea.Thai Priday j J Wsy-Ln4 a Salard; & W. fcODMBlRHT, AAtorm, Oea. Paa. Ast. PertuuaLOr. im A familiar nan (or tb CUoago, lflS waskee A St. Paol BaJMray, known all over the Union oa h Great BaUlway running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and alftjt between SL Paul and Coloago. and Oman, an cbieace. "Tbe only perteot train In tn world.' Understand: CooBactkm are Bad wttb all TranMoatlnental Doe, aaeurtna; to psssegiinr Che beet erne Tcnewa. Los urtou ooacbes, eleotrlo light, steam beat, of a verity equaled by o other Una. Bee that year ticket reeds via "Tb Milwaukee" when going to any point tn tb United States or Canada. All ticket tgeot sell tfeaaa. For rate, pamphlets, or other Informa tion., iaddms, J. W. CAfiET, C J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agent, Portland. Or. Portland. Oj GBLcfl TICKETS to all 11 gBBWlHTS EAST Throush palac and tourist leeprs, dlnln and library observation ears. ELEGANT VE8TIBULB TRAINS. No. 4 Ll-nlted leaves Portland at 1:1s p. m. No. t Limited arrive Portland at l.M a. m. For rate, etc., caa or address G. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent O. K. N.. Astoria. or A. B. C. DENNISTOJ. C. P. ft T. A..Portland Or Through Tickets 'TO THsV EAST AND SOUTHEAST 'SlCTOl PULLMAN P ALACK SLEEPERS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS i . ' Dally to.-. Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City Tant 'other Xestera ettles. Baggage checked tnronrn to oeaUnatloa, . union Opot, raat tne, loweat rat, Plntsch Uf M In all ears. For rates and ar larormatloa call oa or address G. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent," O. R N. Co. ' ' ' Astoria. OrecooL or J. H. LOTHROP, Gn. Agent. Ut Tbire hu cor. Aider, pomana. Or. EASTtu south LBAVX PORTLAND ARRIT1 OVERLAND IX PRKria. for Bal.m, Koaeburv. AahlAna IM P.U.Baoramntb, Ogden. t M A.SL bo a-ranoisco, Ho Jave. Lo Angelea, Kl Paso, New Or leans and th Eut .1 t-M A. H Roseburg passenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Angel, 8U verton, West Bclo, Brownvllle, Spring Held and Nation..., N:l P. It DaHy exoept Sunday Dally except Banday n-.n a. m M:W P. Ml Corvallta passenger ft :U A. Independence pass' tS: A. at Dally, tDallv except Bunday. Connecting at San FranoUco with Oset dental ft Oriental, Pacific MaU and Oee anio steamship line for JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Sacramento, and San Franois oo. Net rates (17 fl rat -c Lass, and IU second-class, Including sleeper. '- Rates and tickets to Eastern point ano Europe, Also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKIAND, Tlckot Agent, lSl Third st. R. KOEHLER. C. H. M.VRKH.AM Munaare. O. P. ft P. A ThrouKh tickets East for lowest rats Call oil C, J Trenchard. local arent. VTaf.s Farso Comoana'c oce. Astoria. T. T UUXURIOUS IWVEL THE "Nor tb. Western Limited" traias, eleetiio lighted tbroughout, both la aide and oat, and steam bsated, T without exception, the finest train la the) world. They embody the latest, newest and best kUa for comfort, convenience and luxury ever eftcrsd the traveling public, and altogether ar the most eonu piste and splendid production of the ear builders' art. These SpUndld Train Connect with The Great Northers The Northers Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO ind the EAST. No extra eharg for ths superior ao. commodations and all cl asset of ticket ar available for passage on the famous North-western Limited." All train o thl line or protect 4 by th Interlocking Block lystem. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAOE, Oen'l Agent, . T- A. Portland Ore. You Don't Change Cars If you go east via BlUtogs and th BurUnrtoa reus. The BoHlngtoo rent run through toarktt sleeper twtae a week, Seattls to Kansas City Get on at any point along th mala tins of ths Northern Pacific tn Washington or Montana gt off at Karma City. Standard sleeper, crery day la 1 week, Butte to St. Louis via Lincoln, Omaha and St. Joseph. A. C. SHELDON, General Passenger Agent, Finland, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Padflo Fast Mali Line, or tb Rio Grande Scenic Line. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York. Free reclining chairs. Upholstered tour 1st sleepm; oars, and Pullman pamo sleepers, operated oo an train. For further Information, apply to G. W. LOUNSBBRRT, Agent. O. R. ft N Or Astoria, Oregon. C. O. TERRT, W. B. COMAN. Trav. Pass Agt. Gen. Agent, 1M Third St. Portland, or. WHITE COLLAR UNI Oohimbm RWer and ruget Bound Navi gation Company. Bailey Oatxert leave Astoria dalryk except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at T a. m. White Collar line ticket and O. R. ft N. ticket Interchangeable on Bailey Gatsert and Hassalo. Far betweea Astoria and Portland, SO cent. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Agt " TJ. B. SCOTT, - Telephone JU. , President 1 A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating trie, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet ervle oh. tamable ao far a speed, comfort aad ' safety 1 concerned. Emptor of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEt ar uaM to serve the publto and our train are operated so a to mak olo ooa neotloo wtth diverging lute at all Juncvtlon pcrint. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car oo through trains. Dining Oar senrlo unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain this flnt else servio, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over TheWisconsIn Central Lines. and you will max direct connection at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east. For any further Information call on aay ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Agent, or JAS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wia General Agent Uf Stark Bt.. rortland Ore.