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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
illK MOUMNO AHTOHIAN KM OA. OCTOBER 6. 181H) 8 Extraordinary Sale Special for Wednesday and Thursday. Dliick nnd (Jolorwl Sorgo f 1.00 quality,,.,., GOc Golf l'liiitl 40 in. (too qulit; 46 Knglinh Klunniiletto lOo ?Ulity '''.' 8)c Alt other goods in projxirtion McALLEN & fkDONNELL, 470 Conitnurcinl 8L TO ASTORIANS. Tks ItAILV AtTOMIAM UI be limnd vm itli In I'urlUBU U wU-ku tlm lnrr bamas uf J. r. llaU Co., WI Miihluiua RUmi. Ontsrs fur savor aialna Willi tnli Hrm (rill win jrwiu4 AllaallMi TODAY ' WBATHCR. KiHTLAND. Oct l-Cloudi (blfb () will prsvall orr Wester Vfgna during tike forenoon. AROUNDJTOWN. O. H. U h-sra from Warranto. A. 8. C Orw,"o7wsJ. Walla, U la lb dir. Mit. M. lb city. r. Wolf of PurtlMit li la R V. Jones and family ar vlaltlnf In Portland. Bup'rlnlsndm BhMds loft last nlM en ths up train. MIm Jennl Lewis took ths I'ortlKii train Uit vtntnf. W, 0. Martin, a Portlard man. U In Astoria on business. Mr. William Dsds, of Marlon oounty, U flatting In th city. Tim pilot schooner Joseph put lo yesterday. PuIKkt John Hansen earn up on the Beaaldo train yeaterday afternoon. Judc Elliot took paaaafe on lbs Co lumbia yesterday morning. J. W. Qllllhan of Chinook wai a pas senger on last nlfht'a train. W. 8. Stone and wife took yoatrrday morning's train fur Portland. Th steamship Columbia crossed out for Han FranoUco yyaterday. .Mla Maud Warren cam up from Vra'rriiinn yesterday aftrrnooo. Charlrg J, Hcbnabel. the well-known Portland attorney, It In the city. Frank Ilehnke l registered at Parker from Whit Horse Rapids. th Ah In Maupln and Dora Whit were yesterday granted a llaonoo to wed. Mr. Churl I Callndiir was a passen ger on th Portland train last evening. Th srhuoner MUpab wai lowed up to Portland yesterday to load lumbar. Kor rent Furnished front room on Commercial lrt; enquire at this of- flee. Dr. August Kinney and wlf wr paaatnivra on lut evening's train for Portland. To confectionery U The 8p Candy Factory haa Just that delicate flavor you Ilk so wll. Mrs. William Larson of th Lewis and ('lark waa a passenger on th up train laat evening. Th Chrysanthemum otub gives their ft rat party of th Mjon at Foard Stoke ball tonight. Mlai Hophle Anderson of Lewis A Clark waa a passenger on the up train yesterday morning. Mrs. John Fry and her sister. Mis Winnie Baftotdua of Youngs river, wrrv In th city yesterday. Th ship Lorton haa finished dis charging her local cargo and la waiting for a low up lb river. J. U, Brown waa among th oaliln p-issengera on th Columbia from As torla yesterday morning. Mrs. C. D. Roberts and Mrs C. It. Elliot, of Vancouver, were passengers on the down train yesterday. P. II. Wilson representing th Met ropolitan Printing and nindlng com pany of fleewtle, Is In th city. Tou can find over 10,000 title of nov el at Ilyland Bros.' old bookstorv.Port- land. Prop In and get something to read. Wanted A eomoetent woman for general house work. Th best wages will be paid. Address "W" Astorian of- fW. - Mia May Norton, stenographer In the Astoria O. II. N. omc. started on the Columbia yesterdty for a brief vacation. A young girl desires a plaoe where or I..1I ww .- ... . ' Into each life some rain must fall." tend school. For particulars Inquire at That lorn somitilmea moans millions, the Antorlan ofllo. Mr. Klncald, of California, who ha been visiting her lur, Mrs. Chss. Itogers, tuflL for her horn yesterday morning on th Columbia. Th chocolat creams mad at The Hjia Candy Factory cannot be ex oelled. W sucoeed In making ttv-m just a little batter than others. Th Columbia cam down early ye. U-rday morning with many passengers, cubln and stoenMr. Hhe took on a numter hers and a quantity of frvlghl. When In Aatoria, translont gutt oan secur unsurpassed accommoda tions at tha Astor House. Perf-oi cook. Init and nice, clean rooms. Hates, 11 per dsy. , Mrs. P. r. Woodford will glv two les sons a week In shorthand at bar home, Ul Commercial street. H a month. All Intsresled call Tuday vnlng, Octo ber t The steamer Elmore went diwn a short dlstano below the mouth of the river yesterday, but returned to her dock, th weather being unfavorable to cross Into Tillamook. In th circuit court Judgement by de fault was entered In the case of W. J. Ulagen vs. Koren M. Hansen t al. and dec re ordered In caa of J. R. Weath- erford vs. J. U Heldler. I. W. Harpsr's Nelson county, Ky, whiskey. A gentleman's whiskey; whiskey for th ldeboard; a whiskey r..e the sick room. Bold by Foard Btokei Company, Astoria, Oregon. Th soldier belonging to -the Illo do Ji.nHro who wrre h-ft behind at Port land, caught their veam-l here. They will probably be fined a fw dMlurs to Uach Ihem the Importance of punctu allty. Th partition which separated John son Bros.' store from the adjoining apartment Is being removed, so tnat when the work going on Is completed the store will be oonsldorably en largfd. The Hrltlh bark Comllebank ar rived In yesterday, 45 day from Banta Itoaalla, In ballast. It Is not known whether or not th ComlMxvnk Is char tered, and she will remain In th har bor awaiting orders. The lady mlnUArels scored another triumph last night Their two enter tainments have merited the profuse compliment showered upon them, and the ladles have every reason to feel proud of their work. Mr. A. H. Rembow, who haa ben visiting W. E. Cole and family during the pl week. Itift yesterday for Pp kane. where he will see the elifhts. In cluding the fruit fair, ana men. re turn to his home at Wardner. Idaho. Ther waa quit an increase In the run of salmon yesterday, and several good catches were made by both Iran, snd seines. This Is oonsld-red the first of the fall run, and ft Is ex w.h-t to last for at leant a week. The UiliKitters also delivered yesterday. good catches Those "ooaiers" of Herman Wise's (j-I sale as advertised In the As torlun, caused a rush to his store yes Utrday, which prove that advertising bargains and backing the ad up with genuine reduotlon will bring the peo ple around to a store every time. rieveral Astorians have relative or frlunile In the Minnesota n glnu-nt and are Interested In Its movements. It Is expected that the boys will reach Port land Huturday morning on their way home, and citizens there are prepar ing to glv them a royal reo-pllon. The Thirteenth Minnesota and the Beoond Orrgon patrollfd Manila t'igoU'-r and were together In the field. Three former Astorlsni were among the unllalod men on the transports which sailed yeaxorday. Dell Charters was one. Ills father was a barber her sewral yesr ago and at one time chief of police of Astoria. Frank Caba nlas, well known In town was another. A former typo on the Astoriah, Ira B. MaIIu also went as a corporal In the Thlrty-flfth. Not a bull In a china shop, but a baakot In a tailor shop, crv-ated some stir yesterday. A man and a pile of clothes wore attached to the basket. The man was doing some waxhlng on th roof of Postmaster McDonald's tailor shop when, with his clothes, be craalu-d through the skylight, averting n ui b alarm and doing damage to sev eral suits of clothes In procei of con st ruction. No one was hurt. The dUpatch boat Ut-Culloch went up the river yesterday morning. Cap tain W. C. Colsun, who Is In oommand. Is an old Astorian, and upon his return from Portland, which will be In 11 orj li days, he will have his hUtorlc ves sel stay In Astoria harbor for four or, Ave days, and he extends a cordial j Invltntlon for all to call and see him and the vessel -then. The boat baa much of Interest besides being sn ob ject of Interest. There whs a story going the rounds yi-aterJay to the e IT it I that a g-ntli-man connected with educational work hud aKauutted a boy-on the streets. Then the wind veered and rumor had It that the boy had whipped the school man. When hunted down and the truth ascertained It became a case of a two-fresh youngster trying to dis play his scrapping ability and being shown the effect of a strung-orm-col- Inr-hold, d-pjr.lng crest-fallen. Foard & Stokes Company Ship Chandlers and General Wholesalers and neiaiiers Special Departments Hardware Groceries Fruits and Meats Orockeryware Stoves, Tinware Paints and Oils Largest Store of the Kind in Oregon. an W1HILIST. pur: X IT V BcT ars a iv DREBDN. R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, corner Fifth Opposite Hotel Perkins Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty Ladies entrance to bath on Fifth street. PORTLAND, OREGON. The foo'.bolllsta are practicing, I Portland Astoria ..FREE.. To provide the citizens of Astoria and vicinity with the same advantage as the people-of Portland, we will, during the continuance of the prevailing rates, furnish round trip tic'kots from Astoria to Portland and Return Absolutely Free By giving one. round trip ticket and an Admission to the Exposition with each Suit or Overcoat, pur chased of us, no matter what price the garment, This will enable those desiring to visit the Exposition to do so without cost and at tho samo time to talce advantage of our enormous selection of FALL AND WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS...... For Mens, Boys and Children. All our goods are marked in plain figures. CUT OUT THIS "AD." and it will be honored for a round trip ticket and an admission to the exposition with each purchaso of a Suit or Overcoat. Moyer Clothing Co The Popular Price Clothiers. BEN SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Oak Stroets, Portlard A J iiv ho was not far behind her cert. She is headquarters ship, and ' the band Is on her. Passing- Astoria's I front, the band played and the soldiers yelled, the people on shore responding uttr waving of handkerchiefs. When opposite Fisher's dock, the bugler blew I soupy, SQupy, soupy, u una uvj. name mees-calL The transports aia not stop, simply slowing down to change pilots and observe custora- ''I houae refutations, then striking out ting th . lr musolos In ha and -xperl-! 0VM. the bar wUn u, 140 men. who m-Miiins rn tnciu. inier-coiiepate ,-rh,n , rhiiDs to mere f.xl.all is rather n'e to most r.f the , k ; i'rrliH.n duty. It la possible that by loci players, and yr.lf.irm victory this lhft XUM y,iy ready . to lake the ) ar run naruiy 1 expected, nut tne , ,lf d af?alr , Lugon wm be settled. A. F. C. team will make their oppo-j r.enn play ball. Aatorla tan teach the. THE TELLOW FEVER SCARE, collect towns soniethlnir new In the' a of "rooting." The O. A. C. and : The recent yellow fever fright raised t'i" I', of O. bys think they ran do1 wldefelt Interest In Its treatment It Is Kill ocal lugging, but when thoy meet j treated In the simplest way possible al the Astoria athlotlc contingent th-y though It is a terrible disease. Perfect will duff their hats sanitary arrangements are Insisted up- 1 on, the supply of water must be pure, " j simple medicines are administered and The two government tranports, the! the bowels kept regular. If this last SIKh and the City of R.o de j rmSfntrre put to sea yeatenlay afternoon with nothing better than Hostetter's Stom the Thirty-fifth rvglment on board for; ach Bitters for cleansing the system. A Manila. The Sikh was drawing Hne-i loe three times a day will bring new w KAnnlntta T will tWMtltlVlV . a . .1 .w ' ' - imtmnM. -.i "... nu u nnii .t-ei -i naicr a .u cure COIlgt.ton Md dyspepda and tot Rio de Janeiro twvttty and a half. They wfac uver or kidneys there la nothing h.ih nn,horxl ahni Tontrne P.ilitt snd 'to eoual It. Every druggist keeps It waited for hlch water to nass over the1"-! Prlv,lt? Rve.nue 8tam' ytn RALSTON HEALTH CLUB Breakfast Food Barley Food acme Gluten Farina, Acme A, V. ALLEN'S f Select Bran . . . Yeast, Cocoa Wheat Flakes and Standard Rolled Oats onjunxuruxru : V IOTBI . n PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. m t- -a.... i ft-a 1 r a C a iiv wnij' bi-wicibb iiuivi in v Ul .rniiu j cHuruvnAAnAA ijvuvruirjiriiratnnnnriAnnruri Hogback. At the right momentt they crossed over safely. They passed As toria's docks about roon, and wvnt to sea without stopping. Rev. Isaac Pwtrt, the new pastor of the Methodist church here, and his wife, .arrived here yesterday, and they are now domiciled In the parsonage formerly occupied by Mr. Holllngshead. W hen seen by an Astorian reporter .Mr. Peart had hftrVlly time to look about him, but he said he was most pl'aantly Impressed' by what he bad seen. The members of his church al ready had shown htm great considera tion and made himself and wife feel that they are at home among friends. the neck of the bottle. BplrllualtaU. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE PALM i.t riairvnvant and life reader: eon suit her on all business affairs, lore troubles, absent friends; she ha no equal; restores lost love. 17H First street, parlors S and 1 Fee, Mo and up. 8 Watson's g Restaurant WATSON BROS., Fropr-s, Conducted on the check jystom, there fore pairona pay for what they Older sod no mora. ' Mrs. Irtex E. Parker, who leaves shortly for California, bas been a will ing and useful worker In the Presby terian church of Ithis city and In tem perance circles. As a farewell leatl-llJ mordal of appreciation, the ladles of SEQI the home missionary society of the Presbyterian church and of the local W. C. T. U. tendered Mrs. Parker a reception yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Qoarheaxt. The hours were from 4 to $. It was a very pleasant gathering and thoroughly enjoyable. Kt (lain U Uncut, CkfiHit, leal til ikkest Smiri ii Ut IirtkuML lOSandlll Fourth St. 0, v.. G a.m. to 8 p.m. PORTLAND pnuif, 1 1 .nntrrooy r f r i i sP iN n t n o The county court has so far aoted chiefly on routine matters. The usual budget of bills were examined and warrants ordered for those allowed. R. A. Abbott, supervisor of road district No. 1, reported ithat, pursuant Ito In structions, he had forwarded to the Agricultural college at Corvallla sam ple of thistles growing In his dlsttiot to ascertain If they were the Illegal Canada, Russian or Chinese .thistles. Mr. E. R. Lake, hortUculturist, re plied that the samples sent were com- mon hull thistles and were not covered ; X by the law. The returned samples ' h were ordered placed on exhibition lu the court room. The Portland Restaurant E. I. HTTE1111', l'ioprlet r. Fmatt Room fcr UJIft. 90S Washing ton St., near 5th ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND. ORE.. FRONT AND MORRISON STS. nt-aip'n,,octi$I.Wpsrdy. OSCAR ANDERSON, JUnagc .. Z w American plan, LO0 to SiO per Uy. J. C. PEXDEG AIT, Chief Cftfk. a P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latest and Best. General Supply House for , Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Ete. W. F. SCHEIBE, srssss twrer of Rellablci A Ian Its ai PtpM. Tut aad iajalwi' Artldas. 174 Commercial Bt. "La Belle Astoria" Clear Scheme's Opera Star Scheibe's Special And Othar Brand Crowds of Astorions gathered at the hnrves yesterday morning to see the two transports go by. The Sikh (pro nounced Seek by those on board) ...,... A.l ill. flnt on .Ka Vtll.A Mnata 5 '4 OPEN DAY " Established ? y AND NIGHT... l! h I C. House's Cafe, 128 Third trttt, Portlarid, Oregon. The Bt Cup of Ciiflee orCoeoa hi the city. Cream and Milk fruiu our own ranch nomo maxlo Plea and cakus. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by the Benedictine Tattlers. ....High-Grade Colcge for Boys and Young Men..., Healthful aad attraottrs looatKm (40 miles fron o.-tknd on tba Soathtra FaotOo 0prlO(flad branoh). Oomptets and .thorough preparatory, ttttrary, soleniflo, oalca.l. normal, oommerct al oourse. SPECIAXi OOURSSB mathemaltix, Surrey Inc, Drawing, CI vll Service, Freoob, Oerman, SpsnlXB KaMan. 3borthivl, Typewrrans, Tetegnaphy, Musto. Aoademto Decrees aad Toaohtvi Btate Oertlflcates and Olplomss Conferred. Send for eatalefoe. ADDRB3 The President Mount Angel College, Mt. Angel, Oreg C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom Houtse Broker. ASTORIA, .OREGON Agent W. F. & Co.. and Pacific boreal Co'i. CHAS. HEILBORN &S0N IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all aizea and style. We shall continue to sell Iron and Brass Bedsteads at the eanie Low Prices regardless of the raise in the price of iron and brass as they passed.. The Rio ' ?JmmmJJ8?Jkjm.