The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 05, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Headquarters for lry Goods on th Lower Columbia
The A. Dunbar Co,
W. C C. CORSETS correct in every detail: the rmlnHlinunt ol genuine
elegance ami rrf?otiou. A strictly hanil-uiade, bi.citt ereot. Mwl in
triple Invert. Fiuest material umsl in consiruetiou. SilJ at a eomroou-
ceiiM price.
At H5o
Lailid' fancy tried flannelette gown,
full width, collar la-e trimmed.
At $1.25
Laditw' pown of better flnnneletle.
Mother HubbsrJ style, collar Hged with
November Delineators on wle in
Children' fanor stiied nightdivneea,
collars and cutis trimmed wit It embroid
ery, tiOc
Dr. Dcntou's deeping gartueiita.
with feet, tint S to (i yearn, 10c to 75c
Pattern Department.
The Portland Eevenlng Telegram will
rtneer on who wn on the Mc-
CnlK-h when h u part of rVwvy'a
flee In the Oriental bnis. They were
hereafter be represented on the rtwc j disinclined to aay much vncrnlatr the
and In all the towns along the ttne of battle of Manila bay, f.vllng that
tie A. C. railway by a new live ana i everything- of Interest had bevn already
wideawake agent. said and re-mli many times. All on
The. brightest writers In Astoria will; bear! were Mtterly disappointed In not
cor.tritute the news from this city. 'being able to take part In the Dewey
Everybody will want It. Leave orders ' reception. It was originally planned to
with Grttfin & Reed to have the Tele-, have the McCulloch go around and as
gram delivered by carrier. Only IS alst In the admiral' home-coming ex-
cents per week.
Herman Wise Opens he Eye of As
torlans on Portland Prices.
The price quoted by Herman Wise
In hi ad In today's Astortan ought cer
tainly to open the eye of our people
to the folly of running away from home
fcr the ake of a BO-cent fare. "Good
goods' la Mr. Wise' motto, and good
goods, coupled with such "coaxers." as
he terms his reduction, ought to cer
. tainly crowd his place of business from
morning till night If success goes to
him who earns ft, who works for It.
hen Herman Wise- will meet with r.ic-
Don't fail to read the prices he
quotes. i
If all our merchants would pull as;
hard to keep trade at home as dries ' (rpj)t
Herman Wise, Astoria would be the
best town on the coast
erclses, hut something went wrong.
The vessel carries four six-pound
guns and two one-pounders. The latter.
Hotchkiss "revolving cannon, are tro
phies of the war. being from the Span
ish warship Maria Christina. They are
especially prized by the crew because
Dewey gave them to the boat.
While in Dutch Harbor one of the
crew fell Into the bay and nearly
drowned. Surgeon Carpenter worked
alth him for a long time before he
showed any signs of vitality, but he
finally was successful. The fall broke
the man's collarbone.
The McCulloch proceeds up the river
at S o'clock this morning, and will re
main in Portland about 1 days.
Wheat and Stock Brokers
direct wirfs to w York Stock Exchange
uiKtii "" 10 Chicago Board of Trade
214215 Chamber of Commrra-,
Portland, Oregon.
Sot Intended as a Dkrimina:ion,bii:
in Consequence of a Shortage
Of Equipment.
Suetevs Scored bv the Ladies
of Astoria in Aid of the Pub-
. lie Lihrarv.
ar. j. i;. aiayo, general passenger;
and freight agent of the Astoria an'!
Columbia River ailroad. was seen by
an Astorian representative yesterday !
In regard to the recent withdrawal of : plenty of darkness-whlch sooted their
uie e. f. rati on nimrr An jttiin th
Is of much Importance to local ship-
The lady minstrel entertainment giv
er, by society people of Astoria at
Fisher's opera house last night was
successful. artistically, beyond expec
tations and was well patronized. Thc
Astoria Fubllc Library Is the ben. flcl
ary. The program was full of fun and In
eery number was a display of talent.
The costumes were striking and ap
propriate and the performer wore
Mr. Mayo says he was told by Mr.
Markharn, general freight and passen
ger agent of the S. P., that the only
reason for the wtthrimw-jii nf
was the lack of equipment, most of the
available flat-cars being used
; complexions.
The singing was enjoyable through
out and that of the quartette was ea
I pecially so. The Jokes were new and
. rieh and the local hits were good
I naturedly pointed. The stage move
; ments were exceedingly graceful.
Thp pntlra imimm ti a . anlan,tl.llv
in gov-.rendered and enthiuriajttlraJIv
ernment contracU In California. The b,u tbe cmaj WM , the cake
demand for cars, which the company ! BalVi whose beyond
could not supply, was so constant and 1 rt,rintinn Th. h .a
', evervbodv pine In tnwn vm nnr rhr
To show that the object of the order ; to e the fun. Four C0UplM
was not to discriminate against this 1 pated an3 their antics were Inimitable.
mxuvu. air. jmyu points out tnac tne.'j-he
rate on box shooks and other stuff
that can be carried In box-cars is still
in force. The lumber rate Is withdrawn
all alona the line of the R P Tho or. 1
qr sinipiy meant that the company !e(j
bad wy Dnanclally. It la paying In
tertwt en bonded Indebtedness ol
Wu. An Increase of expenat
Inevitable. A decrease of revenue fills
the cup to overflowing. Here are the
scnoois opened ror a session or s'ven
months, and all the money the board
has will be absorbed In two months.
It U a serious condition that confronts
the director.
Even with the queotlon of maintain
ing the schools for the remaining five
months out of the way, there still Is
threatened the efficiency of the schools.
The rooms are ovvr-crowded, black
boards, desks, clock, etc., are sadly
needed, and the employment of at least
one more teacher swms absolutely nc.
essury. The directors hotctessly ask
each ether, "How are all tV-se things
to be done?"
There are at least 75 more pupils le
the school this yvar than there were
last, and the Increased attendance la
chiefly In two schools, which are so
situated that It Is difficult to rellevs
the congestion by assigning surplus pu
pi Is to other schools.
However, by changing the boundary
line, some Improvement has be-n
made, and the Adair school relieved of
ZS pupils As many more will go from
the Mct'lure school to Shtvely. J3ut
all this generalship, though It makfs
the mist of present conditions, does
not raise the revenue.
Probably the present chol board is
as competent a one as could have been
chosen, but some of the prominent clt
tiens who constitute Its membership
think it is not fair that they should
have to bear all the annoyance and re
sponsibility for a condition which was
simply Its official Inheritance. The di
rectors owe It to themselves to have a
financial statement of the district's af
fairs puhlisl.ed, that the taxpayers may
know Just wherein the trouble lies and
help the board with some sensible sng-
gvstlors which may be offered.
"Ii Is probably due to public apathy
that the school situation is not gener
ally known." said one gentleman yes
terduy, ' and it Is the right and duty
of the board to make the public bear It
share of the responsibility. Publish a
detailed statement of the finances and
then no one can hereafter blame the
directors and say, 'I didn't know any.
thing about It."'
A very desirable dairy farm, finest
beaver dam land with abundant living
water, and cow, buildings, orchard
and separators. Address Robert Craw
ford, Nehalem, Tillamook county. Ore.
Mil Every Hand
m. -
. -V
1.A .
loaches for tho delicious
inmle at
The Spa Candy Factory
The largest!, line of I.owney'
Famous Chocolates ever brought
to Astoria.
A. B. OWSLEY. I'ropV. Thoue W
School Started Monday
Aiul the thoiighU of the children tiro oneo more divert h! to their Mtiidir. The beginning of
ot the vear finds them with harder studies to master and more complicated problem to
solve. Have yon solved the problem of llttinj; the children out properly? Wo luivci
and are willing to let you derivo the benefits of our ell'orts. Wo are pn-pai'ed to handle
all the school children in Astoria and vicinity; and tit them out with the proper kind of
clothing at prices you will be glad to pay.
A TACitt, Proprietor.
Special attention given to family orders
lu Utnir or Small
agent for
so Insistent
that the rate
couple getting the heartiest ap
plause was to get the cake but all four
merited and received such hand-clap-
ping tribute that It was difficult to
Woman's Welf re
within her own control; greatrit French
mrilical tnnniph of this century, fur all
(em ile irregularities, weakness, etc
a positive Llessinir to married Indict
Call or write for sealed information
Inclose stamp. Office 3.r0 Washington
street, over Cordrey's, room 9-10, Part-
land, Oregon.
An Kastern Critic's Comment
T-- Cities of the Northwest.
Difficulties of the Board Owing to the
Increased Attendance and De
creased Revenue.
between two couple. Really, how
ever, tec-re ought to have been four
i ciket .
Everybody who attended last night
theiwi'' beartlly recommend tonight's per-
! formance. The entertainment Is worth
' i the money, aside frm the consldera-
Two eastern gentlemen, in Astoria: tion of the worthy cause to which the
on business, were yesterday airing proteeds go.
their of nonhwestern cities.1 . .
Both of them deemed Portland to pos-1 THE 8"HOOL FINANCES.
ess more solidity than ptvgressiveness.
"I couldn't find there that evidence of
western hustle of which I've hoard so
much." Fald onv;, "but she seems to
have plenty of capital of h-r own.1
There is more vim and go in Swittl-.l Th' A',orla boar'1 of school directors
' but somehow I gathered the lmprvsion : woul'' m t0 Practice the theory of
that there is more boom than buiim fuu lnon''y ,U9t now' Apparently, the
In that place. Tacoma is fate-truck, i bf,ar'1 ha" reuched that stage where
and it (ferns a strueele fr hfr a..1 11 wl" nave t0 mak something out of
keep on the map." I nothing.
"Spokane Is a good point," observed 'rhroueh no fault of the present
the other, "but there's a Tint' th-re I boar1' the aWtrlct Is In an extremely
for, being an inland town, there is
naturally a limitation to her possibili
ties, and this appeals ito one looking fur
a city holding the elements of great
ness." "The trouble with Astoria, It strikes
me," continued the first critic, "In
that she has more opportunities than
her people know how to use. With her
advantages, which are apparent at firm
sight, she ought to be far ahead of h'r
present condition In business, In rop
latior and In general appearance. The
people here seem swamped with their
possibilities, although 'there is much
evidence of a spirit of ent rpris ."
Dewey's Famous Dispatch Boat Now In ;
Astoria Harbor Enroute 'to I
Portland. I
The revenue cutter McCulloch, cele
brated as Dewey's diHpatch boat, cross- I
ed in yesterday and anchored In the
bay shortly after the lunch hour, fine
waa looking bright and tidy. consMr
Ing her cruise In northern waters, and
her appearance aroused a faint tis
piclon that the desire to have the ves
sel put on her b't face when she re
ceives the homage of Port landers, had
something to do with her delay In leav
ing Pf.get Sound.
Captain S. Colson Is In command.
There are three lieutenants and one en-
Tea Sets.
Great Left Over Sale
Prices Away Down.
You'll Hay So,
When You see Prices.
Great American Importinn Tea Co.
ioo Stores.
171 Commercial St., Aatarla.
Heopcned Septettiljer 1?,. Vt circulars
PriucipHl, Portland Oregon
TelephO'tHed 391.
floFthmest -Optical
20, 21, 22, 23
Those who havs delayed buying.
Summer Footwear
are fortunate. They van save at leaat
a third on the usual cost of high grade
shoe. We are closing out all of our
ummer tan shoe at a great redaction.
We have them for men, women and
children, which should bring everyone
to tbe tore. They ere new good
which have overstayed their time.
Consider these figures.
Petersen & Brown.
Special attention given to family order.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
43 Commercial St., Aitoria, Oregon.
Bought, Sold end
at the
Old Book Store
History, Biography, Mechanical,
Ittderence, foetry. Me Ileal,
Law. Religious, Scientific
All standard work.
Second-hand school books, large dock
cheap. Second-baud magazines. Li
braries bought. Large itock ot novel,
10.000 title.
229-231 Yamhill St., below Second.
Telephone Red 28R3.
The "Delsarte"
and "Regent"
Shoes for Women
Hoy' Well Mad Suits
Ot the lust fabric, fine cas
inirre and worsteds, nicely
lined, fully n'Otl; siiecial
Boya'fjoo Suits-F.vry
nil tailored ill first-class
manner, finely flnlslied ami
perfect lilting garment,
The Beit $4.00 Suit -That
rr etsr shown are
placed ou sale tomorrow for
Boys' f s.oo Sults-to al
most all siee niale of the
finest csssiujsre sod fancy
plaids, dripe and mixture
all wool garmenta, special
Young rten's 5ulf- Made of good hnvy rasiri
iiierea, in neat uuied lattcrus, square or round
cut, well sewed and lined, 14 to l'J years,
worth f.V3". apct iat $4.00
tlovs' Knee Psnts- In cunlaroy, twrcd, werge
and rhcvinta, all well made anil sewed, age 3 to
14 years at JJC to $1.00
Black Cst Stocking
With triple knees horl and
lues, wear tilty icr rent long
er limn urdliiMiv stocking,
No, LI la the lti'rlit aud
alroiigmt l' atiH'klng In
the world. No. ID la Imlil
er weight. No. tMi la th fin
est In the market fur ladle'
niisac ami child reu, prion
er pair $C
riiildren fast blai k double
knee, heavy ribbed slmk.
Inga, i( d to 0 1 i, ecial
wr pair. , , , IOC
Chlldres' Undei wr-
llors' heavy ribbed tierce-
)I)hI shirta and drawers, cau't be brat for the price aakeiL
iieZ4to84, special per garmrut IgC
Boys' Sweeter Hoys' heavy rottoo awralrrs, color Davy
blue and mrHHi, prlixi 30c
Boys' extra fine ail pur wool sweaters, navy blue and tuaroon
lie U to 84 each..
It so
Boys' Cap -Hoy
golf cap Id plaid
and elierk and
plain color.., JJC
Bo)' fine narv
rai with rnihiein
ill overslint (ilk,
best quality, all
wind t'lotlis 60c
N. 15. Wflmvrfhf lrptt line of orhool ctij jilics in (ht city; lnrpo fnllcl.- tc; fonil.iniition
school boxes, Tic; Ikhhh) dittos, 8c; 8oii.slono .fticils, '.'Jc vr ln.cii; mV rn, Ac:
ruhher insi rttd lead ctiei!s, 1c ich; etc.
. Shanahan's
H. W. BEHNKB. Principal.
Hooma III
Oregon iau Building, I'ortliind, Ore.
The Pernln System waa awarded the
World' Fair Uedal and Diploma, No
ahadlng: No position; Few word-atgns
No failures.
Day and night
Posing a Specially.
The Photographer
N. W. Corner
Seventh and Washington
"Armstrong's Combined Theory and Practice of Bookkeeplaf."
We have .ent hundred of our graduate to good positions. W eiptct t send
tbousa.i. ..tore. Call or write for our catalogue. Lrarn what and how we teach.
Portland Business College
Fifth and Yamhill SU. A. P. Armstrong-. Prln.
PORTLAND, OREGON Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Hum new, Shorthand
and English department. Private or class institution. Catalogue free.
Holmes' English
Business College
414 Yamhill H, Portland, Oregon.
EiiKlihli, Bookkeeping..
ShorthanJ, ' Typ rltlng,
I'unmiiiiHlilp, . Ait.
- Hend for circulars.
FesaasS 1STO.
t, W. Ulll, M. D, Friaelsal.
CartatM Tern Ceeas Sa(. . tSM.
.-I ill 1 i,i
a BWilln ts Pt
nioiMm.nt fliw lsil
For oaiaiofuas ar latormatlaa 44rsi th
srtnoliKl, J. W. H1IX, k. ti.. T. O. inw
IT. PortlssS., Of.
rrtmarr, Praparslorr as An4nl Dprt
Etals; ColUfa Praixratlon, Mllllanr piMlplla,
uul Tralnln. Uojr al aU as Moln4.
' MTt a. i.. aTJ
al I
Styles 'I v to
One j any
Price Tfj,$5.oo
$3.50 I -jM Shoe I
To the ladies of Astoria
We cordially invite you to visit tis in our new quarters,
Corner Morrison and First Sts.,
Formerly occupied by A, R. STEIN HACII, where we have on
display the largest exclusive line of Millinery on the Coast.
Up-to-Date Millinery
Over 700 TRIMMED HATS from $3.00 and Up.
Golf Hats with long Quilli all colors,
97c Each
Street Hats all new styles from . . .
78c and up.
New walking Hats. New Tarns and Turbans
Also "Queen Quality"
Shoes for Women
E. C. Goddard & Co.,
Oregonian Building, Portland.
The Wonder Millinery Co.,
orncr Moiti'moii and First Sts.,
-The Big Store