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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
T V i TlIK MOKMNU ASIUKlAX, FIUl)A, OCTOIUCK , 8)). BENEFIT DERIVED FROM PHILIPPINE WAR Saved San Francisco From Serious Commer cial Disaster Which Was Sure to Fol low the Klondike Boom. STEAMSHIP OWNERS REAP LARGE PROFITS! Available Steamers Either Chartered or Bought by the Government. MERCHANTS BENEFITED Provision Dealers in tbe City and Partners Throughout tbe State Finl Ready Sale forTheir Mer chandlse ElgMy-Five Trans ports Have Sailed for Manilla Since May Last The Cost of Feeding the Trtcfs at the Presidio. San Francisco Call. This wsr In the Philippines has aav.-d an Francisco and the coast gen erally from eerious commercial disas ter." Thiu declared Hugh Craig, and a a well-known business man. a former memoer of the chamber of commerce, te ought to know what he Is talkng about Why, you can ace for youraelf," he continues, "how this war broke outi just at the most opportune time for us. Now don't quote me as approving of war; that Is quite another thing alto gether. But If we must have war, It would be folly to blind ourselves to the benefits our city has derived and Is still deriving from it. When hoauUtiea commenced the Klondike boom had Just fallen through, and it looked as if we were going to suffer a severe reac tion. In anticipation of a continued rush to the froten regions of the north, many of our merchants had laid in heavy stocks, labor bad flocked to the City in the hope of profitable employ ment, large steamers, such as the Pennsylvania and the Ohio, bad been brought around from the East to share in the anticipated profits of the Klondike trade. The market was glut ted in. every way with surplus tonnage, surplus (roods and surplus labor. "Dewey's victory at Manila and thej subsequent occupation of the Philip-1 pines cnangea ail inis who magic rap-j Idlty. Trrops poured Into the city, and. money began to circulate freely. The torts and saloons were filled with po tential heroe. the strvet car lines ub orbedy nickels with avidity. All the aiwme snips were eitner cnar.erea or boiight by the government and to-j day San Francisco Is the home port for, the largest fleet U transport in the ; world. The few steamers left were hardly sufficient to keep the regular coasting lines going and the lucky owners reaped large profits. Why, to give you an Instance, the stock of the Oceanic Steamship Company hns leap ed from about H9 to !). where it now stands." It Is obvious that nearly every class of business Is lntivwted In supplying ire needs of the small army which I constantly within our borders. The number of men In camp at the Presi dio has averaged about eight thousand, and at present there are some eleven thousand. Each of these men, soldier fashion, spends his pay as fast as he gets It, while many, with private means of their own. spend far more than the pittance doled out by Uncle . . , , , ,. Sam to th? men who risk their live Ir. his service. Then, of course, tht ; oP.cers have far more money to burn thar. the privates. But nay that each man spends only $15 a month, which gee Into the pocknts of our retail j dealers. The sal ion keeper, I ami afraid, get most of It, but still there Is : 7 ' . .. i a lot of It left over for otner people. All soldk-rs do not drink, but In the case nf disbanded volunteers each man has to spend a considerable sum In providing himself with a complete civi lian outllt. to replace his war-stained uniform. This makes things lively for the outfitters. "Soldiers come and go here all day, said a big Market strwt dealer, as fc!ta; year no less than 20.000 000 pounds pointed to a string of khakl-clad men'0j freight. . U .. . A . ...... I ,1.. V. II., .niAn e.c ,n.-i ...... ,.- clothing counters. inner mercnants, better situated than I am, are get'lng mnra nf fhA fmle nut atlll f esttfnnte the Increase In my business due to the' ' i war at 20 per cent." Hut this individual outlay of the I soldiery, though It amounts up to quite respectab e sum In the total Is butnavc f)M xMr of a drP In the bucket compared with L an(, ,,rl(Kl the vast d.rect expenditure- of the (lf a kn,,g hf)g )n government on ships and supplies. Inl,mnrw, pmctlce. there are two grvat spndliiK departments the quartermaster's and tbe subsistence. The n.nvrteririast:r has ervilre control of the tninsrort service. He buys or charters ships, fits them out for sea and supplies them with sll that is needful for the voyage, except eat.ibtfs. Kverythlng that you I'tit In your mouth whether by eating, di inking or smoking, must come from the uUienee department; everything that you use In any other way from the quartermaster. l.el us take the transport service tin, as belli far the most Important. i Tne big whiie painted si. amors ne been coming In and going out of the Golden vTate, tor so many months that the public has grown quite accustomed to this constant movement of troo,, and fall to realise Us magnitude. The Orant. the Sherman, the Sheridan and a doavn other huse vessels :eil si lently up to the FolsMn strwt dock, discharge their living cargoes, take on bml another consignment of fowl for powder and are off again for the seat uf war, almost before anyone valll. what in happening. The Folsom street wharf, now dedicated entirely to the government service, ha become a per fect hive .if Industry'- In the nrly days of the war the transports were siat- j tered here, there and every where aiorg the water frvnu. The separation of thej ship led to confusion and delay and involved much extra expense. The chaotic state of affairs could not last long. As soon as It was seen that the war In the Philippines was Ilk ly to becon e u permanent Institution, a con stant drain upon the resources of this count rv, the government took steps t' secure a fixed home for Its transports. The FoNom stiver dock, probably one of the bet on the front, was I at'.ded wr to the quartermaster, and under the management of Captain Harneson, the chief of the dock, s thoroughly I efficient staff has been organize I. No matter how great a rush th. re may be, affairs at ahe d'ck move with the or derly regularity of military s ri Ice. The department does all its own steve doring, and employs on occasions hun dreds of longshorvmen. For the use of this wharf alone the harbor com missioners receive J1S7 a month. In addition to this the government pays wharfage dues on ail transports at any of ithe docks. Thus the Sherman. hen In pert pays the state of California abort JK a day.the Grant J15, the Sher idan IIS and so on for smaller v-ssels. The pll its. too, have benefited Immens ly by the transport service. As they are paid by fees, according to the ton nage of the vessels nhey guide In and. out of port, their earnings have been largely increased by the advent of these big government vessels. Rut perhaps the best Idea of the ex tent of the operations now being enr- rIed on may gtheKd from a ,.. Di .... ., th tr9.nBnoPt, .h,,,h hav. left this harbor for Manila. Since May. Iat year, no less than 85 vessel I have sailed, carrying altogether the I population of a decent sized city mor ,Kln fifty thousand ofTicers and. men. ,n WWUm there are the troops which hllve M:urned; but as their arrival h8l) i,, rnt x wU1 nct , oncern that otherwise the boom of the ad This makes a total, up to the lasH mlra, for the pemocratle rrvsl.l-ntlal date, of so ships and 52.30S officers and men. in aauition to tnis some cign(en transports are scheduled to sal! during the present month, and many of them will probably have got away by the time this article appears In print. It Is no wond ?r that the expenses of the department are hmvy. Colonel Long Informed me that the government spent on the transport service, on this const alone, from the commencement of the war up to June 30. the end of the fiscal year, more than 112, 000,000. The sum does not Include the purchase price paid for ships bought outriBht by the nation. This means an average outlay of tl.r.-iO.ltoo a month, a sum which at present Is considerably exceeded. If we turn to the subsistence depart ment we Hnd things being done on an equally hug' scale. The cost of f -ed-Injr soldiers comes to about it a month, so that the monthly expenditure on 8.000 men camped tut the Presidio would run - ncarlv f"Jl Aftrt Thnn .... .nereiu. m I'mwiuerauiy exceetieo. i .... ....... . . . I ' ' ' the transports to be provision, d for the f( , voyage to Manila. At least a month's supply would be needed for this trip ' and so for 50,000 men we g'-t an outlay of r.OO.OM for sea stores alone. After' the men land at Manila they must still I be fed and the bulk of th-lr rations' are shipped from here. To nwt this' i enormous demand the subslstance d-- I partnient has dispatched, during the u g n() w.)mlr thst th.? provision men are Jubilant, that th? wholesile dealers on Market and Battery and i"i,o,."- ji'iric i-'ic 'iiimin iii ineir banscme Jingle the dollars In pockets and watch content-dly while t'jicle Sam pours blrol nd tr-nsure Into a foreign land. Every class of nrodurerii hum nfflttA Ihn ! b.-eii working day and night to me.-t the need for hardtack, while the canwrles hnve had all they could do lo supply tinned fruits, soups and other d-llea-cie. Xhe clothing and shoe factories Continued 00 peg 7, 8YSTEMICCATARRH. Thousands Suffer From It and Do Not Know It Bon. A. T. Wlmberly, Collector of th rort of New Orleans, La., and member f ihs National Republican Commit!, In writing of Pp-rnna, aajst r.. ..' :.iinT' ''" nri-imntrnwihin lion. A. T. Wlmbsrly, Pe-ro-n Drag MTg Co, Oolutnbaa,0.i Gentlemen I bbyp ntd Pe-nj-n and can gladly recommend it M belnf all too represent. I wtsh thai Try man who 1 In need of a good tonlo oould know of It. I would adrlse all suoh to take It now, and am rare It would never be regretted" A. T. Wlmberly. Pe-ra-na is an Internal remedy sdentlflo remedy for catarrh. II corse catarrh wherever located. Its curse last. Pe-ru-na give strength by stop- nln waste. Br sarlng the mucus lien riohee the blood. By cleansing the m neons membrane It creeerrs the vital force. KOPP'S BEST f The North Pacitlc Brewery, nf wbtch Mr.Jobn Kopp is proprietor, makes beer for domes ic and export trade. forth Pacific Brewery it I only In accord with lh eternal Mines nf things that police telegraph wires should be made of copper. J BEECHAr.TS j 10 ceatsaB' 25 cents, at all arsg stare. ....... , i.n.lll.ll ! II 1.. H MM MMMM It must have been the humorist on the board of Bryan managers who, wl.en It was learned that Admiral Dewey wa to be Invited to the launch ing of the Fhubrick at Richmond, sug- ; gexted asking for an Invitation for the . .....- ...A,.. K r.,uunl fnw t..a r Ci,nj,(jte mght be fairly Uunched. r4j Misiaxe In buy (rig Con densed Milk. Take no sub stitute for the Gail Borden Eagle Brand CONDENSED MILK ' There arc cheaper and fa- ' ferlor brands to the Eagle, J but none that equal It. It 1 ( has stood first for forty , , years, tead for Bscir bmh. 2 SOIBSVS C0sDTJSi MiK cU a. Y. H.F.Prael Transferee Telephone B. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Cood Chipped to Our Care Will Receive Bpeslal Atteatlea. Ne. W Dnaae St, AsUrl. Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr Re. TeL U. mm PENNYROYAL PILLS rr.'(di lr!t mud rjtiiiU(ti,iu.i'' ftfia 11 mf nun (jainn nif-nftrijc- trlrlsat w,mri"''l. i I'i-i K i t mt-.J Tclopm fit or n.uni mml .'; . jPlr knowo rrnifly tor women e'l'ini ' . Vl jrrtvi th-m. V.Mhul At, h-rm-llf be t 4 & ruif pit-sis'ir. S1 nr ho i irl ' h l,y drtinirl -t-. A oonilant drain of muou from the system is known as sysUinlo Mtarrh. Tbl may ooonr from any organ of lh body. Systomto catarrh U mora oom mon In spring and summer than la the winter. Dr. Baohel A. Mag aw, 67 Wl Jeffer son Street, Bprlngueld, Ohlot Your Pe-ru na U worth lu weight in gold. I feel like new woman. I can't praise It enough. I (pent I" money on doctor, bat nothing Tr did me any good until I lent to you ana tried your re-ru-na. i now tee. wen 01 the catarrh. Ralph W. Chullp, of La Porte, lud. say the following a regard Pe-ru na . ... a a a. ... 1st. for catarrh! "1 ow oeen uwiweu wiu. Mtarrh for th pastelghtyear. I becam so dm year and a halt ago that I took Ire Unset from two different specialists on eatarrh. Th discharge from my head was dreadful. Fin ally mr stom ach beoam affected, and eight months I had to oult work. I lost tn weight from 1B pound to 110. I was oomplttely discouraged. I procured a bottl of re-ru-na and bad not taken iav - m- I v. klf the bottle, when, to my Joy nd . snd to ufMwh hi o.slm ti ssld land b WI Ul 'i ' " MHforsh IWUler nd Heeelver of this surprise, I oegau leeiing head began to get better uteaisonargr . k.n .nd have began to dry up, I kept on, ana net e now taken two bottle. IneTreumeu KaarylaDDetlt).BUdbar my work, hsr agooa sppsuws, auu u not felt better In ten year. I m now SO, and I thank Pe-ru-na for th way feel to-day." For he book addres Or. Bartmaa Ool ambus, Ohio. A Delicious cincl Ptiln table Drink Absolutely Pure Bottled beer for family use, or keg beer supplied at any time, delivery tn the city free. The Latest. The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BR1TAMCA ajs Questions areconstantly comlngup every day inliterature.artandscience which you wish you knew, but you a o n i. Make up your imind that you lare not going to f be caught this wayveryoften. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attentiondig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopaedia Brita mica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and th balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty (30) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. Th Complete Set (Thirty Large Oetavo Volumes)) No. r. New Style Buckram Cloth, MirMed Eign, Eitrs Quality HlghMachlns ln- bh Book Paper. S! , Flrjt payment. Ons Dollar ( S. .00) and Thss Dollar($l.oo) pf month Ihtreafur. No. 1. Half Morocco, Marbled EJen. Eitrs Quality Nigh Machin Flnllh Book Paptr, K0.00. First payment. Two Dollars (.oo) and Four Dollar (Sa.00) ptr month thtrtalttr. No. t. Sheep, Tan Color, Marhled lift. Extra Quality High Machine FInlih Book Paper, $?j.oo. .... Flrit payment, Three Dollars ($.oo) and Five Dollars ($) per month thereafter. A reducllon of 10 per cent. Ii granted by paying ch within jo days alter tlx receipt of Ihe work. Pr. Wlltlumr inrtiaii nr , )llltfflfllt Will ClfC If llHfa Jileeclitiif and Itch inn I'ik-H. Ii ubsortMilicttJinorf nlluyn the ItLinK atfMiK'.cr"- DoultU-n, iflv!M Instant k lief. Dr. WtliluriiH'Ii!ilf;mI'llcOint Wtpl N nrniirMi (or f lies anu Itch Inff of iLe privaUt ph. Lvcry bcr wiir ranteiL Ilv dniiifi.-J.. by in nil on rn aHpl nf nr:ri. tVI oeDU u(y.00. WfLLI AM5 lUFTUfliN8 C0.irdP cwvotanu, Ohio 1 1 I) I . 0 (fill! PS UJl Bit. NOTION roil PUULIOATION, Land OrHc at Oregon City. Oregon. September Hiul, 1HS9. Notice Is liereliy given that th fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mnk final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon, on November 4th, IS!9. vis: ANTON UA.N'O, II. lv. 10.9HT. for th BV.Si of See. , Tp. i. N. U. I V. I(o names the following wltuesse to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Oeorge Land res, Adolf Hivertsen, Jdin It. Koch, James Flnley, all of Astoria, Ort'gon. l'IIA8. II. MDOKICS. Iteglstor. TIMHKil UVNl). ACT JUNK I WT- noti:k foii itumcation. t'nltd Biales Und om.. Orein tHy. Orrgji, Ju.y a. PM-Noile Is kolty f.Vi-n that In ro:iiiiims llh ths pro. visi.'in of th act of Consrrsi of Jun I. Int, enlillrd "An (or tn salt of liiuber l.-uls tn th Slates of California, oriston. Nertda. and Wshlnlin Tr rHory," ss x:n,1ej ut t ih public land Mates by .H of Aunwl 4. !). John K. 8imnks, of 1'ortiand. vouniy of Mali mH. Htai of (.tr.HT'n, has ihis uay Ried in this oftles h's rnrJcn ataisment No. S'tl, far the purohas uf the ewt e iee. it, nrVt and uw of nrS uf sroU a No. W. In townahlp No. I R. rents II snd will effar proof to show that the !nd touytit Is more valub. for Its tlmer or i.n thn for kiiieullurs! nuriwaes qme at Oregon Oiy. Oregon, o T. ,ay. rn ion day f ootr, in. I " na.nes ss wllns: William R, Ml1(lr, r AnJw D Rocks fillo. Jsspsr N rwlr. all of I'ortland. Mulinmish County. Ornton. Any (M . ,n 4(hv. .rl(,.x, ,r. : vrly to ri lo ihrir e;i n In :hl mo on or tW,r ih ItVh dsr of Ortutw. K" t-ll.VHL I). Minium. Kettr. CONTEST NOTICK. Ivparlnient of the Interior. United states Ijihd Ultlce. Or.'irin t'lty. dn'con, Mepletnlier, J. bill A sutflilent contest altldavlt bavins; ln ilil In this orfire by W. tl. H.iwrll oonirsiant, aKuliiBl hoiiostend snlry No. 11SJI. made tk-lolr 30. IM'J, for the NK. VJ seetlon . lonnshlp S. N. rane o W. Iv Ole IVt.-r 8. Aiditl. ronlrstee. In -lllc!i It Is alli'ired that "sitld (He IVtcr avoiii tms wnoiiy nlandnned nld inn 1. wini ne n rnnngi'ii til" n'Sl ience 1 herefrom for more than on yar since niAklnir snld entry, that said tract Is not hc-ul.'d upon and rultlvat d by said party as required by law and (hut said iilleu-d absenr from Ihs ald land wn not ilu.' to his employment In the army, navy, or marine corps of the United Mtute us a private soldl'T, iiltlo r, s a man or marine, during the ar with Spain, or during sny other war In wntrn tne t'nlteii Htntes mav hs en BBge.1." Said parties ar hereby no tified to appear, respond and off. r evl lence toinhlng said allegation nt 10 0 clock a. m . on Cp"br TS, l9. Iwfore the Itegisler and lli-celvrr nt the Unit ed Htnt.'S Ijnd Offlce In I'r-gm t'lty, Oregon. Tne said contestant having, In a proK-r nlTldavIt, filed H pienih r 1, I si't. sot forth facts which show that aftrr ilus diligence personal s.-rvlrn of this notice ran not bo made. It Is hereby ordt-red and dlrectol Ihnt such notice ho given by due and proper publica tion. WM. OAI.I.OWAT, Receiver. CONTE8T NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United State Land rifflce. Oregon City, Oregon, September. I. JIM. A sufficient contest affidavit having Been tnca in tnis omce oy w. tl. Howell, contestant, against homestead entry No. 9131, inado August 8, 1KD1. for ths southeast titinrter section 17. township a in, rnnge 111 w, oy iscar w. compo, contvstee. In which It Is alleged that "the said Oscar W. Cotnpo has wholly anaiiionea said tr.ict; that h ha changed his residence therefrom for morn thnn four years since making snld entry; that sold tract is not Bat tled upon and cultivated by snld party as required by law and thnt snld alleg ed absence from th said Innd wn not due to his employment In lh army, nnvy, or marine corps of the United States, as a private soldier, oin& r, sea man or marine during the wur with Hpaln, or during any other wnr In which the L'nlted States may be en gaged." Said parties are hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer evi dence touching snld allegation at 10 o clock a. 111., on October 23, ISM, be fore the Register and Receiver at tho United State Land Office In Oregon City, Oregon. The said eont. -slant . hnvlng, In a proper affidavit, filed Bent. nib. r 1, 1699, set forth fact which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed thnt such notice! be given by due and proper publica tion. WM. GALLOWAY. Receiver. TIMBER LAND ACT. JUNT I, 1871 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Nolle Is hereby given that In compile anoe with the provisions of the act of Congress of June I, 1171, entitled "An act for th sal of timber land In th Stat of California, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Territory," as extended to all ths public land states by act of All gust 4. im, John H. Koch, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, (tat of Ortgon. ha inn oay nioci in this office his sworn stertemsnt No. 4007, for the purohse of uon no. 1 in townsnip no, n, range No. I w. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mor vaiuabl for It timber or ston than for asrrloultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before fh Reglwer and Re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore. gon, on Saturday, the tth day of Septum. her, lew. lie name ss witnesses: Wal lace Donkel of Vina Maple, orearon isaao Donkel of Vlns Maol. ni the H of n w 14 and lots 1 and t of sec. Patrick J. Hnndwrlght of Astoria. Ore gon, William C. Thomasson of Vine Ma. pie, Oregon. Any and all persona claim- ing adversely the above-described lands are requested to fll their olalma tn this office on or before ssld 1th day of September, 1899. CHARL18 B. MOORE8, Register, TIMBER LAND. ACT JtrNB I 187s NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Jun 17, UM. Notlo Is hereby given that In oompllance with ths pro. vision oi tn act or congre of Jun I, 11:1. sntliled "A ot tor the ai of timber lands In th lists of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," a si tended to all In I'uNIo land flats by aol of August 4, lust, Narulsas K. Hall, of Astoria, oouniy of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has this day Bled In IMe oftloe her sworn statsmsnl No. Jli fur th purchts of lh N ti of a R H of Bro It and W li of W H of n No. X la Township No, I N, riang No. I W, tnd will offer proof lo show thai th laud sought I nor vaiuabl for II tim ber or ston than for agrlcullursl pur P's, and o tsiablleh her claim to aiol laud be furs lh Itegistsr and Receiver of this nmce al Oregon City, Or., on mday th Ute day of Ootober, IK. name a wltne! A. C, Arulron, of Aaio'la. Ore l Mle D. Illrd, of Snielde Ore.) Charlra Thompeoi, of Reaslds, Or John Waterhoua. of Claleop. Any an.l II persons claiming dvra:y the atrov ilerlb4 land ar requested lo fl their claims In this onV an or befjie aid Uth day of fl-i'lenitier. r.4 CIIAKI.Kn II. MtKiHKH. ei(lir TIMMKIl UND ACT JUNK I. tT- NOTirE run ruut.icATioN. I'nlted State land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, July H, IM-Notlce le hereby given that In oompllance with the pro visions of th act .4 Congress of June I. in, entlUed "Aa -t ft the sal of timber lands tn lh Metre of Callfortilsi, Orraron. Neva.U. and Washington Ter ritory," a sxtsnded to all the pubilo lan.1 Hale by act of August 4, 1M. MUlard t Culver, nf Portland, county of Mult nomah, Stats of OMPn, has th' day filed In tbla oftl his sworn staletneot No. 4031, for th purchaa of lh ttwU of .nt.n No. It In township No. I a. rsrg No. 10 went, nt wtll offrr pr to ha that th land souerhl Is more valuable fur Its timber of stone than for agricultural purpose, and to eatobllah his claim to sJd land bfr th Itrtsier nd Itecelver of this offl'- at Oregon City, Oregon, oa Tulsr, lh ith uUy of OoUber, los. II nine a wltnease; Jer N Powlee, James f, ftalhbun. Andrew D ftorkafellow, and J'hn K. flunmona, all . f Torttand. Mulirxxnah County. Oregon Any and all perwo vi claiming a.lveraoiy the abive-.l-j-fih-d Ian 's sr r-qiieeird lo ni titer rla ns In this ofTW oa or before said I0:h day ef October, 10 CIIAHLM n, Utxm. Rrgtaaer. TIMMrrt LAND. ACT JI'NK I ir- . notch ron publication. I'nl'd 8'te land Office. Oreon City. Oregon. July U, ltsf.-Noitc la hereby given that In complla-ic wtttt th pro. vision of th act ut Congee of Jun t Um. entitled "Aa 4t far tbe sal timber lamia In ths State of California, OrrarJi, NnvwU. and Waahlngton Tr rfory," a extended to kll lh public land state by aot of August 4. ixst Jaagwr N. Fowl, of PortlUnd, oouniy of Mult. nomah. State of Oregon. IM day filed In Hits offi.'e bis sworn utemen No. tOM, for lh pure of tbe ft of lon No. M In towoetp No. I rang No 10 weet, and will offer priof t shosr thai tti land sought more valuable for It timber or aton than for agri cultural purpa. and le aetabHah hi claim to said tana befor th Rgfstf and Receiver of ml office at Oregon City. Oregon, en Tuesday, th IMh day of October, Ut H name aa w!umm: Millard K. Cul vr. WHlla.-n C. Burke, Andrew O. Rora afellow, and John B. Stmmona all Port la nl. MultnouUi County, Oregon Any and all person olalmlng adversely lh abovul"tftDed laal ar requealed to fl thar clelns tn tnis offlr on or before said loth day of October. US. CIIARLK8 B. MOOHJCfl. Register, TIM OCR LAND. ACT JUNE I. NOTL'B FX)R PUBLICATIO' Unlied Stat Land Office, Oregon Clly Orewun, July U, UM.-Notlcw La hereby given that In ocenpllaoc wltb th pro. vMona of th act oC Congr of Jun 171 entitled "Aa act th sal timber land In th State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tee. rttory," (( xtndd U all th public tend states tf act of August 4, lWt, William K. Hurke, of PorUnd, county of Mult nomah. Stat of Oregon, tea tht d filed In this offio hi sworn tMmn No. 404, for th Durchaa of lot I, if, u, and 14 of eeotion No. U, In township No. 4 north range No. 10 west, and will offer pr'f to sh-w that the land sought more vaiuabl for lis limber or slone than for agricultural purposes, and establish hi elalm lo said land befor lb Rearlstef and Receiver of thlt office at Oregon City, Oregon, en Tueeday, th loth of October, im. He nsdea a witnesses; Jasper II Fowler, Andjsrw D. Rockafellow, James S. Rathbun, and J. 8. Sunmona, all of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely th ale-dexn)d land are requested to file their olalrn tn tail office en or before said Uth day of October, UN. CHARLIES B. MOORBS, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE I. 1171- NOTKra FOR PUBLICATION. United Stat Land Office, Oregon City, Oregjn, July O, 1891. Notlo la hereby given that tn oompluuu with th pro vision of th not of Oongr of June I, 1S7I, entitled "An act for the al of timber ladl In th State ef California, Oregoi, Nevada, and Washington Tor. rltory," a extended to all Ihe public land state by act of August 4, IM, Andrew D, RockxfelDv, of Porttand, county of Mult. no math, Stat of Oregon, ha till day filed In this offio hi sworn Utement No. 4035, for the purohaa of th tt ttf and Vt nw of section No. 17 In town, ship No. I n, range No, 10 w nd will offer proof to show that th land nought la mor valuable for it timber or ston than for agrloultural purpoass, and to etablih his claim to said land befor the R iglster and Receiver of thla office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, th 101 h day of Ootober, 1899. lie names aa witnesses: Wlllard r. Culver, WHIUm B. Burks, John B. Blrn. mon, and Janper N. Fowler, all of Port. land, Multnonah County, Oregon. Any and all parson olalmlng adversely the abo rs-desorlbed land ar requested to fll their e'aitn In this offio on or befor said 10th day of Ootober, list. CHARLES B. MOORES, Reglat!, NOT (OH rOll rUIILICATlON. land Office at Oregon ('II y, Oregon, Sept. II, l. Nolle Is hereby given that th fo. lowing named selller has Died nolle) of Ids Inioiiilon lo inak final proof j iiiorl of til claim, and thai said proof wilt b mail befor county clerk of Clatsop county, at Aaiorlo, Oregon, on October II, ID9I, vis: Wal ler J, faUoiier.ll. K. 11,114 for lh N. 11 4 of section S4 li. 4 N R, I W. He names (he following wllnesee a piov hi coiiilnuoiis residence upon, ami cultivation uf said land, vlsi Thoiima l'ettl)ohn, of Kay, Oregon; K. II. ThrHi of Kasy. 4rgon; Ml It Webster, of Ksaaey. tirvgon: W. a, lierebery, of Keaaey, Orvgoit. I ll Alt. II. MOOItr-fl, lleglater. ADMINIrfTltATOHS BALE. Notice la hereby given, Ilia! on Mon. day, Orlotwr U, l 10 o'clock In th forenoon, as administrator of lh Ka lute of W. II. Ryan, daweaaed, I will t II at pulillu aucilon. to th hlsheat bidder, for raah, al th Court lloua d.ior, at Aatorl. In t'lataup County, Oregon, lot no levn (11), of block No. two iJ). In Hradbury' Addition t Ocean drove. In I'latanp County, Ore gon, bilonglng 10 said estate, r. J. CARNRT. Adixliilatralor of the ebov entitled tat. imted al Astoria, Oref mi, tht tth day of Auguat, in. MIKRirre) t,f,C. Uy virtu of an execution laaued out of the t'lrcuM t'nurt of tl. mat or or.'"ii for the County of 'In imp on IliK .'Ut day of Srptemler, lM, Upon JUllglliellt rell.lered therein on the Uth day of Heptember, lJ. In favor of J. T. Il 'ae. J y lllsglna, II. f. Thompson and f. Z renrti.n. rtners d"lng lnielnees under the firm nam of Itoea, HlKKlna A C. plaintiffs and against r. II. llrlnkoff and Nina Mrlnkofr, de fendants, for the sum of W1. th coat and disbursement of this suit lined at 110 Wand th dulls of and upon thla writ commanding and re iiulrtiig me to make sttn of Ihe follow Ing deeciibej real property, lo wll; llriilnnlng nl the southwreil rorner nf the M A llurnilde llonatlon land Cliilni In S' etiona M. ?l and :? In Tp t, S of It Wet of the Will fiett Merliliau. thence east along the suth line of aal l wnatln land Inlm IrUVTl feet, thence north feet, thetiee West IJSTI feet. IheilC South feel lo the pls.-e of beginning ex eeiilnt the weal 4t4 f"t of the tract ntw.y.i deai-rlhed. ettvptlng also Iwo sere xl.1 by Nina llrlnkoff andhus I an I. 'V II llrlnkoff. as per deed dated Aoiiu.t Jnl, and reroHed August I4th. 1W. If. Vol. ifl. Page git. Record of IWiln. all situated and being In th t'ouuiy of I'lataop, State o (leegon. Notice la hereby given thai I will on Monday, th 10th day of October im. al Ihe hour of ten o'clock In th fore noon of said day, In front nf and at the Court house door In the City of Astor la I'lalaop t'ouuiy, Oregon, sell al pub lic auction tn th highest bidder for cash, the above deeerthed real property to satisfy th Judgment. Interest and coals and all accruing eoat TIU'H 1.INVII.K. Sheriff, ("lalaip County, Oregon, Astoria. Oregon, Sept. lath, in. 811 Kit 1 F ITS SALE. By virtu of an necullon and order of sal laued out of the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for Clatsop County on the f7th day of Pptrmbr. 1H99. upon a Judgment and decree ren dered therein on the lilh day of Sep temher. I9. In favor of E. Teniae Stafford, plaintiff, and against p. F. Stafford, llenrtctte R. Btaflford. A. C. Fisher ami Charles Wright, defendant, for Ihe sum of ;7.M with Interest thereon at the rate of eKht per cent p- T annum, from the IMh day of Sep temlier, KJ9 the cats and dleburse meiits of this suit taxed at 110 10 and the coats of and upon this writ ctn tnnndlng and requiring me tn make sale of the following described real property,; All of th Clara Houghton homestead lalm In section 17. lying north of a II n drawn across said homeetead from east to west. 91 rods south of, and par. ellel with the north line of said section 17. Also all that part of l. Callander" Donation land Claim which lies east of tho line of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad, so called, all being sit uated In section 17, township 7 north of range 10 west. Together with th tenement, hereditament and appur tenances thereunto belonging, all In Clatsop county, Oregon, except ther. from all that portion which lie west of Culllby creek. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Monday, the 30th day of October, 1899. at the hour of 10 o'clock In th fore noon of said dny, in front of and at the court house door In the city of A torln, Clatsop county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash the above described real property, to satisfy tho Judgment, Interest, cost and oil accruing nests. nt TIIOS. LINVILLH, Sheriff of Clatsop County, Or, Astoria, Or., August 17, 1899. SIIISKIFF'8 SALE '. Uy virtus Of Mr. S.Afllltl.. sa. ,..,lai a , . I avIiUlRfll t1U Ul UM !"" lMU,xl out of the Circuit Court ... oiuie or un-gon for th oounty of it 1 'lnomuh. n Hi il day of October, leJtt, upon a luilvtiu.m 1. Jualice Court for Portland district, of the titule of Oreg..n, for the oounty uf Multnomah. n h r.k ...... .. r...m h'!T', 1J,3 ln 'ttvoc of T. W. Schuix. pltutilln. and airuimii 11, n., Ulil rniillne ItWchwWn, . defendunta, coinmandliig and iviiulilng 1110 to levy upon th property f the above mimed defendant to satisfy tho sum of IS3.ll now duo on said lo.iu-m...,. n.nh i,.ir. -st thereon at tho nilo of I p,r cent jx-r annum from tho day of Octo. Ix'r, 18114. and the forth .um ia7( also now duo on suld Judgment with lliteresl thereon at the eni. ,.f ne cent per annum from the 20th day of October. l.VU In lh. till, An t,.t. lr, 180e, and lntrot thereafter at th rnte of (I per cent per annum, and als the costs of and upon this writ, I did, on tho 41 h day of October, 1899, levy upon the following decrii.,l eAi.1 nrau. erly, towlt: J Jie IC y, of the H W Si, the W M of the Hi!, U of sofillitn ft lou-nehln 4. north of range e, west of the Willam ette meridian. In CInAeon countv. Oro- gon. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Mf,n"rday' ,ne 4th ay of November, In, at the hour of 9 nW.U in the sf- ternoon of said day, In front of and at the COIlrt llOUan rf.wie In tho nllv nf Astnrm, Clatsop county, Oregon, sdl at public auotlon to tho highest bidder for cosh tho allOVn deaerlheit eeal nron erty nr so much thereof km mny be necCHsnry 'lo satisfy tth ludo-inont. In- torest cos! and accruing oust. THO8. LINVILLE, PherlhT of Clatson Pnunev. Or Astoria, Or., Octobr 4, 1899.