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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
taltael VUK MORNING A.8TOR1AN KR1DA. OCTOBEK 8, I89. A ;V- y , I JOHN T. LIQUTKn, Alitor. Tlrphon Main ML TKIXM8 Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mail. pr yar ta.00 Bent by mall, r moatfe , M Served by carrier, pr mootk , M 6KMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, pr yar, In adraaoa U.M latag tr to aubaoribera. All communication Intended for pub lication should b directed to th ll tor. Wualn oomraunioatioo of all kinds and remittance must b aJJi 4 to "Th Astorian," Th Astorian guarantee to IU ad vertisers th large, circulation of any newspaper published a th Columbia river. Advertlalng rate can b had on ap plication to th bualneaa manager. TO KKADKRe.-TW "Dally Aalerlaa- esauta I tee a aeh reaaieg aialler aa say eieer pr aaallahed la AMaria. It to Ik Ml paper fmnW IU raeear with Sail; talfrBa.le reparv TO AIRMTIKM.-Th -baity A, arias" aaa more lhaa ta ta u&kj read era aa aay elfcar paper paallaae la Aata He. II I therefore aaere I aaa twlee a nlM aa artUlf aaaSlaaa. enouch. They could b ohlroformd or not. Thla wuM l quit In Una ulih I ho aditUn of tuoh a tunatlo policy. The California health authortlhw ihemaelvea hav a mntal consumption that should be Quarantined.. Thvlr brains are being scorched by a too In tense leal In their desire to look after th sanitary Interests of tha tate. Ecn Vr. Robert SalTocd Newton. who believes th Chautauqua ealut of waving handkerchiefs la a deadly charge on a publlo audience des not believe th CHfirnla plan will prov practicable. In the baneful Chautau qua aalut. howvcer, Pr, Saw ton has Implicit b.W. "It will b followed In many caaea." h aaja, "alth fatal r aulta In a crowd of 50.0W piragua," continue Dr. Nowton, "I wnould aay thcr wra aufrirlit wtth pulmo nary tubrculuala." In th mfanilm th old world will a along- with Ita atck and IU In jur!, with thlr condition conataotly, It alowly, amlloratd from yax to )tu with th advanoTnt of knowl nt. and It will b a lon tlm bfoiv public opInU will M any atH of mn with a hobby umlortak auch draatlc action aa la propoawd In California NfcW TORK'8 GREAT OBJbXT UKS SON. Philadelphia Tim. Nw Tork la an American city only In nan. It haa DcCvMn IB crU m llpcUa of lh grJiJifrt gvrwnmrnt In th aorlj. but Ua rwH aiv Urtwly alien In language. In ymiathy and In palrlotlam, and th domlnaUoii aortal condltlvtna of Sw York lak p'rl.le In Anglomania and In studied departure from the simplicity ithat ta the J.-we4 of American manhood and woman hood. I'urtng our civil war New York waa the wt center of the North, and only the Inaane (Irtnj upvn the atarvlnf (t.r- In thru yean of Republican admtn ltraii Hi the country haa doubled the hUhent export mark reached In Mr. Cleveland' term. IVntorratic orator In thetr vantpalgn ivone can hardly r"on In Fcrt Sumpter ma.le It ixwalbl be exited to pay much attention (u ai w v. mW .n . trivial snmerclal incident like thla. but ih ouitry ta a'ght of it. rreiolve h.vnlllty 40 a war for th maintenance of a republic. Our great not UkWy (o lose metropolis Is thua a buslixas and social j criu.-r atuirt from the sympathl and - - - - inspirations of the American people. Tlie Pall Mall Gasett approvt the, But with all theee glaring d. f-cla. It la AunrKan aystetn vt naming ship of j lh me1tvp.ll of the naUon; the center war as better than the Kngllah. Thelof fln,nc' comrwnc "J trl,- n1 ,ha low tveome an lnriatw center kagnlAotni claaa f Intan. c.ln ,,.iw.tll4j 1vancement. talna not only a MaarJc and a VU-j Te m-epidw of Admiral Pewvy la torkaia, bat aJ a Caesar and a Han-: a great object k'tuxw to the people of Whal. Th lUaette therefore advo-NVw York- 11 ' 1f ,h v'ry fw JV . . , ... 'occasion that ha lnvlrej the latent calea Cp) lng our nxthM of giving the . . . I Patriotism of the pvpli, anj it mcst name vf a state to a battleship, the n oll4. of unClWnmi,n ,m. nam of a Urgw city to a flrst-elass p,rt to that city. The occasion ap- crulser, of a smaller city o a sccorvd-! peals to their pride and that calls out cls cruiser and of a naval hero to a!-""1 In,"v ewhuslaam the pairtot . . v , , I bun that Is seldom exhibited, and the torpedo Uat. This ntethoJ rereal bv . . . . , x most benerWnt reeult of th IX-wvy re- th naue the clj to which any ship -.pUon will be Ihe development of pa- THK PW1ZK WNTK8T. Th boy have forged ahead again. It la aee-saw of lat between the boys and glrla In th hustle for subscriber. Th prltea an worth th winning, and from th way th young folk ar work ing It la easy to e that they realise It. It la atlck-lo-U-lvenesa that wins, and th rac la not yet won. CONDITIONS. rrli l.-Th boy or girl under II year of ag sealing In th largest number of monthly or yearly subscrib ers to th Dally Aatorlan during th months of September and October will be entitled to a cholc of th beat grad of IW Rambler bicycle. This prh It contributed by th Columbia Electrical A Repair Company. rrlte 1 Th boy or girl under It years of age sending In th second Urg ent number of monthly or yearly sub scriber to th Dally Asforlan during September and October will b ntl tied to a tit suit. If a boy. or Its qulv alent In cash. If a girl. Thla prtt I given by Mr. Danalger of th popular San Francisco Btora, Prti 1-Th boy or girl under II years of ag tending In th third ' largest number of monthly or yearly subscribers to th Dally Aatorlan dur ing September and October, will b ntltled to a beautiful sterling silver watch, American movement, guaran teed for on year, valu S7.M. This prii Is tendered by Mr. J. H. Seymour, th well-known Jeweler at M4 Com mercial street THS RULES. ICarn boy or girl participating In th contest must bring th nam and ad dress of each subscriber, legibly writ tea on a aeparat plec of paper, to th bualneaa olflc of th Astorian. be tween t and I p. m. of any day during; th contest, together with th amount of th subscription, at th rat of M cents a month, for th term of th sub scription. In return. ach boy or girl will receive a printed card bearing th nam and address of th subscriber, with th dat and amount of th tub sortptlon. These cards will be retained by th recipient until th second day of October, ISM. On that day th cards received by the children must be returned to a committee of clergy men, who name will hereafter b announced, and the gentlemen will compare th cards so returned with th records of the offlc and make th award of prises thus shown to b earned. An order will be given to the lucky boys or girls and th dealers will Immediately deliver to them th prises named. OREGON INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION .... OrKNS IN Portland, September 28, CLOSES October 38, 1899, Hurt icuttural lid Agricultural Products of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In greater variety and profu sion than ver before. Ikanctt's Renowned Military Ik ml MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Greatest Lady Cornt Soloist. Tbs unquId nOKEXZE TKOll-E Of Acrobats, dlrwot from th Emplr Theatre, bondoa; inur Drat appear ance in Amerioa. Great PILinXO WAK MVSEl M 3GKEATSISTEKS MACAKTE Unaurpaased AartallaU, la thlr thrill ing acta ANt OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS. A Season of Great Surprises and As tounding reata. Reduced rat on all Unas, transportation ADMISSION. It CENTS; Children un der U years, It oenta. Dont Miss It! belonjv trlotlsm In the cltlsenahlp of the me tropolis of the republic. Aa the Astorian has already had oc-! x ork la auch a busy, hea.lloia caalon to remark, while the On gvmlan 1 frnrr pf mtlln ln flnnc ,lJ , . Itravaaance In social cirvles iht it rv- aeemed a little late In gvttlng staroM' " I quire an uncominoij evasion to re- It ba more than atonej f,- thia pre- ,, thA, ,ht). h4v , vioua indtfferme by the persistency I iur try that m -ri-s the hihet palrl- and vi,y of it ivcetH e(t.ria to secure : "' devotion. Th Icj n- to wejr and hold for IVrtiand tregv-. nbtful h" mlmsl ,h I-"'"'" f Nw j York to the nigtwst iiecr- passible. .iair 01 nr soivriiniei irsns,r Now that the Ice and ther- will be a ta broken jmvr,, tri.vim among ti The Cruel Knife! It Is abenlutejy nsalew to rpct urfrical operation to cur rancor, or any other blood disease. The crualty of auch treatment is illustrated in the alarming number of deaths which rs sult from it Tho disease is In the blood, and henoe ran not be oat oat. Nine times out of ten the lurgeoa'i knife only hastens death. OREGON COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Andrew Lake 544 COM.MKUCI AL T. ..Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit (iunrsntccd. Loki Price. Rapairlng and Cleaning Neatly Dona. Light plae your bouse of bualneaa and with Incandescent Vapor Qas Lamps IOO-candl pow.r at a cwt of lo tor three hura Miller & Baraaber., Agents 404 Bond Street, Astoria. THE PROOF of th pudding I to th and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argoawant that'. Musive-e damonexrwUo. Ours will HUGHES & CO. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving TooU lor Rent. L LEBECK Carpenter nnd llullder Qcncrnt Cotitrnclor MOCSE RAI5INU AND i MOVINU A SI'ECIALTY Singer rrie and 11 la a demonstrated fart Ibait tratuiortt can be win) from the umb!a river. lrtland may be eaiecN-d to rvJouble her etertiotta to got more of the busin.-w. In three rndfavorw, contrary to the Oreg.mian'a lnsinua-!ln 'n the tioijs Tortland will find Astoria a (14AAY) hci;vr and the Orvgxmlan, In iarr-r meaaure oc , . u xtTtea , e,n le of, fries, deuld.d te Mr aaa had a man msllgasst Oaaesr. Im VbJa ta dxctofS aald aa epaiwUea was ta ealyhoea. ntopae- auaa ra as, a It wu mxj w eat ova ta U law boa aad am u. Mora a gnal vatle Ih Caa f rawiwad. ut ba aa lo grow rapidly, w (mn tela sur rediet wliaoal ra mi, M , as. th Astoriau. an earnest and active co-operator. To ail KrJ Oregon! ana, and especially those who hart ato senvd and Celt conorrned over the dlmlutahlng oxnmeive of Oregon, It waa an Inspiring spedacie to see big tranaporta with crowded decks and fluctrtr.g lake aheir straight couree thrvwigh the broad mouth of th Columbia u the tsworo of the Pacific an I ;hen on to the fcvtve vf IVwey'a Ortn:al triumph. 'V VKANTIXI.Va AGAINST CON-SVMPTION. To. auUKwiilea of California are taking hh ground when they pro iv to Quarantine the state against Xlse victims of conumptUn. aa If the d:t.e vre hpty, cholera or yellow f-v-er. ThU ran only be asun!ed for In tl.e fact that the conservation of the a:a-,e health has for a time fallen Into the hami of eon medical craiika who. tf giwn opixTt unity, will make their cwntu.KiweaJli a laughing stovk of the whoie world. "The Idea of quarantin ii' g acamat tubeeruloala" says Pr. G-ote F., an eminent author ity, ' a we do a-winst an actively cvn tiri.'vu diseaae. is toxi absurd f e.-rl- ou ror.tiiratloa. There is no warrant J f.r It In a sclentlflc sense, nor la there rvaa.wi for it from the star.dp.4ut of Sv'und public policy." Vt Shrady raises the quewUoo as to what would becone of th consump tive tf other ar.atea should adopt the Cj-anitls. p'.aa. Tat I easy cm after the Pewey festivities haxe than there haa b.'en ln mil) years bef.we. The tian,T to goverrn.Vi-ta Is nt In the crrurtion ol auihorltiea o much aa In the decay of ntue and iai.iot- ple and the country at lance will re,Mce over the Dewey wel come In New Tork chiefly because It haa Inspired th people of that great metropolis to recall the fact that they are part of the grandest republic In the world, and that a city that la for getful of patriotism la f.rvfu! of horn and country. Thar.k for th cvb- 1 )ert lesson of the Dey reception to the, the people of New York 3RANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION .id I am afraid I have ia . jrited it. I do not feel .. ell ; I have a cough ; my ngs are sore; am losing :sh. What shall I do? Your doctor sirs tike art of , arself tod Uke pUia col.llrrr 1, but too can't Uke it Only je ttronc, healtbj pcrvso ua .eke it, and they ua't t&k it inj. It b so rkh it spsetf tli stumtch. Bat yna aa txka SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palauilr aid casSt Jijjrstwl. if you will tike pleorr ,i fresh air. and t j'tvis. ai, SCOTT'S EMULSION steadiir. there is very little douM alw-t yor morrry rhere te hv.lKphitrs in v . they pTt sttength ni toor tip tie dtttoos Tvtrm while the cod-Urn oil tetis and Doorishm. scon " 1.- v try a s. a (wtri SMitiei. aaa wliM Ifc aasoad SMtla h tfu to taiannw. Ann twaaly BoUlas ba bats taJiaa. be Caneer dlatpeaid aaOfaiy aad ba was sarag. Tse ear waa a panuaaial aaa. roe hasi sow wmm wan ald.aad aaa sent bad a alga at lb dreadful diM la re Bars, j.a.mrmsKxm, rSaodgTasV.DaUaa,Txaa. Absolutely th only hope for Caooei M pwtas opectnc, S.S.S.Blood at It is tb only remedy whiak goes to tho rary bottom of Ua bkwd and foroM oat rrery traoa of th disease. 6. 8. S. is guaranteed purely Tegwtabla, and coo tarn do potash, msrottiy, og other inanl. Books on Cancer will b mailed frM to any address by the Swift UpoefflS Oo., Atlanta, Ua. Cor. Second and Morrison it PORTLAND, OR. Th regular annual session begins October t, 1SN. Last day for entrancs' Is October U. Th coura of Instruc-i Coii! ri r? M nrllinaC tion In thla collegw U In adranca. or I lag iTiaCIlineS rather more extended, than ar th re-iulrement of tb National Associa tion of Dental Collrg facilities, for catalogues and further particulars, ap ply at th collect building, or to DR. HERBERT C MILLER, Dean. Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vffctitle Fnit MANUFACTURERS OP ...CANS... spice ind Syrop Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sin Francisco. Cai. Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven. Wistu Astoria, Ore. Wrlta) Vm for Prlwwa dyWrVWrWrVWW ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tlphn No. il J Handles Only the Choicest Aleats ! CaaiSMraial at., seal Pslae Rsatsorsat. WWWWrrrrrWrrWWWWWrrfrrm Pacific Navigation Company BTRAMKRS R. P. Otmors) W. II. Ilnrrl on ONLY niHKCT LINK ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK OAHIHAL.DI HAY CITY IIOI1MONVILLR Uunoecting st Astoria with th Oretpm KallrtwJ A Narration flu. fur San Francisco, Purtlaml ami all points eaal. For Irelghl and passen ger rates sp;ly t Hsnmtl Blmors ) Co. ( val Agents, AHTOKIA. UKE. COHM A CO. Agenta, Urego Jlroa." A Natiyation To., IX)I(TLAM), Or. !he PALACE 6pcn Day J and Night. V. V. NVhlpple.IVoprUtC r. Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTENT1VB gCRTICa.... riaarcLAM cuniita.. PRIVATE ROOM TOM LADI1 5 38Commercinl St., AHtorin, OreKon 1 Sold on Easy Payments aot Oregonlan Building. DR. & B. WRIGHT. Secretary, M Dekum Building. Astoria Public Library MUDINU ROOM mU TO ALL. Ops sevry r froa I sotock ta I a sad I Ji ta I M s av asacrtpuea rata a Bar aaasst. West Cor. Ueeeatt aaJ Duaas Btrssta TEMPLB UO DOB NO. T. A. F. A. it Regular common teat too bald en lb first ssd ibtrd Tuesday rraaisg or each month. J. N. ORirriN. W V : K. C. HOUPEN. Beereiary. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD H says vas always so light snd wen baked. Well there la a knack In mak ing IL But dont forget th kind of stoe or rang used makes a difference. His mother used a Star Estate Ronge EGIE21S HI U 1 M OM machine taken in eicliaDe. C. P. Loor.ey, Agent. ASi Commercial Street, Atluria. w.llahii m iwh at a BKrhtatral or tBTaatl.t atai airla a in u Un fart Kipaaltiaa. IUi so nMTAtaJI KtAOKU, UaHlSMr. Ha. POVEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Km work st Puptlar Prices. 3 27 Washington Street. Next Imperial Hotel SAINT PAUL F ID Mil INSURANCE mm 8T. PAUL, MINN.. JAN. iat, 1809. Capital .... $ 500,000.00 Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all Liabilities Total Asseta PACIFIC DEPART1 ENT. CHARLES CKRISTE.VSXX. Manager. B. QOODWIN. Assistant Manager. ,tl7Calitornia St., S. F.. Cal. 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,889.78 12,523.9x7.72 SAMUEL ELMORE 6 CO. Igenls, Golambia Electric & Hepair Go SucceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMikers Machinists Foundrymen Lo0gers' Supplies Kept la Stock Logging Engines Ilisllt snd Kprlrtl Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole .Maaifactartrs of tic I'asorpasscd . . " Harrison Secton" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Eleclrie Lighu and Power Plnnta. SMOKERS READ, AH 15c cigart El Palencia, 10c El Belmont 10c Gen. Arthur 10c Lcland Stanford 10c Sanchez Y Hjaa 10c All 5c cigars 6 for 25c J. F. HANDLEY and Co. Cut rate cigar and news dealers, Terkins Hotel building, PORTLAND, Ore. Aatoiia, Oregon "Russell" Automatic Engine W. gcriiT. Ageat. O Boa4 B jX. a I - Write U r Caulopies of Enpne riU r V ill A. II. AYERILL, Manager. RUSSELL i TO Portland, Cr?pa. Twenty Years of Success lo tb treat meat of earonle dlaeases, such aa ttvor. kidney, and stomaca dlsorrJers, eonstlpaUoB, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings. Blights disease, etc. KIDNEY AD URINARY Coaiplalnu. painful, dlfflealt. too frejunt, mllkr or bloody urln. nonatoral discharges speedily cured. DISEASES OF THE RECTI: M Fuca as ptlea, Bstala. Asrara. loratlon. mucoua and bloody dls cbarge cured without ths knlTe, pain or conantmcut, DISEASES OF MEN Blood poietn, gleet, strtctar. onnatural losses, Impoteney. thorough ly cured. No failurea Cures guaranteed. TOCN-5 MEN troubled a1ta Dlgnt ernlaalona dreams, sihaustlng dralna bsMu!nea. averrfoa 14 soc-ie'.y, which deprlv u of your ir.anhoc4. t NFlTS T(U FOR BUSINESS CH M AKRIAQB. MIDDLR-AGED MEN, who from excesaea and trains, hav lost thetr MaNLT POWER. BLOOD AND SKIN DIB RASES, Frr.hllla Gonorrhoea, painful blooJy urtoe. Gieet. Strtctare. enUrired proelat. Sexual Debility, Vartwele. Hydrocele. KMcey and Urer trouMea, cured WITHOUT VERCURT AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUOS. Catarrh and Hbuiristis!n CURED. Vt. Walker's methods are regular and scientific ! used 110 pat eel nostrum or ready-iead preparattona. but cures th rile hy thorwgh medical treatmenL His New PharopM on prtrat IHseaa e sect Free ta all mew who deacrib their trouble, Patient cured at home. Tenss reuonaUe. AD letters answered In plain envelop. Coesuliarioa fro asd sacredly eoaadentlal. Call on or .llraa Doctor Walker. 132 First St.. Cor. Alder. IWtlmut, Or.